Advice From Alumni to First-Year Students

Sawyer Hannay, BA ’17, Economics and Business
Creator/President, Country Liberty
You are never "too cool," or "not talented enough," or "too shy," to—at the very least—try something new. This is a great time for you to find your passions and pursue them. Be the absolute nicest person on campus. Take time to get to know everyone, do things without expecting a return, work for free on your passion, and enjoy the process because it goes fast.
Lydia MacDonnell, BA ’11, Political Science and Human Rights
Owner/Operator, Careers for Years consulting company
Jump in! Get as involved as possible in as much as possible and then discern which activities are the best for you. Also, be sure to take as many classes as possible across a wide-range of subjects and visit your professors. When I compare my university experience to that of my friends and colleagues, the personalized contributions from professors always stands out.
Justin Caines, BA ’11, Political Science
Lawyer, Cox and Palmer
Take the time to get to know those around you and learn from them. You will learn just as much from the experiences you have on campus and in clubs and societies than you will in the classroom.
University is unique in that you meet and interact with people because they have similar interests. Everybody who gathers in the particular setting is there for the same purpose.
Scholastic Isaya, BA ’14, Sociology, BSW ’15,
Employment Counsellor for Newcomers and Internationals, YMCA Fredericton
I was involved with the International Student Association and Best Buddies. Both led me to where I am now. Since graduating, I have worked with persons with disabilities and I’m now an Employment Counsellor for Newcomers and International Students in the Fredericton region. Both careers stemmed from my involvement in clubs and my passion for working with others.