
Intellectual Development

To develop the ability of students to analyze critically, reason and think independently, and acquire basic learning skills and bodies of knowledge; to develop in students a lifelong appreciation of learning, a curiosity about the world around them, and a capacity for creative thought and expression.


Every learner will develop competencies and skills to succeed academically.


Students will meet or exceed literacy expectations for each level. Students will meet or exceed numeracy expectations for each level. Students will progress through grades on time.

Literacy Strategies
  • Provide diverse learning opportunities featuring multi-leveled resources that promote joyful reading, thoughtful written responses, and interesting conversations.
  • Use proficiency-based and formative assessments to identify appropriate interventions and guide classroom instruction.
  • Implement literacy interventions in reading, writing, and oral language.
  • Implement strategies from Local Education Agreements and the Aboriginal Education Enhancement Agreement.
Numeracy Strategies
  • Provide diverse learning opportunities that ensure an entry point for all learners that promotes a positive mathematical mindset and conceptual understanding.
  • Implement effective numeracy approaches using real life problems so that students can interpret, apply, solve, analyze, and communicate.
  • Use proficiency-based and formative assessments to identify appropriate interventions and guide classroom instruction.
  • Implement strategies from Local Education Agreements and the Aboriginal Education Enhancement Agreement.
Transition Strategies
  • Support Aboriginal students and students who have diverse needs to move to the next grade through differentiated programming and specialized resources.
  • Communicate the next steps in students’ educational journeys with parents and legal guardians as early and as frequently as possible.
  • Implement formative assessment strategies and share with parents and legal guardians as partners in learning.

Human and Social Development

To develop in students a sense of self-worth and personal initiative; to develop an appreciation of the fine arts and an understanding of cultural heritage; to develop an understanding of the importance of physical health and well-being; to develop a sense of social responsibility, acceptance and respect for the ideas and beliefs of others.


Every learner will feel welcome, safe, and connected to their environments (district- school-classroom).


Students will feel welcome, safe, and connected to their school.

  • Teach social emotional skills to support mental health, physical well-being, and student success.
  • Expand opportunities for school staff, parents/caregivers, and students to increase their understanding of mental health literacy.
  • Expand opportunities for school staff, parents/caregivers, and students to increase their understanding of sexual health education.
  • Proactively address inequities experienced on the basis on race, physical, mental, intellectual ability, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity, or expression and others to support meaningful and positive connections within the school community.
  • Implement trauma-informed school support models to ensure that every student feels safe and connected to school.
  • Implement strategies in Local Education Agreements and the Aboriginal Education Enhancement Agreement.

Cultural and Identity Development

To develop a sense of identity in individuals and cultural safety and humility in communities.


Every learner will feel safe and thrive personally and culturally.


Learners will have educational experiences that are free of racism, discrimination, sexism, harassment, and homophobia.

Establish a baseline of awareness about cultural safety, cultural humility, and identity with students, staff, and parents.

  • Implement targeted professional learning (e.g., training modules for onboarding staff) focused on diversity, cultural humility and safety, and inclusive practices.
  • Visibly acknowledge and celebrate diversity in our learning environments (e.g., multicultural events, multi-languages on signs, Pride poster).
  • Annually review and revise school, district, and classroom policies and practices for biases and report on and revise strategies based on results.
  • Create opportunities for inclusive community consultation and supports.
  • Implement strategies in Local Education Agreements and Aboriginal Education Enhancement Agreement.

Career Development

To prepare students to attain their career and occupational objectives; to assist in the development of effective work habits and the flexibility to deal with change in the workplace.


Every learner will graduate, know who they are, and have plans for who they aim to become through their career pathway.


Students will graduate.

Students will have the core competencies to achieve their career, continuing education, and life goals.

Graduation Strategies
  • Engage students in goal setting and self-assessment related to core competencies, career pathways, and programming needed to graduate.
  • Communicate with parents and students about competencies, career pathways, and programming needed to graduate.
  • Collaborate within and across district departments to accomplish career development goals.
  • Implement strategies in Local Education Agreements and the Aboriginal Education Enhancement Agreement.
Life Goal Strategies
  • Support students to explore their sense of self and who they want to be in the world.
  • Support students to participate in career exploration opportunities.
  • Support our diverse and under-represented learners and their parents and legal guardians as partners to participate in career exploration.
  • Partner with community associations and organizations whenever possible.
  • Implement strategies in Local Education Agreements and the Aboriginal Education Enhancement Agreement.

Systems Development

To engage in operational and reporting structures and practices that enact Ministry and District priorities.


Students will improve continuously within a system that allocates resources responsibly, fairly, and sustainably.


Every person who has budget oversight stays within an allocated budget that is connected to priorities in the District Strategic Plan.

Every staff member articulates how their work is related to achieving the District Strategic Plan Priorities, Goals, Objectives and Outcomes reflect continuous improvement.


Human Resource Services

  • Redesign and implement a recruitment, application, and hiring process strategy that supports the District Strategic Priorities, goals, and objectives and is focused on hard-to-fill positions and under-represented groups.
  • Create a hiring and mentorship program for inspiring leaders including recruitment, selection, supervision, and evaluation processes that are criteria- referenced, standards-based, and growth-focused.

Facilities, Operations, Information Technology, and Transportation

  • Develop department and school strategies and procurement processes to ensure high efficiency, cost-effectiveness, and sustainability of resource allocation and facility use within the system.

Community Partnership

  • Partner with municipalities and regional authorities to improve creative solutions to shared commitments and sustainability of resources.

Health and Safety

  • Ensure all staff, students, and parents feel safe, welcomed, and connected to schools.


  • Communicate progress on all priorities in the District Strategic Plan through multimedia for parents, students, staff, and the community.
  • Support schools and departments to tell the story of how their work relates to the District Strategic Plan.

Financial Services

  • Establish a sustainable staffing and budgeting model that meets the operational needs of a growing district.
  • Implement an annual budget plan, review, and reporting process that connects budget to District Strategic Plan priorities, goals, and objectives.

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