Creativity and an Open Mind Key to Success for Jacob Lingley

Bachelor of Education graduate Jacob Lingley is working to add creativity and innovation to curricula in Atlantic Canada.

After teaching at Bliss Carman Middle School for seven years, Lingley began work with Brilliant Labs—a not-for-profit, hands-on technology and experiential learning organization based in Atlantic Canada.

As the program director, Lingley supports the integration of creativity, innovation, coding, and an entrepreneurial spirit within classrooms and educational curricula.
The BEd alumnus credits much of his success to the flexibility of the education program, which encouraged creativity in a professional atmosphere.

“ذكذكتسئµ allowed me to be creative in a professional context,â€‌ Lingley said. “It was all about making sure students connected in the most meaningful way possible.â€‌

He said future education students should be willing to approach the concepts presented in class with an open mind.

“I encourage individuals to be open to the blending of subject areas,â€‌ he said.

Lingley said although a degree in education can lead down many roads, it’s the student who decides which road to take.

He adds that while there are many people in the School of Education at St. Thomas who want to work in the K-12 sector, it's imperative to approach the program with an open mind as there's various ways to put the degree into practice.