New School - Sníne Elementary School (K-7) Opens in the Fall 2026

Snine Elementary

We are preparing for the opening of Sn铆ne Elementary School, K-7 in the Fall of 2026. Join us on the journey of planning, designing, and building this new school.

Frequently Asked Questions and Answers

Posted On Tuesday October 24, 2023

Frequently Asked Questions and Answers are available here.

Construction has officially started on the new Sni虂ne Elementary School in Pineview Valley. 

On Monday, June 3, 2024, the Kamloops-Thompson Board of Education marked the start of construction on Sni虂ne Elementary School with an official Groundbreaking Ceremony. 

Sni虂ne Elementary, the Kamloops-Thompson鈥檚 newest school, will be located in Pineview Valley. This school has been a priority for the District since 2014-2015, due to notable enrollment growth and space pressures in nearby schools. 

Following a recent public consultation process, the school was named Sn铆ne Elementary. Sni虂ne, the Secw茅pemc word for owl, symbolizes strength, wisdom, and guidance. The naming committee and consultation process included voices from Tk鈥檈ml煤ps te Secw茅pemc Chief and Council, the District Aboriginal Education Council, employee executive groups, the District Parent Advisory Council, parents, community partners, and students.

Sni虂ne Elementary - Owls Elementary (Sneena)   

The name was brought forward to the Tk虛emlu虂ps te Secwe虂pemc fluent Elders working group (Wumecwi虂lc 鈥 Bringing the language forward-back) Thought was given to the area, the plants, and the animals of that area. The Great Horned Owl 鈥 Sni虂ne, lives there, and the Secwe虂pemc have many legends of Owl not only being a messenger but also being a teacher of children. Legends of 鈥淥wls Children鈥. The Owl is known for their strength, wisdom, and guidance.

Read more about the Sn铆ne Elementary Groundbreaking here.

Read the Ministry of Education and Childcare's Sni虂ne Elementary News Release .

Video Presentation of the Draft Plans

Posted On Tuesday October 17, 2023

The Board of Education has advocated for a new elementary school in the Pineview Valley for the past three years due to notable space pressures in the southwest sector, notably McGowan Park Elementary School that continues to be at 157% capacity utilization.

Since the announcement of funding support on February 22, 2023, we have established the Pineview Valley Community Engagement Committee, a group of representatives from various community partners, parents, employee groups, associations, senior staff, trustees, and the Ministry of Education and Child Care. Read more.

Advocacy & Community Engagement for a New Elementary School in Pineview Valley - Opens in the Fall of 2026
Aug. 30, 2021- Board Meeting

Ministry of Education and Child Care approves the Pineview Valley Concept Plan, which enabled the District to proceed with a Project Definition Report, provided the following conditions were met:

  • A Neighbourhood Learning Centre (NLC) option with a strong consideration for childcare.
  • Enhanced greenhouse gas reduction strategies (50% reduction of greenhouse gas emissions).
  • Multiple procurements to deliver the project to be investigated and presented.
  • Integration of significant mass timber elements to be considered.
June 27, 2022 - Ministry Response located in Board Communications Ministry response to expedite the Crown Grant application for the Pineview Elementary School.
June 14, 2022 - Board Communication Board Chair Grieve writes a letter to the Minister of Forestry requesting support to expedite Pineview Valley Elementary School Crown Grant.
Dec. 28, 2022 - Board Communication Board Chair Grieve writes a letter to the Minister of Education and Child Care asking for joint news release for Pineview Valley Elementary School.
Dec. 18, 2022 - Board Communication Board Chair Grieve writes a letter to the Minister of Education and Child Care to request a joint news release on a funding announcement for Pineview Valley.
Dec. 22, 2023
In preparation for the new elementary school in Pineview Valley, we have had a Pineview Valley Engagement Committee meet and contribute input considered in the design of the outside and inside of the school. 

Now, we are in the preliminary earthworks for the new Pineview Valley Elementary school is complete. This project included:

  • tree removal
  • clearing of vegetation
  • removal of materials not suitable for the next phase of construction
  • relocation of material on site
  • erosion and sediment control structures on the site
The next step of the Pineview Valley Elementary project is to put the remaining work out to tender, which is anticipated to happen around the middle of February 2024.

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Nov. 29, 2023 - Pineview Valley  Elementary Community Engagement Webinar.
Oct. 20, 2023 - Draft Planes Most current draft planes.  
Aug. 29, 2023 - News Release 糖心Swag Board of Education鈥檚 Pineview Valley Engagement Committee Feedback on Draft Plans for New School in Pineview Valley.
Jun. 27, 2023 - Ministry Response located in Board Communications The Ministry of Forestry responds that a regular process can take up to four years and to follow all steps.
Apr. 27, 2023 - The first meeting of the Pineview Valley Community Engagement Committee. We met to review the architectural draft plans for the school. Many ideas were shared about how to consider the space from an Indigenous perspective (i.e., the importance of the beautiful ecological environment surrounding the school with lakes and trails and creating an outdoor space in which there could be room to gather, to cook, to participate in land-based teachings and ceremonies) and to consider the indoor learning commons and multi-purpose space as having a wall that can be temporary so as to create a space inside for family gatherings and consider making it easily accessible to the outside space. The notion of a "pit house" Secwepemc winter home as the shape or rendering of this space was shared. Other ideas such as creating multi-use rooms that can be used for Art, Science, Music, and Drama, as some examples were reviewed (i.e., having sound panels, sinks, cupboards for supplies). If you have ideas to share with this committee, please feel free to submit them to: Facility Input
Apr. 17, 2023 - Board Report

Pineview Valley Community Engagement Committee is established. 

This committee will include:

  • 2 trustee representatives
  • Superintendent of Schools
  • Assistant Superintendent, Elementary and Early Learning
  • Secretary Treasurer
  • Director McDonald
  • Director Pinette
  • Station One Architect representative
  • Ministry of Education and Child Care representative
  • Indigenous rights holders 鈥 Aboriginal Education Council Director Diane Jules, AEC representatives, District Principal, Mike Bowden
  • School administration (McGowan)
  • 2 representatives from CUPE and KTTA (McGowan)
  • School parents 鈥 2 representatives (McGowan)
  • Employee Group Executives - CUPE, KTTA, KTPVPA
  • 2 community partners (rotational position - through expressed interest and rsvp)

The purpose of the committee is to offer perspectives, to ask questions, and to provide suggestions on draft plans for the school regarding facilities, programming, resources, and grounds development.

Apr. 17, 2023 - Board Report

Public announcement 鈥 Station One Architects was successful. They have a proven, positive history with 糖心Swag. 

Mar. 13, 2023 - Board Report

Announcement of the Architect for Pineview Valley - awarded to Station One Architects

Mar. 8, 2023 - New Release

Kamloops-Thompson Board of Education celebrates the funding announcement for a new elementary school in Pineview Valley.

Feb. 6, 2023 - 

Pineview Valley continues to be a top priority.

Jan. 31, 2023 - Board writes a column to advocate for a funding announcement

 Vice Chair Kershaw writes a column in Kamloops This Week advocating for the urgent need for a new school in Pineview Valley.

Jan. 24, 2023 - Board meets with the Minister 糖心Swag Board of Education meets with the Minister of Education and Child Care to request a funding announcement for Pineview Valley.
June 3, 2024 - News Release

Sni虂ne Elementary Groundbreaking Ceremony marks the beginning of construction. Read more here. Watch the Sni虂ne Elementary Groundbreaking Ceremony .

April 22, 2024 -

At the Regular Public Board Meeting, after the tender for the Sni虂ne Elementary School project closed on April 5, 2024, School District No. 73 (Kamloops-Thompson) approved the lowest compliant bid, which was received from Yellowridge Construction Ltd. 

April 22, 2024 -

Following a public consultation process, the Board of Education approved the name of the new elementary school in Pineview Valley to be Sni虂ne Elementary. 

January 10 and March 1, 2024

A public consultation process was established by the Community Engagement Naming Committee that was open between January 10 and March 1, 2024, whereby the public, staff, and students could put forth a recommended school name based on the criteria outlined in the . 

How to get Involved

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Questions can be sent to: Facility Input

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