About the Board

The Board controls governance and policy

The Ministry of Education and Child Care sets the general direction for K-12 education, including the curriculum, funding amounts and the legal framework within which the Board operates. The Board is responsible for governing the school district in accordance with the policy direction established by government.

The structure of the school district mirrors the model of the Ministry of Education and Child Care. Trustees are the political wing and control governance and policy. Day-to-day operations of the school district are delegated to the Superintendent and other district staff, including the Secretary Treasurer and Assistant Superintendents. The Board sets overall direction of the District, and decisions are made by vote.

The respective responsibilities of each are detailed in the , which outlines the primary functions of the Board, including

  • Setting local policy for effective and efficient operation of schools
  • Employing the staff necessary for school district operations
  • Establishing conditions of employment for employees
  • Preparing and approving the District’s operating budgets and capital plans
  • Hearing appeals from parents and students

In addition to regular board meetings, much of the work done by the Board of Education involves committees

Committees are essential in the helping the Board achieve its goals. Working through committee means assembling people, facilitating debate on important issues, and creating effective forums for decision making. The Board participates in eight internal committees and four external ones.

Internal Committees

  • Board Standing Committees - All trustees are able to attend, or may choose to sit more formally as a committee of a whole on these standing committees.
  • Contractual Committees - Only trustees named or appointed to contractual committees may attend these meetings, which address issues of concern to employee groups. 

External Committees

The Board has been invited to participate in several committees. Trustees represent the Board as a whole on these committees.

Board Standing Committees

Committees of the Board reporting to the Board to vet issues in five specific areas. All Trustees may attend and the Board may choose to sit more formally as a Committee of the Whole.

Policy Committee

Trustees: Cara McKelvey (Chair); Jo Kang; Kathleen Karpuk

Alternate: Cole Hickson

Staff: Rhonda Nixon; Trina Cassidy

Finance & Planning Committee

Trustees: John O’Fee (Chair); Shelley Sim; Diane Jules

Alternate: Rhonda Kershaw

Staff: Rhonda Nixon; Trina Cassidy

Audit Committee

Trustees: Heather Grieve (Chair); Rhonda Kershaw (Vice-Chair); John O’Fee (F&P Chair)

Alternate: Cara McKelvey

Staff: Rhonda Nixon; Trina Cassidy

Education Committee of the Whole

Trustees: All Trustees

Staff: Rhonda Nixon

Student Advisory Council Committee

Trustees: Shelley Sim; Jo Kang

Alternate: Cole Hickson

Staff: Rick Kienlein

Human Resources Committee

Trustees: Heather Grieve (Chair); Diane Jules; Cole Hickson

Staff: Rhonda Nixon; Trina Cassidy

Employee Engagement Committee

Trustees: Cara McKelvey; Heather Grieve

Staff: Rhonda Nixon

Contractual Committees

Committees covered in contact with employee groups. Only those Trustees named, or their appointed alternate may attend.

KTTA Joint Labour Liaison Committee

Trustees: Cara McKelvey; Shelley Sim

Staff: John Wiedrick

CUPE Labour Management Committee

Trustees: Kathleen Karpuk

Alternate: Cara McKelvey

Staff: John Wiedrick

Step 4 Grievance Committee

Trustees: John O'Fee

Staff: Trina Cassidy

External Committees

Committees of other entities in which the Board has been invited to participate. Trustees to represent the Board as a Whole on these Committees.

Aboriginal Education Council Committee

Trustees: Diane Jules

Alternate: Heather Grieve

Accessibility Committee

Trustees: Heather Grieve

Staff: Rhonda Nixon

Blue River Community Engagement Committee

Trustees: Shelly Sim

Staff: Rhonda Nixon; Grant Reilly

District Parent Advisory Council Committee

Trustees: Cole Hickson; Jo Kang

Alternate: Cara McKelvey

Staff: Rhonda Nixon

Employee Engagement Committee

Trustees: Cara McKelvey

Alternate: Heather Grieve

Staff: Rhonda Nixon; John Wiedrick

Literacy in Kamloops (LinK) Committee

Trustees: Cole Hickson

Pineview Valley Community Engagement Committee

Trustees: Heather Grieve; Diane Jules

Staff: Rhonda Nixon; Trina Cassidy

Pineview Valley Naming Committee

Trustees: Diane Jules; Jo Kang

Staff: Rhonda Nixon; Trina Cassidy

Schools Re-Opening & Catchment Change Committee

Trustees: Kathleen Karpuk

Alternate: Heather Grieve

Staff: Rhonda Nixon; Trina Cassidy

Sun Peaks Steering Committee

Trustees: Rhonda Kershaw; Diane Jules

Staff: Rhonda Nixon; Trina Cassidy

Community Liaisons
District of Barriere
Trustees: Rhonda Kershaw
District of Clearwater
Trustees: Shelley Sim
District of Logan Lake
Trustees: Cara McKelvey
Village of Chase
Trustees: Diane Jules
Municipality of Sun Peaks
Trustees: Diane Jules
City of Kamloops
Trustees: Kathleen Karpuk; Heather Grieve; John O’Fee; Jo Kang; Cole Hickson
Elected Representatives
 BC School Trustee Association
 Trustees: Kathleen Karpuk
 BC Public School Employers' Association
 Trustees: Cole Hickson

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