Superintendent鈥檚 Update

Posted On Thursday, June 27, 2024

Moon and StarsDear Parents and Caregivers:
Thank you for making the year-end wonderful for students and staff. It has been a pleasure to attend so many events and to recognize what you do every day to make students’ lives better.
Thank you to over 2,000 parents and staff who provided excellent feedback about our newly revised District Student Code of Conduct. Thank you to 58% of all staff who participated in the 2024 District Employee Engagement Survey. I’ve provided a brief...


Posted On Friday, June 21, 2024

Moon and StarsDear Parents and Caregivers:
As we are coming to the end of June, many of you, along with students, are finishing projects and attending goodbye celebrations. I hope that you are enjoying these celebrations and the time to reconnect and spend quality time with friends and family. 
Four Directions Program
District Principal Mike Bowden, District Vice Principal Mike Faisthuber, and I were fortunate to take part in the annual report on the Four Directions program....


Posted On Monday, June 17, 2024

Moon and StarsDear Parents and Caregivers:
Thank you for your passion and dedication to supporting students in rich learning as we progress into June. This kind of dedication is what assists us to continue to build strong, positive relationships and connections, one of the core commitments in the 2022-2027 District Strategic Plan . 
Raft River Elementary School  
I began my visit to Raft River Elementary School outside with Trustee Shelley Sim and Principal Carmella...


Posted On Friday, June 07, 2024

Moon and StarsDear Parents and Caregivers:
Join me in celebrating the excitement and vibrancy of learning during the day and in the evenings at schools and community venues. We continue to focus on building connections, while nurturing wellbeing, sustainability, and equity as core commitments in the 2022-2027 District Strategic Plan .
Kay Bingham Elementary School
As I walked into the school, Ms. Hebner from Kamloops Music Collective was leading a large group of students to play...


Posted On Friday, May 31, 2024

Moon and StarsDear Parents and Caregivers:
In June, we are focused on the 2022-2027 District Strategic Plan values of Equity and the Grandfather Teaching of Love.
Pinantan Elementary School
Principal Naylor and I started our visit outside to look at the foundation of the greenhouse that students and staff are building together. Their PAC was successful in securing Farm to Schools grant funds. Mr. Naylor said, “Paul, a District plumber, went out of his way to move a pipe...


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