Site Acquisition for Aberdeen Secondary School Board Advocacy Priority

Aberdeen Secondary

On January 22-23, 2023, when Minister Singh came to Kamloops to visit the Kamloops-Thompson Board of Education, the Board provided Minister Singh with a brief in which the board advocated for a new elementary school in Pineview Valley and funding for the site needed for Aberdeen Secondary School. In that brief, the following key messages were emphasized:
We also shared that we urgently need a small financial contribution ($7.5 M) in this February 2023 budget to purchase the site for the Secondary School in Aberdeen.
  • In 5 years, students in southwest Kamloops will need a secondary school.

  • The current high schools are anticipated to be at 146% capacity.

  • On April 11, 2022, we had written to Minister Whiteside to share that we have a one-time chance to buy the only existing land available in Aberdeen for a price of $6.1M, prior to December 31, 2022. We still have this option, but there is immense pressure on the owner to sell, and the cost of the land has increased.

  • Our Board has the required School Site Acquisition Charge system in place with the City of Kamloops. As of February 17, 2022, the School District had $10,948 in School Site Acquisition Charge funds to contribute to the purchase of the site. As of January 18, 2023, the school district has received approximately $163,000.

  • Securing this land is crucial to support our current and future secondary capacity needs in the southwest of Kamloops.

Board Advocacy for the Purchase of the Site in Aberdeen

July 13, 2022 - Board Communication Ministry response to the request for the purchase of the site for Aberdeen Secondary School and the request would be considered as part of the regular capital planning cycle.
April 12, 2022 - Board Communication The Board of Education wrote a letter to the Minister of Education and Child Care to request funds to purchase the site for the Aberdeen Secondary School. It was emphasized that the cost of the site continues to climb and the risk of losing the site to a developer of housing of other City of Kamloops priorities is a significant risk.

April 18, 2023 - Board Communication Minister Singh’s response to the Board’s letter about the Minister’s 2023/24 Capital Plan Response letter.
March 3, 2023 - Board Communication Minister Singh responded to the Board’s request for the purchase of Aberdeen Secondary School site and indicated that it will be considered as part of the regular capital planning process. 
Feb. 6, 2023 -  Aberdeen Secondary School continues to be a capital plan priority and the site acquisition continues to be a request of the Ministry.
January 22, 2023 - Board News The Board of Education meets with Minister Singh and requests that she fund the site for Aberdeen Secondary School.
January 24, 2023 - Board News Joint Brief released by MLAs Milobar, Stone, and Tegart to advocate for a new school in Pineview Valley, funds to purchase the site for Aberdeen Secondary School, and a need for the Ministry for Education and Child Care to fund inflation.
January 13, 2023 - Board News

The Board of Education meets with MLAs Stone, Milobar, and Tegart to share the need for advocacy for the site for Aberdeen Secondary and an urgent need for a new school in Pineview Valley.

How to get Involved

Write a letter to the Minister of Education and Child Care to advocate for funds to enable the Kamloops-Thompson Board of Education to fund the site for a new secondary school in Aberdeen. Rely on key messages used in the January 22nd board communication or copy and paste the key messages from the introduction of this webpage.

Honourable Minister of Education and Child Care, Rachna Singh

Mail: PO Box 9045, STN PROV GOVT
           Victoria, B.C. V8W 9E2
Copy: Heather Grieve, Board Chair, Kamloops-Thompson Board of Education

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