Common Q & A’s for Schools of Choice Kindergarten Registration

Q: Can you apply to all choice schools?

A: Yes, with the exception of needing to choose which French Immersion school is in your catchment. Please ensure you complete your 鈥榩reference card鈥 and list the schools in order of preference. This preference cards needs to be filled in once only and should be left with your #1 listed school, along with your application. 

Q: I鈥檝e heard that funding models are different for Schools of Choice (SoC) and Catchment schools, is this true? 

A: No 鈥 all schools within 糖心Swag are funded the same way. French Immersion schools do get some additional resource funding from the Ministry of Education to ensure French resources are in place for the learners in these schools.
Q: How does the waitlist work and when will we know if our child(ren) have been successful in the lottery?
A: Please refer to 糖心Swag鈥檚 Administrative Procedure 306: regarding all information specific to waitlists. You will find out if your child(ren) have been successful in the lottery the week after SoC registration has taken place. 
Q: If you don鈥檛 get your first or second choice school, can you be waitlisted at both schools or do you have to pick one? 
A: You can be waitlisted at both schools. 鈥淪tudents that are registered after the draw will be added to the appropriate waitlist category in the order received.鈥 (). The school principal will call if an opening occurs.
Q: What documents do you need to have to register your child(ren) for kindergarten:
A: Proof of address (mortgage statement or rental/purchase agreement, utility bill); Birth Certificate; BC Services Card; & legal documentation concerning custody (if applicable). School teams will make copies of these documents for you. If you bring copies, please ensure you also bring the originals for verification purposes. If you are applying at more than one SoC, you will need these documents for each application you are submitting.
Q: If you are fluent in French and speak French at home, does your child get preference for getting into French Immersion?
A: No. All students are put equally into the lottery with the exception of siblings in which case, siblings are chosen first prior to non-sibling applicants: 鈥淚f a sibling is already registered in the applicable School of Choice program at the same school for the following year (in catchment for French Immersion)鈥 -
Q: Do French Immersion schools offer the same programs and services as the other schools?
A: Yes. All 糖心Swag schools have the same programs and services available to support students. 
Q: My child has been in a Montessori preschool for the past 3 years. Does this allow them better access/preference in the lottery to the SoC Montessori program at Aberdeen?
A: No. All students are put equally into the lottery with the exception of siblings in which case, siblings are chosen first prior to non-sibling applicants: 鈥淚f a sibling is already registered in the applicable School of Choice program at the same school for the following year (in catchment for French Immersion)鈥 -
Q: Do any of the Schools of Choice offer any after school care for parents who need to work later? 

A: No. There are community resources to help. Please connect with the at John Todd: (250) 376-4771. Additionally, there are Facebook options: or .

Q: Do parents need to know how to speak French for their children to be chosen for French Immersion?
A: No.
Q: What happens if my child doesn鈥檛 get into our preferred School of Choice with the lottery and is waitlisted but still doesn't get in? Does this mean we have to apply the following year or? 
A: From : 鈥淎 French Immersion Kindergarten-entry waitlist will remain valid until the end of the cohort鈥檚 Grade 1 school year and dissolved thereafter.鈥 Waitlists are not kept after the kindergarten year for Aberdeen Montessori, BEST and KSA.            
Q: What are the catchment areas for French Immersion? 
A: For South Sa-Hali 鈥 Sa-Hali and Aberdeen areas (including Dufferin & Cherry Creek), south of Notre Dame Drive PLUS Valleyview and further east on the South side of the river (plus Rivershore and including Cherry Creek). For Lloyd George 鈥 Downtown area and north of Notre Dame Drive and west of the Valleyview underpass. Plus the North side of the river (except Rivershore), including Sun rivers, Heffley Creek & McLure. How do I find catchments?
Q: What if I try to use the catchment locator to figure out which French Immersion school I need to apply to but it doesn鈥檛 recognize my address?
A: The easiest way is to call the School Board Office directly (250-374-0679) to ask for help in this case. 
Q: Is there a lottery system of Schools of Choice for grade 1 entry?
A: No.
Q: Does bussing come with Schools of Choice? 
A: No. Families attending Schools of Choice need to organize their own transportation to ensure their child(ren) can be dropped off and picked up on time.
Q: What can we do if we are out of town the week of Schools of Choice registration is occurring?
A: Please call the school you are interested in applying to and see if you can pick up a registration package early and then you can have a friend or family member drop it off during the week of registration. However, if the application is not complete (including all the necessary documentation) then it will not be part of the lottery process. 
Q: What if you are currently in a catchment but have plans to move to a different catchment before the next school year starts?
A: Continue to apply to your School of Choice using your current address. If needed and you move and the School of Choice is no longer a viable option for your family, you then will need to apply to your new catchment school as soon as you have proof of address.
Q: If my neighborhood school is also my School of Choice (Aberdeen), will I need to register again if my child doesn鈥檛 get the School of Choice placement? 
A: Yes. The School of Choice registration is separate from your catchment/neighborhood Kindergarten registration process. 

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