School District No. 73 The RSS feed for School District No. 73 /Modules/News/index.aspx?feedId=a34c7aa8-61a4-4301-b1ee-537197631df4 Thu, 27 Jun 2024 18:00:00 GMT iCreate - eSolutionsGroup ( Barb Hamblett Appointed District Principal, Human Resources. <p dir="ltr">The Kamloops-Thompson Board of Education supports Barb Hamblett as the successful candidate for the role of District Principal, Human Resources.&nbsp;&nbsp;</p><p dir="ltr">&ldquo;We are looking forward to continuing to work with Barb who is a well-known and strong principal leader in our District and who brings a valuable skill set and range of experiences to this new&nbsp;role,&rdquo; stated Board Chair Heather Grieve.&nbsp;</p><p dir="ltr">With&nbsp;34 years&nbsp;of experience, Barb began her career in Alberta and served in multiple roles including secondary teacher and school-based leader in rural and urban elementary and secondary schools.&nbsp;</p><p dir="ltr">Barb began her career with ÌÇÐÄSwag&nbsp;in 1997&nbsp;as a teacher at Logan Lake Secondary.&nbsp; During her time with ÌÇÐÄSwag, Barb has led various District in-services and is a leader who is admired for the way that she resolves challenging situations in a team-oriented, collaborative, and cohesive manner.&nbsp; Her strengths as both an organizational leader and manager make her well suited for the District Principal role.</p><p dir="ltr">&ldquo;I am excited to welcome Barb as part of our senior leadership team. She has been an exemplary leader who will continue to build leadership capacity throughout the District,&rdquo; shared Superintendent Dr. Rhonda Nixon.&nbsp;</p><p dir="ltr">&ldquo;The Human Resources Department is excited that Barb is joining our Human Resources team.&nbsp; We look forward to working with her on innovative approaches as we implement the priorities in the <a href="/en/our-district-board/strategic-priorities-2022-2027.aspx">2022-2027 District Strategic Plan,</a>&rdquo; said Associate Superintendent John Wiedrick.&nbsp;</p><p dir="ltr">&ldquo;I am honoured to be selected for this role as the District Principal,&rdquo; Mrs. Hamblett shared. &ldquo;I am committed to public education and look forward to supporting our District in this new role.&rdquo;&nbsp;</p><p dir="ltr">Mrs. Hamblett begins their appointment on August 29, 2022.&nbsp;</p> /Modules/News/index.aspx?feedId=a34c7aa8-61a4-4301-b1ee-537197631df4&newsId=adb20719-2f4a-4b9c-a546-0031e897dadd Thu, 25 Aug 2022 02:00:00 GMT Completion Rates for ÌÇÐÄSwag Students Continue to Improve <p>Completion rates for students in School District No. 73 continue to improve according to the recently released stats from the BC Ministry of Education.&nbsp;</p><p>The rate for all ÌÇÐÄSwag students in the 2019-2020 school year is 89.5 per cent, up slightly from last year&rsquo;s 88.3 per cent completion rate. The graduation rate measures the number of Grade 8 students who graduate within six years.</p><p>&ldquo;Since 2012-2013 there has been an upward trend in School District No. 73&rsquo;s Six-Year Completion Rate,&rdquo; said Dr. Terry Sullivan, Superintendent of Schools. &ldquo;This is especially evident with students earning a Dogwood Graduation Diploma.&rdquo;</p><p>The completion rate for BC resident students in the district (excluding international students who move out of the district before graduation) continues the upwards trend set in 2012-2013, coming within the target range of 90 percent to 95 percent.</p><p>While the average is up for all students, the rate for Aboriginal students has decreased to 78.7 per cent from last year&rsquo;s 84.1 per cent, a rate similar to 2017-2018&rsquo;s 78.2 per cent.</p><p>&ldquo;Successful school completion for all learners, and closing the completion rate gap between Aboriginal learners and Non-Aboriginal learners remains a priority,&rdquo; Sullivan said.&nbsp;</p><p>The District&rsquo;s commitment to this priority is reflected in four broad categories: personalized learning that provides flexibility and choice; a focus on inclusion and equity; structured support for struggling learners; and connecting learners to opportunities to complete after they have discontinued schooling.</p><p>The structured support for struggling learners; and connecting learners to opportunities to complete is largely the work of the School Completion Coordinator, Gino Coltrellaro, who through detailed data analysis continues to identify students who have not yet graduated with six-years of starting grade 8.</p><p>Sullivan commented on the system-wide changes that have been implemented to support school completion since his retirement in 2014. &ldquo;When I look at this trend line I can see how far we have come in the last few years. These results are possible because of the hard work by students that commit to graduating despite obstacles and the people like Gino that connect with those students and help them complete high school.&rdquo;</p><p>Read the full report to the Board of Education <a href="">here.</a></p><p>&nbsp;<strong>Table 1: All Student Completion Rates 2012-2013 to 2019-2020</strong></p><p><img src="" alt="" />&nbsp;</p><p><strong>Table 2: BC Resident Student Completion Rates 2012-2013 to 2019-2020</strong></p><p><strong><img src="" alt="" /></strong></p><p>&nbsp;</p><p><strong>Table 3: Aboriginal School Completion Rates 2012-2013 to 2019-2020</strong></p><p><strong><img src="" alt="" /></strong></p><p>&nbsp;</p><p>&nbsp;</p> /Modules/News/index.aspx?feedId=a34c7aa8-61a4-4301-b1ee-537197631df4&newsId=6e11666e-b189-4113-a72e-00f5a5356002 Thu, 18 Feb 2021 17:30:00 GMT New Chair for Board of Education <p>Elected by acclamation by fellow trustees, <strong>Kathleen Karpuk</strong> is the new <strong>Chair </strong>of the Kamloops-Thompson Board of Education. A Kamloops resident for more than 20 years, she has served as a trustee since 2008 (re-elected in 2011 and 2014). She and her husband have three children enrolled in Kamloops schools.</p><p><strong>Rhonda Kershaw</strong>, the trustee representing Barriere-Little Fort, was acclaimed as <strong>Vice-Chair</strong> at the inaugural meeting for the 2018-2022 Board of Education on Nov. 5, 2018.</p><p>Trustees also selected representatives to sit on the two provincial associations.&nbsp;</p><p>Trustee <strong>Shelley Sims</strong> was acclaimed as representative for the <strong>BC School Trustees Association</strong> (BCSTA), while <strong>Vice-Chair Kershaw</strong> was unanimously elected as representative for <strong>BC Public School Employers Association </strong>(BCPSEA).</p><p>Along with <strong>Chair Karpuk</strong>, the four trustees elected in Kamloops were <strong>Joe Small</strong>, <strong>Meghan Wade</strong>, <strong>John O&rsquo;Fee</strong>, and <strong>Heather Grieve</strong>. <strong>Diane Jules</strong> was elected in Area 4 (Chase), while <strong>Shelley Sim</strong>, Area 2 (North Thompson), <strong>Vice-Chair Kershaw</strong> and <strong>Cara McKelvey</strong> Area 5 (Logan Lake) were acclaimed.</p><p>&nbsp;</p><p>&nbsp;</p><p>&nbsp;</p><p>&nbsp;</p><p>&nbsp;</p><p>&nbsp;</p><p>&nbsp;</p><p>&nbsp;</p><p>&nbsp;</p><p>&nbsp;</p><p>&nbsp;</p><p>&nbsp;</p><p>&nbsp;</p><p>&nbsp;</p> /Modules/News/index.aspx?feedId=a34c7aa8-61a4-4301-b1ee-537197631df4&newsId=73dd606e-3d93-46d3-a6a0-013ff7409837 Wed, 07 Nov 2018 00:00:00 GMT Final Day of Safer School Streets Pilot Program at Arthur Hatton Elementary School <p style="text-align: left;" align="center">Mike Johnson, Principal, Arthur Hatton Elementary School</p><p>The Safer School Streets Pilot Project at Arthur Hatton Elementary School has been a success!</p><p>On May 29th, at our opening kick-off in the gym, I introduced the students to the Safer Streets program that ran from May 29 to June 9 and involved temporary closures of specific roads near the school from 7:45-8:45 am and 2:20-3:00 pm. The purpose of the pilot was to encourage students and families to walk, ride, and roll to school by having temporary &ldquo;traffic-free&rdquo; zones along Schubert, which will be closed from Holly Avenue to Oak Road, as well as Chestnut Avenue during those short time frames.</p><p>The students saw the wonderful prizes from Canadian Tire (mountain bikes), as well as Dearborn Ford and Runner&rsquo;s Sole that were generously donated through the advocacy and support of Ms. Stacey Gagnon, GoBy Bike Week Coordinator. Thank you to the inspirational words from our two partners, Mr. Irani, Transportation Manager, Dr. Rhonda Nixon, Superintendent, ÌÇÐÄSwag, and closing remarks from Trustee Kathleen Karpuk. Although he couldn&rsquo;t be there that day, Dr. Trent Smith, a well-known pediatrician in Kamloops, had advocated for us to try this pilot project to encourage students and families to walk, ride, and roll to school. He showed how it increased the physical activity of students and increased the safety to and from school because there were fewer cars and more people walking, biking, and rolling together to and from school. He also shared the negative impacts of vehicle exhaust for those who have asthma.</p><p>The success of this pilot project was related to how it began&ndash;with the enthusiastic teamwork of the City of Kamloops and Kamloops-Thompson School District. The City of Kamloops had agreed to contract help from ATS consultants to promote and raise awareness of the project and to be at the road barriers to greet and redirect traffic. Ying, Lane Change Traffic Coordinator for ATS had gone door-to-door to greet residents in the area with the offer of homemade bannock and blueberries as he shared what Safer School Streets Pilot Program was about and why it was important.&nbsp; Parents were appreciative of the information. The City of Kamloops had also dropped flyers in residents&rsquo; mailboxes with the same information.</p><p>We started the project by having students play hockey and other games on the closed off street. Seeing kids playing helped residents to forgive the inconvenience of having the road closure, a small price to pay for the high energy games that students engaged in early in the morning.</p><p>Students and families came to look forward to seeing each other in the morning, and starting the days with exercise which created positive momentum for our school days over the last two weeks.</p><p>The next step is to see the results of the survey that we gave to students, staff, and parents; the traffic monitoring data collected by the City of Kamloops, and the qualitative comments collected by ÌÇÐÄSwag staff.&nbsp; We will meet to review the results and to share a report on what we find out.</p><p>Thank you to the City of Kamloops for providing funds from the Climate Action Levy for signage, contracted road maintenance personnel, a crossing guard at Fortune and Oak, and financial support for school incentives. Thank you to Arthur Hatton staff who worked together every morning from 8:00-8:25 am from May 29-June 9 to run games (e.g., ball hockey, hop scotch, four square) to inspire students and families to be active and enjoy this time outside on a safe, quiet street.&nbsp; Thank you to the ÌÇÐÄSwag district staff who worked behind the scenes to get this project started and to communicate about it and organize and set up events such as the kick off and the final pancake breakfast.</p><p>Most importantly, thank you to those families who took an active part in walking, biking, and rolling to school. It was a lot of fun to see you having fun at the start of each day, and I can honestly say that I am looking forward to seeing the final results based on student, parent, and staff feedback.</p><p>I hope that we can consider how this project might lead us to continuing to be healthier together and to having fun at the same time as increasing our physical activity.&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;</p><p>&nbsp;</p><p><strong><em>For more information, please go to:</em></strong> <a href=""></a></p> /Modules/News/index.aspx?feedId=a34c7aa8-61a4-4301-b1ee-537197631df4&newsId=39fb9c3b-8e3f-4012-82f1-01fb9de60d91 Fri, 09 Jun 2023 15:00:00 GMT Consent Café in Action <p>Partnerships are the cornerstone of success for School District No. 73 and a Consent Caf&eacute; collaboration with Thompson Rivers University is just one of those examples.</p><p>Consent Caf&eacute; is an activity-based consent and sexualized violence prevention program designed specifically for children, youth, and young adults. The initiative has a particular focus on healthy relationships, healthy sexual decision making, reliable sources of health information, and youth-specific strategies to protect themselves and others from potential exploitation, abuse, and harm.</p><p>Founded by Chelsea Corsi, Senior Wellness Coordinator in the Faculty of Student Development, and Tanya Pawliuk, Associate Teaching Professor in the Faculty of Education and Social Work, the Consent Caf&eacute; is a collaboration between TRU faculty, <a href="">TRU Wellness Centre</a>, <a href="">TRU Student Wellness Ambassadors</a>, ÌÇÐÄSwag educational partners, and community partners such as the <a href="">Kamloops Sexual Assault Counselling Centre</a>, <a href="">ASK Wellness</a>, and <a href="">Safe Spaces</a>, along with collaboration with elders and knowledge keepers in the area.</p><p>&ldquo;We aim to be as decolonizing as possible in our work, recognizing that this is work that is ongoing for us,&rdquo; Pawliuk told the Board of Education at a Regular Meeting on Monday, June 13.</p><p>The Consent Caf&eacute; was designed to bring university campuses, schools, and community programs together to address and enhance the learning objectives identified in the BC Government&rsquo;s Physical Health and Education provincial curriculum.</p><p>The goal of the program is for students to gain self-awareness and skills to identify and participate in healthy relationships, positive communication, and understand the difference between consent and coercion.</p><p>&ldquo;We are evidence informed. We aim to be gender inclusive. We are intersectional trauma-informed and survivor and learner centered,&rdquo; said Pawliuk. &ldquo;We&rsquo;ve been very intentional in the design of this program because we wanted to ensure that what we are doing was sensitive to the needs of every learner group.&rdquo;</p><p>Over the past year, approximately 133 students have participated in a total of five Consent Cafes at various schools within the District and through support from the Board of Education, Twin Rivers Education Centre (TREC) was among those hosts.</p><p>&ldquo;At Twin Rivers, we identified an area of need with our students and came up with a plan to support students who have experienced sexual violence, as well as doing prevention work at the same time,&rdquo; said TREC vice-principal Dyan Gunnlaugson.</p><p>&ldquo;The Canadian average of self-reported sexual assault is 2% of the population, however, we know that in Canada, out of every 100 assaults that happen, only six are reported to RCMP. For Indigenous women, the sexual violence rates are up to 11 times higher,&rdquo; said Gunnlaugson. &ldquo;I think what&rsquo;s also important to recognize is that our students aren&rsquo;t necessarily the victims of this violence when they&rsquo;re our student,&rdquo; further explained the vice-principal. &ldquo;Often, it might be that the trauma is what actually has triggered their move to alternative education [like TREC].&rdquo;</p><p>&ldquo;This really impacts all schools, not just ours.&rdquo;</p><p>Kenzie Martin, a student who recently participated in a Consent Caf&eacute;, told the Board about her experience: &ldquo;I feel like if we were all taught at a young age what consent is, some situations could be prevented. I already had a general knowledge of consent but I learned more about physical, sexual, and online consent at the Caf&eacute;. &ldquo;</p><p>&ldquo;[The program] works because we meet the participants where they&rsquo;re at, where they&rsquo;re learning, where they&rsquo;re building relationships, of knowledge acquisition, and where they&rsquo;re learning to navigate consent every day,&rdquo; said Pawliuk.</p><p>With CommunityLINK funding and a City of Kamloops 2022 Social and Community Development Grant, the future is bright for Consent Caf&eacute;s in the District: every grade 8 student will be provided the opportunity to participate in the program in the 2022/2023 school year.</p><p>For more information, email <a href=""></a>.</p> /Modules/News/index.aspx?feedId=a34c7aa8-61a4-4301-b1ee-537197631df4&newsId=d7bed425-164a-4a20-a950-02041963e065 Fri, 17 Jun 2022 14:30:00 GMT Foundation Gifts Funds to District Scholarships and Bursaries <p>The BC Interior Community Foundation paid a visit to the District Office Aug. 19 to give more than $7,000 to ÌÇÐÄSwag scholarship and bursary funds.</p><p>&ldquo;These funds will help us help students to connect with their future,&rdquo; said Board Chair Rhonda Kershaw. &ldquo;We are grateful for the work the foundation is doing, and its contribution to the quality of life in our region by building endowments, making meaningful grants and inspiring community leadership.&rdquo;</p><p>&ldquo;Through our strong partnership with ÌÇÐÄSwag, the BCICF is able to offer students financial supports to achieve their educational ambitions,&rdquo; said Robert Miller, executive director.</p><p>Board Chair Rhonda Kershaw and Secretary Treasurer Kelvin Stretch accepted the cheque from Miller and Hugh Fallis, BCICF past president.</p><p>The money is part of an annual distribution to scholarships and bursaries across the interior.</p> /Modules/News/index.aspx?feedId=a34c7aa8-61a4-4301-b1ee-537197631df4&newsId=98456077-006d-48eb-80e0-02549a9ddfd5 Fri, 21 Aug 2020 16:15:00 GMT Kamloops-Thompson School District Joins the Kamloops Pride Parade <p>During Kamloops Pride Week and throughout the year, the Kamloops-Thompson School District supports LGBTQ2S+ staff, students and their families to be their authentic selves.</p><p>On Sunday, August 27 students, staff, families, and trustees joined together to march as an ÌÇÐÄSwag team in the Pride Parade to visibly show support of LGBTQ2S+ students and staff and to let them know that they are accepted and valued for who they are.</p><p>Assistant Superintendent Vessy Mochikas shared,&rdquo;It was great to have a large group walking to visibly send a strong message that LGBTQ2S+ students, staff and families are welcome in our school communities as their true selves. We will continue to work with students, staff and families to make all spaces in ÌÇÐÄSwag accepting and safe spaces for everyone.&rdquo;</p><p>Board Chair Heather Grieve emphasized, &ldquo;As a Board, we are ensuring that our district is prioritizing and celebrating diversity at events like the Pride Parade, and every day in schools and departments.&rdquo;</p><p>Trustees O&rsquo;Fee and Hickson joined the team and shared how wonderful it was to see so many ÌÇÐÄSwag students, staff, and families.</p><p>Superintendent Dr. Rhonda Nixon said, &ldquo;It is nice to start our school year as an ÌÇÐÄSwag team who acknowledges and champions the rights of every person to be who they are and to know that they will be welcomed, cared for, and supported in our schools.&rdquo;</p><p>Thank you to everyone who could join us today, and for everyone who recognizes the importance of continuing the year by showing support for our LGBTQ2S+ staff, students, and families. You matter and you are loved in ÌÇÐÄSwag.</p> /Modules/News/index.aspx?feedId=a34c7aa8-61a4-4301-b1ee-537197631df4&newsId=14518c88-5a8a-42fb-8cde-02a8f0aba80a Mon, 28 Aug 2023 19:30:00 GMT ÌÇÐÄSwag's Draft Annual Budget 2023-2024: A Summary of Allocations and Expenditures <p><strong>Board Chair, Heather Grieve</strong></p><p>On April 6, 2023, the Board of Education presented the Draft 2023-2024 Annual Budget, and how allocations were aligned to the <a href="/en/our-district-board/resources/Strategic-Priorities/District_Strategic_Plan_2022-27.pdf">2022-2027 District Strategic Plan priorities</a>.</p><p><strong>Budget Allocations</strong></p><p>The Board reviewed an estimated <strong>$230 Million budget</strong> comprised of three budgets:&nbsp;<strong>Operating Fund ($192M):</strong> The Ministry of Education and Child Care funds districts based on student enrolment and district location; <strong>Special Purpose Fund ($24.1M):</strong> The Ministry of Education and Child Care or a third party provides districts with funds for a targeted, restricted, or designated purpose; and <strong>Capital Fund ($12.7M):</strong> The Ministry of Education and Child Care provides funds for new schools, capital improvements, furniture, equipment, vehicles, buses, and playgrounds. The $7.65M increase in 2023-2024 compared to the 2022-2023 annual budget is mainly due to an increase in the per student allocation rates.&nbsp; In addition, there was an increase in the Ministry&rsquo;s allocation for the Annual Facilities Grant (+ $750K) to maintain our facilities.</p><p>At the time of this budget presentation, the Ministry allocations did not include <strong>escalating inflationary costs </strong>(supplies, utilities) or <strong>exempt salary increases</strong> (principals, vice principals, other excluded staff positions). The pressures on the budget are: <strong>relief costs</strong> (Due to health standards changing following COVID, there is a &ldquo;new&rdquo; norm of doing what is right and staying home when sick); and the need for additional <strong>staff supports</strong>&ndash;mental health (counseling), administrative time, and non-enrolling teachers who support students such as Learning Assistance Resource Teachers. Therefore, the Board has included estimated costs as part of this budget that address these areas.</p><p><strong>Budget Priorities</strong></p><p><strong><em>Intellectual Development Priority</em>. </strong>Through an operating budget allocation of $2.8M and targeted funding of $660K we will continue to focus on professional learning and equitable access to classroom resources for all students. Particular attention will be given to student populations who have historically struggled to reach literacy and numeracy goals. Early Learning targeted special purpose funds ($464K) support strong preschool programs (e.g., Seamless Day, Just B4, StrongStart, Ready Set Learn) and a District Principal of Early Learning and Child Care. Official Languages in Education Programming targeted funds ($196K) enable our district to strengthen French Immersion students&rsquo; chances of excelling in French through quality teaching and instructional resources.</p><p><strong><em>Human and Social Development Priority. </em></strong>In ÌÇÐÄSwag, we strive to ensure that all students feel safe, welcome, connected, and that they belong in school. Through an Operating budget allocation of $3.2M, we will provide professional learning in Universal Design for Learning, social emotional, mental health, and inclusive sexual health education; and provide complex needs students with access to inclusive supports including contracted services. Highly specialized staff ranging from inclusive support teachers, mental health clinicians, second language coordinators, Aboriginal Outreach Workers, Aboriginal Support Teachers, and Aboriginal Education Workers, are foundational to the success of meeting the needs of all students.</p><p>CommunityLINK targeted funding ($1.6M) expands what can be done in schools to support social emotional learning through parent engagement and initiatives to support families such as Powerstart (i.e., children are picked up from home and taken to school and provided with breakfast).&nbsp; Funds also support staff to participate in Inclusive Sexual Health Education. Due to the Ministry of Education and Child Care&rsquo;s decision to put a permanent nutrition fund in place, we have been able to redirect funds for food ($233K) originally budgeted in CommunityLINK to add 2.0 FTE for counseling services. On April 4, 2023, the Ministry of Education and Child Care announced this fund as the &ldquo;Feeding the Futures&rdquo; Fund. ÌÇÐÄSwag will receive $1.9M.</p><p><strong><em>Cultural and Identity Development Priority.</em> </strong>Through an operating budget allocation of $646K and the Aboriginal Education Targeted Fund ($5.3M), ÌÇÐÄSwag prioritizes human rights education to enable every student to thrive personally and culturally, and to learn in an environment free of racism, discrimination, sexism, harassment, and homophobia. The strategies to meet these goals are to continue with large-scale, team-based professional learning and to take an active part in cultural days of importance as well as working with student groups to understand their experiences of barriers to achieving this priority. We will continue to recruit language teachers and to focus on the recruitment of Aboriginal Education Workers.</p><p><strong><em>Career Development Priority.</em></strong> Through an operating fund allocation of $1.3M for trades and transitions, career education, and high school completion support, we sustain strong high school graduation rates and post-secondary transition rates. We will continue to allocate funds to district and school staffing that will support students to complete high school and to have timely academic advising to identify post-secondary options. Through an operating fund allocation of $5.1M for the International Student Education Program with a net amount of $280K annually, we ensure that International students thrive academically, socially, emotionally, and culturally. We will continue to provide positive homestay experiences and robust activity programming.</p><p><strong><em>Systems Development Priority.</em></strong> Several departments including Finance, Transportation, Facilities, Information Technology, Communications and Human Resources are part of this priority. We aim to allocate resources responsibly, fairly and sustainably to ensure students improve continuously within our educational system. Our goals are to recruit hard-to-fill positions in a very competitive market; to develop timely and high quality training, coaching and professional development programs for all employee groups; to maintain facilities and buses; to optimize transportation routes; to ensure that we have optimal spaces (facilities, Internet, and video conference access) for learning and working; and to source parts and services to meet the timelines and needs of the District along with management of unpredictable inflationary costs.</p><p>The allocation for facilities which includes facility maintenance, information technology and grounds have a combined staffing and benefit budget of $16.6M for 210 employees which includes administration. clerical, trades, grounds, custodians and information technologists.&nbsp; Within both the Special Purpose Fund and the Capital Fund, the District receives an Annual Facility Grant $702K within Special Purpose and $3.69 Million within the Capital Fund. The Annual Facility Grant Spending plan includes roofing repairs, improvements to walkways and play spaces, new rollshutters and window packages, flooring, sprinklers, to name a few examples. We are pleased with the Ministry&rsquo;s increase of $735K in additional funding in Annual Facility Grant.&nbsp;</p><p>The allocation for the Transportation Department is $5.26M for staffing and $1.98M Supplies and Services, which includes administration and professional development, and supports such as bus passes for students and transportation assistance. The transportation special purpose fund, the BC Tripartite Education Agreement ($182K), is an agreement between the Province of British Columbia, These funds support a contracted bus route, parent transportation and extra curricular activities.</p><p>In the Finance Department, including payroll and purchasing, $1.48M has been allocated for staffing and benefits, $37K for professional development, $541K for School Protection Plan Insurance, facility leases, and contracted services, $42K in administrative expenses $42K, and $110K for a shared audit, legal and office expenses. The Communication and Education Department is allocated $997K for salaries and benefits, dues and fees, administration, shared audit, legal, and office costs, a website and events and advertising allocation.</p><p><strong>Budget Costs</strong></p><p><strong>The budget costs considered in the 2023-2024 budget include: Increase in</strong> Elementary Prep Time $331K),&nbsp; additional administrative time for schools ($161K),&nbsp; future capital projects ($250K), local capital ($500K), utility inflationary costs ($73K), re-opening of George Hilliard ($333 K), Grade reconfiguration/relocation costs ($418K), McGowan facility/staffing if enrolment increases ($100,000), Wechsler Individual Achievement Test ($30K), four (4) portable classrooms ($35K), District Employee Engagement Survey ($20K), Website rebranding ($80K). The costs that are additional and not yet considered in the Draft 2023-2024 Annual Budget: additional Learning Assistant Resource Teacher time, inflationary costs, tech software, Facilities/IT/Finance/HR staffing, and additional capital replacement costs ($2.2M).</p><p><strong>Please review the Draft 2023-2024 Annual Budget at and offer your feedback at </strong><a href=""><strong></strong></a><strong>&nbsp; by April 18, 2023.</strong></p> /Modules/News/index.aspx?feedId=a34c7aa8-61a4-4301-b1ee-537197631df4&newsId=7c0c0ae3-0d68-44ed-96b2-02e79463bab4 Thu, 06 Apr 2023 22:00:00 GMT Board Notes from May 10, 2021 <p>From the regular meeting of the Board of Education. All about English Language Learners, Catchment Boundaries review, and new Secretary-Treasurer appointed. Read Board Notes <span style="text-decoration: underline;"><a href="" target="_blank">here</a></span>.</p> /Modules/News/index.aspx?feedId=a34c7aa8-61a4-4301-b1ee-537197631df4&newsId=b8779969-c1a0-493e-9300-06757fe77b46 Tue, 11 May 2021 21:30:00 GMT Board Notes from December 7, 2020 <p>From the regular meeting of the Board of Education. Find out about a performance by District Strings. Read Board Notes <a href="" target="_blank">here</a>.</p> /Modules/News/index.aspx?feedId=a34c7aa8-61a4-4301-b1ee-537197631df4&newsId=e6ca01bf-78bf-4d73-b10b-084f50be8543 Wed, 09 Dec 2020 17:30:00 GMT Board approves plan to provide additional financial support for students and families <p dir="ltr">The Kamloops Thompson Board of Education is taking steps to implement a plan providing $1.6 million in additional financial support for students and families.&nbsp;</p><p dir="ltr">The funding is the District&rsquo;s share of a one-time $60 million Student and Family Affordability Fund (SFAF) announced in August by the Ministry of Education and Child Care.&nbsp;</p><p dir="ltr">District staff have consulted with school principals and community groups to help determine the best way to distribute its share of the funds to students and families. These groups are the Aboriginal Education Council (AEC), the Indigenous Family Voices for Education (IFVE), and the District Parents Advisory Council (DPAC).</p><p dir="ltr">At its regular meeting September 26, 2022, the Board received the consultation results, the process to access the funds and the initial allocations based on known and predicted needs.&nbsp;</p><p dir="ltr">&ldquo;The District has received $1,656,248, in the recognition that families are struggling with rising food costs and costs for a range of goods and services due to the impacts of inflation,&rdquo; said Heather Grieve, Board Chair for School District No. 73. &ldquo;It supports existing policies and our ongoing commitment to ensure no student is denied because of financial need the opportunity to participate in education programs approved by the Board.&rdquo;</p><p dir="ltr">The District is improving the process to access this fund, based on feedback from AEC, IFVE and DPAC in a way that is trauma informed by ensuring all school staff are informed, and by providing multiple ways to complete a&nbsp;<a href="" target="_blank"><strong><em>Student Financial Assistance Form</em></strong></a>. This includes sending an email to a chosen staff member such as an Aboriginal Education Worker, a principal, or a counsellor; or completing the form with a band education contact or a social worker; or calling a preferred contact at their children&rsquo;s school to ask for assistance; or completing the form themselves and in person.&nbsp;</p><p dir="ltr">Representatives for the AEC, IFVE, DPAC, Parent Advisory Councils and the Ministry of Children and Family Development will also share the District&rsquo;s messaging regarding the fund with families.&nbsp;In addition, this information will be sent to families through the District website, school websites, and District and school newsletters.&nbsp;&nbsp;</p><p dir="ltr">&ldquo;This process supports our 2022-2027 District Strategic Plan by supporting learning opportunities and environments which inspire students to thrive in a way that helps them feel safe,&rdquo; said Rhonda Nixon, ÌÇÐÄSwag Superintendent. &ldquo;That means meeting students&rsquo; basic and essential needs such as access to food and supporting their ability to take part in curricular and extracurricular educational activities designed to nurture their intellectual, social, personal, cultural, and career development.&rdquo;&nbsp;</p><p dir="ltr">&ldquo;We are grateful for the insights and feedback gained through the consultation process with our principals and community groups,&rdquo; said Vessy Mochikas, Assistant Superintendent, Inclusion. &ldquo;It means the funding will be more effective in reaching the students and families most in need of support.&rdquo;</p><p dir="ltr">The estimated initial allocations, based on known/predicted needs, are:</p><ul><li dir="ltr">$100,000 Starfish backpack programs - expanded to students and during school breaks</li><li dir="ltr">$300,000 School Supplies</li><li dir="ltr">$300,000 Field trips, co-curricular and extra-curricular activities</li><li dir="ltr">$500,000 Breakfast, snack and lunch programs/meals</li><li dir="ltr">Contingency Funds allocated to schools - $456,248</li></ul><p dir="ltr">The funding will be used to provide more food and snacks made available to classes in a universal way, so that any student needing food has access to it, including at the end of the day. This is especially helpful in the morning, if students who arrive to school late may have missed breakfast, and in the afternoon, as students may have up to five hours between lunch and dinner. You can link to the Student Financial Assistance Form <a href="" target="_blank">here</a>.</p><p>&nbsp;<img src="" alt="" width="301" height="301" /></p> /Modules/News/index.aspx?feedId=a34c7aa8-61a4-4301-b1ee-537197631df4&newsId=b2a261ad-18e6-4536-b91b-0a32c61a9c15 Thu, 29 Sep 2022 18:45:00 GMT Board Notes from May 31, 2021 <p>From the regular meeting of the Board of Education. Board responds to the tragic and disturbing discovery at former Kamloops residential school. Read Board Notes <span style="text-decoration: underline;"><a href="" target="_blank">here</a></span>.</p> /Modules/News/index.aspx?feedId=a34c7aa8-61a4-4301-b1ee-537197631df4&newsId=86da327f-1cf4-4d87-a854-0c0d039ad249 Wed, 02 Jun 2021 19:00:00 GMT Equity in Action for Indigenous Learners <p>The ÌÇÐÄSwag Board of Education renewed its commitment to create equity for the district&rsquo;s Indigenous learners at its regular Board meeting on June 22.</p><p>&ldquo;We are doing significantly better than most other districts in the province with equity outcomes for Aboriginal learners,&rdquo; said <strong>Mike Bowden</strong>, District Principal, Aboriginal Education. &ldquo;However, as a district, we have not reached parity or equity for Aboriginal learners.&rdquo;</p><p>Bowden updated the board on the district&rsquo;s performance in <em>The Equity Project</em>, a province-wide effort to provide both parity and equity to Indigenous students that has been underway since 2015.</p><p>Compared to provincial five-year completion rates showing a 23 per cent gap between Indigenous and non-Indigenous students, in ÌÇÐÄSwag, this gap is 9 per cent &ndash; and the six-year completion rates, respectively, show an 18 per cent and a 5 per cent gap.</p><p>The work ahead is to completely close this gap.</p><p>&ldquo;We are starting to recognize the barriers for Indigenous learners, and we better understand what needs to be done to address them to create equity.&rdquo;</p><p>For example, Indigenous people are over-represented in low socio-economic status (SES) statistics. Although low SES is a prime indicator for low outcomes for students, Bowden said it is incorrect to assume this is why the gap for Indigenous students exists.</p><p>&ldquo;The research shows that even without SES as a factor, Indigenous populations continue to struggle with equity in the education system as compared to non-Indigenous students,&rdquo; Bowden said. &ldquo;The assumption is that giving people equal treatment means everyone benefits from the same supports. In an equitable system, existing barriers are addressed by giving people support they need. Once barriers are removed and the causes of inequity are addressed and everyone has equity, we will be able to achieve parity.&rdquo;</p><p>ÌÇÐÄSwag is three years into this work, as one of the seven districts initially involved in <em>The Equity Project</em>. This year, half the districts in the province are a part of the project. By the next year or two, Bowden said the Ministry of Education would like to have every district in the province enrolled and focused on bringing equity and parity in education to Indigenous Learners across BC.</p> /Modules/News/index.aspx?feedId=a34c7aa8-61a4-4301-b1ee-537197631df4&newsId=8c333964-8d73-49bd-8f1c-0c7d4c8ed466 Tue, 23 Jun 2020 22:15:00 GMT District Honours Celebrates Top Graduating Students <p><em>Story provided by Chelsea Isenor, Director of Communications and Board Administration</em></p><p>The mission of the Kamloops-Thompson School District, as outlined in the <a href="/en/our-district-board/resources/Strategic-Priorities/District_Strategic_Plan_2022-27.pdf" target="_blank">2022-2027 District Strategic Plan</a>, is to support learning opportunities and environments which inspire students to thrive academically, socially, emotionally, and physically. On Thursday, May 30, 2024, this mission was at the forefront as we celebrated the accomplishments of Graduating students at the 46th Annual District Honours Recognition reception.</p><p>&ldquo;To achieve District Honours is a noteworthy accomplishment,&rdquo; shared Board Chair Heather Grieve. &ldquo;You have persisted through significant challenges and proven that you can thrive in a world that is changing rapidly. You have demonstrated leadership skills that will contribute to what promises to be a hopeful future. The Board of Education is extremely proud of all that you have accomplished academically and personally.&rdquo;</p><p>District Honours celebrates our District's highest achieving students, whose marks place them in the top five percent of all graduating students. The 2024 Kamloops-Thompson Honours Class includes 69 Grade 12 students from schools across the District. Each of these students not only achieved academic success but also demonstrated commitment, skill, and determination in other areas such as sports, fine arts, trades, extracurricular activities, and community service.</p><p>&ldquo;A heartfelt congratulations to you this year&rsquo;s District Honours graduates. I am confident that each of these students has developed competencies such as the ability to collaborate, communicate, and to think critically and creatively, to name a few, which will equip them to continue to thrive into the next phase of their adult lives,&rdquo; shared Superintendent, Dr. Rhonda Nixon.</p><p>The evening&rsquo;s celebrations were led by Danielle Ripley and Andrew Humphrey, the student masters of ceremonies. The evening highlighted the musical talents of Kamloops School of the Arts student Mandisa Volo, who beautifully sang &ldquo;O&rsquo;Canada&rdquo; and &ldquo;At Last&rdquo; by Etta James; and the South Kamloops Secondary School Jazz Combo who performed &ldquo;Daahoud&rdquo; by Clifford Brown as well as a compilation of other pieces throughout the evening. Fine arts were on display with several students&rsquo; art pieces displayed throughout the room.</p><p>Patrick Gu, Ross Dickson Award Winner and District Honours Recipient 2023, shared encouraging words for the graduates with humour and heart: &ldquo;When you are moving into adulthood, as you are now, you are bound to have failures, maybe in your academic life or personally, but I don't think you should do anything expecting to fail. Being here today, you&rsquo;ve already demonstrated your capabilities, and I&rsquo;m sure you have talents in more than academics too, and your talents are reason to be confident in yourself moving forward&hellip; We are here today not, in essence, to celebrate the knowledge and skills you&rsquo;ve gained over your past 13 years in school, it is to recognize the strength of character you&rsquo;ve built, to celebrate your persistence, your curiosity, and your drive.&rdquo;</p><p>Congratulations to all the District Honours graduates!</p><ul><li><strong>@KOOL</strong>: SIENNA ANGOVE, NAYTE BROWN, PAULA ERLER, NORAH MACAULAY</li><li><strong>Barriere Secondary</strong>: GAVEN EUSTACHE, ALEXIS NELSON, FRASER SCHILLING</li><li><strong>Chase</strong> <strong>Secondary</strong>: SAM FIDDICK, ELIAS HARVEY, PARIS MICHEL, KERA WILLIAMS</li><li><strong>Clearwater</strong> <strong>Secondary</strong>: SOREN COATES, REID MUDDIMAN, SAYA STELTER</li><li><strong>Kamloops</strong> <strong>School</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> <strong>Arts</strong>: ASHA MILLER, MANDISA VOLO</li><li><strong>Logan</strong> <strong>Lake</strong> <strong>Secondary</strong>: COLE KRUSCHEL, JOSEPH REKKEN, NICHOLAS STOGNEFF</li><li><strong>Norkam</strong> <strong>Senior</strong> <strong>Secondary</strong>: MIRELA CARDOZO, AMY CROCKER, BRIDGIT DANGERFIELD, KYLIE DRAEGER, EMMA EHMAN, KIRAN FELLENZ, ROBYN LEWIS, KADENCE MARTIN, SHEYANNE MCCAULEY, ARES NAZARUK, NAGISA OISHI, CAMDYN PEACE, MADI ROSE NEWMAN, AMRITA SANDHU, ZACH VENINSKY</li><li><strong>Sa-Hali</strong> <strong>Secondary</strong>: JULIA CROFOOT, AVERY FERGUSON, ANDREW HUMPHREY, CARTER KRELL, JUNSEO LEE, LANDON LEMIRE, MELODY RICHARDSON, DANIELLE RIPLEY, JENNA ROBERTS, EMILY WATERMAN, LAUREN ZAHARIA</li><li><strong>South</strong> <strong>Kamloops</strong> <strong>Secondary</strong>: GRACE BOEHM, KRISTIN CAMPBELL, QUILLA DECKER, TIANA DIKE, KAYLA DIXON, JOCELYN IMUS, KIANA KACZUR, KYLEE KOPPES, MCKENNA LIEN, MADELEINE MCGUINNESS, ABIGAIL SPENCER, XAVIER WALLACE, HUXLEY WENDLEND</li><li><strong>Twin</strong> <strong>Rivers</strong> <strong>Education</strong> <strong>Centre</strong>: LUCAS CARLSON, MIKEY FRIESEN, ANABELLE LIVINGSTON</li><li><strong>Valleyview</strong> <strong>Secondary</strong>: BRINLY ATHERTON, ZAHRA AMOR, JULIA BLACKFORD, NICOLE COLISTRO, ALIYAH DENEAULT, TAYLOR GRAY, DAVIS KLOHN, JENNA OKRAINETZ, LEIF PETERSEN, DANIKA SCHULTZ, JANNA SEABY, SYDNEY STONE, JADA WALCH</li><li><strong>Westsyde</strong> <strong>Secondary</strong>: KADENCE DENEEF, SUNNY FRANZEN, CHEYANNE KINGSLEY, KENDRA LUISON, DYLAN SHEA, MYA STRUTZ, AVA ZIRNHELT</li></ul> /Modules/News/index.aspx?feedId=a34c7aa8-61a4-4301-b1ee-537197631df4&newsId=43dcdd09-5dd9-47bc-afda-0e4e8be7b5c7 Wed, 05 Jun 2024 17:30:00 GMT 10-Point Employee Engagement Action Plan Spring Update <p><strong>1.&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;</strong><strong>By December 2019 train everyone in leadership positions on addressing concerns in the workplace.</strong></p><p>Led by <strong>Darlene Doricic</strong>, Manager Disability and Attendance, the committee is drafting organizational charts for various departments, worksites, and schools with the intent to outline a clear reporting structure in terms of which 'Leader' is expected to supervise and address concerns for each position in their department or building. &nbsp;The charts will also outline different types of supervisory and management functions and a protocol for appropriately addressing concerns. The goal is to roll these charts out to district leaders by Fall 2019.</p><p><strong>2.&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;</strong><strong>In the 2010-2020 school year, ensure all employees are provided an opportunity to write non-evaluative professional growth plans to seek feedback from staff/colleagues/students.</strong></p><p>The committee, led by <strong>Christine Loney</strong>, Manager Finance, has shared its plan with stakeholder representatives &nbsp;(KTTA, CUPE3500, and KTPVPA).</p><p>Development of the professional growth plan (PGP) materials and the process will take place from July - September. Once piloting of the PGP process is complete in the fall, feedback on the pilot will be essential to refine the process before rolling it out to the entire school district in early 2020. If you are interested in participating in the pilot, please contact your union representative or <a href="cloney@sd73,bc,ca">Christine Loney</a>.</p><p><strong>3.&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;</strong><strong>By Sept. 2019 adopt an Employee Code of Conduct which formally communicates the standard of conduct expected in ÌÇÐÄSwag.</strong></p><p>Led by <strong>Shayne Olsen</strong>, Associate Superintendent Human Resources, the Employee Code of Conduct has been included as Administrative Procedure (404) and will be approved by the Board of Education in August.&nbsp; School leaders and managers will introduce the code of conduct to employees in September.</p><p><strong>4.&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; </strong><strong>Immediately initiate an Employee Policy Advisory Committee comprised of representatives from all employee groups to provide input into the development of policy.&nbsp;</strong></p><p>The Employee Advisory Committee, <strong>Nicole Edmondson</strong> (CUPE), <strong>Lorraine Balogh </strong>(KTTA), <strong>Jake Schmidt</strong> (KTPVPA), and <strong>Darlene Doricic</strong> (Excluded) have provided input on the Employee Code of Conduct and Sexual Misconduct policies. Over the course of the next year, the committee will review existing administrative procedures at each monthly meeting.</p><p><strong>&nbsp;</strong><strong>5.&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; </strong><strong>By Sept. 2019 revise current Board-sponsored employee recognition program to include a greater level of personalization.</strong></p><p>Based upon recommendations put forward by the Employee Recognition Committee, the Board of Education approved revisions to the current Employee Recognition Program. The program has now been expanded to include recognition for 10 and 15 years of service, in addition to the existing recognition for&nbsp;20, 25, 30,35, 40, and 45 years of service. Options will be provided for each level of recognition; these options will include activity passes, arts and culture tickets, and gift items intended to support the local economy. A special reception will be held each year for those employees wishing for public recognition, which employees&rsquo; spouses will be welcome to attend. For those who choose to be recognized at their worksite, the presentations will be made by the employee&rsquo;s administrator or direct supervisor (or a fellow staff member of their choosing), with trustees attending to present the gift and offer words of congratulations. These revisions will be in place for the 2019/20 school year.</p><p><strong>6.&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; </strong><strong>Immediately, and on a monthly basis, highlight employees&rsquo; work on ÌÇÐÄSwag&rsquo;s website. </strong>The monthly Superintendent&rsquo;s Report includes an &lsquo;Our People&rsquo; feature highlighting employees&rsquo; work throughout the district. These features can currently be found in the What&rsquo;s Happening area of the website and will be published on the MYÌÇÐÄSwag (the intranet) homepage once it is live in Sept. 2019</p><p><strong>7.&nbsp;</strong><strong>By Nov. 2019, invite a team of employees from each worksite to develop a plan to improve employee recognition in their workplace.&nbsp;</strong></p><p>Knowing that each worksite and building consists of varied cultures, the committee supports a series of best practices recommendations that could be customized to each site. The committee is currently evaluating next steps which may include a survey, and a request to employee groups to consider becoming part of a district-wide sub-committee.</p><p><strong>&nbsp;8</strong>.&nbsp;<strong>By June 2019, make available the results of the overall district survey at several district meetings hosted by Humanworks.</strong></p><p>Humanworks hosted meetings on May 27 at the HGEC at noon and 4 pm, with the later meeting being broadcast to Clearwater, Barriere, Logan Lake, and Chase.&nbsp;<br /><br /><strong>9.&nbsp;&nbsp;</strong><strong>In the spring and fall, communicate updates in the Superintendent&rsquo;s Report regarding progress in addressing the recommendations. </strong>This is your spring update.</p><p><strong>10. </strong><strong>In the spring of 2020, survey all employees to measure the impact on employee engagement and satisfaction. </strong>Plans are underway to create this survey. More information will be provided in the Fall update.</p><p><strong>&nbsp;</strong></p><p>&nbsp;</p><p>&nbsp;</p> /Modules/News/index.aspx?feedId=a34c7aa8-61a4-4301-b1ee-537197631df4&newsId=6db710cc-f402-429c-a1a0-0ef7436554b0 Mon, 17 Jun 2019 23:00:00 GMT Clearwater Secondary: 3 Rural Stories of a Rural School <p>Principal <strong>Darren Coates</strong> told three stories about Clearwater Secondary School (CSS) in a presentation to the Board of Education&rsquo;s regular meeting Sept. 28. The stories covered a wide range of topics: how the school is managing during the pandemic; a competition with another rural school to raise funds for the Terry Fox foundation, and an Industry Training Authority grant for the Grade 11 &ndash; 12 woodworking class.</p><p><strong>Clearwater Secondary&rsquo;s Pandemic Procedures</strong></p><p>Offering a brief look at how the school re-start looked in a rural school, Coates said CSS is a big school, with about 200 students attending classes in the building that has a capacity for 450. This allows for physical distancing for the two cohorts, and each is restricted to one half of the school, with separate entrances. A plexiglass barrier has been installed in the school office, provisions have been made for multiple handwashing stations, and masks are worn in the hallways.</p><p><strong>Terry Fox Foundation Fundraising</strong></p><p>CSS was challenged by Barriere Secondary to see who could raise the most money for the Terry Fox Foundation by Sept. 30, 2020. So far, CSS has been fund-raising through pledges, a bottle drive and a draw for CSS memorabilia. Once the winner has been declared, the principal at the other school will have to wear the winning school jersey for a day.</p><p><strong>ITA Grant</strong></p><p>The CSS Woodworking 10 &ndash; 12 class is getting a taste of what an outdoor worksite might look like, as it holds its classes outside. That&rsquo;s because the school&rsquo;s shop dust collection system is being renovated. Local businesses have stepped in to help, providing a seacan to hold equipment and materials. The class is making sawhorses and picnic tables and selling them to local organizations. The Trades and Transitions Program also stepped in to assist, and helped the class apply for an Industry Training Authority Grant. The class was given about $1800 to fund some materials and offset lumber costs.</p> /Modules/News/index.aspx?feedId=a34c7aa8-61a4-4301-b1ee-537197631df4&newsId=00dcbb2e-ba68-4744-95c9-1047fe1e6e60 Wed, 30 Sep 2020 18:15:00 GMT Holiday Celebration Through the Arts <p>At every December Board meeting, the Board of Education is given the gift of holiday arts presentations performed by students.</p><p>At the December 13th regular meeting, Twin Rivers Education Centre (TREC), Aberdeen Elementary, and Valleyview Secondary showcased their fine arts, band, and choir talents.</p><p>TREC Fine Arts student Emily Clark delivered a message about the importance of the arts and the power of resilience. Clark spent six weeks carefully creating a clay dragon to be fired.</p><p>&ldquo;As most ceramic artists know, you shouldn&rsquo;t fall in love with your piece until it has already come out of the kiln because there&rsquo;s always the risk of it getting damaged, but I was hopeful that it would be OK,&rdquo; said Clark. Unfortunately, her masterpiece exploded in the kiln, but &ldquo;with a lot of hot glue, patience, and plaster, I somehow managed to put it back together as if it was a 3-D puzzle. It felt really good to make it whole again.&rdquo;</p><p><iframe src="" frameborder="0" width="960" height="540"></iframe></p><p>Second up was Aberdeen Elementary. A group of grade 7 beginner band students performed three holiday favourites.</p><p>&ldquo;Music holds the power to bring people together in different ways. It helps us express our feelings and understand our emotions in a better manner. It can bring positivity and calmness to life,&rdquo; said teacher Tracy Clarke.</p><p>Following the presentation, District Arts Coordinator Janey McCloy revealed to the Board that the band students had received their instruments in October and had only been practicing for roughly 10 weeks.</p><p><iframe title="YouTube video player" src="" frameborder="0" width="560" height="315"></iframe></p><p>Lastly, the Board heard from members of the band and choir at Valleyview Secondary who performed a Christmas carol mash-up under the direction of Music Department Director Jaymi Daniels.</p><p><iframe title="YouTube video player" src="" frameborder="0" width="560" height="315"></iframe></p><p>Following the holiday presentations to the Board, Trustee Shelley Sim, among other trustees, applauded the students&rsquo; performances: &ldquo;With the cloud of COVID, sometimes Christmas can seem quite somber and trust students to be able to, not only dress up in their finest, which did not go unnoticed, but to celebrate despite of that. And really demonstrate to us how much can be accomplished and to really look to the joy. They really brought that forward, that the cloud didn&rsquo;t stop their sunshine from shining through.&rdquo;</p> /Modules/News/index.aspx?feedId=a34c7aa8-61a4-4301-b1ee-537197631df4&newsId=52c122b2-619d-4cd4-80bf-10b5b6e0a5a6 Wed, 15 Dec 2021 16:00:00 GMT Reserve Funds to Balance $1.5 million revenue shortfall <p>To avoid budget cuts to balance the 2020-2021 operating budget, the Kamloops-Thompson Board of Education approved a request to utilize $1,550,615 from its Operating Reserve. &nbsp;</p><p>Based on the initial student enrolment report on Sept. 30, 2020, to the Ministry of Education, a significant shift was noted in enrolment from in-class instruction to either distributed learning or home school learning options, causing a revenue shortfall because funding levels for each of the instructional options are not equal.&nbsp;&nbsp;</p><p>Funding from the Ministry of Education to school districts is based on per Full-Time Equivalent (FTE) (8 courses) of $ 7,560 for In-class Instruction; $6,100 for Distributed Learning and $250 for Home Schooling students.&nbsp;</p><p>The increase in Distributed Learning represents 665.6875 FTE within the total enrolment numbers, an increase of 479.4375 FTE from September 2019. 159 FTE learners are currently attending homeschool and are not included within the September 30, 2020 enrolment totals. By comparison, during 2019-2020 there were 13 FTE registered homeschool students within the school district&rsquo;s catchment.</p><p>&ldquo;We expect students will return to in-class instruction over the next several months,&rdquo; said Interim Superintendent Dr. Terry Sullivan. &ldquo;In anticipating their return, the new operating budget reflects the same level of teacher staffing as presented for the Board&rsquo;s approval in April 2020. Our schools will be staffed for students&rsquo; eventual return to in-class learning.&rdquo;</p><p>&nbsp;Board Chair Rhonda Kershaw said the budget has to balance and using reserves is a better option than cutting programs. School trustees unanimously voted to balance the budget using money from reserves at the Oct. 19, 2020 regular Board meeting.</p><p>&ldquo;We had a higher than usual operating reserve that we set aside after the previous fiscal year concluded in anticipation that COVID-19 related issues would create unknown challenges that would require district resources,&rdquo; she said. &ldquo;This is a provincial issue, this is a worldwide issue, and so we are hoping that the province will recognize that there are these budget shortfalls and perhaps by the end of the year, they may make up this difference.&rdquo;</p><p>&nbsp;&ldquo;While the full financial impact of COVID-19 and migration of students between the learning options as outlined is not yet known,&rdquo; said Kelvin Stretch, Secretary-Treasurer. &nbsp;&ldquo;The Ministry of Education will confirm operational funding for Districts in December and until then the District needs to update the 2020-2021 Annual Operating Budget, and in order to balance current revenues and expenditures, we recommend the District use Operating Surplus Reserves set aside in August.&rdquo;</p><p>The enrolment verification snapshot of the elementary and secondary enrolment compared to enrolment projections has decreased overall by 114.25 FTE. Elementary has seen a decrease of 176 FTE while secondary has increased by 61.75 FTE.</p><p>Revenue shortfalls are compounded with the requirement for several additional teachers were added over the past few weeks to address the increase to distributed learning and the increase in enrolment at five elementary schools. &nbsp;</p><p>&nbsp;</p><p>&nbsp;</p><p>&nbsp;</p> /Modules/News/index.aspx?feedId=a34c7aa8-61a4-4301-b1ee-537197631df4&newsId=bbe0c8c3-c206-429b-9f5f-1145d1ce7347 Wed, 21 Oct 2020 23:30:00 GMT ÌÇÐÄSwag Continues to Support Families through the Student and Family Affordability Fund <p>The Kamloops-Thompson Board of Education is pleased to announce the continuation of the Student and Family Affordability Fund for the upcoming 2023-2024 school year.</p><p>On August 29, 2022, the Ministry of Education and Child Care announced that school districts in BC would be provided with a one-time fund ($60 M) called the Student and Family Affordability Fund intended to provide additional funds to parents to offset costs of food through meal programs in the school, school supplies, and any additional fees so that students can take part in activities, such as field trips, athletics, and fine arts. School District No. 73 received $1,656,248 in November 2022.</p><p>This initiative was designed to ease the financial strain on families by offering support for various student expenses, including school supplies, course fees, academy fees, and enhancement fees, as necessary.</p><p>Last year, we were pleased to provide almost 4,000 student meals, supplies (6,000 times) and fees (10,000 times), which was approximately half of the Student and Family Affordability Fund Grant. This year, we are fortunate to carry over the other half of the funds to support families in the 2023-2024 school year.</p><p>&ldquo;We appreciate that families will continue to access the Student and Family Affordability Fund, which will once again be available to ÌÇÐÄSwag families this year,&rdquo; said Heather Grieve, Board Chair. &ldquo;This fund reduced some of the stress of school-related expenses at a time of economic challenge for many families.&rdquo;</p><p>Given the continued economic challenges with inflationary living costs of food, clothing, and housing, families are even more stressed when they have pressures of paying for school supplies and fees.</p><p>&ldquo;We are grateful to reduce these pressures by continuing to provide families with the choice to be supported with school fee reimbursements,&rdquo; said Rhonda Nixon, ÌÇÐÄSwag Superintendent.</p><p>The best way to learn more about these funds is to access the information directly from your school. Your school principal has been provided with how to access school fee reimbursement using SchoolCash online. Additionally, there are other ways to access the funds through the school secretary.</p><p>Further details will be provided through Back-to-School communications directly from your school.</p> /Modules/News/index.aspx?feedId=a34c7aa8-61a4-4301-b1ee-537197631df4&newsId=55550ed2-03d7-428a-9007-1161c47ee91f Fri, 01 Sep 2023 16:00:00 GMT Dust-Collectors, Boilers and Buses in Sight for ÌÇÐÄSwag <p>School District No. 73 will target school safety, transportation and energy efficiency with the $1,781,139 funding announced by the Ministry of Education.&nbsp;</p><p>Upgrades will be made to the dust-collector systems in the trades training classrooms at Logan Lake and NorKam Secondary. Bert Edwards Science and Technology is set for a new energy-efficient condensing boiler and four additional buses will be added to service the new routes required to support enrolment growth.</p><p>While many had been expecting to hear news about Valleyview Secondary in the Mar. 6 announcement, that project was part of last year&rsquo;s capital plan submission to the Ministry, explained Kelvin Stretch, Secretary-Treasurer, School District No. 73 (Kamloops-Thompson).</p><p>&ldquo;A Project Definition Report (PDR) has been completed and we are confident that the Ministry of Education will be successful in presenting our capital request to the treasury board for approval,&rdquo; he said.</p><p>Tuesday&rsquo;s announcement was in response to the District&rsquo;s 2019/20 Five-Year Capital Plan, submitted to the Ministry prior to June 30, 2018. Projects approved include smaller capital items that are funded through the School Enhancement Program, the Carbon Neutral Capital Program, and the Bus Acquisition Program. &nbsp;Projects within the Playground Equipment Program will be announced later.&nbsp; &nbsp;</p><p>The projects supported under these programs will benefit the district through savings on natural gas, safety upgrades and additions to the fleet of buses. These savings can be reinvested in classrooms to support student learning.</p><p>&ldquo;The District has another opportunity in June to submit additional capital requests as part of our Five-Year Capital Plan,&rdquo; said Stretch, noting that the submission will include a significant addition to Westmount Elementary; a new school for the Pineview Valley area; the addition of a gym and classroom space to South Kamloops Secondary; and new K-12 school at Sun Peaks.&nbsp;</p><p>&nbsp;Ministry release can be <a href="">found here</a>.</p><p>&nbsp;</p><p>&nbsp;</p> /Modules/News/index.aspx?feedId=a34c7aa8-61a4-4301-b1ee-537197631df4&newsId=fdcb1088-aec3-435c-bd1d-1206ddc69f53 Thu, 07 Mar 2019 19:45:00 GMT Congratulations to ÌÇÐÄSwag's Long Term Employees and Retirees <p>Heather Grieve, Board Chair</p><p>On behalf of the Kamloops-Thompson Board of Education, I want to share how proud we are of ÌÇÐÄSwag&rsquo;s employees. Your dedication to our students every single day is evident and when we can come together to celebrate who you are and what you have contributed, it is a privilege for the Board of Education to be a part of recognizing your contributions.</p><p>On June 13, 2023, it was a pleasure to honour employees for their 10-45 years of service, and to honour retirees at the ceremony held at the Mountain Room at Thompson Rivers University.</p><p>Thank you for taking the time to celebrate and reminisce with us. Many of you have taught our children or taught us, or we know each other through fine arts, sports, community service, and community partnerships and events.</p><p>The memories that were shared about students or adults who were students having been inspired to try something because of you or who felt valued and cared for by you are invaluable. These are the moments in children&rsquo;s lives where they know they are supported to pursue their passions. You gave of yourselves generously and kindly.</p><p>Whether you have been a beloved teacher, support staff member, school principal, or district staff member, we depended on you to help, support, guide, and inspire those around you. In turn, you made a positive difference in the lives of so many.</p><p>As you enter into the summer months, please remember the long term employee and retirement recognition as a time that you can add to your memories as letting you know how much you mean to so many and how much more we will do together in various roles and connections in the district and beyond the district. Congratulations on your years of dedicated service and for those of you who are walking into a new journey of retirement, may you stay connected and let us know how you are.</p> /Modules/News/index.aspx?feedId=a34c7aa8-61a4-4301-b1ee-537197631df4&newsId=560f5358-5713-4a6c-b607-129aa09def81 Tue, 13 Jun 2023 21:45:00 GMT How Traditional Foods can Connect Students to their Future <p>How do food decisions affect our well-being in all areas of our lives? How can traditional methods of subsistence be preserved over time? What can we learn from Indigenous peoples to help us conserve and restore B.C. salmon?</p><p>These questions guided&nbsp;<strong>Four Directions Secondary School</strong>&rsquo;s inquiry, supported by an Inquiry and Innovation funding grant, during the 2017-2018 school year. Four Directions Teachers&nbsp;<strong>Jordan Smith</strong>,&nbsp;<strong>Courtney Bruin</strong>&nbsp;and&nbsp;<strong>Courtney Markin,&nbsp;</strong>together with their students,&nbsp;provided an overview of the program&rsquo;s success during the School District #73 School Board meeting on January 14.</p><p>Working with the theme of traditional food and the guiding questions, students connected with members of the Secwepemc community throughout the school year. Students explored learning opportunities in foods, science, English, social studies, Aboriginal studies and art through experiential learning opportunities focused on connection to land and place.</p><p>Students&rsquo; experiences ranged from collaboration with an Elder to build a traditional pit cook at McQueen Lake; participating in a Maker Day to design solutions to challenges facing salmon during spawning; visiting the Dunn Lake fish hatchery; and creating a traditional food website with favorite family recipes.</p><p>The Four Directions students also travelled to Vancouver to tour BCIT and to attend a Research in Action Workshop at the Vancouver Aquarium. Students were able to connect traditional foods to the present by visiting First Nations-owned and -operated restaurants. They learned from the restaurateurs how traditional ingredients, cooking methods, and teachings are incorporated into their recipes and businesses.</p><p>One answer to preserving traditional methods was the creation and launching of a book about the students&rsquo; experiences,&nbsp;<strong><em>Connection to Land and Place: Traditional Foods</em></strong><em>.&nbsp;</em>The book marked the culmination of their inquiry journey, as students prepared food for family and guests, gathered, and celebrated their learning.</p> /Modules/News/index.aspx?feedId=a34c7aa8-61a4-4301-b1ee-537197631df4&newsId=35098c61-4a4a-4562-b386-14ca6adfcfb1 Wed, 16 Jan 2019 19:00:00 GMT Board sends message of sympathy and support after discovery at Tk'emlúps te Secwépemc <p>The Kamloops-Thompson Board of Education sends its sympathies and support to the Tk&rsquo;eml&uacute;ps te Secw&eacute;pemc, and all those impacted by the recent confirmation of remains of children found buried on the grounds of the TteS residential school.</p><p>&ldquo;The tragic legacy of residential schools continues to impact our communities,&rdquo; said Board Chair, Rhonda Kershaw. &ldquo;I can&rsquo;t pretend to understand the depth of sadness being experienced, but I grieve with those affected and, with the board and our staff, we will work towards a better future through reconciliation.&rdquo;&nbsp;&nbsp;</p><p>&ldquo;Yesterday&rsquo;s horrific <a href="">discovery</a> will reverberate through our students, their families, and our staff,&rdquo;<br />said Superintendent Dr. Terry Sullivan. &ldquo;I know that the impact of this discovery will always remain with us and we will continue to work towards truth and reconciliation with our Indigenous partners.&rdquo;</p><p>On Friday, district staff reached out to all affected communities to offer support, and to bring together resources to support students, their families and any staff who may be impacted.</p><p>&nbsp;</p> /Modules/News/index.aspx?feedId=a34c7aa8-61a4-4301-b1ee-537197631df4&newsId=1c453a16-e166-4d85-b092-14d2c7fc5d16 Fri, 28 May 2021 21:30:00 GMT Two Week Spring Break Negotiated for District <p>Students and families from the Kamloops-Thompson School District will now be able to join their families and friends in the rest of the province on a two-week spring break.</p><p>ÌÇÐÄSwag Board of Education, the Kamloops Thompson Teachers&rsquo; Association (KTTA), and the Canadian Union of Public Employees 3500 (CUPE) agreed to the terms of an additional week for spring break.</p><p>&ldquo;The Board is pleased to have successfully negotiated a two-week spring break within the KTTA collective agreement,&rdquo; said Board Chair Rhonda Kershaw. &ldquo;As demonstrated by the almost unanimous vote by district union groups, this will be a welcome change for staff.&rdquo;</p><p>The province gives school districts authority to determine their own calendars. They must ensure students receive a minimum number of instructional hours each school year.</p><p>KTTA members voted 96 per cent in favour of a longer &nbsp;break.</p><p>&ldquo;Teachers are looking forward to a work year that more aligns with the rest of the province,&rdquo; said Laurel Macpherson, President of the KTTA. &ldquo;With the additional week in &nbsp;the spring, teachers and students will be able to rejuvenate and come back re-charged for the remainder of the school year.&rdquo;</p><p>To meet the minimum number of instructional hours required by the ministry and to accommodate the two-week spring break, the duration of instructional days will increase &nbsp;for the 2021-2022 school year. The additional instructional time will come at the end of the school day, and not through a shortened lunch break.</p><p>CUPE members voted 95 per cent in favour of the change.</p><p>&ldquo;The extended spring break is a benefit for our membership,&rdquo; said Corey Grabner,</p><p>President of CUPE 3500.</p><p>He noted that unlike many other districts, the extra week was not proposed as a cost-cutting measure. &nbsp;The terms for CUPE members include increasing the time worked each day, then banking it so there is no lost time for the hundreds of support staff employed by ÌÇÐÄSwag.</p><p>&ldquo;We were committed to ensuring that the extra week did not come at the expense of our CUPE employees,&rdquo; he said.</p><p>While an extended spring break has been discussed, the pandemic provided an opportunity to rekindle the discussion. As one of only two districts in the province with a one-week spring break, the District found the shorter break created additional pressures for school staff and families.</p><p>The calendars proposed for the next three years will be posted to for 30 days following the July 5, 2021 regular Board meeting. Staff and parents are invited to send their feedback to <a href=""></a>. Once the 30-day feedback period is complete, the calendars will be sent to the Ministry of Education for approval.&nbsp;</p><p>Proposed Spring Break dates over the next three school years are:</p><p><strong>March 21- April 1, 2022</strong>, for 2021&ndash;2022;</p><p><strong> March 20 - March 31, 2023</strong>, for 2022-2023;</p><p><strong>March 18 - April 2, 2024</strong>, for 2023-2024.</p><p>&nbsp;</p> /Modules/News/index.aspx?feedId=a34c7aa8-61a4-4301-b1ee-537197631df4&newsId=beab8d23-018e-433d-8804-15e93ab0282a Mon, 05 Jul 2021 16:45:00 GMT Board Notes from January 25, 2021 <p>From the regular meeting of the Board of Education. All about Career Education in Action and more. Read Board Notes <a href="" target="_blank">here</a>.</p> /Modules/News/index.aspx?feedId=a34c7aa8-61a4-4301-b1ee-537197631df4&newsId=8b16d51b-91a2-4fd4-ba43-16582910b7b9 Thu, 28 Jan 2021 17:30:00 GMT Place-Based Learning Taps Into 'Power of Place' <p>BC&rsquo;s redesigned curriculum provides teachers with great flexibility in creating learning environments that are relevant, engaging, and not necessarily classroom-based. At Aberdeen Elementary School, teachers have provided their students with several place-based learning opportunities this year, thanks to an Innovation Grant from School District No. 73.&nbsp;</p><p>They thanked the Board of Education for the grant in a presentation at the April 29 board meeting. &nbsp;</p><p>&ldquo;We have all experienced the power of place, those moments when we feel the world around us, and what is happening there is real and meaningful,&rdquo; said&nbsp;<strong>Sarah Kruisselbrink</strong>, grade 2 teacher. &ldquo;Place-based learning leverages the power of place to create this kind of experience for students.&rdquo;</p><p>&ldquo;This is anytime, anywhere learning that provides an immersive experience for students,&rdquo; said&nbsp;<strong>Stacey Kaczur</strong>, grade 3 teacher. &ldquo;It places students in local heritage, cultures, landscapes opportunities, experiences and uses these as foundation for the study of language arts, mathematics, social studies, science and other subjects across the curriculum.&nbsp;</p><p>&ldquo;We were able to find inexpensive, yet excellent experiences for our students to provide on-site curriculum including literacy, science, social studies, visual arts and core competencies that were being developed right in the moment, said&nbsp;<strong>Shelley Marsh</strong>, grade 3/4 teacher.&nbsp;</p><p>Students activities included a release of salmon at Pine Park, a trip to the Robbins Range Historical School, field studies with a geologist, a stream bug study, and a pond and artist study at Isobel Lake.&nbsp;</p> /Modules/News/index.aspx?feedId=a34c7aa8-61a4-4301-b1ee-537197631df4&newsId=c00585d6-9d91-429c-8afb-1851914f4cbe Mon, 29 Apr 2019 23:30:00 GMT The Howling Coyote Golf Tournament - A 15 Year Tradition in ÌÇÐÄSwag <p>In the<a href="/en/our-district-board/resources/Strategic-Priorities/District_Strategic_Plan_2022-27.pdf" target="_blank"> 2022-2027 District Strategic Plan</a>, we are committed to connections and relationships through partnerships and events. Fifteen years ago, the Aboriginal Education Council and Kamloops-Thompson staff members collaborated on a committee to raise funds for Aboriginal scholarships and bursaries.</p><p>District Principal Mike Bowden explained, &ldquo;Not only is this a great legacy supporting and celebrating the success of ÌÇÐÄSwag Aboriginal graduates, but the annual event is an opportunity to connect communities and build positive relationships all for a good cause.&rdquo;</p><p>This Scholarship/Bursary is awarded to Aboriginal students of School District No. 73 that have been involved in school and/or community activities either as a participant or volunteer and is planning on pursuing further post-secondary education. They also identified role models that have inspired them to finish high school and go on to post-secondary.</p><p>Board Chair Heather Grieve highlighted, &ldquo;The board of education is extremely proud of this long standing commitment to raising money to support Aboriginal students who gain financial support to enter post-secondary while also acknowledging their community service in our local communities.&rdquo;</p><p>The primary fundraiser was and continues to be &ldquo;The Howling Coyote Golf Tournament&rdquo;.&nbsp;</p><p>The golf tournament is organized by the Howling Coyote Golf Committee with supports from the Aboriginal Education Council and School District. The tournament has traditionally been held at Mount Paul Golf Course in mid-September. The 2022 tournament was held on September 24, 2022. This year the tournament was held on September 17, 2023 at Mt. Paul Golf Course.</p><p>Funds raised from this tournament go into a trust at BC Interior Foundation. Currently, this trust generates $8,334 in interest, all of which is available as awards annually. The number and size of the scholarships depend on the number of applicants ranging from $500 to $750. In 2023, we had three applicants and all three received $750. In 2021 we gave away six scholarships of $500. Any unspent or unclaimed scholarships get cycled back into the endowment for the next year.</p><p>As the endowment increases based on the fundraising, the number and size of scholarships will also increase to match the interest. The selection, number, and size of the scholarships is determined by the Howling Coyote Committee when they review the applications in May.</p><p>Superintendent Nixon emphasized, &ldquo;I am appreciative of District Principal Mike Bowden&rsquo;s leadership to organize this fundraiser. In the Cultural and Identity Priority, we aim to ensure that students thrive culturally and personally, and in the Career Development Priority, we support successful transitions to post-secondary opportunities. This fundraiser contributes to both priorities for Aboriginal students in ÌÇÐÄSwag.&rdquo;</p> /Modules/News/index.aspx?feedId=a34c7aa8-61a4-4301-b1ee-537197631df4&newsId=13a3da35-5019-435f-a203-1aabaf60fdf2 Fri, 22 Sep 2023 16:00:00 GMT Board Notes from March 8, 2021 <p>From the regular meeting of the Board of Education. Find out about Equity in Action, Early Learning Report, and Health and Safety Guideline Update. Read Board Notes <a href="" target="_blank">here</a>.</p> /Modules/News/index.aspx?feedId=a34c7aa8-61a4-4301-b1ee-537197631df4&newsId=4c5c558f-343b-4b8f-95e0-1bb10ed80115 Wed, 10 Mar 2021 20:00:00 GMT Enjoying Virtual Holiday Concerts <p align="left">By Joseph Small, Trustee</p><p align="left">December 2, 2020</p><p align="left">Snow has arrived and along our streets, an array of coloured lights and decorations are on display.&nbsp;</p><p align="left">COVID-19 has been a thorn in all of our sides for the past 10 months.&nbsp; Through it all, our teachers and administrators have shown remarkable resiliency and adaptability to ensure schools continue special annual traditions as they always have, making sure children experience all the joys and excitement of the upcoming festive season; as we move forward into what is now being called &ldquo;the new norm&rdquo;.&nbsp;</p><p align="left">As a retired teacher, I remember how the weeks leading up to Christmas were always one of my favourite times of the year. In Social Studies, the study of Early Greek Civilizations was tabled as we shifted our focus and looked in-depth at how countries celebrated this festive time of the year. Math books were shelved and calculators made way for pencils, rulers, scissors and glue as the classroom walls and windows were quickly covered by Christmas and winter-themed art projects.&nbsp;</p><p align="left">As for the Language Arts program, who can overlook the letter writing skills children learned as they wrote that all important letter to Santa Claus. Finally, the hallways were alive with music as children learned the songs they would sing at the annual Christmas Concert.&nbsp;</p><p align="left">Not so much has changed. All of these things continue to this day; even with a global pandemic looming in the back of everyone&rsquo;s minds.&nbsp;</p><p align="left">Thankfully, the lead up to the big event will not see much of a difference from past years. The excitement is still there as children practise the songs they will sing or the short plays they will perform.&nbsp;</p><p align="left">Saying that, there is one thing that has changed, and that is how all of us will enjoy each of those highly anticipated Christmas Concerts. During this infamous year, what will be different is the way schools will present their final performances and how family members will get to watch them.&nbsp;</p><p align="left">COVID-19 has definitely had an impact in this regard as it has changed the phrase &ldquo;public performance&rdquo; to &ldquo;virtual performance&rdquo;. I ask you however, when you step back and look at the big picture, is that such a bad thing?</p><p align="left">Sure, we won&rsquo;t be gathering in an overcrowded gymnasium on the night of the big performance with the hopes that there are still seats available when we arrive. Nor will we have to worry about finding a parking spot close to the school. But maybe this year you&rsquo;ll be able to share the Christmas concert with family around the world via Zoom. And when you stop to think about it, enjoying your child&rsquo;s virtual Christmas concert in the comfort of your home with family, from near and far, while enjoying a hot chocolate with whipped cream and sprinkles, maybe won&rsquo;t be so bad after all.&nbsp; &nbsp;</p><p align="left">On behalf of the Board of Trustees, we wish all of you a safe and enjoyable holiday season, and a happy new year.</p> /Modules/News/index.aspx?feedId=a34c7aa8-61a4-4301-b1ee-537197631df4&newsId=87cc8795-6098-4968-8c0c-1cd70cfcddf9 Wed, 02 Dec 2020 16:00:00 GMT Senior Honour Choir Performs for Board <p>The Senior Honour Choir sang two pieces from their repertoire at the Regular Board Meeting Dec. 16. The board was also invited to sing along in some seasonal selections.&nbsp;&nbsp;</p><p>ÌÇÐÄSwag sponsors three district choirs to bring students together from many different schools - the Kamloops Thompson Children's Choir, for students in grades 3 and 4, the Kamloops Thompson Honour Choir, for students in grades 5, 6, and 7, and the Senior Honour Choir for students in grades 8 - 12.&nbsp;</p><p>&ldquo;The benefit of having a community of devoted singers for students to grow through from grade 3 - 12 is enormous,&rdquo; said <strong>Christy Gauley</strong>, district fine arts coordinator. &ldquo;Students form incredible connections to each other, and these choirs connect us to the larger community in Kamloops which really helps to bridge the gap between graduation and the next step in our young peoples' lives.&nbsp; We are fortunate to have a rich tradition of choral opportunities for young singers in our district.&rdquo;</p><p>Students auditioned in the music programs at their schools to be considered for the Senior Honour Choir. Students were selected from South Kam, Valleyview, Norkam, Westsyde, Kamloops School of the Arts, and Brock Middle School.&nbsp; Each student received their music in early October and began learning their parts on their own.&nbsp;</p><p>In late October, they attended an educational retreat at McQueen Lake.</p><p>&ldquo;Students arrived knowing only a handful of others, and it was amazing to watch the connections that were made,&rdquo; said Gauley. &ldquo;As their relationships grew, so did the strength of their music.&rdquo;</p><p><iframe src="" frameborder="0" width="560" height="315"></iframe></p> /Modules/News/index.aspx?feedId=a34c7aa8-61a4-4301-b1ee-537197631df4&newsId=c4ec8e62-eccc-4d5f-89d4-1d08c7bba6ca Thu, 19 Dec 2019 21:30:00 GMT Our Future is in Incredible Hands <p>By Shelley Sim,&nbsp;Trustee</p><p>May 5, 2021</p><p>If you want to know what is happening in schools, just ask the students.&nbsp;&nbsp;In 2018, ÌÇÐÄSwag launched the District Student Advisory Council (DSAC).&nbsp;&nbsp;The Council consists of two representatives from every secondary school in the District including Twin Rivers Education Centre, the Four Directions Program and Brock Middle School.&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;</p><p>The Council meets five times throughout the year to discuss issues, contemplate circumstance and share input that each member gathers from their respective schools.&nbsp;&nbsp;This input is collated and shared as advice to the Board of Education.&nbsp;</p><p>That&rsquo;s the technical part of the Council.&nbsp;&nbsp;As a Trustee, I have the privilege of sitting on this Council along with my colleague Trustee Heather Grieve.&nbsp;&nbsp;This is an amazing group and their insights are extremely thoughtful and honest.&nbsp; &nbsp;</p><p>Prior to each meeting, the representatives of each school are tasked with some questions.&nbsp;&nbsp;In turn, they take these questions back to their student body and get feedback.&nbsp;&nbsp;This feedback is shared at the Council meetings.&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;</p><p>Here is a sample of what I have &ldquo;heard&rdquo; this year:&nbsp;</p><p>The students were relieved to be back in school after months of ZOOM.&nbsp;&nbsp;They missed their friends, the structure, the learning and they missed their teachers.&nbsp;&nbsp;The transition was challenging.&nbsp;&nbsp;They shared concerns about how to get their peer groups to take mask wearing seriously.&nbsp;&nbsp;They miss sports and other activities but they are deeply appreciative of opportunities that each school is offering to create safe connections.&nbsp; &nbsp;</p><p>What else helped with the transition?&nbsp;&nbsp;Teachers.&nbsp;&nbsp;Teachers are heroes.&nbsp;&nbsp;Consistently we hear that the students are feeling more connected thanks to the extra effort of teachers who find ways to reach out to their students.&nbsp;&nbsp;</p><p>That&rsquo;s not to say all students feel this way.&nbsp;&nbsp;We&rsquo;ve heard reasons why sometimes students disconnect.&nbsp;&nbsp;We&rsquo;ve learned that the loss of sports and extracurricular has been challenging and left kids feeling adrift.&nbsp;&nbsp;We need to listen to our students to find how we can help bring them back into the fold.&nbsp;</p><p>In terms of overall wellbeing, students feel that there is room to expand on doing &ldquo;check ins&rdquo; with students.&nbsp;&nbsp;This is great feedback.&nbsp;&nbsp;</p><p>There was positive feedback around meal programs offered at schools.&nbsp;&nbsp;Being &ldquo;fed&rdquo; and &ldquo;nourished&rdquo; is appreciated by the students as the feel more mentally alert.&nbsp; &nbsp;&nbsp;</p><p>Their voices are also being heard in regards discussions around school dress codes, vaping, addiction and racism.&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;</p><p>On behalf of the board, I would like to thank our students, Director Keinlein and Principal Sdoutz as well as all teachers, administration and staff who work as part of ÌÇÐÄSwag.&nbsp;&nbsp;The pandemic has been incredibly unkind and yet, within our schools, there is great work being done by all.&nbsp;</p><p>If anything, I hope that this article leaves the reader with two thoughts.&nbsp;&nbsp;The first is that our future is in incredible hands given the calibre of our youth.&nbsp;&nbsp;And the second thought is that we have some amazing staff that is helping our young caterpillars get ready for flight.</p><p>This column appeared in Kamloops This Week: View from ÌÇÐÄSwag on May 5, 2021</p> /Modules/News/index.aspx?feedId=a34c7aa8-61a4-4301-b1ee-537197631df4&newsId=23a4a08c-e6ae-44ea-8efb-1f7bfce134c5 Wed, 05 May 2021 16:00:00 GMT Literacy in Action <p>The District&rsquo;s literacy team provided an overview of the work it is doing with teachers and students at the regular meeting of the Board of Education Feb. 8, 2021.</p><p>District principal of curriculum and instruction Sheryl Lindquist introduced the team &ndash; literacy coordinator Tricia Persad, elementary resource teacher Pamela Thomson, and secondary resource teacher Mike Carson.</p><p>The secondary resource position is new to the district this year.</p><p>&ldquo;With new provincial assessments for literacy at grade 10 and grade 12, we felt this was a very important addition to our team,&rdquo; said Lindquist. We have numerous people supporting our teachers.&rdquo;</p><p>The presentation outlined a collaborative teaching model that is used in lesson planning and projects for primary, intermediate and secondary students. Persad said the team likes to work with multiple teachers within a school to co-teach six to eight lessons over a two-week period.</p><p>At the primary level, a storytelling approach using questions like, &ldquo;How am I brave?&rdquo; encourages younger students to tap into their personal experiences and share stories using pictures and words. <strike></strike></p><p>&ldquo;This collaboration is popular with primary teachers and students, probably because it is such an engaging and joyful process,&rdquo; said Thomson. &ldquo;The high level of engagement and creative exploration at each phase helps students generate ideas and enables every student to participate at a meaningful level.&rdquo;</p><p>At the intermediate level, students choose engaging fiction or nonfiction books to read and talk about them together in book clubs.&nbsp; Teachers and students set the criteria for successful conversations, being prepared to share an idea, listening actively, and thinking to encourage thoughtful discussion.</p><p>&ldquo;This is one of my favorite lesson sequences because it includes the six elements of effective literacy instruction,&rdquo; said Persad. &ldquo;Students have opportunities to choose books, read with accuracy and understanding, write something personally meaningful, talk with peers about reading and writing, and listen to a fluent adult read aloud.&rdquo;</p><p>At the secondary level, one project this year involves adapting plays from Shakespeare into stop-motion videos.</p><p>Carson said the combination of Shakespeare and technology brought out the best in both teachers and students, because teachers provide the content direction, and students show<strike> </strike>their expertise in making short videos.</p><p>&ldquo;We have to slow down and unpack language,&rdquo; he said. &ldquo;When you read a Shakespearean play or a poem or any dense text, it&rsquo;s not skimming for information. You have to delve into it. What was really impressive to me about the students&rsquo; video is they were able to take a really complex passage and a lot of dialogue and compress it down to the essentials, so they understood it very well, enough to creatively interpret it and to make it their own.&rdquo;</p><p>&ldquo;Along with numeracy, literacy is a foundational skill that is fundamental to the learning success of each of our students,&rdquo; said superintendent Dr. Terry Sullivan. &ldquo;Strong literacy skills open doors for students that promote critical reasoning, independent thinking, a lifelong appreciation for learning and curiosity about the world around them.&nbsp; As students become stronger and more literate learners, they develop creative thought and expression. Each of these attributes helps students to take on many areas of learning with curiosity and confidence.&rdquo;&nbsp;</p><p>&ldquo;I&rsquo;ve seen students become engaged in language and learning because of a piece of literature that they had read,&rdquo; said director of instruction, Lisa Carson. &ldquo;I think today with social media, we are living in a world of written information and we need our students to become critical thinkers and to be able to make sense of this written information because it is really vital.&rdquo;</p><p>&nbsp;</p> /Modules/News/index.aspx?feedId=a34c7aa8-61a4-4301-b1ee-537197631df4&newsId=e93a6b66-9158-49d3-87bc-204bb9f6c5f1 Tue, 09 Feb 2021 22:15:00 GMT ÌÇÐÄSwag's Draft Annual Budget 2022-2023 <p>By Rhonda Kershaw, Trustee</p><p>April 6, 2022</p><p>This month the Board of Education presents its draft budget, and budget process and priorities for the upcoming school year. The budget priorities are informed by the 2022-2027 District Strategic Plan, which is currently under development.</p><p>Since September 2021, we have consulted with over 1250 students, parents, staff, and partner associations, especially the Aboriginal Education Council. Four values emerged: connections/relationships, wellbeing, sustainability, and equity. These values are enacted through our collective commitment to the Seven Grandfather Teachings: Courage, Love, Wisdom, Humility, Respect, Truth, and Honesty.&nbsp; Every department co-articulated how they will live these values through our mission: Supporting learning opportunities and environments which inspire students to thrive.&nbsp; Our Five District Priorities tell &ldquo;how&rdquo; students will thrive academically, socially, emotionally, personally, and culturally within a fair, responsible, and sustainable resource allocation system.</p><p>An estimated $207 Million, the 2022-23 Annual Budget is comprised of three different funds: Operating, Special Purpose, and Capital.</p><p>Operating Funds are approximately 84% of our overall annual budget and are dedicated to staffing, programming, supports, and services enabling students to meet or exceed literacy and numeracy expectations, to transition grade-to-grade on time, and develop competencies to achieve their life goals through career programming. Operating funds also enable sought-after programming such as the RCMP Youth Academy. These experiences exemplify how we support learning opportunities and environments for students to thrive.</p><p>Capital Funds comprise approximately 6% of our overall annual budget and support facility upgrades, childcare spaces, purchasing portable classroom space, furniture, information technologies, and buses. Our community and region have seen exceptional growth which has put unacceptable pressure on a number of neighbourhood schools.&nbsp; With enrolment numbers climbing by the equivalent of a medium?- sized elementary school each year, we maximize space in existing facilities, which has required 13 school catchment area changes since April 2021 and the re-opening two schools in five years.</p><p>What our district most needs are capital funds for new schools and childcares.</p><p>We have applied for Capital Funds to support childcare at two schools. While applications take time and are competitive, we hope to serve our youngest learners and families to connect to our schools early, to develop relationships, and to experience a sense of welcoming, caring, and belonging that nurtures their trust in our school system and personal growth through excellence in early learning programming.</p><p>We will continue to work with the Ministry of Education to increase Capital Funds for these pressing needs.&nbsp;</p><p>Special Purpose Funds are 10% of our overall annual budget and are targeted by the Ministry to their intended purpose such as CommunityLINK (e.g., food security), Classroom Enhancement Fund (Teachers), Support Staff Learning Improvement Fund (Certified Education Assistants), Early Learning (e.g., Seamless Day), Mental Health, and School Generated Funds (school activities, fundraisers). These targeted funds provide much-needed services and should ideally be part of operating funds.</p><p>Please review the 2022-2023 Draft Annual Budget at and offer your feedback at by April 19, 2022.</p><p>This column appeared in Kamloops This Week: View from ÌÇÐÄSwag on April 6, 2022</p> /Modules/News/index.aspx?feedId=a34c7aa8-61a4-4301-b1ee-537197631df4&newsId=affef29d-81ae-4d7f-8122-20c55517c7b3 Wed, 06 Apr 2022 16:00:00 GMT Owl Awarded for Sparking a Love of Reading <p>If wise owls are the stuff of storybooks, then it stands to reason that a well-known local champion of literacy has received the Owl Award from School District No. 73 (Kamloops-Thompson).</p><p>Fiona Clare, Literacy Outreach Coordinator for Literacy in Kamloops was recognized with the Award for Excellence in Public Education for her contributions to learning throughout the region at the regular public meeting of Board of Education on Monday.&nbsp;</p><p>&ldquo;We are proud to honour Fiona Clare for supporting the foundational skill of reading,&rdquo; said Chair Kathleen Karpuk, ÌÇÐÄSwag. &ldquo;Her efforts were not about teaching children to read, but gifting children and adults the joy of reading&mdash;she&rsquo;s been the match to light the fire of learning throughout School District 73.&rdquo;</p><p>An English teacher by profession, Clare has committed the better part of 20 years to actively supporting the foundational skill of reading based on the premise that children who read the most, read the best, achieve the highest and stay in school the longest.</p><p>Her legacy to literacy began by coordinating the One-to-One Reading Program at Barriere Ridge Primary in 1998 when it was first introduced to seven schools in the district. The program soon grew and now includes 22 of 33 in the district. Last year 240 tutors read with 450 students, totalling a staggering 11,000 volunteer hours. The reading program was the catalyst for many of the ongoing or annual literacy initiatives in the region today.&nbsp; &nbsp;</p><p>These include Come Read with Me, Unplug and Play Family Literacy Week, Adult Learner Literacy Tutors, KRCC Story Book Program, Bright Red Book Bus, Bright Red Bookshelf, and Heap the Honda.</p><p>"This is such an honour, but honestly I am just grateful that I have had the opportunity over the past 20 years to do what I most love to do - help children catch a love of reading,&rdquo; Clare said. &ldquo;It is such rewarding work, made possible by hundreds of caring volunteers, community partnerships and wonderful in-kind support from the School District. When we work together, we can make a bigger difference."</p><p>For retired superintendent Karl deBruijn, there was no question that Fiona Clare embodied the purpose of the award and was worthy of a nomination.</p><p>&ldquo;Fiona&rsquo;s contribution towards helping people to become literate has gone beyond helping students in our schools and has extended far into the community,&rdquo; he said in his nomination letter. &ldquo;She believes that literacy is important for everyone, no matter how old or young they are.&rdquo;</p><p>Established in 2015 by former superintendent Dr. Terry Sullivan, the Owl Award is for an individual,&nbsp;group or organization that has made significant,&nbsp;system-wide and outstanding contributions to public education in School District No. 73&nbsp;over a period of time (five years or more),&nbsp;and have had a positive, significant&nbsp;impact on the development of students,&nbsp;parents,&nbsp;teachers,&nbsp;support staff and educational leaders.</p><p>A five-member review team consisting of Ken Christian, former Board Chair; Beverly Ruberg, retired ÌÇÐÄSwag Principal; Dr Terry Sullivan, Superintendent (retired); Kathleen Karpuk, Chair; and Rob Schoen, Assistant Superintendent;&nbsp; recommended Fiona Clare as the recipient of the School District No. 73 Award for Excellence in Public Education.</p><p>&nbsp;</p><p>&nbsp;</p><p>&nbsp;</p><p>&nbsp;</p><p>&nbsp;</p><p>&nbsp;</p> /Modules/News/index.aspx?feedId=a34c7aa8-61a4-4301-b1ee-537197631df4&newsId=2139e333-dba6-4db0-bd1c-2175c985313c Tue, 18 Dec 2018 03:45:00 GMT Taking Action to Build District Numeracy Skills <p>A district numeracy action plan was presented to the Board of Education at its regular meeting Feb. 10, by <strong>Amanda Russett</strong>, district numeracy coordinator, <strong>Sheryl Lindquist</strong>, district principal, curriculum, and <strong>Lisa Carson</strong>, director of instruction.<strike></strike></p><p>&ldquo;There is a difference between math and numeracy,&rdquo; said Russett. &ldquo;You can be good at math without being numerate, and you can be numerate without being great at math.&rdquo;</p><p>The new BC mathematics curriculum is designed to ensure students are numerate and have mathematical habits of mind. This includes deep mathematical understanding and fluency, logical reasoning, analytical thought, and creative thinking.</p><p>&ldquo;We would like to see students developing a deep understanding of the mathematical ideas through real-life contexts.&nbsp; This way students are learning math and becoming more numerate&rdquo; said Russett.</p><p>The new curriculum requires a numeracy assessment for students in grade 10, and the district is working with teachers and students of all levels to prepare them for that assessment.</p><p>A numeracy assessment pilot program for students in grades 3 to 7 is in its final stages in the district, with 19 elementary schools participating this year. Assessments for grades 8 and 9 students have been developed this year and have been piloted in 3 secondary schools.&nbsp;</p><p>Starting in September 2020, district numeracy assessments will be mandatory for all district students in grades 3 and 6.</p><p>Russett also mentioned how parents will be supported throughout the district.&nbsp; Last year, 428 families in 16 schools participated in the Kindergarten program, <em>You Can Count on Me. </em>&nbsp;This program has been incorporated into the Strong, Prepared and Ready for Kindergarten (SPARK) program, created to help introduce families and young learners to Kindergarten. &nbsp;This year, a program called Math Path for grade 3 students is being piloted in district schools.</p><p>&ldquo;We want parents and guardians to encourage children to persevere through math and problem solving by having conversations with them at home.&nbsp; The Math Path program hopes to provide conversation starters for families,&rdquo; said Russett.&nbsp;</p><p>Numerate students are confident in their ability to persevere and use mathematics in everyday life by recognizing there are multiple ways to solve a problem, choosing and using the right strategies and tools, and pursuing accuracy as they solve the problem.</p><p>&nbsp;</p><p>&nbsp;</p><p>&nbsp;</p> /Modules/News/index.aspx?feedId=a34c7aa8-61a4-4301-b1ee-537197631df4&newsId=6b431546-9065-4821-9f90-23bfe00fafef Thu, 13 Feb 2020 21:00:00 GMT Board Balances Budget Using Reserves <p>The Kamloops-Thompson Board of Education voted to draw from reserves to balance the nearly $200 million 2021-2022 annual budget.</p><p>&nbsp;&ldquo;The Board approved a budget that looks beyond this year and prepares the District for the future, to make sure schools are inclusive for all children and youth, and to provide more support for principals, teachers, and support staff,&rdquo; said Board Chair Rhonda Kershaw.</p><p>With the uncertainties of the pandemic, a modest projected increase in next years&rsquo; student numbers and the use of reserves, the Board of Education unanimously voted to pass the 2021-2022 annual budget at its regular meeting on Monday, April 26, 2021.</p><p>&ldquo;I am pleased to have the carryover of the additional custodians from this year into the future. We know there is still an extensive wish list from ÌÇÐÄSwag and this is being kept in the top drawer, and as money permits, we want to act on that,&rdquo; said Trustee Shelley Sim, Chair of the Board of Education Finance and Planning Committee. &ldquo;Yes, it&rsquo;s a conservative budget, but certainly one that has students, staff, and community at top of mind.&rdquo;&nbsp;</p><p>&ldquo;In my previous experience as the superintendent, I saw 15 years of enrolment decline. We went from 18,000 to 13,800 students, and they were very challenging years&rsquo; budget-wise,&rdquo; said Terry Sullivan, Superintendent. &ldquo;In this budget, we will see projected increased enrolment and a chance to provide some flexibility to the new leadership. New leadership in the superintendency and in the secretary-treasurer role that will take us into the future starting in the next school year.&rdquo;</p><p>&nbsp;&ldquo;By using the COVID-19 Reserve, the International Student Program reserve, and a small portion of the School District No 73 Business Company management reserve, along with an extended health and dental premium holiday, the budget balances,&rdquo; said Trina Cassidy, Director of Finance. The benefit premium holiday is possible as the premiums paid for extended health and dental have exceeded the cost of the actual benefits, Cassidy noted.</p><p>While the district&rsquo;s estimate for modest growth of 113.375 students in September of 2021 over last year&rsquo;s enrolment will add to the FTE funding, the Distributed Learning Program has been reset to pre-COVID-19 levels.</p><p>In closing, retiring Secretary-Treasurer Kelvin Stretch thanked the Board, Superintendent Sullivan, and Director Cassidy, as he remarked on the final budget, he will prepare for School District No. 73. &nbsp;&ldquo;It takes a lot of coordination and cooperation to prepare a balanced budget for a system with 9 trustees, 2,100 staff, 15,000 plus students, 46 schools, 5 district facilities, and 70 bus routes, which is a partial list of some of the competing interests in this year&rsquo;s $197+ million budget.</p><p>&ldquo;Making good decisions takes respectful conversations and the ability to prioritize competing interests, but at the end of the day, staff have a budget that we&rsquo;ve developed as a District that we can all support to the best of our ability.&rdquo;</p><p>&nbsp;</p><p><strong>Key Budget Initiatives:</strong></p><p>&bull; Labour Settlement increases included</p><p>&bull; Retain day-shift custodians added as a result of COVID-19</p><p>&bull; School Administration &ndash; Vice Principals &ndash; elementary and secondary</p><p>&bull; Sun Peaks School teaching staff re grade 8-9 programs</p><p>&bull; International Student Program student increase</p><p>&bull; Specialized Teachers re Chris Rose Therapy Centre and severe behaviour</p><p>&nbsp;</p><p><strong>Key Numbers:</strong></p><ul><li>The total budget (including special purpose and capital funds) for the year is expected to be $197,903,177 which is a $7 million dollar change from the 2021 Amended Annual Budget passed in February, reflecting the absence of the one-time COVID-19 funding announced from the Federal and Provincial Governments.</li><li>Total Revenue for the 2021-2022 school year from all sources is estimated at $192,548,952.</li><li>The number of principals, teachers, support staff, and management staff employed by the District will rise by 22.8571 FTE employees at a cost of $1,638,361.</li><li>The operating fund deficit of $1,245,711 was addressed by using reserves and an extended health and dental premium holiday.</li></ul><p>&nbsp;</p><p>&nbsp;</p><p>&nbsp;</p> /Modules/News/index.aspx?feedId=a34c7aa8-61a4-4301-b1ee-537197631df4&newsId=20a46b61-74d3-4834-8cc6-247b50cae637 Thu, 29 Apr 2021 22:15:00 GMT Support from Trustees toward Teaching and Learning Resources <p>Trustees allocated $70,000 to Parkcrest Elementary to replace classroom and school supplies lost in last Thursday&rsquo;s fire.</p><p>Parkcrest Elementary teachers, who were preparing for the first day of school at George Hilliard Elementary, were told by ÌÇÐÄSwag Director of Finance Trina Cassidy, that the board &nbsp;had allocated $50,000 from its business company to help them replace their professional teaching resources at Monday night&rsquo;s board meeting.</p><p>The first motion, made by Trustee Wade at the Sept. 9 meeting, earmarks $50,000 to the Parkcrest Elementary school. Funds will be managed by Principal Catherine Gorman for the purposes of assisting in replacing the professional materials and resources lost by teachers in the Parkcrest fire.</p><p>In a second motion, Trustee Grieve allocated $20,000 to cover the annual student supply fee for Parkcrest parents.</p><p>Both motions were unanimously approved.</p><p>&ldquo;We could not think of a better way to assist Parkcrest Elementary staff and students with rebuilding their school routines, &ldquo;said Kathleen Karpuk, Chair ÌÇÐÄSwag Board of Education. &ldquo;This money has been set aside for a rainy day, and supporting 40 staff and 340 students certainly will go a long way to enhancing students&rsquo; experiences at school.&rdquo;</p><p>A decision in 2006 by School District 73 to provide education opportunities to off-shore, non-resident students means that $70,000 can go directly towards getting Parkcrest staff and students back to teaching and learning.</p><p>Since its incorporation, ÌÇÐÄSwagBC has paid ÌÇÐÄSwag $486,000 in management fees. &nbsp;</p><p>&ldquo;It is rewarding now to pay forward some of the funds for staff and students in need,&rsquo; said Alison Sidow, Superintendent of Schools.</p><p>&nbsp;</p><p>&nbsp;</p><p>&nbsp;</p><p>&nbsp;</p><p>&nbsp;</p><p>&nbsp;</p> /Modules/News/index.aspx?feedId=a34c7aa8-61a4-4301-b1ee-537197631df4&newsId=0cbd3535-0c82-455b-b991-261785e5c51a Thu, 12 Sep 2019 18:00:00 GMT School District No. 73 (Kamloops-Thompson) Approves the 2022-2023 Annual Budget <p dir="ltr">The Kamloops-Thompson Board of Education approved the 2022-2023 Annual Budget of approximately $207 million at its Regular Public Board Meeting on Monday, April 25, 2022.&nbsp;</p><p dir="ltr">Based on similar student enrollment projected at this time last year, this year&rsquo;s budget is comparable to last year&rsquo;s $211 million budget. Enrollment is expected to increase as families continue to register in schools throughout Spring and Summer.&nbsp;</p><p dir="ltr">&ldquo;While this budget considers a modest increase in student enrolment, we have seen significant enrolment growth in our district in the last five years,&rdquo; said Board Chair Heather Grieve. &ldquo;With Kamloops being named one of the five fastest-growing communities in the province, the projected increase in enrolment is likely to change.&rdquo;&nbsp;</p><p dir="ltr">The Ministry of Education and Child Care announced there would not be an increase to the per-student FTE funding amount at this time, as the Ministry is waiting for the conclusion of collective bargaining for teachers and support staff.&nbsp;</p><p dir="ltr">&ldquo;We are a growing district and are prepared to add additional resources in September,&rdquo; said Trina Cassidy, Secretary-Treasurer. &ldquo;We expect to see the revised budget in December once the September enrollment is confirmed by the Ministry of Education and Child Care.&rdquo;</p><p dir="ltr">The 2022-2023 Annual Budget focuses on providing staffing and resources for the reopening of Ralph Bell Elementary School. The school is reopening due to enrollment pressures in the Juniper Ridge community and will welcome approximately 190 students into the rejuvenated space.</p><p dir="ltr">Supporting 13 catchment changes, relocating approximately 372 students from nine schools into nearby schools, the budget allocates funding for additional bus routes, additional space, and custodial and administrative staffing.</p><p dir="ltr">In addition to catchment changes, the budget accounts for the Valleyview Secondary Expansion, which provides the space for 525 more seats, requiring additional custodial time and supplies. To manage the shift in enrollment, the District reallocated existing resources to alleviate enrollment pressures.</p><p dir="ltr">Included in the Special Purpose Fund is the Classroom Enhancement Fund (class size and composition), CommunityLINK (vulnerable children and families), early learning programming (StrongStart, Just B4, Seamless Day, Ready-Set-Learn, Changing Results for Young Learners), French language (French Immersion), Annual Facilities Grant (building maintenance), and School Generated Funds (funds raised at the school level), to name a few of the funding sources.</p><p dir="ltr">&ldquo;We look forward to early learning expansion with the new Ministry of Education and Childcare,&rdquo; stated Superintendent Nixon. &ldquo;Special purpose funds for early learning, especially, are much needed during this time of enrollment growth and programming changes.&rdquo;</p><p dir="ltr">Provided within the Local Capital Fund is a provision for the purchase of portable classroom space, classroom furniture and equipment, maintenance vehicles, information technology, and the District&rsquo;s portion of the Valleyview Secondary Expansion.</p><p dir="ltr">&ldquo;The Board of Education is navigating a time of complex growth,&rdquo; explained Board Chair Grieve. &ldquo;We are continuing to work with the community, municipalities, the Aboriginal Education Council, and the Ministry of Education and Childcare to accomplish operating, special purpose, and capital priorities in 2022-2023.&rdquo;</p><p dir="ltr">&nbsp;</p> /Modules/News/index.aspx?feedId=a34c7aa8-61a4-4301-b1ee-537197631df4&newsId=f8e309a3-1899-43f6-8618-28c2b19d3d13 Wed, 27 Apr 2022 20:30:00 GMT Celebrating the Annual ÌÇÐÄSwag Powwow <p>The annual District Powwow began with the Grand Procession led by the Arena Director, Cecil Sheena and District Principal, Mike Bowden carrying the Eagle Staff gifted to the School District.&nbsp; Dignitaries and dancers in regalia followed.</p><p>Students in Grade 5 and Grade 5 split classes from 35 elementary schools entered and were seated with their school banners in the Tk'emlups arbor. They watched and learned from the Powwow Master of Ceremony, Gord Cuthbert, who stopped to teach them about the different aspects of the Powwow. He explained that the Grand Procession is a way of entering to begin the Powwow. There are times when all students and dignitaries would join in the Grand Procession; however, in this case, with 2500 people, he elected to have only the dignitaries lead the procession into the Tk'emlups arbor.</p><p>Knowledge Keeper, Jackie Jules, shared a prayer to begin. Then the drummers sang and drummed the Welcome Song to welcome us as guests on the Secwepemc territory. The flag song was sung and drummers and dancers engaged acknowledging the Secwepemc flag, BC flag and Canadian flag, Metis Flag and the Nunavut Flag.</p><p>Dignitaries shared opening remarks to start the day.</p><p>District Principal Mike Bowden started, &ldquo;We are fortunate to be here to celebrate and to learn together. I am sure that those who attended Kamloops Indian Residential School would not have thought that this would be possible.&rdquo;</p><p>Chief and Council representative, Councillor Dave Manuel said, &ldquo;Hello Everyone, Good Morning and Welcome to our unceded ancestral lands of Tk'emlups te Secwepemc on behalf of Tk'emlups Chief and Council. I really want to encourage all you students to have an amazing time at this year&rsquo;s School District Powwow and hopefully you all had a wonderful school year. Great to see so many youths willing to learn more about the history of Powwow. I would like to thank all dignitaries who showed up to support this Powwow and everyone who did all the hard work with organizing this amazing event.&rdquo;</p><p>Diane Jules, Director of the Aboriginal Education Council shared, "There was a time not too long ago where we were not allowed to celebrate such a gathering as a Powwow, but now we are able to share the positive experience with our students of ÌÇÐÄSwag."</p><p>Trustee O&rsquo;Fee shared, &ldquo;I am fortunate to have spent time here working for the Tk'emlups te Secwepemc Chief and Council, so I feel a reverence for this place, the ground that we are on today.&nbsp; As we gather together, we learn a lot and we need to cherish that learning, which is a gift from First Peoples on this territory.&rdquo;</p><p>Superintendent Nixon stated, &ldquo;Let&rsquo;s take time to remember the &ldquo;Le Estcwicw&eacute;&yacute; (the missing), the residential school children who attended the Kamloops Indian Residential School and who did not make it home. While this tragic loss is palpable in the stories shared by elders, knowledge keepers, and families who experienced it, we are also reminded by those who share them to work together towards more hopeful futures for Indigenous children and youth.&rdquo;</p><p>Superintendent Pelley shared, &ldquo;Let us commit to supporting and nurturing the leadership potential of our youth by being engaged in cultural education such as this amazing event. I urge you all to learn and recognize the importance of future youth leadership in Indigenous reconciliation. Let us invest in growth, listen to their voices, and amplify their impact. Together, let us forge a future where reconciliation is not just a goal but an inherent part of who we are.&rdquo;</p><p>The Powwow Master of Ceremony continued after the remarks and defined Powwow as &ldquo;gathering&rdquo; and shared that everyone&rsquo;s job was to gather and connect together in relationship. He asked us to turn to a person near us and share introductions. In this way, he emphasized that we met someone new and this is the purpose of the Powwow.</p><p>As the day continued, the Powwow Master of Ceremony shared games such as, &ldquo;Everyone with two different colors of socks, come running into the middle of the arena for a prize. He would then check to see if those who ran there really had two different colors of socks on. Then he distributed some gifts.</p><p>As the morning continued with games and dance, homemade bannock was also distributed to guests.&nbsp;</p> /Modules/News/index.aspx?feedId=a34c7aa8-61a4-4301-b1ee-537197631df4&newsId=697e68f7-62ae-4efe-b577-2c58b3ef548a Fri, 16 Jun 2023 19:30:00 GMT Numeracy at Sun Peaks Elementary <p>Third-year Principal Mike Johnson described the unique, rural context of Sun Peaks Elementary, which was the venue for the regular meeting of the Board of Education on Monday, Sept. 23.&nbsp;&nbsp;</p><p>The school&rsquo;s 99 students are equally distributed between grades, supported by five full-time teachers, one part-time teacher, one&nbsp;CEA, an AEW one day a week and a secretary based at Heffley Creek Elementary.</p><p>The students, with a variety of learning needs, are all working towards a key learning goal to develop and improve foundational skills; specifically, in numeracy and literacy.</p><p>&ldquo;With these skills, we will promote inquiry and critical thinking to solve problems in real-life situations,&rdquo; Johnson said.</p><p>To set the stage for improving numeracy, Sun Peaks teachers are part of the District Numeracy Project. &nbsp;Learning from District math coordinators, Sun Peaks teacher leaders bring share their learnings with other staff.</p><p>Professional Development for numeracy began Sept. 23. Numeracy strategy can involve using number talks, group discussion and group thinking exercises with whiteboards, using games and activities, using questions with low entry points, but a high ceiling or using a variety of strategies to solve one problem.</p><p>Under close scrutiny by the board, Emily Fell and a team of Sun Peaks students demonstrated how a variety of strategies could be used to solve the same problem. Each of the five students found the solution to 8 + 9 with different strategies that included counting with cubes, and using pictures, a number line, near doubles and creating tens.</p><p>&nbsp;</p> /Modules/News/index.aspx?feedId=a34c7aa8-61a4-4301-b1ee-537197631df4&newsId=0a200558-fa33-4bb2-bd35-2dc32f5dd965 Fri, 27 Sep 2019 16:45:00 GMT Superintendent's Update <p>Dear Parents and Caregivers:</p><p>As we enter the week before Remembrance Day, it is timely to reflect on all of the people who served and sacrificed for our country. Our schools are engaging in creative, virtual and some face-to-face Remembrance Day Celebrations. To see what our schools are doing, check our <a href="/Modules/News/index.aspx?newsId=e4b33ef2-88c8-495a-9ad1-10ef89acbcd0">website</a>.</p><p><strong>Take Our Kids to Work Day</strong></p><p>The 27th annual Take Our Kids to Work Day took place on November 3rd and involved 250,000 Grade 9 students in Canada. Grade 9 student, Ashton Forsey, spent his day with his mom, Dawn Forsey, Executive Assistant to the Secretary-Treasurer. To read more about Ashton&rsquo;s day and how others experienced it, go to this <a href="/Modules/News/index.aspx?newsId=a1d7958d-4a36-4a4a-9575-4e547e1b1b8a">link</a>.</p><p><strong>South Sa-Hali Elementary School</strong></p><p>Ms. Susie Mabee, principal of South Sa-Hali Elementary School, highlighted the work of Mrs. Leah Clare, Vice Principal. Ms. Mabee said, &ldquo;This is Mrs. Clare&rsquo;s idea to engage students in real world Math problems of the week.&rdquo; Students choose to solve low- to high-level problems and put their solutions in an envelope. Mrs. Clare stated, &ldquo;I always check their responses for their thinking, not just whether it is right or wrong.&rdquo; Students who have correct responses have their names entered into a draw for prizes and a chance to have their pictures displayed.</p><p><strong>Dufferin Elementary School</strong></p><p>Mr. Gord Cumming, Principal of Dufferin Elementary, honored his students and his guests by drumming and singing the Welcome Song.&rdquo; His drum was a gift from Mr. Felix Delorme, an Aboriginal Education Worker who recently retired from Marion Schilling Elementary School. Mr. Cumming shared, &ldquo;I have learned so much from Elders and Knowledge Keepers about how to integrate <a href="">First Peoples Principles of Learning</a> into everyday life." He emphasized how he seeks to model being a learner who is not afraid to make mistakes. He explained, &ldquo;I seek to bring something positive to the lives of others every day.&rdquo;</p><p><strong>Communicable Disease Prevention Plan</strong></p><p>We continue to focus on our <a href="/en/community-parents-and-students/resources/CDPP/Daily-Health-Check.pdf">daily health checks</a>, staying home when sick, and implementing all of the health and safety measures in our <a href="/en/community-parents-and-students/resources/CDPP/ÌÇÐÄSwag-CDPP-Safe-and-Healthy-Facilities.pdf">District&rsquo;s Communicable Disease Prevention Plan</a>.&nbsp; Potential school exposures are published by <a href="">Interior Health</a>.&nbsp;</p><p><strong>K-12 Sector Guidelines for Vaccination Policies </strong></p><p>On Monday, October 25, 2021, the Board of Education passed a motion to direct the Superintendent to establish a committee to gather data and evidence in alignment with privacy laws (step one) as a starting point. Our committee prepared a survey to learn about staff perspectives of a Vaccination Policy.&nbsp; The survey is administered from Nov.5-12. The Board will receive the report with survey results after that date.</p><p>Thank you for taking time to remember those who served and sacrificed in our country on Remembrance Day. Enjoy learning together virtually and in person about those who include our parents, grandparents, and great grandparents. We thank those who have served Canada, and those who have made significant contributions to commemoration.</p><p>Rhonda Nixon, PhD</p><p>Superintendent</p> /Modules/News/index.aspx?feedId=a34c7aa8-61a4-4301-b1ee-537197631df4&newsId=56b9e68d-950d-4274-bfc2-2e571f47fdc8 Fri, 05 Nov 2021 23:30:00 GMT ÌÇÐÄSwag Takes Pride in Our Learners <p>The ÌÇÐÄSwag banner carried by district staff during the Kamloops 2019 Pride Parade says it all from our perspective.&nbsp;</p><p>"Pride parades and celebrations are important gathering places to support people as they navigate their own unique journey of self-discovery and acceptance,&rdquo; said Vessy Mochikas, ÌÇÐÄSwag District Principal, Inclusive Education. &ldquo;This process is made easier with supportive parents, networks and resources.&rdquo;&nbsp;</p><p>While this is not always a reality for all LGBTQ2S+ youth and adults, Pride parades build a sense of community and serve as opportunities to celebrate identities and diversity.&nbsp;&nbsp;</p><p>At its May 13th meeting, the ÌÇÐÄSwag Board of Education unanimously voted to support staff and students who wish to walk under the ÌÇÐÄSwag banner in a show of support for diversity and inclusion in the district.&nbsp;About 40 ÌÇÐÄSwag administrators and staff, together with family members and current and past students, walked in the third annual parade in Kamloops on August 26. &nbsp;</p><p>&ldquo;Parades are meant to build community and celebrate allies and support networks, as well. We want to show LGBTQ2S+ youth and adults that they are not alone.&nbsp;We are sending the visible message that all of our students are supported and accepted for who they are,&rdquo; said Mochikas. &nbsp;</p><p><a href="/en/sd73-at-the-2019-kamloops-pride-parade.aspx">View our ÌÇÐÄSwag Pride parade photo gallery</a></p> /Modules/News/index.aspx?feedId=a34c7aa8-61a4-4301-b1ee-537197631df4&newsId=d783dbcc-5b37-4ac2-9761-2f19aee09a2b Mon, 26 Aug 2019 21:30:00 GMT Mental Health and Wellness In Action <p>A strong focus on mental health and wellness within the ÌÇÐÄSwag student and staff community was emphasized at the Nov. 8 Board of Education Meeting.</p><p>Deanna Brady, District Principal of Inclusive Education, along with her team comprised of Sherry Stade, Healthy Schools Coordinator, and Charmayne Wilson, ÌÇÐÄSwag Aboriginal Resource Teacher on the Land, discussed the importance of bridging the knowledge gap in mental health literacy with continuity of learning and utilizing a combination of age-appropriate content with the intention to empower students to address mental health needs.</p><p>&ldquo;When we talk about mental health, or mental well-being, we mean the ability to cope well with the challenges and opportunities that life brings us,&rdquo; explained Stade.</p><p>&ldquo;About 70 per cent of psychiatric disorders can be diagnosed between the 12&ndash;25-year age range, following the onset of puberty. Generally, they affect about 20 per cent of young people,&rdquo; Stade continued.</p><p>Stade and Wilson have worked tirelessly to provide appropriate curriculum to teachers that can then be delivered to specific age groups in the classroom.</p><p>&nbsp;&ldquo;When common language is shared between educators, their students, families, and the community, our ability to care for youth significantly improves,&rdquo; Stade said.</p><p>Specifically, Stade and Wilson have re-envisioned the Circle of Courage, a framework for positive youth development, originally created by Dr. Martin Brokenleg.</p><p>Focusing on the four components of mental health literacy consisting of belonging, mastery, independence, and generosity, Wilson was able to indirectly translate each concept using Secw&eacute;pemcts&iacute;n, the Secw&eacute;pemc language, with a plan to deliver the concepts to grade 5 students around the district.</p><p>By using the values of the Circle of Courage as a framework to practice positive personal development and resiliency, students will begin noticing the interconnections with themselves, with others and with nature. To date, 22 schools have registered to participate in the virtual series.</p><p>Trustee Diane Jules commended the team on their work and the connection to Indigenous material: &ldquo;I think the more we tune in to how First Nations People are with themselves, traditionally, our well-being around us, and what the land brings to us, [the better]. That&rsquo;s how we start out with our little ones - simple ways of understanding our connections, and a lot of it has to do with the land.&rdquo;</p><p>Vessy Mochikas, Assistant Superintendent of Inclusive Education, further highlighted the importance of checking in on students and staff, especially given the recent events that have impacted our community, not limited to COVID-19, the discovery of remains of 215 unmarked graves at the Kamloops Indian Residential School,&nbsp;and this summer&rsquo;s wildfires: &ldquo;We check in on each other, we check in on our youth, and we connect with families. We also realize that there are professionals outside of classroom teachers like school and family consultants, and Aboriginal family counselors, who will do some of that primary work, and always refer out to those clinical specialists for the deeper work that&rsquo;s needed.&rdquo;</p> /Modules/News/index.aspx?feedId=a34c7aa8-61a4-4301-b1ee-537197631df4&newsId=acf2c541-2184-47a8-8be0-309170f59b36 Fri, 12 Nov 2021 21:45:00 GMT Make ÌÇÐÄSwag The Best It Can Be <p>Education and the future of our schools is important, to all of us, and we want to hear from you.</p><p>ÌÇÐÄSwag is currently in the process of writing a new strategic plan, which will act as a roadmap for the future of our schools, and we want our plan to reflect the values and voices of our many communities. In this first phase of the process, we hope you will share your thoughts about where we are, how we are doing, and where we need to go next.</p><p>Our vision is to be a dynamic school district by achieving success for all students through a commitment to equity and excellence. Help us get there.</p><p>To register and complete the survey, click <a href="">here</a>. The survery closes on October 22.</p> /Modules/News/index.aspx?feedId=a34c7aa8-61a4-4301-b1ee-537197631df4&newsId=4bd77448-364f-42db-a5fd-30e794c9b859 Thu, 14 Oct 2021 17:00:00 GMT Kamloops-Thompson School District Welcomes Executive Assistant and Secretary to the Board of Education - Chelsey Boissonneault <p>The Kamloops-Thompson Board of Education welcomes Ms. Chelsey Boissonneault as the successful candidate for the role of Executive Assistant and Secretary to the Board of Education.</p><p>&ldquo;We are looking forward to working with Chelsey who has extensive experience as an executive assistant and secretary to councils, boards, and executive staff within the Kamloops-Thompson region and the Northern region of BC,&rdquo; said Board Chair Heather Grieve.</p><p>Ms. Boissonneault identifies as&nbsp;M&eacute;tis (Plains Cree and Treaty 7), a western European settler with mixed Indigenous ancestry living on the unceded territory of Tk&rsquo;eml&uacute;ps te Secw&eacute;pemc Nation who was born and raised in Kamloops and returned 11 years ago to work and play in our beautiful region.</p><p>She has 15 years of combined experience as an administrative assistant. She recently served as executive and planning assistant with board and council secretarial duties for the Thompson-Nicola Regional District and provided coordination and administrative support for Development Services, Community Policing and Civic Operations for the City of Kamloops.</p><p>&ldquo;I look forward to working with Ms. Boissonneault who has had an accomplished career and references indicating that she is highly collaborative and professional,&rdquo; shared Superintendent Dr. Rhonda Nixon.</p><p>"I am honoured to be selected for this role as the Executive Assistant and Secretary to the Board," Ms. Boissonneault said. "I look forward to working collaboratively with such an ambitious, responsible, and forward-thinking group of professionals to help foster the well-being of our community and support opportunities for growth and learning in safe environments that encourage students to thrive."</p><p>Ms. Boissonneault begins her appointment on January 15, 2024.</p> /Modules/News/index.aspx?feedId=a34c7aa8-61a4-4301-b1ee-537197631df4&newsId=87c92183-a7cd-4152-8852-321edb04994c Thu, 11 Jan 2024 17:00:00 GMT English Language Learning in Action <p>The District&rsquo;s 235 English Language Learners (ELL) speak over 60 different primary languages, the Board of Education learned at its regular board meeting May 10, 2021.</p><p>These students are entitled to five years of supported learning. Their circumstances include being:</p><ul><li>born and raised in Canada, and their primary language is not English,</li><li>children of parents in Canada on work visas or studying at TRU,</li><li>permanent residents or new Canadians,</li><li>refugees from various countries.</li></ul><p>The district has four ELL teachers who act as case managers for these students, coordinating with teachers, administrators and parents to provide services and support.</p><p>&ldquo;The best part of our roles is working directly with students,&rdquo; said Lori Nelson, ELL teacher. &ldquo;We meet weekly with students in small groups or individually.&rdquo;</p><p>Students are encouraged to retain their cultural identity and their primary language while embracing Canadian culture and values.</p><p>Lucas and Lily An are examples of ELL students who were provided support for five years.</p><p>&ldquo;Life in Canada was very hard to adjust because we have such a different cultural background,&rdquo; said Lucas. &ldquo;We had a lot of difficult times even just understanding in English but also at school to speak and to actually fit into this society.&rdquo;</p><p>&ldquo;The most challenge I had at school was trying just to fit in,&rdquo; said Lily. &ldquo;We were the only Asians in our school, which took us a while to get used to.&rdquo;</p><p>&ldquo;We also had a lot of positive experiences in school and that is mostly linked to teachers who took the time to support us for language,&rdquo; said Lucas. &ldquo;They help us fit into friend groups, and also those friends who were understanding and those who took the differences as something unique.&rdquo;</p><p>&ldquo;The ELL teachers helped us a lot through language barriers, for example, there is no past tense in Korean,&rdquo; said Lily.</p> /Modules/News/index.aspx?feedId=a34c7aa8-61a4-4301-b1ee-537197631df4&newsId=1945f09d-b55b-4258-932e-34564a07ddad Tue, 11 May 2021 20:45:00 GMT Task Force makes recommendations <p>SD 73 will begin work to implement Task Force&rsquo;s recommendations on sexual misconduct in schools</p><p>The work of implementing recommendations designed to help and protect students who face sexual misconduct in schools will get under way immediately, trustees were told Monday.</p><p>Alison Sidow, Superintendent for School District No. 73 (Kamloops-Thompson), presented a final report from the Superintendent&rsquo;s Task Force on Student Safety at the Board of Education&rsquo;s public meeting. The 12-page report outlines the comprehensive work of the committee, the group&rsquo;s key findings as well as recommendations that stem from the findings.</p><p>Sidow said she is extremely satisfied with the Task Force&rsquo;s work, noting the recommendations will help improve the experience of students on many fronts. She added the recommendations will inform future District policies, protocols and decision-making, and improve staff training and educational programs for students. The work of developing an implementation plan and schedule will be formally developed through the summer.</p><p>The Task Force was formed in March after two parents complained to the District about unrelated incidents involving sexual misconduct and their children. The parents were concerned about the nature of the incidents and the way their complaints were initially addressed.</p><p>&ldquo;I was deeply disturbed when these issues arose,&rdquo; Sidow said. &ldquo;The District&rsquo;s intention is always to provide a safe, productive learning space for all our students and staff, and it was clear that some did not believe this was the case. I am confident these recommendations will guide us so that the District can better ensure students have positive school experiences.&rdquo;</p><p>The Task Force was asked to examine District policies, protocols and practices to ensure that they consider not only actions required to prevent and address acts of sexual misconduct but also the needs and perspectives of those who are impacted.</p><p>The District invited representatives from agencies such as the RCMP, Ministry of Children and Family Development, the Kamloops Sexual Assault Counselling Centre, school and District administration, parents, the Aboriginal Education Council and the Board of Education to the Task Force.</p><p>As well as policy reviews, the Task Force consulted with local parents, students, teachers and Aboriginal leaders to hear firsthand about their experiences with education and sexual misconduct. The Task Force also sought counsel from Kevin Cameron, the Executive Director of the Canadian Centre for Threat Assessment and Trauma Response, who is a renowned subject-matter expert in the field of threat assessment and trauma response.</p><p>"The Superintendent's Task Force report is evidence of the power of multi-disciplinary collaboration in both assessing and intervening in one of the most complex issues we are facing today,&rdquo; said Cameron. &ldquo;This initiative will set the standard for other Canadian communities to follow as a first step in openly addressing sexualized violence."</p><p>The Task Force recommended:</p><p>&bull; Promoting and/or creating reporting tools to ensure those who may be impacted have the means to seek out the supports they require;</p><p>&bull; Informing the parent(s) of the policies, procedures and processes that will be used when responding to an issue of sexual misconduct, including the process a parent can follow to provide feedback, issue a complaint or request an appeal;</p><p>&bull; Providing ongoing learning opportunities, starting at the elementary school level, to educate students about healthy relationships as well as measures they can take to report incidents or seek support;</p><p>&bull; Defining what constitutes sexual misconduct in schools;</p><p>&bull; Developing policies and procedures that specifically address sexual misconduct;</p><p>&bull; Revisiting District policies that contemplate violence, harassment, bullying, intimidation and other forms of discrimination to include the definition of sexual misconduct in both intent and implementation; and,</p><p>&bull; Reviewing response protocols to ensure that all District staff working with children know how to receive complaints in a way that respects the rights and needs of those known to be impacted.</p><p>Sidow said she believes the Task Force&rsquo;s work showed that overall, SD 73 schools do a good job of providing positive, safe environments for students. The recommendations, however, will help the District address issues that arise within our schools from our society at large.</p><p>&ldquo;It&rsquo;s my hope that the leadership shown by this Task Force in providing these recommendations will serve our community and society at large by helping to ameliorate the underlying conditions that so often propagate these behaviours,&rdquo; she said. &ldquo;I hope this will report will enable us to take a definitive step forward in preventing sexual misconduct in our schools and by extension, in our community at large.&rdquo;</p> /Modules/News/index.aspx?feedId=a34c7aa8-61a4-4301-b1ee-537197631df4&newsId=48505c88-baab-4f30-9110-35a672b89404 Wed, 20 Jun 2018 17:15:00 GMT Truth and Reconciliation in School District No.73 (Kamloops-Thompson) <p>By Diane Jules, Trustee</p><p>June 1, 2022</p><p><em>Weyt-kp</em></p><p>I am a member of the Adams Lake Band and the daughter of a survivor of the Kamloops Indian Residential School. As a Secwepemc First Nation mother, sister, daughter, and auntie, I am proud to also be a trustee who represents the TNRD Areas L and P, the Village of Chase, and the Municipality of Sun Peaks.&nbsp;</p><p>It was one year ago, almost to the day, that our local, provincial, national, and international communities stopped to listen to the widely broadcast announcements of the tragic discovery of Le Estcwicw&eacute;y? (the missing).</p><p>For residential school survivors and their families, we have known the truth of residential schools for a long time from the stories of our mothers, fathers, aunties, and uncles. Hearing the truth from mayors, premiers, and Prime Minister Justin Trudeau was a moment of reckoning for the world.</p><p>Since last spring, investigations across the country have found evidence of more than 1,100 missing children. While the hurt does not disappear, the public recognition of Le Estcwicw&eacute;y? (the missing) at Kamloops Indian Residential School opened up a wider conversation.</p><p>Six years ago, ÌÇÐÄSwag Board of Education had started this wider conversation when we signed the first <a href="">Aboriginal Education Enhancement Agreement</a>.&nbsp; It emphasized the need to increase awareness and understanding of Aboriginal culture, traditions, languages, and historical and contemporary contributions for all students and staff.</p><p>This past week, at the Tk&rsquo;eml&uacute;ps te Secw&eacute;pemc powwow arbour on May 23, Governor General Mary Simon, Prime Minister Justin Trudeau, and K&uacute;kpi7 Rosanne Casmir stood together to honour Le Estcwicw&eacute;y? (the missing). On May 25, Tk&rsquo;eml&uacute;ps te Secw&eacute;pemc opened their arbour to students and staff and hosted School District 73&rsquo;s first district-wide powwow. Two-years in the making, having the first powwow during the same week as the anniversary was powerful for all who attended.</p><p>Being part of the powwow&rsquo;s grand procession, which led the school communities into the arbour, and sharing proudly my Aboriginal traditions and culture with this generation of students was an unspeakably moving experience.&nbsp; My mother survived the Kamloops Indian Residential School, so, at the powwow, when Ted Gottfriedson Jr. said, &ldquo;Each dance step you (students) take power away from that building.&rdquo; I believe that it was. Only steps away, we could see the school as we danced, and with each step, we honoured the survivors and all of us that have been impacted by the legacy of residential schools.</p><p>We will continue to reconcile the past as we celebrate with 230 Aboriginal students from each of the regions&rsquo; schools including St. Anne&rsquo;s Academy, and Skeetchestn Community School, in a district-wide graduation later this week.&nbsp; I was one of the four Aboriginal students in the original Aboriginal graduation celebration hosted by the Aboriginal Friendship Society in 1983, so this is another example of how we are reconciling the hurt by honoring future generations.</p><p>Being an Aboriginal person at this time within our history is quite exciting, never before have our voices ever been so loudly. Truth and reconciliation has been talked about at the table for a long time, but it is happening through district, classroom and school events, and daily conversations.</p><p>This column appeared in Kamloops This Week: View from ÌÇÐÄSwag on June 1, 2022</p> /Modules/News/index.aspx?feedId=a34c7aa8-61a4-4301-b1ee-537197631df4&newsId=756f75b4-0713-4434-bc20-3681a35dd45d Wed, 01 Jun 2022 17:00:00 GMT Open Letter to the Communities of Blue River, Vavenby and Clearwater <div>At the regular meeting of the Board of Education, the Board expressed its regret about the closure of the Canfor mill in Vavenby and the impact the loss of the mill will have on families living in the communities of Vavenby and Clearwater. The Board agreed to waive the normal facility rental fee for the community meeting that will be held July 9 at Clearwater Secondary to discuss the impact of the closure. A letter was sent by the Board Chair confirming that schools are open and will be welcoming students this September. Counselling supports are available for students and staff who are impacted.&nbsp;</div> /Modules/News/index.aspx?feedId=a34c7aa8-61a4-4301-b1ee-537197631df4&newsId=31691b60-758a-451a-87b6-37111390c77b Wed, 26 Jun 2019 18:15:00 GMT Kamloops-Thompson Board of Education: Excited about the Funding Announcement for a New Elementary School in Pineview Valley <p style="text-align: left;" align="center">By Heather Grieve, Board Chair</p><p>March 8, 2023<strong>&nbsp;</strong></p><p>On February 22, 2023, the Kamloops-Thompson Board Education received a Ministry of Education and Child Care funding announcement for a new school in the Pineview Valley community.</p><p>Pineview Valley Elementary School has been on the Board&rsquo;s Capital Plan since June 2018 (3rd Priority) and was our first priority in June 2021. It first appeared on the Board&rsquo;s Capital Plan in 2014-2015.</p><p>We look forward to the opportunity to open a new school in 2026 that will have 456 seats (operating capacity) for Pineview Valley students. It is the second largest school after Parkcrest at 476 seats.</p><p>We are thrilled to share the good news of the much needed funding announcement by the Ministry of Education and Child Care for a new elementary school in Pineview Valley in Kamloops.</p><p>The Board of Education has been advocating for a new school in this community for multiple years. On June 14, 2022, I had sent a letter on behalf of the Board to the former Minister Jennifer Whiteside to emphasize the extreme need for a new school in Pineview Valley because McGowan Elementary School, where the majority of students in Pineview Valley attend, was at 166%.</p><p>On January 23 and 24, 2023, the board was honoured to welcome Minister Rachna Singh for her visit to Kamloops to meet with the Board and to spend time with the Aboriginal Education Council, Inclusive Education staff to learn about inclusive sexual health, and with the Student Equity Council just prior to the provincial announcement of the K-12 Anti-racism Action Plan. The Board posted the brief that they had shared with Minister Singh, which identified their capital priorities, namely the need for a new school in Pineview Valley <a href="/Modules/News/index.aspx?newsId=2d019b2a-71ea-4def-9de9-8e1055fe41bb">Read more.</a></p><p>As we wait for the design and building process to unfold, we will continue to work collaboratively with the community to alleviate space pressures when possible until the new school is complete.</p><p>Director McDonald and his team have been working hard to expedite all aspects of this project, and Superintendent Nixon and the senior executive team have been meeting with McGowan staff and parents and will continue to meet with them to ensure that supports are in place as they await the new school.</p><p>We are looking forward to the next phase of the journey of planning, designing, and opening a new school in ÌÇÐÄSwag.</p><p>This column appeared in Kamloops This Week: View from ÌÇÐÄSwag on March 8, 2023</p> /Modules/News/index.aspx?feedId=a34c7aa8-61a4-4301-b1ee-537197631df4&newsId=25efa057-02bd-46f1-82bb-391898b7a628 Thu, 09 Mar 2023 16:30:00 GMT Kamloops-Thompson Board Meets Minister of Education and Child Care to Share Priorities: An Urgent Need for More Space and A Passion for Co-creating More Inclusive Spaces <p>By Rhonda Kershaw, Vice Chair</p><p>January 31, 2023&nbsp;</p><p>Our Board of Education was honoured to have Minister Singh join us on Sunday, January 22, 2023 to learn about our <a href="/en/our-district-board/strategic-priorities-2022-2027.aspx#:~:text=District%20Strategic%20Plan%202022%2D2027%20Booklet">2022-2027 District Strategic Plan priorities</a> in connection to her <a href="">mandate letter</a>. We appreciated how open Minister Rachna Singh was to learn about our District and that she sought to have genuine conversation about the needs of our communities.</p><p>We shared our urgent need for more space and our passion and dedication for co-creating inclusive spaces in our district.</p><p>In her mandate letter, Minister Singh aims to respond to the needs of fast-growing communities. To that end, we shared that we desperately need financial support in this February 2023 budget for a new school in Pineview Valley:</p><ul><li>Kamloops is in the top five fastest growing communities in BC.</li><li>May 19, 2021- Minister Whiteside announced support for a business case for Pineview Valley.</li><li>Since April 2021, we have completed 13 school catchment changes impacting 25% of our K-7 schools and re&ndash;opened a school in Southwest Kamloops.</li><li>McGowan Elementary School is at 160% utilization capacity with 4 portables. The 3 nearby schools that would be eligible to undergo a redistribution of students through a catchment change are at approximately 150% utilization capacity, on average, so they are overly full and relying on portables.</li><li>There is no room in nearby schools to do a catchment change, so our only option is a new school in Pineview Valley.</li></ul><p>We also shared that we urgently need a financial contribution ($7.5 M) in this February 2023 budget to purchase the site for the Secondary School in Aberdeen.</p><ul><li>In 5 years, students in southwest Kamloops will need a secondary school.</li><li>The current high schools are anticipated to be at 146% capacity.</li><li>On April 11, 2022, we had written to Minister Whiteside to share that we have a one-time chance to buy the only existing land available in Aberdeen for a price of $6.1M, prior to December 31, 2022. We still have this option, but there is immense pressure on the owner to sell, and the cost of the land has increased.</li><li>Securing this land is crucial to support our current and future secondary capacity needs in the southwest of Kamloops.</li></ul><p>We also shared our connection to the Ministers&rsquo; mandate letter by declaring our passion for and dedication to co-creating inclusive spaces by working directly with students.&nbsp; This was the purpose of Minister Singh&rsquo;s visit&ndash; to launch the <a href="/en/resources/Links/News-Release--Jan-23-2023.pdf">province&rsquo;s K-12 anti-racism action plan</a> during the first Student Equity Council Summit held at the Henry Grube Centre where 150+ students co-developed an ÌÇÐÄSwag K-12 Anti-racism action plan.</p><p>The students shared powerful stories with the Minister and her team (Assistant Deputy Minister, Jennifer McCrae, Associate Superintendent of Indigenous Education, Brad Baker). Everyone was moved by the leadership shown by the students who gifted us with their lived experiences as our starting point for co-creating a district anti-racism action plan.</p><p>We enjoyed our visit with Minister Singh, and we truly appreciated that she made our district her first stop in her new role as the Minister of Education and Child Care.</p><p>This column appeared in Kamloops This Week: View from ÌÇÐÄSwag on Jan 31, 2023</p> /Modules/News/index.aspx?feedId=a34c7aa8-61a4-4301-b1ee-537197631df4&newsId=5ea621df-d79c-4b20-85ea-3b89c3c38f7f Tue, 31 Jan 2023 23:30:00 GMT ÌÇÐÄSwag Kamloops-Thompson School Board in partnership with the Aboriginal Education Council Signs the Fifth Aboriginal Education Enhancement Agreement <p style="text-align: left;" align="center"><em>Story provided by Trustee Diane Jules and Board Chair Heather Grieve</em></p><p style="text-align: left;" align="center"><strong><em><em>Me7 n7ek&rsquo;re Sw7ec-kt e Txwimime´n&prime;tmes</em> </em></strong></p><p style="text-align: left;" align="center"><strong><em>We are here to change by Working Together</em></strong></p><p>As the Chair of the Aboriginal Education Council (Diane Jules) and Chair of the Kamloops-Thompson School Board (Heather Grieve), we stand together to acknowledge, honour, and respect the history, culture, and language of the Secwepemc People on whose territory we reside.</p><p>Kamloops-Thompson School District covers approximately 27,000 square kilometres, 18 urban and rural communities, 48 schools, 2,650 employees and a diverse approximate population of 16,000 students, 18% of which are of Aboriginal ancestry.</p><p>&ldquo;As both a trustee on the Kamloops-Thompson School Board and Chair of the Aboriginal Education Council, I am proud to say that our school board has had a strong, positive working relationship for over 25 years,&rdquo; shared Diane Jules. &ldquo;Together, we have been committed to supporting, enhancing, and increasing school success for all First Nations, Inuit, and M&eacute;tis students in the District.&rdquo;</p><p>On February 22, 2024, we (Board Chair Grieve and AEC Chair Diane Jules) signed the fifth Aboriginal Education Enhancement Agreement. An Aboriginal Education Enhancement Agreement (EA) is a working agreement between the school district and the Aboriginal Education Council designed to enhance the educational achievement of self-identified Aboriginal students.</p><p>At the same meeting, the council reviewed some of the successes of this long-standing quarter century relationship:</p><ul><li><u>Self-determination</u>: One of the important milestones of this working partnership is that the Aboriginal Education Council determines the allocations of the Ministry of Education and Child Care Aboriginal Targeted Enhancement funds provided to the District to support all self-identified Aboriginal students of First Nations, Inuit, and M&eacute;tis ancestry.</li><li><u>High school completion rates</u>: A second important milestone is that high school completion rates are the highest that they have ever been in our district.&nbsp; 2022-2023 5-year completion Aboriginal Student completion rate exceeded the previous cohort&rsquo;s (2021-2022) completion rate by +4.6%. Completion rate for Aboriginal students living on-reserve increased by +19.4% from the previous cohort.</li><li><u>Student Voice</u>: There has been an increased focus on student voice and responding to results (e.g., ÌÇÐÄSwag Aboriginal Student Leadership Council, Indigenous Student Summit, GSAs, Student Equity Committee, District Student Advisory Council).</li><li><u>Family Voice</u>: There has been an increased focus on connecting with families (e.g., Aboriginal Education Outreach Workers, District School Completion Coordinator, Aboriginal Graduation Support Teacher, Aboriginal Family Counselors, Home Hospital Teacher) and on families having a voice (Indigenous Family Voices For Education).</li><li><u>School Choice</u>: There has been an increased focus on ensuring that Aboriginal students choose where to go to school by being provided with options to attend any school in the district.</li><li><u>Staff Choice</u>: There have been increased professional learning opportunities focused on understanding racism and changing structures, practices, language, and beliefs to improve life chances for Aboriginal students. (Aboriginal Ed School Lead Sessions, Indigenous focused Pro-D Day, Access and awareness with the new Indigenous Grad course requirements, Aboriginal Transition to post secondary and trades days, Universal Design for Learning, LART and CEA training).</li></ul><p>&ldquo;I am looking forward to what will grow from this strong foundation,&rdquo; stated Chair Jules. &ldquo;It has been a year of collaboration and review of how to live, learn, and work from a framework of Aboriginal values defining student success.&rdquo;</p><p>The outcomes and successes of the fifth AEEA are based on the Brendtro, Brokenleg, and Van Bockem&rsquo;s Circle of Courage (2003) of Aboriginal youth development which is based on the belief that all individuals, especially young people, have four universal needs: belonging, mastery, independence, and generosity.&nbsp; When these four core values are nurtured and supported, young people are more likely to develop resilience, positive self-esteem, and a sense of purpose and belonging.&nbsp; It provides a framework for promoting positive youth development and guiding interventions and programs that support the holistic growth of young people. The success of the Circle of Courage framework requires an approach that balances all the four core values.</p><p>&ldquo;I am hopeful about our future as a district because of the leadership and commitment that we have developed over the many years as a Board and Aboriginal Education Council,&rdquo; shared Board Chair Grieve. &ldquo;It is only a beginning to a long road of realizing truth and reconciliation.&rdquo;</p> /Modules/News/index.aspx?feedId=a34c7aa8-61a4-4301-b1ee-537197631df4&newsId=4094ee4c-cb93-4c00-b5f6-3c833c6297c0 Thu, 22 Feb 2024 21:00:00 GMT We are Stronger Together as a Community <p>By Rhonda Nixon, Superintendent</p><p>September 1, 2021</p><p>In less than one week, 2,000 teachers, administrators and support staff welcome 15,000 K to 12 students back in class for full-time learning. Kamloops-Thompson students can look forward to resuming sports, music, and other extracurricular activities.</p><p>While we recognize that families and students are excited to see each other in school in September, we know that there is some anxiety about what school will look like. Safety remains our top priority. Back-to-school is not quite the normal that we had hoped for, but we are confident that our health and safety guidelines: continued mask wearing, daily health checks, staying home when sick, a continued focus on hand washing, daily cleaning and disinfecting protocols, and other health and safety measures will keep students, parents, and staff safe.</p><p>The updated COVID-19 communicable disease guidelines for K-12 schools align with current public health advice and were developed in collaboration with the Office of the Provincial Health Officer, BC Centre for Disease Control, WorkSafeBC, and the Education Steering Committee. Based on these guidelines and in consultation with Interior Health, our COVID-19 Response committee has co-developed our ÌÇÐÄSwag Communicable Disease Prevention Plan, which will be available this upcoming week as our staff continue to work together to ensure a safe school start-up.</p><p>While the pandemic protocols for the restart have certainly been top of mind, so has ÌÇÐÄSwag&rsquo;s role in Truth and Reconciliation. On my first day in the district, May 28, the devastating news of the discovery of 215 children&rsquo;s bodies at the Kamloops Indian Residential School was released. Given that this is an especially vulnerable time for our communities, school and district leaders began the year with professional learning on August 26 to learn how we can continue to move forward with Truth and Reconciliation.&nbsp;</p><p>Throughout July and August, the District&rsquo;s Emergency Response Committee activated its protocols when Evacuation Alerts or Orders were issued for several of our communities, which also affected the families attending those eleven schools. My heart goes out to those staff and families who work or attend Westwold and who lost their homes or who were impacted by the fires. District and school staff continue to support those individuals impacted.</p><p>We will continue to monitor the situation, to work together to ensure the safety of students and staff, and to attend to air quality, should it become an issue.</p><p>In my role as the new superintendent, I marvel at the resiliency of the people in our rural and urban communities. This has been evident in the way that everyone has helped each other to persist through the challenges of the past year, which I witnessed first-hand during this summer&rsquo;s intense wildfire season. There is no doubt that we are stronger together as a community. I look forward to continuing to get to know more people and to learn firsthand about our communities throughout the school year.</p><p>This column appeared in Kamloops This Week: View from ÌÇÐÄSwag on&nbsp;September 1, 2021</p> /Modules/News/index.aspx?feedId=a34c7aa8-61a4-4301-b1ee-537197631df4&newsId=63292eae-7a30-423d-ad45-3fb8bfa37c09 Wed, 01 Sep 2021 15:30:00 GMT Kamloops-Thompson School District Celebrates Pink Shirt Day - February 28, 2024 <p>In the 2022-2027 District Strategic Plan, our Cultural Identity Priority reinforces the need to ensure that every student feels safe, welcomed, included, connected, and has a sense of belonging in their schools.</p><p>Wednesday, February 28, 2024 marks the 17th Pink Shirt Day provincially, and it is an opportunity to celebrate diversity and inclusivity.</p><p>&ldquo;Our Board is committed to making sure that all students are proud of who they are in the fullness of their identities (cultural, family, ethnic, religious, age, sexual orientations and gender identities, and disabilities or diverse abilities) to feel safe, accepted and respected in our schools and district facilities,&rdquo; stated Board Chair Heather Grieve.</p><p>&ldquo;We have many opportunities for students to have a voice (District Student Equity Council, District Student Advisory Council, Aboriginal Student Leadership Council, Indigenous Student Summit, to name some examples). In these groups, students feel safe to express themselves about barriers to feeling included (racism, discrimination, bullying),&rdquo; shared Superintendent Dr. Rhonda Nixon. &ldquo;I am proud of the work of all staff who lead these groups to help us to change procedures and practices that prevent students from feeling safe, included, and having a sense of belonging in schools.&rdquo;</p><p>&ldquo;The District Accessibility Committee is a group of individuals 50% of whom have visible and invisible disabilities. They have developed an accessibility plan and have recently collected feedback on this plan,&rdquo; shared Assistant Superintendent Mochikas. &ldquo;I believe that this group is already making a positive impact on our district because they have identified actions such as having the Rick Hansen Foundation review our facilities to assess a school&rsquo;s overall accessibility. This process would provide valuable information to assist in making schools and District facilities more accessible.&rdquo;</p><p>&ldquo;Pink Shirt Day signifies the importance of the Cultural and Identity Priority in the District Strategic Plan and all that we are doing to embrace every person for who they are and who they become in environments that enable them to flourish,&rdquo; shared Board Chair Heather Grieve.</p><p>We encourage you to spread positive messages of inspiration and share words of kindness this Pink Shirt Day, using the social media hashtags: #PinkShirtDay, #LiftEachOtherUp and #erasebullying.&rdquo;</p> /Modules/News/index.aspx?feedId=a34c7aa8-61a4-4301-b1ee-537197631df4&newsId=bd96e164-e2ab-4fd7-bd6b-403cb0ef5bcd Wed, 28 Feb 2024 17:00:00 GMT ÌÇÐÄSwag Opens Ralph Bell Elementary Child Care <p>On December 4, 2023, Honourable Grace Lore, Minister of State for Child Care officially announced (<a href="" target="_blank">ministry news release</a>) the opening of a new child care centre at Ralph Bell Elementary School in the Valleyview area.</p><p>Minister Lore emphasized, &ldquo;Being able to access affordable, quality child care is so important for parents and families, and allows them to work, study or pursue other goals.&rdquo; She added, &ldquo;Children, their families and Kamloops&rsquo; local economy will benefit from these (72 at Happyvale, 72 at Ralph Bell) new licensed infant-toddler child care spaces that were identified as much needed in the Kamloops region.&rdquo;</p><p>&ldquo;We know that families in the Kamloops-Thompson communities across our district are in much need of child care,&rdquo; stated Board Chair Heather Grieve. &ldquo;We began the journey of opening our first child care in the District more than two years ago with our first applications for 144 spaces for two locations, Ralph Bell and Happyvale/Twin Rivers Education Centre.&rdquo;</p><p>&ldquo;The vision for the future of child care within the district is to continue to work with the Ministry of Education to access the New Child Care Spaces fund and to collaborate with community partners to discern locations for new child care spaces,&rdquo; stated Superintendent Dr. Rhonda Nixon. &ldquo;This is our first experience creating spaces devoted to childcare by accessing New Spaces funding, which will inform future applications for new child care spaces.&rdquo;</p><p>&ldquo;We have been working with Inquiring Little Minds (ILM) to design and prepare for the implementation of a child care with 48 spaces for 3-5 year olds and 24 spaces for Infant/Toddler care from birth - 30 months of age,&rdquo; explained Assistant Superintendent Grant Reilly. &ldquo;Currently, ILM has 12 infant-toddlers registered, which is the capacity of one Infant Toddler program.&rdquo;</p><p>Once ILM has another Infant Toddler Educator, they will be able to enroll an additional 12 children. Qualified ECE Infant/Toddler specialists are in short demand currently across BC.</p><p>&ldquo;The best part about opening our first child care has been the working relationship between the Facilities and Maintenance and the Early Learning and Child Care teams of ÌÇÐÄSwag, and the Inquiring Little Minds team,&rdquo; shared Ms. Tanya Rogers, District Principal of Early Learning and Child Care. &ldquo;And, ultimately, the ability to support additional child care spaces for families here in Kamloops.&rdquo;</p><p>&ldquo;These new spots are more than childcare for families in need, they are the light at the end of a long tunnel. They are a step toward ensuring a bright future with quality education for children of all ages,&rdquo; shared Ms. Emma Silver, Manager for ILM, Ralph Bell site.</p><p>&ldquo;It is so exciting to meet the child care needs of some families, and we recognize that we must continue to work with partners to enable more families to access quality child care in both our urban and rural areas,&rdquo; stated Board Chair Grieve.</p> /Modules/News/index.aspx?feedId=a34c7aa8-61a4-4301-b1ee-537197631df4&newsId=461f90e5-2f44-472c-908e-40a2e127cfb7 Mon, 04 Dec 2023 19:45:00 GMT Interior Health In-school Vaccination Clinics Underway <p>Kamloops-Thompson secondary schools in Chase, Clearwater, Barriere and Logan Lake will be the site for Interior Health&rsquo;s in-school vaccination clinics beginning Thursday, Oc.t 7, 2021.</p><p>The clinics will provide access to COVID-19 vaccine for eligible students 12 years and older, teachers, staff, and community family members. Parents are welcome to accompany their child at the time of their vaccination.&nbsp;</p><p>&ldquo;We have worked with the Interior Health public health nurse manager and vaccination coordinator to prepare for hosting the vaccination clinics in schools,&rdquo; said Dr. Rhonda Nixon, Superintendent, School District No. 73. &nbsp;&ldquo;Secondary schools hosting the clinics will be sending the parents and caregivers information from Interior Health.&rdquo;</p><p>ÌÇÐÄSwag is working closely with Interior Health to ensure measures are in place to protect the health and safety of students and staff. Entrances and exits to the clinics will be through exterior doors and will be clearly marked, and all visitors to the clinic will need to follow the clinic&rsquo;s health and safety guidelines.</p><p>&ldquo;We pride ourselves on being partners with Public Health to support access to vaccinations,&rdquo; said Rhonda Kershaw, Chair ÌÇÐÄSwag Board of Education. &ldquo;We are pleased to continue this important role in keeping our communities safe.&rdquo;</p><p style="text-align: left;">The rescheduled in-school vaccination clinic at South Kamloops Secondary will take place Friday, Oct. 1, 2021.&nbsp;</p><table width="623" border="1" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0"><tbody><tr><td valign="top" width="312"><p align="center"><strong>Date</strong></p></td><td valign="top" width="312"><p align="center"><strong>School</strong></p></td></tr><tr><td valign="top" width="312"><p align="center">October 1, 2021</p><p align="center">12:00 to 4:30</p></td><td valign="top" width="312"><p align="center">South Kamloops Secondary</p></td></tr><tr><td valign="top" width="312"><p align="center">October 7, 2021</p><p align="center">2:00 to 4:00</p></td><td valign="top" width="312"><p align="center">Chase&nbsp; Secondary</p></td></tr><tr><td valign="top" width="312"><p align="center">October 8, 2021</p><p align="center">2:00 to 4:00</p></td><td valign="top" width="312"><p align="center">&nbsp;Clearwater Secondary</p></td></tr><tr><td valign="top" width="312"><p align="center">October 13, 2021</p><p align="center">2:00 to 4:00</p></td><td valign="top" width="312"><p align="center">&nbsp;Barriere Secondary</p></td></tr><tr><td valign="top" width="312"><p align="center">October&nbsp; 13, 2021&nbsp;</p><p align="center">1:00 to 3:00</p></td><td valign="top" width="312"><p align="center">Logan Lake Secondary&nbsp;</p></td></tr><tr><td valign="top" width="312"><p align="center">&nbsp;</p></td><td valign="top" width="312">&nbsp;</td></tr></tbody></table> /Modules/News/index.aspx?feedId=a34c7aa8-61a4-4301-b1ee-537197631df4&newsId=b4d174b4-b401-4c0d-af62-42be0d36966a Fri, 17 Sep 2021 15:00:00 GMT ÌÇÐÄSwag RCMP Youth Academy 2023 <p style="text-align: left;" align="center">Heather Grieve, Board Chair</p><p style="text-align: left;" align="center">The Kamloops-Thompson Board of Education celebrates the 13 youth who have embarked on the journey of learning about law enforcement in the annual RCMP Youth Academy.</p><p>This academy experience is one week (March 18-23) over Spring Break, and it is designed to resemble cadet training with the RCMP. Once a cadet is accepted, they are assigned to a troop of 32 members and then take part in an extensive 26-week training program at Depot, which is the RCMP Academy in Regina, Saskatchewan. Once they successfully complete the Cadet Training Program (CTP), they are then offered employment with the RCMP and given peace officer status.</p><p>The ÌÇÐÄSwag - Kamloops RCMP Youth Academy has been conducted each year since 2011 and is similar to RCMP Youth academies that are conducted in Williams Lake, Vernon and Richmond, BC. This year, students came from School District No. 73 (Kamloops-Thompson), Quesnel, Hope, Seabird Island, Harrison Hot Springs, and Agassiz. We were fortunate to have officers such as Corporal Rebecca Munro from Lillooet who joined us to share her role in recruitment of Indigenous youth into the RCMP, and Sergeant Brenda Winpenny and her team from CFSEU who traveled from Surrey to inform students about the dangers of gang life.&nbsp;</p><p>Director Kienlein stated, &ldquo;These students have been on site since 1:00 pm on Saturday, March 18th, 24 hours per day. The immersive nature of the experience helps each student to gain insight into whether they want to investigate being in the RCMP further or whether they are not suited. It also exposes them to other related to law enforcement careers such as the Conservation Officer Service, Corrections Service, Sheriff's Service, Canada Border Services Agency, Commercial Vehicle Safety Enforcement and CP Police&rdquo;.</p><p>The students took part in classes both inside and outside over the course of the week. There was a blend of learning about the importance of note-taking and notebooks to reading someone their rights, arrests, handcuffs, and searches as related to the fundamentals of the Criminal Code. Students also learned the basics of conducting investigations, of personal defense tactics, and about the importance of determination, precision and teamwork.</p><p>Students received presentations from a variety of RCMP units: Targeted Enforcement Unit (TEU), Combined Forces Special Enforcement Unit (CFSEU-BC), Tactical Unit (TAC), Police Dog Service (PDS), Emergency Response Team (ERT), Forensic Identification Service (FIS), and the Indigenous Police Service (IPS). Students also received presentations from related law enforcement agencies, BC Prosecution Service, ICBC and the TRU Police and Justice Studies Program.</p><p>&ldquo;The value of this academy is getting the opportunity to interact with people who are in law enforcement. It has given me the opportunity to ask questions and to learn about what they do. It is providing me access to first-hand experience so that I can be better-informed about this career&rdquo;, stated Norkam Senior Secondary grade 12 student Meredith Franks.</p><p>&ldquo;I have taken part in two of these academies in the last two years and I notice a huge transformation between how each student begins (nervous) to how they end (confident),&rdquo; stated Superintendent Nixon. &ldquo;I am grateful to Superintendent Pelley, Staff Sergeant Butler, Corporal Napier, Corporal Tunbridge, Corporal Elwood, Corporal Underhill, and Constable Martin as well as all of the officers who supported the programming. I also appreciate Amanda and Randy Big Sorrel Horse for opening with a smudging ceremony, and to our staff who were here throughout the week: Rick Kienlein, Kerry Gairdner, Allisson Badger, Sheila Brown, Angela Pinette, Julia Carlson and Lynn Mazur.&rdquo;</p><p>The Board of Education is thankful to the students and parents who took part in this year&rsquo;s and past year&rsquo;s RCMP Youth Academies. Career Education, in which every learner will graduate and come to know who they are and have plans for who they aim to become through their career pathway, is a key priority. As Board Chair, I admire these students for their passion and persistence to learn more about themselves and their potential future career pathways in law enforcement. It is a gift to be able to attend closing ceremonies to see how proud these young people are and to listen to where they hope to go next.</p> /Modules/News/index.aspx?feedId=a34c7aa8-61a4-4301-b1ee-537197631df4&newsId=e94e0ca2-3b6e-4270-8959-438bd50ae641 Thu, 23 Mar 2023 17:00:00 GMT Human Rights and Anti-Racism in Action <p>Two secondary student leaders are paving the way for a more inclusive school culture, based on equity, diversity, and societal change.</p><p>Sarah Kwak, a grade 12 student at Sa-Hali Secondary, and Annecia Thomas, a grade 11 student from South Kamloops Secondary School grade 11 inspired the Board of Education at the regular meeting on Monday, January 24 with their vision for a just future.</p><p>Kwak created the Sa-Hali Social Justice Club in early 2021 with the main goal of practicing non-optical allyship &ndash; meaning allyship that serves beyond the surface level &ndash; while also providing a safe space for marginalized students.</p><p>&ldquo;We aim to recognize the importance of educating our peers through videos, monthly posters, participating in conversations about difficult topics, brainstorming different events, and fundraising for organizations that work towards societal change,&rdquo; said Kwak.</p><p>Kwak also serves as social media manager for <a href="">Motion of Colour</a>, a local youth-centered, student-led organization focused on racial justice through youth-facilitated discussions and an education-based approach to anti-racism. Motion of Colour was <a href="/Modules/News/index.aspx?feedId=10c49675-bbce-4733-a8c0-fbbd3a3ec9ae,be1116c5-ab98-434e-8a10-8a00f49b774c,208dc79b-e7d6-4c56-be49-d1a958ce7890,22ff3110-d793-43a6-840c-c4111ce97696,bea72a8a-9acb-4e39-a622-a93619bbcb20,609debc8-f306-4231-82f6-0ccdd05741ff,1a8871c1-91be-45ab-b39d-92ef36375147,f8da9119-5861-4244-9bef-1bcc52d3b354,864e5895-2441-42e4-88b6-d6159a4c573e,693bbd8a-7a76-4569-a4cc-0a6c73399faf&amp;keyword=motion%20of%20colour&amp;newsId=cdae5e85-c797-4507-a54e-99244623bacb">co-founded</a> by former ÌÇÐÄSwag students <a href="/Modules/News/index.aspx?keyword=falade&amp;newsId=388050d9-ef9a-49d3-9fc6-6e01475fdfb7">Mary Falade</a> and Joy Kwak.</p><p>&nbsp;Noting her belief that education plays the biggest role in both anti-racism and activism, Kwak said, &ldquo;Organizations like Motion of Colour and clubs such as my own play a large role in the community. It is my hope that students are able to establish and take part in these communities in order to grow, learn, and evolve as future leaders.&rdquo;</p><p>The Sa-Hali Social Justice Club plans to widen the circle of solidarity alongside Thomas&rsquo; Social Activism Club at SKSS, as well as through the Anti-Racism Student Leadership Council led by Assistant Superintendent Vessy Mochikas.</p><p>Thomas is piloting a Black History Month fundraiser with Kwak&rsquo;s club as a joint project: &ldquo;It is our collective goal to be able to create social change through education, solidarity, and student leadership in order to make our school an anti-racist space,&rdquo; said Thomas.</p><p>The SKSS student also hosts a podcast for Motion of Colour and has been named to the BC Ministry of Education&rsquo;s Youth Dialogue Series on Social Justice, as part of the Ministry of Education&rsquo;s K-12 Anti-Racism Action Plan. Thomas and 22 other youth from around the province will spend the year working collaboratively with Education Minister Jennifer Whiteside to create a space for youth to meaningfully contribute in discussions regarding the anti-racism action plan.</p><p>&ldquo;Creating an equal education system requires many steps,&rdquo; said Thomas. &ldquo;And by taking it to a provincial level, it extends the opportunity for change to be made on a larger scale. I am happy to broaden my experience and passion for social justice by representing my lived experiences with racism.&rdquo;</p><p>The next step for the two students and other student champions is to develop a survey for students and district staff to inform on peoples&rsquo; lived experience of racism. From there, resources and kits will be developed.</p><p>&ldquo;With the students&rsquo; help,&rdquo; explained Mochikas, &ldquo;we will be providing training and education sessions for staff. While we acknowledge that we have many plans underway and lofty goals, we do also acknowledge that we have a long way to go. I have no doubt with student leaders such as Sarah and Annecia leading the way, the adults will continue to learn at a faster pace than we would without them. These are two amazing young leaders who are not waiting until the future to make an impact.&rdquo;</p><p>View an educational video created by Sarah Kwak and the Sa-Hali Social Justice Club:</p><p><iframe title="YouTube video player" src="" frameborder="0" width="560" height="315"></iframe></p> /Modules/News/index.aspx?feedId=a34c7aa8-61a4-4301-b1ee-537197631df4&newsId=cd96657b-c757-41ca-8f8f-441ac06c6db1 Wed, 26 Jan 2022 18:00:00 GMT Board Notes from April 26, 2021 <p>From the regular meeting of the Board of Education. Find out about Outdoor Education, Superintendent's report, and District Student Advisory Council report. Read Board Notes <span style="text-decoration: underline;"><a href="" target="_blank">here</a></span>.</p> /Modules/News/index.aspx?feedId=a34c7aa8-61a4-4301-b1ee-537197631df4&newsId=3ee479de-8767-4fcf-bb1a-4500d06a808f Thu, 29 Apr 2021 15:00:00 GMT ÌÇÐÄSwag Acknowledges the National Day for Truth and Reconciliation <p>By Diane Jules, Trustee</p><p>October 4, 2023</p><p><em>Weyt-kp</em></p><p>Today, I am writing to you as a Secwepemc First Nation mother, sister, daughter, and auntie.</p><p>I am honored to be the daughter of a survivor of the Kamloops Indian Residential School. I am also proud to be a member of the Adams Lake Indian Band and a trustee who represents the TNRD Areas L and P, the Village of Chase, and the Municipality of Sun Peaks.&nbsp;</p><p>In ÌÇÐÄSwag, we recognize the National Day for Truth and Reconciliation as an important day to honor and acknowledge that we are living on the traditional territories of the Secwepemc people. In celebrations that have taken place during the week of September 25-29, I am grateful to elders and knowledge keepers who welcomed guests to the territory and to those who shared stories of the care that First Nations have taken to nurture Mother Earth that has sustained us physically through food and medicines that grow on the land, and spiritually through ceremonies, stories, celebrations held on the territories where our ancestors live.</p><p>In various activities that took place over this past week, participants learned about Aboriginal ways of knowing and being, and about historical truths of living in residential schools and being impacted by the Sixties Scoop, as well as more recent examples of racism and discrimination. These truths are hard to hear and traumatizing for those impacted, but when we continue to learn together about them, it is an opportunity not to repeat them, to engage in reconciliation.</p><p>One example of a powerful guest speaker was Carolyn Anderson who has been a District Coordinator of Aboriginal Education and now a TRU professor who provided the gift of her personal story of being a Sixties Scoop Survivor. She shared how she was taken from her birth mother and grew up not knowing her First Nations community, language, or tradition. Carolyn spoke about her gratitude for being raised by an adoptive mother who was half English and half Cree, and she said, &ldquo;I believe the half Cree part of my adoptive mom helped me cope during my childhood as she was authentically Indigenous in many ways.&rdquo; She went on to share, &ldquo;Understanding Indigenous ways of knowing and being helped me feel connected, safe, loved, and understood which was very important as most Sixties Scoop survivors feel disconnected from their lives.&rdquo;</p><p>I am grateful to the collaboration between SD83, ÌÇÐÄSwag, and Adam&rsquo;s Lake Indian Band who brought the Kulak family from Saskatchewan who shared their story of discrimination that had a good result of establishing National Ribbon Skirt Day. The Kulak family members (Chris, father; Lana, mother; and Bella, Malena, Salena, Christina, Shania, five of their daughters) came together to support Bella who is from the Cote First Nation to share her story.</p><p>On January 4, 2023, Bella was bullied for wearing her ribbon skirt, a skirt that she was proud of and that was gifted to her to wear in traditional ceremonies. The family members each spoke about how Bella was not herself following the incident at school where she was told that she should have worn something else, not her ribbon skirt. Bella explained that she felt a sense of shame, but she is glad to turn something hurtful into something good. On January 4th, they encouraged everyone to wear something on National Ribbon Skirt Day that represents their identity&ndash; a ribbon skirt or shirt, a hockey jersey, or any attire that reflects your heritage.</p><p>The National Day for Truth and Reconciliation and the week that has taken place in ÌÇÐÄSwag and in communities across Canada helps everyone to know the importance of truths that have happened historically and that, unfortunately, still happen today.</p><p>It is important to continue our collective commitment to learn about and not to forget the emotional weight of the stories told and retold. I am grateful to everyone who has taken time over this last week including on the National Day for Truth and Reconciliation to reflect on what can be done personally and collectively to reconcile such tragic histories by taking steps together to prevent racism and discrimination, which are at the root of these histories and to set our hearts and minds to a more hopeful future.</p><p>I have shared before that being an Aboriginal person at this time within our history is exciting and hopeful. Never before have our voices had local, national, and international spaces to share stories, perspectives, and lessons with those who truly wanted to hear them. I am grateful to be part of a district community and provincial, national, and international community and time in history that not only acknowledges the National Day for Truth and Reconciliation, but who will walk together every day in the spirit of reconciliation.</p><p><em>Kukstsemc</em></p><p>This column appeared in Kamloops This Week: View from ÌÇÐÄSwag on October 3, 2023.</p> /Modules/News/index.aspx?feedId=a34c7aa8-61a4-4301-b1ee-537197631df4&newsId=d71f1aa1-d813-4e16-8c0c-493ebe4a07f9 Wed, 04 Oct 2023 16:45:00 GMT TteS and ÌÇÐÄSwag Celebrate Inaugural District Powwow <p>Language, tradition, and learning were among the takeaways from the Kamloops-Thompson School District&rsquo;s first-ever powwow.</p><p>Hundreds of grade 4 and 5 students came together on Wednesday, May 25 at the Tk&rsquo;emlups Arbour to join hands &ndash; literally and figuratively &ndash; and participate in what proved to be an immersive cultural experience complete with traditional prayers, hand drumming, dancers in regalia, and singing.</p><p>&ldquo;We welcome you with open arms and an open heart,&rdquo; said Tk&rsquo;emlups te Secw&eacute;pemc Councillor Morning-Star Peters. &ldquo;We want to share our culture because at one time, we weren&rsquo;t allowed to do that. This is so important for us to do this together to build unity and for us to be inclusive with each other.&rdquo;</p><p>Earlier in the week, a memorial was held to commemorate the one-year anniversary of the discovery of the unmarked graves just a short distance away from the powwow site.</p><p>During the powwow, many speakers including dignitaries and elder Evelyn Camille discussed the tragedy, how it has impacted their lives, and how it will change the future, as a way to educate the audience of children on the magnitude of the findings.</p><p>&ldquo;Back when the children&rsquo;s lives were ended, they were known as a number,&rdquo; explained Tk&rsquo;emlups te Secw&eacute;pemc representative Ted Gottfriedson. &ldquo;Our elders, who are also survivors of [the Kamloops Indian Residential School] and other residential schools, have decided that they no longer wanted to call our kids who were confirmed there &lsquo;the 215&rsquo; because they felt it wasn&rsquo;t appropriate to refer to them as a number anymore.</p><p>&ldquo;Our elders have decided to call the children, Le Estcwicw&eacute;y, and if that&rsquo;s something you would like to learn how to say, I think that that would be really appropriate and it would really honour those kids.&rdquo;</p> /Modules/News/index.aspx?feedId=a34c7aa8-61a4-4301-b1ee-537197631df4&newsId=071c1ed4-a45f-496c-9353-4ba293e3cb59 Thu, 26 May 2022 21:45:00 GMT Electric School Buses Coming to the District <p>The Kamloops-Thompson Board of Education has approved $65,000 in funding to proceed with a carbon neutral capital plan project.&nbsp;</p><p>Work on the design, tender and construction of an electric bus charging infrastructure will begin soon with an expected completion of March 31, 2021.&nbsp;</p><p>The District will take delivery of its first electric bus in early 2021. ÌÇÐÄSwag is one of 13 districts in the province that are part of the Clean BC Go Electric Bus Program to see how the electric vehicles perform in the extreme range of BC&rsquo;s weather and topographical conditions.</p><p>Sherry Kristjanson, ÌÇÐÄSwag Transportation Manager, says the 76-passenger electric bus is a welcome addition to the existing fleet of 84 diesel powered buses. The project is jointly funded by the Ministry of Energy, Mines and Petroleum Resources (EMPR), the Ministry of Education, the Association of School Transportation Services of BC and ÌÇÐÄSwag.</p> /Modules/News/index.aspx?feedId=a34c7aa8-61a4-4301-b1ee-537197631df4&newsId=40410633-4988-4e02-9865-4e0371ca27ab Wed, 30 Sep 2020 17:45:00 GMT Serving on the Kamloops-Thompson Board of Education <p>By Meghan Wade, Vice-Chair</p><p>September 7, 2022</p><p>In this column I am sharing my thoughts and experiences on serving as a Trustee, Vice Chair, and Chair of the Kamloops-Thompson Board of Education while also hoping to inspire others to consider putting their names forward. I am not seeking re-election on October 15, 2022, so I want to share how grateful I am to the voters of Kamloops who have given me the privilege of serving this District for four terms.</p><p>When elected to public office, you are given a trust that requires your time, commitment, skills, open mind, and patience. A trustee&rsquo;s work is complicated. You become one member of a nine-person corporate board that must collaborate and compromise. There is no room for a narrow personal agenda, nor advocacy for a single organization or group. You must always be willing to maintain an open mind to engage with all district and community members within the context of the District&rsquo;s Strategic Plan and your role as a governor.</p><p>As a new trustee, there is an immense amount to learn about the entire district, the School Act, the Board&rsquo;s relationship to the Ministry of Education, the Board&rsquo;s role as employer to various employee groups, and the list goes on. A team of skilled professionals will help you learn what you need to know. But it will take time. Start the term by being curious and asking lots of questions. The Board table will consist of incumbents who will absolutely support you in the learning. Improving student outcomes requires that all trustees be prepared to collaborate, compromise, listen and debate, consistently maintaining the line between governance (your role) and operations (the professional staff&rsquo;s role).</p><p>So why run? You would be joining a Board that celebrates student success in literacy, numeracy, and high school completion rates. There will be tough times, tough decisions, endless meetings, difficult conversations, and challenging correspondence but none of that outweighs walking into a classroom and having a primary student proudly read to you or receiving a student&rsquo;s or a parent&rsquo;s thank you email because you helped make a difference in their life. If students are always at the centre of what you do, the work is incredibly rewarding. I have no regrets.</p><p>Over my 14 years, Aboriginal graduation rates have significantly improved but we are not done yet. The district is working hard on Truth and Reconciliation, a continuing journey of which I am extremely proud. October 2022 will have the official opening of the expansion of Valleyview Secondary School: an event over 5 years in the making. Hopefully, we are only months away from a funding announcement for an elementary school in Pineview Valley as advocating for capital investment is forefront with trustees. During my terms, the district opened schools of choice plus academies focused on meeting the needs of our diverse student population. The district&rsquo;s new comprehensive strategic plan, created through extensive consultation, provides strong direction for the next 5 years. This was the third district strategic plan I participated in, and implementation will be exciting.</p><p>There is so much I am proud of and grateful for over the past 14 years. This District is not perfect and there is much we can do to improve our students&rsquo; outcomes. If you have the passion to truly be of service, consider running for school trustee and continue the work of moving this district forward. Plus, VOTE. An elected school board is the public in Public Education.</p><p>This column appeared in Kamloops This Week: View from ÌÇÐÄSwag on Sept 7, 2022</p> /Modules/News/index.aspx?feedId=a34c7aa8-61a4-4301-b1ee-537197631df4&newsId=b07c1e24-4d48-47d7-abe7-4e5a3cce704f Wed, 07 Sep 2022 15:00:00 GMT RCMP Youth Advisory Committee meets with RCMP <p>Grade 11 and 12 students representing the majority of ÌÇÐÄSwag secondary schools provided the RCMP with their views on a range of topics at the fifth annual RCMP Youth Advisory Council session.</p><p>Facilitated by Trades and Transitions, twenty-eight youth applied to participate in the day that included sessions on vaping, Car 40 responses to metal health situations, and simulating the operation of a vehicle under various levels of intoxication through distortion goggles.</p><p>Mental health, drug use and wellness were the predominate focus of the question and answer session with community panel members including RCMP&nbsp;Superintendent Syd Lecky, District Heath Promoting Schools Coordinator Sherry Stade, City of Kamloops Councillor Dale Bass, ÌÇÐÄSwag Board Chair Kathleen Karpuk, and Child and Youth Mental Health representative Sue Peterson,</p><p>&ldquo;We organize this as an opportunity for the RCMP to have an open dialogue with youth to better meet their needs,&rdquo; said Rick Kienlein, Director of Instruction-Secondary. &ldquo;Once all the discussions and activities are done, we (ÌÇÐÄSwag organizers) get together with RCMP liaison officers to find themes for the RCMP to consider regarding their approach to the issues youth are facing.&rdquo;</p><p>&ldquo;A couple of our students will go on to the provincial advisory council, and sometimes to the national session in Ottawa.&rdquo;</p> /Modules/News/index.aspx?feedId=a34c7aa8-61a4-4301-b1ee-537197631df4&newsId=82131ac4-4be6-44a0-88f0-4ee202549180 Tue, 17 Dec 2019 21:45:00 GMT Literacy in Action <p>The District Literacy Team helps lead ÌÇÐÄSwag readers to excellence through the various stages of reading development.</p><p>Affirming that &ldquo;Teaching reading <em>is</em> rocket science&rdquo;, in their presentation to the Board of Education on Jan. 10, they highlighted how children and youth acquire reading skills along a predictable continuum. With teachers&rsquo; support, students move from learning to read to reading to learn, typically by grade 4.</p><p>The team, based out of the Henry Grube Education Centre, is comprised of Tricia Persad, District Literacy Coordinator, Pamela Thomson, Literacy Resource Teacher for Elementary, and Mike Carson, Literacy Resource Teacher for Secondary.</p><p>To help students progress through Dr. Chall&rsquo;s Stages of Reading Development, &ldquo;effective literacy instruction includes the systematic teaching of these five pillars of reading: phonemic awareness, phonics, fluency, vocabulary, and comprehension &ndash; these pillars are referenced in our District Learning Plan,&rdquo; said Persad. With instruction and practice, most students should be able to develop phonemic awareness, phonics knowledge, and basic fluency in the early grades. These are crucial and correspond to the first three stages identified by Dr. Chall. &ldquo;Teachers in our district make this learning joyful and engaging for students,&rdquo; explained Thomson.</p><p>&nbsp;&ldquo;By the end of stage three, most students have made sense of all of those puffs of air that make up speech and all those squiggles that make up written language,&rdquo; said Carson. &ldquo;They understand the connection between the sounds of language and its visual representation. Now the lifelong journey begins &ndash; reading to learn.&rdquo; Reading focus increasingly shifts to building vocabulary and deepening comprehension skills.</p><p>The District Literacy Team&rsquo;s work centres on supporting foundational aspects of reading and writing and working with teachers and students to strengthen them. &ldquo;That way,&rdquo; Carson said, &ldquo;all students can avail themselves of the innumerable benefits afforded by strong literacy skills.&rdquo;</p><p>Following the presentation to the Board, Superintendent Rhonda Nixon commended the Literacy Team and the work they are doing in schools: &ldquo;On my school visits, I often hear of the work you do &ndash; the after-schools, the residency projects &ndash; and it is surprising to me how in-depth you are able to go in a short period of time.&rdquo;</p> /Modules/News/index.aspx?feedId=a34c7aa8-61a4-4301-b1ee-537197631df4&newsId=033812c8-ec04-44ba-bb5d-5013574350c1 Wed, 12 Jan 2022 16:00:00 GMT City-Board Meeting Highlights <p>The semi-annual meeting between the Board of Education and Kamloops City Councillors addressed school site acquisition charges, the Long-Range Facility plan and renewed the two local levels of government to continue to work together to advocate for improved facilities for students in Kamloops.</p><p><br /> At the joint meeting held March 23, Superintendent Terry Sullivan provided an update to city council and senior city staff regarding the District&rsquo;s continued work with Interior Health and the process that is followed for COVID-19 exposures in schools. While there was a peak of exposures early in the new year and there are ongoing cases in schools, investigations by IH confirm that relatively few transmissions are occurring within schools. He noted that the District expects to hear more about the roll out of vaccinations for the K &ndash; 12 sector soon.</p><p>Director of Facilities Art McDonald reported that the Ministry of Education would provide its response regarding school site acquisition charges by May or June. He further clarified that the site charges would only apply to development within the City of Kamloops.&nbsp;</p><p>He also provided an update on the construction at Valleyview Secondary School, saying the project is on track for a spring 2022 opening. The roof is expected to be installed on the expansion in the next week or two.</p><p>By the end of this school year the public will be able to see the design for the new Parkcrest Elementary School. The City will be contributing up to $2.5 million to allow for a larger gymnasium to serve both school and community needs.</p><p>Director McDonald provided Council and ÌÇÐÄSwag Trustees with a presentation outlining current enrollment projections and capital needs. Extracted from the Long-Range Facilities Report that goes to the Board of Education on April 12, he highlighted the steady growth that is projected for enrollment throughout the next 10 years, which is leading to overcapacity at all education levels. New schools are proposed for Aberdeen, Batchelor, and Juniper West over the next decade.</p> /Modules/News/index.aspx?feedId=a34c7aa8-61a4-4301-b1ee-537197631df4&newsId=0bacb0a3-fe67-4a49-b4dc-502b532ee4a7 Thu, 25 Mar 2021 21:15:00 GMT Building Community Through a Circle of Courage <p>Haldane Elementary School Principal Katrina Sewell updated the Board of Education on the school&rsquo;s Positive Behaviour Intervention Strategies (PBIS) matrix during its regular meeting on Oct. 19, 2020.</p><p>Before launching into the presentation, Sewell shared a video of student Lightning Rose saying a Secwepemc prayer.&nbsp;&nbsp;</p><p>&ldquo;We began our journey to develop our PBIS matrix more than two years ago, so this is a good time to show how far we have come,&rdquo; said Sewell. &ldquo;While most schools work with a specific matrix and an acronym to help students and staff remember it, we have chosen to work with a &lsquo;Circle of Courage,&rsquo; with four quadrants that signify respect, responsibility, belonging and safety.&rdquo;</p><p>The PBIS is something many schools in the District use to establish expected behaviors and a common language.</p><p>Located in Chase, 48 kilometers east of Kamloops, nearly half of the Haldane&rsquo;s 250 students are bused in from the surrounding area including Pritchard, Turtle Valley and Squilax, with the number of Indigenous students varying between 47 to 51 per cent each year.</p><p>Sewell said the school worked in consultation with the local community, which includes the Neskonlith, Little Shuswap, and Adams Lake Indian Bands, to develop the medicine wheel at the centre of the PBIS matrix.</p><p>In addition, the school worked with District staff and connected with every staff member to ensure everyone was on the same page.</p><p>&ldquo;This has been an inclusive process and we have worked hard to build community &ndash; to show students how their individual strengths add to the community of the school, which adds to the strength of the wider community,&rdquo; said Sewell.</p><p>&nbsp;The Haldane Hawk display created at the beginning of this school year is a visual representation of the matrix, features a feather from all the students and staff at the school.</p><p>&ldquo;The hawk is our traditional symbol, and this is a way we felt we could help everyone feel a sense of belonging to school, especially this year,&rdquo; she said.</p><p>Ivy Chelsea, Haldane&rsquo;s Secwepemc Language teacher, sang the Honour Song to conclude the presentation.&nbsp;&nbsp;</p> /Modules/News/index.aspx?feedId=a34c7aa8-61a4-4301-b1ee-537197631df4&newsId=daf6fc07-070e-423d-a1f7-50665409734f Tue, 20 Oct 2020 06:00:00 GMT After-School Programs Engaging ÌÇÐÄSwag Students <p>While all students in the district are looking forward to the end of their school year, there may be some things they will miss, like connecting with friends and participating in fun after-school programs.</p><p>&ldquo;This year I learned how to play our national sport of lacrosse and got to play basketball with a TRU Wolfpack athlete,&rdquo; said <strong>Julian Cruz</strong>, a grade 5 student at Parkcrest Elementary.</p><p>He is one of 2,000 students from 13 different schools across the district who took part in ÌÇÐÄSwag programs provided through the After School Sports and Arts Initiative (ASSAI).</p><p>In a report to the final Board of Education meeting of the school year, <strong>Alexandra Inglis</strong>, the After-School Activity Itinerant Teacher for ÌÇÐÄSwag, said the district offered 55 eight-week programs in arts and sports activities, and 15 five-week cooking programs between September 2018 and May 2019.</p><p>&ldquo;We have professional working artists, TRU athletes, national level coaches, all who bring their passions to our programs every single day,&rdquo; said Inglis. &ldquo;One of the goals of our program is to give the students a voice, a choice, in terms of the programming they want to participate in.&rdquo;</p><p>The ASSAI programs run in eight-week cycles, for two to three hours at a time, twice a week. For the most part, programs are aimed at intermediate students in grades 4 to 7, who may not have access to these opportunities otherwise.&rdquo;</p><p>The arts program is a hands-on experience that includes sketching, sculpting and painting. The movement program is about physical literacy and developing students&rsquo; confidence so that they may pursue activities and sports of interest in the future. The Cook it, Try it, Like it program promotes healthy eating habits.</p><p>Financial support for the ÌÇÐÄSwag ASSAI programs is provided by the BC Ministry of Tourism, Arts and Culture, the Ministry of Children and Family Development, the City of Kamloops and the United Way.</p><p>During the 2019-2020 school year the Ministry of Tourism, Arts and Culture will provide an additional grant to pilot an after-school program for girls in grades 8 &ndash; 12.</p><p>&ldquo;We are so grateful to our partners for their funding and support, because these programs really provide a safe space for students to go during those vulnerable hours after school where they can connect with their peers and a safe and caring adult,&rdquo; said Inglis.</p><p><iframe src="" frameborder="0" width="560" height="315"></iframe></p> /Modules/News/index.aspx?feedId=a34c7aa8-61a4-4301-b1ee-537197631df4&newsId=f4d688d5-f8f5-4c9d-ac4d-508140d0b285 Tue, 25 Jun 2019 14:30:00 GMT Stories from Barriere <p>Dear Parents and Caregivers:</p><p>Many of you began Halloween festivities in your classrooms, workplaces, and homes. I wish you many moments of fun with family and friends in your costumes and as you enjoy your favourite treats on Halloween.</p><p><strong>Barriere Elementary School</strong></p><p>I visited Ms. Tiffany Hawkins, principal of Barriere Elementary School. She described how, when she began her role in 2019, the staff reviewed reading results and decided to implement an early reading intervention program to improve them. Ms. Hawkins stated, &ldquo;Our Learning Assistant Resource Teacher (LART), classroom teachers, and I take reading groups each week. Our goal is that students spend 90% of their time reading texts at their level and to have direct instruction using research-based reading strategies.&rdquo; There has been a steady increase in students&rsquo; reading results over the past two years. &ldquo;We meet every two weeks to discuss students&rsquo; progress,&rdquo; Ms. Hawkins shared, &ldquo;This is how we can assess whether our strategies are working and build on common instructional practices.&rdquo;</p><div class="WordSection1"><p><strong>District Strategic Plan Update</strong></p><p>Our <a href="/en/our-district-board/five-year-strategic-plan-goals-and-objectives.aspx">District Strategic Plan 2017-2022 </a>has been our roadmap for student success because we focused on excellence and equity. This year, we invite you to join us in re-visioning our strategic plan for the next five years. So far, over 900 participants have taken part in either focus groups or our survey to answer: What type of world do you imagine/hope that our children will create?, What skills, attitudes, and competencies will they require to make that world possible?, and How do we get them there? Focus group participants represented 25 staff, student, and partner groups. In November-December, PCG Consultants will provide an analysis of the feedback, which will help us develop our new mission and vision. Watch for these updates as they are available at <a href="">ÌÇÐÄSwagConnects</a>, and join us when we have our next round of opportunities to see what is being developed and to provide your feedback.</p><p><strong>Communicable Disease Prevention Plan</strong></p></div><p>We continue to focus on our <a href="/en/community-parents-and-students/resources/CDPP/Daily-Health-Check.pdf">daily health checks</a>, staying home when sick, and implementing all of the health and safety measures in our <a href="/en/community-parents-and-students/resources/CDPP/ÌÇÐÄSwag-CDPP-Safe-and-Healthy-Facilities.pdf">District&rsquo;s Communicable</a> <a href="/en/community-parents-and-students/resources/CDPP/ÌÇÐÄSwag-CDPP-Safe-and-Healthy-Facilities.pdf">Disease Prevention Plan</a>. This past week, because of everyone&rsquo;s diligence, we continue to see a downward trend in our potential school exposures, which are published by <a href="">Interior Health</a>. That said, community cases in Kamloops-Thompson have been rising, so we will need to remain extra vigilant:</p><ul><li>Wearing masks indoors and on busses</li><li>Washing hands and using hand sanitizer</li><li>Covering our mouths when we cough</li><li>Keeping respectful personal distances</li><li>Using specific entrances and exits</li><li>Limiting visitors to schools</li><li>Staying within gathering guidelines and limiting congestion within small spaces such as hallways</li><li>Using recommended HVAC filters and air flow procedures</li><li>Cleaning, sanitizing, and disinfecting in all areas</li></ul><p>As directed by the Provincial Health Officer, Dr. Bonnie Henry and Interior Health Medical Health Officers, our School District staff will continue to rely on Interior Health&rsquo;s reporting of potential exposures. We rely on Interior Health only for the following reasons:</p><ul><li>As per Public Health guidelines, not all school cases are infectious at school, so advising about these has no benefit to the school community</li><li>Public Health has the expertise to do the exposure assessment and will post on their website when the assessment is complete</li><li>Further notification beyond what Public Health provides can be harmful, promote rumours, and breach the privacy of individuals.</li></ul><p>Thank you for your efforts to have fun this Halloween while also staying safe.</p><p>Rhonda Nixon, PhD</p><p>Superintendent</p> /Modules/News/index.aspx?feedId=a34c7aa8-61a4-4301-b1ee-537197631df4&newsId=e27e778d-6b8a-4c70-8506-5140afc410f1 Fri, 29 Oct 2021 17:00:00 GMT The Kamloops-Thompson Board of Education supports Michelle Mattes as the successful candidate for the role of Assistant Superintendent of Inclusive Education <p>After taking part in a competitive, national competition for the position of Assistant Superintendent of Inclusive Education, Michelle was the chosen candidate. She has had a rewarding 20-year career as an educator in diverse roles focused on Inclusive, Indigenous, and Alternate Education. She has served as the District Principal of Safe and Caring Schools, District Secondary School Services Coordinator, and as a Principal, Vice Principal, Counselor, and Teacher within the Kamloops-Thompson School District.</p><p>&ldquo;We are excited to see how Michelle continues to grow strong, inclusive education programming, supports, and services within our district. I am looking forward to innovative solutions to creating inclusive programming that is responsive to the ever-increasing complexities in classrooms,&rdquo; stated Board Chair Heather Grieve.&nbsp;</p><p>Michelle holds multiple post-secondary qualifications, notably a Master&rsquo;s Degree in Leadership and Administration (Gonzaga University), and a Professional Certificate in Counselling Psychology (UBC).</p><p>&ldquo;I am looking forward to working with Michelle as part of our senior leadership team with her wealth of knowledge and expertise as an educational leader. I appreciate her empathetic, compassionate approach to working with students, families, and staff to ensure that every student is included and cared for in our school system,&rdquo; shared Superintendent Dr. Rhonda Nixon.&nbsp;</p><p>&ldquo;I am deeply honoured to be selected for this role as the Assistant Superintendent of Inclusive Education,&rdquo; Mrs. Mattes shared. &ldquo;I am excited to work as a senior team leader who supports all members of our learning community, increases access to positive and empowering educational experiences, reduces barriers for equitable and excellent educations, and maintains culturally safe, responsive, caring, and inclusive school environments that allow students to thrive.&rdquo;&nbsp;</p><p>Mrs. Mattes begins her appointment on August 1, 2024.&nbsp;</p> /Modules/News/index.aspx?feedId=a34c7aa8-61a4-4301-b1ee-537197631df4&newsId=f2e6c2d0-6c9d-4d70-9478-523adba78f30 Fri, 24 May 2024 18:00:00 GMT The Home Stretch for ÌÇÐÄSwag's Secretary-Treasurer <p>Kelvin Stretch, ÌÇÐÄSwag Secretary-Treasurer, has announced his plan to retire on July 31, 2021.</p><p>His departure marks the end of a 24-year career with the district, the last 15 as the CFO/secretary-treasurer, now overseeing an annual budget of $205M.&nbsp;</p><p>When announcing Stretch&rsquo;s retirement to the Board of Education at its regular meeting on Feb. 8, Superintendent Sullivan took the opportunity to comment on his colleague&rsquo;s years of unfailing service to ÌÇÐÄSwag.</p><p>&ldquo;When I hired Kelvin to be secretary-treasurer I had very high expectations of him. He quickly exceeded all those expectations and proved that he was not only a solid accountant but that he had great interpersonal skills and was a superb manager of people,&rdquo; Sullivan said. &ldquo;The positive outlook and perspective that he brings to work every day are going to be missed by all of us who work closely with him.&rdquo;</p><p>&ldquo;It&rsquo;s been a pleasure working at ÌÇÐÄSwag,&rdquo; Stretch said. &ldquo;I equate the work to playing for a Stanley Cup championship team with all-star staff led by incredibly dedicated board members. I have worked with five terrific, yet different Boards of Education as well as a tremendous complement of staff in all departments who are dedicated to making ÌÇÐÄSwag the great school district it is today&rdquo;.</p><p>In her remarks, Board Chair Rhonda Kershaw said, &ldquo;Your leadership for this board, and for many boards before us has resulted in us being in a very good financial position. And I know your leadership throughout the province has been very much appreciated.&rdquo;</p><p>Recruiting will start immediately for a candidate to fill the role of Secretary-Treasurer.</p> /Modules/News/index.aspx?feedId=a34c7aa8-61a4-4301-b1ee-537197631df4&newsId=cca95fb2-be8f-4824-ade7-52b99f98869d Wed, 10 Feb 2021 19:15:00 GMT Making Classroom Learning Relevant Through Outdoor Education <p>Raft River Elementary teachers have a vision for outdoor learning. In a presentation to the School District No. 73 Board of Education, a teacher from the school&nbsp;spoke about the ways outdoor learning enriches and enhances student learning and engagement.&nbsp;</p><p>"It helps students develop a deeper connection to the curriculum,&rdquo; said&nbsp;<strong>Elizabeth Shook</strong>, Teacher. &ldquo;We notice this is a great approach for students who might be a little less comfortable in a traditional learning environment. I would argue though, that this is also a great learning opportunity for all students.&rdquo;</p><p>For example, she said, a top academic student who had already completed her reading and writing for the morning chose for several days in a row to work outside and finish digging the ditches for the school's new garden irrigation system.&nbsp;</p><p>Raft River teachers have created learning opportunities for their students through a wetlands project, a pollinator garden and a vegetable garden. They are tapping into local knowledge and community volunteers to learn about plants and birds and beekeeping, and they are accessing grants to provide tools and equipment for these projects.&nbsp;</p><p>&nbsp;Other examples of outdoor learning includes:</p><ul><li>A group of community volunteers offering skating lessons to every class in the school.</li><li>A local farmer lets students use the field next to the school for cross country skiing program.</li><li>PAC and Community Forest supplied them with class sets of skis and boots.</li><li>Planting the vegetable garden and the pollinator garden in May, and harvesting the vegetable garden in September.&nbsp;</li><li>Park hikes and river rafting in June.</li></ul><p>&ldquo;We would like to add a permanent outdoor structure so that more teachers can take the learning outside,&rdquo; said Shook.&nbsp;</p> /Modules/News/index.aspx?feedId=a34c7aa8-61a4-4301-b1ee-537197631df4&newsId=a18ed918-5cde-453e-972c-53b379937c63 Thu, 11 Apr 2019 17:00:00 GMT Kamloops Thompson Honour Choir Performs for the Board of Education <p>The Board of Education is invested in supporting the Fine Arts because we know how music, drama, art, and digital arts inspire many students into careers based on these passions. On Monday, December 11, 2023, at the Regular Public Board meeting, it was a joy to welcome 65 grades 3-7 students from across the District who are members of the Kamloops Thompson Honour Choir.</p><p>The evening was facilitated by Music Coordinator, Alanna Mounsey. The choir developed under the exceptional leadership of the Choir Director, Jennica Alpaugh, Accompanist, Lori Jane Froese, and Choir Manager, Taqueesha Lightfoot. The Board enjoyed the culmination of this choir&rsquo;s work throughout the winter season.</p><p>&ldquo;These students and teachers have worked tirelessly to create a magical and heartwarming performance. The guidance of the choir leaders has brought out the considerable talent of these students and we are so fortunate to have them share it with us tonight.&rdquo;, said&nbsp;Alanna Mounsey,&nbsp;Music Coordinator.</p><p>The first performance was a song called X&rsquo;pentes. A talented former choir member, Madeline McMillian, composed it as a poem and, with former accompanist Kevin Mulligan's help, turned it into a song. This song celebrates the joy of singing together in this special place. It truly embraces the joy and peace that comes with this season.&nbsp; The final song, &ldquo;The Polar Express&rdquo; was a holiday medley. This grouping of songs included &ldquo;Believe&rdquo;; &ldquo;Hot Chocolate&rdquo;; &ldquo;The Polar Express&rdquo; and &ldquo;Spirit of the Season.&rdquo;&nbsp; While the choir continued to sing, one member danced and served hot chocolate and cookies to the audience.</p><p>&ldquo;It is inspiring to see how these students, some as young as eight years old, are brave enough to perform for large audiences. We as a board are incredibly privileged when we get to see our students take the spotlight and share their passions with us,&rdquo; shared Board Chair Heather Grieve.</p><p>&ldquo;I am impressed by the months of practicing and preparing that students and their families had committed to in order to perform at such a high level,&rdquo; said Dr. Rhonda Nixon, Superintendent of Schools.</p><p>We are grateful for the parents and staff who continue to support The Kamloops Thompson Honour Choir that has been a part of the school district for forty-five years.</p> /Modules/News/index.aspx?feedId=a34c7aa8-61a4-4301-b1ee-537197631df4&newsId=19b8e49b-04a6-41ba-b60d-5414248f69bb Fri, 15 Dec 2023 23:00:00 GMT Preparing for a Phased Return to School <p>By Heather Grieve, Board Chair</p><p>January 3, 2022</p><p>On December 29, 2021, I participated in a meeting with BC school board chairs and superintendents. We were told that a full restart of K-12 school will be delayed until January 10th. Following the meeting, Provincial Health Officer Dr. Bonnie Henry announced a phased return to school for January 2022.</p><p>The BC Education Ministry website has indicated that some students can attend school on January 4, 2022:</p><ul><li>Students with disabilities and diverse abilities</li><li>Students whose parents work in the health care system</li><li>Students whose parents are other essential workers, as school district capacity allows. Please refer to this government list of <a href="">essential services</a> workers which can be found online at <a href="" target="_blank"></a></li></ul><p>All other children will return one week later on January 10.</p><p>We understand the purpose of the delay in school restart will allow the district and school staff to plan for how to implement recommended enhanced safety measures. We were also advised that the phased restart gives the province time to better assess the impacts of the Omicron variant and develop enhanced safety measures for a return to classrooms.&nbsp;</p><p>Superintendent Nixon has met with district staff to discuss the enhanced safety measures for schools. More information about plans for learning continuity and for enhanced safety measures will be made available soon. The uncertainty for all impacted may be difficult but we will ensure that we update our staff and community as we are apprised of any new information. At this time, all parents can expect their children to return to school on January 10th.&nbsp; We have been informed that school sports will continue with restrictions on spectators and no tournament play.</p><p>Minister Jennifer Whiteside said, &ldquo;As we know the pandemic is changing, but the education system is nimble and strong. Our efforts are truly focused on minimizing disruption and absenteeism.&rdquo; Our understanding is that the goal of the phased restart is to decrease the possibility of school closures in reaction to the pandemic evolution.&nbsp; The minister emphasized that there will not be a series of school closures as a strategy for keeping schools safe; instead, this phased restart is &ldquo;to ensure that we can keep everyone safe upon return and keep schools open.&rdquo;</p><p>Many of the current safety measures will continue such as: using the daily health check, having staff and students stay home when sick, wearing masks that fit properly (this can continue to be non-medical masks), limiting time in crowded locations, proper respiratory and hand etiquette,&nbsp; maintaining personally respectful spaces between people. Our staff will implement the following enhanced safety measures, which include: arranging classrooms for maximum space between students and staff; limiting visitors to the school/worksite to those that are supporting activities that are of benefit to student learning and wellbeing (e.g., teacher candidates, meal program volunteers, etc.); and reducing crowding at transition times such as staggered start/stop times, breaks, lunches.&nbsp; We look forward to welcoming our students and staff back to school for a vibrant new year of learning.</p><p>This column appeared in Kamloops This Week: View from ÌÇÐÄSwag on&nbsp;January 3, 2022</p> /Modules/News/index.aspx?feedId=a34c7aa8-61a4-4301-b1ee-537197631df4&newsId=75df95fe-b04b-46d0-8285-5516fe57096f Tue, 04 Jan 2022 17:00:00 GMT Career Education in Action <p>The District has formed an updated Career Development department by combining Trades and Transitions with Career Education, the Board of Education learned during a presentation at its regular meeting Jan. 25.&nbsp;</p><p>&ldquo;We lead the province in this work, and we want to continue to do so,&rdquo; said Rob Wielgoz, district vice-principal, Trades and Transitions. &ldquo;By creating and supporting robust delivery, and by continuing to develop and maintain our strong community partnerships.&rdquo;</p><p>For example, career education district coordinator Allisson Badger has created a program called Career Talks, a network of professionals in the community willing to share their experiences with students sharing what they are passionate about in their work.</p><p>Career Education is a growing program in the district, beginning with grades 9 &ndash; 12 with courses that focus on helping students explore possibilities. Recently the program expanded to grades 4 &ndash; 9 with a focus on positive community engagement and how students can make meaningful contributions. A pilot program with K-4 students promoting self-awareness around who students want to be in the world will soon be expanded across the district.</p><p>&ldquo;We want students to have the understanding and the experiences brought together to more successfully navigate that transition from secondary to post-secondary,&rdquo; he said. Whatever their aspirations may be, and then also have the flexibility to change and pivot as the world changes around them.&rdquo;</p><p>Students heading into the world of work face 15 &ndash; 30 career changes over their lifetime while 85 per cent of the jobs that today&rsquo;s college students will have in 10 years have not yet been invented.</p><p>Rusky Fontanilla, a grade 12 student at SKSS, presented part of his capstone project about photography and cinematography to the Board.</p><p>One of the great lessons in this program, he said, was the need to explore and investigate his passion to learn what skills he could adapt and take on in his working life. He plans to explore a career as a photographer, a cinematographer and an entrepreneur.</p><p>&ldquo;You can use a lot of skillsets,&rdquo; said Fontanilla.&nbsp; He chose to see how far he could take his skills by putting together a 10-minute video. It helped him feel what the career would be like.</p><p>&ldquo;I had time crunches, it was fantastic, I am glad I did it,&rdquo; he said. &ldquo;I learned from my mentor to take new paths, because if you&rsquo;re not learning about the things you love you&rsquo;re never going to learn about yourself.&rdquo;</p><p>Fontanilla plans to explore a career as a producer of content for Instagram and Youtube and other social media. &nbsp;</p><p>&ldquo;My next goal is to work on myself and my brand,&rdquo; he said. &ldquo;Because I want to build a community around my name as a photographer and a cinematographer.&rdquo;</p><p>&ldquo;That is a great example of different paths that all of our students can take once they finish grade 12,&rdquo; said Board vice-chair Meghan Wade. &ldquo;This is an example of very interesting careers being done by recent graduates.&rdquo;</p><p>She said having students like Fontanilla coming back to speak with students in three years would speak volumes to students.</p><p>&ldquo;It would give them ideas about pathways that are closer to them where they are now,&rdquo; she said.</p><p>&ldquo;I think that is an outstanding idea,&rdquo; said Weilgoz.</p> /Modules/News/index.aspx?feedId=a34c7aa8-61a4-4301-b1ee-537197631df4&newsId=8d988557-0a97-4607-a8e8-5537269e4f39 Wed, 27 Jan 2021 22:30:00 GMT Board Notes from January 11, 2020 <p>From the regular meeting of the Board of Education. Find out about the Importance of Early Learning, COVID update and land disposal in Chase. Read Board Notes <a href="" target="_blank">here.</a></p> /Modules/News/index.aspx?feedId=a34c7aa8-61a4-4301-b1ee-537197631df4&newsId=5462ccdf-feed-4f9d-992d-554497277531 Fri, 15 Jan 2021 16:00:00 GMT Community Spirit Shines Through Myriad Challenges <p>By Kathleen Karpuk, Chair Board of Education</p><p>June 3, 2020</p><p>The word &ldquo;unprecedented&rdquo; has been thrown around a lot lately, but all aspects of the word describe this past school year perfectly.</p><p>This has been a year of chaos and constant challenge and it looks like it could continue into the fall. Yet through it all, the Kamloops-Thompson community has shown itself to be courageous, kind and generous</p><p>It started with the fire at Parkcrest elementary last September.</p><p>Two school families were displaced, a treasured school building disappeared and the impact rippled through our system.</p><p>But within days, students were back in class, TREC students relocated to the United Way and NorKam secondary and, by December, brought back together at Happyvale elementary.</p><p>The community responded with overwhelming generosity to our students and our staff, providing food, space and much-needed replacement supplies.</p><p>In February, we began to hear rumblings about the pandemic. In March, school buildings closed and again our entire system had a reset.</p><p>Teachers scrambled to connect with students through online learning and students learned to cope with not seeing friends.</p><p>It&rsquo;s been a challenging time &mdash; teachers having to completely adapt to a new way of teaching and connecting and worried about students that don&rsquo;t have the access to technology that many of us take for granted.</p><p>Students have struggled with learning new concepts without as much support, using technology in unfamiliar ways and missing the peer contact and reassurance from their friends.</p><p>Parents have risen to the challenge of trying to help children learn concepts that they themselves don&rsquo;t understand, often stepping in to provide tech support as they have balanced their own stay-at-home workloads, along with the many other pressures that have occurred as a result of the pandemic.</p><p>Through it all, our community has again shown its true colours.</p><p>The Caremongering group came together to support those who needed help. The COVID Meal Train is making sure food is available to those who needed it.</p><p>There are hearts in the windows of houses, inspirational messages scribbled in chalk on the sidewalks and parades of cars celebrating birthdays, students and teachers.</p><p>There are beautifully painted rocks to gladden someone&rsquo;s day and smiles and nods as people practise physical distancing in the parks.</p><p>As the provincial school system moves back to some in-class instruction, we know our community will again shine.</p><p>Conversations with our employee groups have been ongoing to ensure that when students and staff return this week, things will be done right to keep everyone safe.</p><p>This includes increased cleaning, hiring more custodial staff and taking our time to make good decisions based on science and the expert knowledge of Provincial Health Officer Dr. Bonnie Henry.</p><p>We know not everyone is able or comfortable returning to school and that&rsquo;s OK.</p><p>Let&rsquo;s continue to be gentle with our expectations of each other, patient when things don&rsquo;t go as expected and generous in spirit.</p><p>In the words of Dr. Henry &ldquo;be kind, be calm and be safe.&rdquo;</p><p>This column appeared in Kamloops This Week: View from ÌÇÐÄSwag on June 3, 2020.</p> /Modules/News/index.aspx?feedId=a34c7aa8-61a4-4301-b1ee-537197631df4&newsId=7d59b9ba-be8b-4912-875b-55fc987011f1 Wed, 03 Jun 2020 21:00:00 GMT Board Supports One-Stop Youth Services Network in Kamloops <p>The Board of Education is supporting a new youth-focused service in the community, following a presentation at its regular meeting on Monday, Jan. 13.</p><p>Val Janz, Chief Operational Officer for <a href="">Kamloops Interior Community Services</a> (ICS) told the board she is hoping to hear, in March, whether Kamloops will be chosen as one of six new locations for the one-stop youth services network for ages 12 - 24 known as the Foundry.</p><p>&ldquo;We are excited about the level of support and access this would provide to youth in Kamloops,&rdquo; Janz said. &ldquo;The provision of this kind of team-based care will make a big difference.&rdquo;</p><p>ICS is currently in the running to become a partner organization to work with the Foundry in delivering these services, and part of the application process includes seeking letters of support. Janz asked Board Trustees for their support and if they would consider ways that ÌÇÐÄSwag could assist the organization.</p><p>In a letter supporting ICS, Chair Kathleen Karpuk said a Foundry in Kamloops is vital because it will increase youth and parents&rsquo; access to help and support. She also said the district has worked closely with ICS and benefitted from social programming for vulnerable youth and families.</p><p>&ldquo;ICS is a proven leader in the community and has positive collaborative working relationships with community agencies and service providers,&rdquo; Karpuk said.</p><p>The Foundry offers counselling, mental health and healthcare services for youth all in one location, so they do not have to travel to many places in different parts of the community to get the help they need.</p> /Modules/News/index.aspx?feedId=a34c7aa8-61a4-4301-b1ee-537197631df4&newsId=dff0c973-b93c-452b-b482-564be34fd3ad Tue, 14 Jan 2020 17:30:00 GMT How Full is Too Full in District Schools? <p>By Heather Grieve, Board Chair</p><p>November 10, 2021</p><p>On September 28, 2021, I was privileged to present to the Select Standing Committee on Finance and Government Services.&nbsp; I was honoured to represent the ÌÇÐÄSwag Board of Education and district community to highlight the immense challenges that we face within our district regarding our space crisis and lack of capital funding amidst rapid enrolment growth projections.</p><p>The presentations were brief, but we were each able to paint a picture of the issues that our districts were facing. I emphasized ÌÇÐÄSwag&rsquo;s current enrolment pressures&mdash; we are growing at a rate of one medium-size elementary school (250 students) each year and our available spaces do not serve our families in reasonably accessible areas in our district. Accessible areas are in rural areas which have available space, and our enrollment pressures are in Kamloops. Given this reality, we highlighted that catchment changes are our only strategy left, but not a solution. In making the catchment changes, we are temporarily solving our over-enrollment pressures and such changes are not favored by some, and rightfully so.&nbsp;</p><p>We are quite simply asking for help.&nbsp; We noted that there are no clear and defined criteria that stay the same year-to-year for how capital funding is allocated. How can we meet the requirements to get projects on our capital plan approved?&nbsp; We asked for consistency and clarity. There appears to be no transparency when projects are approved provincially and as education providers in our province, we asked the question asked to us by our community, &ldquo;How full is too full?&rdquo; with respect to our schools.&nbsp; The committee was advised that we require provincial support to provide the type of educational environment that our entire school community both need and deserve.&nbsp; We have known for a long time that our district needs more schools, more classrooms, more capital funding, and more support from our provincial government to make this happen.&nbsp; Our efforts have been recognized with one capital announcement, Valleyview and the replacement of Parkcrest Elementary School, which was destroyed by a fire. While appreciated, it will not come close to addressing our district needs.</p><p>During our consultation process for catchment changes the word &ldquo;transparency&rdquo; continually came up.&nbsp; The question: How full is too full? needs to be answered in a clear, transparent way, one that will enable our Board to share those criteria with our community. Only then will we be positioned to walk alongside our community to meet this bar. Otherwise, how can we be transparent with our community? How can we provide information about our efforts to advocate for capital funding? and how can we assure our community that we are doing everything we can to create the best educational environment within our district?&nbsp;</p><p>As a start, we can make our efforts visible and accessible.&nbsp;&nbsp; &nbsp;</p><p>As a Board of Education and a District, we will continue to advocate for new schools, more funding, and bring attention to our current crisis.&nbsp; We will continue to ask the Province, &ldquo;How full is too full?&rdquo; in our schools.&nbsp;</p><p>This column appeared in Kamloops This Week: View from ÌÇÐÄSwag on November 10, 2021.</p> /Modules/News/index.aspx?feedId=a34c7aa8-61a4-4301-b1ee-537197631df4&newsId=1cd4b8a8-a4d5-4b91-9a8d-566e85dc5d5e Fri, 12 Nov 2021 23:00:00 GMT Kamloops-Thompson Board of Education Celebrates Valleyview Secondary Expansion <p dir="ltr">The Kamloops-Thompson Board of Education hosted the grand opening of the Valleyview Secondary Expansion project on November 1, 2022.&nbsp;</p><p dir="ltr">&ldquo;This $34.8 million addition has resulted in 20 new classroom spaces and expanded common areas that enable staff and students to be more comfortable and connected,&rdquo; said the Board Chair Heather Grieve.&nbsp;</p><p dir="ltr">In the decades since the last major capital project, the design for school learning spaces has changed. The east wing at Valleyview Secondary has expansive windows, common areas for students to gather casually between classes, natural wood accents, and inclusive washrooms.&nbsp;</p><p dir="ltr">&ldquo;There are now 525 more seats which are much needed now that our school has over 1000 students,&rdquo; explained Principal, Mr. Cory Carmichael. &ldquo;The students enjoy the flexible seating throughout the school, the wide hallways and stairwells, and outdoor gathering spaces.&rdquo;</p><p dir="ltr">&ldquo;Our students and parents are also looking forward to a new gymnasium, multipurpose spaces and innovative classrooms like film studios, and a drafting room,&rdquo; stated Superintendent, Dr. Rhonda Nixon</p><p dir="ltr">On March 8, 2022, there was an informal gathering to walk through the new wing. ÌÇÐÄSwag Facilities Department was celebrated by the Board of Education for persisting through supply chain issues that arose especially in the final stages of the project. At that time, the wing was under construction, so students and staff used parts of it for some classes.</p><p dir="ltr">For the celebration on November 1, 2022, Kukpi7 Rosanne Casimir brought greetings on behalf of Tk?eml&uacute;ps te Secw&eacute;pemc Nation; Mayor Christianson shared his excitement on behalf of the City Council; Shelly Frost spoke on behalf of MLA Todd Stone; Kamloops-Thompson Board Chair Heather Grieve sent her regrets and Vice Chair Meghan Wade read Minister Whiteside&rsquo;s statement and spoke on behalf of the Kamloops-Thompson Board of Education; Director of Facilities Art Mcdonald highlighted the work of his team; Superintendent Dr. Rhonda Nixon highlighted the work of staff; Valleyview Secondary PAC Chair, Tara Hess emphasized parental support for this expansion; Teacher Tracy Thomas spoke about the value of added space for her language program;Teacher Roger Turner shared the positive impact of the extension on teaching and learning; and students, Danna Campbell, Rachel Farrow and Levi Purves spoke to their current experiences learning in a rejuvenated space and one that has released pressure on what were overcrowded hallways and classrooms. Students shared some of the following comments of hope regarding this extension of their school:</p><p dir="ltr">&ldquo;I believe that the expansion of Valleyview Secondary will uplift students and their well-being in the new learning space provided,&rdquo; said VVS student Danna Campbell.</p><p dir="ltr">&ldquo;Students at Valleyview Secondary are able to better their education in a new space where everybody feels welcome,&rdquo; said VVS student Rachel Farrow. &ldquo;We have seen improvements in the overall learning environment, with benefits to students and teachers alike.&rdquo;</p><p dir="ltr">&ldquo;I am deeply thankful for the gracious effort and work of so many people to make this dream a reality,&rdquo; said VVS student Levi Purves. &ldquo;Valleyview Secondary has become a place for resident students and teachers to be proud of, and I am grateful for a new chapter in our school&rsquo;s history.&rdquo;</p><p dir="ltr">Valleyview extension was a long-time coming, and we are proud that students are finally experiencing the benefits of it in 2022.</p><p><br /><strong>News Release from Ministry of Education and Childcare</strong>: <a href="">Kamloops students benefit from expanded school, new gym</a></p><p dir="ltr">&nbsp;</p> /Modules/News/index.aspx?feedId=a34c7aa8-61a4-4301-b1ee-537197631df4&newsId=2ff1fe36-4861-4174-a1b8-5670b5ade3cf Tue, 01 Nov 2022 22:30:00 GMT District Strategic Planning Begins <p>October has been a month of special days, notably World Teachers&rsquo; Day (Oct. 5) and World Mental Health Day (Oct. 10). Everyone has a favourite teacher who has made a positive difference in their life. This past week, I visited Chase Secondary and Haldane Elementary Schools and learned how teachers have implemented Positive Behavior Interventions and Supports (PBIS), which is central to how students, parents, and staff are developing students&rsquo; positive behaviour, which contributes to their overall well-being.</p><p><strong>Chase Secondary School</strong></p><p>Mr. Greg Gartrell, Principal, and Ms. Erin Khelouiati, Vice Principal, emphasized how teachers have implemented PBIS common language to encourage positive behaviour. The administration posted signs with this language in the classroom, offices, library, and even washrooms throughout the school. Ms. Khelouiati said, &ldquo;When students have the words right in front of them, they become problem solvers.&rdquo; Mr. Gartrell agreed, saying, &ldquo;I called a parent about a situation, and we discussed whether the teacher&rsquo;s request was reasonable and the student&rsquo;s response was respectful. So the common language of PBIS is assisting everyone.&rdquo;</p><p><img src="" alt="" /></p><p><strong>Haldane Elementary School</strong></p><p>Ms. Colleen Topolovec, Principal of Haldane Elementary felt that the PBIS focus at secondary has bridged their work at elementary. Ms. Topolovec said, &ldquo;It is a new school for me, and so much is already in place because teachers are student-centred and focused on PBIS. Our strong sense of belonging amongst students is the result of the everyday work of our staff, students, and parents.&rdquo; Ms. Topolovec indicated that this is why student learning results continually improve. &ldquo;Culture and learning go hand-in-hand. A positive sense of belonging ensures that students learn well.&rdquo;</p><p><img src="" alt="" /></p><p>School stories, such as those just shared, have emerged from our District commitment to equity and excellence in ÌÇÐÄSwag&rsquo;s current District Strategic Plan 2017-2022. Every five years, our District engages our community to review and, if necessary, revise our plan. This year, we started this work with our District Strategic Planning Committee and all school leaders focusing on these three questions:</p><ul><li>What type of world do you imagine/hope that our children will create?</li><li>What skills, attitudes, and competencies will they require to make that world possible?</li><li>How do we get them there?</li></ul><p>Throughout this week, representatives from 25 different staff, parent, student groups, and community partner agencies have provided feedback to the District. We want everyone to have the opportunity to engage with these questions. If you are interested in sharing your thoughts, please participate in this <a href="">survey</a>.</p><p>Everyone has an opportunity to contribute until the survey closes on Oct. 22. PCG Canada will gather the responses, analyze them, and share key themes from the information provided.</p><div class="WordSection1"><p><strong>Communicable Disease Prevention Plan</strong></p><p>Thank you for continuing to work as partners in our health and safety protocols in our <a href="/en/community-parents-and-students/resources/CDPP/ÌÇÐÄSwag-CDPP-Safe-and-Healthy-Facilities.pdf">District&rsquo;s Communicable Disease Prevention Plan</a> which include the following:</p><ul><li>Completing <a href="/en/community-parents-and-students/resources/CDPP/Daily-Health-Check.pdf">daily health checks</a></li><li>Staying home when sick</li><li>Wearing masks indoors and on busses</li><li>Washing hands and using hand sanitizer</li><li>Covering our mouths when we cough</li><li>Keeping respectful personal distances</li><li>Using specific entrances and exits</li><li>Limiting visitors to schools</li><li>Staying within gathering guidelines and limiting congestion within small spaces such as hallways</li><li>Using recommended HVAC filters and air flow procedures</li><li>Cleaning, sanitizing, and disinfecting in all areas</li></ul></div><p>The number of potential exposures to COVID-19 in our schools has been posted on <a href="">Interior Health&rsquo;s website</a>. Interior Health&rsquo;s <a href="/en/community-parents-and-students/resources/CDPP/Contact_tracing_schools_2021.pdf">contact tracing</a> confirms that the greatest risk of transmission is during activities taking place outside of school. As immunization continues to be the greatest protection for everyone, we continue to encourage everyone who can to get vaccinated.</p><p>As we enter mid-October, we look forward to a focus on literacy, with Dictionary Day (Oct. 16) and National Media Literacy Week (Oct. 25-30). Enjoy a good book this weekend and time with family.</p><p>Rhonda Nixon, PhD</p><p>Superintendent</p> /Modules/News/index.aspx?feedId=a34c7aa8-61a4-4301-b1ee-537197631df4&newsId=9ae31547-f595-4a28-baca-56c816d0e362 Fri, 15 Oct 2021 22:45:00 GMT ÌÇÐÄSwag Board of Education Pauses Staff Vaccination Procedure <p dir="ltr">At its April 11&nbsp;Regular Public Board Meeting,&nbsp;School District No. 73 (Kamloops-Thompson) Board of Education paused the Proof of Vaccination Administrative Procedure pending further changes to public health orders and further information from BC Public School Employers&rsquo; Association (BCPSEA).&nbsp;</p><p dir="ltr">Pausing the Proof of Vaccination Procedure means that as of April 11, 2022:&nbsp;</p><ul><li dir="ltr"><p dir="ltr">Employees do&nbsp;not&nbsp;need to provide proof of vaccination or disclose their vaccination status;</p></li><li dir="ltr"><p dir="ltr">Employees do&nbsp;not&nbsp;need to take a rapid test or provide results of rapid tests;&nbsp;</p></li><li dir="ltr"><p dir="ltr">Employees will&nbsp;not&nbsp;be approved for an Extraordinary Leave of Absence as defined in&nbsp;ÌÇÐÄSwag&nbsp;<a href="" rel="noopener noreferrer" target="_blank">Operations Procedure: Proof of Vaccination Regarding COVID-19</a>&nbsp;</p></li></ul><p dir="ltr">&ldquo;Our board made this decision based on provincial health guidance and advice from BCPSEA. We will monitor and respond to the evolving COVID-19 data and changes to public health directives,&rdquo; said Board Chair Heather Grieve.</p><p dir="ltr">The Proof of Vaccination Procedure was to ensure the health and safety of employees and students from COVID-19 at a time when hospitalizations with risks of serious health outcomes were related to low vaccination rates. On April 5, 2022, the Provincial Health Officer confirmed that vaccination is still considered to be necessary protection against severe outcomes if an individual contracts COVID-19. A new variant of COVID-19 is causing an increase in positive cases, but the outcomes such as hospitalizations and deaths peaked in early January and have leveled off in March and April. Therefore, as of April 7, 2022 at midnight, Dr. Bonnie Henry lifted the Gathering and Events Order that had restricted spectators to capacity limits, and proof of vaccination will no longer be required to access businesses, events, and services in B.C. K-12 sector safety measures (e.g., masks are a personal choice, gatherings are permitted) have also been relaxed by the Ministry of Education and Childcare.&nbsp;&nbsp;</p><p dir="ltr">&ldquo;Our staff will continue to work together to follow provincial health and K-12 sector safety measures&rdquo; stated Superintendent Dr. Rhonda Nixon. &ldquo;Everyone adjusts to change in different ways, and we will emphasize empathy and kindness during this shifting landscape of COVID-19.&rdquo;</p> /Modules/News/index.aspx?feedId=a34c7aa8-61a4-4301-b1ee-537197631df4&newsId=c9ef5563-fba4-462e-9cb3-571c8382a5a5 Tue, 12 Apr 2022 15:30:00 GMT Looking out for Mental Wellness During the Pandemic <p>By Heather Grieve, Trustee</p><p>October 6, 2020</p><p>The commencement of the 2020-21 school year has brought with it changes to the school system that we have not seen before and many of them are challenging our mental wellness. As a school district we are all trying to navigate through the uncertainty of this Global Pandemic.&nbsp; Traditionally the start of school brings familiar structure and certainty.&nbsp;&nbsp; As we see in the news daily, society continues to struggle to find a way to cope with the ever changing new normal.&nbsp; Schools around the globe have been faced with changes and challenges never seen before.&nbsp; The fact that school is not as it has been in previous years can have a significant impact on students, teachers, parents, support staff and administration.&nbsp; Pandemics in and of themselves can be stressful.&nbsp; People may be experiencing strong emotions like anxiety and fear and as the guidelines continue to evolve and change, the impact can be magnified.&nbsp;</p><p>School has started, and even with a new look, has brought with it some structure and some sense of normalcy after months of being at home.&nbsp; This is positive but we need to continue to monitor mental wellness.&nbsp; Even though many kids are back in school, what school looks like has changed dramatically and in addition its look is very susceptible to further change depending on what is happening within our schools, district, Province and even beyond.&nbsp; &nbsp;</p><p>Whether you&rsquo;re a family that has opted to having your students homeschooled, or chosen to have your students engage in online learning, or have decided to have your student attend bricks and mortar school, the impact of the pandemic and change in our learning is being felt.&nbsp; Some may be grieving what school was and the losses in the school setting are all around us. Changes to structure include things like classes, breaks, extra-curriculars, clubs, sports, theatre, music and graduation.&nbsp; These are a just a few examples of the many ripples of change that have impacted our schools and may also impact our mental wellness.&nbsp; These changes have occurred out of the requirement to physical distance and with that physical distancing can come increased isolation.&nbsp; Mental wellness can be negatively impacted by this isolation.&nbsp; Connection and communication will be an important part of our path forward and as a school trustee, I have confidence in all those involved that we can continue to work through this together.&nbsp; Together might just look different.</p><p>Students can look to connect through phone calls and video chats that can assist in feeling more connected and less isolated.&nbsp; Self-care including regular exercise, well balanced meals and plenty of sleep will assist in taking care of both emotional and physical health.&nbsp;</p><p>As part of the district&rsquo;s commitment to assisting students and parents in taking care of their mental wellness, the district has asked Katherine Gulley, a private practice clinical counsellor and former Child and Youth Mental Health Clinician to lead parent outreach sessions both in May and September.&nbsp;&nbsp; The May session focused on Parent Coping Skills for the Pandemic and in September the session&rsquo;s theme was Providing Tools and strategies for Parents to Navigate Uncertainty Brought on by the pandemic.&nbsp; Both presentations were recorded and are available to view on the Parent Resource page on the ÌÇÐÄSwag website.</p><p>This column appeared in Kamloops This Week: View from ÌÇÐÄSwag on October 6, 2020</p> /Modules/News/index.aspx?feedId=a34c7aa8-61a4-4301-b1ee-537197631df4&newsId=3cbb729f-c0a7-48fb-9de5-5788278b00f6 Tue, 06 Oct 2020 21:00:00 GMT Board Notes from February 22, 2021 <p>From the regular meeting of the Board of Education. All about Anti-Racism &amp; Human Rights Education in Action along with an implementation Plan. Read Board Notes <a href="" target="_blank">here</a>.</p> /Modules/News/index.aspx?feedId=a34c7aa8-61a4-4301-b1ee-537197631df4&newsId=177dbcff-edfe-43a3-9d07-57ec1cb0282d Mon, 01 Mar 2021 22:00:00 GMT Music Educator Honoured with Owl Award <p>Robert Hogeveen, a long-standing advocate for music education was recognized with the Owl Award for Excellence in Public Education for his contributions to learning throughout the region at the regular public meeting of the Board of Education on Monday.&nbsp;</p><p>&ldquo;We are proud to honour Robert Hogeveen for his important roles in the community as an advocate for music education,&rdquo; said Chair Kathleen Karpuk, ÌÇÐÄSwag. &ldquo;He is being recognized for his dedication, passion and extensive contributions to students as they expand their musical skills and learn to appreciate the joys of music.&rdquo;</p><p>Whether teaching music to elementary children at Lloyd George, where he is currently, or at South Sa-Hali Elementary where he was from 2000 to 2011 or commanding the attention of young musicians at the Kamloops Interior Summer School of Music (KISSM), Hogeveen inspires young people to follow their passion and reach their potential throughout the district.</p><p>&nbsp;&ldquo;This is such an honour, to be recognized for teaching music, a precious gift that I get to offer my students every day,&rdquo; Hogeveen said. &ldquo;Music class is a lab that offers the opportunity to teach the skill of music and how to learn, how to identify and clarify problems, and then how to creatively develop strategies to solve them.&rdquo;</p><p>Hogeveen has introduced many initiatives to inspire the love of music including the annual <em>Squeak and Squawk</em>, collaboration with classroom teachers to connect classroom learnings to the musical repertoire of music class, joint concerts with other schools, and using technology for individualized teaching. &nbsp;He is the longest-serving faculty member of the KISSM. &nbsp;</p><p>Established in 2015 by former superintendent Dr. Terry Sullivan, the Owl Award is for an individual,&nbsp;group or organization that has made significant,&nbsp;system-wide and outstanding contributions to public education in School District No. 73&nbsp;over a period of time (five years or more),&nbsp;and have had a positive, significant&nbsp;impact on the development of students,&nbsp;parents,&nbsp;teachers,&nbsp;support staff and educational leaders.</p><p>A five-member review team consisting of Kathleen Karpuk, Chair; Alison Sidow, Superintendent; Airini, Dean, Faculty of Education Thompson Rivers University; Danalee Baker, Executive Director, United Way; and Diane Jules, Trustee, and Chair Aboriginal Education Council; recommended Robert Hogeveen as the recipient of the School District No. 73 Award for Excellence in Public Education.</p><p>&nbsp;</p><p>&nbsp;</p> /Modules/News/index.aspx?feedId=a34c7aa8-61a4-4301-b1ee-537197631df4&newsId=4ffe031e-bbd2-4f18-a3e5-5a9122b03780 Tue, 17 Dec 2019 18:15:00 GMT ÌÇÐÄSwag Employees Take a Survey About Vaccination Policy <p dir="ltr">Employees in School District No. 73 (Kamloops-Thompson) are invited to complete a survey about their views on a vaccination policy.&nbsp;</p><p dir="ltr">&ldquo;Our Board passed a motion on October 25th to direct the Superintendent to create a committee to provide the board with information about COVID-19 case rates, vaccination rates, and employees&rsquo; views of a vaccination policy,&rdquo; said Rhonda Kershaw, Board Chair. &ldquo;<a href="">K-12 Sector Guidelines about Vaccination Policies</a> issued by the Ministry of Education provide a roadmap to enable school boards to make an informed decision on a mandatory vaccination policy and help school boards to ensure that the continued delivery of safe in-person education is a top priority.&rdquo;</p><p>&ldquo;We developed a survey of employees&rsquo; views of a vaccination policy by working closely with representatives from our employee groups,&rdquo; said Rhonda Nixon, Superintendent.</p><p dir="ltr">Paul Hembling, President, Kamloops Thompson Principals&rsquo; and Vice Principals&rsquo; Association (KTPVPA), Laurel Macpherson, President, Kamloops Thompson Teachers&rsquo; Association (KTTA), and Harmony Raine, Acting President, Canadian Union of Public Employees (CUPE) Local 3500 support a letter of introduction to the survey that will be sent to all staff on Friday, Nov. 5th.</p><p dir="ltr">&ldquo;The survey is a vital part of the planning process, and it has been designed to minimize the collection of identifiable personal information,&rdquo; Superintendent Nixon added. &ldquo;The information that is collected through the survey will be used for the purposes of informing the Board about employees&rsquo; stances on a vaccination policy.&rdquo;&nbsp;</p><p dir="ltr">&ldquo;Our staff can be assured that all survey responses will be maintained in strict confidence by Human Resources,&rdquo; said Shayne Olsen, Associate Superintendent of Human Resources. &ldquo;The information compiled will only be shared on an aggregated basis.&rdquo;</p><p dir="ltr">The District&rsquo;s 2,000 employees will have until Friday, Nov.12 to complete the anonymous survey.&nbsp;</p><div>&nbsp;</div> /Modules/News/index.aspx?feedId=a34c7aa8-61a4-4301-b1ee-537197631df4&newsId=d8a95fa7-10f3-427d-89e3-5ca4596da4ac Fri, 05 Nov 2021 23:00:00 GMT SD 73 implements Task Force's Recommendations on Sexual Misconduct in Schools <p>Implementation of the recommendations designed to help and protect students who face sexual misconduct in schools are now underway, trustees were told Monday.</p><p>Alison Sidow, Superintendent for School District No. 73 (Kamloops-Thompson), presented the significant work undertaken by the <strong>Joint Advisory Committee on School Safety</strong> and the <strong>Educational Programs Response to Sexual Misconduct in Schools</strong> <strong>Working Group</strong> to address the recommendations set out by the Superintendent&rsquo;s Task Force on Student Safety.&nbsp;&nbsp;</p><p>The Joint Advisory Committee was compromised of District staff and members of the Board of Education, Kamloops Thompson Teacher&rsquo;s Association, Kamloops Thompson Teachers and Vice-Principals Association, Aboriginal Education Council, District Parent Advisory Council, and Student Advisory Council.</p><p>The Working Group included the Director of Learning services, elementary and secondary principals, the library coordinator, school and family consultants, the healthy schools coordinator, the district principal inclusive education, a secondary counselor, and a secondary student.</p><p>"The work of the Task Force and the subsequent work of the Joint Advisory Committee and the Working Group are evidence of the power of multi-disciplinary collaboration in assessing, intervening and educating about complex social issues,&rdquo; said Trish Smillie, Director Instruction Elementary Learning Services. &ldquo;It&rsquo;s been rewarding to work with so many stakeholders to set the standard for other Canadian communities to follow as a first step in openly addressing sexualized violence."</p><p>&ldquo;The District plays a critical role in educating young people about healthy boundaries and relationships, in partnership with parents,&rdquo; Sidow said. &ldquo;We have a responsibility to respond with fairness and compassion to those who report incidents of sexual misconduct while ensuring that the principles of administrative fairness are maintained for both the alleged victim and the respondent.&rdquo;</p><p>The work of the Task Force is unprecedented in British Columbia&rsquo;s public schools and has garnered attention from the Ministry of Education and the Office of the Ombudsperson.</p><p>&ldquo;It is our goal to be a strong voice for positive change in the lives of our students by addressing issues, such as sexual misconduct and violence that continue to plague our communities and disproportionately impact the lives of girls and Aboriginal youth,&rdquo; Sidow noted to the Board.</p><p>Extremely satisfied with the Task Force&rsquo;s work, she expects that implementing the recommendations will help improve the experience of students on many fronts. The recommendations have resulted in new District procedures and programming, and are leading to improved staff training and educational programs for students. The implementation of the work will begin this fall.&nbsp;&nbsp;</p><p>The Task Force examined District policies, protocols, and practices to ensure that they consider not only actions required to prevent and address acts of sexual misconduct but also the needs and perspectives of those who are impacted.</p><p>The District invited representatives from agencies such as the RCMP, Ministry of Children and Family Development, the Kamloops Sexual Assault Counselling Centre, school and District administration, parents, the Aboriginal Education Council, the Board of Education and Student Advisory Council to the Task Force.</p><p class="BasicParagraph">The Task Force recommended:</p><ul><li>Promoting and/or creating reporting tools to ensure those who may be impacted have the means to seek out the supports they require;</li><li>Informing the parent(s) of the policies, procedures, and processes that will be used when responding to an issue of sexual misconduct, including the process a parent can follow to provide feedback, issue a complaint or request an appeal;</li><li>Providing ongoing learning opportunities, starting at the elementary school level, to educate students about healthy relationships as well as measures they can take to report incidents or seek support;</li><li>Defining what constitutes sexual misconduct in schools;</li><li>Developing policies and procedures that specifically address sexual misconduct;</li><li>Revisiting District policies that contemplate violence, harassment, bullying, intimidation and other forms of discrimination to include the definition of sexual misconduct in both intent and implementation; and,</li><li>Reviewing response protocols to ensure that all District staff working with children know how to receive complaints in a way that respects the rights and needs of those known to be impacted.</li></ul><p>The District has met the obligations it set out for itself with respect to addressing sexual violence in schools and now the hard work begins to address issues that arise within schools from society at large.</p><p>&ldquo;It&rsquo;s my hope that the leadership shown in implementing the recommendations set out by the Task Force will serve our community and society at large by helping to ameliorate the underlying conditions that so often propagate these behaviours,&rdquo; Sidow said. &ldquo;I hope this will work will enable us to take a definitive step forward in preventing sexual misconduct in our schools and by extension, in our community at large.&rdquo;</p><p>&nbsp;</p><p>&nbsp;</p><p>&nbsp;</p> /Modules/News/index.aspx?feedId=a34c7aa8-61a4-4301-b1ee-537197631df4&newsId=09ec23a9-93db-42ea-a0b2-5d38a31fee2c Tue, 30 Apr 2019 23:15:00 GMT ÌÇÐÄSwag Acknowledges the Importance of Universal Human Rights Month in December <p>The 2023 Theme of the Universal Human Rights Month is <em>Freedom, Equality and Justice for All</em>. In the decades since the adoption of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights (UDHR) in 1948, human rights have become more recognised and more guaranteed across the globe. The UDHR has since served as the foundation for an expanding system of human rights protection that today focuses also on vulnerable groups such as persons with disabilities, Indigenous peoples and migrants.</p><p>The <a href="" target="_blank">BC Human Rights Code</a> defines identity as plural, with many facets&ndash;Indigenous identity, race, colour, ancestry, place of origin, religion, marital status, family status, physical or mental disability, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity or expression, or age of that person or class of persons. Therefore, when speaking about human rights, we refer to many aspects of identity (who a person is) and not just one dimension of who they are.</p><p>&ldquo;Our community, through extensive consultation, prioritized students knowing how they are and feeling safe to express their identities in the Cultural and identity Priority in the District Strategic Plan,&rdquo; stated Board Chair Heather Grieve. &ldquo;Our Board is committed to this priority and proud of the work being done to ensure that students feel welcome, safe, included, and cared for in our district.&rdquo;</p><p>Superintendent Nixon shared, &ldquo;In the last five years, the province of British Columbia has demonstrated a strong commitment to human rights education and school districts provincially have been focused on anti-racism, improving accessibility for persons with disabilities, and understanding discrimination from those who live these experiences in order to be inclusive.&rdquo;</p><p>&ldquo;On January 22, 2023, Minister Singh unveiled the provincial anti-racism action plan in our school district,&rdquo; stated Assistant Superintendent Mochikas. &ldquo;This day was memorable because Minister Singh and her team from the Ministry of Education and Child Care joined over 150 students who shared what racism meant from their perspectives in schools.&rdquo;</p><p>Assistant Superintendent Mochikas explained, &ldquo;At this time, we have student and staff leads completing the District&rsquo;s Anti-racism Action Plan and I am extremely proud of students from diverse backgrounds leading this important work and creating powerful learning tools, such as the Aboriginal Student Leadership Council&rsquo;s video on why anti-racism is so important.&rdquo;</p><p>&ldquo;On May 10, 2023, Assistant Superintendent Mochikas, the Chair of the District Accessibility Committee, began leading the work on improving accessibility for persons with disabilities in our communities,&rdquo; stated Board Chair Grieve. &ldquo;I am on this committee and appreciate that we have wide representation from inside-of-district and outside-of-district voices to shape the survey tool that will help to gather information about barriers for our students, staff, parents, and volunteers.&rdquo;</p><p>&ldquo;Since 2019, we are also moving forward with the&nbsp; <a href="" target="_blank">Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples Act </a>(Declaration Act), which became law in November 2019,&rdquo; said District Principal, Mike Bowden. &ldquo;This legislation guarantees that school districts are focused on the <a href="" target="_blank">United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples (UN Declaration)</a> as the Province&rsquo;s framework for reconciliation, as called for by the Truth and Reconciliation Commission&rsquo;s <a href="" target="_blank">Calls to Action</a>.&rdquo;</p><p>One of the important affirmations in this act is that it recognizes the importance of respecting and protecting the rights of Indigenous peoples to maintain and strengthen their distinct identities, cultures, and ways of life.</p><p>District Principal Bowden has established Aboriginal Education Lead sessions in which all school and district leaders join Aboriginal Education Workers, Aboriginal Community Outreach Workers, and Aboriginal Counselors who meet four times a year to learn about Truth and Reconciliation and how to enact it in our schools and departments.</p><p>One of the biggest steps towards reconciliation coming out of the School Lead Sessions has been the work at many schools in making Aboriginal learners see representations of their identities and their cultures in the school environment and resources. This is also reflected in the feedback from Aboriginal students on their sense of belonging. Although we have a long way to go to reach equity with non-Aboriginal students in this aspect, we are above provincial averages.</p><p>The District Cultural and Identity Priority, as described earlier, is about supporting students to develop a sense of who they are in the fullness of their identities, which includes student leadership groups in which students can learn from each other and express their questions and perspectives in a safe and caring peer group. We have over 700 students who took part and continue to take part in student leadership groups to understand and develop a sense of who they are:&nbsp;</p><ul><li>26 students on the District Student Advisory Council (secondary student leads from across the district)</li><li>27 students on the Aboriginal Student Leadership Council,</li><li>24 students on the Sexual Orientation and Gender Identity (SOGI) inclusive education,</li><li>250 2SLGBTQAI+ students who took part in social activities last year,</li><li>100 students participated in the Indigenous Student Summit (Indigenous wellness goals)</li><li>150 students participated in the Wellness Student Summit,</li><li>160 students who took part in the Student Equity Council to develop the District anti-racism action plan.</li></ul><p>Thank you to the students, staff, and parents who make human rights education a part of who we are and what we do every day in ÌÇÐÄSwag.</p> /Modules/News/index.aspx?feedId=a34c7aa8-61a4-4301-b1ee-537197631df4&newsId=b463e38c-3976-494a-aba8-5dfea7414080 Fri, 08 Dec 2023 22:00:00 GMT RCMP Youth Academy in Full Swing Over Spring Break <p>Sixteen cadets joined each other at Brocklehurst Middle School over Spring Break for a week-long RCMP training opportunity that they won&rsquo;t soon forget.</p><p>Coming together from Hope, Salmon Arm, Chase, Westwold, and Kamloops, the group of grade 11 and 12 students slept in barracks, participated in daily fitness activities, attended drill and police defensive tactic classes, participated in scenarios, and learned about the numerous units and partnerships within the RCMP. Presenters attending throughout the week included those from the Indigenous Policing Service, the&nbsp;Combined Forces Special Enforcement Unit &ndash; BC, Underwater Recovery Unit,&nbsp;BC Sheriffs, BC Correctional Officers, BC Prosecution Service, among others.</p><p>This year&rsquo;s RCMP Youth Academy was organized by ÌÇÐÄSwag&rsquo;s Career Development Department and the RCMP. They focused on starting with and integrating throughout, an Aboriginal policing lens. The academy began with an opening smudging ceremony led by Randy Big Sorrel Horse and Amanda Big Sorrel Horse and closed with remarks by RCMP Superintendent Syd Lecky, the city&rsquo;s first Indigenous officer in charge.</p><p>&ldquo;I appreciate Amanda and Randy Big Sorrel Horse who offered each attendee an opportunity to be smudged. Starting the smudging with our heads, and then our hearts, and whole body, they shared gifts of peace and wellbeing, which helped everyone to feel centered,&rdquo; stated Superintendent Rhonda Nixon.</p><p>From this ceremony, students learned alongside Constable Dave Dixon and Constable Mark Janis of the Indigenous Police Service,&nbsp;Tk&rsquo;eml&uacute;ps&nbsp;Rural Detachment.</p><p>Following the graduation ceremony, three students were recognized for their achievements: Cadet Brayden Hughes of South Kamloops Secondary School was named Valedictorian, Cadet Tyler Shular of NorKam Senior Secondary School was awarded Most Dedicated, and Cadet Christopher Bux of Valleyview Secondary School was named Top Cadet.</p><p>&ldquo;When I experienced the closing ceremonies, I was struck by how much 16 students had learned and changed over a short five-day timeframe. The RCMP Youth Academy is one example of the immersive career development programming in our district and the importance of those experiences. I am so proud of these 16 students, the staff, and the RCMP officers who volunteered their time to make this possible,&rdquo; said Board Chair Heather Grieve.</p> /Modules/News/index.aspx?feedId=a34c7aa8-61a4-4301-b1ee-537197631df4&newsId=500b4a11-27c4-4007-a115-5e5de73db4fa Fri, 01 Apr 2022 19:30:00 GMT School Trustee Candidate Information Session <p>Have you ever considered what it's like being a School Trustee? Join us on Wednesday, July 20 to learn about School District No. 73 (Kamloops-Thompson), the roles and responsibilities of the Board of Education, and of the School Trustee. This is an opportunity to ask District Leadership your questions. Access to helpful resources to assist you in making your decision will also be available.</p><p class="x_elementToProof">Two sessions offered: 11:30 am-1:00pm and 6:30pm-8:00pm</p><p class="x_elementToProof">Location: Henry Grube Education Centre, 245 Kitchener Crescent, Kamloops, BC V2B 1B9</p><p class="x_elementToProof">If you are unable to attend in person, ZOOM links will be available for both sessions. Registration is required to Dawn Forsey at or call (250) 374-0679.</p> /Modules/News/index.aspx?feedId=a34c7aa8-61a4-4301-b1ee-537197631df4&newsId=cb519633-2a72-4e0b-8518-5e84762ae483 Tue, 12 Jul 2022 16:15:00 GMT Career Development in Action <p>NorKam Senior Secondary student Sadie Levy inspired the Board of Education with her story of finding her passion within one of the district&rsquo;s career programs.</p><p>ÌÇÐÄSwag Trades and Transitions Career Development team, led by Kerry Gairdner, District VP of Career Programs, and Sheila Monkman, District Coordinator of Trades and Transitions, introduced the Grade 12 student who has been participating in various trades programs including welding and mechanics since she began her high school career.</p><p>&ldquo;I&rsquo;ve had lots of great opportunities to be introduced to trades. In grade 8, I was able to do a metal shop class where I was able to play with torches and machinery. It made me realize that trades is something of interest for me,&rdquo; Levy told the Board during its October 4 regular meeting. &nbsp;</p><p>Levy has continued her journey in a predominantly male industry by participating in the Girls Exploring Trades program in grades 9 and 10 presented by ÌÇÐÄSwag and TRU.</p><p>&ldquo;I think being women [in the program] is so important because you&rsquo;re not being influenced by men thinking that they know what they&rsquo;re doing and that I don&rsquo;t know what I&rsquo;m doing,&rdquo; said Levy when asked about her experience. &ldquo;It&rsquo;s a confidence booster. It makes you feel empowered by just having a bunch of ladies around you.&rdquo;</p><p>Among many positive comments from the board on Levy&rsquo;s dedication, Trustee Heather Grieve applauded the NorKam student&rsquo;s hard work and willingness to get involved in a less common path of employment for women, &ldquo;I love that you were able to represent that gender shouldn&rsquo;t define roles that we decide to take on in terms of our career.&rdquo;</p><p>ÌÇÐÄSwag has had a long-standing partnership with TRU to be able to offer such trades programs to students, male or female, in an effort to set them up for success following graduation. Other key partnerships include the Industry Training Authority, as well as other community partners such as Interior Plumbing and Heating who recently awarded two NorKam students bursaries to assist in continuing their education. One of those bursary recipients is Levy, who plans to attend TRU&rsquo;s heavy-duty foundations program this coming February during her grade 12 year.</p><p>&ldquo;It&rsquo;s just such a big help for me and my family,&rdquo; said Levy. &ldquo;I could not thank them enough. It just brought a huge relief.&rdquo;</p> /Modules/News/index.aspx?feedId=a34c7aa8-61a4-4301-b1ee-537197631df4&newsId=bd9dfca1-7591-411e-8bf7-5f8b2b1ee8d5 Thu, 07 Oct 2021 19:30:00 GMT Seamless Day Kindergarten Pilot Program <p>Kamloops-Thompson School District&rsquo;s youngest learners and their families will soon benefit from an expansion of the Seamless Day Kindergarten pilot, which funds before and after school care for Kindergarten students in British Columbia.</p><p>Board Chair Rhonda Kershaw stated, &ldquo;We are excited to be part of this program that began in four elementary schools in BC and has now expanded to 21 schools, including Arthur Hatton Elementary School. This is part of the government&rsquo;s 10-year ChildCare BC plan, as the province works to build an inclusive universal child care system that meets B.C. communities&rsquo; growing child care needs.&rdquo;</p><p>&ldquo;Our participation in this pilot will improve access to before and after school care that parents need in our district,&rdquo; said Superintendent Rhonda Nixon. &ldquo;It has been an excellent example of an innovative step in the direction of providing that continuity of learning from the start to the end of a child&rsquo;s day in school.&rdquo;</p><p>&ldquo;I am looking forward to how this pilot program will make it easier for busy parents to get to work and have peace of mind knowing their kids are cared for and learning, all in one spot,&rdquo; said Grant Reilly, Assistant Superintendent of Early Learning and Elementary Education. &ldquo;Our involvement in the program will enable the district to provide high quality, inclusive before- and after-school care for families in a structure that strengthens the continuity of children&rsquo;s learning experiences.&rdquo;</p><p>Beginning in January 2022, the Seamless Day Kindergarten program will be delivered in Arthur Hatton Elementary School in one classroom by a team that consists of a Kindergarten teacher and two Early Childhood Educators (ECEs). Marianne Vande Pol, District Early Years Coordinator noted, &ldquo;The ECEs work alongside the teacher in the classroom during the school day and provide high-quality before and after school care within the same Kindergarten classroom setting. With minimum transition for the students, and team collaboration for the educators, students will excel in all aspects of their development.&rdquo;</p><p>Board Chair Rhonda Kershaw emphasized, &ldquo;I look forward to how this pilot program meets students&rsquo; and parents&rsquo; needs, and what we can learn from it to possibly expand into other locations. Kamloops-Thompson Board of Education will continue to work with parents, the Ministry of Education, and municipal governments to be innovative about how to cocreate these spaces for early learners.&rdquo;</p> /Modules/News/index.aspx?feedId=a34c7aa8-61a4-4301-b1ee-537197631df4&newsId=7c8e04c3-2ab0-4820-a53e-5fca7352ea0b Tue, 19 Oct 2021 20:30:00 GMT The Kamloops-Thompson Board of Education Acknowledges the Bravo Coup de Coeur Award Recipients for Welcoming Students to RLC <p dir="ltr">The Kamloops-Thompson Board of Education is proud of the Communications team for their recent award for the <a title="RLC video" href=";t=2s&amp;ab_channel=SchoolDistrict73" target="_blank">&ldquo;Welcome to RLC Video&rdquo;</a> as part of welcoming families who experienced a necessary catchment change to balance school enrollment across south shore elementary schools.</p><p dir="ltr">Catchment changes mean that students attending one school are asked to attend a different school. These changes happen as a last resort when there are more students than spaces in a school and a change of school is required to best meet students' learning needs.</p><p dir="ltr">&ldquo;Last year, the Board was addressing space pressures in multiple elementary schools (Westmount Elementary, Dallas Elementary, Juniper Ridge Elementary, Marion Schilling Elementary) and South Sa-Hali Secondary School,&rdquo; shared Board Chair Grieve. "We engaged in consultation to learn firsthand how we could support families in this transition."</p><p dir="ltr">&ldquo;Assistant Superintendents Grant Reilly, Vessy Mochikas, Bill Hamblett, and Secretary Treasurer Trina Cassidy led consultation with parents about how best to support students who were leaving one school to attend another,&rdquo; stated Superintendent Dr. Rhonda Nixon. &ldquo;Strategies such as providing welcome bags to students, early opportunities to go to the school, and a welcome video were examples that came from consultation. The idea was to create a connection to the school staff, students, building, and programming before students changed schools.&rdquo;</p><p dir="ltr">The Communications team (Manager, Ms. Diana Skoglund; Communications Coordinator, Ms. Jessica Johnson; Website Coordinator, Ms. Jessie Furnell; Graphic Artist, Mr. Cory Edwards) worked with staff, students, and parents from every school experiencing a catchment change to create a welcome video designed to introduce the students to their new setting, to meet the staff and students, and to learn firsthand about their programs.</p><p dir="ltr">The Canadian Association of Communicators in Education (CACE) BRAVO! Awards, which are the only Canada-wide awards program specifically designed to recognize excellence in school board communications, honored this team with the The Coup de Coeur Award. This award is given to candidates who submitted a single communication piece that had proven results of &ldquo;having touched the hearts and minds of the intended audience&rdquo;. ÌÇÐÄSwag&rsquo;s RLC Welcome video was such an exemplary example that achieved this award.</p><p dir="ltr">The Communications team and Principal Blake Buemann and Principal Claire Sullivan collaborated to make the video showcased for the award. The video was filmed at RLC Elementary School to welcome students from Dallas Elementary School. As a result of their collective efforts, they were selected for this honor.&nbsp;</p><p dir="ltr">&ldquo;The Board of Education is proud of the Communications Team, District Staff, and RLC and Dallas students, staff, and parents for working together for making a video that warmly welcomed&nbsp; incoming students and their families,&rdquo; stated Board Chair Grieve. &ldquo;The Board of Education is committed to ensuring that students feel welcome, cared for, and a sense of belonging and connectedness to their school communities. This was one way to contribute to this goal.&rdquo;</p> /Modules/News/index.aspx?feedId=a34c7aa8-61a4-4301-b1ee-537197631df4&newsId=d96dbf5d-26f6-4e44-af48-600308bfe109 Mon, 14 Nov 2022 21:00:00 GMT New, larger school for Parkcrest students, community <p>A new, expanded and energy efficient Parkcrest Elementary school is on the way for students, families and the Brocklehurst community to learn, grow and succeed in.</p><p>The new school will include capacity for more students, a neighbourhood learning centre and a larger gymnasium.</p><p>&ldquo;Parkcrest students, staff and families have gone through a lot since they lost their school in a devastating fire, said Jennifer Whiteside, Minister of Education. &nbsp;&ldquo;Schools are the foundation of our communities, and that&rsquo;s why our government continues to invest in fast-growing communities like Kamloops. This new school will provide students, families and the community with an expanded, safe and modern learning environment that will allow them to grow and thrive in for many years to come.&rdquo;</p><p>The Government of B.C. is investing $34.84 million and the Kamloops-Thompson School District is investing $300,000 in a new, 510-seat Kindergarten to Grade 6 Parkcrest Elementary. This replaces the former school, which was lost to fire in September 2019. The new school will be rebuilt with capacity for an additional 120 students to prepare for expected enrolment growth in the community.</p><p>&ldquo;The board of education is pleased to be able to begin the process of rebuilding the Parkcrest school,&rdquo; said Rhonda Kershaw, Kamloops-Thompson Board chair. &ldquo;When completed, this bigger, brighter and modern space will be a welcome new home for the displaced school community. We look forward to our students and staff returning to their school and to be able to offer an expanded facility to the entire community.&rdquo;</p><p>Construction is set to begin in summer 2022 and the school is expected to open by spring 2024. It will be built to Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design (LEED) Gold standards that will help to significantly reduce greenhouse gas emissions, while improving the school?s annual energy costs.</p><p>The City of Kamloops has committed up to $2.5 million for the additional space required for a larger gymnasium and changeroom facilities for sporting events. The school will also be home to a neighbourhood learning centre.</p><p>The funding provides an opportunity to create space promoting strong school-community partnerships, using school facilities to meet the needs of children, youth, families and the Brocklehurst neighbourhood.</p><p>&ldquo;Rebuilding the school supports a revitalized and expanding neighbourhood, and we are happy to partner in this project,&rdquo; said Ken Christian, mayor, City of Kamloops. &ldquo;Council has committed to the reconstruction of Parkcrest by providing up to $2.5 million to increase the gym size from elementary standards to a full-size, multi-purpose gymnasium. This not only benefits students, but would also be available for booking by community and sport groups, providing much-needed access to indoor recreation space in Kamloops.&rdquo;</p><p>&ldquo;Our school community has been anxiously awaiting this news, and we are thrilled to learn that the funding is approved,&rdquo; said Courtney Ball, chair, Parkcrest Elementary Parent Advisory Committee. &ldquo;We look forward to seeing shovels in the ground and our students and staff returning to a new Parkcrest. Our hearts have ached when seeing the empty lot, and we can?t wait for students and families to make new memories in a brand-new school.&rdquo;</p><p>Investments in upgraded schools are part of government&rsquo;s commitment to ensure every B.C. student has better access to education, community services, recreation and culture. The Province recently invested $32.7 million in a 525-seat addition at the neighbouring Valleyview Secondary, set to open in September 2022.</p><p>In the last three years, the Province has announced more than $2.2 billion for 109 school capital projects, including nearly $760 million to create 13,280 student seats at new and expanded schools in fast-growing communities throughout British Columbia.</p> /Modules/News/index.aspx?feedId=a34c7aa8-61a4-4301-b1ee-537197631df4&newsId=c29ced83-2404-4101-be5c-601f169b3106 Mon, 25 Jan 2021 16:00:00 GMT Board Notes March 11, 2019 <p><strong>EDUCATION TOPIC</strong><strong>&nbsp;</strong></p><p><strong>From Library to Learning Commons</strong></p><p>Led by District Library Coordinator <strong>Andrea Wallin</strong>, Raft River Elementary and Pinantan Elementary have started the journey from traditional library programs to the whole-school learning commons approach of participatory learning. They approached the change by inquiring, &ldquo;when and how does a school library become a school learning commons&rdquo;. Principals <strong>Lori Bradstock</strong> and <strong>Chris Wood</strong> established Library Learning Commons teams at each of their schools designing future-oriented hubs of learning innovation and knowledge creation. <a href="/Modules/News/index.aspx?newsId=64863771-690e-4b93-becd-b30fac6a8e36">Read more<br /><br /></a></p><p><strong>PUBLIC INQUIRIES, PETITIONS AND WRITTEN PRESENTATIONS</strong></p><p><br /> <strong>ÌÇÐÄSwag Business Company Presentation<br /> </strong>A decision in 2006 by School District 73 to provide education opportunities to off-shore, non-resident students is now paying dividends for Kamloops and area schools. Directors of the School District No. 73 Business Company (ÌÇÐÄSwagBC), Dr. Terry Sullivan, (retired superintendent) and Rob Wilson, (RBC Dominion Securities) presented a $100,000 dividend cheque to the Board of Education. <a href="/Modules/News/index.aspx?newsId=d7e21359-12b1-4340-a3be-8a7489f149c6">Read more</a><strong>&nbsp;</strong></p><p><strong>REPORTS FROM SUPERINTENDENT OF SCHOOL</strong></p><p>As per the Consent Agenda, the <strong>Superintendent&rsquo;s Report</strong> was distributed. The full report <a href=";aid=iD7JcCIBEdA">can be found here</a>.</p><p><strong>Westsyde Elementary School to Re-open </strong></p><p>Results from the community and staff consultations that began in&nbsp;January 2019, gave the trustees a clear indication that reopening Westsyde Elementary is in the best interests of the children and the broader community. The&nbsp;Board also approved the capital expenditure of $1.062 million for renovations that will begin immediately. The budget includes $150,000 to purchase resources for the library, textbooks, office supplies and gym equipment. <a href="/Modules/News/index.aspx?feedId=10c49675-bbce-4733-a8c0-fbbd3a3ec9ae,be1116c5-ab98-434e-8a10-8a00f49b774c,208dc79b-e7d6-4c56-be49-d1a958ce7890,22ff3110-d793-43a6-840c-c4111ce97696,bea72a8a-9acb-4e39-a622-a93619bbcb20,609debc8-f306-4231-82f6-0ccdd05741ff,1a8871c1-91be-45ab-b39d-92ef36375147,f8da9119-5861-4244-9bef-1bcc52d3b354,864e5895-2441-42e4-88b6-d6159a4c573e,693bbd8a-7a76-4569-a4cc-0a6c73399faf&amp;newsId=40177040-9523-41ab-b36b-d361bb288c10">Read more</a></p><p><strong>Vavenby Expands from K-4 to K-7</strong></p><p>The Board supported the initiative by parents in Vavenby to reconfigure the school from K-4 to K-7 by 2021. New students coming into the school along with the addition of more grades warrants the addition of a second division in the school. The second teacher allows for better classroom organization and teacher collaboration.</p><p><strong>Enrolment Projections<br /> </strong>The District is projecting an increase of 237 FTE students for September 2019 over last year&rsquo;s projections. Estimated projections do not consider in-migration or out-migration leading up to the start of classes in 2019.</p><p><strong>Board/Authority Authorized Courses</strong></p><p>The Board approved the following courses after being reviewed by the BAA Committee and the Education Committee of the Whole to ensure they met the Ministry of Education&rsquo;s curriculum guidelines:</p><ul><li>English Language Development 10A</li><li>English Language Development 10B</li><li>RCMP Youth Academy Studies</li><li>School District No. 73 Tech Academy</li><li>Sport Specific Training</li><li>Video Game Maker 11</li><li>Video Game Maker 12</li></ul><p>Once approved by the Ministry the course outlines will be posted to the website.&nbsp;</p><p><strong>REPORTS FROM SECRETARY-TREASURER </strong></p><p><strong>Capital Budget Bylaw <br /> </strong>The Board passed the bylaw approving the capital plans for upgrading the dust-collector systems in the trades training classrooms at Logan Lake and NorKam Secondary, a new energy-efficient condensing boiler at Bert Edwards Science and Technology and the four additional buses to service the new routes required to support enrolment growth. The $1,781,139 in funding was announced last week by the Ministry of Education.&nbsp;<a href="/Modules/News/index.aspx?feedId=10c49675-bbce-4733-a8c0-fbbd3a3ec9ae,be1116c5-ab98-434e-8a10-8a00f49b774c,208dc79b-e7d6-4c56-be49-d1a958ce7890,22ff3110-d793-43a6-840c-c4111ce97696,bea72a8a-9acb-4e39-a622-a93619bbcb20,609debc8-f306-4231-82f6-0ccdd05741ff,1a8871c1-91be-45ab-b39d-92ef36375147,f8da9119-5861-4244-9bef-1bcc52d3b354,864e5895-2441-42e4-88b6-d6159a4c573e,693bbd8a-7a76-4569-a4cc-0a6c73399faf&amp;newsId=fdcb1088-aec3-435c-bd1d-1206ddc69f53">Read more</a></p><p><strong>Rental Rate Report and Recommendations</strong></p><p>The recommendations based on the review of community rental rates by Director of Finance <strong>Trina Cassidy</strong> and Manager of Finance <strong>Christine Loney</strong> were approved and will go into effect after July 1, 2019 for the next school year.</p><p><strong>Schedule of 2019 Budget Meetings</strong></p><ul><li>April 1, 2019 Board receives draft budget</li><li>April 4, 2019 share the draft budget with employee groups, parent advisory councils and media</li><li>April 18, 2019 review feedback from stakeholders</li><li>April 29, 2019 Board approves the District&rsquo;s 2019-2020 Operating Budget.</li></ul><p><strong>REPORTS FROM COMMITTEES AND CHAIR<br /><br /></strong><strong>Consent Agenda Items<br /><br /></strong><a href="">Chair&rsquo;s Activity Report</a></p><p><a href="">Education Committee of the Whole</a></p><p><a href="">District Parent Advisory Committee</a></p><p><a href=",%202019.pdf">Literacy In Kamloops Report</a></p><p>&nbsp;</p><p><strong>&nbsp;</strong></p><p><strong>&nbsp;</strong></p><p><strong>&nbsp;</strong></p><p>&nbsp;</p><p><strong>&nbsp;</strong></p><p>&nbsp;</p><p>&nbsp;</p><p>&nbsp;</p><p>&nbsp;</p><p>&nbsp;</p><p>&nbsp;</p><p><strong>&nbsp;</strong></p><p><strong>&nbsp;</strong></p><p><strong>&nbsp;</strong></p><p><strong>&nbsp;</strong></p><p><strong>&nbsp;</strong></p><p><strong>&nbsp;</strong></p><p>&nbsp;</p> /Modules/News/index.aspx?feedId=a34c7aa8-61a4-4301-b1ee-537197631df4&newsId=111367f2-d585-495b-873e-607a91565467 Thu, 14 Mar 2019 22:15:00 GMT Beloved Chase community member, Fran Connett, receives the first Board Award of Recognition <p>On Monday, May 6, 2024, The Kamloops-Thompson Board of Education joined together with the Chase Secondary staff and district community to honour Fran Connett with the first ever Board Award of Recognition.</p><p>&ldquo;I was pleased to honour Fran Connett on behalf of the Board of Education with the first Board Award of Recognition,&rdquo; stated Board Chair Heather Grieve. &ldquo;On April 8, 2024, the Board learned that in the review of the OWL Award Committee applications that the Committee felt that there was a need to introduce an award that recognizes individuals who have significantly impacted public education within the district community because of service that has resulted in bringing the core value commitments of the District Strategic Plan alive. At that meeting, the Board passed a motion to start the Board Award of Recognition with Fran being the first recipient.&rdquo;</p><p>&ldquo;As the Chair of the OWL Award for Excellence in Public Education Committee, I am so proud of committee members for recognizing the need for a District Awards program for staff, and bringing forward Fran Connett as the first recipient,&rdquo; shared Superintendent Dr. Rhonda Nixon. &ldquo;During Monday&rsquo;s event, the community heard all that Fran has accomplished in terms of immeasurable, positive impact on individuals through her relationships and connections over the years in the Chase community and in the district.&rdquo;</p><p>For over two decades, Fran Connett has made a profound impact on the lives of countless students, staff, and families in the community of Chase. Fran is a dedicated individual who runs the Chase Secondary School cafeteria&mdash;she is committed to ensuring no student goes hungry, serving nutritious and hearty breakfasts and lunches, and doing it all with kindness, generosity, and a smile. Her impact goes beyond the food she serves, as one community member shared, &ldquo;she is the grandmother of our school and she made everyone feel like they belonged.&rdquo;</p><p>As Fran prepares for retirement, her community was excited to celebrate her and all that she has given to the students of Chase Secondary School. Principal Greg Gartrell organized a community celebration on May 6, alongside the School Board meeting at his school, to honour Fran&rsquo;s immeasurable impact and join the Board of Education in honouring her with the Board Award of Recognition. In Greg&rsquo;s words: &ldquo;Tonight we are acknowledging Fran Connett, lovingly known as Frannie in our community, who has served students at our school cafeteria for the last 20 years. She does so much more than just serve food, she serves love, and she is a person that everybody knows they can go to in a time of need. Frannie&rsquo;s been here for everybody in our community for the last 20 years and we just want to make sure she knows how much she&rsquo;s appreciated.&rdquo;</p><p>The recognition event was filled with energy and love from the community as community members, friends, family, and students filled the Chase school gym to celebrate their beloved community member.&nbsp; At the event, after being honoured with the Board Recognition Award, Fran expressed feelings of being overwhelmed with emotions and grateful for the honour. While little words were shared, emotions of gratitude were felt by all in the room.</p><p>Fran&rsquo;s positive and immense impact on Chase, and specifically Chase Secondary School, will be felt throughout the community for generations to come. As Diane Jules, Aboriginal Education Council Director and Trustee of the Kamloops-Thompson School Board, explains, &ldquo;Frannie is a legend. Even though she won&rsquo;t be in our kitchen with our students anymore, her name will resonate in the hallways for generations to come. No one will ever beat Chase Secondary Frannie. Kukwsts&eacute;tsemc Frannie for everything you&rsquo;ve done for all of our children.&rdquo;</p> /Modules/News/index.aspx?feedId=a34c7aa8-61a4-4301-b1ee-537197631df4&newsId=f169d7af-d069-4682-9799-6152959de6f6 Wed, 08 May 2024 16:45:00 GMT Raft River Elementary School's Excitement about their New Outdoor Learning Space <p style="text-align: left;" align="center">Carmella Mathieu, Principal, Raft River Elementary School</p><p>Raft River Elementary staff, students, parents and community members have been working diligently to plan and design a new outdoor learning space. As this space is almost ready to use, everyone is filled with a blend of excitement, gratitude, and pride in recognizing the incredible community effort and donations that have gone into designing, planning, and now breaking ground to build this amazing outdoor place of learning on Secwepemc Territory.</p><p>In the 2022-2027 District Strategic Plan, the District mission is to provide learning opportunities and environments that inspire students to thrive.</p><p>Trustee Shelley Sim shared, &ldquo;This outdoor learning space is an environment that will enlarge the learning experiences and opportunities in the North Thompson for these students and their families. The vision and the fundraising efforts have been inspirational, and the community will benefit thanks to the committed efforts of many, and the generosity of local support.&rdquo;</p><p>Early on in the project, students at Raft River were brought in to design a school wide outdoor learning space. The space is to provide learning opportunities for all students at Raft River. The design of the building has been done in such a way that the learning will take place in a natural way and is more than the building itself, but includes learning in the surroundings that will take place during both structured and unstructured lessons.</p><p>The vision is that students will naturally use this space for imaginative play, natural learning from the surrounding environment which is being built into the space. The open air classroom and amphitheater will be surrounded by learning stations such as a pollinator garden, wetlands area and a learning forest. Native plants and a traditional Medicine garden will also become a part of the landscape. During the day it will be used for Raft River students and teachers and it will be accessible to community groups after school hours.</p><p>Ms. Liz Shook, teacher, has been dedicated and passionate as well as the driving force behind the outdoor classroom design and plans for construction. She and a team of dedicated individuals, with the support of the community, and many donors have raised $202,000 to develop this learning space.</p><p>Liz shared &ldquo;The students will have the opportunity to connect with nature, experience hands-on learning, and lessons that are place based. Students will have opportunities to use the space to connect with community experts and members and engage in learning differently. The outdoor classroom will provide a launching pad for access to the Clearwater area and the learning it holds, from Raft River to the Park.</p><p>I was able to witness first hand the benefits of outdoor education meeting the diverse needs of students. I have seen increased student motivation and a sense of accomplishment. Outdoor learning opportunities meet the needs of all students by offering different freedoms and flexibility. Learning outdoors provides the opportunity for movement and supports student regulation.&rdquo;&nbsp;</p><p>&ldquo;As Raft River Principal, I am grateful to the Facilities and Grounds department staff who have been an invaluable and integral part of the process as well and will continue to be central to making this dream come to fruition.</p><p>I have come into this project part way through. The work that has gone into this project has been tremendous. To hear the stories of what has gone into making this happen, but also the stories of passion and excitement of what is to come, speak to this project being a true community effort. Thank you to all involved. I look forward to hearing of the learning taking place and the stories of the students once the space is complete.&rdquo;&nbsp;</p><p>The school community will come together to celebrate this unveiling this fall of what has been a labour of love.</p> /Modules/News/index.aspx?feedId=a34c7aa8-61a4-4301-b1ee-537197631df4&newsId=5e719851-7854-4dc1-acff-61720308637d Fri, 26 May 2023 19:00:00 GMT District Shows Support at Pride Parade <p>ÌÇÐÄSwag staff and students spent a cheerful and sunny Sunday morning walking together for inclusivity and equity.</p><p>The annual Kamloops Pride Parade took place on August 28, 2022 with hundreds of onlookers and countless ÌÇÐÄSwag staff and students participating in the parade to show support and solidarity for the 2SLGBTQIA+ community and the importance of celebrating all walks of life regardless of race, culture, social, sexual, or gender identities.</p><p>&ldquo;Our Board of Education prioritizes inclusive, caring, welcoming, and safe communities within our schools and district facilities,&rdquo; said Board Chair Heather Grieve. &ldquo;<a href="/en/our-district-board/priorities.aspx#CID">This priority</a> starts with a strong focus on human rights education and on leadership at every level participating in and championing the rights of every person to express who they are.&rdquo;</p><p>Among the crowds of ÌÇÐÄSwag representation included Board Chair Grieve, Vice Chair Wade, Trustee O&rsquo;Fee, Superintendent Nixon, Assistant Superintendent Mochikas, CUPE President Miller, and staff from every employee group, as well as parents and students.</p><p>&ldquo;The pride parade is an important event in our community and for our district,&rdquo; said Mochikas. &ldquo;It's a great way to visibly celebrate and support students and staff identifying as LGBTQ2S+ and for them to know they are free to be their authentic selves.&rdquo;</p> /Modules/News/index.aspx?feedId=a34c7aa8-61a4-4301-b1ee-537197631df4&newsId=1f63269b-ed04-4c1d-a600-61ae53127210 Thu, 01 Sep 2022 16:00:00 GMT ÌÇÐÄSwag Board of Education Celebrates the First Regional Indigenous Student Summit at Thompson Rivers University <p>By Diane Jules, Trustee</p><p>June 7, 2023</p><p>I am very proud of how Indigenous students came together from 11 school districts to share their lived experiences of Indigenous culture in the education system, Indigenous student health and well-being, and Indigenous-specific racism.</p><p>In January 2023, the Kamloops-Thompson Board of Education hosted Minister Rachna Singh to launch the provincial anti-racism action plan, and the Aboriginal Education Council spoke with Minister Singh about the importance of not only launching action plans but reporting back on how we are doing with them. One of the first steps in the provincial and district anti-racism action plan is to learn firsthand from students about what they see, hear, and personally experience as racism.</p><p>This summit was the first step in these plans. On May 15 and 16, 2023, Kamloops-Thompson staff members under the leadership of District Principal Mike Bowden organized the first regional Indigenous Student Summit. It began with almost 140 students gathering from schools within the Kamloops-Thompson School District and schools in ten other school districts (SD8 Kootenay Lake), SD19 (Revelstoke), SD22 (Vernon), SD23 (Central Okanagan), SD53 (Okanagan-Similkameen), SD83 (North Okanagan-Shuswap), SD74 (Gold Trail), and SD93 (Le Conseil Scolaire Francophone).</p><p>These students and staff gathered in the Thompson Rivers University Brown&rsquo;s House of Learning designed to symbolize a traditional c7&iacute;stkten?. The evening of May 15 began with students gathering, socializing, and sharing food in the House of Learning followed by a scavenger hunt around the TRU campus. The next morning, on May 16, students, staff, and guests gathered to share breakfast. After breakfast, students were drummed in by the Sage Hill Drummers and a traditional jingle dancer. Indigenous student leaders from the 11 School Districts entered the House of Learning carrying their District banners in a Grand March.</p><p>These Indigenous student leaders took part in learning from a guest speaker, Mr.Greg Hopf, an Indigenous entrepreneur and co-owner of Moccasin Trails, born and raised in the Northwest Territories (NWT) and who has presented around the world on Indigenous issues, shared his story and experiences of resiliency. Students then worked in focus groups to examine the three agenda items that they had determined mattered most for this summit: racism, Indigenous culture in the education system, and Indigenous student health and well-being.</p><p>When they completed their focus groups, the students gathered again as a larger group and presented these discussions and actions. In the first group, Indigenous youth leaders from ÌÇÐÄSwag, Mikey Friesen, Elle Ross, and Dakoda Kelm, explained why student voice matters. They talked about how when the student voice is honoured and valued in an authentic way, youth will have more engagement and responsibility in their learning journey. In the second group, students had discussed Indigenous Specific Racism and spoke about microaggressions as one of the issues. They gave examples of people talking like their culture is past tense, how they constantly feel like they are thought of as &lsquo;dumb&rsquo; or not as capable as their non-Indigenous peers in academics, sports, and arts. They talked about the imperative of educating non-Indigenous educators around trauma, cultural awareness, and cultural humility. In the third group, students discussed Indigenous culture in schools and how they felt that they only heard about the tragic events Indigenous peoples endured. Instead, they advocated for celebrating the positive contributions that come from their cultures. In the last group, students shared about Indigenous student health and well-being and talked about how it was important to foster a sense of belonging and safety.</p><p>In the District Strategic Plan, Cultural Development is a Board priority and the goal is for every student to learn and share who they are and to be proud of their cultural backgrounds. This first Annual Regional Indigenous Student Summit was one location to empower Indigenous children and youth to be who they are and to be celebrated for sharing voices about topics of importance to them. It is our job now to do something with what we learned from them&ndash;to make our schools welcoming, caring, inspiring spaces for all students and families.</p><p>This column appeared in Kamloops This Week: View from ÌÇÐÄSwag on June 7, 2023</p> /Modules/News/index.aspx?feedId=a34c7aa8-61a4-4301-b1ee-537197631df4&newsId=57203fa0-8eb5-44b7-9d64-629279182c6b Wed, 07 Jun 2023 22:30:00 GMT ÌÇÐÄSwag's 2022-2023 Draft Annual Budget Revealed <p>School District No. 73 (Kamloops-Thompson) Board of Education <a href="/en/our-district-board/budget-consultation.aspx">presented its draft budget and priorities </a>for the upcoming school year.</p><p>An estimated $207 million, the 2022-23 Annual Budget is comprised of three different funds: <strong>Operating, Capital, and Special Purpose</strong>.</p><p><strong>Operating Funds</strong> are approximately 84% of the overall annual budget and are dedicated to staffing, programming, supports, and services enabling students to meet or exceed literacy and numeracy expectations, to transition grade-to-grade on time, and develop competencies to achieve their life goals through career programming. Operating funds also enable sought-after programming such as the <a href="/Modules/News/index.aspx?newsId=500b4a11-27c4-4007-a115-5e5de73db4fa">RCMP Youth Academy</a>. These experiences exemplify how ÌÇÐÄSwag supports learning opportunities and environments for students to thrive.</p><p><strong>Capital Funds</strong> comprise approximately 6% of the overall annual budget and support facility upgrades, childcare spaces, and purchasing of portable classrooms. Exceptional growth in the community and region has put unacceptable pressure on a number of neighbourhood schools. With enrolment numbers climbing by the equivalent of a medium?- sized elementary school each year, ÌÇÐÄSwag has required 13 school catchment area changes since April 2021 and the re-opening of two schools in five years.</p><p><strong>Special Purpose Funds</strong> are 10% of the overall annual budget and are targeted by the Ministry to their intended purpose such as CommunityLINK (e.g., food security), Classroom Enhancement Fund (Teachers), Support Staff Learning Improvement Fund (Certified Education Assistants), Early Learning (e.g., <a href="/Modules/News/index.aspx?feedId=10c49675-bbce-4733-a8c0-fbbd3a3ec9ae,be1116c5-ab98-434e-8a10-8a00f49b774c,208dc79b-e7d6-4c56-be49-d1a958ce7890,22ff3110-d793-43a6-840c-c4111ce97696,bea72a8a-9acb-4e39-a622-a93619bbcb20,609debc8-f306-4231-82f6-0ccdd05741ff,1a8871c1-91be-45ab-b39d-92ef36375147,f8da9119-5861-4244-9bef-1bcc52d3b354,864e5895-2441-42e4-88b6-d6159a4c573e,693bbd8a-7a76-4569-a4cc-0a6c73399faf&amp;keyword=seamless%20day&amp;page=2&amp;newsId=7c8e04c3-2ab0-4820-a53e-5fca7352ea0b">Seamless Day</a>), Mental Health, and School Generated Funds (school activities, fundraisers). These targeted funds provide much-needed services and should ideally be part of operating funds.</p><p>Key initiatives:</p><p><span style="text-decoration: underline;">Growth:</span></p><ul><li><a href="/en/our-district-board/catchment-changes-2022.aspx">School Catchment Changes</a></li><li><a href="">Re-opening of Ralph Bell Elementary</a></li><li><a href="">Valleyview Secondary Expansion</a></li><li>Sun Peaks Portables</li><li>Additional Bus Routes and Drivers</li></ul><p><span style="text-decoration: underline;">Enrolment, Safety &amp; Cost Pressures:</span></p><ul><li>Teacher Staffing</li><li>Additional custodians for increased space</li><li>Continued COVID-19 enhancements &ndash; day-shift custodians and MERV13 HVAC filters</li><li>Cost escalations &ndash; benefits, fuel, parts, utilities, custodial supplies<br /><br /></li></ul><table style="height: 122px;" width="448" border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0"><colgroup><col width="274" /> <col width="90" /> </colgroup><tbody><tr><td width="274" height="20"><strong>2022-2023 Draft Annual Budget &ndash; Summary</strong></td><td width="90">&nbsp;</td></tr><tr><td height="20">&nbsp;</td><td class="xl67"><span style="text-decoration: underline;">Amount</span></td></tr><tr><td height="20">Operating Fund&nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp;</td><td class="xl65">173,117,257</td></tr><tr><td height="20">Capital Fund&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;</td><td class="xl65">13,486,863</td></tr><tr><td height="20">Special Purpose Fund&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;</td><td class="xl66"><span style="text-decoration: underline;">20,534.89</span></td></tr><tr><td height="20">&nbsp;</td><td class="xl68"><strong>$207,139,013</strong></td></tr></tbody></table><p>Please review the 2022-2023 Draft Annual Budget and offer your feedback at by April 19, 2022.</p> /Modules/News/index.aspx?feedId=a34c7aa8-61a4-4301-b1ee-537197631df4&newsId=2cb4be64-1afd-46b6-b007-6555435758cd Wed, 06 Apr 2022 18:30:00 GMT Board Notes from April 12, 2021 <p>From the regular meeting of the Board of Education. All about Long-Range Facilities Plan and Proposed Reviews of 4 Catchment Boundaries. Read Board Notes <a href="" target="_blank"><span style="text-decoration: underline;">here</span></a>.</p> /Modules/News/index.aspx?feedId=a34c7aa8-61a4-4301-b1ee-537197631df4&newsId=ba2895be-f7e9-4d50-b3b6-679158ed5340 Wed, 14 Apr 2021 19:00:00 GMT Superintendent's Update <p>Dear Parents and Caregivers:</p><p>Thank you to parents and caregivers who have been patient, kind, and responsive as we have lived through high student and staff absenteeism and functional closures. We appreciate everyone adhering to the safety measures, checking for symptoms, and staying home when ill. While working through an admittedly challenging time, we have proven that we are here for each other, as a district-school-home partnership.</p><p><strong>&Eacute;cole Lloyd George</strong></p><p>When I visited &Eacute;cole Lloyd George Elementary School, Principal Mme Carol DeFehr shared their administrative team&rsquo;s aim, which emerged from reflecting on the Seven Grandfather Teachings - To build a community of Student Success by focusing on the teaching of Humility and Bravery. When we walked through the school and met with staff and students, Mme Michelle Cauchon, the teacher librarian shared how she, Library Assistant Mme Andrea Schafthuizen and Aboriginal Education Worker Mme Brenda Jules have enjoyed creating &ldquo;Aboriginal Calendar Kits&rdquo; based on significant traditional Secw&eacute;pemc cultural events and practices. She explained how she was humbled by seeking input from the Knowledge Keepers in our community such as Jackie Jules, Cultural Coordinator at the Secw&eacute;pemc Museum and Heritage Park and Quanah George, Tk? eml&uacute;ps te Secw&eacute;pemc Community Member. Mme Cauchon has enjoyed collaborating and is energized by making these kits. The kits are still evolving as artifacts are found for each month. Mme DeFehr stated that Mme Cauchon illuminates their school motto - &ldquo;Our role has been to remind all that &ldquo;On ne cesse jamais d&rsquo;apprendre&rdquo; (We never stop learning).</p><p><strong>Consultation about Vaccination</strong></p><p>Based on suggestions by the Vaccination Policy Committee, on January 10, 2021, the Board passed a motion to direct administration to collect voluntary self-disclosure of proof of vaccination from employees beginning January 24, 2022. A notice will be sent to all employees to provide steps for how to submit proof of vaccination. This past week, we consulted with employee groups, the Aboriginal Education Council, parents, and partners on a draft operations procedure to collect mandatory proof of vaccination.</p><p><strong>Interior Health Thresholds and Letters</strong></p><div class="WordSection1"><p>Interior Health has requested that districts send letters home when absenteeism thresholds are reached:</p><ul><li>one or more classes in a school has/have an absenteeism rate of 25% or greater; and/or</li><li>a school&rsquo;s absenteeism rate exceeds 10% of the historical absenteeism average for the school for two consecutive days.</li></ul></div><p>When a family receives a letter based on their school reaching one or more of the above thresholds, the letter means that Interior Health&rsquo;s &ldquo;potential activity signal&rdquo; criteria has been met. Reaching these criteria means that our district staff are in contact with the Interior Health Rapid Response Team to review what might be done to further mitigate spread of the virus.</p><p>When more than 25% of staff in a school are away, this is a threshold for our district and school leaders to enact our Continuity of Operations Plan. The <a href="/en/community-parents-and-students/resources/ÌÇÐÄSwag-Continuity-of-Learning-Plan.pdf"><u>Continuity of Learning Plan</u> </a>sets out the steps clearly for moving from face-to-face education with enhanced measures to one of three other scenarios, if necessary.</p><p><strong>Safety Measures</strong></p><p>The <a href="/en/community-parents-and-students/resources/CDPP/ÌÇÐÄSwag-CDPP-Safe-and-Healthy-Facilities.pdf"><u>District Communicable Disease Prevention Plan</u> </a>continues to reflect any changes based on provincial safety measures and K-12 guidelines. Every school has a revised communicable disease prevention plan posted on their website. The BC Centre for Disease Control <a href=""><u>website</u> </a>is also a good resource for frequently asked questions related to COVID-19. We also have a <a href="/en/community-parents-and-students/communicable-disease-prevention-plan.aspx"><u>Frequently Asked Questions </u></a>section of our website.</p><p>Thank you for continuing to complete the <a href="/en/community-parents-and-students/resources/CDPP/Daily-Health-Check.pdf"><u>daily health checklist</u> </a>or use the <a href=""><u>K to 12 Health Check</u></a> <a href=""><u>App</u></a>. As we continue to work collaboratively, thank you for your generous spirit, patience, and kindness.</p><p>Rhonda Nixon, PhD</p><p>Superintendent</p> /Modules/News/index.aspx?feedId=a34c7aa8-61a4-4301-b1ee-537197631df4&newsId=4e44fad8-07ba-4c69-9be9-67fb2467198e Sat, 22 Jan 2022 00:00:00 GMT Rob Schoen to Retire <p>Rob Schoen, Assistant Superintendent-Elementary, has announced that he plans to retire December 31, 2019.</p><p>His experience in education has spanned thirty-four and a half years across five school districts. Rob was a teacher in both elementary and secondary schools and held roles as vice-principal, principal, district principal and associate superintendent of human resources before becoming assistant superintendent in 2015.</p><p>In addition to overseeing the district&rsquo;s 33 elementary schools, Rob has been responsible for the International Student Program and has served as vice-president of Global Education.</p><p>Recruiting will start immediately for a candidate to full fill the role of Assistant Superintendent-Elementary.&nbsp;</p><p>In announcing his retirement to the Board of Education on Aug. 26, Superintendent Sidow took the opportunity to thank Assistant Superintendent Schoen for his years of unfailing service to ÌÇÐÄSwag. &ldquo;He has been a tremendous advocate for children, staff and the education system,&rdquo; she said. &ldquo;I have appreciated his council and insight and enjoyed his great sense of humour. Rob will be missed by his colleagues and his friends at the school board office and by the teachers and school leaders he supported. I wish him and his wife Leslie all the best in this next phase of their life together.&rdquo;</p> /Modules/News/index.aspx?feedId=a34c7aa8-61a4-4301-b1ee-537197631df4&newsId=350c128a-6e3f-4537-b5c7-6830bbc26267 Sat, 31 Aug 2019 00:15:00 GMT Parkcrest Fire Investigation Completed <p>Investigations into the cause of the fire that destroyed Parkcrest Elementary School on Sept. 5, 2019 are now complete.</p><p>A report summarising the investigations, conclusions and recommended actions was presented to the School District No. 73 (Kamloops-Thompson) Board of Education Monday evening. Kamloops Fire and Rescue (KFR) Chief Mike Adams was at the regularly scheduled meeting to discuss the findings.</p><p>The cause of the fire was undetermined due to the extensive damage and the instability of the scene once the fire had burned out. Investigations by KFR, Fire Pro Investigator, and the RCMP determined the fire started somewhere in the walls or in a concealed space between the drop ceiling and roof above four classrooms on the west side of the building.</p><p>The fire alarm in the school worked as expected, alerting the three staff members in the building before the smell of smoke or signs of fire were detected.</p><p>Superintendent of Schools Alison Sidow told trustees that a staff member assumed the alarm was false and tried to reset the panel, but it would not reset, Staff then evacuated and called 911. It is estimated the attempt to reset the alarm may have resulted in a loss in KFR&rsquo;s response time of three minutes and 46 seconds.</p><p>&ldquo;In the world of fire investigation, I&rsquo;m told, that is a significant amount of time, enough time that the fire can gain some traction,&rdquo; Sidow said, adding a recommendation to include annually reviewing with staff the use&nbsp;of fire panels and alarm systems is a priority.</p><p>&ldquo;The result of the fire was devastating for students, teachers, and parents and we understand that events like this can create anxiety in the community about the safety of older schools in the district,&rdquo; Chief Adam said. &ldquo;The School District has done an exceptional job at maintaining and testing its fire detection systems, as well as regularly practicing safe evacuation procedures with students and staff.&rdquo;</p><p>There was no evidence of foul play.&nbsp;</p><p>During the investigation process Superintendent Sidow became aware of three previous minor incidents involving smoke at Parkcrest in 2015. Although KFR determined these incidents were not connected to fire in Sept. 2019, KFR has recommended ÌÇÐÄSwag review and strengthen incident reporting processes, including updating criteria for notification to District administration.</p><p>Other recommendations from the report include more meetings between the district and KFR to ensure KFR has up-to-date site maps of all ÌÇÐÄSwag facilities, and the installation of lock boxes at all sites so emergency personnel can enter schools if there is no one on site, as well as &nbsp;continued upgrading of sprinkler systems throughout the district.</p><p>Although a sprinkler system may have saved 20 per cent of the school, Chief Adams believes the outcome would likely have been the same, and demolition of the entire structure would still have been necessary.</p><p>Sprinkler systems are currently in 40 of the district's 60 buildings. Plans are in place to install these systems in the remaining buildings, but the budget priorities must be balanced between new roofing and flooring.</p><p>Each year the district receives $3.5 million in grants for facilities projects for things like roofing, flooring and water systems. The next sprinkler system installation is planned for Kay Bingham Elementary at a cost of nearly $350,000.</p><p>&ldquo;It&rsquo;s rare for a community to lose a school to fire, and the Parkcrest fire can serve as a reminder to all of us of the importance of regularly practising safe evacuation procedures with students and staff,&rdquo; Sidow said. &ldquo;Hopefully the fire will also remind families and our broader community to have smoke detectors and fire safety plans for their homes.&rdquo; &nbsp;</p><p>Adams is confident in ÌÇÐÄSwag&rsquo;s commitment to supporting safe schools, noting that each school is inspected annually and practises fire evacuation up to six times a year.</p> /Modules/News/index.aspx?feedId=a34c7aa8-61a4-4301-b1ee-537197631df4&newsId=b22b13f0-975e-4130-b0d2-68601bc53a8f Thu, 16 Jan 2020 23:45:00 GMT Kamloops-Thompson Board of Education Honours 2024 OWL Award Recipients <p style="text-align: left;" align="center"><em>Story provided by Chelsea Isenor, Director of Communications and Board Administration</em></p><p>On Monday, June 24, 2024, The Kamloops-Thompson Board of Education celebrated this year&rsquo;s OWL Award recipients &ndash; Annemarie Watts and Brent Buck.</p><p>The OWL Award for Excellence in Public Education was started by the Board of Education in 2016 to recognize and honor individuals, groups, and organizations that have enriched and advanced public education through their significant contributions that had system-level impact.</p><p>&ldquo;One of the best parts of the year is when we get to honour individuals with OWL Awards,&rdquo; shared Board Chair Heather Grieve. &ldquo;It is my pleasure to present this year's awards to two people who we are excited to recognize, celebrate, and thank for their significant dedication and service to their communities.&rdquo;</p><p>This year, the OWL Award committee had a record number of 14 applications. The nominated recipients have each made significant, system-wide, outstanding contributions to public education in the Kamloops-Thompson School District over a period of five years or more. This year&rsquo;s two OWL Award recipients have each had a positive impact on the development of students, parents, teachers, staff, and their communities.</p><p>For over 25 years, <strong>Annemarie Watts</strong> has had a local, regional, and provincial impact on students and public education through secondary athletics. Having served as Chair of the ÌÇÐÄSwag Secondary Athletics Council and Director of British Columbia School Sports (BCSS), Ms. Watts recently received the 2023 BCSS Honour Award, recognizing a lifetime of distinguished service to sports and education.</p><p>Nominated by South Kamloops Secondary School Principal Walt Kirschner who shared in Ms. Watts nomination package: &ldquo;I would describe Ms. Watts&rsquo; legacy as one that is student centered and guided by her passion to motivate and engage all her students in a manner that focuses on a lifelong commitment to health and recreation.&rdquo;&nbsp;</p><p>With her passion for fitness, health, and well-being, Ms. Watts has impacted thousands of students and athletes throughout her career. She coached at all levels for multiple sports and designed and implemented innovative programming such as Super Fit (which was used District-wide), and was one of the trailblazers in creating and developing physical education classes for females who did not feel comfortable in regular PE classes.</p><p>&ldquo;The committee found that your accomplishments had exemplary system-level impact because of your local, regional, and provincial contributions to secondary sports locally, provincially, and nationally. Thank you for your dedicated service,&rdquo; shared Board Chair Heather Grieve.</p><p>Throughout his 40 years as an educator, coach, mentor, and community champion, <strong>Brent Buck</strong> has made a profound impact on the students, staff, and the community at Clearwater Secondary School (CSS). Mr. Buck started his career in education as an instructor in a pilot forestry program under a letter of permission. While attending post-secondary school to complete his Bachelor of Education, Mr. Buck volunteered weekly for three years, offering mentorship in classrooms at Clearwater Secondary and multiple high schools in the District to provide a foundation of forestry education. Due to his leadership, the Forestry Logging Program expanded within and beyond the Kamloops-Thompson School District with the province recognizing Mr. Buck&rsquo;s contributions by sharing Board Authorized Authority courses in forestry and outdoor education.</p><p>Nominated by Clearwater Secondary Teacher Lisa Fraser, the CSS community showed their support at the awards ceremony wearing &lsquo;In Buck We Trust&rsquo; t-shirts. In his nomination package, CSS Principal Darren Coats noted &ldquo;Brent&rsquo;s passion for learning and for instilling a love of learning in others is well known. He is both loved and respected by staff and students alike. I would in fact use the word legendary as an apt description of how he is viewed.&rdquo;</p><p>Mr. Buck was a teacher who knew every student&rsquo;s name and his shop classes were known to be welcoming and accessible for all with the motto &ldquo;shop classes are for everyone.&rdquo; His passion for including the community in projects, and contributing time and expertise to many organizations instilled communal values in students. His work as a TTOC after retirement demonstrates a continued commitment to students and his community.</p><p>&ldquo;Your impact has local and regional effects on public education in his various roles within and beyond the District. What was compelling is how you selflessly offered your time, effort, and expertise, even when you were not yet qualified to teach but helped others refine their practices. Thank you for your service in ÌÇÐÄSwag and beyond and for making many students&rsquo; and teachers&rsquo; lives better through learning about forestry and outdoor education,&rdquo; shared Board Chair Heather Grieve.</p><p>During the awards presentation, the honourees were surrounded by colleagues, friends, and family cheering them on. The energy felt in the room was a testament to the positive impact they have had on their communities throughout their careers.</p> /Modules/News/index.aspx?feedId=a34c7aa8-61a4-4301-b1ee-537197631df4&newsId=ecf1441b-529d-43d4-81de-68e7b164465d Thu, 27 Jun 2024 18:00:00 GMT District Cleaning Strategy to Include Electrostatic Sprayers <p>School District No. 73 is developing a strategy to use electrostatic spray technology to disinfect schools.</p><p>&ldquo;We are taking every step possible to keep students and staff safe in our schools,&rdquo; said Rhonda Kershaw, Board Chair. &ldquo;This spray technology will add another layer of cleanliness for high-touch surface areas in our buildings.&rdquo;</p><p>An electrostatic sprayer adds a negative molecule charge to the disinfectant as it is being sprayed, making it cling to all surfaces, and slowing down the evaporation process. The electric charge slows the evaporation time, allowing a longer contact time before it evaporates.</p><p>The District will use the same products in the sprayers that have been chosen for use in cleaning schools during the pandemic. These products are approved by Health Canada and demonstrate that they are likely to be effective and may be used against SARS-CoV-2, the coronavirus that causes COVID-19. The products are RMC Enviro Care Neutral Disinfectant and Wood Wyant Saber Vert2Go Concentrate.</p><p>The sprayers were tested at NorKam Senior Secondary over a weekend in mid-October while no one was in the building, to allow for maximum disinfecting effect and to see how long the spraying process would take, in the largest school in the district.</p><p>&ldquo;The detail crew was able to disinfect the entire building in eight hours using these units,&rdquo; said District Operations Manager Allen Blohm. &ldquo;This means that If we ever have to disinfect a building because there has been a confirmed case, and under the direction of public health, we would be able to disinfect all surfaces in the building overnight, and we would not have to shut the school.&rdquo;</p><p>Mike Diettrich and Rob Dejong are the ÌÇÐÄSwag custodian detail crew, fully qualified custodians with extra training and certifications in remediation, high lift work, tile work, floor repairs.&nbsp;</p><p><iframe src="" frameborder="0" width="560" height="315"></iframe></p><p>&ldquo;When you mist a table using this sprayer, the spray wraps around the table and clings underneath as well, not like a regular spray bottle that works using line of sight,&rdquo; said Blohm. &ldquo;This method allows us to fully envelop whatever is being sprayed. Another feature of the technology allows for spray to be turned to very small droplets (110 microns) which means you can mist paper without causing moisture damage. So we can disinfect paper and other objects without damaging them.&rdquo;</p><p>&ldquo;As we can all imagine, the workload on our custodians has increased significantly during this pandemic,&rdquo; said Dr. Terry Sullivan, Interim School Superintendent. &ldquo;With winter approaching and the need for additional cleaning looming, the arrival of this spray technology will be very welcome in our district.&rdquo;</p><p>Blohm said 57 sprayers, certified by the Canadian Standards Association (CSA) and other international organizations, will be delivered to the District in a few weeks. They will be distributed to schools for use by evening custodians to speed up the general disinfecting of some frequently touched surfaces. They will be used for disinfecting certain frequently touched surfaces such as student desks, chairs and locker faces, and not used to disinfectant the entire school. The sprayers will only be used by trained Custodians during the evenings in unoccupied areas of buildings.</p><p>The cost of the sprayers is $123,000, which will be covered through the Supporting Safe Back to School funding initiative announced by the federal government on Sept. 3, 2020. This fund will also cover the necessary personal protective equipment each trained custodian will be required to wear while operating the device.</p><p>&nbsp;</p><p>&nbsp;</p><p>&nbsp;</p><p>&nbsp;</p> /Modules/News/index.aspx?feedId=a34c7aa8-61a4-4301-b1ee-537197631df4&newsId=46c96a34-673c-4436-9ced-6afb0e572451 Wed, 28 Oct 2020 21:00:00 GMT Sidow Responds to Petition for More Black History and Experience Education <p>School District No. 73&rsquo;s retiring superintendent is committed to addressing the issues raised in a petition calling for the District to be a space that welcomes and celebrates Black students and that teaches others to do the same. &nbsp;</p><p>Alison Sidow has reached out to petition organizer Mary Falade, who has just completed her second year at UBC. Sidow said she acknowledged Falade&rsquo;s leadership in creating the petition, and she agrees wholeheartedly with her statements.&nbsp;</p><p>&ldquo;As a Black woman and the leader of ÌÇÐÄSwag, it is my honour to begin a conversation about the contributions and experiences of Black lives in Canadian society,&rdquo; Sidow said. &ldquo;As Mary points out in the petition, Black history and experiences have not been directly taught in our schools and this is both a factor in and a result of institutionalized racism that has excluded Black voices.&rdquo;</p><p>Sidow is retiring on August 31, 2020, and she is ending her career in education with the same passion for equity she started with. &nbsp;Thirty years ago, as an elementary school teacher in the Bulkley Valley, she saw the systemic racism that prevented equitable educational outcomes for Indigenous students.&nbsp;&nbsp;</p><p>&ldquo;Throughout my career I have worked to ensure students see themselves reflected in their learning and to challenge the racial biases that stigmatize and marginalize children,&rdquo; she said.</p><p>Falade, a 2018 graduate of NorKam Senior Secondary, posted the petition to earlier this week. In it, she addresses Sidow directly and asks for the incorporation of Black authors/artists/actors in school resources; a mandate for anti-racism and inclusion education in schools as a standard; Black history in social studies classes and a discussion of how racism is a systemic issue.</p><p>The Board of Education has requested that work begin this summer to develop a procedure to accompany the existing policy on Anti-Discrimination and Human Rights to address racism assertively.&nbsp; Also, in consultation with Director of Inclusion, Vessy Mochikas, and Falade, ÌÇÐÄSwag will form a working group of students and families of Black ancestry to review the lived experience of students of colour so that Black history and experience can be included in the curriculum.</p><p>&ldquo;This is the work we can do as a school district,&rdquo; said Kathleen Karpuk, Chair of the Board of Education. &ldquo;We are impressed by the strength of the young people such as Mary who are challenging us and educating us about racism and the need for a more inclusive curriculum.&rdquo;</p><p>&ldquo;These are real and valid concerns,&rdquo; said Sidow. &ldquo;These steps will help us begin to address racism that continues to affect how we look at those who are 'different' than ourselves.&rdquo;</p> /Modules/News/index.aspx?feedId=a34c7aa8-61a4-4301-b1ee-537197631df4&newsId=388050d9-ef9a-49d3-9fc6-6e01475fdfb7 Thu, 25 Jun 2020 15:30:00 GMT Early Learning in Action <p>Early learning is a strong focus in ÌÇÐÄSwag with numerous programs aimed to enhance transition and learning opportunities for the youngest learners in the District.</p><p>With the recent shift of childcare from the Ministry of Children and Family Development to the Ministry of Education effective April 2022, the ÌÇÐÄSwag Early Learning team has been successful in piloting the first steps to a wrap-around universal system for children and families.</p><p>&ldquo;The environments we create to enable inspiring learning opportunities and to foster children&rsquo;s well-being are crucial to the success of early learners, both during the beginning years of learning and later in life,&rdquo; said Grant Reilly, Assistant Superintendent of Elementary and Early Education.</p><p>The District is learning alongside children and families during this re-imagined Kindergarten transition journey with two pilot childcare programs, <a href="/Modules/News/index.aspx?feedId=10c49675-bbce-4733-a8c0-fbbd3a3ec9ae,be1116c5-ab98-434e-8a10-8a00f49b774c,208dc79b-e7d6-4c56-be49-d1a958ce7890,22ff3110-d793-43a6-840c-c4111ce97696,bea72a8a-9acb-4e39-a622-a93619bbcb20,609debc8-f306-4231-82f6-0ccdd05741ff,1a8871c1-91be-45ab-b39d-92ef36375147,f8da9119-5861-4244-9bef-1bcc52d3b354,864e5895-2441-42e4-88b6-d6159a4c573e,693bbd8a-7a76-4569-a4cc-0a6c73399faf&amp;keyword=seamless%20day&amp;page=2&amp;newsId=7c8e04c3-2ab0-4820-a53e-5fca7352ea0b">Seamless Day</a> and <a href="/Modules/News/index.aspx?feedId=10c49675-bbce-4733-a8c0-fbbd3a3ec9ae,be1116c5-ab98-434e-8a10-8a00f49b774c,208dc79b-e7d6-4c56-be49-d1a958ce7890,22ff3110-d793-43a6-840c-c4111ce97696,bea72a8a-9acb-4e39-a622-a93619bbcb20,609debc8-f306-4231-82f6-0ccdd05741ff,1a8871c1-91be-45ab-b39d-92ef36375147,f8da9119-5861-4244-9bef-1bcc52d3b354,864e5895-2441-42e4-88b6-d6159a4c573e,693bbd8a-7a76-4569-a4cc-0a6c73399faf&amp;keyword=seamless%20day&amp;newsId=fcf6ab76-9681-420e-a049-da0895c31964">Just B4 Early Childhood Education</a>.</p><p><strong>Seamless Day</strong></p><p>This year, Arthur Hatton was chosen to be a pilot site for Seamless Day Kindergarten, a unique program that provides before and after school care for students in Kindergarten and beyond.</p><p>&ldquo;Students are able to stay in the same caring and play-based environment throughout the day, which allows the educators to better meet the needs of the child and expand on their interests and wonders,&rdquo; said Marianne Vande Pol, Early Years Programming Coordinator. The team of educators in the Seamless Day classroom include a teacher and two early childhood educators.</p><p>&ldquo;With minimum transitions for the students, and team collaboration for the educators, students are set up to excel in all aspects of their development,&rdquo; said Vande Pol.</p><p>Seamless Day is extremely beneficial for families based on the model of children at one location from drop-off to pick-up. The same belief systems and protocols that are prevalent in a regular classroom exist in Seamless Day, therefore, &ldquo;children don&rsquo;t have different expectations to learn and to adapt, which means students are more comfortable and thrive in one environment. More importantly, the space truly belongs to the children,&rdquo; said Vande Pol.</p><p><strong>Just B4 Early Childhood Education</strong></p><p>The Just B4 program is specifically designed for four-year-old children to attend Just B4 Kindergarten. &ldquo;With the hope of inspiring and supporting the creation of rich, joyful early childhood spaces, this program provides an opportunity to strengthen early years to Kindergarten transitions for young children and their families, but more importantly,&rdquo; said Vande Pol, &ldquo;they just get to be four and what an amazing age that is.&rdquo;</p><p>The question then becomes, how is the District supporting all other schools with Kindergarten transition? That is where Strong, Prepared and Ready for Kindergarten (SPARK) comes into play. Previously only offered in select schools, SPARK now provides programming and resources for <em>all</em> incoming families to the District to increase equity and stability.&nbsp; Families are welcomed into their catchment schools as many as four times in the spring prior to coming to school in September. &ldquo;The valuable playtime allows for schools to get to know children and their needs, but also allows families to ask questions, make connections, and even alleviate some anxiety,&rdquo; said Vande Pol.</p> /Modules/News/index.aspx?feedId=a34c7aa8-61a4-4301-b1ee-537197631df4&newsId=f32ed72b-79e4-4893-88f1-6f77db95f0da Wed, 02 Mar 2022 18:45:00 GMT Re-visioning the District Strategic Plan on a Landscape of Change <p>The <a href="/en/our-district-board/five-year-strategic-plan-goals-and-objectives.aspx">District Strategic Plan 2017-2022</a> has been the roadmap to student success academically, socially, emotionally, and physically. Over the last five years, the Kamloops-Thompson School District has focused on excellence and equity for all students, especially Aboriginal students, and is proud of its continuous improvement (See <a href="/en/schools-programs/resources/2021-2022-District_Learning_Plan.pdf">District Learning Plan Report 2020-2021</a>).</p><p>&nbsp;&ldquo;The power of the focus on equity and excellence has helped 15,000 students and families and more than 2,000 staff continue to improve together,&rdquo; said Rhonda Kershaw, Chair, Kamloops-Thompson Board of Education.&nbsp;&nbsp;</p><p>&ldquo;We have experienced continual improvement in literacy, numeracy, and graduation rates for all students,&rdquo; said Rhonda Nixon, Superintendent. &ldquo;But we acknowledge that Indigenous students and students who have diverse abilities or diagnosed disabilities have not had the same success.&rdquo;&nbsp;&nbsp;</p><p>&ldquo;As we have been living the District Strategic Plan over the last five years, many things have changed,&rdquo; Board Chair Kershaw added.</p><p>Since 2017, when the District Strategic Plan was adopted, the focus of attention has been on multiple important events on the local and global landscape.</p><p>BC has had two provincial governments, a new K-9 curriculum, and new graduation assessments. The loss of Jen Casey&rsquo;s life in the Snowbird accident shook the communities while the full implications of a global pandemic were realized locally.</p><p>BC endured its second unprecedented wildfire season since 2017. Regionally, the tragedy of losing staff and student homes in Monte Creek and Westwold compounded the sense of loss still evident from the destruction of Parkcrest Elementary due to fire in 2019.</p><p>In 2021 the discovery of remains of 215 unmarked graves at the Kamloops Indian Residential School drew international attention in May and students, staff, and families who are residential survivors or who are close to residential survivors have been coping with trauma. All of this happened on a global backdrop of mobilization of youth through Greta Thurnberg&rsquo;s call to action to political leaders worldwide to address climate change, and mobilization about systemic racism ignited by George Floyd&rsquo;s tragic death, and sexual assault connected to the #MeToo movement.</p><p>&ldquo;It&rsquo;s abundantly clear that Kamloops-Thompson is a resilient community. Our students have reached new heights in literacy, numeracy, a sense of belonging, and graduation rates amidst all of this upheaval,&rdquo; said Superintendent Nixon.&nbsp; &ldquo;The question for our community now is, &lsquo;How do we re-imagine our next district roadmap so that every student will thrive academically, socially, emotionally, and physically?&rsquo;&rdquo;</p><p>&ldquo;Input from our communities is invaluable. We depend on diverse perspectives to navigate this landscape of complexity and change together,&rdquo; Board Chair Kershaw concluded, &ldquo;The Board of Education appreciates every one that has taking part in focus groups and surveys so far as we continue to share in this community re-visioning of our strategic plan&rdquo;</p><p>The initial <a href="">survey is open</a> until Oct. 29, 2021. The next survey, looking at themes and potential wording heard during phase 1 will be posted in mid-November. Following that, the process will be moving in the operational themes (based on the current online survey feedback).</p> /Modules/News/index.aspx?feedId=a34c7aa8-61a4-4301-b1ee-537197631df4&newsId=6da286b5-1ca7-4b84-ab23-6fab6c70ecc1 Thu, 28 Oct 2021 19:30:00 GMT ÌÇÐÄSwag Board of Education's Pineview Valley Engagement Committee Feedback on Draft Plans for New School in Pineview Valley <p style="text-align: left;" align="center">Board Chair, Heather Grieve</p><p>The Kamloops-Thompson Board of Education has advocated for a new school in Pineview Valley due to notable enrolment growth and space pressures in schools in the south west sector of Kamloops.</p><p>On February 22, 2023, the Ministry of Education and Child Care announced funding for a new school in Pineview Valley. At that time, the Board had been working with the McGowan Future Growth Planning Committee to problem solve what could be done if space pressures continued in that school (160% capacity utilization).</p><p>The Board of Education is looking forward to the much-needed opportunity to have families experience the opening of this new school in 2026. We are especially excited about this unique location because it is located by Python Lake which is known for its natural beauty, protected species (Painted Turtle), and varied plants (mariposa lilies, yarrow, and giant wildrye) and animals (a variety of butterflies, songbirds, and ducks, as well as deer and many small mammals). This location opens up so many opportunities for land-based learning and outdoor education, and we are excited to be part of the development of this school.</p><p>The Board initiated the Pineview Valley Community Engagement Committee with representatives from Tk'emlups te Secwepemc, Aboriginal Education Council, KTTA, CUPE, Pineview Valley community, parents, staff, District Parent Advisory Council, City of Kamloops, Ministry of Education and Child Care, and Trustees to work together with Station One Architects and ÌÇÐÄSwag staff to review and provide feedback on draft plans for the new school. We aim to meet in a cycle of gathering feedback, working on plans to respond to feedback, and then bringing plans back to the group. The goal is to truly collaborate by listening to concerns and co-problem solving. This is a link to the <a href="/en/our-district-board/resources/CACEP/Pineview-Valley/Drawings_Pineview_Valley.pdf">draft plans</a> of the school as a 3D rendering.</p><p><strong>The themes from the first Pineview Valley Community Engagement meeting were reported to the Board on May 15, 2023, at the Regular Public Board Meeting. They included:</strong></p><p>Importance of diverse indoor and outdoor spaces.</p><ul><li>Small Learning Assistance Resource Teacher spaces that could double as meeting rooms.</li><li>Inclusion of Indigenous Garden area.</li><li>Gathering spaces.</li></ul><p>Flexible, adaptable spaces: ensuring multi-use spaces and rooms.</p><ul><li>Possible use of operable wall between Library and Multi-purpose Room.</li></ul><p>Beauty of the lake and trails: using nature to teach.</p><ul><li>Teach about ecology and species in the area.</li><li>Access to trails.</li></ul><p>Neighbourhood Learning Centre.</p><ul><li>Use space to expand gym.</li><li>Use space to add an Aboriginal Education room.</li><li>Use space to add a Before and After School Care room.</li></ul><p>Pedagogies.</p><ul><li>Place white boards on the classroom cubbies for vertical learning.</li><li>Bright open spaces.</li><li>Leverage the local ecology.</li></ul><p>Facilities and grounds.</p><ul><li>Review number of change room versus washrooms.</li><li>Multi-purpose room ensure - music, fine arts.</li><li>Accessibility of site without going through the building.</li></ul><p>Storage: make sure there is enough.</p><p>In meeting with other partner groups (Ministry of Forests, Ministry of Environment, Kamloops Naturalist Club), the following themes were shared:</p><p>Maintain the look and feel of the natural environment as much as possible.</p><ul><li>Consider grade alternatives to reduce the height of the field retaining wall.</li><li>Plant trees and natural vegetation to soften the feel of the field retaining wall.</li><li>Review vegetation and tree species to minimize water usage and connection to existing natural vegetation.</li><li>Take advantage of site topography to develop play opportunities for the students, where possible (e.g.,use some portion of the hills to create slides).</li><li>Maintain access to existing pathways that border the school and to Python Lake.</li><li>Review fencing of school district site considering animal and human access, and student safety.</li></ul><p>Provide an appropriate development setback from riparian areas.</p><p>Provide natural vegetation for the relocated Python Creek stream channel.</p><p>Naturalize the west end of the site as much as possible to offset some of the natural features that will be removed.</p><p>Ensure that students are safe while also having access to the natural environment.</p><p>Develop a field that gives as much space as possible for students to engage in multi-use field activities.</p><p>The Board of Education looks forward to continuing to collaborate and engage with community partners through the committee as we look forward to the building of Pineview Valley&nbsp; Elementary School in 2026.</p><p><strong><em>To learn more about Board advocacy for this capital project, please visit: </em></strong><a href="/pineview-valley"><strong><em>/pineview-valley</em></strong></a></p> /Modules/News/index.aspx?feedId=a34c7aa8-61a4-4301-b1ee-537197631df4&newsId=6d9a46ca-e7cc-4304-81cd-701f3d6d92a5 Tue, 29 Aug 2023 16:30:00 GMT Connecting Through Music at Home <div class="WordSection1"><p>Secondary students in the District Strings ensemble demonstrated their passion for music in a virtual performance for the Board of Education at its regular meeting Dec. 7, 2020. Joining the Board via Zoom, the students<a href=";"> played a video</a> showing how they have reunited during this school year.</p><p>COVID-19 has changed how they learn and play but they are persevering through digital recordings of their music.</p><p>&ldquo;When the schools were closed, we wondered how we could stay connected,&rdquo; said Kamloops School of the Arts music teacher Steve Weisgerber. &ldquo;We decided to follow the same path as a lot of virtual choirs that are out there. We created a virtual strings environment. Students created videos of themselves and submitted them to me to be combined into a performance.&rdquo;</p><p>Since September they have been able to play together again by following protocols like wearing masks and keeping their distance.&nbsp;</p><p>Trustee Shelley Sim asked how they decided to keep going through the time of separation in the spring.</p><p>&ldquo;There was a mutual understanding among everyone in the ensemble that we still wanted to remain connected,&rdquo; said KSA student Eilidh Nicol. &ldquo;It wasn&rsquo;t really a question of if, it was a question of how, and it was something we had to work quite hard on.&rdquo;</p><p>&ldquo;We could feel that in the performance,&rdquo; said Sim. &ldquo;We are really glad you made that decision.&rdquo;</p><p>Superintendent Dr. Terry Sullivan thanked the students for their performance, saying he believed the staff and members of the community who started the strings program would be very proud of them.</p><p>&ldquo;I&rsquo;ve always believed that as a public school system we have a responsibility to not only to contribute but to develop the arts in our communities. Even in challenging times, we continue to do that,&rdquo; said Sullivan.</p><p>In the video presentation, the ensemble played 17 measures of <em>La Bovia</em> by Claudio Merulo, <em>El Gaucho</em> by Lob Lipton, a series of country dances by Beethoven, and <em>Echoes of Ireland</em> arranged by Carrie Lane Gruselle.</p><p>&ldquo;What a wonderful performance,&rdquo; said Rhonda Kershaw, Board Chair. &ldquo;It was spectacular to watch such pure talent.&rdquo;</p><p>KSA principal Blair Lloyd and vice principal Jayne Latta introduced the students and Weisgerber, who works with the secondary strings students, and Kate Zahir, who works with elementary strings students across the district.</p><p>The District also runs a beginner and intermediate/advanced elementary Strings Program under the direction of Kate Zahir. Approximately 150 students from grades 4 and up attend that program on Tuesdays and Fridays each week.</p></div><p>&ldquo;The Strings Program has been in existence for 14 years,&rdquo; said Lloyd. &ldquo;It is offered in a few schools across in the District, and it is an excellent opportunity for students to learn a string instrument.&rdquo;<u></u></p><p>The students who performed in the video are:</p><p><strong>Kamloops School of the Arts</strong></p><p>Eilidh Nicol, Mayanna Gehring, Rhiannon Drummond, Isaac McMillan and Sie Koopman</p><p><strong>South Kamloops Secondary</strong></p><p>Anglin Macintosh and Ariel Purves</p><p><strong>Barriere Secondary</strong></p><p>Josh Tremblay</p><p><strong>Kamloops Open Online Learning</strong></p><p>Caitlyn Neufield</p><p>&nbsp;</p><p>&nbsp;</p> /Modules/News/index.aspx?feedId=a34c7aa8-61a4-4301-b1ee-537197631df4&newsId=da64623c-230e-43da-9d3b-70a874c51e04 Wed, 09 Dec 2020 16:30:00 GMT Kamloops-Thompson School District Celebrates Aboriginal Graduation <p>On Monday, June 3, 2024, families, friends, teachers, staff, community members, and graduating students gathered to celebrate the Kamloops-Thompson School District&rsquo;s Aboriginal Graduation Ceremony.</p><p>Trustee and Director of the Aboriginal Education Council, Diane Jules, shared, &ldquo;When I graduated, there were only 12 graduates and now to see over 250 Aboriginal students crossing the stage, it is a testament to how far we have come in Truth and Reconciliation.&rdquo;</p><p>To start the procession into the graduation ceremony, District Principal, Mike Bowden, carried the staff gifted by Randy Big Sorrel Horse to the Board of Education and to be held in the care of the Aboriginal Education Council last June.</p><p>District Principal Bowden explained, &ldquo;The staff was made with seven eagle feathers to represent the Seven Grandfathers and the journey through the stages of life. The bead work also represents the start and finish of day cycles, including birth and rebirth and the learning journey. The staff was hand created, smudged, and went through a sweat lodge ceremony as per protocol and tradition. Use of the staff is a privilege and sacred responsibility not unlike the responsibility of honouring a Sl&aacute;7a (grandfather) and the ancestors.&rdquo;</p><p>The Graduation began with staff and trustees processing into the hall at McArthur Island Sports Centre, followed by hundreds of Aboriginal graduates from every school across the District. To welcome the graduates, community members drummed and sang the Welcome Song while student&rsquo;s shared dances on stage.&nbsp;</p><p>Superintendent Dr. Rhonda Nixon said, &ldquo;It is a spiritual feeling with everyone together, precessing in and feeling the vibration of the singing and drumming. I am grateful for the experience and look forward to hearing the words of the elders who open the graduation ceremony.&rdquo;</p><p>Elder Connie Jules began with words of encouragement from the ancestors who she shared are with us and watching over us. She said to stay close with family and friends and trust that you will be guided in life by those who care about you.</p><p>Board Chair Heather Grieve shared, &ldquo;When we engaged with the community to make our District Strategic Plan, Knowledge Keeper Joan Arnouse emphasized that the hearthfire is the gathering place of communities. She asked us to remember that it is through community that we ensure children grow healthy and strong. Tonight, we gather to celebrate graduation which is the result of the support from those around you&mdash;your family, friends, staff, coaches, and community members&rdquo;</p><p>Words of inspiration, hope, and pride resonated throughout the evening with a welcome from Elder Connie Jules, and messages from Elder Ellen Ahdemar, Tkwenem7&iacute;ple7 Councillor Morning-Star Peters, District Principal Mike Bowden, and parent Bernice Jensen.</p><p>Diane Jules also shared a message of encouragement as the graduates enter a new chapter: &ldquo;There are no reruns in life, but there are new episodes.&rdquo;</p><p>Tkwenem7&iacute;ple7 Councillor Morning-Star Peters said, &ldquo;I could not be more proud of you for accomplishing this important milestone in your lives. What I hope for you now is that you are proud of yourselves and you carry that confidence with you.&rdquo;</p><p>The evening's valedictorians encouraged the graduates to share their stories and stand up for what they believe:</p><p><em>&ldquo;No matter where we come from, our stories are meant to be shared. Life's toughest battles and life's greatest accomplishments must be told and passed down from one generation to the next. Our own unique stories of how WE EACH were able to overcome challenges, to be able to attend school and then to be sitting here today, at our Aboriginal Graduation. We must share our stories, to inspire others, so that they too, will have the courage to reach their milestones in life.&rdquo; </em>&ndash; Chloe Anderson, Westsyde Secondary</p><p><em>&ldquo;There will be times in life when you need to stand up for yourself. Times when the right thing is to back down and apologize. Times when the right thing is to fight, times when the right thing is to turn and run. Times to hold on with all you have and times to let go with grace. Sometimes the right thing to do is to throw out the old schools of thought in the name of progress and reform. Sometimes the right thing to do is to listen to the wisdom of those who have come before us. How will you know what the right choice is in these crucial moments? You won&rsquo;t&hellip; The world that awaits us is vast and unpredictable, filled with both challenges and opportunities. It is up to us to seize those opportunities and pursue our passions with courage and strength.&rdquo;</em> &ndash; Danna Campbell, Valleyview Secondary</p><p>As each graduate walked across the stage to receive their diploma, loud cheers were heard from the audience as families, friends, and community joined together to celebrate the 2024 Aboriginal Graduates.</p> /Modules/News/index.aspx?feedId=a34c7aa8-61a4-4301-b1ee-537197631df4&newsId=d191a906-a934-4e5d-a69a-712485d0c0fa Fri, 07 Jun 2024 21:30:00 GMT The Kamloops-Thompson School Board Looks Forward to Working with Station One Architects to Design Pineview Valley Elementary School <p>On February 22, 2023, the Kamloops-Thompson Board of Education received a funding announcement from the Ministry of Education and Child Care to support a new elementary school in Pineview Valley.</p><p>The Ministry of Education and Child Care announced $65.3 million for a new 485-seat elementary school in Pineview Valley. The new school will serve students from Kindergarten to Grade 7 and includes the neighborhood learning centre, which will be used for programs and services, including child care, which benefit the broader community.</p><p>This school had been on the Board&rsquo;s capital plan since 2014-2015. At the time, space pressures in South Shore schools emerged due to new developments, incoming families, and ever-increasing student enrolment in district schools. Now, these space pressures are urgent as McGowan Park Elementary School is at 160% capacity utilization.</p><p>&ldquo;We have been working closely with the McGowan Park staff and parents to manage these burgeoning space pressures,&rdquo; said Board Chair Heather Grieve, &ldquo;We are relieved to have received a funding announcement and excited to establish the Pineview Valley Community Engagement Committee.&rdquo;</p><p>On April 17, 2023, at the Regular Public Board meeting, the Kamloops-Thompson Board of Education approved the establishment of the &ldquo;Pineview Valley Engagement Committee&rdquo; comprised of community members, district and school staff, parents, and community partners to provide input to the School District. This group will meet to review early designs of the school and to provide input into the educational value of certain design features.</p><p>&ldquo;We have had positive experiences working with Station One Architects on capital projects including the current Parkcrest Elementary rebuild, and the completed Valleyview Secondary expansion,&rdquo; stated Director Art McDonald.</p><p>Station One Architects is a team of over 50 diversely skilled experts who will support the district in design of the plans for the school, landscaping of the school grounds or landscape architecture, project management, and interior design.&nbsp; They have experience in working on education projects and community facilities, which made them a perfect fit for the planning, designing, and visioning of our new school in Pineview Valley.</p><p>&ldquo;In June, 2021, I was fortunate to join a Zoom call in which there was a virtual &lsquo;community reveal&rsquo; of the new Parkcrest Elementary School,&rdquo; explained Superintendent Dr. Rhonda Nixon. &ldquo;It was inspiring to witness students&rsquo; and staff members&rsquo; excitement as they watched their new school unfold in front of their eyes in three dimensions on their virtual walkthrough.&rdquo;</p><p>&ldquo;Station One Architects is very excited and proud to have been selected for the design of the new Pineview Elementary School. We have had a wonderful experience working with the Kamloops School District staff, educators and the broader community on the Valleyview Secondary Addition and the Parkcrest Elementary School and look forward to pushing the envelope further on Pineview Elementary. The unique contours of the sloping site along with exciting provincial initiatives like enhanced greenhouse gas reduction, incorporation of mass timber and new 21<sup>st</sup> century learning design features will surely result and a unique design serving Kamloops students and the local community,&rdquo; said Justin Dyck, Principle Partner from Station One.</p><p>Pineview Elementary School will be sustainably built using mass timber. It will also include greenhouse gas reduction measures that will set the building's emissions at least 50% lower than the current LEED Gold Standards. In addition, the school will be built with a climate-resilient building design that will better equip the school to stay cool during extreme heat. Construction on the school is anticipated to start in spring 2024 and open in summer 2026.</p> /Modules/News/index.aspx?feedId=a34c7aa8-61a4-4301-b1ee-537197631df4&newsId=b959102f-bb1e-4a56-bc6b-7152b7bc8528 Tue, 18 Apr 2023 15:45:00 GMT ÌÇÐÄSwag to offer 144 new childcare spaces <p dir="ltr">Kamloops parents will have more access to new licensed childcare spaces on the North Shore and in Valleyview.</p><p dir="ltr">School District No. 73 (Kamloops-Thompson) has received provincial funding, with a federal contribution, to create childcare spaces at Ralph Bell and Happyvale. Each project will have new spaces for 24 children (under 36 months) and 48 children (36 months to school age) for a total of 144 new childcare spaces.&nbsp;</p><p>&ldquo;We recognize the pressing need to be innovative when considering how to increase the number of affordable, accessible, and high-quality childcare spaces offered to families where they need them,&rdquo; said Heather Grieve, Board Chair, Kamloops-Thompson Board of Education. &ldquo;We are pleased that School District 73 can offer these childcare spaces to children and families at the Happyvale and Ralph Bell locations.&rdquo;</p><p dir="ltr">Each project is funded up to $2,810,000. As part of the funding agreement, School District No. 73 agrees to operate the childcare facilities for a period of no less than 15 years.&nbsp;</p><p dir="ltr">Work is underway to purchase portables for the new childcare spaces, although it is too early to provide an anticipated timeline for when the portables will be on-site, or when the daycare spaces will be ready.&nbsp;</p><p dir="ltr">In addition, Art McDonald, Director of Facilities, is finalizing the submissions for the building permits and working with the City of Kamloops to organize and resolve planning for public access, placement of portables, and site services.&nbsp;</p><p dir="ltr">For more information please see the <a href="">release</a> from the Ministry of Education</p><p><br /><br /><br /></p> /Modules/News/index.aspx?feedId=a34c7aa8-61a4-4301-b1ee-537197631df4&newsId=69a11bda-5e70-4fb2-b9e8-71b46ca6975e Thu, 21 Apr 2022 19:45:00 GMT Two-Week Spring Break & New Federal Statutory Holiday <p>The Kamloops -Thompson Board of education is seeking public feedback on new three-year calendars that reflect a two-week spring break and new federal statutory holiday.</p><p>At its regular meeting on July 5, 2021 the board approved submitting the new five-day and four-day school calendars for the 2021-2022, 2022-2023, and 2023-24 school years to the Minister of Education after it considers any comments received in the next 30 days.</p><p>&nbsp;&ldquo;To ensure that the district meets the prescribed minimum hours of instruction each year in the regular five-day school week, the 2021-2022 school day will be lengthened by 11 minutes for elementary schools, and 9 minutes for secondary schools,&rdquo; said Associate Superintendent Shayne Olsen. &ldquo;For 2022-2023 and 2023-2024, the school day will be lengthened by 9 minutes for elementary schools and 7 minutes for secondary schools. This additional time will be added to the end of each school day.&rdquo;</p><p>For the four-day school week, the four days of spring break will be spread out during the year by adding one additional Friday school day during the year. The other three will take place on the Thursday of a week where this is a non-instructional day on the Friday.</p><p>&ldquo;We will consider feedback from parents and families before we submit the final calendars to the Ministry,&rdquo; said Board Chair Rhonda Kershaw. &ldquo;The public consultation period is open until Aug. 6, and comments can be submitted through the district website.&rdquo;</p><p>The new calendars are a result of the successful negotiations with the Kamloops Thompson Teachers&rsquo; Association (KTTA) and CUPE Local 3500 (CUPE) for a two-week spring break to be held each March and an announcement by the federal government to add a new holiday, the National Day for Truth and Reconciliation, which is to be observed on September 30.</p> /Modules/News/index.aspx?feedId=a34c7aa8-61a4-4301-b1ee-537197631df4&newsId=f03b703a-611d-4ce6-8cd6-72eb5f88efe2 Wed, 07 Jul 2021 18:15:00 GMT Board Notes from November 23, 2020 <p>From the regular meeting of the Board of Education. All about student advisory council connects and an update to early closures. Read Board Notes <a href="" target="_blank">here</a>.</p> /Modules/News/index.aspx?feedId=a34c7aa8-61a4-4301-b1ee-537197631df4&newsId=7c347f88-a9ca-400b-9170-734dd559c4e7 Wed, 25 Nov 2020 21:00:00 GMT Superintendent's Update <p>Dear&nbsp;Parents and Caregivers:</p><p>Many of our staff and students will be starting Spring Break this weekend, and others will be enjoying work that has a different rhythm and pace over the next two weeks. With more daylight and Spring conditions, I hope that everyone takes time to enjoy outside activities.</p><p><strong>Rayleigh Elementary School</strong></p><p>Principal Shaun McKenna introduced me to the Kindergarten class that had made leprechaun traps for St. Patrick&rsquo;s Day.&nbsp; One student shared, &ldquo;The way you catch a leprechaun is to put shiny, colourful treasures in your box.&rdquo; Their enthusiasm was contagious as students&nbsp;shared their inventions.&nbsp;As we entered a band class that was practicing scales and preparing for their newest musical score, the grade 6 students played together like an experienced junior high band. Principal McKenna explained, &ldquo;The reason why these students play well is because of their wonderful teacher and that they start in grade 4.&rdquo; He modelled how students start on &ldquo; beginner&rdquo; wind instruments. Rayleigh&rsquo;s Random Acts of Kindness interactive bulletin board was designed by Ms. Crawford. There was no end to the many examples of how their community celebrates together and fosters a culture of care and kindness.</p><p><strong>National Nutrition Month and the Launch of Hands-on Food</strong><br />&nbsp;<br />March is Nutrition Month and this year School District No. 73 is celebrating with the launch of the&nbsp;<a href=";id=b7c1995236&amp;e=383e1717b0" rel="noopener noreferrer" target="_blank">Hands-on Food</a>&nbsp;resource, developed in partnership with Farm to Schools BC and Interior Health.<br />Hands-on Food is a locally created and developed food-literacy website designed with and for elementary teachers. From growing, to cooking and preserving, to recovering waste, these hands-on lessons provide students with the opportunity to dive deeper into the curriculum and experience the &ldquo;doing&rdquo; of sustainable food practices. This month, teachers can apply for a $500.00 grant to support growing seeds and cooking in the classroom. For the grant application form, click&nbsp;<a href=";id=1dcdc80e76&amp;e=383e1717b0" rel="noopener noreferrer" target="_blank">here</a>. Get started today!&nbsp; A big thank you to all those who contributed to this project and an extra big thanks to the ÌÇÐÄSwag teachers and staff who took the time to mentor, pilot, and prototype lessons.&nbsp;<a href=";id=9ab9d559e2&amp;e=383e1717b0" rel="noopener noreferrer" target="_blank">Find out more here</a>.<br />&nbsp;<br /><strong>Continuity of Learning and Communicable Disease Prevention Plan (COVID-19)</strong><br />&nbsp;<br />On Thursday, March 10, 2022, Provincial Health Officer, Dr. Bonnie Henry announced changes to safety measures for K-12 schools, which are detailed in the&nbsp;<a href=";id=8d02a19d90&amp;e=383e1717b0" rel="noopener noreferrer" target="_blank">Provincial COVID-19 Communicable Disease Guidelines for K-12 Settings</a>. These changes start on the first day of Spring Break, which is March 21, 2022, in our district. Employees who work over Spring Break will have a head start on students who will experience these changes upon return to school after Spring Break on April 4, 2022.<br />&nbsp;<br /><strong>Budget Consultation</strong><br />&nbsp;<br />The school district is undertaking a public consultation process to inform its stakeholders on its budget priorities and how they align and support the District&rsquo;s vision. You are welcome to attend the budget presentation on April 5, 2022, and are encouraged to submit questions and feedback based on the budget priorities presented. Find more information or register to attend&nbsp;<a href=";id=7c4c0c0f04&amp;e=383e1717b0" rel="noopener noreferrer" target="_blank">here.</a><br />&nbsp;<br />Thank you for your dedication and collaborative efforts to stay strong as a community. It has been a challenging time with the changing landscape of the pandemic, and pulling together has been the signature strength of ÌÇÐÄSwag. As we enter the last week of March, we can see signs of Spring, which brings hope. Continue to look for the best in each day and enjoy your time with friends and family.<br />&nbsp;<br />Rhonda Nixon, PhD<br />Superintendent</p> /Modules/News/index.aspx?feedId=a34c7aa8-61a4-4301-b1ee-537197631df4&newsId=6d81eba2-d986-4811-97fb-737db3d08184 Sat, 19 Mar 2022 00:00:00 GMT The Art of Making a Statement <p>As the school year draws to a close, art teachers across the District took some time to pick exceptional artwork by young artists, and present it to the Board of Education. This year, Katrina Sewell, coordinator of Young Artists, said there was an artwork to consider from every elementary school.&nbsp;</p><p>Each piece of artwork is framed and includes an artists&rsquo; statement. The pieces presented to the Board will be displayed in the Kamloops School Board Office for the next 12 months. See a photo gallery of their works <a href="/en/schools-programs/young-artists-2019.aspx">here.&nbsp;</a></p><p>&ldquo;The goal of the year-end exhibit is to remind the Board about the significance of this kind of learning for students,&rdquo; said Sewell, who is also Principal of Haldane Elementary.&nbsp;</p><p>An important part of the curriculum in British Columbia, participation in fine arts encourage creativity, self-expression and engaged learning. Creativity is one of the core competencies outlined in the new curriculum, along with communication and critical thinking.&nbsp;</p> /Modules/News/index.aspx?feedId=a34c7aa8-61a4-4301-b1ee-537197631df4&newsId=06d9f1c5-2620-4357-90b2-7467f0c430c1 Tue, 18 Jun 2019 22:15:00 GMT Employee Policy Advisory Committee <div>Responding to the recommendations set out in the Employee Engagement Report released on Feb. 8, the Employee Policy Advisory Committee (EPAC) has been formed and is already providing input on administrative procedures.&nbsp;</div><div>&nbsp;</div><div>The five-member committee represents each of ÌÇÐÄSwag&rsquo;s employee groups, (Lorraine Balough- KTTA, Nicole Edmundson-CUPE, Peter Persad and Darlene Doric-Excluded Staff) and is chaired by Alison Sidow, Superintendent.&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;</div><div>&nbsp;</div><div>Established to advise the Superintendent on policy and administrative procedures prior to being reviewed by the Board&rsquo;s Policy Committee, EPAC has reviewed two administrative procedures since being formed less than a month ago and is scheduled to meet again on Apr. 10, 2019.&nbsp;</div> /Modules/News/index.aspx?feedId=a34c7aa8-61a4-4301-b1ee-537197631df4&newsId=53e03f5b-c96f-46ac-b6c1-77b567d664c9 Thu, 07 Mar 2019 18:45:00 GMT Supporting Those Impacted by Tragic Residential School Legacy <p class="xmsonormal">By Rhonda Kershaw, Board Chair</p><p class="xmsonormal">June 2, 2021</p><p class="xmsonormal">The Kamloops-Thompson Board of Education&nbsp;sends its deepest&nbsp;sympathies&nbsp;to Tk&rsquo;eml&uacute;ps te Secw&eacute;pemc and all Indigenous Communities impacted by the finding of 215 children&rsquo;s bodies buried on the grounds of the former residential school in Kamloops.</p><p class="xmsonormal">Confirmation of the residential school system&rsquo;s historical atrocities last week is reverberating through our students, their families, our staff, our communities, and our country. Through the work of the Commission for Truth and Reconciliation many survivors&rsquo; stories have been heard, but this physical evidence of the atrocities of residential schools brings to the forefront the extensive work that is still required to right the wrongs of the past.</p><p class="xmsonormal">The school district honours the First Peoples&rsquo; principles of learning and Aboriginal worldview and perspectives. We are committed to ensuring Aboriginal students see themselves and their culture reflected in our schools and classrooms. All students moving forward must be given the information and knowledge necessary to appreciate and understand the long-standing historical contributions of Indigenous people and the local Secwepemc nation, as well as the truth of our history. It is our hope that a deeper understanding for all students will begin to facilitate reconciliation on a greater scale and deeper level.</p><p class="xmsonormal">In the coming days and weeks, the Aboriginal Education Council, comprised of local education Band managers, local Indigenous partner organizations, Board of Education representatives and District senior staff will come together to provide input on how the school district can best support all those impacted.</p><p class="xmsonormal">To honour those who suffer trauma and harm because of residential schools, and their families and communities who are mourning, all schools and District buildings will lower the Canadian flag to half-mast, as a sign of respect.</p><p class="xmsonormal">Throughout the week, staff and students will be asked to wear orange shirts as an acknowledgement of the trauma and harm caused by residential schools.</p><p class="xmsonormal">The tragic legacy of residential schools continues to impact communities and our country. The Board of Education cannot pretend to understand the depth of sadness being experienced by so many at this time, but we do grieve with those affected and we are committed to working in partnership towards a better future through reconciliation.</p><p class="xmsonormal">In the words of the Truth and Reconciliation Report:</p><p class="xmsonormal">&ldquo;Getting to the truth was hard but getting to reconciliation will be harder. It requires that the paternalistic and racist foundations of the residential school system be rejected as the basis for an ongoing relationship. Reconciliation requires that a new vision, based on a commitment to mutual respect, be developed&rdquo;.</p><p class="xmsonormal">This column appeared in Kamloops This Week: View from ÌÇÐÄSwag on June 2, 2021</p> /Modules/News/index.aspx?feedId=a34c7aa8-61a4-4301-b1ee-537197631df4&newsId=2cfa77cb-2104-4b98-afff-7814d3a3caeb Wed, 02 Jun 2021 15:00:00 GMT The Pathway Home, to Secwepemcúlecw <p>The drums echoed through the arena, Aboriginal voices rose in song. The crowd of parents, grandparents, aunties, and uncles cheered as the procession of 130 Aboriginal students led by the drummers, grass dancers and Metis jiggers made their way forward. It was loud.</p><p>They came in gowns, Stetsons, ribbon shirts or dresses, little black dresses, and shiny white tuxedos. They wore headdresses, beaded mortar boards, feathers, ball caps, tiaras and cedar bark hats. &nbsp;They were proud. <a href="/en/working-together-departments/aboriginal-grad-2019.aspx">See photo gallery.</a></p><p>The region&rsquo;s 30th annual celebration of Aboriginal graduation was held June 10 at McArthur Island Arena.&nbsp; For Trustee Diane Jules, the evening was a significant milestone. She was one of the four Aboriginal students at that original Aboriginal grad celebration hosted by the Aboriginal Friendship Society in 1989.</p><p>On this night, the graduates represented each of the regions&rsquo; schools and all its First Nations, including St. Anne&rsquo;s Academy, and Skeetchestn Community School, with two students, its first graduates in five years.&nbsp;</p><p>Inspired by the valedictorians&rsquo; address at Simpcw community&rsquo;s recent graduation ceremony, Superintendent Alison Sidow spoke about the importance of having a vision for the future.</p><p>&ldquo;My vision,&rdquo; she said, &ldquo;Is for each of you to build a strong future for yourself and your community by living your purpose now. Each thought, word and deed should align with your vision for yourself and in doing so you will walk strongly now and into the future.&rdquo;</p><p>Masters of Ceremonies were Janessa Toye from NorKam Secondary, and Kila Pigeon from Sa-Hali Secondary, while Liam Christy, from Westsyde Secondary and Mackenzie Gottfriedson, from Valleyview Secondary each gave inspirational valedictorian addresses.</p><p>Representatives from the Aboriginal Friendship Society, Thompson Rivers University, the Quaaout Lodge and the Little Shuswap Lake Band were among the organizations attending, to hand out 28 scholarships and bursaries to students.</p><p>Trustee Jules, Chair for the Aboriginal Education Council, also wished the students well in their future with a reminder, &ldquo;As you set off on this next stage of your journey, remember the pathway home, to Secwepemc&uacute;lecw.&rdquo;</p><p>&nbsp;</p><p>&nbsp;</p><p>&nbsp;</p><p>&nbsp;</p> /Modules/News/index.aspx?feedId=a34c7aa8-61a4-4301-b1ee-537197631df4&newsId=314790c8-e861-4d2a-9ccd-781e56ed02f0 Fri, 14 Jun 2019 22:45:00 GMT Fees for Future School Development Proposed <p>Planning for future school sites as the city of Kamloops grows, School District 73 is seeking public input regarding the implementation of a School Site Acquisition Charge (SSAC).</p><p>The District is proposing the implementation of a one-time SSAC within the municipal boundaries of the City of Kamloops. The purpose of this charge is to collect funds from new residential development to assist in paying the costs of new school sites which are necessary when constructing new schools to accommodate student populations generate by this new residential development.</p><p>The rates are $288 per unit for Single Family dwellings; $259 for Multi-Family, Low Density; and $201 for Multi-Family, High Density per unit charge. As per regulation, the SSAC would be collected by the City of Kamloops and forwarded to the School District.</p><p>&nbsp;&ldquo;The city of Kamloops continues to grow,&rdquo; said Rhonda Kershaw, Chair of the Board of Education. &ldquo;Based on what the City of Kamloops has projected in their Official Community Plan, and if development materializes, the District will require a new secondary and a new elementary school in Aberdeen over the next 10 years.&nbsp; These new schools will be in addition to the current capital needs of School District No.73.&rdquo;</p><p>On Monday, Nov. 9, 2020, the Board approved a notice of resolution and a recommendation for approval on Nov. 23, 2020, for the SSAC&rsquo;s to assist in determining eligible school site requirements in the city of Kamloops.</p><p><br />The Board is seeking input from the public on the resolution until Nov. 23, 2020. Comments can be submitted to the <a href="/en/our-district-board/school-site-acquisition-charge.aspx">district&rsquo;s website </a>@ÌÇÐÄ for consideration during the public Board of Education meeting on Nov. 23, 2020. &nbsp;</p><p>The Board estimates the SSAC fee can be charged to 8,766 development units constructed in Kamloops over the next 10 years, with the addition of 2,354 more school-age children to the school district.</p><p>While some of those additional children will be accommodated in existing facilities, the projected growth for the Aberdeen neighborhood of Kamloops will require a secondary school site a minimum of 4.5 hectares in size, and an elementary school site a minimum of 2.5&nbsp;hectares in size.</p><p>Based on current land values in that area, the two new school sites are estimated to cost approximately $7,276,000.</p><p>School districts must have SSAC&rsquo;s in place to receive capital funding from the Ministry of Education for the acquisition of school sites. The City of Kamloops is the only jurisdiction in the Kamloops-Thompson school district that will require new school sites in the next ten years.&nbsp; Developments in Barriere, Clearwater, Logan Lake, Chase, Westwold, Savona, and Sun Peaks are not included.&nbsp;</p> /Modules/News/index.aspx?feedId=a34c7aa8-61a4-4301-b1ee-537197631df4&newsId=66eabe7f-d334-4d2a-8e24-7b0e78e931aa Wed, 11 Nov 2020 01:00:00 GMT Valleyview Secondary Construction Underway <p>The Valleyview Secondary Expansion Project already has something in place for students and staff on the first day of school.</p><p>A new parking lot and a newly-turfed school field will be available for their use.</p><p>The new addition is on track to open by September 2022. It will add 525 seats, bringing the school&rsquo;s capacity from 675 to 1,200 students, and eliminating the need for the nine portables currently in use.</p><p>&ldquo;Kamloops is a growing community, and we are working quickly to ensure students are learning in positive and engaging environments,&rdquo; said Rob Fleming, Minister of Education. &ldquo;In addition to getting students out of portables, the school community will also benefit from a new gymnasium, enhancing access to physical health opportunities.&rdquo;</p><p>The Government of B.C. is providing $32.7 million for the new addition, which will include 20 new classrooms, a new gymnasium, multipurpose space, special education classrooms and improved parking and play areas. The Kamloops School District is contributing $1.75 million to the project.</p><p>&ldquo;This design incorporates many of the healthy and inclusive spaces that our students and staff imagined,&rdquo; said Rhonda Kershaw, Board Chair. &ldquo;It is exciting to see their concepts and ideas move closer to reality, and we are looking forward to the day our students and staff can learn, work and socialize in a modern and spacious Valleyview Secondary school.&rdquo;</p><p>VSS Principal Barb Hamblett welcomes the early use of the parking lot and the school field.</p><p><iframe src="" frameborder="0" width="560" height="315"></iframe></p><p>&ldquo;As we move more equipment in to do the construction, we will need a place for people to park, so that&rsquo;s why this was done first,&rdquo; said Hamblett. &ldquo;And part of our field will actually be usable, not for sport or high activity, but students will be able to be on it.&rdquo;</p><p><strong>Related stories</strong></p><p><strong>&nbsp;</strong>Jun 24, 2020 <a href="/Modules/News/index.aspx?newsId=d0a46109-04e1-42a5-9c6b-acce27337b43">Dawson Wallace Awarded Contract for VVS Expansion</a></p><p>Nov 28 2019 <a href="/Modules/News/index.aspx?feedId=10c49675-bbce-4733-a8c0-fbbd3a3ec9ae,be1116c5-ab98-434e-8a10-8a00f49b774c,208dc79b-e7d6-4c56-be49-d1a958ce7890,22ff3110-d793-43a6-840c-c4111ce97696,bea72a8a-9acb-4e39-a622-a93619bbcb20,609debc8-f306-4231-82f6-0ccdd05741ff,1a8871c1-91be-45ab-b39d-92ef36375147,f8da9119-5861-4244-9bef-1bcc52d3b354,864e5895-2441-42e4-88b6-d6159a4c573e,693bbd8a-7a76-4569-a4cc-0a6c73399faf&amp;newsId=44a6520e-9633-4823-bb9b-dec598d6feec">Valleyview Secondary School Expansion Plans Revealed</a></p><p>May 23, 2019 <a href="/Modules/News/index.aspx?newsId=c78f7d2c-b95e-4bc4-addd-bc257418c267">BC Architect Firm to Bring Cutting Edge Design to Valleyview Secondary Expansion</a></p><p>April 12, 2019 <a href="/Modules/News/index.aspx?newsId=49eeb368-87bb-429a-a2f7-b50d2ae9939d">Valleyview Secondary School Expansion Announced</a></p> /Modules/News/index.aspx?feedId=a34c7aa8-61a4-4301-b1ee-537197631df4&newsId=d5dac320-73ad-492e-bef9-7b9a7b610cb9 Thu, 03 Sep 2020 15:45:00 GMT How First Steps Helps Young Moms Graduate <p>The First Steps program is for women, 15 &ndash; 24, who are mothers, or expecting to be mothers by the age of 20 and looking for help to graduate from high school. In addition to academic courses, the program also offers parenting supports, community referrals, health and wellness, and life skills.<br /><br /></p><p>One student explained the importance of the program to the Board of Education at its regular meeting March 9. As First Steps program teacher Cheyenne Kennedy held 8-month old Harmony, Kyla Levesque-Korol, told the capacity crowd gathered in the board room how she quit school at 15 years and then spent the next five years as an alcoholic, before getting sober&nbsp; and enrolling in First Steps so she could have a better life for herself and her daughter, Harmony.</p><p>Just a few months from graduation, Kayla&rsquo;s experience in the First Steps program has enabled her to clearly see their future and to make plans to become a support worker.</p><p>&ldquo;We appreciate the opportunity to highlight the successes of this program,&rdquo; said Cheyenne Kennedy, a First Steps program teacher. &ldquo;On average there are 6-7 women enrolled, and this year we have a full program with 15.&rdquo;</p><p>The district partners with Interior Community Services to deliver the program, and Kennedy said other partnerships are vital to its success. For example, daycare for the program is possible through a partnership with the Boys&rsquo; &amp; Girls&rsquo; Club of Kamloops.</p><p>&ldquo;Another example is a new partnership with the Kiwanis Club, who will be donating funds from its Trivia Night event this year.&nbsp; Our students are helping the club with its <em>Gift of Grad</em> program. They will be helping the club curate clothing and do fittings for girls this year.&rdquo;</p><p>The First Steps academic curriculum is closely tied to the ÌÇÐÄSwag Learning Plan and the district&rsquo;s six priorities. This includes bringing expert help to the students, ranging from the math specialist at NorKam Secondary to the district&rsquo;s Aboriginal Youth Family consultant and the Twin Rivers Education Centre Aboriginal Education Worker.</p><p>&nbsp;</p> /Modules/News/index.aspx?feedId=a34c7aa8-61a4-4301-b1ee-537197631df4&newsId=9a0e62d8-e647-4c84-81ec-7ddb7eb0bfd2 Tue, 10 Mar 2020 22:00:00 GMT Excited for 2023 in ÌÇÐÄSwag - A Dual Focus on Learning and Wellbeing <p>By Heather Grieve, Board Chair</p><p>January 4, 2023</p><p>At this time last year, I wrote an article about a delayed start back to school after the winter break due to COVID-19. Things have progressed since then and while globally we are experiencing the ongoing challenges of flu, respiratory illnesses, and COVID-19, in ÌÇÐÄSwag, we are continuing to incorporate lessons learned throughout the pandemic by practicing daily healthy habits of checking for symptoms, not coming to school or work when sick, and practicing good hand and respiratory hygiene. As a district, we support wearing masks as a choice within an accepting culture in our schools and workplaces. While navigating the challenges over the last few years has not been easy, we have continued to grow as a learning community of students, parents, staff, and community partners.</p><p>In the Spring of 2022, we shared our District Strategic Plan 2022-2027. Together, over 2000+ participants articulated our District mission &ndash; <em>to support learning opportunities and environments that inspire students to thrive</em>. The strength of that mission is evident, and we will continue our efforts to bring this to fruition as we continue into 2023.</p><p>At the start of this school year, each school community posted their initial draft of this year&rsquo;s school learning plan based on the 2022-2027 District Strategic Plan with a learning goal and a wellbeing goal. To read school learning plans, visit the district website <a href="/en/schools-programs/learning-plans.aspx">here</a>. These plans are fluid and will grow and change as living documents.</p><p>Learning goals are focused on developing students&rsquo; literacy and numeracy skills and their competencies such as how to communicate in multi&ndash;modes (print, visual, digital, dance, drama), and how to collaborate, to think critically and creatively, and to empathize. This is an evolution as in the past, academics was about improving language and math skills without asking students to show what they know by applying it to real world problems or by presenting information in multiple ways to help everyone enjoy and understand the information.</p><p>I am honoured to be a member of the ÌÇÐÄSwag Board or Education where I have the privilege of witnessing educational opportunities that inspire students to apply their learning and to share it with each other in meaningful and relevant ways&ndash;secondary students composed and shared picture books to teach facts about water to elementary students as one example; and primary students wrote their own songs to share during a school celebration as another example. Regardless of the exact nature of the activities, one common theme is that they draw on students&rsquo; interests and grow students&rsquo; competencies while also developing their literacy and numeracy skills.</p><p>Every school has also articulated a wellbeing goal that is aimed at students feeling welcome, cared for, connected, and having a sense of belonging while at school or participating in school or district-supported events. In one school, students, staff, and parents contributed responses to the question - <em>What does it mean to belong in our school?&nbsp;</em>Their responses resulted in the common themes of being comfortable to share and feeling connected to one or more friends. Then they codetermined how to increase sharing comfortably in safe spaces in their school community. This kind of in-depth look at wellbeing through community engagement drives change and is inspiring.</p><p>As we continue to experience living examples of our district mission-in-action, I am excited to see what transpires in 2023 with a dual focus on learning and wellbeing with approximately 16,000 students in ÌÇÐÄSwag.</p><p>This column appeared in Kamloops This Week: View from ÌÇÐÄSwag on Jan 4, 2023</p> /Modules/News/index.aspx?feedId=a34c7aa8-61a4-4301-b1ee-537197631df4&newsId=07526803-8bf5-4984-9c84-7e5a92335ec5 Wed, 04 Jan 2023 16:15:00 GMT Numeracy in Action <p>The District numeracy team is taking a real-world approach to helping students comprehend the intricacies of math in the classroom.</p><p>&ldquo;Numeracy varies in complexity,&rdquo; Amanda Russett, ÌÇÐÄSwag Numeracy Coordinator, told the Board of Education at the Regular Meeting on Monday, February 7, 2022.</p><p>&ldquo;Numeracy is the ability, willingness, and perseverance to interpret and apply mathematical understanding to solve problems in contextualized situations, and to analyze and communicate these solutions in ways relevant to the given context,&rdquo; explained Russett.</p><p>Using the numeracy cycle allows ÌÇÐÄSwag students the ability to build skills and understanding to make math more relevant in the real world. To facilitate that work, the numeracy team has been working closely with teachers to build strategies and programs to support a stronger understanding of numeracy.</p><p>The District vision is to equip students with a positive mathematical mindset in order to allow them to think, understand, and solve problems. &ldquo;Those words might not seem very big, but they mean a lot to us in the District,&rdquo; said Russett. &ldquo;We want kids to leave our system feeling good about math and feeling like they can be successful in math. We want them to be able to think and not just regurgitate information. We want them to be able to understand those concepts and not just follow an algorithm blindly. And we want them to be able to go out into the world and use math to solve problems.&rdquo;</p><p>Russett further explained the action items of the District&rsquo;s Learning Plan which includes incorporating a Teacher Learning Plan that aims to create classrooms that support a positive math mindset, involving parents as numeracy partners, and facilitating collaboration within schools and District leaders.</p><p>Furthermore, the Ministry of Education is developing numeracy benchmarks so &ldquo;we need to expose teachers to those Ministry numeracy benchmarks and connect that with our District numeracy assessment by looking at areas of growth for our students and then using those benchmarks to help move students forward,&rdquo; continued Russett.</p><p>To that end, the numeracy team has curated several resources to help parents and students improve their <em>mathematical literacy</em>, a concept coined by Dr. Peter Liljedahl, Professor of Mathematics Education at Simon Fraser University:</p><ul><li><a href="/en/community-parents-and-students/math-moments.aspx">Math Moments</a> &ndash; a five-part series available on the District website created for parents to demonstrate how math strategies can be fun</li><li><a href="/Modules/News/index.aspx?feedId=10c49675-bbce-4733-a8c0-fbbd3a3ec9ae,be1116c5-ab98-434e-8a10-8a00f49b774c,208dc79b-e7d6-4c56-be49-d1a958ce7890,22ff3110-d793-43a6-840c-c4111ce97696,bea72a8a-9acb-4e39-a622-a93619bbcb20,609debc8-f306-4231-82f6-0ccdd05741ff,1a8871c1-91be-45ab-b39d-92ef36375147,f8da9119-5861-4244-9bef-1bcc52d3b354,864e5895-2441-42e4-88b6-d6159a4c573e,693bbd8a-7a76-4569-a4cc-0a6c73399faf&amp;page=3&amp;newsId=811f2236-d889-49b8-a9a9-dee9241c8014"><em>What&rsquo;s Going On With New Math?</em></a> &ndash; a virtual parent engagement session on February 23 led by Russett that will help parents support children along their math-learning journey&nbsp;</li></ul><p>Following the presentation, Trustee Kathleen Karpuk commended the work being done by the numeracy team: &ldquo;I love how you simplify numeracy and make it so accessible so that people can understand how it really relates to everyday life. You take a lot of that fear out of it. It&rsquo;s not that big scary concept.&rdquo;</p> /Modules/News/index.aspx?feedId=a34c7aa8-61a4-4301-b1ee-537197631df4&newsId=d54c054c-cc4b-4766-91ed-7ec262776e8f Wed, 09 Feb 2022 16:30:00 GMT Outdoor Education in Action <p>The benefits of outdoor education were presented to the Board of Education regular meeting April 26, 2021, by principal of Bert Edwards Science and Technology Elementary, Frank Law.</p><p>&ldquo;Research shows outdoor education has a positive impact on education,&rdquo; said Law. &ldquo;We know that standardized test scores, attitude about school, attendance and overall student achievements are enhanced when students learn in, and about, nature.&rdquo;</p><p>Law said other benefits include building a stronger sense of self, greater independence, increased confidence and creativity, better decision-making and problem-solving skills, more empathy towards others, and improved motor skills, self-discipline, and initiative.</p><p>&ldquo;Helping students increase their understanding of their natural and human communities leads to a sense of place, and stronger connections between the students, their families and the school,&rdquo; he said. &ldquo;Outdoor education employs a greater range of children&rsquo;s intelligences.&rdquo;</p><p>He showed pictures and videos of students involved in various outdoor educational experiences along the North Thompson River, in playgrounds and parks, and at ponds and other outdoor sites.</p><p>Law is also principal of the McQueen Lake Environmental Centre. There are eight cabins, a teachers&rsquo; cabin, a caretaker&rsquo;s cabin, and a cook house on the site.</p><p>During a normal year, most district students attending the overnight trips are in grades 4 &ndash; 7 and most of the students who attend daytime learning programs are K-3 students.</p><p>While no overnight trips have occurred during the pandemic, there have been opportunities this year for day trips. Law said he hopes overnight trips can resume next year.</p><p>He showed pictures of students participating in day trips to the centre, following COVID-19 health and safety protocols, this year. They were snowshoeing and participating in pond studies.</p><p>&ldquo;The level of engagement among these students was amazing,&rdquo; he said. &ldquo;They were so enthused. Activities at the centre include nature hikes and archery, compass courses, pioneer studies and plant studies.&rdquo;</p><p>&nbsp;&ldquo;I am so grateful to know that classes and schools have found a way to enjoy McQueen Lake even with a pandemic,&rdquo; said Board Vice-Chair Meghan Wade. &ldquo;It&rsquo;s very understandable why there have been no overnights, but this is such a unique learning opportunity, it&rsquo;s good to see.&rdquo;</p><p>Trustee Kathleen Karpuk commented that there a lot of community groups such as the North Kamloops Rotary Club, who have been involved for many years in supporting the centre.</p><p>&nbsp;</p> /Modules/News/index.aspx?feedId=a34c7aa8-61a4-4301-b1ee-537197631df4&newsId=a6fa9377-501d-4950-8295-82597e04dabd Wed, 28 Apr 2021 20:00:00 GMT Kamloops-Thompson Board of Education-Another Step Closer in Pineview Valley <p>The Kamloops-Thompson Board of Education is another step closer to securing ministerial support to begin the next stage of planning for the eagerly anticipated and much-needed elementary school in Pineview Valley.</p><p>&ldquo;The process for receiving approval and funding for new capital projects is one of many steps. We are very pleased to see the Order in Council (July 11, 2022) which published the transfer of the Crown Grant land to ÌÇÐÄSwag,&rdquo; reported Board Chair Grieve at the August 29<sup>th</sup> Public Meeting of the Board of Education.</p><p>The Board of Education has corresponded in writing with the Minister of Forests, and they have also written to the Minister of Education and Child Care about the increasing pressure in South Shore schools and the need to expedite the funding of the project.</p><p>The response from the Minister of Education and Child Care on July 19, 2022 was promising and indicated that &ldquo;once the Crown Land Grant has been awarded to the District, the business case can be finalized and the project can be considered for funding approval.&rdquo;</p><p>&ldquo;This is a major milestone in obtaining ownership of the land&rdquo; stated Board Chair Grieve. &ldquo;Once the land is transferred from the Crown to the District through Land Titles, a business case, which is in the final stage of completion, will be submitted to the Ministry for funding approval. We are one step closer to a new school in Pineview Valley.&rdquo;</p> /Modules/News/index.aspx?feedId=a34c7aa8-61a4-4301-b1ee-537197631df4&newsId=f646a27d-f2d8-47e3-a3c4-829f740c8e3e Thu, 01 Sep 2022 15:00:00 GMT Board Notes: October 29/18 <p>&nbsp;<strong>EDUCATION TOPIC</strong></p><p>Two staff members, <strong>Sylvain Menard</strong> and <strong>Darren Coates</strong>, from Clearwater Secondary reported on an inquiry project funded by a grant from the Board of Education. The inquiry looked at how a micro-credential system can help students in self-assessment of Core Competencies. The project involved developing language to describe three levels of achievement in each of the Core Competencies that students could use as a yardstick. Students used the website to gather evidence and reflect in preparation for a panel interview with three adults. The school devoted a week to hands on activities to help students engage in experiences that would lead to growth in the Core Competencies. Students worked on one project for the entire week which allowed for projects that would not typically fit in an 80-minute class. Students wrote short stories, produced their own play, installed a disc golf course, and earned certifications allowing them to work during the summer fighting wildfires.&nbsp;</p><p><strong>REPORTS FROM SUPERINTENDENTS OF SCHOOLS</strong>&nbsp;</p><p><strong>CommunityLINK</strong></p><p>A CommunityLINK update was provided by Director&nbsp;<strong>Trish Smillie</strong> outlining the allocation of the $1,582,336 funds designated for vulnerable learners by the Ministry of Education. Programs funded by CommunityLINK include before and after school care, social groups, academic intervention and resource rooms. More than $1.15M of the budget is allocated for staffing positions that address child and youth mental health supports.&nbsp;</p><p><strong>Task Force on School Safety</strong><br /> An advisory committee will undertake the work set out by the Superintendent&rsquo;s Task Force on School Safety. Representatives include a member from each of the stakeholder groups who will provide feedback to the District&rsquo;s response to the seven recommendations and will be complete by end of April 2019. <strong>Michelle Marginet</strong> has been asked to chair the Committee. The Ministry of Education and the Office of the Ombudsperson have reached out to ÌÇÐÄSwag to learn more about how we are addressing this critical issue.</p><p><strong>District Learning Plan</strong></p><p>A draft of the District Learning Plan was presented by <strong>Lisa Carson</strong>. The plan draws on the work of School Learning Plans and aligns with the three strategic priorities addressing education. It is designed to extend student thinking through a focus on critical thinking, creativity and the foundational skills of literacy and numeracy. The goals of the Plan are to improve our graduation rate from 85% to 90%; reach parity between Aboriginal and non-Aboriginal graduation rates and have 70% of our students &ldquo;on track&rdquo; or &ldquo;extending&rdquo; in numeracy for grades 4 and 7.</p><p><strong>Westwold Elementary Consultation</strong></p><p><strong>Rob Schoen</strong> recommended the Board move forward with a public consultation regarding the future of Westwold Elementary School. The public meeting will be held Nov.22 at 7 pm at Westwold Elementary. Interested parties are invited to submit comments and petitions regarding the possible closure of the school which currently has no students enrolled.</p><p><strong>Enrolment Finalization</strong></p><p>As of September 28, 2018, there are 14,405 students enrolled in ÌÇÐÄSwag. This is approximately 171 more students over last year. Enrollment growth has been modest but steady over the last 5 years with an approximate increase of 500 students since 2013.</p><p><strong>Grade 7 Students playing on Grade 8 Teams</strong></p><p>Concerns raised regarding grade 7 students losing opportunities to play because of the configuration of schools in rural communities (grades 7 &ndash; 12) may be addressed at the BC School Sports AGM on April 26 and 27, 2019. An amendment allowing schools with less than 350 students to have some flexibility with regard to the age of players making up a team will be presented.</p><p><strong>REPORTS FROM THE CHAIR<br /><br /></strong><strong>Trustees&rsquo; Goodbye</strong></p><p>October 29 marked the last Board of Education meeting for <strong>Denise Harper</strong>, <strong>Joan Cowden </strong>and<strong> Gerald Watson</strong>. Between them they served as trustees for 51 years.&nbsp; Joan Cowden became a trustee in 2008, after she had retired from her 35-year teaching career.&nbsp; Gerald Watson was first elected in 2002 and has served as vice-chair for the last two years. Denise Harper was a trustee for more than 25 years and spent 7 years as board chair. <strong>Chair Wade</strong> thanked each of them for their years of service and wished them all the best in their retirements and future endeavours.</p><p>&nbsp;</p><p>&nbsp;</p><p>&nbsp;</p><p>&nbsp;</p> /Modules/News/index.aspx?feedId=a34c7aa8-61a4-4301-b1ee-537197631df4&newsId=4b67bfe2-5f2e-4fb5-b72f-82b808969378 Wed, 31 Oct 2018 23:00:00 GMT RCMP Youth Advisory Council <p>It&rsquo;s not often youth get to grill the RCMP, the Mayor, and the Chair of the Board of Education about the issues that they&rsquo;re facing.</p><p>On&nbsp;Friday, December 14 that&rsquo;s exactly what happened. Twenty students in grades 10 to 12 from across the district spent the day at the Henry Grube Education Centre as part of the annual RCMP Youth Advisory Committee.</p><p>For many of the youth attending the highlight was the ability to freely discuss issues with a panel consisting of Chair Karpuk &nbsp;RCMP Superintendent Sid Lecky, Mayor Ken Christian, District Principal Vessy Mochikas, and Sue Peterson, Team Leader with Child and Youth Mental Health. They asked questions relating to cannabis, vaping, health education, consent and a multitude of other topics.</p><p>&ldquo;The students&rsquo; active participation in the discussions is a testament to their engagement and the sincerity of our community leaders,&rdquo; said Rick Kienlein, Director of Instruction. &ldquo;They asked thoughtful, direct questions and the panel answered the same way.&rdquo;</p><p>The day&rsquo;s activities also included trying to drive a go-cart through a course of safety cones. Easy enough, except for the impairment goggles. While the simulation of drunk driving was entertaining, it also demonstrated the risks associated with impaired driving.</p><p>Now in its fourth year, the event is a collaboration between the Kamloops RCMP and School District No. 73.</p><p>&nbsp;</p><p>&nbsp;</p><p>&nbsp;</p> /Modules/News/index.aspx?feedId=a34c7aa8-61a4-4301-b1ee-537197631df4&newsId=7f0e6eee-7c17-4abe-9487-837f67a9a82c Wed, 19 Dec 2018 20:15:00 GMT Celebrating Valleyview's Expansion <p>By Heather Grieve, Board Chair</p><p>November 3, 2022</p><p>The Kamloops-Thompson board of Education hosted the grand opening of the Valleyview secondary expansion project on Tuesday.</p><p>This $34.8-million addition has resulted in 20 new classroom spaces and expanded common areas that enable staff and students to be more comfortable and connected.</p><p>In the decades since the last major capital project, the design for school learning spaces has changed.</p><p>The east wing at Valleyview secondary has expansive windows, common areas for students to gather casually between classes, natural wood accents and inclusive washrooms.</p><p>&ldquo;There are now 525 more seats, which are much needed now that our school has over 1,000 students,&rdquo; principal Cory Carmichael said.</p><p>&ldquo;The students enjoy the flexible seating throughout the school, the wide hallways and stairwells and outdoor gathering spaces.&rdquo;</p><p>Added ÌÇÐÄSwag Supt. Rhonda Nixon: &ldquo;Our students and parents are also looking forward to a new gymnasium, multipurpose spaces and innovative classrooms like film studios and a drafting room.&rdquo;</p><p>On March 8, there was an informal gathering to walk through the new wing.</p><p>The ÌÇÐÄSwag facilities department was celebrated by the board of education for persisting through supply chain issues that arose, especially in the final stages of the project.</p><p>At that time, the wing was under construction, so students and staff used parts of it for some classes. For the celebration on Tuesday, Tk&rsquo;eml&uacute;ps te Secw&eacute;pemc K&uacute;kpi7 (Chief) Rosanne Casimir brought greetings on behalf of her band, Kamloops Mayor Ken Christian shared his excitement on behalf of city council, Shelly Frost spoke on behalf of Kamloops-South Thompson MLA Todd Stone and board of education vice-chair Meghan Wade read Education Minister Jennifer Whiteside&rsquo;s statement and spoke on behalf of the board.</p><p>In addition, Nixon highlighted the work of staff, facilities director Art McDonald shared the work of his staff on the expansion, Valleyview secondary parent advisory council chair Tara Hess emphasized parental support for this expansion, teacher Roger Turner shared the positive impact of the extension on teaching and learning; and students Danna Campbell, Rachel Farrow and Levi Purves spoke to their current experiences learning in a rejuvenated space and one that has relieved pressure on what were overcrowded hallways and classrooms.</p><p>&ldquo;I believe that the expansion of Valleyview secondary will uplift students and their well-being in the new learning space provided,&rdquo;Danna said.</p><p>Rachel added: &ldquo;Students at Valleyview secondary are able to better their education in a new space where everybody feels welcome.</p><p>We have seen improvements in the overall learning environment, with benefits to students and teachers alike.&rdquo; Levi is thankful for the expansion at the school.</p><p>&ldquo;Valleyview secondary has become a place for resident students and teachers to be proud of and I am grateful for a new chapter in our school&rsquo;s history,&rdquo; Levi said.</p><p>The expansion of Valleyview secondary was a long time coming, and we are proud that students are finally experiencing the benefits of it in 2022.</p><p>This column appeared in Kamloops This Week: View from ÌÇÐÄSwag on Nov 3, 2022</p> /Modules/News/index.aspx?feedId=a34c7aa8-61a4-4301-b1ee-537197631df4&newsId=05973124-65f4-4d56-bcc5-842b690c2c0c Thu, 03 Nov 2022 17:30:00 GMT Young Artists' Conference and Show Goes On - Virtually <p>This year&rsquo;s Young Artists&rsquo; Conference was a remote event. The district posted a <a href="">virtual gallery</a>, called a Virtual Reality Young Artists' Gallery that allowed visitors to wander through a digital gallery to find each piece of this year&rsquo;s art collection. The conference also included a <a href="file:///Virtual%20Reality%20Young%20Artists'%20Gallery/%20Wander%20through%20this%20virtual%20art%20gallery%20and%20find%20your%20artwork">video welcome message</a> from Director of Curriculum and Instruction Lisa Carson, and the announcement by District Arts Coordinator <strong>Christy Gauley</strong> of this years&rsquo; winners.</p><p>The winners presented their artwork to the Board of Education to be hung in the School Board Office for next year.&nbsp;&nbsp;</p><p>&ldquo;When the word shifted, the Young Artists&rsquo; Committee began planning for the new reality,&rdquo; said Gauley. &ldquo;The gallery is now live for the artists, their parents and teachers. We invite anyone and everyone to check out these astonishing works.&rdquo;</p><p>If you&rsquo;re on tablet or phone, the gallery is best viewed using the Artsteps app. If you&rsquo;re viewing on your desktop, just click the links and enjoy.</p><p>Another way to enjoy the artwork is via this <a href="">slide show</a> of all the Young Artists' art work</p><p><strong>Virtual Art Conference</strong></p><p>The greatest part of Young Artists' experience is the conference, where you get to try all sorts of new and wonderful art-making opportunities,&rdquo; said Gauley.</p><p>Student were encouraged to try as many art experiences as they wished, and then to share photos of their efforts.</p><p>&ldquo;We want to thank all the art teachers, principals, parents, and students who have shown flexibility and resilience in this challenging time,&rdquo; said Gauley. &ldquo;We want to encourage everyone to keep making and sharing art. It is the glue&nbsp;that connects us.&rdquo;</p> /Modules/News/index.aspx?feedId=a34c7aa8-61a4-4301-b1ee-537197631df4&newsId=d1b426e2-ff7c-4183-950a-84bccfdc76e4 Tue, 12 May 2020 15:30:00 GMT Pineview Elementary School Business Case to Proceed <p>The Kamloops-Thompson school district has received support from the Ministry of Education to proceed with a business case for a new school in Pineview Valley.</p><p>The District&rsquo;s Capital Plan, submitted to the ministry in June 2020, listed an elementary school in Pineview Valley as its top capital priority.</p><p>&ldquo;This is not a funding announcement,&rdquo; Board Chair Rhonda Kershaw confirmed. &ldquo;But it is excellent news that we now have the Ministry&rsquo;s support and can proceed with the important first step of a business case.&rdquo;</p><p>There is no school in the Pineview Valley area and Pineview Valley students are bused to McGowan Park Elementary, which is facing significant enrolment pressure. McGowan Park Elementary is currently operating at 160% capacity and is anticipated to be at 182% by 2025-2026 and 192% by 2030-2031. According to the City of Kamloops Official Community Plan (OCP), the southwest sector is the highest growth area within Kamloops over the near and long-term future. An elementary school in the Pineview Valley will mean five schools will serve this area of Kamloops.</p><p>Once the business case is complete and the Ministry provides funding, Director of Facilities Art McDonald estimates design and construction will take approximately three years.</p><p>&ldquo;This is certainly a positive step in reducing some of the enrolment pressure we are facing in the city,&rdquo; said Terry Sullivan, Superintendent. &ldquo;However, it does not solve the enrolment pressures we are trying to address with the proposed catchment changes to Aberdeen Elementary/Pacific Way, SKSS/Sa-Hali, Dallas Elementary/R.L. Clemitson, or Juniper Ridge/Marion Schilling. Those consultation processes will proceed.&rdquo;</p> /Modules/News/index.aspx?feedId=a34c7aa8-61a4-4301-b1ee-537197631df4&newsId=cc76259e-4ca8-40d4-82f8-84f94725febc Fri, 21 May 2021 20:00:00 GMT 2020-2021 Budget Focus: Improved Outcomes for Students, and Building Support, Facilities, and Infrastructure for its Future <p>The Kamloops-Thompson School District&rsquo;s <a href="/en/our-district-board/budget-2020-2021-consultation.aspx">2020-2021 budget</a> is focused on improving outcomes for students while addressing infrastructures such as technology, and preventative maintenance and capital facility improvements.</p><p>&ldquo;Even during a global pandemic, the business of the District is progressing,&rdquo; said Kathleen Karpuk, Chair, Board of Education. &ldquo;We made some great strides last year in terms of improved outcomes for our students, including improving Aboriginal graduation rates by nearly 6%. This budget continues to focus on equity of outcomes for all students.&rdquo;&nbsp;</p><p>&ldquo;We are all facing unprecedented demands, and the education system is undergoing a significant shift to meet the expectations of our parents and community students for quality to deliver continuity of education plans,&rdquo; said Trina Cassidy, Director Finance. &ldquo;While this budget continues to provide financial resources for educational programming, supporting vulnerable students is a top priority and we anticipate an increasing need for support to meet students&rsquo; social-emotional needs.&rdquo;</p><p>&ldquo;The budget is not a static document,&rdquo; said Kelvin Stretch, Secretary-Treasurer. &ldquo;We are working on a shifting playing field with lots of moving parts. The Board and senior administration will continue to work with the Ministry of Education to ensure we are able to provide supports for our staff and students if pandemic related issues mean the system is not back to normal in September. We are prepared to revisit budgets if additional supports are needed going forward.&rdquo;</p><p>The province has seen a steady increase in school-age students over the past five years, and is projecting this growth will continue with the addition of approximately 3200 new students over the next year. The District had an increase of about 200 students per year over the past four years, and for the next school year, about 72 new students are expected. This means the District will have about 15,237 FTE students enrolled for the 2020-2021 school year.</p><p>The 2020-2021 annual budget continues to prioritize educational resources and programming as the largest component of the operating budget. With some additional funding from the Ministry of Education and some realignment of resources, the District will now focus more intently on facilities, infrastructure, and risk management.</p><p>New budget initiatives included for the 2020-2021 budget include:</p><ul><li>Increase funding for the social-emotional needs of students</li><li>Increase staffing to address preventative maintenance</li><li>Fund improvements for technology infrastructure to assist in on-line&nbsp; learning and communication</li><li>Increase staffing to address technology supports for teachers</li><li>Fund the development of an Enterprise Risk Management Framework</li><li>Increase funding for Health and Safety measures to improve response time</li></ul><p>Key numbers in SD 73&rsquo;s 2020-2021 budget include:</p><ul><li>&nbsp;Total budget (including special purpose and capital funds) for the year is expected to be $188,537,889. This reflects additional funding from the government to cover increased payroll and other costs related to the collective agreements.</li><li>&nbsp;The combined annual operational payroll for the District is estimated to be $149,476,905</li><li>&nbsp;The number of principals, teachers, support staff, and management staff employed by the District will rise by 13.30 to 1,619 FTE employees.</li></ul><p>Trustees approved the balanced budget for the 2020-2021 school year at the&nbsp;Monday, April 27&nbsp;Board meeting in Kamloops. The public, parent groups, local media, and employee partner groups were shown details of the budget at a live-streamed special board meeting on&nbsp;Thursday, April 9, 2019.</p> /Modules/News/index.aspx?feedId=a34c7aa8-61a4-4301-b1ee-537197631df4&newsId=cbdf3941-a5c3-42c9-9dfc-85a95990b412 Tue, 28 Apr 2020 16:15:00 GMT Outdoor Education in Action <p>A District gem is celebrating a major milestone this year.</p><p>Since its inception 50 years ago, the McQueen Lake Environmental Education Centre has been dedicated to providing residential and day programs in environmental education to children, parents, teachers, and the public. Since its official opening in 1972, approximately 200,000 visitors have benefited from the programs offered.</p><p>The Centre&rsquo;s specialized curriculum allows students to engage in activities that improve student attention, helps develop a sense of independence and promotes real-world, problem-solving, as well as a engrains deeper respect for the environment, said McQueen Lake principal Frank Law at a recent Regular Board of Education meeting.</p><p>Based in research, &ldquo;outdoor education can have a really powerful impact on our students,&rdquo; said Law.</p><p>To ensure the Centre continues to run smoothly and in commemoration of its 50-year anniversary, facility upgrades and inspections have been completed with more to come.</p><p>Having previously operated on propane lighting, the facility was recently upgraded to LED electricity in the classroom and new heaters in the teacher cabin. A new lithium battery power system was also installed which has equated to a longer warranty period and a more environmentally friendly operation.</p><p>In an effort to promote inclusivity and safety, modifications were also done to the challenge area.</p><p>Upcoming projects include securing an updated permit to operate food services and use of the onsite kitchen. Over the next several years, additional upgrades and renovations will be completed with the help of Thompson Rivers University&rsquo;s Trades Department.</p><p>Future plans also include an Indigenous Cultural Centre in consultation with the Tk&rsquo;eml&uacute;ps te Secw&eacute;pemc Culture and Heritage Department with financial assistance from the Rotary Club of Kamloops.</p><p>Each year, almost 7,000 students and parents visit McQueen Lake to participate in outdoor and environmental programs to meet the educational goals of the students, teachers, and parents.&nbsp;The Centre provides the opportunity for guests to learn about the environment through hands-on experiential activities that are not available in the regular classroom setting.</p><p>&ldquo;We are so fortunate to have a site dedicated to outdoor learning,&rdquo; said Law, who attributes the impact the Centre has had on students to McQueen Lake teacher Wayne Deptuck and Caretaker Dan Sargent, among many others.</p><p>&ldquo;It&rsquo;s special because so many people from the community have visited up there,&rdquo; said Law. &ldquo;So many children have gone through the McQueen Lake site. Teachers really drive the McQueen Lake program and the Maintenance Department takes care of everything.&rdquo;</p> /Modules/News/index.aspx?feedId=a34c7aa8-61a4-4301-b1ee-537197631df4&newsId=5fd943e8-9771-4d04-8528-8828a2ab9854 Thu, 28 Apr 2022 15:00:00 GMT Board Notes: October 15/18 <p>October 15, 2018</p><p><strong>EDUCATON TOPIC</strong></p><p>Best friends <strong>Akira Susanj</strong> (grade 7) and <strong>Alexander Teague</strong> (grade 6) were joined by their Principal, <strong>Krista Halland,</strong> at Savona Elementary to highlight the many programs the school has incorporated to support hands-on learning, including Maker Space, and a Science Technology, Engineering and Math (STEM) program. &nbsp;The boys reported that their school is also into its first year of BOKS Kids, a free before school program aimed to improve students&rsquo; physical, mental and social health through movement.</p><p><strong>REPORTS FROM SUPERINTENDENTS OF SCHOOLS</strong></p><p><strong>School Learning Plans<br /> </strong>The schools learning plans have been reviewed by senior staff and presented to the Board.The Board was unanimous in approving the plans and commended school principals and teachers for the tremendous amount of thought that went into developing strategies that improve numeracy. They also commented on the plans&rsquo; comprehensiveness and how clearly aligned the plans were with the strategic priorities.</p><p><strong>Enrolment Update </strong><br /> The final enrolment numbers are complete and were reported to the Ministry of Education on September 28, 2018 showing continued growth. There are an additional 208 students in grades 1 to 7, and an extra 77 in secondary for a net increase of 233 students across the District. The vast majority of new students came from families who are moving to Kamloops from other parts of the province.</p><p><strong>REPORTS FROM SECRETARY-TREASURER</strong></p><p><strong>ÌÇÐÄSwag Business Company Reserve<br /> </strong>Management fees paid to the district from its business company (ÌÇÐÄSwagBC) have generated a reserve fund of $485,872. Staff will come back to the board with a clear process and guidelines for how Parent Advisory Groups (PACs) may apply for a grant from these funds for recreational projects in support of students. Some of the ideas suggested included supports for new playgrounds and sport uniforms.&nbsp;</p><p><strong>TRUSTEE REPORTS<br /> <br /> </strong>The last few weeks have been busy for all trustees. Events attended included Raise-A-Reader, Orange Shirt Day, and the United Way Campaign kick-off. &nbsp;<strong>Chair Wade</strong> and <strong>Superintendent Sidow </strong>also attended the Premier&rsquo;s Awards for Excellence in Education to recognize <strong>Maymie Tegart</strong> from Blue Rive Elementary as Outstanding New Teacher. <strong>Trustee Kershaw</strong> raised the issue of grade 7s not being able to be part of the grade 8 volleyball and basketball teams in rural communities where schools do not follow the traditional grade configurations. <strong>Assistant Superintendent Hamblett</strong> is working with BC School Sports to determine if a policy change is a possible.</p> /Modules/News/index.aspx?feedId=a34c7aa8-61a4-4301-b1ee-537197631df4&newsId=24666067-ebce-4405-b24c-89e18c1e1fe3 Thu, 18 Oct 2018 16:00:00 GMT After School Programming in Action <p>The Board of Education heard about the success of the district&rsquo;s after-school program at its regular Board Meeting on June 28. The program is the largest in the province, with 59 staff and volunteers delivering more than 1,200 hours of program instruction to nearly 1,500 students (grades 4-12) at 19 participating schools across the district.</p><p>&ldquo;This is up significantly from last year and previous years,&rdquo; said Alexandra Inglis, after-school program coordinator. &ldquo;We&rsquo;ve worked hard to identify students who may not otherwise have opportunities to participate in these activities.&rdquo;</p><p>Some students are participating in as many as 7 programs. There are 414 students with Aboriginal ancestry, 18 with continuing care orders, 47 English Language Learners and 296 participants with ministry designations.</p><p>The objective is to connect them to lifelong well-being and creativity through arts, sports and physical activity. After-school programs also help students during vulnerable after school hours, with opportunities for engagement, and to foster a sense of belonging and community.</p><p>These programs have been in place in the district for 10 years with elementary schools, and last year the district added after-school programs for secondary students as one of only three districts provincially to pilot this opportunity.</p><p>Inglis highlighted three after-school programs from Chase Secondary, Brock Middle and R.L. Clemitson Elementary schools. for the board</p><p>Staff connected with parents of students at Chase Secondary to create programs in self-defense, and plans are in place for a roller skating and a roller derby program there in September. At Brock Middle School, after-school programs have seen a huge growth in participation, from fewer than 10 to nearly 200.</p><p>&ldquo;We created Brock family virtual art nights on Friday nights,&rdquo; said Inglis. &ldquo;We sent home art kits plus a nacho kit. We have heard from parents that it was the first time they laughed as a family since the start of the pandemic.&rdquo;</p><p>At R.L. Clemitson Elementary, 125 students in grades 5, 6 and 7 were provided the opportunity to ride mountain bikes, and they expanded their skills in many areas other than the physical art of riding. One student, who is visually impaired, was featured in a video shown to the Board, and spoke about the way the program increased her sense of self-confidence.</p><p>Inglis said student and parent/caregiver surveys about the programs showed 97 per cent felt an increased sense of belonging and connectedness to schools, and 99.4 per cent reported a sense of safety in the programs.</p><p>Along with several of the trustees and Vice Chair Meghan Wade, Board Chair Rhonda Kershaw applauded the program. &ldquo;Having 1500 participants in what has been an extraordinary year, you must be doing something right,&rdquo; she said. &ldquo;Thank you for your work in delivering such a phenomenal program.&rdquo;</p> /Modules/News/index.aspx?feedId=a34c7aa8-61a4-4301-b1ee-537197631df4&newsId=01b9b41a-e10c-4afc-bcec-89e2898c200b Wed, 30 Jun 2021 17:45:00 GMT Steady and Prudent Business Management Means More for ÌÇÐÄSwag Students <p>A decision in 2006 by School District 73 to provide education opportunities to off-shore, non-resident students are now paying dividends for Kamloops and Thompson area schools.&nbsp;</p><p>Directors of the School District No. 73 Business Company (ÌÇÐÄSwagBC), Dr Terry Sullivan, (retired superintendent) and Rob Wilson, (RBC Dominion Securities) presented a $100,000 dividend cheque to the Board of Education at its regular Mar. 11 meeting.</p><p>Since its incorporation, ÌÇÐÄSwagBC has re-invested all its profits back into the company to further grow the business.&nbsp; Now, having accumulated $1.1 million in shareholder equity, the company board of directors approved the $100,000 dividend to its only shareholder, ÌÇÐÄSwag.</p><p>&ldquo;The vision we had for starting the business company was always about being able to support students,&rdquo; Sullivan said. &ldquo;To be here, giving $100,000 back to students and schools, knowing that we started with nothing 13 years ago is a tribute to the steady and prudent management of the company.&rdquo;</p><p>In addition to the dividend payment, ÌÇÐÄSwagBC has paid ÌÇÐÄSwag $486,000 in management fees. &nbsp;</p><p>&ldquo;We will be able to extend an opportunity to assist our schools and Parent Advisory Councils (PACs) with their project fundraising,&rdquo; said Kathleen Karpuk, Chair ÌÇÐÄSwag Board of Education. &ldquo;We are looking to help fund projects aimed at enhancing students&rsquo; experiences at school&mdash;whether those are learning, physical, emotional or social.&rdquo;</p><p>The Board has struck a committee to determine criteria for the projects. Examples of projects that could qualify for the grant may include recreational equipment, social space, cultural enhancement, or sustainability initiatives that align with the strategic goals, and the district learning plan.</p><p>&ldquo;The ÌÇÐÄSwag Business Company started by offering online courses to high school students in China, and evolved into an international online education program that includes studying for a full year in Kamloops where students earn their Dogwood diploma,&rdquo; said Alison Sidow, Superintendent.&nbsp;&nbsp;</p><p>&nbsp;</p><p>&nbsp;</p><p>&nbsp;</p> /Modules/News/index.aspx?feedId=a34c7aa8-61a4-4301-b1ee-537197631df4&newsId=d7e21359-12b1-4340-a3be-8a7489f149c6 Wed, 13 Mar 2019 00:15:00 GMT New Catchment Area Approved for Juniper Ridge and Marion Schilling Elementary Schools <p>The Kamloops-Thompson Board of Education agreed to redefine the catchment boundaries of Juniper Ridge and Marion Schilling Elementary Schools for September 2022 and create a catchment area for Ralph Bell Elementary School.</p><p>The <a href="/en/our-district-board/resources/Consultation/CBC2021/Juniper-MarionSchilling-Ralph-Bell-Catchment-Change-Drawings---Revised-July-6-2021.pdf">new Ralph Bell Elementary catchment</a> includes Juniper West, west of Galore Drive, including future development areas in Juniper West, the Trail Side development in Juniper West, and the area west of Vicars Road, Rose Hill, and Sun Rivers. This catchment change eases the enrolment pressure at Juniper Ridge Elementary and Marion Schilling Elementary, and provides for balanced operational capacity at all three schools. (see map of new catchment area <a href="/en/our-district-board/resources/Consultation/CBC2021/Juniper-MarionSchilling-Ralph-Bell-Catchment-Change-Drawings---Revised-July-6-2021.pdf">here</a>)</p><p>&nbsp;&ldquo;In voting to re-open Ralph Bell as a K-7 school the Board has the opportunity to alleviate overcrowding in two of our southeast sector schools,&rdquo; said Board Chair Rhonda Kershaw. &ldquo;We look forward to working with the community to create a neighbourhood school that serves the needs of students into the future, and furthering discussions with our partners at the municipal and provincial level on how we can best address capacity constraints throughout the city.&rdquo;</p><p>In addition to the initial recommendations made by staff on April 12, 2021, the Board has responded to several concerns brought forward by parents in the extensive 60-day consultation including grandfathering the students now entering grade 6, and their siblings, in their present schools to complete their grade 7 year.</p><p>The Board also recommended that staff discuss the possibility of moving school staff from Juniper Ridge Elementary and Marion Schilling Elementary to Ralph Bell Elementary with the Kamloops Thompson Teachers&rsquo; Association, and refine and implement the plan for transitioning students from Juniper Ridge Elementary and Marion Schilling Elementary to Ralph Bell Elementary.</p><p>The public consultation garnered many suggestions to turn Ralph Bell into a grade 6 and 7 school or a grade 5, 6, and 7 school.&nbsp; Art McDonald, Director of Facilities provided data detailing how the proposed configuration relieved the enrolment pressure on Juniper Ridge and Marion Schilling and but made Ralph Bell the most overcrowded school in east Kamloops.</p><p>&ldquo;We believe, what is best for students educationally at this age is to form strong social connections to peers and teachers through a full k-7 program that will ease their move into high school,&rdquo; said Superintendent Terry Sullivan. &ldquo;Standalone grade 6/7 cohort students would lose the opportunity to mentor younger students and develop the confidence that will assist them in making the transition to high school. Staff believe that configuring Ralph Bell Elementary as a K to 7 school is the preferred configuration from an educational perspective.&rdquo;</p> /Modules/News/index.aspx?feedId=a34c7aa8-61a4-4301-b1ee-537197631df4&newsId=8d99bb30-cb6e-4eba-af30-8adc80b9441b Tue, 06 Jul 2021 20:15:00 GMT Kamloops-Thompson Board Meets Minister of Education and Child Care to Share Priorities: An Urgent Need for More Space and A Passion for Co-creating More Inclusive Spaces <p style="text-align: left;" align="center">Board Chair, Heather Grieve&nbsp;</p><p>Our Board of Education was honoured to have Minister Singh join us on Sunday, January 22, 2023 to learn about our District priorities in connection to her <a href="" target="_blank">mandate letter</a>.</p><p>We appreciated how open and interested Minister Rachna Singh was to learn about our District and that she sought to have genuine conversation about the needs of our communities. We shared our urgent need for more space and our passion and dedication for co-creating inclusive spaces in our district.</p><p><strong>An Urgent Need for More Space</strong></p><p>We are looking forward to a positive working relationship with the Minister and ministry staff. In her mandate letter, Minister Singh aims to respond to the needs of fast-growing communities. To that end, we shared that we desperately need financial support in this February 2023 budget for a new school in Pineview Valley, and we emphasized:</p><ul><li>Kamloops is in the top five fastest growing communities in BC.</li><li>May 19, 2021- Minister Whiteside announced support for a business case for Pineview Valley.</li><li>Since April 2021, we have completed 13 school catchment changes impacting 25% of our K-7 schools and re&ndash;opened a school in Southwest Kamloops.</li><li>McGowan Elementary School is at 160% utilization capacity with 4 portables. The 3 nearby schools that would be eligible to undergo a redistribution of students through a catchment change are at approximately 150% utilization capacity, on average, so they are overly full and relying on portables.</li><li>There is no room in nearby schools to do a catchment change, so our only option is a new school in Pineview Valley.</li></ul><p>We also shared that we urgently need a small financial contribution ($7.5 M) in this February 2023 budget to purchase the site for the Secondary School in Aberdeen.</p><ul><li>In 5 years, students in southwest Kamloops will need a secondary school.</li><li>The current high schools are anticipated to be at 146% capacity.</li><li>On April 11, 2022, we had written to Minister Whiteside to share that we have a one-time chance to buy the only existing land available in Aberdeen for a price of $6.1M, prior to December 31, 2022. We still have this option, but there is immense pressure on the owner to sell, and the cost of the land has increased.</li><li>Our Board has the required School Site Acquisition Charge system in place with the City of Kamloops. As of February 17, 2022, the School District had $10,948 in School Site Acquisition Charge funds to contribute to the purchase of the site. As of January 18, 2023, the school district has received approximately $163,000.</li><li>Securing this land is crucial to support our current and future secondary capacity needs in the southwest of Kamloops.</li></ul><p><strong>A Passion and Dedication to Co-creating Inclusive Spaces</strong></p><p>We shared the connection of a district priority to the Ministers&rsquo; mandate letter by declaring our passion for and dedication to co-creating inclusive spaces by working directly with students.&nbsp; The connection to Minister Singh&rsquo;s mandate letter: She aims to work with all staff, Boards of Education, teachers, parents, students, and other stakeholders to identify and address issues of racism in our education sector.</p><p>The purpose of Minister Singh&rsquo;s visit was to launch the <a href="/en/resources/Links/News-Release--Jan-23-2023.pdf" target="_blank">province&rsquo;s K-12 anti-racism action plan</a> during the first Student Equity Council Summit held at the Henry Grube Centre where 100+ students co-developed an ÌÇÐÄSwag K-12 Anti-racism action plan.</p><p>To provide a backdrop for her to understand why anti-racism work is so important in our district, we focused on our Cultural and Identity Development Priority and how it developed through consultation with students. Last year, while developing our District Strategic Plan, we learned through consultation with 2000+ students and staff that individuals experience barriers to feeling safe and included in our schools. During consultation, students shared examples of discrimination, harassment, and racism. They said that their dream would be &ldquo;to have every person feel proud of who they are- in all aspects of their identities such as their race, colour, sexual orientation, and gender identity or expression.&rdquo; Upon hearing these stories, our Board articulated the Cultural and Identity Development Priority- to make it a goal that every learner will feel safe and thrive personally and culturally. To achieve this goal, we knew that the best starting place was to understand learners&rsquo; lived experiences of racism, discrimination, sexism, harassment, and homophobia.</p><p>In this first year of our new District Strategic Plan, we are proud of our Inclusive Education team under the leadership of Assistant Superintendent Mochikas who has created student groups to bring students together to identify barriers to feeling safe in school and to act on them. As we identify and act on lessons learned from the lived experiences of our students, I am confident that we will create an action plan that enables us to make safe, inclusive, welcoming spaces for all of our students and staff. As a Board, we see that human rights education is central to ensuring equity where we can identify systemic barriers to students feeling safe and acting on them.</p><p>To finish her time in Kamloops, Minister Singh chose to visit Valleyview to see the new extension as her final stop before boarding her plane to return home on January 23, 2023. Her twenty-four visit was rich with sharing, learning, and seeing the benefits of working together towards more new spaces and more inclusive spaces. We enjoyed our visit with Minister Singh, and we truly appreciated that she made our district her first stop in her new role as the Minister of Education and Child Care.</p> /Modules/News/index.aspx?feedId=a34c7aa8-61a4-4301-b1ee-537197631df4&newsId=2d019b2a-71ea-4def-9de9-8e1055fe41bb Tue, 24 Jan 2023 21:30:00 GMT Parkcrest School Students and Staff Moving into George Hilliard Elementary <p>ÌÇÐÄSwag met with staff, parents and guardians of students from two schools over the weekend to reveal the first phase of the Parkcrest Recovery Plan, which will see all students and staff from Parkcrest move into George Hilliard Elementary by Monday, September 16.</p><p>&nbsp;&ldquo;We felt it important to show the plan to the Parkcrest Elementary School community, to the Four Directions Program and the Twin Rivers Education Centre Program (TREC), which are both housed at George Hilliard Elementary, before announcing it to the wider community,&rdquo; said ÌÇÐÄSwag Superintendent of Schools, Alison Sidow.</p><p>&nbsp;Following the loss of Parkcrest Elementary School to fire on September 5, ÌÇÐÄSwag staff worked to finalize a plan by September 7. The plan was presented to the Kamloops-Thompson Board of Education Sunday September 8, and then to staff, parents and guardians of Parkcrest, Four Directions and TREC on the same day. ÌÇÐÄSwag also met with Norkam Senior Secondary staff.</p><p>&nbsp;&ldquo;Things are moving fast, because we know the importance of getting the children back into their normal routine as soon as possible,&rdquo; Sidow said. &ldquo;This is a solid, workable plan that meets our key priorities, particularly in that it ensures the emotional safety and security and continuity of education of our youngest learners.&rdquo;</p><p>&nbsp;The Parkcrest Recovery Plan is as follows:</p><p>&nbsp;The Big Little Science Centre will be relocated. This location has yet to be confirmed.</p><ol start="1"><li>This will make room for the Four Directions students and staff, who will be relocated to the Happyvale Building which will be made available once relocation of the Big Little Science Centre is complete.</li><li>The Twin Rivers Education Centre students and staff will be relocated to NorKam.</li><li>The relocation of Four Directions and TREC students and staff will make George Hilliard Elementary available.</li><li>All Parkcrest students and staff will be relocated to George Hilliard Elementary.</li></ol><p>Details are still being worked through, and the plan will be discussed at the Board of Education meeting this evening. For example, during the meeting with Four Directions and TREC parents and guardians, concerns were raised about moving TREC students to NorKam.</p><p>&ldquo;This feedback is important and we are taking another look at what can be done for that part of the plan. The well-being of all our learners is a priority. And we appreciate that all parent groups and staff we spoke with understand that difficult choices have to be made,&rdquo; Sidow said.</p><p>As the plan is implemented, and Parkcrest Elementary students and staff begin their day on Monday, September 16 at George Hilliard School, other students and staff will also begin classes in their interim locations. Four Directions students and staff will be at the new United Way building on Tranquille Street. This is a temporary arrangement, until the Big Little Science Centre is relocated. Also on Monday, September 16, TREC staff and students are slated to begin classes at NorKam.</p><p>&ldquo;In the long term, we look forward to replacing Parkcrest Elementary, which will enable our alternate programs to return to their own site,&rdquo; said Sidow.</p> /Modules/News/index.aspx?feedId=a34c7aa8-61a4-4301-b1ee-537197631df4&newsId=bc8f2749-4ab1-4142-aa61-8f2f7be5e194 Mon, 09 Sep 2019 17:30:00 GMT Three Legacy Projects Approved <p>The Board of Education has approved three new Legacy Grants that total $30,000 in its spring round of applications. The funds are from the School District No. 73 Business Company dividend, which is used to provide financial assistance to parents and students through two rounds (fall and spring) of grants each year.</p><p>The recipients are Savona Elementary, Barriere Secondary and AE Perry schools.</p><p>&ldquo;These grants are made possible through the success of the ÌÇÐÄSwag Business Company and the District&rsquo;s strong fiscal management,&rdquo; said Rhonda Kershaw, Board Chair. &ldquo;We look forward to the successful completion of these projects.&rdquo;</p><p>&ldquo;These grants are made possible through the success of the ÌÇÐÄSwag Business Company,&rdquo; said Kelvin Stretch, Secretary-Treasurer. &ldquo;It&rsquo;s good to see the district utilize their annual business company dividend in support of these worthy projects.&rdquo;</p><p><strong>Savona Elementary</strong></p><p>Savona Elementary PAC has received $10,000 towards a new playground planned for the school.</p><p>&ldquo;We are so excited, and so grateful to everyone who contributed to this effort,&rdquo; said Savona Principal Krista Halland. &ldquo;Our school community and community partners have generously supported the PAC playground initiative and we have now raised over $25,000 toward new playground equipment. The school community will certainly benefit from the new additions to our playground. Thank you to everyone who has supported this initiative&rdquo;</p><p><strong>Barriere Secondary</strong></p><p>Barriere Secondary has received $10,000 to resurface its outdoor play and learn area.</p><p>&ldquo;If you know anything about Barriere Secondary, you know that we are basketball crazy,&rdquo; said Principal Angela Stott. &ldquo;It's been a tough year without our Cougar Classic, in-town competition, Okanagans and a chance to go to Provincials.&rdquo;</p><p>In the absence of these events, Stott said the school and its PAC began to advocate for funding to smooth out and resurface the asphalt area used by students and the community to play basketball outdoors. The project will almost double the playing area for the school.</p><p>&ldquo;We are grateful for the Legacy Grant and the community support we have received,&rdquo; Stott said. &ldquo;In addition to some school-based fundraising, we are very appreciative to community donors who have contributed to our fundraising efforts.</p><p>&ldquo;The Legacy Grant has helped to build community, support outdoor learning, and increase physical activity. It is a great day to be a Cougar!&rdquo;</p><p><strong>AE Perry</strong></p><p>AE Perry Elementary has received $10,000 for its &lsquo;Access for Everyone&rsquo; project, which will see a new play structure installed at the front of the school.</p><p>&ldquo;In addition to providing another play zone for kids to access, the plan is to have phased-in features in this structure that will address accessibility for children with disabilities in the future,&rdquo; AE Perry Principal Deanna Brady said. &ldquo;The work will be done in stages with the aim of giving more kids access to more ways and places to play.&rdquo;</p><p>She said the pandemic has been a game changer in what it revealed about separating children and having smaller groups playing on a structure.</p><p>&ldquo;We found that having fewer children in a play zone meant less competition, and a significant drop in behaviour issues,&rdquo; said Brady. &ldquo;With the addition of a third structure, we will be able to continue to rotate kids from one area to another, to keep this dynamic in play.&rdquo;</p><p>Brady is grateful to the PAC for its work in holding many fundraisers and putting the grant application together.</p><p>"We don&rsquo;t have the capacity to raise large amounts of money, and without this grant it would have taken several more years before we could do this,&rdquo; she said. &ldquo;I can&rsquo;t say enough about the dedicated efforts of our PAC.&rdquo;</p><p>Each Parent Advisory Council (PAC) and Family of Schools groups can apply, each spring and fall, for funding for playgrounds, recreational or social space, cultural enhancement projects or sustainability projects.</p><p>The next application deadline is September 30, 2021. Check the <a href="/en/community-parents-and-students/legacy-grant.aspx">District Legacy Grant</a> webpage for more information.</p> /Modules/News/index.aspx?feedId=a34c7aa8-61a4-4301-b1ee-537197631df4&newsId=9e9d4c86-ff88-425f-b857-9216b0167e7b Wed, 16 Jun 2021 15:30:00 GMT See you in September Westsyde Elementary <p>Minutes after the Board motion to reopen Westsyde Elementary School had passed on March 11, <strong>Jim McFadden</strong>, Manager of Buildings for the district, began emailing suppliers.</p><p>Paint, ceiling tiles, flooring, doors, lockers, whiteboards, light and plumbing fixtures, and millwork were just a few of the items required to start the project so that it would be complete in time for a September start.</p><p>Anticipation and pre-planning are just two of the reasons the renovation schedule for the first reopening of a school site in six years is going so smoothly.</p><p>It&rsquo;s also the approximately 30 ÌÇÐÄSwag tradespeople on site. McFadden estimates that seven-eighths of the district&rsquo;s tradespeople are on the job at Westsyde Elementary at any one time.&nbsp; The trades include carpenters, electricians, locksmith (just one, he looks like Santa), plumbers, painters, and HVAC.</p><p>&ldquo;This is going to be the nicest looking school in the district,&rdquo; McFadden said as he walked through the school. &ldquo;You&rsquo;d never believe it was the same building we looked at this spring.&rdquo;</p><p><iframe src="" frameborder="0" width="560" height="315"></iframe></p><p>Every ceiling tile has been replaced, each light fixture is now LED, the carpets have been replaced with a PVC flooring that requires no waxing. There&rsquo;s fresh, low VOC, paint throughout the inside and soon the exterior will shine as well.</p><p>The new colours on the exterior, along with the repaving and the playground that will be installed soon will brighten up the school that has been boarded up since it closed in 2006.</p><p>For his part, McFadden says opening schools is certainly more fun than closing them. The last time he was able to have so many trades concentrated in one place was the renovation of Twin Rivers and Four Directions five or six years ago.</p><p>Overall the building looked worse than it was. While there was some extra time needed to deal with the repair of a few exterior walls because of dry rot, to rebuilding several funky &lsquo;70s style angled walls, and to install a new kitchen, the project is on time. McFadden expects his crew will complete the job by the end of June.</p><p>Then they&rsquo;ll be working on maintenance projects they typically do each summer; installing portables (two at Brock, one at Valleyview, one at McGowan, moving two from David Thompson to Sa-Hali Elementary). There are new doors and windows to put in several schools, converting computer labs to LART rooms or classrooms at Pacific Way, Arthur Stevenson and Bert Edwards.&nbsp;&nbsp;</p><p>While his crews will be on to other work, McFadden will continue to oversee the work to set-up the fixtures at Westsyde Elementary and the refinishing of the gym floor. Then the cupboards will be filled with supplies, classrooms will be assigned to teachers, and the new doors of Westsyde Elementary will be ready to open wide Sept. 3.&nbsp;&nbsp;</p><p>&nbsp;</p><p>&nbsp;</p><p>&nbsp;</p><p>&nbsp;</p><p>&nbsp;</p><p>&nbsp;</p><p>&nbsp;</p> /Modules/News/index.aspx?feedId=a34c7aa8-61a4-4301-b1ee-537197631df4&newsId=43787a06-eb58-45e1-8461-92a06efc8a66 Fri, 14 Jun 2019 23:15:00 GMT ÌÇÐÄSwag and TRU continue partnership to enhance lifelong learning for students <p>Thompson Rivers University (TRU) and School District 73 (ÌÇÐÄSwag) have renewed their commitment to work together to enhance learning opportunities for students of all ages.</p><p>On Tuesday, Nov. 16, the two parties met to renew a partnership charter in which they agree to pursue several key values. The charter sets out several areas in which TRU and ÌÇÐÄSwag will collaborate to &ldquo;transform education to better meet the needs of current and future learners.&rdquo;</p><p>The charter&rsquo;s key values include commitments around accessibility, student engagement, enrolment trends and organizational responsiveness, equity, diversity and inclusion, educational advocacy and communication, and research and scholarship.</p><p>The agreement was signed by TRU President Brett Fairbairn, ÌÇÐÄSwag Superintendent Rhonda Nixon, Heather Grieve, chair of the ÌÇÐÄSwag Board of Education, and Marilyn McLean, chair of the TRU Board of Governors.</p><p>Fairbairn acknowledged the partnership&rsquo;s importance, saying significant numbers of high-school students from ÌÇÐÄSwag turn to TRU for their post-secondary education. Working together is natural and productive, he added, and it recognizes the mutually beneficial nature of TRU&rsquo;s relationship with ÌÇÐÄSwag.</p><p>&ldquo;This is an aspirational agreement that will encourage TRU and ÌÇÐÄSwag to consider each other as we serve the needs of our students,&rdquo; he said. &ldquo;By aligning our values in this way, we preserve and enhance the continuity of the educational experience for students and ensure their journey, from kindergarten through to post-secondary degree, is seamless, meaningful and empowering.&rdquo;</p><p>Nixon stated: &ldquo;TRU is a highly valued partner, and we look forward to continuing to innovate to meet the needs of our students as they transition into post-secondary.&rdquo;</p><p>Board Chair Grieve said, &ldquo;By recommitting to our relationship, we can reaffirm our values and work together towards a brighter future through quality education for all our students.&rdquo;</p><p>The agreement will be reviewed at least every five years. The original agreement was signed in 2010.</p> /Modules/News/index.aspx?feedId=a34c7aa8-61a4-4301-b1ee-537197631df4&newsId=d4da6162-3c62-42c3-95a0-9364ceb69023 Wed, 17 Nov 2021 19:00:00 GMT Time for Thanksgiving <div class="WordSection1"><p>Dear Parents and Caregivers:</p><p>Thank you for your dedication to helping our children focus on learning and making their health and safety our top priority. Due to the several announcements shared by the Ministries of Health and Education this past week, my update will be about what our district is doing to implement the Provincial Health Officer&rsquo;s orders and Interior Health guidelines.</p><p>On October 1, 2021, the Provincial Health Officer of British Columbia announced that rising COVID-19 case numbers in some regions of British Columbia, including Kamloops-Thompson, resulted in making masks mandatory for K-12 students. This additional layer of protection is part of routine health and safety protocols in our district:</p><ul><li>Completing <a href="/en/community-parents-and-students/resources/CDPP/Daily-Health-Check.pdf">daily health checks</a></li><li>Staying home when sick</li><li>Wearing masks indoors and on busses</li><li>Washing hands and using hand sanitizer</li><li>Covering our mouths when we cough</li><li>Keeping respectful personal distances</li><li>Using specific entrances and exits</li><li>Limiting visitors to schools</li><li>Staying within gathering guidelines and limiting congestion within small spaces such as hallways</li><li>Using recommended HVAC filters and air flow procedures</li><li>Cleaning, sanitizing, and disinfecting in all areas</li></ul><p>The number of potential exposures to COVID-19 in our schools has been posted on <a href="">Interior Health&rsquo;s website</a>. School District staff continue to rely on Interior Health&rsquo;s reporting of potential exposures rather than sharing information about cases in the community that may not be confirmed by Interior Health. We rely on Interior Health only for the following reasons:</p><ul><li>As per Public Health guidelines, not all school cases are infectious at school, so advising about these has no benefit to the school community.</li><li>Public Health has the expertise to do the exposure assessment and will post on their website when the assessment is complete.</li><li>Further notification beyond what Public Health provides can be harmful, promote rumours, and breach privacy of individuals.</li></ul></div><p>Interior Health&rsquo;s <a href="/en/community-parents-and-students/resources/CDPP/Contact_tracing_schools_2021.pdf">contact tracing</a> confirms that the greatest risk of transmission is during activities taking place outside of school. The Ministry of Education has updated the <a href="">Provincial COVID-19 Communicable Disease Guidelines for K-12 Settings</a> with this change in measures for schools, and we have updated our <a href="/en/community-parents-and-students/resources/CDPP/ÌÇÐÄSwag-CDPP-Safe-and-Healthy-Facilities.pdf">District Communicable</a> <a href="/en/community-parents-and-students/resources/CDPP/ÌÇÐÄSwag-CDPP-Safe-and-Healthy-Facilities.pdf">Disease Prevention Plan</a>. While we have learned a lot over the last 18 months about keeping our children safe, Dr. Henry emphasized that it is immunization of those who are eligible that will offer the greatest protection for our children who are too young to be vaccinated. We continue to encourage everyone who can to get vaccinated.</p><p>While media announcements have been made about mandatory staff vaccinations for public service employees, boards of education are not part of this public sector decision. Each board of education is the employer for their own employee groups. Therefore, individual boards of education will need to make this decision based on provincial direction and local stakeholder information. Our Board of Education will make a decision based on information forthcoming from a provincial advisory committee that has been established and based on consultation with our local employee stakeholders, and any other factors that arise as the Board of Education examines this issue. We will keep everyone informed in a timely way.</p><p>Thank you for continuing to support each and learn together. Although the pandemic has been a challenge, we have so much to be grateful for as we begin our Thanksgiving weekend. We have our families and friends and time to take care of each other this long weekend.</p><p>Rhonda Nixon, PhD</p><p>Superintendent</p> /Modules/News/index.aspx?feedId=a34c7aa8-61a4-4301-b1ee-537197631df4&newsId=80da6a32-3909-4d00-92b4-953cdfd466cb Tue, 12 Oct 2021 14:00:00 GMT Board Notes <p><strong>EDUCATION TOPIC</strong></p><p><strong>Honoured by the District Honour Choir<br /></strong><strong>Christy Gauley,&nbsp;</strong>Choir Director<strong>,&nbsp;</strong>assisted by<strong>&nbsp;Rachel Casponi&nbsp;</strong>led a few members of the&nbsp;<strong>Kamloops Thompson Honour Choir&nbsp;</strong>(grades 5 to 8) through Build Me a World, and Bidi Bom before persuading the board, staff and the gathered audience to join in a sing-a-long to Jingle Bell Rock and We Wish You A Merry Christmas. The choir of&nbsp;<strong>Brooklynn, Robert Fraizer, Jacob Marchand, Ryan Sherlock, Ryan Zeeshan, Violet Lewis, Kianna Reed, Jakob Chapin, Lauren Schnider</strong>&nbsp;and<strong>&nbsp;Kylee Koppes</strong>&nbsp;were accompanied by&nbsp;<strong>Kerry Tarnawsky</strong>&nbsp;on piano</p><p><strong>PUBLIC INQUIRIES, PETITIONS AND WRITTEN PRESENTATIONS</strong></p><p class="p1"><strong>2018 Owl Award for Excellence in Education<br /></strong><strong>Fiona Clare</strong>, Literacy Outreach Coordinator for Literacy in Kamloops was recognized with the Award for Excellence in Public Education for her contributions to learning throughout the region. Her legacy to literacy began by coordinating the One-to-One Reading Program at Barriere Ridge Primary in 1998 when it was first introduced to seven schools. The program soon grew and now includes 22 of 33 in the district.&nbsp; <a title="Owl Awarded for Sparking Love of Reading" href="/Modules/News/index.aspx?newsId=2139e333-dba6-4db0-bd1c-2175c985313c" target="_self">Read more here.&nbsp;</a></p><p class="p1"><strong>SUPERINTENDENT REPORT</strong></p><p class="p1"><strong>School Completion Progress<br /></strong>In the Six-Year Completion Rate Data released by the Ministry of Education, ÌÇÐÄSwag has obtained an 88% completion rate for resident students in 2017-2018 and is moving closer to its goal of a 90% completion rate and parity for Aboriginal students. Aboriginal student completion rates were at 78% during the same reporting period. Since 2004-2005 the gap between All Students and Aboriginal Students has narrowed considerably. <a title="Ministry of Education Completion Rates" href="">More at the Ministry of Education.&nbsp;</a></p><p class="p1"><strong>Vavenby Elementary School<br /></strong>The PAC at Vavenby Elementary has asked the Board to consider reconfiguring the school to include grade 5 for the 2019-2020 school year. Assistant Superintendent <strong>Rob Schoen</strong> recommends further consultation with the PAC, Principal <strong>Lori Bradstock, </strong>along with Chair<strong> Kathleen Karpuk </strong>and Trustee<strong> Shelley Sim </strong>as <a title="Policy 1115.1" href=";location=1488&amp;preview=1745">per Policy 1115.1 School Planning and Organization.</a></p><p class="p1"><strong>SECRETARY-TREASURER REPORT</strong></p><p class="p1"><strong>Long Range Facilities Plan&nbsp;<br /></strong>The Long-Range Facilities Plan (LRFP) drafted by Director <strong>Art McDonald</strong> and Assistant Superintendents <strong>Bill Hamblett</strong> and <strong>Rob Schoen</strong> has articulated the challenges the district faces in light of growing enrollment and diminishing classroom spaces. Recommendations include a public consultation process regarding the re-opening of Westsyde Elementary, the purchase of six (6) additional portables for an estimated cost of $900,000 and the purchase of four (4) additional school buses at an estimated cost of $560,000 to deal with 2019-2020 projected enrollment growth. <a title="Long Range Facilities Plan" href="">Read </a>full<a title="Long Range Facilities Plan" href=""> report here</a>.</p><p class="p1"><strong>Trustee Remuneration&nbsp;</strong></p><p class="p2">A slight increase to trustee stipends has been approved to offset changes by the Canadian Revenue Agency and to bring the board more in line with other districts with similar student enrollments resulting in total increases of $3,226 for the Chair, $2,727 for the Vice Chair and $2,329 for Trustees.&nbsp;</p><p class="p1"><strong>CHAIR REPORT</strong></p><p class="p1"><strong>BC Winter Games<br /></strong>ÌÇÐÄSwag was one of seven local organizations to benefit from the allocation of the BC Winter Games Legacy Fund. Chair <strong>Kathleen Karpuk</strong> and Assistant Superintendent <strong>Bill Hamblett</strong> were on hand to receive the $10,000 on behalf of the District on Thursday, December 13, 2018. <a title="Winter Games Legacy" href="/Modules/News/index.aspx?newsId=40649e06-55d3-41d9-a803-b7bc35fb23e6">Read more here.</a></p><p class="p1"><strong>RCMP Youth Advisory Council<br /></strong>Held December 14, a panel consisting of Chair <strong>Karpuk</strong> , RCMP Superintendent <strong>Sid Lecky</strong>, Mayor <strong>Ken Christian</strong>, District Principal <strong>Vessy Mochikas</strong>, and a representative from Child and Youth Mental Health responded to questions from youth related to cannabis, vaping, health education, consent and a multitude of other topics. The students were articulate with direct and well thought out questions. <a title="RCMP Youth Advisory" href="/Modules/News/index.aspx?newsId=7f0e6eee-7c17-4abe-9487-837f67a9a82c">Read more here.</a>&nbsp;</p><p class="p1">&nbsp;</p><p class="p1">&nbsp;</p><p class="p1">&nbsp;</p><p class="p1">&nbsp;</p><p class="p1">&nbsp;</p><p class="p1">&nbsp;</p><p class="p1">&nbsp;</p><p class="p1">&nbsp;</p><p class="p1">&nbsp;</p><p class="p1">&nbsp;</p><p class="p1">&nbsp;</p><p class="p1"><strong>&nbsp;</strong></p><p class="p1">&nbsp;</p> /Modules/News/index.aspx?feedId=a34c7aa8-61a4-4301-b1ee-537197631df4&newsId=b3b9d58e-06b0-4bf7-9dd4-955961d0f807 Thu, 20 Dec 2018 16:45:00 GMT Board Supports Provincial Updated Pandemic Guidelines <p>By Rhonda Kershaw, Board Chair</p><p>The recent updates to the guidelines by the Ministry of Education provide enhancements to our existing processes and build on lessons learned throughout the province to date.&nbsp;We welcome these enhancements to what is already a strong position of safety and look forward to implementing them within our schools.</p><p>We face our fair share of challenges as our education system provides vital services to children during this pandemic.&nbsp;While we can never live in a risk-free world, our staff and students have risen to the challenge to provide a safe environment for learners to thrive in.&nbsp;</p><p>While there have been school exposures throughout the Province, there are still very low rates of transmission within our schools.&nbsp;When we re-opened schools this past September the Board of Education was committed to ensuring safety for students and staff.&nbsp; We are proud that our administration has ensured a clear, open and transparent process where parents are provided with all relevant information.</p><p>To this point, the Board also believes the Health and Safety Guidelines are working, and our schools remain safe places of learning. As with any risk, we can never reduce exposure risk to zero in a global pandemic. We are succeeding in limiting COVID-19 transmission within our schools, and we believe this is the best place for student learning to occur.&nbsp;</p><p>Every school safety plan is a living document that needs to adapt and change as circumstances evolve.&nbsp;Over the past months, in consultation with partner groups and healthcare professionals the Ministry of Education has revised and now updated regulations.</p><p>Among the changes to the announced health and safety guidelines are clarifications on some specific interactions within schools as well as more clear definitions for some of the key terms we will now see used as everyday language.&nbsp;</p><p>One advantage we have within a school community is that they are controlled environments.&nbsp;We have the ability to limit who enters our buildings, which in turn facilitates contact tracing when a potential exposure is identified.&nbsp;</p><p>Multiple lines of defense also exist within our buildings to limit transmission of COVID-19, including increased handwashing, limited student movement, increased spacing and masks, to ensure staff and students can continue learning in safe environments.&nbsp;We rely on the advice of public health officials and adapt our safety plans wherever required as the understanding of this virus evolves.&nbsp;&nbsp;</p><p>We encourage parents to visit the&nbsp;Provincial Health services micro-site at <a href=""></a> and to check out the parent app which can be found at &nbsp;<a href=""></a>. These sites will provide parents and interested parties with COVID-19 information specific to education and tools for self-assessment.&nbsp;Parents and caregivers can also download a smartphone application that guides them through the daily health check process. This information is designed to help daily decision making prior to attending school each morning.&nbsp;</p><p>As a parent, I understand the anxiety and concern we share regarding the safety of students.&nbsp;As a Board and an organization, we will continue to be transparent and timely while recognizing that our approach and plans may have to adapt to new circumstances.&nbsp;</p><p>To this point we have been successful at keeping safety at the forefront, while still providing students with a quality in-person education.&nbsp;This is in no small part attributable to herculean efforts on the parts of staff at all levels, students and their families. We would like to thank everyone for continuing these efforts and look forward to a successful remainder of the year.</p> /Modules/News/index.aspx?feedId=a34c7aa8-61a4-4301-b1ee-537197631df4&newsId=19269250-6281-4551-b93f-959fc4ed8ee8 Fri, 05 Feb 2021 23:45:00 GMT District Learning Plan 2022- Moving Into Action <p dir="ltr">The Kamloops-Thompson Board of Education approved the <a title="District Learning Plan 2022" href="/en/schools-programs/resources/District_Learning_Plan_2022.pdf">District Learning Plan 2022 </a>at the Regular Public Board Meeting on Monday, August 29, 2022, to submit to the Ministry of Education on or before September 30, 2022.</p><p dir="ltr">The plan shares District student achievement results based on provincial standards and local measures and articulates how to improve student learning in the areas of intellectual development (literacy, numeracy, and grade-to-grade transitions), human and social development (feel safe, welcome, sense of belonging and connectedness), and career development (graduation and transition to post-secondary).&nbsp;</p><p>&ldquo;Our Board of Education is responsible for understanding areas of strength and priorities for improvement based on results. I am confident that we have had a comprehensive overview of results with clear &lsquo;moving into action&rsquo; plans,&rdquo; said Board Chair Heather Grieve. &ldquo;The plan focuses on steps for system-wide improvement and aims for high standards for all students through quality teaching and leadership.&rdquo;&nbsp;</p><p>&ldquo;Leadership at all levels of the district collaborated to determine how best to move into action with our 2022-2027 mission&ndash; supporting learning opportunities and environments which inspire students to thrive,&rdquo; explained Superintendent Dr. Rhonda Nixon. &ldquo;The District Learning Plan frames the work in each of the District&rsquo;s 48 school&rsquo;s learning plans and the 14 department work plans.&rdquo;</p><p><strong>Summary of District Learning Plan results and action plans:</strong></p><p><strong>Intellectual Development:<br /><br /></strong>Over four years, ÌÇÐÄSwag celebrates performing at or just above the province in literacy, numeracy, and grade-to-grade transitions. We are proud that ÌÇÐÄSwag Aboriginal students outperformed provincial peers in each of these standards. Our priority is to improve ÌÇÐÄSwag Aboriginal students&rsquo; likelihood of achieving the same or better results compared to ÌÇÐÄSwag non-Aboriginal students in literacy, numeracy, and moving grade to grade on time. Additionally, ÌÇÐÄSwag students with diverse needs did not consistently achieve at the same level of proficiency in reading, numeracy, and grade-to-grade transitions compared to their provincial peers.&nbsp;</p><p>Moving into action is about starting earlier to make a difference to Aboriginal students and students with diverse needs&rsquo; life chances to become literate, numerate, and engaged in school. Early reading and numeracy interventions and assessments are a focus for 2022-2023. Because we have received government funds to hire a District Principal, Early Learning and Child Care, it is timely to focus more intentionally on these goals at pre-Kindergarten and Kindergarten contexts.</p><p><strong>Human and Social Development:</strong></p><p>ÌÇÐÄSwag celebrates performing at or just above the province in identifying two or more adults who care about them in grades 4-10. However, in all other measures (feeling safe, welcome, sense of belonging), ÌÇÐÄSwag students fall slightly below their provincial peers. However, student results had an upswing in all categories except for feeling safe in 2020-2021. ÌÇÐÄSwag Aboriginal students and students with diverse needs experienced a more pronounced gap over 4 years and a more pronounced upswing in 2020-2021.&nbsp;</p><p>Moving into action will mean seeking and understanding student perspectives on what contributed to the upswing and how best to replicate these promising practices. Additionally, we started and will expand a successful pilot teaching social-emotional learning practices in schools, continue professional learning about all aspects of human rights education and a framework to address harassment, racism, sexism, homophobia, and transphobia, while also continuing comprehensive health education (mental health, physical health, sexual health, and healthy relationships), and inclusive pedagogies and practices.&nbsp;</p><p><strong>Career Development:</strong> <br /><br />ÌÇÐÄSwag high schools are more likely to graduate in 5 years compared to high school students provincially. Aboriginal students have improved their chances to graduate over 15 years by as much as 32.5%. This increase has been acknowledged provincially as exceptional because ÌÇÐÄSwag has improved Aboriginal students&rsquo; chances of graduating more than most districts provincially. However, ÌÇÐÄSwag Aboriginal high school students when compared to ÌÇÐÄSwag non-Aboriginal students are less likely to graduate in 5 years or 6 years. Similarly, ÌÇÐÄSwag students with diverse needs are also less likely to graduate in 5 years when compared to provincial peers.</p><p>Moving into action is about examining closely why students stay or leave their secondary school programs and to implement effective practices that meet students&rsquo; unique needs. High school completion and transition to post-secondary starts with understanding what students need to make these transitions successfully socially, emotionally, and academically. The key to positive change is to examine students&rsquo; transition needs and experiences earlier (elementary to intermediate to secondary).</p><p>&nbsp;</p><p><a title="District Learning Plan 2022" href="/en/schools-programs/resources/District_Learning_Plan_2022.pdf">District Learning Plan 2022</a></p><p><a title="DLP Appendix B" href="/en/schools-programs/resources/Appendix-B---District-Learning-Plan-2022.pdf">Appendix B&nbsp;</a></p><p><br /><br /><br /><br /></p> /Modules/News/index.aspx?feedId=a34c7aa8-61a4-4301-b1ee-537197631df4&newsId=aeddfd88-2c9b-4a33-a404-96396601c44b Tue, 30 Aug 2022 16:30:00 GMT A School Year to Remember <p>By Meghan Wade, Trustee</p><p>June 30, 2020</p><p>It has been an interesting school year to say the least. The ÌÇÐÄSwag Community has survived and been strengthened by the reopening of Westsyde Elementary, the loss of a school building and a continuing global pandemic. Together we located, renovated and equipped alternative learning spaces within weeks of Parkcrest Elementary being destroyed. Together, we were the first District in the Province to begin supporting and connecting with our learners online when schools were closed by the Minister of Education on March 17.</p><p>But all this you know. What about the many things that have also happened in ÌÇÐÄSwag during these interesting times to support and celebrate our learners and staff?</p><p>ÌÇÐÄSwag staff from every department, function and area of the District leaned in to find different strategies and avenues to stay connected and keep our learners at the center of what we do.</p><p>These efforts and innovations during such challenging conditions must be acknowledged and celebrated. It is not possible to mention all the amazing things staff have created and implemented over the past three months. The following is simply a sample. The Rotary Starfish Backpack project for vulnerable students continued. Schools organized parades through their neighborhoods to demonstrate their caring and commitment to students. The District&rsquo;s Spiral of Inquiry 2020 which was part of a Networks of Inquiry and Indigenous Education project continued involving staff and students from Valleyview Secondary and Barriere Secondary. The District&rsquo;s Young Artists and Young Authors Conferences occurred virtually this year and the results were outstanding. Our Strong Start programs continued virtually and through the outreach efforts of the coordinators. Student Voice members continued with their important Kamloops Vaping Inquiry project with the support of staff. Clearwater Senior Secondary (CSS) due to the efforts of their Junior Council, school staff, Principal Coates and the local community raised $50,000 to support a variety of school-based initiatives. Staff and parents at every high school must be congratulated for their creative measures to make Essential Grads 2020 special and unique to each school.</p><p>This list is endless and permeates throughout the District. All of this was possible because of the caring professionals in every part of this District regardless of role or duties.It took leadership, collaboration, determination, and community. Leading the District through this has been Superintendent Alison Sidow, which brings up the final challenge ÌÇÐÄSwag has this year: We must now find our next Superintendent before the start of the new school year and we must wish Superintendent Sidow a wonderful retirement. It will not be easy, but we will do it, because she has taught us by her example how to lean in through challenges, how to come together and how to build the solution.</p><p>Superintendent Sidow has left a legacy of cultural diversity and learning, student centered decision making, staff empowerment, employee engagement, strategic planning, new curriculum implementation, graduation rates improvement for all students, bringing graduation rates for our indigenous students to one of the highest in the Province and let us not forget an addition to Valleyview (the first capital project in ÌÇÐÄSwag in 18 years). Her leadership has kept ÌÇÐÄSwag one of the strongest, more progressive districts in B.C. Thank you does not seem quite enough, but it is all she would ever expect and accept. Thank you Superintendent Sidow.</p><p>This column appeared in Kamloops This Week: View from ÌÇÐÄSwag on June 30, 2020.</p> /Modules/News/index.aspx?feedId=a34c7aa8-61a4-4301-b1ee-537197631df4&newsId=1aad44e2-c7b0-4763-af33-9679ab27bb26 Tue, 30 Jun 2020 21:00:00 GMT Barriere Secondary Icon Receives Owl Award <p>The Kamloops-Thompson school board has recognized an outstanding educator with long ties to the District with its 2020-2021 Owl Award.</p><p>&ldquo;We are proud to recognize Glenn Andrews for his contributions to his school and local community and for being a champion of education in a rural setting,&rdquo; said Board Chair Rhonda Kershaw. &ldquo;He is a pillar of the community through his selflessness and is a role model for others, young and old.&rdquo;</p><p>Glenn Andrews spent the majority of his 35-year teaching career at Barriere Secondary School (BSS). Since retiring in 2004 he has remained connected to the school in many ways, including as a volunteer instructor with the District Strings Program for the last ten years.</p><p>A founder of the BSS Wall of Distinction, Andrews continues to recognize and celebrate the accomplishments of alumni through the Wall, many of whom have made an undeniable impact in all facets of society. <br /> <br /> &ldquo;Glenn was passionate about his students processing a broad world knowledge, while remaining connected to their community and taking on service leadership roles that would contribute to strong citizenship skills,&rdquo; said Cory Carmichael, principal at Twin Rivers Education Centre, who presented the Owl Award to Andrews, Monday, June 28 on behalf of the Board of Education.</p><p>&ldquo;During my 35 years with Barriere Secondary, and all my years scouting I know of many who are more deserving of this honour,&rdquo; Andrews said. &ldquo;But when I think back on it all, it is humbling to know that former students, scouts and my peers have nominated me.&rdquo;</p><p>Andrews takes a holistic approach to his volunteer service, contributing to school, to the community, to youth through music and sports, and to charities through his work at the local thrift store.</p><p>A Scout Leader at 15, Andrews says it was a natural transition to head into teaching as a career. His passion for history and social studies determined the subject area, and a chance encounter with a school board official on a train ride through the North Thompson Valley one January clinched his decision about the community.</p><p>&ldquo;I had three job offers in 1964,&rdquo; he said. &ldquo;Ft. St. John, Prince Rupert and the North Thompson. I had met a school trustee on the train the previous winter. Raised in Greater Vancouver, I was fascinated by a school district where officials traveled to communities by train because there were no roads.&rdquo;</p><p>&ldquo;He has spent countless hours, if not years, volunteering for organizations that support youth, families and the community as a whole,&rdquo; said Carmichael, who is also a former student of Andrews.</p><p>Carmichael said in his nominating letter that Andrews &ldquo;&hellip;has never strayed from his dedication, hard work and service to community in an effort to create enriching opportunities for all residents, young and old.&rdquo;</p><p>Jonathan Brady, principal at NorKam Secondary, has known Glenn Andrews for nearly 40 years as his Scout Leader and high school teacher. He describes his mentor as &ldquo;kind, thoughtful, dedicated and supportive. He has been, and continues to be, an exemplary educator in the community of Barriere&rdquo;.</p><p>During his tenure at BSS, Andrews is remembered for organizing the annual Memorial Day services, coaching Jr. Girls Basketball and volleyball and sponsoring the Debate and Chess Clubs.</p><p>The Owl Award was established in 2014 by then Superintendent Dr. Terry Sullivan. It recognizes individuals,&nbsp;groups or organizations for their significant,&nbsp;system-wide and outstanding contributions to public education in the District&nbsp;for five years or more, and their &nbsp;positive, significant&nbsp;impact on the development of students,&nbsp;parents,&nbsp;teachers,&nbsp;support staff and educational leaders.</p><p>The review team recommended Glenn Andrews as the 2020 - 2021 recipient of this Award for Excellence in Public Education. The team members are Rhonda Kershaw, Board Chair; Terry Sullivan, Superintendent; Rob Schoen, ÌÇÐÄSwag International Education; Michael Bowden, ÌÇÐÄSwag Aboriginal Education; and Sherri Lakusta, Chair of the District Parent Advisory Committee.</p><p>Past Owl Award Recipients:</p><ul><li>2019 - 2020&nbsp;&mdash;&nbsp;Robert Hogeveen, a long-standing advocate for music education.&nbsp;</li><li>2018 - 2019 &mdash;&nbsp;Fiona Clare, for her&nbsp;contributions&nbsp;to learning throughout the region. &nbsp;&nbsp;</li><li>2017 - 2018 &mdash; Nathan Matthew, for his work in developing and supporting Aboriginal Education in ÌÇÐÄSwag&nbsp;</li><li>2016 - 2015 &mdash;&nbsp;Chris Rose, whose long career in Special Education had tremendous impact on the lives and learning experiences of generations of children, particularly those with autism.</li><li>2014 - 2015 &mdash;&nbsp;North Rotary Club, for more than 40 years of support and hard work at the McQueen Lake Environmental Education Centre</li></ul> /Modules/News/index.aspx?feedId=a34c7aa8-61a4-4301-b1ee-537197631df4&newsId=0105ecb9-485a-41f1-9a2e-96a42b8100ca Wed, 30 Jun 2021 22:15:00 GMT Board to Consider Several Catchment Area Changes <div class="WordSection1"><p><strong>&nbsp;</strong>The Kamloops-Thompson Board of Education is serving notice of four proposed catchment boundary changes and the re-opening of a school being considered for September, 2022.</p><p>In order to manage enrolment levels, District staff is recommending to the Board of Education that a change be made to catchment areas for Aberdeen/Pacific Way, Sa-Hali/SKSS, Dallas/RL Clemitson, Juniper Ridge/Marion Schilling, and the reopening of Ralph Bell Elementary School.&nbsp;</p><p>&rdquo;Many of our facilities in Kamloops are experiencing significant space pressures.&nbsp; The Board appreciates the comprehensive recommendations prepared by staff and look forward to the public consultation process to gather community input on these potential changes,&rdquo;&nbsp; said Board Chair Rhonda Kershaw. &ldquo;Any boundary changes could relieve significant pressure points, but the only long-term solution as identified in the Long Range Facilities plan presented are new schools within Kamloops.&rdquo;</p><p>The catchment changes would shift the boundary areas of various schools affecting students in several neighbourhoods throughout the city of Kamloops.</p><p>&ldquo;When we looked at this year&rsquo;s Long-Range Facilities&rsquo; Plan we could see that we need to take action now in light of the future enrolment pressures that schools were facing, &rdquo; said Terry Sullivan, Superintendent.</p><p>While changes in School Boundaries and catchment areas do not require a public consultation process, given the significance of the changes being proposed and the connections of some of the proposed changes to the reopening of Ralph Bell Elementary School, Sullivan noted that it was important that a similar consultation process be considered for input into the proposed changes in school boundaries and catchment areas and the Board makes the final decision on these proposed changes following the consultation processes.</p><p><strong>Aberdeen/Pacific Way, Sa-Hali/SKSS, Dallas/RL Clemitson</strong></p><p>For the proposed boundary reviews of Aberdeen/Pacific Way, Sa-Hali/SKSS, and Dallas/RL Clemitson, a period of public consultation will be held from Apr.13 to Jun. 4, with public meetings (via Zoom) to be held on Tuesday, April 27, Thursday, April 29, and Tuesday, May 4, 2021.</p><p><strong>Juniper Ridge/Marion Schilling and Ralph Bell</strong></p><p>For the proposed boundary review of Juniper Ridge/Marion Schilling and proposed re-opening of Ralph Bell Elementary<strong>, </strong>a 60-day period of public consultation as per Board Policy 13, will be confirmed after a review of the Board Report by the Board&rsquo;s Education, and Finance and Planning Committees, and a recommendation to the Board on April 19, 2021.</p><p>Anyone wishing to speak at these meetings will be asked to register for a 10-minute time slot. Anyone with a question to add to the FAQ is asked to email <a href=""></a>.</p><p>The Board of Education will be considering all the public input before making its decision on June 14, 2021 for the Aberdeen/Pacific Way, Sa-Hali/SKSS and Dallas/RL Clemitson</p><p>catchment changes and on June 28, 2021 for the Juniper Ridge/Marion Schillingcatchment changes and the reopening of Ralph Bell.</p><p align="center">-30-</p><p>&nbsp;</p></div><p><strong>&nbsp;</strong></p><div class="WordSection2">&nbsp;</div><p>&nbsp;</p> /Modules/News/index.aspx?feedId=a34c7aa8-61a4-4301-b1ee-537197631df4&newsId=8364b768-271c-425b-8193-96ccd2f01193 Tue, 13 Apr 2021 17:30:00 GMT ÌÇÐÄSwag plans consultation to re-open Westsyde Elementary School this September <p>School District 73 will begin the consultation process to re-draw the David Thompson Elementary catchment area and re-open Westsyde Elementary School for September 2019.&nbsp; Trustees approved the recommendations on Jan. 14.</p><p>The David Thompson Elementary parent community is invited to a town hall meeting to discuss the changes on January 30, at 7 p.m. at David Thompson Elementary School. The board will continue to receive petitions and presentations from the community until February 28, 2019.</p><p>&ldquo;School Catchments are rarely permanent,&rdquo; said Alison Sidow, Superintendent. &ldquo;Each school has a limited enrollment capacity and neighborhoods evolve as demographics change.&rdquo;</p><p>Elementary schools in Kamloops typically accommodate 300 to 400 students. David Thompson Elementary School is currently at 125 per cent of its capacity, with projected enrollments expected to stay at that level.</p><p>&ldquo;David Thompson is one of the smallest buildings in our district with 400 students,&rdquo; said Rob Shoen, Assistant Superintendent, Elementary.&nbsp; &ldquo;Its lack of space means there is a challenge in accommodating learning assistance spaces, interdisciplinary team meetings and providing regular access to common areas such as the library and gymnasium in the school.&rsquo;</p><p>We think it makes good sense to make use of the available space in the nearby school and not use portables at David Thompson.&rdquo;</p><p>With the proposed changes, the district expects to see 250 students enrolled in David Thompson, and 175 students enrolled in Westsyde. By 2023, the district projects an enrollment of 299 students at David Thompson, and 208 at Westsyde.</p><p>The estimated cost to re-open Westsyde Elementary is approximately $1.2 million. The budget allows for new library books, desks, sporting equipment and renovations to the school, including the playground.</p><p>The proposed catchment change and re-opening of Westsyde Elementary is one of the recommendations set out in the school district&rsquo;s Long Range Facilities Plan (LRFP), which was approved by the board in December 2018.</p><p>The LRFP is in place to address projected increasing enrollment levels. The school district is seeking funding for the priorities outlined in the plan, including its top three priorities: a $24 million expansion of Valleyview Secondary School; an $8 million expansion of Westmont school, and a new $18 million school in Pineview Valley.</p><p>&nbsp;</p><p>&nbsp;</p> /Modules/News/index.aspx?feedId=a34c7aa8-61a4-4301-b1ee-537197631df4&newsId=70225dad-2930-4433-af71-9e37afbf86be Thu, 17 Jan 2019 23:30:00 GMT Elementary Career Education in Action <p>Career Education is part of the core curriculum for every student in British Columbia&rsquo;s K-12 education system.</p><p>In the elementary years, career education focuses on expanding each students&rsquo; sense of self by asking them to explore who they want to be in the world, making positive community connections, and expanding horizons by learning about multiple careers and career areas.</p><p>One of this year&rsquo;s priorities for the District Career Development Department is to support curriculum delivery for Kindergarten to grade 7 career education, which Allisson Badger, Career Education Coordinator, noted at the Regular Board Meeting on April 11, &ldquo;can be challenging. It&rsquo;s easy to tell students in high school that they need to make a life plan and that they&rsquo;ve got to be prepared for tomorrow and the transitions of tomorrow. But this starts early, as the goal of career development is to increase aspirations and broaden horizons in elementary school to help students transition to secondary school and beyond.&rdquo;</p><p>Part of Badger&rsquo;s role is providing classrooms with expertise and resources, as well as thinking outside the box when it comes to elementary career conversations.</p><p>&ldquo;It&rsquo;s not about one job. It&rsquo;s about connecting to job <em>areas</em>,&rdquo; said Badger.</p><p>So what does career education look like in elementary schools? Guest visitors, field trips, <a href="/Modules/News/index.aspx?feedId=10c49675-bbce-4733-a8c0-fbbd3a3ec9ae,be1116c5-ab98-434e-8a10-8a00f49b774c,208dc79b-e7d6-4c56-be49-d1a958ce7890,22ff3110-d793-43a6-840c-c4111ce97696,bea72a8a-9acb-4e39-a622-a93619bbcb20,609debc8-f306-4231-82f6-0ccdd05741ff,1a8871c1-91be-45ab-b39d-92ef36375147,f8da9119-5861-4244-9bef-1bcc52d3b354,864e5895-2441-42e4-88b6-d6159a4c573e,693bbd8a-7a76-4569-a4cc-0a6c73399faf&amp;keyword=possible&amp;page=2&amp;newsId=cee7314b-ae77-414d-bbc8-9bcbe1b0906a">class compositions connecting to community and inspiring hope</a>, hands-on experiences, projects, interview questions sent home to ask a parent/guardian, among other opportunities.</p><p>&ldquo;When we&rsquo;re looking at career education,&rdquo; said Badger, &ldquo;it&rsquo;s those three pillars of &lsquo;who do I want to be,&rsquo; &lsquo;how do I want to participate in my community&rsquo;, and &lsquo;I have many possible future selves.&rsquo;&rdquo;</p><p>Badger, along with the Career Development Department, recently developed K-7 career education guidebooks that include lesson plans, resources, and ideas with contributions and collaboration from a focus group comprised of District teachers Shannon Beeds (Parkcrest Elementary), Rae-Lee Murray (Raft River Elementary), Julie Burns (RLC), Ashlea Davey (Juniper Ridge Elementary), Leslie Kossey (McGowan Elementary), Diana Cattermole (AE Perry), Barb Primus (Westmount Elementary), and Sarah Eves (Logan Lake Elementary).</p><p>Additionally, the Department successfully acquired 35 elementary school kits of career education resources, which will be beneficial in furthering career curriculum among young students.</p><p>&ldquo;Students need their core competencies and they need that hope,&rdquo; said Badger. &ldquo;They need that aspiration to raise their hand and take a risk. That starts in Kindergarten through building blocks and through exposure. We can expand horizons by making sure that students build their exposures and have more career experiences in their classrooms.&rdquo;</p><p>&ldquo;I love the fact that it&rsquo;s going in early so it becomes a very natural discussion,&rdquo; said Trustee Shelley Sim.</p><p>&ldquo;You&rsquo;re on the right track from the District Strategic Planning perspective. Students are very clear that they want to know who they want to become and they want us to know it too,&rdquo; said Superintendent Rhonda Nixon.</p> /Modules/News/index.aspx?feedId=a34c7aa8-61a4-4301-b1ee-537197631df4&newsId=a59c65d7-c4c4-45f7-8489-9e62ddbcc693 Wed, 13 Apr 2022 15:00:00 GMT City of Kamloops and School District No. 73 Join Forces to Promote Safer School Streets <p><strong>Kamloops, BC</strong>&ndash;The City of Kamloops and School District No. 73 (Kamloops-Thompson) have collaborated to deliver the city&rsquo;s first ever Safer School Streets pilot program at Arthur Hatton Elementary School with a temporary, car-free perimeter around the school from May 29 to June 9, 2023, during drop-off and pickup times.</p><p>The intent of the project, which is being held during the Spring GoByBike Week, is to improve safety and encourage active modes of travel by prioritizing walking and cycling for children, their caregivers, and staff. Further benefits include reduced traffic congestion and emissions resulting in improved air quality as well as offering much-needed space to play. Programs of this nature often start with pilot programs and develop into seasonal or permanent opportunities.</p><p>&ldquo;The program helps to build a sense of community and foster a greater sense of belonging among students, staff, and nearby residents by creating a shared space for socializing before and after school,&rdquo; said School District No. 73 Board Chair Heather Grieve.</p><p>&ldquo;This can help to improve the social well-being of the community and contribute to a more welcoming and inclusive school environment for all students,&rdquo; added Rhonda Nixon, Superintendent of Schools.</p><p>The initiative will involve a brief closure of Schubert Drive from Holly Avenue to Oak Road and Chestnut Avenue from Schubert Drive to the Fortune Drive Frontage Road from 7:45 am to 8:45 am and 2:00 pm to 3:00 pm Monday through Friday for two weeks. Detour plans will be in place for any vehicles traveling through the area during the brief closures.</p><div class="WordSection1"><p>&ldquo;Children in Canada are generally achieving below recommended physical activity levels,&rdquo; said Kamloops Pediatrician Dr. Trent Smith. &ldquo;Active transportation is an intuitive way to build in more physical activity into the daily routine without having to set aside time or make specific activity plans. However, habit change always requires conscious effort and often a shift in priorities. The change is worthwhile, as walking or rolling helps children&rsquo;s overall health, academic performance, and social well-being.&rdquo;</p><p>Access to properties for local residents and other users will be permitted, but those individuals are asked to drive at a &ldquo;walking pace&rdquo; to ensure safety.</p><p>&ldquo;Communities around British Columbia have been undertaking successful Safer School Streets initiatives, including the City of Victoria, the City of Vancouver, and the City of Surrey,&rdquo; said Purvez Irani, the City&rsquo;s Transportation Manager. &ldquo;After seeing the benefits in those communities, the City of Kamloops was happy to partner with the school district to pilot a similar initiative here.&rdquo;&nbsp;</p><p align="center">-30-</p><p>For more information:</p></div><p><strong>Purvez Irani<br /> </strong>Transportation Manager<br /> City of Kamloops<br /> 250-828-3727<br /> <a href=""></a></p><p><strong>Dr. Rhonda Nixon<br /> </strong>Superintendent<br /> School District No. 73 (Kamloops-Thompson)<br /> 250-374-0679<br /> <a href=""></a></p> /Modules/News/index.aspx?feedId=a34c7aa8-61a4-4301-b1ee-537197631df4&newsId=e31caca8-61db-41dc-a2fb-9f3ac5f14c7f Tue, 02 May 2023 16:45:00 GMT Exceptional Work During a Daunting Year <p>By Rhonda Kershaw, Board Chair</p><p>June 23, 2021</p><p>In the Kamloops-Thompson School District, the first of 14 graduation ceremonies began in May at South Kamloops Secondary. Graduation took place over five 13-hour days, allowing each student to cross the stage and receive their diploma in front of a small number of guests. These personal, memorable events have played out many times across the district and will end with Valleyview Secondary in early July.</p><p>Graduation is a major milestone in each students&rsquo; life, and in the lives of their families. Graduates are stepping into an uncertain world but they are equipped with tools and knowledge to ensure success. The Board of Education congratulates the Class of 2021 and wishes them all the best in their future endeavours!</p><p>While recent announcements from the Ministry of Education indicate that we will see a mostly normal return to school this coming September, no changes will happen prior to the end this school year.&nbsp; For the second year our school staff are working to ensure graduations provide a meaningful way for students, staff and families to celebrate this important milestone and to reflect on their experiences throughout their school years.</p><p>These customized graduations are an example of the innovation that has occurred across the district during this challenging year. While difficult to list all the amazing things were created and implemented in 2020-2021, we acknowledge the way ÌÇÐÄSwag staff across the District have leaned-in to find different strategies to stay connected and keep our learners at the center of what we do.</p><p>This coming July the Board will also be celebrating the retirement of Secretary Treasurer Stretch. His retirement marks the end of a 24-year career with the district, the last 15 as Secretary-Treasurer.&nbsp; Overseeing an annual budget of close to $200M, his guidance has allowed this and many previous boards to feel confident in the financial position of the District, ensuring the focus can remain on the educational needs of students.&nbsp; Kelvin will be greatly missed but we wish him great joy in the next chapter of his life!</p><p>The Board of Education would also like to recognize the leadership of Dr. Terry Sullivan this past year.&nbsp; While he retired from ÌÇÐÄSwag in 2014, he played a critical role this past year as interim Superintendent of Schools. We thank him for his steady and thoughtful leadership over the past 10 months.&nbsp; The successful completion of this year, one of the most challenging experienced in the District, is in large part attributable to his calm and competent support to staff at all levels.</p><p>While the next year will look different, ÌÇÐÄSwag is well-positioned for the upcoming changes with the arrival of incoming superintendent Dr. Rhonda Nixon in early July, and with Trina Cassidy ready to assume the role of Secretary-Treasurer in August.</p><p>Together with the Board, I would like to once again congratulate the Class of 2021 and our retiring Secretary-Treasurer Stretch. I also extend my appreciation to each ÌÇÐÄSwag staff member for their exceptional work in bringing us through an extraordinarily demanding year.</p><p>We look forward to September knowing that students, families, teachers and staff should plan for a near-normal return to school.</p><p>This column appeared in Kamloops This Week: View from ÌÇÐÄSwag on June 23, 2021</p> /Modules/News/index.aspx?feedId=a34c7aa8-61a4-4301-b1ee-537197631df4&newsId=ba9245a7-df25-4290-bd35-9fc054f8af59 Thu, 24 Jun 2021 15:00:00 GMT Connecting School Families with Learning Plans <p>Improving student learning will be the focus for school leaders among the seven school families in School District No. 73 as they revise their annual School Learning Plans this week at the Henry Grube Centre for Teaching and Learning.&nbsp;</p><p>Each school family represents a group of catchment areas in the district, and determines the school a student will attend from the elementary to the secondary grades. For example, students in the NorBrock Family School who attend one of the elementary schools in this school family group like AE Perry or Kay Bingham will eventually attend Brocklehurst Middle School and then NorKam Secondary (see list of School Families below).</p><p>&ldquo;A school learning plan articulates the schools&rsquo; vision, context, and goals.&nbsp;It outlines a process for community engagement and the goals each school family feels meets the learning needs of its students,&rdquo; said&nbsp;<strong>Lisa Carson</strong>, Director of Instruction for ÌÇÐÄSwag. &ldquo;Goals are then supported by frameworks and strategies and measured through evidence and data. Progress on the goals is summarized, and next steps are charted so the professional learning plan can continue to move learning forward for the school.&rdquo; &nbsp;</p><p>While every school family has different factors to consider, Carson said one common focus for all learners for the year ahead is numeracy. Numeracy is defined in the new BC Curriculum as &ldquo;&hellip; the ability to understand and apply mathematical concepts, processes and skills to solve problems in a variety of contexts.&rdquo;&nbsp;</p><p>&nbsp;&ldquo;Our data on numeracy continues to show we lag behind our success with reading and writing,&rdquo; Carson said. &ldquo;By working on goals within their family of schools, principals have an opportunity to address both strengths and weaknesses to build strong School Learning Plans, professional learning plans, and to hone their collective expertise on instruction.&rdquo;</p><p>Principals present their School Learning Plans to Trustees each May. Full School Learning Plans are available on school websites. They are updated every fall.&nbsp;</p><p>&nbsp;</p><table border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" align="left"><tbody><tr><td colspan="4" valign="top" width="623"><p align="center"><strong>ÌÇÐÄSwag School Families</strong></p><p align="center"><strong>&nbsp;</strong></p><p align="center"><strong>&nbsp;</strong></p></td></tr><tr><td valign="top" width="160"><p><strong>K-12</strong></p><p>&nbsp;</p><p>Kamloops School of the Arts (KSA)</p><p>Logan Lake Secondary</p><p>Logan Lake Elementary</p><p>&nbsp;</p></td><td valign="top" width="161"><p><strong>NorBrock</strong></p><p>&nbsp;</p><p>NorKam Secondary</p><p>Twin Rivers Education Centre (TREC)</p><p>Brocklehurst Middle</p><p>AE Perry</p><p>Arthur Hatton</p><p>Bert Edwards</p><p>Heffley</p><p>Kay Bingham</p><p>Parkcrest</p><p>Rayleigh</p><p>Sun Peaks</p><p>&nbsp;</p></td><td valign="top" width="180"><p><strong>North Thompson</strong></p><p>&nbsp;</p><p>Barriere Secondary</p><p>Barriere Elementary</p><p>Blue River</p><p>Raft River</p><p>Vavenby</p><p>&nbsp;</p></td><td valign="top" width="123"><p><strong>Sa-Hali</strong></p><p>&nbsp;</p><p>Sahali Secondary&nbsp;</p><p>Dufferin</p><p>McGowan Park</p><p>Summit</p><p>Pacific Way</p><p>&nbsp;</p></td></tr><tr><td valign="top" width="160"><p><strong>South Kam</strong></p><p>&nbsp;</p><p>South Kam Secondary</p><p>Aberdeen</p><p>Lloyd George</p><p>Savona</p><p>South Sa-Hali</p><p>Beattie</p><p>&nbsp;</p></td><td valign="top" width="161"><p><strong>Valleyview</strong></p><p>&nbsp;</p><p>Valleyview Secondary</p><p>Dallas</p><p>Juniper Ridge</p><p>Marion Schilling</p><p>R.L Clemitson</p><p>Westwold</p><p>&nbsp;</p></td><td valign="top" width="180"><p><strong>Westsyde</strong></p><p>&nbsp;</p><p>Westsyde Secondary</p><p>Arthur Stevenson</p><p>David Thompson</p><p>Pinantan</p><p>Westmount</p><p>Westsyde Elementary</p><p>&nbsp;</p></td><td valign="top" width="123"><p>&nbsp;</p></td></tr></tbody></table><p>&nbsp;</p><p>&nbsp;</p> /Modules/News/index.aspx?feedId=a34c7aa8-61a4-4301-b1ee-537197631df4&newsId=70466014-4228-4091-adfd-a062416c3f4c Sat, 04 May 2019 00:00:00 GMT Westwold Elementary School requires six students to remain open <p>School District No. 73 Board of Education voted unanimously to keep Westwold Elementary School open during its regular meeting on Jan. 28, 2019.</p><p>&nbsp;Superintendent Alison Sidow made the recommendation to the Board to maintain a K-7 (with reduced services) pending the enrollment of six full-time students by Sept. 30, 2019.&nbsp;</p><p>The decision was the result of a community consultation process that began with a town hall meeting in Westwold on Nov. 22, 2018.</p><p>&ldquo;Having heard from the community, we&rsquo;ve kept the school open, now it&rsquo;s up to Westwold to support their school by enrolling their children,&rdquo; said Kathleen Karpuk, Board Chair. &ldquo;There is no financial pressure to close the school, all we need is to have six students attend.&rdquo;</p><p>&ldquo;Residents told us they were concerned that closure of the school would deter young families from relocating to Westwold,&rdquo; said Sidow. &ldquo;We know from our rural schools in the North Thompson and Savona that if a community gets behind the school, they can become a real draw for families looking for a rural lifestyle.&rdquo;</p><p>Parents wanting to enroll kindergarten students for Westwold can do so at Robert L .Clemitson Elementary from Feb. 11 to Feb. 15.</p><p>Schoen noted that while a full-service school is a better educational model for students, the recommendation to keep the school open addresses the community&rsquo;s interests and serves the families of the six children who indicated through the consultation process their commitment to attending the local school.</p><p>&ldquo;Rural schools reduce long-distance bus rides for children and provide a viable alternative to homeschooling or distance education,&rdquo; Schoen said. &ldquo;The school also provides the community of Westwold a place to gather and celebrate important events.&rdquo;</p><p>When the school year started in September, the classrooms at Westwold Elementary were empty. The Board initiated a consultation process as per its policy on School Planning and Organization.</p><p>In addition to comments from the town hall meeting on Nov. 22, 2018, families in the Westwold catchment area were contacted directly by phone regarding their schooling preferences. There was also an opportunity to submit comments online about the future of the school.&nbsp;<a title="Westwold Elementary School Memo" href=""> All comments and recommendations are here.</a></p><p>&nbsp;</p><p>&nbsp;&nbsp;</p><p>&nbsp;</p> /Modules/News/index.aspx?feedId=a34c7aa8-61a4-4301-b1ee-537197631df4&newsId=5d3ada53-323a-4bec-9f18-a16dee8c2cf3 Tue, 29 Jan 2019 21:45:00 GMT How Maintenance Crews Roll at ÌÇÐÄSwag <p>If the grounds and buildings and classrooms across ÌÇÐÄSwag could speak, they would tell a tale of the maintenance, renovation and portable installation work done by district crews all year long, especially during the summer break. &nbsp;</p><p>&ldquo;With recent growth in the community more improvements and renovations are required, and as our facilities continue to age, they need more renewal projects,&rdquo; said Jim McFadden, ÌÇÐÄSwag Building Maintenance Manager. &ldquo;With increased volume of staff and students, there is additional wear on these assets, and the volume of service work our department provides for the district is also on a rapid upswing.&rdquo;</p><p>Planning begins well before summer though, and sometimes plans change. For example, six new portables were scheduled to be installed this summer &ndash; two for Brocklehurst Middle School, one for Valleyview Secondary, one for McGowan Park Elementary, one for David Thompson Elementary, and one for Sa-Hali Secondary.</p><p>These schedules were adjusted however, with the Board of Trustees&rsquo; decision to re-open Westsyde Elementary this fall. McFadden said the decision means David Thompson no longer needed a new portable, with the shift of some of its students to Westsyde. Two more of David Thompson&rsquo;s existing portables were then relocated to Sa-Hali Secondary.</p><p>The new portable installation at McGowan Elementary was lifted into place using a crane.&nbsp;</p><p><iframe src="" frameborder="0" width="560" height="315"></iframe></p><p>&ldquo;Portables are a fact of life at ÌÇÐÄSwag,&rdquo; said McFadden. &ldquo;They are large buildings, 40 feet long and 24 feet wide, so they can be difficult to get into position. In this case (at McGowan), we needed a large industrial crane to actually lift it into place rather than just backing in a truck.&rdquo;</p> /Modules/News/index.aspx?feedId=a34c7aa8-61a4-4301-b1ee-537197631df4&newsId=9a24859e-64fe-4381-bbc7-a17ec06ff4dd Tue, 03 Sep 2019 15:30:00 GMT Kamloops-Thompson Board of Education Celebrates the 50th Anniversary of McQueen Lake Environmental Education Centre <p>On October 1, 2022, Kamloops-Thompson Board of Education celebrates the 50th anniversary of the McQueen Lake Environmental Education Centre. Since its inception in 1972, approximately 250,000 students and educators have had the opportunity to engage in environmental education programming at McQueen Lake. To commemorate this &lsquo;jewel&rsquo; of School District 73, plans are underway to recognize and celebrate the development and learner experiences of the McQueen Lake Environmental Education Centre.</p><p>Both day and overnight trips are offered at McQueen Lake. Each year over 5000 students visit the McQueen Overnight Centre, McQueen Day Centre, and the Isobel Lake Day Centre. Groups cook their own meals and the students help wash dishes, get firewood and water, and clean their cabins. This model has proven to be extremely beneficial, fostering student independence and encouraging students to have greater ownership of their experiences. Classes are active on site during fall, winter and spring, with students participating in various educational learning opportunities in which they learn about science, environmental concepts and aspects of art, career and design.</p><p>Students have the opportunity to learn about Aboriginal land and culture with the help of Aboriginal Education Workers. Students enjoy adventure challenges, archery, snowshoeing, cross country skiing, pond studies, hiking and orienteering. Wayne Deptuck, who has been employed as the McQueen Lake Resource teacher for 23 years, coordinates groups, does pre-trip orientations, and provides educational programming for all groups from students in Kindergarten through to Grade 12.</p><p>For Mr. Deptuck, students learning in the natural environment is tremendously rewarding, &ldquo;When I see a student discover something in the natural world that amazes them, that&rsquo;s when I forget I&rsquo;m at work&rdquo;.</p><p>A working group was established in Spring 2022 to plan for McQueen Lake&rsquo;s 50th anniversary celebration. The group consisted of current McQueen Lake staff (resource teacher, caretaker, principal), former teachers and principals who led the development of McQueen Lake, and environmental educators who helped launch McQueen Lake. The working group has developed plans to celebrate this momentous anniversary on Saturday, October 1st, 2022.</p><p>&ldquo;We are looking forward to a day filled with the experience that students have when they go to McQueen Lake. We will travel on a bus from NorKam Secondary School and then take part in activities at the Centre,&rdquo; explained Superintendent Nixon.</p><p>&ldquo;I am looking forward to being together and experiencing the history that helps to commemorate this important and unique venue in our district,&rdquo; stated Assistant Superintendent Reilly.</p><p>Dan Sargent has served as the caretaker at McQueen Lake for 25 years. Sargant is responsible for caring for the centre, providing maintenance for the buildings and systems and helping groups on site. As for the future of the McQueen Lake Environmental Education Centre, current plans include an upgrade to the water system, a replacement roof for the McQueen Lake Day Centre and modifications to the teacher&rsquo;s cabin. In partnership with the School District 73&rsquo;s Aboriginal Education Department, there are also plans being developed to build a Secwepe´mc Cultural Centre which will include a traditional Secwepe´mc winter home or pit house (c7es7i´stkten). Part of the funding for this project came from a Kamloops Aurora Rotary Grant.</p> /Modules/News/index.aspx?feedId=a34c7aa8-61a4-4301-b1ee-537197631df4&newsId=21d5298d-f7fe-48c1-8ff7-a27d1d93e47c Tue, 27 Sep 2022 15:30:00 GMT Kamloops-Thompson School District Ends School Year with New Five-year Strategic Plan <p>The Kamloops-Thompson Board of Education approved the 2022-2027 District Strategic Plan&ndash;a thoughtful, aspirational roadmap for student success.</p><p>&ldquo;This roadmap emerged over the last ten months through extensive consultation," shared Board Chair Grieve. &ldquo;Beginning in September 2021, strategic plan consultation meetings (face-to-face and online) have taken place repeatedly with the Aboriginal Education Council and 2000+ participants from 32 student, staff, parent, and community partners.&rdquo;&nbsp;</p><p>&ldquo;From the beginning, our discussions centered on supporting students to thrive academically, socially, emotionally, personally, and culturally,&rdquo; said Dr. Rhonda Nixon, Superintendent. &ldquo;This is how our mission statement emerged&ndash;<em>Supporting learning opportunities and environments which inspire our students to thrive</em>."</p><p>To achieve our mission, the Aboriginal Education Council, parents, students, staff, community partners agreed on four cornerstone values:</p><ul><li><strong>Connecting and relationships</strong>: Building meaningful relationships that support and strengthen learning and growth.</li><li><strong>Wellbeing:</strong> Fostering opportunities to promote emotional, psychological, physical, and environmental well-being for all students and staff.</li><li><strong>Sustainability:</strong> Embracing our responsibility to contribute to a sustainable.</li><li><strong>Equity:</strong> Removing barriers and creating environments that provide accessible and empowering opportunities for all students and staff to thrive.</li></ul><p>As we reflected together on the tragic discovery of Le Estcwicw&eacute;y? (the missing) at the Kamloops Indian Residential School, Knowledge Keeper Joan Arnouse emphasized that the four cornerstone values are the basis of healthy communities, and they happen when we each commit to the Seven Grandfather Teachings.</p><p>The Seven Grandfather Teachings (courage, love, wisdom, respect, truth, honesty, humility) are represented in the center of our foundational framework which is shown in a circle or Tk'emlups arbour located beside the Kamloops Indian Residential School.</p><p>The seven teachings are represented by traditional animals and stories shared in <a href="">this video</a>. Kelsey Jules, the Secwe?pemc artist who developed the animals, recounts the Secwe?pemc teachings shared with her by elders and knowledge keepers.</p><p>&ldquo;These teachings are the stories that were shared with us as we grew up, and they are what grounds us,&rdquo; explained Trustee Diane Jules and Chair of the Aboriginal Education Council.</p><p>The teachings are portrayed around the edge of the arbour circle and at the centre of the circle is a hearthfire. Mrs. Arnouse said, &ldquo;The hearthfire is the most important part because we were all born with this fire.&rdquo;</p><p>District Principal Bowden added, &ldquo;The hearthfire is very important because it represents our communities&rsquo; gathering place as we share the teachings.&rdquo;</p><p>As we continue to learn together about the Seven Grandfather Teachings, we look forward to achieving our vision&ndash;<em>Fostering educated and resilient citizens empowered to contribute to a diverse, inclusive, caring, and sustainable society.</em></p><p>We are proud of how our foundational framework (mission, vision, values, Seven Grandfather Teachings) emerged through collaboration with the Aboriginal Education Council where we started with the words and teachings of knowledge keepers and elders and worked from there to develop our five priorities:</p><ul><li><strong>Intellectual Development:</strong> To develop in students the ability to analyze critically, reason and think independently, and acquire basic learning skills and bodies of knowledge.&nbsp;</li><li><strong>Human and Social Development:</strong> To develop in students a sense of self-worth, social responsibility, acceptance, and respect for the ideas and beliefs of others.&nbsp;</li><li><strong>Cultural and Identity Development: </strong>To develop a sense of identity in individuals and cultural safety and humility in communities.</li><li><strong>Career Development:</strong> To prepare students to attain their career and occupational objectives.</li><li><strong>Systems Development:</strong> To engage in operational and reporting structures and practices that enact Ministry and District priorities.</li></ul><p>&ldquo;We are deeply grateful to our community for their support throughout this process and our Board of Education is proud of the roadmap that emerged from extensive consultation,&rdquo; concluded Board Chair Grieve.</p><p>&ldquo;We are excited to share the new strategic plan with our communities and are looking forward to working with over 16,000 students and their families, over 2,500 staff, the Aboriginal Education Council, and our community partners,&rdquo; shared Superintendent Rhonda Nixon.</p><p>&ldquo;I am confident that we will see every student, including Aboriginal students, become the best versions of themselves as we continue to walk together into a vibrant, dynamic, and hopeful 2022-2027 in ÌÇÐÄSwag,&rdquo; concluded Trustee Diane Jules.</p><p>For more information on the ÌÇÐÄSwag Strategic Plan 2022-2027, click&nbsp;<a href="/en/our-district-board/strategic-priorities-2022-2027.aspx">here.</a></p> /Modules/News/index.aspx?feedId=a34c7aa8-61a4-4301-b1ee-537197631df4&newsId=841f1e2b-6f41-464c-9c7f-a327cafc22d8 Tue, 28 Jun 2022 03:30:00 GMT Honoring National Indigenous Peoples Day in ÌÇÐÄSwag <p>The Kamloops-Thompson Board of Education honors National Indigenous Peoples Day as part of the commitment to furthering Truth and Reconciliation in the <a href="/en/our-district-board/strategic-priorities-2022-2027.aspx">2022-2027 District Strategic Plan</a>.</p><p>The hearthfire is at the center of the District Strategic Plan&rsquo;s symbol developed through consultation with the Aboriginal Education Council last year.</p><p>Board Chair Heather Grieve emphasized, &ldquo;The heartfire is in the center because it represents our community gathering together and living the Seven Grandfather Teachings to achieve our District mission, vision, and values.&rdquo;</p><p>The hearthfire is a symbol of gathering as a District community in ceremony, song, and studies that help students and staff to understand Indigenous peoples&rsquo; histories, perspectives, and experiences.</p><p>Today is another important opportunity for our students and staff to gather as smaller and larger groups to learn about Indigenous histories, perspectives, and teachings. It is important to recognize that there is an intentional shift away from large-scale celebrations for all gatherings to ensure that the learning undertaken is designed to go deeper and enable students to ask questions and to learn more about Indigenous traditions, histories, and teachings.</p><p>District Principal Mike Bowden shared, &ldquo;Through many different types of gatherings throughout the year, we have grown in our collective understanding of Indigenous culture and ways of knowing and doing, and I am proud of how we make this part of who we are through many gatherings throughout the school year.&rdquo;</p><p>This year, we have gathered in different ways (smaller assemblies, classroom activities, ceremonies) to learn about Indigenous histories, perspectives, and ceremonies:</p><ul><li>Truth and Reconciliation week (Sept. 26-30, 2022) including the second National Day for Truth and Reconciliation held on September 30, 2022.</li><li>February 4, 2023 the district offered a full day of professional learning for all staff who chose to take part.</li><li>April 6, 2023, we celebrated the 10th Annual Day of Sucwentwecw to recognize and celebrate the history of the Secwepemc people and other Aboriginal people residing within the territory of the Shuswap Nation, &lsquo;Secwepemc&uacute;l&rsquo;ecw&rsquo;.&nbsp; Sucwentwecw means acknowledging one another.</li><li>In May, 2023 we honored &ldquo;the missing&rdquo; as &ldquo;Le Estcwe´&yacute;&rdquo; rather than 215. This change demonstrated respect, as students attending residential schools were assigned and referred to as numbers.</li><li>May 15 and 16, 2023, Kamloops-Thompson staff members under the leadership of District Principal Mike Bowden organized the first regional Indigenous Student Summit. It began with almost 140 students gathering from schools within the Kamloops-Thompson School District and schools in ten other school districts (SD8 Kootenay Lake), SD19 (Revelstoke), SD22 (Vernon), SD23 (Central Okanagan), SD53 (Okanagan-Similkameen), SD83 (North Okanagan-Shuswap), SD74 (Gold Trail), and SD93 (Le Conseil Scolaire Francophone). <span style="text-decoration: underline;"><a href="/Modules/News/index.aspx?feedId=10c49675-bbce-4733-a8c0-fbbd3a3ec9ae,be1116c5-ab98-434e-8a10-8a00f49b774c,208dc79b-e7d6-4c56-be49-d1a958ce7890,22ff3110-d793-43a6-840c-c4111ce97696,bea72a8a-9acb-4e39-a622-a93619bbcb20,609debc8-f306-4231-82f6-0ccdd05741ff,1a8871c1-91be-45ab-b39d-92ef36375147,f8da9119-5861-4244-9bef-1bcc52d3b354,864e5895-2441-42e4-88b6-d6159a4c573e,693bbd8a-7a76-4569-a4cc-0a6c73399faf&amp;page=5&amp;newsId=1d240ae2-0e7a-4d85-8e35-5a22a241eb9d">Read more</a></span>. Trustee Jules also wrote an article about the Indigenous Student Summit. <span style="text-decoration: underline;"><a href="/Modules/News/index.aspx?feedId=10c49675-bbce-4733-a8c0-fbbd3a3ec9ae,be1116c5-ab98-434e-8a10-8a00f49b774c,208dc79b-e7d6-4c56-be49-d1a958ce7890,22ff3110-d793-43a6-840c-c4111ce97696,bea72a8a-9acb-4e39-a622-a93619bbcb20,609debc8-f306-4231-82f6-0ccdd05741ff,1a8871c1-91be-45ab-b39d-92ef36375147,f8da9119-5861-4244-9bef-1bcc52d3b354,864e5895-2441-42e4-88b6-d6159a4c573e,693bbd8a-7a76-4569-a4cc-0a6c73399faf&amp;page=2&amp;newsId=57203fa0-8eb5-44b7-9d64-629279182c6b">Read more</a></span>.</li><li>June 5, 2023 - We celebrated 197 Aboriginal graduates with family and community at the Sportsplex at McArthur Island.</li><li>June 14, 2023- 2100 grade 5 students and staff as well as district staff, community partners, and trustees took part in the District Powwow held at the Tk'emlups arbour. <span style="text-decoration: underline;"><a href="/Modules/News/index.aspx?newsId=697e68f7-62ae-4efe-b577-2c58b3ef548a">Read more</a></span>.</li></ul><p>Yesterday was another amazing opportunity in which students in grades 8 and 9 joined together in the second Aboriginal Student Wellness Gathering about <em>Me7 yegwy&uacute;gwt-k ell me7 yegwy&uacute;gwt ke7 p&uacute;smen</em>&ndash;<em>Keep healthy and strong in body and mind. </em></p><p>The day started with Elder Freda Jules who shared a welcome to the territory and prayer. Then, students listened to the inspiring keynote speakers: Joe Dion Buffalo, an Indigenous Skateboarding legend and residential school survivor, and Dr. James Makokis, and Anthony Johnson from the Amazing Race. Students also took part in breakout sessions in which they learned about Land-based Paint Explorations, Birch Bark Earrings, Sketch-Book Design as led by Dr. Natalie Clarke. Another group engaged in Knobby Ball and Lahal, a variety of Indigenous games, Dryland Snowboarding, and Archery.</p><p>&ldquo;We are most grateful that on this National Indigenous Peoples Day, we are proud of gathering together to commemorate the seven First Nations, M&eacute;tis Nations, and Inuit families who enable us to learn and grow together as a District community in Truth and Reconciliation,&rdquo; Superintendent Rhonda Nixon.</p><p>This has been a wonderful year of continual learning and growth as a district community, making National Indigenous Peoples Day another opportunity to extend this commitment to learning together.</p><p><strong><em>To learn more:</em></strong> ÌÇÐÄSwag Indigenous Storytelling kits were developed in partnership this year between the HGEC Aboriginal Education Department and the HGEC Library Learning Commons. These kits are booked solid!</p><p>Library catalog: <a href=""></a></p><p>New: 27-Jan-2022 <a href="">Indigenous Storytelling Kit: Community</a> (40566) PIJ 2022 Call#: KT 0395 Digital files attached, click title name for details Kit</p><p>New: 27-Jan-2022 <a href="">Indigenous Storytelling Kit: Fall</a> (40568) PIJ 2022 Call#: KT 0399 Digital files attached, click title name for details Kit</p><p>New: 26-Jan-2022 <a href="">Indigenous Storytelling Kit: Family</a> (40550) PIJ 2022 Call#: KT 0392 Digital files attached, click title name for details Kit</p><p>New: 26-Jan-2022 <a href="">Indigenous Storytelling Kit: Grandparents &amp; Intergenerational Relationships</a> (40552) PIJ 2022 Call#: KT 0394 Digital files attached, click title name for details Kit</p><p>New: 26-Jan-2022 <a href="">Indigenous Storytelling Kit: Identity</a> (40551) PIJ 2022 Call#: KT 0393 Digital files attached, click title name for details Kit</p><p>New: 27-Jan-2022 <a href="">Indigenous Storytelling Kit: Spring</a> (40570) PIJ 2022 Call#: KT 0407 Digital files attached, click title name for details Kit</p><p>New: 27-Jan-2022 <a href="">Indigenous Storytelling Kit: Summer</a> (40567) PIJ 2022 Call#: KT 0398 Digital files attached, click title name for details Kit</p><p>New: 27-Jan-2022 <a href="">Indigenous Storytelling Kit: Winter</a> (40569) PIJ 2022 Call#: KT 0406 Digital files attached, click title name for details Kit</p> /Modules/News/index.aspx?feedId=a34c7aa8-61a4-4301-b1ee-537197631df4&newsId=149f4e01-5f07-42a6-9a35-a39eb717d6b9 Wed, 21 Jun 2023 18:00:00 GMT Stories from TREC <p>Dear Parents and Caregivers:</p><p>We welcome families and friends who are coming into Kamloops from Merritt and other areas in BC that have been devastated by floods. Your kindness and efforts to assist those in need is most appreciated.</p><p><strong>Welcome, Merritt Families!</strong></p><p>We have been working with Mr. Steve McNiven, Superintendent of School District 58 (Nicola-Similkameen), and his team. As their families and friends arrive in Kamloops, thank you for offering spaces for students and staff to connect, and for items (food, clothes, toiletries, blankets). Our district coordinator of this effort is Vessy Mochikas. Please direct families who need food, clothing, and other supports to contact Vessy at: <a href=""></a> or 250-374-0679.</p><p><strong>Twin Rivers Education Centre (TREC)</strong></p><p>Mr. Cory Carmichael, Principal of Twin Rivers Education Centre (TREC) reflected on the range of programs at TREC, &ldquo;Some students require an alternative pathway to traditional routes because they need to accommodate caregiving responsibilities, work schedules, and their own needs for blended programming.&rdquo; Ms. Dyan Gunnlaugson added, &ldquo;We are a relatively new admin. team, so we ask questions, learn, and see the beauty in our diverse programming.&rdquo; As we toured their school, they introduced me to Emily, an inspiring artist who shared, &ldquo;I am here because I can paint a window and get credit and work on passion projects like crocheting dragons.&rdquo; She shared her crocheted &ldquo;dragon-in-progress&rdquo; and stated, &ldquo;It inspires me to make them and give them away.&rdquo; Emily exemplifies how alternative pathways to traditional schools are critical to the success of our school system.</p><p><strong>Communicable Disease Prevention Plan- Updated FAQs</strong></p><p>We continue to focus on our <a href="/en/community-parents-and-students/resources/CDPP/Daily-Health-Check.pdf">daily health checks</a>, staying home when sick, and implementing all of the health and safety measures in our <a href="/en/community-parents-and-students/resources/CDPP/ÌÇÐÄSwag-CDPP-Safe-and-Healthy-Facilities.pdf">District&rsquo;s Communicable</a> <a href="/en/community-parents-and-students/resources/CDPP/ÌÇÐÄSwag-CDPP-Safe-and-Healthy-Facilities.pdf">Disease Prevention Plan</a>. Potential school exposures are published by <a href="">Interior Health.</a> To help respond to parent inquiries, please visit the District&rsquo;s <a href="/en/community-parents-and-students/communicable-disease-prevention-plan.aspx">updated FAQs</a>. The Ministry of Education just released a <a href="">COVID-19 planning resource</a> for mask exemptions to provide clarity for students and staff who are exempt from wearing masks. In addition, Dr. Bonnie Henry announced that Health Canada has now approved a vaccine for children aged 5 to 11 that is expected to be available soon. Parents and caregivers can <a href="">register here.</a></p><p><strong>Vaccination Policy Committee</strong></p><p>Our Vaccination Policy Committee shared views on results of an employee survey and contributed to a report to the Board that will be shared at the In Camera Board Meeting on November 22, 2021. The Board will deliberate about the report and suggestions of the committee and decide about whether or not to proceed to step two of the <a href="">K-12</a> <a href="">Sector Guidelines for Vaccination Policies</a>.</p><p>Thank you for your generous spirit, your time to gather supplies and food, and your positive energy to warmly welcome our Merritt friends and families.</p><p>Rhonda Nixon, PhD<br />Superintendent</p> /Modules/News/index.aspx?feedId=a34c7aa8-61a4-4301-b1ee-537197631df4&newsId=89678755-fb96-4f3e-8195-a58714613f57 Sat, 20 Nov 2021 00:30:00 GMT ÌÇÐÄSwag and the United Way - Partners in Supporting Students to Thrive <p>By Trustees Cara McKelvey and Shelley Sim</p><p>December 1, 2022</p><p>ÌÇÐÄSwag&rsquo;s approximately 16,000 students are located in urban and rural communities across 27,000 square kilometers (appr. the size of Vancouver Island). The Kamloops-Thompson Board of Education&rsquo;s mission is to foster learning opportunities and environments that inspire students to thrive within these diversely located communities. Our partners are invaluable in enabling us to live our mission.</p><p><a href="/en/community-parents-and-students/united-way-campaign.aspx">The United Way</a> (UW) is one such highly valued partner that supplements funding in schools for food security, social activities, and before and after school care programming in Kamloops and North Thompson. These programs and services are key to creating learning opportunities and environments that invite our students to feel cared for, connected, loved, and ready to learn.</p><p><strong>A Partnership Story from Logan Lake</strong></p><p>Mr. Ron Collins, Principal of Logan Lake Elementary and Secondary Schools, shared how the United Way supports the District mission in his school communities:</p><p><em>We work very closely in our community with the <strong>"WHY" (Wellness, Health and Youth) organization </strong>and <strong>local food bank</strong>. The WHY receives the majority of their funding through the United Way, and the Food Bank applies for UW grants when needed.</em></p><p><em>With funds from UW, the WHY provides our school community with programs such as the <strong>Preschool in our elementary school</strong>, which prepares young learners for Kindergarten and makes the transition seamless; a <strong>K-7 after school program, &ldquo;Creative Kids&rdquo; </strong>(arts, crafts, and fitness activities); a <strong>Literacy Group</strong> for one-on-one reading programs; <strong>&ldquo;Cram the Cruiser&rdquo; </strong>(donated items to supply our students and families with gifts for the holiday season); <strong>use of Fitness Equipment and Facilities</strong> funded by UW; and a <strong>Seniors Program (Better @ Home)</strong> operated through the WHY.</em></p><p><em>The <strong>Food Bank</strong> provides us with our Starfish Backpack program and services many of our families through their branch. In turn, we also provide them with extra products that we receive from the COBs, End of Day Program. I pick up 8-12 bins of product each Tuesday evening that we use for our meal programs and the remaining items are donated to the food bank.</em></p><p><strong>A Partnership Story from Clearwater Secondary School</strong></p><p>Mr. Darren Coates, Principal of Clearwater Secondary School shared his experiences with the United Way supporting their students and families:</p><p><em>The United Way supports our <strong>Before and After-school </strong>when it is required; <strong>Food Programs</strong> and snacks at break time. Given inflation, this food program offers stigma-free, universal access to food and opportunities for students to volunteer and benefit from taking on leadership; <strong>Everyone Can Play Funds &ndash; </strong>supplement costs for families in need- a &lsquo;hand up&rsquo; to families in need; <strong>Wellness Programming &ndash; </strong>UW funding enables us to offer after school fitness classes, access to our weight room, and additional after school clubs. Especially coming out of COVID, these pro-social well being enhancing activities are key; <strong>Teen Life &ndash; </strong>an after school group that assists teens to navigate relationships and practice assertive communication and boundary-setting; and <strong>Beyond Hurt &ndash;</strong> a Red Cross developed curriculum on bullying prevention. We deliver this to our students and train some of our students to deliver it to our feeder elementary school</em>s.</p><p>Our urban and rural communities depend on partners to ensure that all families are welcomed into their schools with supports and services that create a sense of being cared for and loved within inclusive environments that are driven by relationships/connections, wellbeing, equity, and sustainability as core value commitments, the foundational framework of the District&rsquo;s <a href="/en/our-district-board/resources/Strategic-Priorities/District_Strategic_Plan_2022-27.pdf">2022-2027 District Strategic Plan</a>.</p><p>This column appeared in Kamloops This Week: View from ÌÇÐÄSwag on Dec 1, 2022</p> /Modules/News/index.aspx?feedId=a34c7aa8-61a4-4301-b1ee-537197631df4&newsId=b7c15d40-18b6-4ac9-8b1d-a59b73471d0f Thu, 01 Dec 2022 17:00:00 GMT The Board of Education Celebrates the ÌÇÐÄSwag Loran Scholar - Graeme Hanks <p>Heather Grieve, Board Chair</p><p>School District #73 (Kamloops/Thompson) is excited to announce that Graeme Hanks, a student from South Kamloops Secondary School, received the Loran Scholarship from the Loran Scholars Foundation.</p><p>The official announcement is today, March 23rd, 2023, and I look forward to meeting Graeme and his family at the school at 9:00 a.m. on April 6, 2023, the first week back after Spring Break.</p><p>Principal Walt Kirschner said, &ldquo;I couldn&rsquo;t be more proud of Graeme, who is known for his leadership, commitment, and support for many student centered initiatives at South Kam. Graeme has earned the respect of his classmates and our staff as he strives to use his education as a platform to build capacity at SKSS and within our greater Kamloops community. Our Titan Nation is very proud of Graeme as we all know that his contributions will soon focus on a global perspective once he graduates and begins his port secondary studies this fall as a Loran Scholars Foundation Award recipient.&rdquo;</p><p>Graeme is a bilingual student and Co-founder of his high school chamber choir. He is Co-president of the Environmental Club and an elected member of the Principal&rsquo;s Council. He is a volunteer Judo instructor and was involved in restarting the junior program at his club. Graeme enjoys playing the piano, ultimate frisbee, and soccer.</p><p>In speaking with Graeme, he said, &ldquo;I am most proud of the positive impact I have had at my school and in the local community. I am looking forward to attending university and am excited to experience new opportunities as a Loran Scholar.&rdquo;</p><p>Graeme&rsquo;s mother, Hilary, shared, &ldquo;I am proud of Graeme and what he has accomplished.&nbsp; He has worked hard to achieve his goals and I am grateful for all the support he has had at school and in the community.</p><p>Like others who have applied and won this scholarship, Graeme had to provide evidence through a series of written artifacts and interviews that verified his excellence in academic achievement, extracurricular activity, and leadership potential. The Loran Award is not a reward for past achievements, but an investment in a young person&rsquo;s potential future path of high impact. Loran scholars pursue careers in a wide range of areas, readily take on greater responsibilities and share a lifelong commitment to leading with integrity. Offered in full partnership with 25 Canadian universities, a Loran Award is valued at approximately $100,000 over four years of undergraduate study.</p><p>The Board of Education&rsquo;s mission is to provide students with learning opportunities and environments that inspire them to thrive in school and beyond. As Board Chair, I am very proud of Graeme and his supporters, his mother, family, peers, and staff who have been there and encouraged him to achieve this scholarship that will inevitably bring him even more opportunities to thrive in his future.</p> /Modules/News/index.aspx?feedId=a34c7aa8-61a4-4301-b1ee-537197631df4&newsId=af68f6ce-f613-4dd3-9573-a66d8add0ca5 Thu, 23 Mar 2023 19:00:00 GMT ÌÇÐÄSwag Celebrates Graeme Hanks - Loran Scholar 2023 <p>Board Chair Grieve and Superintendent Nixon congratulated Graeme Hanks, a South Kamloops Secondary grade 12 student, on achieving the prestigious national Loran Scholar Award.&nbsp; They greeted Graeme and his mom, Ms. Hilary Yoshida, at South Kamloops Secondary School on April 6, 2023 at 9:00 am.</p><p>Graeme has taken part in a multi-tiered robust application process to achieve this award, and he is one of two Loran Scholar winners in our district with the other winner, Ila Campbell of Valleyview Secondary School in 2022.</p><p>Out of 4800 applicants, Graeme was shortlisted to an exclusive list of 500 applicants.&nbsp; He prepared and submitted a video which was selected along with 250 applicants from the original pool of 500 applicants. Graeme was then invited to participate in online interviews with the Loran Scholarship committee. From there, he was successful, which resulted in Graeme being placed into the semi-finalist level with 90 applicants. He took part in another round of interviews and then took part in the final step, which was a round of national interviews. He persisted in this rigorous process and was selected at this final step to become one of the exclusive 36 Loran Scholars in Canada in 2023.</p><p>In speaking with Graeme, he said, &ldquo;I am most proud of the positive impact I have had at my school and in the local community. I am looking forward to attending university and am excited to experience new opportunities as a Loran Scholar.&rdquo;</p><p>Graeme&rsquo;s mother, Hilary, shared, &ldquo;I am proud of Graeme and what he has accomplished.&nbsp; He has worked hard to achieve his goals and I am grateful for all the support he has had at school and in the community.&rdquo;</p><p>In this process, Graeme demonstrated academic excellence, character, service leadership and leadership potential.&nbsp; He described some of the roles in which he had exercised service leadership within his school&ndash;as the Co-president of the Environmental Club, an elected member of the Principal&rsquo;s Council, a peer tutor, and the co-founder of the SKKS Choir.</p><p>These roles have enabled him to share the importance of student voice shaping school actions and initiatives ranging from those impacting the environment, fine arts, and social justice (helped to develop the dress code AP) within his school and local community.</p><p>Being a volunteer Judo instructor and restarting the junior program at his club also reflected Graeme&rsquo;s investment in others developing skills and habits to being physically well. He also dedicated many lunch hours to assisting students with math and science homework to ensure their success. Graeme has been a &ldquo;Link Crew&rdquo; leader who supports new students to get to know the SKSS school community and to develop friendships.</p><p>Principal Walt Kirschner said, &ldquo;I couldn&rsquo;t be more proud of Graeme, who is known for his leadership, commitment, and support for many student centered initiatives at South Kam. Graeme has earned the respect of his classmates and our staff as he strives to use his education as a platform to build capacity at SKSS and within our greater Kamloops community. Our Titan Nation is very proud of Graeme as we all know that his contributions will soon focus on a global perspective once he graduates and begins his port secondary studies this fall as a Loran Scholars Foundation Award recipient.&rdquo;</p><p>Graeme will be matched with a career mentor as part of this program. Given his interest in becoming an engineer, he is hopeful to be paired with someone who is in the network of scholars in aerospace, biomedical, or physical engineering. Graeme is a well-rounded student, and he enjoys reading, playing the piano, ultimate frisbee, and soccer.&nbsp; We also learned that he is a &ldquo;dungeon master&rdquo; in Dungeons and Dragons.</p><p>Graeme is joining 134 scholars across 18 universities in Canada. He will be starting this journey with a four-day workshop in August with new and experienced Loran scholars. Along with these opportunities to develop a network of mentors and peers in his early post-secondary career pathway, he has won $100,000 (total value) and will receive an annual living stipend of $10,000, a tuition waiver of up to $10,000 annually from one of 25 partner universities, personal mentorship from a Canadian leader, experiential learning through summer work experiences in three different sectors with funding up to $14,000, an orientation expedition through Algonquin Park, annual retreats and scholar gatherings, and a lifelong membership in a community of values-driven individuals.</p><p>We couldn&rsquo;t be more proud and excited for Graeme, and we look forward to seeing what he learns and where he will go as a future ÌÇÐÄSwag alumni.&nbsp; To learn more (<a href=""></a>).</p> /Modules/News/index.aspx?feedId=a34c7aa8-61a4-4301-b1ee-537197631df4&newsId=df75f429-7888-481b-933c-a685fb1aae79 Thu, 06 Apr 2023 17:30:00 GMT Kamloops-Thompson Board of Education Celebrate the OWL Award Recipients for 2023 <p style="text-align: left;" align="center">Heather Grieve, Board Chair</p><p>The Kamloops-Thompson Board of Education is proud to celebrate the OWL Award recipients for 2023. <em>The OWL Award for Excellence in Public Education</em> has been a Board of Education award since 2016. This award was developed over a decade ago to recognize and honor such individuals, groups, and organizations that have enriched and advanced public education through their significant contributions. For an individual, group or organization to receive the award they need to have made significant, system-wide and outstanding accumulative contributions to public education in School District No.73 (Kamloops-Thompson) over five years or more, and have made a positive and major impact on the development of students, parents, teachers, support staff and educational leaders across the school district in any of the following areas:</p><p>&bull;&ensp;Student Learning/Teaching</p><p>&bull;&ensp;Athletics</p><p>&bull;&ensp;Fine Arts</p><p>&bull;&ensp;Community Well-being/Partnerships</p><p>&bull;&ensp;Extra or Co-Curricular Learning</p><p>&bull;&ensp;Administration and Support</p><p>&bull;&ensp;Governance</p><p>&bull;&ensp;Other Areas Determined by the Board</p><p>At the Board meeting on Monday, June 19, 2023, I was very proud to present these two groups this award:</p><ul><li>Ms.Tracy Clarke and Mr. Steven Powrie and</li><li>Mr. Wayne Deptuck and Mr. Dan Sargent</li></ul><p>Each submission was supported by letters or recommendation, and the recipients are long-standing and amazing professionals who have been long-serving in their roles.</p><p>The nomination package highlighted how Tracy and Steve have both demonstrated immense dedication, passion, and contributions to the betterment of students&rsquo; lives for over 40 years of service in Music Education, community service, and extracurricular commitments. This is an excerpt from Ms. Trista Hill&rsquo;s nomination:</p><p><em>I am pleased to nominate Mr. Steven Powrie and Mrs. Tracy Clarke for the following: Excellence in Musical Instruction, Youth Engagement in Music, Impact on Community, Legacy of Love for Music, Demonstration of Collaboration + Teamwork, and Teaching Excellence. Mrs. Tracy Clarke and Mr. Steven Powrie are known throughout School District 73, Kamtoops, the region, and BC for their work in musical education. As professional musicians, this team has influenced and impacted thousands of children and their families with a lasting impact on those individuals and our community and they continue to actively participate. Mr. Powrie has taught in the district for over 42 years and with Thompson Rivers University (and its many iterations prior) for 21 years. Mrs. Clarke has taught in the district for 33 years. Both individuals have played for the Kamloops Symphony and encouraged interactions between the organization and their classrooms as well as ensuring their classes performed in music festivals, special performances, and participation in KISSM. Mrs. Clarke is planning on retiring at the end of this school year 2022/2023 and Mr. Powrie has stepped back from regular teaching due to medical concerns and a brief run at federal politics. At this point in both of their careers this award would mean so much and give them a wonderful recognition and reflection on all that they have accomplished together and individually.</em></p><p>The nomination package highlighted how Wayne and Dan have demonstrated dedication, passion, and extensive contributions to students in the community over 24 years (Wayne) and 27 years (Dan) of service in preparing and maintaining the grounds, facilities, and trails, working with partner agencies and multiple ministries to champion the needs of the McQueen Lake Education Centre. This is an excerpt from Ms. Kim Edstrom&rsquo;s nomination package:</p><p><em>It gives me great pleasure to provide this group nomination for Wayne Deptuck and Dan Sargent. Together, Wayne and Dan operate and facilitate the outstanding outdoor education facility at McQueen Lake. For well over twenty years, they have worked collaboratively to create a unique and inclusive outdoor experience for all learners.Their dedication, expertise, and passion have led to the operation of a sustainable and experiential outdoor facility. Wayne has worked diligently to design unique outdoor education learning programs, while Dan has given everything to create and sustain an amazing outdoor facility. Wayne and Dan recently facilitated the 50th Anniversary celebration of McQueen Lake. They have been instrumental in establishing and maintaining partnerships with ÌÇÐÄSwag employees, students, and parents as well as various organizations such as Rotary, Conservation, TNRD, TRU, and Ministries of Forestry and Agriculture. These partnerships are essential to the flourishing of the McQueen Lake Centre. This combination of talent and commitment by both Dan and Wayne has provided Kamloops-Thompson ÌÇÐÄSwag with an outdoor education facility that is world renowned and irreplaceable. This nomination comes with a tremendous amount of support from countless students, teachers, and community members.</em></p><p>We could not be more pleased to have had the wonderful opportunity to see all of the supporters of these OWL Award recipients come to the Board meeting in support of these deserving professionals who make ÌÇÐÄSwag the best that it can be. Thank you to everyone who took the time to write letters of support and to submit the nominations. We are grateful to continue this tradition of honoring more deserving individuals and groups in the future.</p> /Modules/News/index.aspx?feedId=a34c7aa8-61a4-4301-b1ee-537197631df4&newsId=d1356eba-5880-4070-9c3d-a7ae4f4248e0 Fri, 23 Jun 2023 21:00:00 GMT Kamloops-Thompson School District appoints a new Associate Superintendent, Human Resources <div class="elementToProof">The Kamloops-Thompson Board of Education supports Mr. John Wiedrick as the successful candidate for the role of Associate Superintendent, Human Resources.&nbsp;&nbsp;</div><div>&nbsp;</div><div>&ldquo;We are looking forward to continuing to work with Mr. Wiedrick who will bring a wealth of knowledge and experience to our district in&nbsp;his new&nbsp;role,&rdquo; said Board Chair Heather Grieve.&nbsp;</div><div>&nbsp;</div><div class="elementToProof">With&nbsp;27 years&nbsp;of experience, Mr. Wiedrick began his career in Alberta and served in multiple roles including elementary and secondary teacher, vice principal, and principal, and as a district administrator in Human Resources.&nbsp;</div><div class="elementToProof">&nbsp;</div><div class="elementToProof">He began his career with ÌÇÐÄSwag&nbsp;in 2018&nbsp;as the District Principal of Human Resources.&nbsp;&nbsp;</div><div class="elementToProof">&nbsp;</div><div class="elementToProof">&ldquo;Over the&nbsp;last 4 years&nbsp;in that role, he has demonstrated exceptional leadership in supporting schools with teacher recruitment and placement, staffing, and at the district level with local bargaining, collective agreements, and resolving inquiries with all employee groups,&rdquo; shared Superintendent Dr. Rhonda Nixon.&nbsp;</div><div class="elementToProof">&nbsp;</div><div class="elementToProof">&ldquo;I am honoured to be selected for this role as the Associate Superintendent,&rdquo; Mr. Wiedrick shared. &ldquo;I am a lifelong learner who seeks to be better each day and to ensure the best outcomes for employees in our district.&rdquo;&nbsp;</div><div class="elementToProof">&nbsp;</div><div class="elementToProof">Mr. Wiedrick begins his appointment on August 8, 2022.&nbsp;</div> /Modules/News/index.aspx?feedId=a34c7aa8-61a4-4301-b1ee-537197631df4&newsId=0ec4bbf6-00d3-4921-8b15-a87b13315403 Thu, 14 Jul 2022 20:45:00 GMT Truth and Reconciliation 2022 in the District: Remembering the Children <p><em>ÌÇÐÄSwag acknowledges that students, staff and families reside on Secwepemc&uacute;l&rsquo;ecw and recognizes the Secw&eacute;pemc People as the keepers of their traditions and knowledge.</em></p><p>ÌÇÐÄSwag schools are participating in a national program called Truth and Reconciliation Week, and the theme is &ldquo;Remembering the Children.&rdquo; Truth and Reconciliation week occurs from September 26-30, 2022 with September 30<sup>th</sup> as the second National Day for Truth and Reconciliation. This week honors the children who never returned home, survivors of residential school, as well as <a href="/Modules/News/index.aspx?newsId=a80e8036-ebbf-4373-a9d1-0b4fb5dacc5e" target="_self">families and communities impacted by residential schools.</a></p><p>During this week, students and staff are engaging in learning experiences and participating in various activities to raise awareness around residential schools and their impact, as well as to demonstrate support for all those impacted by the residential schools. Trustees have traditionally taken part in this day by attending either a School Board Office ceremony or by attending their liaison school activities.</p><p>The District Aboriginal Education team is providing additional resources for schools. District Principal Bowden has created a Cultural Safety, Humility and Competency Guide that is being distributed to all staff.</p><p>&ldquo;The Kamloops-Thompson Board of Education is committed to truth and reconciliation and participates with staff, students, and families in remembering the painful history and ongoing impacts of residential schools,&rdquo; said Board Chair Heather Grieve.</p><p>&ldquo;Local Elders have requested that we remember the 215 children who lost their lives in the Kamloops Indian Residential School as &ldquo;Le Estcw&eacute;y?&rdquo;, which means &lsquo;the missing&rsquo;,&rdquo; said Dr. Rhonda Nixon, Superintendent. &ldquo;Using words rather than numbers to refer to the missing children demonstrates respect, as students who attended residential schools were assigned and referred to as numbers.&rdquo;</p><p>Students and staff are wearing orange shirts on September 29, 2022 to mark Orange Shirt Day. Staff and students across the District will be holding acknowledgement activities on this day. School leaders are inviting trustees to attend and participate in activities with their school communities. Board members are also invited to attend a ceremony being held at the school board office on September 29.</p><p>School and district leaders are also honoring September 29<sup>th</sup> by lowering the flags to half-mast. This district-wide symbolic gesture signals that everyone stands together to acknowledge the tragedies of the past and to engage in reconciliation to shape a more hopeful future.</p> /Modules/News/index.aspx?feedId=a34c7aa8-61a4-4301-b1ee-537197631df4&newsId=383873e8-9a8e-49a9-8830-ab1e1d1850b9 Tue, 27 Sep 2022 19:30:00 GMT ÌÇÐÄSwag Celebrate McQueen Lake Environmental Education Centre 50th Anniversary <p>By Rhonda Nixon, Superintendent and Grant Reilly, Assistant Superintendent</p><p>September 27, 2022</p><p>On October 1, 2022, Kamloops-Thompson Board of Education celebrates the 50th anniversary of the McQueen Lake Environmental Education Centre. Since its inception in 1972, approximately 250,000 students and educators have had the opportunity to engage in environmental education programming at McQueen Lake. To commemorate this &lsquo;jewel&rsquo; of School District 73, plans are underway to recognize and celebrate the development and learner experiences of the McQueen Lake Environmental Education Centre.</p><p>Both day and overnight trips are offered at McQueen Lake. Each year over 5000 students visit the McQueen Overnight Centre, McQueen Day Centre, and the Isobel Lake Day Centre. Groups cook their own meals and the students help wash dishes, get firewood and water, and clean their cabins. This model has proven to be extremely beneficial, fostering student independence and encouraging students to have greater ownership of their experiences. Classes are active on site during fall, winter and spring, with students participating in various educational learning opportunities in which they learn about science, environmental concepts and aspects of art, career and design.</p><p>Students have the opportunity to learn about Aboriginal land and culture with the help of Aboriginal Education Workers. Students enjoy adventure challenges, archery, snowshoeing, cross country skiing, pond studies, hiking and orienteering. Wayne Deptuck, who has been employed as the McQueen Lake Resource teacher for 23 years, coordinates groups, does pre-trip orientations, and provides educational programming for all groups from students in Kindergarten through to Grade 12.</p><p>For Mr. Deptuck, students learning in the natural environment is tremendously rewarding, &ldquo;When I see a student discover something in the natural world that amazes them, that&rsquo;s when I forget I&rsquo;m at work&rdquo;.</p><p>A working group was established in Spring 2022 to plan for McQueen Lake&rsquo;s 50th anniversary celebration. The group consisted of current McQueen Lake staff (resource teacher, caretaker, principal), former teachers and principals who led the development of McQueen Lake, and environmental educators who helped launch McQueen Lake. The working group has developed plans to celebrate this momentous anniversary on Saturday, October 1st, 2022.</p><p>&ldquo;We are looking forward to a day filled with the experience that students have when they go to McQueen Lake. We will travel on a bus from NorKam Secondary School and then take part in activities at the Centre,&rdquo; explained Superintendent Nixon.</p><p>&ldquo;I am looking forward to being together and experiencing the history that helps to commemorate this important and unique venue in our district,&rdquo; stated Assistant Superintendent Reilly.</p><p>Dan Sargent has served as the caretaker at McQueen Lake for 25 years. Sargant is responsible for caring for the centre, providing maintenance for the buildings and systems and helping groups on site. As for the future of the McQueen Lake Environmental Education Centre, current plans include an upgrade to the water system, a replacement roof for the McQueen Lake Day Centre and modifications to the teacher&rsquo;s cabin. In partnership with the School District 73&rsquo;s Aboriginal Education Department, there are also plans being developed to build a Secwepe´mc Cultural Centre which will include a traditional Secwepe´mc winter home or pit house (<a href="">c7es7i´stkten</a>). Part of the funding for this project came from a Kamloops Aurora Rotary Grant.</p><p>This column appeared in Kamloops This Week: View from ÌÇÐÄSwag on Sept 27, 2022</p> /Modules/News/index.aspx?feedId=a34c7aa8-61a4-4301-b1ee-537197631df4&newsId=3a139088-4c0c-4311-b8e7-ab960b34e193 Tue, 27 Sep 2022 16:15:00 GMT Calendar Consultation 2021 <p>As a result of the successful negotiations with the Kamloops Thompson Teachers&rsquo; Association (KTTA) and CUPE Local 3500 (CUPE), new calendars for the 2021-2022, 2022-2023, and 2023- 2024 school years are required to reflect a two-week spring break.</p><p>The Kamloops-Thompson Board of Education is <a href="/Modules/News/index.aspx?feedId=10c49675-bbce-4733-a8c0-fbbd3a3ec9ae,be1116c5-ab98-434e-8a10-8a00f49b774c,208dc79b-e7d6-4c56-be49-d1a958ce7890,22ff3110-d793-43a6-840c-c4111ce97696,bea72a8a-9acb-4e39-a622-a93619bbcb20,609debc8-f306-4231-82f6-0ccdd05741ff,1a8871c1-91be-45ab-b39d-92ef36375147,f8da9119-5861-4244-9bef-1bcc52d3b354,864e5895-2441-42e4-88b6-d6159a4c573e,693bbd8a-7a76-4569-a4cc-0a6c73399faf&amp;newsId=f03b703a-611d-4ce6-8cd6-72eb5f88efe2">seeking public input</a> on these proposed calendars, until Aug. 6, 2021.&nbsp;</p><p>To ensure that the district meets the prescribed minimum hours of instruction each year in the regular five-day school week, the 2021-2022 school day will be lengthened by 11 minutes for elementary schools, and 9 minutes for secondary schools.</p><p>For 2022-2023 and 2023-2024, the school day will be lengthened by 9 minutes for elementary schools and 7 minutes for secondary schools. This additional time will be added to the end of each school day. To meet the prescribed minimum hours of instruction each year for the four-day school week, the four days of spring break will be spread out during the year rather than adding additional minutes to each day. This was accomplished by only adding one additional Friday school day during the year. The other three will take place on the Thursday of a week where this is a non-instructional day on the Friday.</p><p>The calendar proposal also includes the newly created&nbsp;<a title="Open new window to view federal statutory holiday" href="" rel="noopener noreferrer" target="_blank">federal statutory holiday</a>&nbsp;which will be held on September 30 of each year.</p><p>According to Section 87.01(2) of the&nbsp;<a href="" rel="noopener noreferrer" target="_blank">School Act,</a>&nbsp;&ldquo;a board must, in accordance with the regulations of the minister, prepare a school calendar for each school in its school district for each school calendar year&rdquo;. According to Section 87.01(7) of the School Act and the Calendar Regulation, the Board must make publicly available a school calendar that it proposes to submit to the Minister at least one month before the date the school calendar must be submitted to the Minister on Aug 6, 2021. Furthermore, the District must provide an opportunity for parents and representatives of the employee groups to provide comments to the Board of Education.</p><p>Prescribed Minimum Hours of Instruction</p><p>According to the School Act, a Board of Education must offer not less than the following hours of instruction in a school year to students enrolled in schools in its district.&nbsp;</p><ul><li>853 hours of instruction for students in kindergarten.</li><li>878 hours of instruction for students in grades 1 to 7.</li><li>952 hours of instruction for students in grades 8 to 12.&nbsp;</li></ul><p>Amending the Calendar</p><p>The Board may, in accordance with the School Act, amend a school calendar that has been made public by the Board under section 87.01 (9) or (10) if, in the opinion of the Board, an amendment is necessary.&nbsp;</p><p>The public review of the calendar is open until Aug 6, 2021. Please submit your concerns or comments regarding the proposed calendar to&nbsp;<a href="/Modules/email/emailattachment.aspx?CV2=mPlUsltdUM1JYTo5lA5H5OsYQuc9AeQuAleQuAl&amp;ref=/en/our-district-board/calendar-consultation-2021.aspx&amp;lang=en">facility input</a>. The link to the proposed calendars and to the facility input email can be found on the <a href="/en/our-district-board/calendar-consultation-2021.aspx">calendar consultation page</a>.&nbsp;</p> /Modules/News/index.aspx?feedId=a34c7aa8-61a4-4301-b1ee-537197631df4&newsId=70088a7d-02bf-44ec-9107-ab993d2bd2fa Tue, 06 Jul 2021 20:45:00 GMT Design for New Parkcrest School Revealed <p>Students and staff from Parkcrest Elementary School got the chance to take a virtual walk through their new school on June 22, 2021.</p><p>The Government of B.C. is investing $34.84 million and the Kamloops-Thompson School District is investing $300,000 in a new, 510-seat Kindergarten to Grade 6 Parkcrest Elementary. This replaces the former school, which was lost to fire in September 2019. The new school will be rebuilt with capacity for an additional 120 students to prepare for expected enrolment growth in the community.</p><p>The architect firm Station One brought pictures and a video to a Zoom call to take students through the one-story, L-shaped building.</p><p>&ldquo;The nice thing about a one-story school like this is that it will provide students with the opportunity to have direct access to the outside,&rdquo; said Justin Dyck, Principle Partner from Station One.</p><p>The school is designed with heavy timber, brick and wood, and large windows. The &nbsp;4,380m2 replacement School will have 18 Classrooms and three Kindergarten classrooms for 60 students.</p><p>The City of Kamloops commitment of up to $2.5 million allows for an enhanced (double-sized) gymnasium and Neighbourhood Learning Centre space.&nbsp;&nbsp;</p><p>Sustainably designed to reduce greenhouse gases, the new school will incorporate geothermal heating and cooling through a geothermal loop beneath the playing field . While it isn&rsquo;t in the budget yet, there is a potential for solar panels to be installed on the roof.</p><p>&ldquo;The Board was pleased to work with Station One Architects on the re-design of Parkcrest, the same firm that designed the Valleyview Secondary School expansion,&rdquo; said Board Chair Rhonda Kershaw. &ldquo;We are excited to be here today. It has been nearly two years since we lost Parkcrest Elementary.&rdquo;</p><p>This extra funding provides an opportunity to create space promoting strong school community partnerships, using school facilities to meet the needs of children, youth, families and the Brocklehurst neighbourhood.</p><p>Incoming Superintendent of Schools, Dr. Rhonda Nixon thanked everyone for their efforts.</p><p>&ldquo;It is fitting that we end this school year optimistically,&rdquo; she said. &ldquo;To be able to envision this beautiful new Parkcrest Elementary and to head into the summer, knowing that students, families, teachers and staff should plan for a near normal return to school when we restart in September.&rdquo;</p><p>Here is the Zoom meeting virtual announcement:</p><p><iframe title="YouTube video player" src="" frameborder="0" width="560" height="315"></iframe></p><p>&nbsp;</p><p>Here is the virtual walk through video of Parkcrest Elementary:&nbsp;</p><p><iframe title="YouTube video player" src="" frameborder="0" width="560" height="315"></iframe></p> /Modules/News/index.aspx?feedId=a34c7aa8-61a4-4301-b1ee-537197631df4&newsId=8ea71b90-caea-4942-b7d8-acd532ff86f1 Tue, 22 Jun 2021 22:30:00 GMT ÌÇÐÄSwag Recognizes Secondary Coaches at the First District Appreciation Event <p style="text-align: left;" align="center">Walt Kirschner, Chair, Secondary Athletics Council</p><p style="text-align: left;" align="center">Bill Hamblett, Assistant Superintendent, Secondary Education</p><p>On June 20, 2023 approximately 125 school and community coaches gathered at the McArthur Island Lounge to be recognized for making such a positive impact on secondary students within the District.</p><p>&ldquo;Employees give generously of their time in fine arts, extracurricular activities, and sports, and I am so inspired by this event to recognize coaches,&rdquo; shared Superintendent Rhonda Nixon.</p><p>In the District Strategic Plan, the Board of Education emphasizes the values of relationships/connections, wellbeing, sustainability, and equity. It was acknowledged by all who attended this event that a coach has a life-lasting impact on students- who they are, who they become, and what they are willing to try when faced with challenges. A coach is therefore foundational to a child&rsquo;s and youth&rsquo;s development as a person, their ability to connect, establish and sustain relationships, and to thrive personally.</p><p>For the 22/23 school year, ÌÇÐÄSwag had 328 coaches volunteering in the secondary division within the three seasons of play. There were 2,385 student-athletes participating in the 19 BCSS sanctioned sports offered in ÌÇÐÄSwag.&nbsp;</p><p>Board Chair Heather Grieve spoke and shared, &ldquo;As a long time community coach, I have not only been fortunate enough to work alongside, I have also been mentored and supported by many of the secondary coaches in ÌÇÐÄSwag. I have witnessed their commitment, passion, empathy, and guidance of these young students who grow as athletes and citizens because of the time and attention that these coaches give to our students. We are privileged to have them in our lives.&rdquo;</p><p>Walt Kirschner, one author of this story, stated, &ldquo;I am very proud to be a part of this special evening recognizing our coaches and teacher sponsors from all of our secondary schools in ÌÇÐÄSwag. Our secondary schools are fortunate to have a dedicated group of coaches and teacher sponsors that help provide the most optimal sport experience for each of our student-athletes. This was the perfect opportunity to thank each and everyone of them for their dedication and commitment to highschool sports.&rdquo;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; <strong>&nbsp;&nbsp;</strong></p><p>Bill Hamblett, second author, shared, &ldquo;It is important to acknowledge the leadership of the Secondary Athletic Council in our District for sponsoring this event.&rdquo;</p><p>Teachers in our District have served on BC School Sports (BCSS) in leadership roles. At this event, Annemarie Watts was recognized for receiving the 2023 BCSS Honour Award recognizing a lifetime of distinguished service to SD #73, the OVSAA, and BCSS- Board of Directors. In addition, Jody Vosper was recognized with the Citation of Excellence Award for his role as the Athletic Director at Sa-Hali Secondary combined with his many leadership contributions with sport commissions and the BCSS Legislative Assembly.&nbsp;&nbsp;</p><p>This evening was the first of many that will hopefully be remembered by our secondary coaches because they had time to connect, to enjoy food and good company, and to hear speeches from multiple representatives of the ÌÇÐÄSwag about what they do and how they matter.</p> /Modules/News/index.aspx?feedId=a34c7aa8-61a4-4301-b1ee-537197631df4&newsId=6dae1ab8-db4d-4750-a507-ad8f7101ac67 Fri, 23 Jun 2023 19:00:00 GMT Board Notes from December 14, 2020 <p>From the regular meeting of the Board of Education. All about "Christmas Cakes" and support for the 2026 BC Summer Games. Read Board Notes <a href="" target="_blank">here</a>.</p> /Modules/News/index.aspx?feedId=a34c7aa8-61a4-4301-b1ee-537197631df4&newsId=184b2998-4744-433e-b160-ae224e3c6b5d Wed, 16 Dec 2020 23:00:00 GMT Board Notes December 3, 2018 <p><strong>EDUCATION TOPIC</strong></p><p><strong>Diversity and Inclusion- Strengthening Learning Teams</strong></p><p>An Innovation through Inquiry project, led by <strong>Sherry Stade, </strong>District Coordinator for Health Promoting Schools and <strong>Carly Herman, </strong>(former)District Coordinator for Diversity Education, set out to enhance the culture of schools by embracing diversity through teacher professional learning.&nbsp; Throughout the month of February, these teachers built on the metaphor of team to demonstrate that diverse teams are strong teams. District-wide activities included a film festival, keynote speakers, workshops and engagement activities with partners throughout the community.</p><p>In addition, Dallas Elementary teachers&nbsp;<strong>Cecilia Brar&nbsp;</strong>and&nbsp;<strong>Andrea Mangell&nbsp;</strong>engaged their<strong>&nbsp;</strong>Grade 6/7 classes in problem-solving projects that celebrated diversity. The students&nbsp;shared their thinking in an exhibition of learning&nbsp;that demonstrated how to achieve inclusive environments in their school.&nbsp;</p><p><strong>&nbsp;</strong></p><p><strong>SUPERINTENDENT REPORT</strong></p><p><strong>Out-of-Province Field Trip Approvals (as per Policy 518.1)</strong></p><p>Twenty-five students in <strong>NorKam Senior Secondary&rsquo;s</strong> choir and band will be going Louisiana from March 17 &ndash; 22, 2019 to experience the culture, history, food, architecture and geography of New Orleans.</p><p>Two students in grades 11 and 12 from <strong>Sa-Hali Secondary </strong>will be in Ottawa March 18-21 to make a presentation to Senate on their work as part of the UNESCO Group on Ocean Plastic. The students are looking to inform and persuade policymakers for sustainable change.</p><p>Twenty-five students in <strong>Westsyde Secondary&rsquo;s</strong> choir and band will be going New Orleans from March 17-23, 2019 to participate in a Mississippi plantation tour and see a variety of performances including the Jazz Band at Preservation Hall.</p><p><strong>&nbsp;</strong></p><p><strong>Foundational Skills Assessment Results 2017-2018</strong></p><p>Director <strong>Lisa Carson</strong> reported that Grades 4 and 7 students in ÌÇÐÄSwag continue to perform above the provincial average on the annual Foundation Skills Assessment. The percentage of students meeting or exceeding expectations in the Kamloops-Thompson school district has been relatively consistent over the last five years in the areas of writing, reading and numeracy. Writing performance remains a solid strength and reading results, while good, have plateaued in recent years. Aboriginal student results require improvement in order to reach our district goal of achieving equity and excellence for all students. Therefore, the District Learning Plan will continue to focus on foundational skills in all three areas for Aboriginal students and reading and numeracy for all students in order to improve student achievement.</p><p>More information on the Foundation Skills Assessment can be found on the Ministry of <a href="">Education Web Site</a>.&nbsp;</p><p align="center"><strong>&nbsp;</strong></p><p align="center"><strong>Kamloops-Thompson Results Compared to All BC Public / Independent School Results &ndash; All Students </strong>(Percentage of Students On-Track or Extending)</p><p>&nbsp;</p><table border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0"><tbody><tr><td valign="top" width="148"><p align="center"><strong>Grade 4</strong></p></td><td valign="top" width="148"><p align="center"><strong>Reading</strong></p></td><td valign="top" width="148"><p align="center"><strong>Writing</strong></p></td><td valign="top" width="148"><p align="center"><strong>Numeracy</strong></p></td></tr><tr><td valign="top" width="148"><p>Kamloops-Thompson</p></td><td width="148"><p align="center">&nbsp; 71</p></td><td width="148"><p align="center">&nbsp;&nbsp; 80</p></td><td width="148"><p align="center">&nbsp; 60</p></td></tr><tr><td valign="top" width="148"><p>Province Public Schools</p></td><td width="148"><p align="center">&nbsp;&nbsp; 61</p></td><td width="148"><p align="center">&nbsp;&nbsp; 59</p></td><td width="148"><p align="center">&nbsp; 53</p></td></tr><tr><td valign="top" width="148"><p>Difference</p></td><td width="148"><p align="center">+ 10</p></td><td width="148"><p align="center">+ 21</p></td><td width="148"><p align="center">+ 7</p></td></tr><tr><td valign="top" width="148"><p>&nbsp;</p></td><td valign="top" width="148"><p align="center">&nbsp;</p></td><td valign="top" width="148"><p align="center">&nbsp;</p></td><td valign="top" width="148"><p align="center">&nbsp;</p></td></tr><tr><td valign="top" width="148"><p align="center"><strong>Grade 7</strong></p></td><td valign="top" width="148"><p align="center">&nbsp;</p></td><td valign="top" width="148"><p align="center">&nbsp;</p></td><td valign="top" width="148"><p align="center">&nbsp;</p></td></tr><tr><td valign="top" width="148"><p>Kamloops-Thompson</p></td><td width="148"><p align="center">&nbsp;&nbsp; 78</p></td><td width="148"><p align="center">&nbsp;&nbsp; 86</p></td><td width="148"><p align="center">&nbsp; 58</p></td></tr><tr><td valign="top" width="148"><p>Province Public Schools</p></td><td width="148"><p align="center">&nbsp;&nbsp; 61</p></td><td width="148"><p align="center">&nbsp;&nbsp; 66</p></td><td width="148"><p align="center">&nbsp; 52</p></td></tr><tr><td valign="top" width="148"><p>Difference</p></td><td width="148"><p align="center">+ 17</p></td><td width="148"><p align="center">+ 20</p></td><td width="148"><p align="center">+ 6</p></td></tr></tbody></table><p><strong>&nbsp;</strong></p><p><strong>&nbsp;</strong><strong>CHAIR REPORT</strong></p><p><strong>&nbsp;</strong><strong>A Commanding Recognition</strong></p><p>The Kamloops RCMP recognized District Principal <strong>Sheryl Lindquist</strong> with a Detachment Commander Award. Her dedication and contribution to the youth of the community through the development of the RCMP Youth Academy and the RCMP Youth Advisory met the Forces&rsquo; highest levels of tradition and expectation.&nbsp; <u><a href="/Modules/News/index.aspx?newsId=51dbf049-1425-43cb-80ca-81aeb86c7678" target="_blank">Read more</a></u></p><p><strong>&nbsp;</strong><strong>MOTIONS</strong></p><p><strong>&nbsp;</strong><strong>Policy Change</strong></p><p><em>Policy</em> <em>906.1,</em> <em>Alcohol Beverages and Narcotics </em>has now been replaced by <em>Policy 906.1, Substance Use &ndash; Employee </em>which is intended to support the health and safety of students, employees, volunteers, and the public from the inappropriate use of alcohol and drugs in the workplace. <a href="">Read the full policy here</a>.</p> /Modules/News/index.aspx?feedId=a34c7aa8-61a4-4301-b1ee-537197631df4&newsId=121a68b6-a3fe-4abc-8c93-b00a8f36470e Tue, 11 Dec 2018 21:15:00 GMT Dress Code Revisions Introduced <p>Revisions to the Kamloops-Thompson School District&rsquo;s District Dress Code were presented to the Board of Education following a stakeholder consultation process that began in December 2020, involving students, parents, teachers, support staff and counsellors.</p><p>&ldquo;I am grateful for the efforts of all the stakeholders involved,&rdquo; said Board Chair Rhonda Kershaw. &ldquo;We recognize that a student&rsquo;s choice of dress reflects their self-identity. This revised dress code provides students the freedom to dress in any way they choose, within a safe and inclusive framework.&rdquo;</p><p>The dress code prohibits clothing that undermines the principles of safety and inclusivity, including the promotion of hatred, tobacco, illegal drugs or alcohol, illegal activity, obscenity, profanity, pornography or obscene images.</p><p>&ldquo;Having students directly involved in the revision of this dress code was an important part of this work,&rdquo; said Bill Hamblett, Assistant Superintendent. &ldquo;It will also provide principals with the direction they need to ensure the school dress code is current and equitable across the district.&rdquo;</p><p>A diverse stakeholder group participated in the consultation:</p><ul><li>District Student Advisory Council</li><li>District Parent Advisory Council</li><li>Aboriginal Education Council</li><li>Kamloops Thompson Teachers&rsquo; Association</li><li>Canadian Union of Public Employees Local 3500</li><li>Kamloops Thompson Principal and Vice Principal Association</li><li>Kamloops Sexual Assault Counselling Centre</li><li>School District SOGI Representative</li><li>School District Diversity Student Representative</li></ul><p>At its first meeting on April 14, 2021, these representatives were asked to share a draft of the current <span style="text-decoration: underline;"><a href="" target="_blank">Administrative Procedure Dress Code</a></span> with their constituents to get written feedback.</p><p>When it reconvened May 14, 2021, themes from this feedback were discussed, and a student group from South Kamloops Secondary made a presentation regarding a recent SKSS dress code process. Based on input from this meeting the District Dress Code was revised.</p><p>The stakeholder group met again on June 16, 2021 to review updates to the <span style="text-decoration: underline;"><a href="" target="_blank">revised dress code</a></span>, and these revisions were reviewed by the Employee Policy Advisory Committee on June 29, 2021.</p> /Modules/News/index.aspx?feedId=a34c7aa8-61a4-4301-b1ee-537197631df4&newsId=20d7a733-26a3-4247-8ab1-b0a615fb7833 Tue, 06 Jul 2021 20:15:00 GMT Feeding Futures Funding in Kamloops-Thompson Board of Education <p>On April 4, 2023, the Ministry of Education and Child Care announced the new Feeding Futures funding, which invests in building and expanding local school food programs. This funding is meant to build on the progress made with the Student and Family Affordability Fund to address the immediate need of feeding students.</p><p>&nbsp;&ldquo;In the 2022-2027 District Strategic Plan, our mission is to support learning opportunities and environments which inspire students to thrive,&rdquo; said Heather Grieve, Board Chair. &ldquo;For students to thrive, basic needs such as access to food and nutrition is essential.&rdquo;</p><p>The Feeding Futures Fund will increase food security for ÌÇÐÄSwag students through the expansion or creation of new school snack and meal programs. The Feeding Futures Fund enables District staff to feed more students who need support and increase their readiness to learn.</p><p>&ldquo;School leaders provided key information to assist the District in creating a comprehensive overview of the current snacks and meal programs available in schools, as well as identifying areas for future food program creation and expansion,&rdquo; said Michelle Mattes, District Principal. &ldquo;School leaders have the opportunity to apply for funds to expand and enhance nutritious meal and snack programs for their students, with a particular focus on supporting our students who need it most.&rdquo;</p><p>Every school will have a &ldquo;Food Champion&rdquo;, an individual passionate about providing nutritious food for students who will lead the way. These champions will have access to professional development opportunities and will receive their FoodSafe certification to ensure safe distribution and handling of food.</p><p>&ldquo;District staff will actively engage with the student leadership groups within schools and at the district level to gather valuable feedback from students about their preferences for snack and meal programs,&rdquo; stated Dr. Rhonda Nixon, ÌÇÐÄSwag Superintendent. &ldquo;Community engagement will involve the Aboriginal Education Council, parents, and partners.&rdquo;</p><p>ÌÇÐÄSwag is collaborating with community partners, including the Boys and Girls Club, Interior Health, the Kamloops Food Policy Council, Farm to School BC, the Kamloops Food Bank, the Stir, and the Mount Paul Community Food Centre. An increased number of students will continue to be supported through the Starfish Backpack program and FoodSHARE, both of which are provided by the Kamloops Food Bank.</p><p>Together, the Feeding Futures Fund promises to revolutionize our schools, ensuring that every student has the nourishment they need to succeed, both in the classroom and beyond. By fostering a culture of inclusivity and collaboration, this initiative embodies the spirit of community and shared responsibility, making strides towards a brighter future for all our students.</p><p><strong><em>To learn more about how to access this fund, if you are a parent or student, please see your school administration. If you are a community partner who would like to be involved at a district level, please contact Michelle Mattes at: </em></strong><a href=""><strong><em></em></strong></a><strong><em>.</em></strong></p> /Modules/News/index.aspx?feedId=a34c7aa8-61a4-4301-b1ee-537197631df4&newsId=37cb7d52-6003-4cd8-9ae2-b124f82c12a1 Tue, 12 Sep 2023 15:30:00 GMT Engaging Students with Project-Based Learning <p>Principal&nbsp;<strong>Rachael Sdoutz</strong>, Art teacher&nbsp;<strong>Jenn Cacaci,</strong>&nbsp;and Digi-Pen teacher&nbsp;<strong>Andres Ruberg</strong>&nbsp;presented the positive impact project-based learning (PBL) is having on students from the Sa-Hali family of schools.&nbsp;With support from a Board-sponsored Innovation Grant, students and teachers develop engaging multi-grade and multi-disciplinary projects emphasizing critical thinking, creativity, and collaboration.&nbsp;</p><p>&ldquo;With so many distractions in their lives, the key is finding ways&nbsp;to engage students&nbsp;in authentic&nbsp;learning&nbsp;opportunities that capture their interest,&rdquo; said Cacaci. &ldquo;It is important to&nbsp;give them choices and more responsibility for&nbsp;personal&nbsp;learning&nbsp;processes.&rdquo;</p><p><a href="">The Family of Schools: K-16&nbsp;&nbsp;blog</a>&nbsp;showcases two dozen of these projects. The blog describes projects like &lsquo;Big Business with Little Buddies&rsquo;, &lsquo;Food for Thought&rsquo;, and &lsquo;I am Malala&rsquo; and provides links to research and presentations.&nbsp;</p><p>For example, &lsquo;I am a Superhero&rsquo; and &lsquo;Superheroes 2&rsquo;, showcases projects completed by elementary and secondary students to first describe and then develop superheroes with special powers to help the world. They worked with ideas around the environment, endangered species and other global issues to create written descriptions and then visual representations and digitally animated heroes.&nbsp;</p><p>"When students learn through a project, every skill they use has relevance, and every problem they encounter gives them a reason to develop new skills,&rdquo; said Ruberg. &ldquo;Project-based learning is authentic and meaningful; students understand that on a fundamental level and it gives meaning to what they accomplish."</p><p>PBL is a student-centred educational approach that organizes learning around projects. Students work independently, or in groups, to choose and then meet a specific goal by asking questions, debating ideas, making predictions, analyzing data, drawing conclusions, and then communicating their ideas to an audience.&nbsp;</p><p>The project helps students meet a challenge, develop and deliver an answer to a central question, and create a product or a performance. Projects include authentic, engaging content which helps students build 21<sup>st</sup>Century skills including collaboration, critical thinking, creativity, and communication.&nbsp;</p><p>&nbsp;</p> /Modules/News/index.aspx?feedId=a34c7aa8-61a4-4301-b1ee-537197631df4&newsId=a7317ff0-bab0-41e9-8727-b2099deda6d2 Tue, 14 May 2019 19:00:00 GMT Familiar BC Firm to Design New Parkcrest Elementary School <p>The Board of Education has chosen a familiar British Columbian firm to design the rebuild of Parkcrest Elementary School.</p><p><a href="">Station One Architects</a> (formerly CHP Architects)&nbsp;was one of eight firms who responded to School District No. 73&rsquo;s public request for proposal (RFP) for prime consultants. Station One is also the firm being used for the Valleyview Secondary expansion project, and its bid was recommended to the Board of Education by Facilities Director Art McDonald.</p><p>&ldquo;The Board is pleased to work on another capital project with the architects that designed the Valleyview Secondary School expansion,&rdquo; said Board Chair Rhonda Kershaw. &ldquo;The school community engagement process for Valleyview Secondary was inclusive and engaging and we look forward to a similar process in the near future with the Parkcrest School Community.&rdquo;</p><p>Based in Chilliwack, the firm&rsquo;s projects have included the design for Canyon Falls Middle School in Kelowna and the H.S. Grenda Middle School in Lake Country as well as an upgrade and addition at Langley Secondary.&nbsp;&nbsp;</p><p>Justin Dyck, a partner with Station One, says the firm is excited to begin the process to rebuild &nbsp;Parkcrest Elementary School and to work with educators, staff, and stakeholders to realize a vision suited to the Kamloops-Thompson School District and the Brocklehurst neighbourhood.</p><p>&ldquo;This will be more than a school, it also supports a revitalized and expanding neighbourhood,&rdquo; Dyck said. &ldquo;Through our experience, at Valleyview, and throughout the province, we have developed cutting-edge design practices in educational facilities and are keen to explore a design solution that is perfect for Parkcrest.&rdquo;</p><p>The Parkcrest rebuild,&nbsp;<a href="/Modules/News/index.aspx?newsId=c29ced83-2404-4101-be5c-601f169b3106">announced Jan. 25, 2021</a>, will be a new, expanded and energy efficient school which will include capacity for more students, a neighbourhood learning centre and a larger gymnasium. Construction is set to begin in summer 2022 and the school is expected to open by spring 2024. It will be built to Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design (LEED) Gold standards that will help to significantly reduce greenhouse gas emissions, while improving the school&rsquo;s annual energy costs.</p><p>The Government of B.C. is investing $34.84 million to rebuild the former 390-seat school Kindergarten to Grade 6 school and expand its capacity to 510 students in anticipation of the growth in Brocklehurst.</p><p>The District is investing $300,000 towards the expansion, while the City of Kamloops has committed up to $2.5 million for the additional space required for a larger gymnasium and changeroom facilities for community sporting events.&nbsp; &nbsp;</p><p>The funding provides an opportunity to create space promoting strong school-community partnerships, using school facilities to meet the needs of children, youth, families and the Brocklehurst neighbourhood.</p><p>&nbsp;</p><p>&nbsp;</p><p>&nbsp;</p><p>&nbsp;</p> /Modules/News/index.aspx?feedId=a34c7aa8-61a4-4301-b1ee-537197631df4&newsId=dac0bc50-b905-4b77-a193-b2a226ae904f Wed, 03 Mar 2021 17:15:00 GMT Creating School Learning Commons from School Libraries <p>Using the inquiry question &ldquo;When and how does a School Library became a School Learning Commons?&rdquo;, Pinantan Elementary and Raft River Elementary have started their exciting journeys from more traditional library programs to the whole-school learning commons approach of participatory learning. Using standards to guide their work, they established Library Learning Commons teams and they began creating future-oriented hubs of learning innovation and knowledge creation.</p><p>As recipients of Innovation Grants, both schools worked with District Library Coordinator Andrea Wallin, Henry Grube Education Centre staff, and the ÌÇÐÄSwag Maintenance Department. They planned and implemented their program and aligned their plans with school and district learning goals to redesign their facilities.&nbsp;</p><p>Wallin and Chris Wood (Principal, Pinantan Elementary School ), Lori Bradstock ( Principal Raft River Elementary School ) and Tori Cooke ( Teacher-Librarian, Raft River Elementary School ) presented an update on the project to the Board of Education&rsquo;s Mar. 11 meeting.&nbsp;</p><p>&ldquo;It was important to the Library Learning Commons Teams to design welcoming, inclusive, student-friendly environments with flexible learning spaces,&rdquo; said Wallin. &ldquo;Students need access to lots of quality, relevant, engaging print and digital collections, reflecting diversity and points of view to support personalized learning. The important role of the Library Learning Commons teams is to help learners co-create and share ideas and knowledge in a way that will connect them with the real world.&rdquo;</p><p>While both schools used a document from the Canadian Library Association (CLA),&nbsp;<em>Leading Learning: Standards of Practice for School Library Learning Commons in Canada&nbsp;</em>to guide them, each school selected a different standard to implement. In both projects, students were involved in the redesign. At Pinantan, the Library Learning Commons teams focused on&nbsp;<em>fostering literacies to empower life-long learners&nbsp;</em>through creating quiet spaces, cozy reading nooks and enhanced collections that better reflect the new curriculum and that honour the First Peoples Principles of Learning. Raft River focused on&nbsp;<em>advancing the learning community to achieve (school) goals&nbsp;</em>through Aboriginal oral storytelling, place-based and inquiry learning, and encouraging collaborative learning experiences. While both schools approached their projects in a different way, both new learning spaces will provide similar outcomes.</p><p>&ldquo;They now both have flexible spaces honouring a new approach to the work and meeting the changing needs of our learners,&rdquo; said Wallin. &ldquo;For example, if a student is researching an ocean-related project they will be able to set up a video conference with an oceanographer, browse through a virtual or print collection of related resources, collaborate with others in person or virtually, and present their knowledge using media production.&rdquo;</p><p>Wallin gave kudos on the project to the ÌÇÐÄSwag Maintenance Department, which provided construction, carpentry and other renovation-related services to the schools.&nbsp;</p><p>&ldquo;The carpenters&rsquo; attention to detail and creative ideas should be commended. We really appreciate their thoughtful approach to these projects and openness to collaborate with schools to meet their needs&rdquo; she said.&nbsp;</p><p>Both learning commons plans are based on the CLA standards of practice for effective learning commons. A 2014 CLA Report said: &ldquo;Learning in ever-changing environments demands new ways of educating &ndash; a focus on inquiry, creative and critical thinking, multiple literacies, and working together to meet shared goals and knowledge building.&rdquo;&nbsp;</p><p>&nbsp;</p><p>&nbsp;</p><p>&nbsp;</p> /Modules/News/index.aspx?feedId=a34c7aa8-61a4-4301-b1ee-537197631df4&newsId=64863771-690e-4b93-becd-b30fac6a8e36 Tue, 12 Mar 2019 16:00:00 GMT International Education in Action <p>Course credits are now being offered to international students through an immersive activities program that allows youth to get a true Canadiana experience during their time in Kamloops.</p><p>This year, the District&rsquo;s vibrant International Student Program (ISP) is hosting 300 students in seven schools from 19 different countries and, through the Language Acquisition through Community and Physical Activity course, is offering students an opportunity to participate in an array of local activities. Thus far, students have enjoyed trips to Tofino, the BC Wildlife Park, Blazers games, various lakes and hiking trails around the area, and have tried their hand at gold panning, skiing, snowshoeing, and skating, to name a few outings.</p><p>Activities and English Language Learning Teacher Tom Beeke told the Board of Education at their regular meeting on May 9 that the course was developed to support and encourage ISP students to authentically advance their English language acquisition through community-based activities, enhance global intercultural awareness, and to compare their native country to the richness and diversity of Canada through these defined activities, as well as interaction within the Kamloops region.</p><p>&ldquo;This course will allow students to become more aware of Canadian culture, inclusive of Indigenous culture and history,&rdquo; said Beeke. &ldquo;Through this learning, ISP students will focus on building reading comprehension, compositional skills, and speaking and listening skills. Physical activity and student wellness are also essential components of this course.&rdquo;</p><p>Using the First Peoples Principles of Learning, this Board/Authority Authorized (BAA) course provides the framework for interculturalization with a goal to prepare students to be citizens in a globally diverse society: &ldquo;Many cultures are brought together and understanding is created through shared experiences and relationships. No one in this course can claim they are the dominant culture and English is often the only commonality,&rdquo; continued Beeke.</p><p>&ldquo;It&rsquo;s wonderful knowing that these kinds of opportunities exist for international students within our District,&rdquo; said Board Chair Heather Grieve following the presentation that included a discussion with a group of current international students representing Mexico, Taiwan, Belgium, and Brazil.</p><p>When asked about one thing ISP students have learned about themselves during this process, posed by Superintendent Rhonda Nixon, students responded with various answers:</p><ul><li><em>&ldquo;I learned about being independent.&rdquo;</em></li><li><em>&ldquo;I felt I actually learned about myself more after I got here from different aspects, different cultures, and from different people.&rdquo;</em></li><li><em>&ldquo;I learned about where I want to be and where I want to go.&rdquo;</em></li><li><em>&ldquo;I learned how to manage my own money.&rdquo;</em></li><li><em>&ldquo;I found out I&rsquo;m stronger than I thought I was going to be.&rdquo;</em></li><li><em>&ldquo;It&rsquo;s a part of growing up and being more mature.&rdquo;</em></li></ul><p>Following their replies, Superintendent Nixon noted, &ldquo;I feel like this program is changing lives and that&rsquo;s what we do as educators.&rdquo;&nbsp;</p> /Modules/News/index.aspx?feedId=a34c7aa8-61a4-4301-b1ee-537197631df4&newsId=d94ff19e-aebe-441d-a020-b41be9c0cecb Wed, 11 May 2022 21:00:00 GMT Valleyview Secondary School Expansion Announced <p>A sea of red greeted Rob Fleming, Minister of Education when he arrived at Valleyview Secondary to announce the <a href="">Province spending $32.7 million</a> for a significant expansion to the school by September 2022.</p><p>In Kamloops, Friday, April 12 to <a href="">make the announcement,</a> Minister Fleming spoke directly to students in grades 8 through 12. The students, gathered in a pep-rally atmosphere, were dressed in their Valleyview Vikes clothing and began the event with cheers and school chants.</p><p>&ldquo;Today we take a giant step forward on the path to a radically improved school at Valleyview,&rdquo; said <strong>Kathleen Karpuk</strong>, Chair, School District No. 73 Board of Education. &ldquo;This means much better learning conditions, more access to specialized classrooms and places where you can sit, and socialize and eat.&rdquo;</p><p>"Kamloops-Thompson is one of the Province's fastest growing school districts," said <strong>Alison Sidow</strong>, Superintendent. "The funding announcement for this much-needed expansion allows the students and staff at Valleyview Secondary to grow and learn in a modern and spacious facility."</p><p>There are currently over 940 students at VSS, which has a capacity for 625 students. This expansion means room for all the students in the school and the removal of the nine portables on the site by the time the project is complete. This addition will be built to LEED Gold standards, and it will bring the school&rsquo;s capacity from 675 to 1,200 students.</p><p>The project will include 20 new classrooms, a new gymnasium, a multi-purpose space, special education classrooms, a new pick-up and drop-off area for buses, parking stalls and outdoor play areas.</p><p>ÌÇÐÄSwag is contributing $1.75 million to the project so the total budget for the expansion will be $34.45 million.&nbsp;</p><p>VVSS made Fleming an honorary Vike and presented him with a school jersey, in the clip below.&nbsp;</p><p>&nbsp;</p><p><iframe src="" frameborder="0" width="560" height="315"></iframe></p> /Modules/News/index.aspx?feedId=a34c7aa8-61a4-4301-b1ee-537197631df4&newsId=49eeb368-87bb-429a-a2f7-b50d2ae9939d Fri, 12 Apr 2019 22:30:00 GMT How Equity Assists Aboriginal Students' Success <p>By Diane Jules, Trustee</p><p>November 3, 2020</p><p>School District 73 provides a public education to over 15,000 students, of which approximately 2800 are of Aboriginal ancestry in the territories of seven bands or First Nations: Tk&rsquo;eml&uacute;ps te Secw&eacute;pemc, Skeetchestn Indian Band, Whispering Pines/Clinton (Pellt&rsquo;iq&rsquo;t First Nation), Simpcw First Nation, Neskonlith Indian Band, Adams Lake Indian Band and Little Shuswap Lake Indian Band.</p><p>The 2020 Aboriginal Education Report details what the Kamloops-Thompson School District is doing to meet the goals set out in our strategic priorities along with those outlined in the fourth Aboriginal Education Enhancement Agreement (2016&ndash;2022).</p><p>A highlight of the report is the rise in the District of the Aboriginal six-year completion rate from seventy-eight percent (78%) in 2017&ndash;2018 to eighty-four percent (84%) in 2018&ndash;2019.</p><p>Compared to provincial five-year completion rates showing a 23 per cent gap between Aboriginal and non- Aboriginal students, in ÌÇÐÄSwag, this gap is 9 per cent. When comparing the six-year completion rates, our Aboriginal and non- Aboriginal students show an 18 per cent and a 5 per cent gap.</p><p>It&rsquo;s clear we are doing significantly better than most other districts in the province, but there is more to be done.</p><p>As a district, we have not reached parity or equity for Aboriginal learners. Our goal is to completely close this gap.</p><p>The Ministry of Education&rsquo;s Equity Project is now in its third year, and it is focused on bringing equity and parity in education to Aboriginal Learners across BC. ÌÇÐÄSwag is starting to recognize the barriers for Aboriginal learners, and better understand what needs to be done to address them to create equity.</p><p>For example, while Aboriginal people are over-represented in low socio-economic status (SES) statistics, and low SES is a prime indicator for low outcomes for students, it is incorrect to assume this is why the gap for Aboriginal students exists.</p><p>According to Mike Bowden, District Principal Aboriginal Education, the research shows that even without SES as a factor, Aboriginal populations continue to struggle with equity in the education system as compared to non- Aboriginal students. The assumption is that giving people equal treatment means everyone benefits from the same supports. In an equitable system, existing barriers are addressed by giving people the support they need. Once barriers are removed and the causes of inequity are addressed and everyone has equity, we will be able to achieve parity.</p><p>Part of removing barriers is enabling students to see their culture reflected in their schools. This is why accommodation of Aboriginal culture and identity is regarded as a core responsibility of our schools rather than as a special project to be undertaken after other obligations are met. As summarized in the Report of the Royal Commission on Aboriginal Peoples (1996), educational institutions have a pivotal role in transforming the relationship between Aboriginal peoples and Canadian society.</p><p>Through the commitment of all educators, connections made with parents and community members continue to improve. These connections, in turn, are instrumental in improving the success and the personal well-being of all District students.</p><p>Through the educational experience Aboriginal learners not only receive a graduation certificate, they also become resilient and engaged citizens with positive life outcomes. It means learners can succeed personally and academically, regardless of background, identity or personal circumstances.</p><p>Linking student achievement to equity, inclusion and diversity promotes learner well-being, engagement and school connectedness, and results in the creation of educated citizens. &nbsp;</p><p>Equity, inclusion and diversity are central to the District&rsquo;s vision: To be a dynamic school district, we remain committed to achieving success for all students through equity and excellence.</p><p>This column appeared in Kamloops This Week: View from ÌÇÐÄSwag on November 3, 2020.</p> /Modules/News/index.aspx?feedId=a34c7aa8-61a4-4301-b1ee-537197631df4&newsId=bd20f346-f371-4709-89e9-b708e827638c Tue, 03 Nov 2020 22:00:00 GMT ÌÇÐÄSwag Kamloops-Thompson Board of Education Inaugural Board Meeting <p>On Monday, November 6, 2023, the Kamloops-Thompson Board of Education elected the positions of Chair, Vice Chair, British Columbia School Trustees' Association Provincial Council, and British Columbia Public School Employers' Association representative for the Board for 2023-2024. The results of the election are as follows:</p><p><strong>Board Chair &ndash; Heather Grieve</strong></p><p>Board Chair Grieve said, &ldquo;I am honoured to be elected as Chair of the Board for 2023-2024. I have been privileged to sit alongside trustees as we engaged in co-developing the 2022-2027 District Strategic Plan, reconfiguring the North Shore, reopening Ralph Bell, and soon, reopening two schools. I look forward to a productive year, and I will do my best to represent the interests of our community and decisions of the Board through my role as Board Chair.&rdquo;</p><p>Heather has served in the role of Board Chair for the last two years, starting in November 2021 for 2021-2022 and 2022-2023. Last evening, the Board elected her to continue in the role as Board Chair for 2023-2024. Ms. Grieve is also the Chair of the Regular Public Board Meeting and meets with the Vice Chair of the Board, Superintendent, Secretary-Treasurer, and Director of Communications and Board Administration to review and confirm the agenda for these meetings and to review requests to present and correspondence.</p><p>Heather was elected as one of five trustees representing Kamloops, and she is serving in her second term on the Board of Education. Currently, Heather is the Board liaison to the Westsyde family of schools which includes: Arthur Stevenson Elementary, David Thompson Elementary, Pinantan Elementary, Westmount Elementary, Westsyde Secondary, Westsyde Elementary, School Board Office, and Transportation. She represents the Board as the Chair of the Human Resources Committee and the Audit Committee, Education Committee of the Whole, and trustee representative on the Pineview Valley Community Engagement Committee, and Accessibility Committee. Board Chair Grieve participates in recruitment of senior staff and principals and vice principals, and she serves as the media representative for the Board. Ms. Grieve has been instrumental in planning and reviewing board agendas bi-weekly, suggesting responses to requests to present or correspondence to the Board, and to planning board workshops and professional development.</p><p>Heather has met with the Minister of Education and Child Care and other provincial representatives on behalf of the board, and attended provincial advocacy meetings with provincial politicians and partners. In December 2021, Heather articulated the needs of school districts in the public consultation held by the Select Standing Committee on Finance and Government Services. Provincially, she is serving as a member of the BCSTA Comprehensive School Health Working Group. She participated as a panel speaker in 2021 to share the importance of student voice in advising Board decisions, and she was also spokesperson and presenter at the November 2022 BCSTA Fall Conference.</p><p><strong>Vice Chair &ndash; Rhonda Kershaw</strong></p><p>Vice Chair Rhonda Kershaw shared, &ldquo;I am honoured to be Vice Chair of the Board for 2023-2024. In this role, I will continue to serve by bringing my historical knowledge to the table to provide context and to support strategic direction that will move the Board&rsquo;s priorities forward. I have always appreciated community input and engagement, and I look forward to leading alongside parents and community partners to achieve the best outcomes for our students.&rdquo;</p><p>Rhonda is in her fourth term as a trustee and has served in the roles of trustee, Chair of the Board and Vice Chair of the Board. The Board elected Ms. Kershaw to be Vice Chair in November 2021-2022 and 2022-2023, and they have elected her to be Vice Chair for 2023-2024. Representing Barriere, Rhonda serves as the Board liaison for Twin Rivers Education Centre, Barriere Elementary, Barriere Secondary, Henry Grube Education Centre, and Maintenance Department.&nbsp;</p><p>Rhonda also serves in roles of Chair of the Sun Peaks Committee, Vice-Chair of the Audit Committee, alternate on the Finance and Planning Committee, and trustee representative of the Legacy Grant Committee. She is the Chair of the In-Camera Board Meetings and sets the agenda for these meetings biweekly with the Board Chair, Superintendent, Secretary Treasurer, and Director of Communications and Board Administration.</p><p>Ms. Kershaw participates in the recruitment of senior district roles, principals, and vice principals, and she has served as a trustee representative on all committees in her four terms. She is a collaborative partner in review and revisions of board agendas biweekly, correspondence, and planning board workshops, MLA meetings, TRU Partnership meetings, and City of Kamloops meetings. She has a longstanding history and comprehensive understanding of the Board&rsquo;s advocacy priorities and capital needs, supporting responses to requests to present and correspondence, and to planning and implementing Board professional development.</p><p><strong>British Columbia School Trustees' Association Provincial Council &ndash; Trustee, Kathleen Karpuk</strong></p><p>Trustee Karpuk stated, &ldquo;I look forward to continuing to serve the Board in this capacity and to ensure that we continue to advance the advocacy strategies that will support all students provincially, while also informing the Council of the needs of the Interior, including our District.&rdquo;</p><p>Trustee Kathleen Karpuk has been the elected Board representative on the British Columbia School Trustees' Association Provincial Council. Last evening, the Board elected Trustee Karpuk to be the representative for 2023-2024. Kathleen will attend meetings throughout the year, including standing committee meetings. Kathleen will learn firsthand the needs of boards provincially, provincial advocacy directions, and potential annual general meeting motions, and she will bring back this information to the Board of Trustees.</p><p>BCSTA&rsquo;s Provincial Council was established in 1987. It was formed to ensure that the interests of all boards are represented in the governance of BCSTA and to facilitate an ongoing dialogue around issues facing the association and its member boards across the province.</p><p><strong>British Columbia Public School Employers' Association &ndash; Trustee Cole Hickson</strong></p><p>Trustee Hickson shared, &ldquo;I am grateful to have learned so much this past year in my first year of my first term as a trustee. While this has been a year of learning, I recently attended the BCPSEA Conference and really enjoyed gaining an in-depth understanding of the employee groups&rsquo; needs provincially and some primary issues that we are navigating provincially.&rdquo;</p><p>The trustee who takes on this role acts as a liaison and communications conduit between Boards of Education and BCPSEA on human resources matters, including distribution of BCPSEA communications to board members while ensuring their Board&rsquo;s voice is heard by BCPSEA.</p> /Modules/News/index.aspx?feedId=a34c7aa8-61a4-4301-b1ee-537197631df4&newsId=eac97de4-1f38-4599-9835-b7156d0e6910 Tue, 07 Nov 2023 19:00:00 GMT Catchment Boundaries Public Consultations Still Open <p>You may be aware that ÌÇÐÄSwag is considering four catchment boundary changes in Kamloops.</p><p>The consultations are still underway. While you may have had a conversation or two about what you think about the changes with your neighbors, have you sent your thoughts, comments or questions to the Board of Education?</p><p>If you email&nbsp;<a href="javascript:emailContactV2('mPlUsltdUM1JYTo5lA5H5OsYQuc9AeQuAleQuAl')&amp;&amp;false">facility input</a>, your comments will be posted online, and forwarded to the trustees to consider when it&rsquo;s time to make a decision.</p><p>The recommendations being considered by the Kamloops-Thompson Board of Education include four catchment boundary changes and the re-opening of Ralph Bell Elementary school for September, 2022.&nbsp;</p><p>For the proposed boundary reviews of <a href="/en/our-district-board/aberdeen-pacific-way.aspx">Aberdeen/Pacific Way</a>, <a href="/en/our-district-board/sa-hali-secondary-skss.aspx">Sa-Hali/SKSS</a>, and <a href="/en/our-district-board/dallas-rl-clemitson.aspx">Dallas/RL Clemitson</a>, the period of public consultation began Apr.13, and will end on Jun. 4, 2021.&nbsp;</p><p>The fourth catchment boundary consultation is for <a href="/en/our-district-board/juniper-ridge-marion-schilling.aspx">Juniper Ridge/Marion Schilling</a>, and the re-opening of Ralph Bell Elementary school as part of that consultation. The public consultation for this process began Apr. 20, and will end on Jun. 21, 2021.</p><p><strong>Decision Dates</strong></p><p><strong>June 14, 2021 - Board of Education regular meeting </strong></p><p>The Board of Education will consider all public input received by Jun. 4 in making its decision for the proposed Aberdeen/Pacific Way, Sa-Hali/SKSS and Dallas/RL Clemitson catchment changes. Anonymous comments are not included. It will be livestreamed on our&nbsp; Facebook page.</p><p><strong>June 28, 2021 - Board of Education regular meeting </strong></p><p>The Board of Education will consider all public input received by Jun. 21 in making its decision for the proposed Juniper Ridge/Marion Schilling catchment changes and the reopening of Ralph Bell Elementary School. Anonymous comments are not included. It will be livestreamed on our&nbsp; <a href="ÌÇÐÄSwag/">Facebook</a> page.</p> /Modules/News/index.aspx?feedId=a34c7aa8-61a4-4301-b1ee-537197631df4&newsId=d26b2846-69fa-4d1f-b48e-b7ae84669113 Wed, 19 May 2021 18:15:00 GMT Winter Games Legacy for School Sport <p>ÌÇÐÄSwag was one of seven local organizations to benefit from the allocation of the <a title="Kamloops 2018 BC Winter Games Legacy Announced" href="">BC Winter Games Legacy Fund.</a></p><p>Board Chair Kathleen Karpuk and Assistant Superintendent Bill Hamblett were on hand to receive the $10,000 on behalf of the District on Thursday, December 13, 2018.</p><p>ÌÇÐÄSwag lent school buses to games organizers to transport athletes and officials between the game as well as provided secondary schools which were transformed into athletic villages during the games, February 21 to 25.&nbsp;&nbsp;</p><p>&ldquo;Thanks to Bill Hamblett and former Transportation Manager Dave Mell for all their amazing work with venues and transportation,&rdquo; Chair Karpuk said. &ldquo;Other big thanks to the district employees who spent so much time volunteering. Our bus drivers who volunteered were spectacular, we got a lot of compliments about their performance.&rdquo;</p><p>As the legacy funds were distributed, Alison Noble, President and CEO of the BC Games Society said, "The BC Games impact extends well beyond the four days of the Games and we are proud to see how Kamloops utilized hosting the BC Winter Games to invest in projects that will benefit sport and the community."</p><p>The games' legacy will be available throughout the district to offset some of the costs for athletic tournaments and meets.</p><p>&nbsp;&ldquo;This gift from the BC Winter Games Society help with the many incidental costs associated with organizing school sporting competitions,&rdquo; said Bill Hamblett. &ldquo;Sporting event organizers can apply for funding through either the Secondary Athletic Council or the Elementary Sports Council.&rdquo;</p><p>&nbsp;</p><p>&nbsp;</p><p>&nbsp;</p> /Modules/News/index.aspx?feedId=a34c7aa8-61a4-4301-b1ee-537197631df4&newsId=40649e06-55d3-41d9-a803-b7bc35fb23e6 Tue, 18 Dec 2018 23:15:00 GMT Kamloops-Thompson School District breaks ground on Sníne Elementary <p style="text-align: left;" align="center"><em>Story provided by Chelsea Isenor, Director of Communications and Board Administration</em></p><p>On Monday, June 3, 2024, the Kamloops-Thompson Board of Education marked the start of construction on Sn&iacute;ne Elementary School with an official Groundbreaking Ceremony.</p><p>Sn&iacute;ne Elementary, the Kamloops-Thompson&rsquo;s newest school, will be located in Pineview Valley. This school has been a priority for the District since 2014-2015, due to notable enrollment growth and space pressures in nearby schools.</p><p>Following a recent public consultation process, the school was named Sn&iacute;ne Elementary. Sn&iacute;ne, the Secw&eacute;pemc word for owl, symbolizes strength, wisdom, and guidance. The naming committee and consultation process included voices from Tk&rsquo;eml&uacute;ps te Secw&eacute;pemc Chief and Council, the District Aboriginal Education Council, employee executive groups, the District Parent Advisory Council, parents, community partners, and students.</p><p>&ldquo;We are proud that Sn&iacute;ne Elementary is the first Secwepemcts&iacute;n school name in our District,&rdquo; shares Board Chair Heather Grieve. &ldquo;The Board is committed to Truth and Reconciliation and ensuring that every person is included and is able to thrive personally and culturally. Sn&iacute;ne Elementary represents one of many important steps in our work towards Truth and Reconciliation.&rdquo;</p><p>In May 2021, the Ministry of Education and Child Care supported the District in proceeding to the Project Definition Report and on February 22, 2023, the Board received funding to build this new elementary school. The Ministry of Education and Child Care have provided $65.3 million in funding for Sn&iacute;ne Elementary.</p><p>The school was designed by Chilliwack-based Station One Architects, and on April 22, 2024, the Board awarded the contract for the building of the new elementary school to Yellowridge Construction. Construction starting on this new elementary school is a significant step towards serving the District&rsquo;s growing needs. With an opening capacity of 453 students from Kindergarten to Grade 7, Sn&iacute;ne Elementary will serve the needs of local families and help alleviate pressure on over-capacity schools in the southwest area of Kamloops.</p><p>&ldquo;Our mission in the Kamloops-Thompson School District is to support learning opportunities and environments which inspire students to thrive, and I know this beautiful new school will inspire hundreds of students and their families,&rdquo; shares Superintendent Dr. Rhonda Nixon.</p><p>Located near Python Lake and surrounded by nature, the school&rsquo;s location opens up many opportunities for land-based learning and unique outdoor education opportunities.</p><p>The Sn&iacute;ne Elementary Groundbreakign Ceremony started with guests embarking on a school bus ride through the Pineview Valley neighborhood to the groundbreaking site. Once on site, Tk&rsquo;eml&uacute;ps te Secw&eacute;pemc Knowledge Keeper Jackie Jules shared an inspiring welcome and joined the SKSS student drumming group in sharing the Welcome Song and Honour Song.</p><p>At the event, Tk&rsquo;eml&uacute;ps te Secw&eacute;pemc Tkwenem7&iacute;ple7 Councilor Morning-Star Peters shared: &ldquo;Sn&iacute;ne was recommended by some of our Elders&hellip; On behalf of Tk&rsquo;eml&uacute;ps te Secw&eacute;pemc Chief and Council, we are absolutely thankful for involving us in this process. This is going to set the bar high for other municipalities and other school districts to work with their local First Nations as well.&rdquo;</p><p>This momentous event marked an important milestone for the Kamloops-Thompson School District, as the first school groundbreaking in over a decade.</p><p>Sn&iacute;ne Elementary School is expected to open in Fall 2026.</p><p><iframe title="YouTube video player" src="" frameborder="0" width="560" height="315"></iframe></p> /Modules/News/index.aspx?feedId=a34c7aa8-61a4-4301-b1ee-537197631df4&newsId=12e63d37-4714-4876-87af-b86b75d14532 Mon, 03 Jun 2024 19:00:00 GMT Helping Students Learn Mental Wellness <p>Grade 7 teachers across the district are being trained to facilitate mental health literacy lessons in their classrooms that aim to help develop knowledge and health improve strategies so that students are better able to cope with life stresses and build resilience.&nbsp;&nbsp;</p><p>In a presentation to the Board of Education at its regular meeting Nov. 9, trustees heard about three evidence-based, age-appropriate mental wellness resources that equip teachers with a robust curriculum learning about basic brain functions determining both mental health and mental illness.&nbsp;&nbsp;</p><p>The presenters were Vessy Mochikas, Director of Instruction, Elementary Education and Learning Services, District Principal Grant Reilly, Sherry Stade, Health Promoting Schools Coordinator, and two Grade 7 teachers. The District program is called <em>Stop Wondering Start Knowing.</em></p><p>Stade said the program is aimed at students in Grade 7 because the age of onset of major mental health issues ranges between the ages of 12 and 25.</p><p>&ldquo;This age range is the window of onset for 70 per cent of all mental health disorders including anxiety, anorexia, depression, schizophrenia, obsessive compulsiveness and substance abuse,&rdquo; said Stade. &ldquo;Statistics show that one in five people may have a mental health illness or disorder, and that also means that four out of five of us may be living with someone with a mental health problem.</p><p>&ldquo;We also encourage teachers to create community agreements. What we mean by this is before you start any kind of facilitation, it is important to create guidelines for a safe classroom where respectful dialogue can occur.&rdquo;</p><p>Both teachers said they were initially nervous about the program, and both said the positive outcomes after delivering the program make it valuable.</p><p>&ldquo;At one point, you could hear a pin drop and bounce on the floor,&rdquo; said Jessee Brake, Grade 7 teacher from Chase Secondary. &ldquo;That&rsquo;s how much they wanted to hear this information. Many students stayed behind to talk and ask questions.&rdquo;</p><p>Beth Morgan, Grade 7 teacher at Beattie Elementary, said she first delivered this program three years ago to the most challenging class in her career.</p><p>&ldquo;I wondered whether this might trigger additional anxiety with the students,&rdquo; said Morgan. &ldquo;But with some help from Sherry Stade, who delivered the first session, the program was actually very well received.&rdquo;</p><p>Morgan has continued to teach the program every year.</p><p>&ldquo;This year I decided to deliver it right away. I am really happy that I did that because it creates a real sense of community in the classroom, and a safe place for kids to talk,&rdquo; said Morgan. &ldquo;&ldquo;Adolescence is hard for kids, and with COVID, it is especially hard. This program is very helpful because even if students are not struggling, it helps them to learn the language so they can talk about it with their family and friends.&rdquo;</p><p>One great takeaway for Morgan is that kids learn there are steps they can take to feel better. A long list of things that they can do to feel better, is always at the front of her class for easy reference.</p><p>Another takeaway is that there is somewhere they can go to ask for help. A helpline phone number is also always at the front of the class, which many students now carry in their own phones.</p><p>&ldquo;This gives kids a better understanding of mental health challenges, signs and symptoms, and it reduces stigma,&rdquo; said Vessy Mochikas, Director of Instruction, Elementary Education and Learning Services. &ldquo;In no way does the program have teachers act as school counselors or school and family consultants or district counselors. Teachers teach those skills to students. We have at the elementary level school and family consultants available to connect students who need counseling as well as qualified counselors at the secondary level who would work with students and get them services that were needed, should issues present for students.&rdquo;</p><p>Several Board trustees noted their appreciation of the work being done, especially in teaching students the difference between feeling anxious and depressed, and the need to seek help for deeper problems.</p><p>&ldquo;I love that Mental Health Literacy is something that is being focused on,&rdquo; said Trustee Heather Grieve. &ldquo;Anxiety is part of being a human being, and there is a difference between feeling these emotions and with being diagnosed with a disorder.&rdquo;</p><p>&ldquo;I think it is important for our parents and our general public to know that within our school system we are talking about the literacy of our feelings and how that does impact our wellness,&rdquo; said Vice-Chair Meghan Wade. &ldquo;We are not moving into the area of any form of any diagnosis of mental health issues but really giving our children the words to speak about what is going on for them.&rdquo;</p><p>&ldquo;I know that in our First Nations community sometimes that conversation is hard for families to have that conversation, because some parents are just not used to that language,&rdquo; said Trustee Diane Jules. &ldquo;At least the awareness is there and students realize it is nothing to be hidden in a closet. It is okay to talk about it to your friends and your teachers and your parents and to find resolution rather than hanging on to those problems.&rdquo;</p><p>&nbsp;</p><p>&nbsp;</p> /Modules/News/index.aspx?feedId=a34c7aa8-61a4-4301-b1ee-537197631df4&newsId=f377174a-1b69-4593-92c8-b9bd7cc9b1ec Thu, 12 Nov 2020 23:30:00 GMT The Kamloops-Thompson Board of Education Celebrates the Holiday Season with the Kamloops Thompson Honour Choir <p>&ldquo;Music gives a soul to the universe, wings to the mind, flight to the imagination and life to everything.&rdquo; - Plato&nbsp;</p><p>Music&nbsp;teaches people valuable life skills. It requires commitment. It teaches cooperation, teamwork, and patience. Music teaches body awareness and eye-hand coordination through clapping, dancing, and playing an instrument.&nbsp;</p><p>For over 40 years, students from grades three to seven have come together to sing and participate in the Kamloops Thompson Honour Choir.&nbsp;First created by Marion Owens, the children in the choirs are auditioned from schools around the district and all share a love of singing.&nbsp;Participating in the choir supports learning opportunities in music, and it allows the students to engage in material that centers around becoming inclusive and caring individuals in society.&nbsp;&nbsp;</p><p>On the evening of December 12th, 40 students who are members of the Kamloops Thompson Honour Choir performed for the School District Board of Trustees, leadership team, family, and friends. The performance consisted of four songs &ldquo;Candles&rdquo;, &ldquo;Here Comes Christmas&rdquo; and &ldquo;I Want a Hippopotamus for Christmas&rdquo;. These songs were a part of the choir&rsquo;s&nbsp;winter concert, &ldquo;CAKE&rdquo;- The Christmas Acts of Kindness Experiment.&nbsp;This year&rsquo;s Musical &ldquo;CAKE&rdquo; is about performing acts of kindness in the community. The students were inspired by the acts of kindness in the play and performed their own acts of kindness in our community. The choir is directed by Jennica Alpaugh, managed by Cyndy Olsen, accompanied by Lori Jane Froese and Kerry Tarwnosky.</p><p>&ldquo;We look forward to celebrating the holiday season with the Kamloops Thompson Honour Choir every year, and this year was special because we were not able to see them in person during the pandemic,&rdquo; stated Board Chair Heather Grieve.</p> /Modules/News/index.aspx?feedId=a34c7aa8-61a4-4301-b1ee-537197631df4&newsId=637f547b-7ba6-4bf7-9808-baad3df57a57 Tue, 13 Dec 2022 17:00:00 GMT BC Architect Firm to Bring Cutting-edge Design to Valleyview Secondary Expansion <p>A British Columbian firm with over 80 years of collective experience will design Valleyview Secondary&rsquo;s $34.45 M expansion.</p><p><a href="">CHP Architects</a> was one of seven firms who responded to the School District No. 73&rsquo;s public request for proposal (RFP) for prime consultants.</p><p>&ldquo;CHP has extensive experience in several areas of the province,&rdquo; said Art McDonald, Director Facilities and Transportation, ÌÇÐÄSwag. &ldquo;We like the look of the work they have done and the experience they have in the sector.&rdquo;</p><p>Based in Chilliwack, the firm&rsquo;s projects have included the design for Canyon Falls Middle School in Kelowna and the H.S. Grenda Middle School in Lake Country as well as a recent upgrade and addition at Langley Secondary. &nbsp;</p><p>Justin Dyck, a partner with CHP, says the firm is excited to be awarded the long-awaited expansion for Valleyview Secondary School and to work with educators, staff, and stakeholders to realize a vision suited to the Kamloops-Thompson School District.</p><p>&ldquo;With a rapidly changing job market and educational curriculum, facilities have changed dramatically to prepare students for a 21st-century workplace,&rdquo; Dyck said. &ldquo;We are keen to share our knowledge of the most current and cutting-edge design practices in educational facilities and discovering a design solution that is efficient, effective and unique to Kamloops.&rdquo;&nbsp;</p><p>The Valleyview expansion, <a href="/Modules/News/index.aspx?newsId=49eeb368-87bb-429a-a2f7-b50d2ae9939d">announced April 12, 2019</a>, will bring the school&rsquo;s capacity from 675 to 1,200 students. With 940 students currently at VSS, the addition will ensure the removal of the nine portables on the site by the time the project is complete. In September 2022. &nbsp;</p><p>During the May 13, 2019 Board of Education meeting, Secretary-Treasurer Kelvin Stretch noted that Director McDonald was prepared with the RFP process in advance of the announcement which allowed him to complete the prime consultant selection process in a timely fashion. &ldquo;From last month&rsquo;s announcement to posting the RFP, selecting the firm, then getting board approval, it&rsquo;s taken 31 days,&rdquo; Stretch said.</p><p>Built to LEED Gold standards, the project will include 20 new classrooms, a new gymnasium, a multi-purpose space, special education classrooms, a new pick-up and drop-off area for buses, parking stalls and outdoor play areas.</p><p>ÌÇÐÄSwag is contributing $1.75 million towards the $34.45 million project.&nbsp;</p><p>&nbsp;</p> /Modules/News/index.aspx?feedId=a34c7aa8-61a4-4301-b1ee-537197631df4&newsId=c78f7d2c-b95e-4bc4-addd-bc257418c267 Thu, 23 May 2019 15:15:00 GMT Putting Faith into Community Schools <p>A large heart remains at the centre of Clearwater&rsquo;s shrinking Sikh community.</p><p>A downturn in the lumber industry and a dwindling congregation left only five families of the original 50 who had been attending the Guru Tegh Sikh temple in Clearwater.</p><p>The remaining families decided to sell the temple that had been a vibrant gathering place for the Sikh community in the North Thompson for over 36 years.&nbsp;</p><p>Proceeds from the sale resulted in $164,000 being distributed to organizations throughout the North Thompson Valley, including $10,000 for Raft River Elementary and $30,000 for Clearwater Secondary School.</p><p>&ldquo;Schools are&nbsp;an integral part of any community but in particular, a small community.&nbsp;&nbsp;This generosity speaks to the&nbsp;giving&nbsp;nature that is symbolic of&nbsp;the Guru Tegh Sikh temple members,&nbsp;said Shelley Sim, Trustee, School District No. 73 (Kamloops-Thompson).&nbsp; "Many students will&nbsp;benefit from this beautiful legacy and we are grateful that the members saw value in giving so thoughtfully to both Raft River and Clearwater Secondary."&nbsp;</p><div>&ldquo;We felt it was important to give back to the communities we have lived in because we&rsquo;ve been here so long,&rdquo; said Narinder Heer, President, Guru Tegh Sikh Temple. &ldquo;The decision to give back the proceeds from the property sale [to the community] was easy.&rdquo;</div><p>&ldquo;It was a heartwarming and humbling gift, leaving everyone who was a recipient of their incredible generosity feeling overwhelmed and so grateful,&rdquo; said Lori Bradstock, Principal Raft River Elementary, who accepted a cheque on behalf of the school.</p><p>Principal Darren Coates also attended the event on Tuesday, April 2 and accepted the gift on behalf of Clearwater Secondary.</p><p>&ldquo;This is a remarkable gift and will go a long way towards enhancing the learning of the students at Clearwater Secondary,&rdquo; Coates said.</p><p>&nbsp;</p><p>&nbsp;</p><p>&nbsp;</p> /Modules/News/index.aspx?feedId=a34c7aa8-61a4-4301-b1ee-537197631df4&newsId=67f878b0-07e2-4cfe-bc65-bcb74302f005 Thu, 04 Apr 2019 02:15:00 GMT District Acts to Enhance Security at Beattie Elementary <p>The Kamloops-Thompson Board of Education heard how the District will address security concerns raised by parents at Beattie Elementary School at its regular meeting Monday, Nov. 9, 2020.</p><p>&ldquo;We had a productive and problem-solving meeting with the parents, the Board, City officials and the RCMP,&rdquo; said Trustee John O&rsquo;Fee, who attended the Oct. 23 meeting. &ldquo;It was a useful discussion and we were able to map out some strategies that clearly outlined the District&rsquo;s response and helped provide a better understanding of the issues. Hopefully we&rsquo;ll see some improvement in that area.&rdquo;</p><p>A number of measures will take place at the school to support enhanced security. Immediate priorities include:</p><ul><li>Enhancing the lighting at the back of the school and replacing bulbs with LED lights. &nbsp;</li><li>Enclosing spaces at the back of the building.</li><li>Installing video cameras around the school. &nbsp;</li><li>Fixing damaged fencing on the property.</li><li>Continuing night patrols by the District&rsquo;s security company.</li></ul><p>The District and its Maintenance Department will work closely with Beattie Elementary Principal Mark Orr as these items are implemented, and Principal Orr will provide regular updates to the PAC.</p><p>&ldquo;We know that serious socio-economic factors in the neighborhood are being exacerbated by the current pandemic,&rdquo; said Trish Smillie, Assistant Superintendent. &ldquo;We are thankful to have strong partnerships with the PAC, the City and the RCMP in responding to these community issues and to improve the environment for the students and families at Beattie Elementary.&rdquo;</p><p>&ldquo;We are hoping these actions will reduce some of the activities that are happening in the evening and certainly provide a better environment for children during the day and for parents as well as they are taking the children to and from school,&rdquo; said Superintendent Terry Sullivan.&nbsp; &ldquo;We want parents to know that we have heard their concerns and are acting upon them.&rdquo;</p><p>&nbsp;Sullivan said the District will also continue to work with the RCMP to regularly review the building's security.</p><p>&nbsp;Increased violence in the Columbia and McGill area of Sa-Hali put Beattie Elementary on hold-and-secure twice during October, alarming the school community.&nbsp; Parents and school staff have also noticed an increase in after-hours non-school related activities on the Beattie school grounds.&nbsp;&nbsp;</p><p>&nbsp;Along with calls to police, there have been reported incidents of people sheltering at the school and drug paraphernalia being found. Parents brought their growing concerns about the state of the neighborhood and these activities on and near the school grounds to the Beattie Elementary Parent Advisory Council (PAC).</p> /Modules/News/index.aspx?feedId=a34c7aa8-61a4-4301-b1ee-537197631df4&newsId=09d3a529-05da-4549-a4e7-bdda82983739 Thu, 12 Nov 2020 17:30:00 GMT Board Notes from February 8, 2021 <p>From the regular meeting of the Board of Education. Find out about Literacy in Action, Completion Rates and the Secretary-Treasurer heads into retirement. Read Board Notes <a href="" target="_blank">here</a>.</p> /Modules/News/index.aspx?feedId=a34c7aa8-61a4-4301-b1ee-537197631df4&newsId=db1298c2-190c-4366-a27e-c0b21a59a49c Fri, 12 Feb 2021 22:00:00 GMT ÌÇÐÄSwag Board of Education Announces New Superintendent <p>A new superintendent and CEO has been hired for ÌÇÐÄSwag. The ÌÇÐÄSwag (Kamloops-Thompson) has appointed Dr. Rhonda Nixon to the role starting July 1, 2021.</p><p>&ldquo;The Board is confident that Dr. Nixon has the experience, credentials and dedication to excellence in education to continue the tradition of strong leadership within the District,&rdquo; said Rhonda Kershaw, Chair, Board of Education.</p><p>Dr. Nixon brings many accomplishments from her diverse, 30-year career as an educator in rural, rural-urban, and large school districts in Alberta and as a post-secondary professor at the University of Victoria. Her previous roles include elementary, junior, and secondary teacher, and vice-principal, principal, division consultant and division administrator. She is currently the Deputy Superintendent of Greater St. Albert Catholic Schools, overseeing Inclusive and Early Education, English as Second Language, Indigenous Education, K-12 Curriculum, Distance and Outreach Education, Alternative Education Programs, Educational Technologies, and Data Management.</p><p>She holds a Bachelor of Education Degree, a Master of Education Degree and a Ph.D. from the University of Alberta.</p><p>&ldquo;I am excited to serve in the role of Superintendent of Schools in a district that is known for excellence and innovation, said Dr. Nixon. &ldquo;The District&rsquo;s continuous improvement in provincial reading and writing standards for all students is evidence of a strong professional learning culture focused on thoughtful exploration of research-based practices.&rdquo;</p><p>ÌÇÐÄSwag began its nation-wide search for a new superintendent after Alison Sidow, who served as superintendent from 2016 to 2020, announced her retirement on May 25, 2020. With the search for a new superintendent still incomplete for the start of school in September, the Board appointed former superintendent Dr. Terry Sullivan (1999 to 2014) for a one-year term.</p><p>&ldquo;We are pleased to have concluded our search, to welcome Dr. Nixon to her new role and to begin looking towards the future for our district, our staff and our students,&rdquo; Chair Kershaw added.&nbsp; &ldquo;While this has been a challenging year, staff throughout the District have shown resilience and exemplary dedication to our public education system.&rdquo;</p> /Modules/News/index.aspx?feedId=a34c7aa8-61a4-4301-b1ee-537197631df4&newsId=e4c9ea51-ede0-4ce1-b3a6-c18449cebd49 Tue, 12 Jan 2021 19:00:00 GMT Kamloops-Thompson School District receives support from Province to plan for a new school in Batchelor Heights <p class="x_x_MsoNormal">The&nbsp;Ministry of Education has provided formal support for the Kamloops-Thompson School District to develop options for a new school in Batchelor Heights.&nbsp;</p><p class="x_x_MsoNormal">The District&rsquo;s Capital Plan, submitted to the Ministry in June 2021, listed the elementary school in Batchelor Heights as its top capital priority.&nbsp;</p><p class="x_x_MsoNormal">&ldquo;The Ministry&rsquo;s positive response to our capital plan submission for 2022-2023 is much needed and appreciated,&rdquo;&nbsp;Board Chair Heather Grieve confirmed. &ldquo;Our enrolment numbers are climbing by the equivalent of a medium-sized&nbsp;elementary school each year. This support for a new school in Batchelor Heights is a welcome sign that some relief is coming to our most overcrowded school facilities in Kamloops.&rdquo;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;</p><p class="x_x_MsoNormal">The ÌÇÐÄSwag Board of Education has embarked on its own strategies ?to manage enrolment growth and make the best possible use of existing facilities, including making 13 school catchment area changes since April 2021.&nbsp;&nbsp;</p><p class="x_x_MsoNormal">&ldquo;Our board and staff have worked together to listen, consult, and support community members who have been impacted by catchment changes,&rdquo; said Grieve, noting that completion of a new school in Batchelor Heights is a few years away and will still require the recently announced catchment changes to alleviate enrolment pressures at Westmount in the meantime.&nbsp;&nbsp;</p><p class="x_x_MsoNormal">There is no school in the Batchelor Heights area and Batchelor Heights students attend Westmount Elementary School. Currently, at 181% capacity and with 41% of Westmount students in six portables, District staff recommended a catchment change earlier this year for Westmount Elementary. As of September 2022, approximately 95 students from Westmount Elementary School will go to either David Thompson Elementary or Westsyde Elementary.&nbsp;&nbsp;</p><p class="x_x_MsoNormal">&rdquo;Students deserve to learn in positive, engaging, and inspiring classrooms and we are working hard to provide the best learning experience possible for children in Kamloops and throughout B.C.,&rdquo; said Jennifer Whiteside, Minister of Education and Child Care. &ldquo;We have already announced $71.3 million to add 645 new student seats to Kamloops&rsquo; schools since 2017, and our support for a new school in Batchelor Heights is another example of our commitment to investing in the future of our communities.&rdquo;&nbsp;&nbsp;</p><p class="x_x_MsoNormal">In May 2021, the Province also supported the district to develop and submit plans for a new school in the Pineview Valley neighbourhood, and the district was also able to re-open Westsyde Elementary in September 2019 to further support areas of growth in Kamloops.&nbsp;&nbsp;</p><p class="x_x_MsoNormal">Kamloops-Thompson School District Director of Facilities Art McDonald estimates design and construction will take approximately three years after funding approval has been received from the Province.&nbsp;</p><p class="x_x_MsoNormal">&ldquo;This is certainly a positive step as throughout this last year, and years prior, we have heard from parents and staff about the need to address enrolment pressures at this school,&rdquo; said Dr. Rhonda Nixon, Superintendent, ÌÇÐÄSwag.&nbsp;</p> /Modules/News/index.aspx?feedId=a34c7aa8-61a4-4301-b1ee-537197631df4&newsId=43b05220-822e-43c2-897c-c28714179850 Mon, 25 Apr 2022 15:45:00 GMT Celebrating Westsyde Elementary: Family Event Sept. 19 <p>Families of Westsyde Elementary were invited to a re-opening celebration for the school Thursday, Sept. 19, from 5:30 to 7 pm.</p><p>In addition to face painting, a student music duo and free hamburgers and hotdogs, there was a bouncy castle, a selfie-frame for pictures and an opportunity for families to explore their children's&rsquo; school.</p><p>A ribbon-cutting ceremony was held in front of the school at 6 pm, and despite the rain showers, dozens of students turned out with their parents in tow to show off their new classrooms.&nbsp;</p><p>Dax Duhaime, Grade 1, along with his sister Macy Duhaime, Grade 4, came by to show their mom, Becky Webb (ELL Resource Teacher) and grandmother Diane Webb their new spaces. Diane, who had taught briefly in Wesyde Elementary in 1973 said the renovations looked amazing.</p><p>"The new school is an amazing space with a positive atmosphere created by Principal Don Polezer and school staff," said Trustee Heather Grieve. "It was a pleasure to talk with many families who are beyond happy with the opening and the opportunity it has brought to Westsyde.&nbsp;To sum up this evening, the school looks absolutely incredible, the event embraced the community and I was honoured to be a part of it."</p><p><iframe src=";resid=5274200C3697D04%21107&amp;authkey=AI8S8dg-mxXLQTg&amp;em=2&amp;wdAr=1.7777777777777777" frameborder="0" width="610" height="367"></iframe></p><p>&nbsp;</p><p><strong>Related stories</strong></p><p><a href="/Modules/News/index.aspx?feedId=10c49675-bbce-4733-a8c0-fbbd3a3ec9ae,be1116c5-ab98-434e-8a10-8a00f49b774c,208dc79b-e7d6-4c56-be49-d1a958ce7890,22ff3110-d793-43a6-840c-c4111ce97696,bea72a8a-9acb-4e39-a622-a93619bbcb20,609debc8-f306-4231-82f6-0ccdd05741ff,1a8871c1-91be-45ab-b39d-92ef36375147,f8da9119-5861-4244-9bef-1bcc52d3b354,864e5895-2441-42e4-88b6-d6159a4c573e,693bbd8a-7a76-4569-a4cc-0a6c73399faf&amp;page=4&amp;newsId=9c47dcd2-84a0-4534-b62e-5a31179f5c29">Westsyde Elementary is Ready for Students</a></p><p><a href="/Modules/News/index.aspx?feedId=10c49675-bbce-4733-a8c0-fbbd3a3ec9ae,be1116c5-ab98-434e-8a10-8a00f49b774c,208dc79b-e7d6-4c56-be49-d1a958ce7890,22ff3110-d793-43a6-840c-c4111ce97696,bea72a8a-9acb-4e39-a622-a93619bbcb20,609debc8-f306-4231-82f6-0ccdd05741ff,1a8871c1-91be-45ab-b39d-92ef36375147,f8da9119-5861-4244-9bef-1bcc52d3b354,864e5895-2441-42e4-88b6-d6159a4c573e,693bbd8a-7a76-4569-a4cc-0a6c73399faf&amp;page=4&amp;newsId=43787a06-eb58-45e1-8461-92a06efc8a66">See you in September Westsyde Elementary</a></p><p><a href="/Modules/News/index.aspx?feedId=10c49675-bbce-4733-a8c0-fbbd3a3ec9ae,be1116c5-ab98-434e-8a10-8a00f49b774c,208dc79b-e7d6-4c56-be49-d1a958ce7890,22ff3110-d793-43a6-840c-c4111ce97696,bea72a8a-9acb-4e39-a622-a93619bbcb20,609debc8-f306-4231-82f6-0ccdd05741ff,1a8871c1-91be-45ab-b39d-92ef36375147,f8da9119-5861-4244-9bef-1bcc52d3b354,864e5895-2441-42e4-88b6-d6159a4c573e,693bbd8a-7a76-4569-a4cc-0a6c73399faf&amp;newsId=40177040-9523-41ab-b36b-d361bb288c10">Westsyde Elementary School to Re-Open September 2019</a></p> /Modules/News/index.aspx?feedId=a34c7aa8-61a4-4301-b1ee-537197631df4&newsId=c88417c0-c3bf-4a10-8bc9-c312a8da5d36 Wed, 18 Sep 2019 20:00:00 GMT In-Person Graduation Ceremonies Underway in ÌÇÐÄSwag <p>Throughout the Kamloops-Thompson school district, nearly 1,100 graduating students will cross the stage during the next few weeks.</p><p>Expect to hear loud cheers and exuberant applause as students, families, and staff once again gather together to celebrate one of life&rsquo;s major milestones. In all,&nbsp;<a href="/en/schools-programs/graduation.aspx" rel="noopener noreferrer" target="_blank">15 commencements</a>&nbsp;will be held for classes that range in size from two students to over two hundred in gymnasiums, ballrooms, curling rinks, and hockey arenas across the district.</p><p>For more information, to view graduate photos, or to submit a congratulatory message, visit the <a href="">Grad 2022 page</a>.</p> /Modules/News/index.aspx?feedId=a34c7aa8-61a4-4301-b1ee-537197631df4&newsId=d5aa6402-5627-4ae8-8b5f-c481ba0699b0 Tue, 31 May 2022 21:00:00 GMT Federal and Provincial Pandemic Funding Allocated <p>The Kamloops-Thompson School Board approved a budget of $6.523 million allocating the federal and provincial governments&rsquo; investments supporting the safe restart for schools.</p><p>The one-time investment from the two funding announcements relating to the Safe Return to Schools / Class from the Provincial and Federal governments was provided for the implementation of new measures to address the pandemic.&nbsp;</p><p>&ldquo;The District has been estimating and tracking the additional costs of implementing COVID-19 health and safety protocols, with the priority of providing additional staffing, supporting increased enrolment for distributed learning and increasing cleaning frequency,&rdquo; Trina Cassidy, Director of Finance reported to the Board of Education on Monday, Nov. 9, 2020.</p><p>The Provincial Government announced $45.6M to manage COVID-19 and the safe return of students to in-class instruction. From these funds, the District created a special purpose grant of $1.174M enabling it to hire additional daytime custodians, purchase disposable and reusable masks, hand sanitizer, technology, and additional cleaning supplies.</p><p>The Federal Government announced the $242.4M Safe Return to Class Fund on Aug. 26, 2020. From these funds, the District created a special purpose grant of $ 5.349M.</p><p>The use of the Federal funds must align with the requirements set out by the Ministry of Education to address learning resources and supports, health and safety, transportation, and before and after school child care.&nbsp;&nbsp;</p><p>Of the $5.39 million in federal funding to be received, the District is prioritizing learning resources/supports and health and safety. Annual funding in the operating budget of $660K from the Ministry of Education for transportation allows the District to maintain the current level of buses and routes effectively with items such as personal protection equipment for drivers purchased under the health and safety section mentioned above. &nbsp;Similarly, the District has staff and supplies within its operating budget to sustain the current level of support for before and after school childcare programs.&nbsp;&nbsp;</p><p>Additional costs covered in the draft budget include approximately $4.2 M for staffing (custodial, teaching, Aboriginal support, and relief budgets); $258,000 for reusable and disposable face masks; $150,000 for HVAC filters; and $500,000 for hand sanitizer and improved hand hygiene. Detailed summaries of the budget can be found here.</p><p>&nbsp;</p> /Modules/News/index.aspx?feedId=a34c7aa8-61a4-4301-b1ee-537197631df4&newsId=d91f0f65-8bcd-4c2b-9686-c491a355bc56 Fri, 13 Nov 2020 17:30:00 GMT Superintendent's Update <p>Dear Parents and Caregivers:</p><p>While it&rsquo;s hard to believe that January is almost over, it is timely to celebrate that staff and students have continued to learn face-to-face.&nbsp; Thank you for learning and working together and for being flexible as we have endured high absenteeism.</p><p><strong>South Kamloops Secondary School</strong></p><p>Principal Kirschner and I started his school visit in the Human Performance 11/12 class.&nbsp; Mr. Kozoris enthusiastically held up an example of a student&rsquo;s final project and said, &ldquo;This culminating project is their personal fitness regime&ndash;exercises, calories burned, and healthy foods.&rdquo; We then walked into Mr. Abraham&rsquo;s Physics 11 class where students were creating cars for their Mousetrap Car Race by applying core concepts of force, momentum, energy, work, and power. We also visited with three Career and Life Connections&rsquo; 12 students, Annie Druskee, Kylie Bowden, and Ashton Shankar who each shared their capstone project. Annie started, &ldquo;I developed my eyelash extension business because I have an interest in owning multiple businesses.&rdquo;&nbsp; Kylie had created mental health materials for youth and emphasized, &ldquo;It is important to share information openly to destigmatize mental health.&rdquo; Ashton applied Virtual Reality (VR) to support learners to try difficult tasks (e.g., heart surgery) virtually without taking on the risk. Ashton said, &ldquo;VR can be applied in any field to help people develop empathy by taking on complex challenges without having to be fearful of making mistakes.&rdquo;</p><p><strong>Williams Lake First Nation</strong></p><p>On January 25, 2022, Williams Lake First Nation announced the devastating news of the discovery of remains of children who were students of the St. Joseph&rsquo;s Mission Residential School. ÌÇÐÄSwag has sent a message of support to Williams Lake First Nation. Assistant Superintendent Mochikas and District Principal Bowden have been working with our staff who are directly affected by this news. We are sorry for those who are further triggered by or traumatized by this news, and if you require any support, please contact Assistant Superintendent Vessy Mochikas at: <a href=""></a></p><p><strong>Continuity of Learning</strong></p><p>Throughout January, we remained in Scenario One: Face-to-face Instruction with Enhanced Safety Measures. Only three schools, Chase Secondary, Haldane Elementary, and Blue River Elementary School, required a temporary, one-day functional closure. Thank you to parents and students for working so collaboratively with us during these necessary times of temporary closure.</p><p><strong>Communicable Disease Prevention Plan and COVID-19 Safety Measures</strong></p><p>We continue to update our District&rsquo;s <a href="/en/community-parents-and-students/resources/CDPP/ÌÇÐÄSwag-CDPP-Safe-and-Healthy-Facilities.pdf">Communicable Disease Prevention Plan (CDPP)</a>. Within the District&rsquo;s CDPP, the <a href="/en/community-parents-and-students/resources/CDPP/Daily-Health-Check.pdf">Daily Health Check</a> has been updated to include guidance from the BCCDC for how parents and caregivers should proceed when their children are sick. The updated guidance indicates that anyone under 18 years old, regardless of vaccination status, who tests positive for COVID-19 must self-isolate for 5 days and until their symptoms improve. Guidance for close contacts has also been recently updated. Close contacts, who are usually others in your household, no longer need to self-isolate (regardless of vaccination status), but should closely self-monitor for symptoms. More information on close contacts is provided by the <a href="">BCCDC</a>.</p><p><strong>Vaccination Policy Committee</strong></p><p>Based on our District&rsquo;s Vaccination Policy recommendations, on January 10, 2022, the Board directed the Superintendent to collect voluntary proof of vaccination from employees by following privacy laws and BCPSEA requirements. In addition, the Board directed the Superintendent to engage in consultation about a DRAFT operations procedure to collect mandatory proof of vaccination from employees.&nbsp; As we engage in consultation, we have been collecting questions from our employee groups, District Parents&rsquo; Advisory Council, Indigenous Voices for Education, and school and district leaders. We will provide answers to these questions by working with BCPSEA. The final report will be provided to the Board on February 7, 2022.</p><p><strong>Cancellation of January Provincial Assessments</strong></p><p>The Ministry of Education announced last week that the January Provincial Assessments scheduled for students in grades 10 and 12 have been cancelled due to the workforce capacity issues related to COVID-19 Omicron variant.&nbsp; Information regarding the upcoming assessment sessions in April and June will be shared with Districts and schools by mid-February.&nbsp; The Grade 10 Numeracy and Grade 10 and 12 Literacy Assessments are graduation requirements for students in the province.</p><p>As we enter another weekend with what promises to be seasonally warm weather, I hope that you take time to be active and to enjoy friends and family.</p><p>Rhonda Nixon, PhD</p><p>Superintendent</p> /Modules/News/index.aspx?feedId=a34c7aa8-61a4-4301-b1ee-537197631df4&newsId=0c036f15-69dd-4536-a40f-c4fd759c004c Sat, 29 Jan 2022 00:00:00 GMT Community Voice Shapes Board Decisions <p>By Heather Grieve, Board Chair</p><p>March 1, 2022</p><p>In recent months the SD 73 Board of Education and District staff have had opportunities to engage with our community members, employee groups, students, and Indigenous rights holders. These collaborations have highlighted the importance of seeking to understand perspectives and considering those perspectives when making decisions.</p><p>Most recently, we had the opportunity for engagement of employee groups, Indigenous rights holders, and parents in sharing their questions on the staff vaccination policy. While the BC Public Sector Employers&rsquo; Association (BCPSEA) indicated that the Board could not change their staff vaccination policy template, we could seek questions and provide answers, and offer clarifications on points of confusion as we worked with our committee. Discussions around a difficult topic, one with many perspectives, resulted in increased clarity and understanding of those involved. While not everyone agreed with the final decision, the committee members confirmed that they felt that they had a voice and that they understood what was happening, why, and what the outcome could be.&nbsp; Our hopes are that this opportunity has improved relationships and given us a solid foundation for discussion and mutual understanding when future issues arise that we may face together.</p><p>The development of the District&rsquo;s Student Dress Code Administrative Procedure gave us an opportunity to review the current procedure. Following an incident that occurred, it presented an opportunity for the Board to pursue a collaborative inquiry into the previous dress code that involved multiple students&rsquo;, parents&rsquo;, Indigenous rights holders&rsquo;, and community groups&rsquo; voices. These individuals met repeatedly to collaboratively revise the dress code. After months of review and community input into successive drafts, a final Student Dress Code was approved by the Board. During our recent District Strategic Planning consultations, students reminisced about their positive experience discussing the current Student Dress Code, and they emphasized that this was an example in which student voice in decision making was privileged.&nbsp;</p><p>As we continue to engage in the co-development of the foundational framework of our newly emerging District Strategic Plan, we have involved 1300-1400 students, parents, employees, Indigenous rights holders, and community groups over several months to name values of importance to them. We have narrowed them from 134 values to four values with the Seven Grandfather Teachings at the center. We will continue to review and revise our mission and vision statements through a similarly iterative process, and our ultimate goal is to <em>re-present </em>what matters most to everyone in our district community. We aim to reach the &ldquo;Collaborate-Empower&rdquo; stages of the IAP2 continuum.</p><p>Community voice at all levels is foundational to the success of our Board of Education&rsquo;s decisions. As trustees, we recognize the importance of hearing from our community members whom we are privileged to represent. We appreciate every person&rsquo;s investment of their time, energy, ideas, and heart into what we do for the betterment of our children and future generations.&nbsp;</p><p>This column appeared in Kamloops This Week: View from ÌÇÐÄSwag on&nbsp;March 1, 2022</p> /Modules/News/index.aspx?feedId=a34c7aa8-61a4-4301-b1ee-537197631df4&newsId=0deac06a-50d2-4eec-94be-c5c6ae8833b2 Tue, 01 Mar 2022 16:00:00 GMT Stories from Kamloops School of the Arts <p>Dear Parents and Caregivers:</p><p>Although it is hard to believe that it is already December, it is a wonderful time of giving and caring for others this Christmas season. Thank you for your continued generosity and kindness for those who have relocated to Kamloops from areas impacted by floods.</p><p><strong>Merritt Families</strong></p><p>Assistant Superintendent Vessy Mochikas continues to work closely with City of Kamloops&rsquo; partners, and ÌÇÐÄSwag and SD58 staff to coordinate donations to help Merritt families. The donated items are available from Monday-Friday at Pineridge (@KOOL). Thank you for your support. For those families who require support, please provide them with this email: <a href=""></a> and let them know that someone will be in touch.</p><p><strong>Kamloops School of the Arts</strong></p><p>This week, I visited Mr. Blair Lloyd, Principal of Kamloops School of the Arts (KSA). He collaborated with staff to articulate what they most celebrate&ndash; Arts, Community, Collaboration, Inclusion, and Integration. As we toured the school, Mr. Lloyd said, &ldquo;Students choose to come here because KSA is known for being accepting, a place where everyone belongs.&rdquo; He provided numerous examples of cross-age collaboration, and one was how high school science students wrote books about water properties and then read them to primary students. Ms. Jayne Latta, Vice Principal, explained, &ldquo;At lunch on Wednesdays, students who choose to share their talents come to perform at what is known as our &lsquo;coffee house&rsquo;, and they love it.&rdquo;</p><p><strong>Communicable Disease Prevention Plan- Updated FAQs</strong></p><p>Based on Interior Health&rsquo;s advice, we have provided a link to the <a href="">K-12 Health Check App</a> on both the District and individual schools&rsquo; websites. The K-12 Health Check App serves the same purpose of our <a href="/en/community-parents-and-students/resources/CDPP/Daily-Health-Check.pdf">daily health checks</a>, but in an easy to use electronic version. Ensuring your children come to school healthy by completing a health check everyday is one of the most effective preventative measures in restricting the presence of COVID-19 in our schools.&nbsp;</p><p>COVID-19 vaccination is now authorized by Health Canada for children five and older. Getting young people vaccinated helps protect them and the people around them. This week, all students under 11 took home the <a href="">COVID-19 Vaccination for Children 5-11 Years Old Information Sheet</a> developed by the BC Centre for Disease Control. The Ministry of Education has advised all elementary schools province-wide to provide this information to parents and caregivers. If you have questions about this document, or vaccinations of children ages 5-11 in general, please visit the <a href="">BCCDC website on vaccinations</a>.Parents and caregivers can <a href="">register their children for vaccinations </a><a href="">here</a><a href="">. </a>&nbsp;&nbsp;</p><p><strong>Vaccination Policy Committee</strong></p><p>On November 22, 2021, the Board confirmed that it was necessary to prepare and present a timeline and process for collecting voluntary proof of vaccination from employees. This step is within step one of the <a href="">K-12 Sector Guidelines for Vaccination Policies</a>. The Vaccination Policy Committee meets again this week, and we expect to present results to the Board at the Board Meeting on December 13, 2021.</p><p>Thank you for your continued commitment to our students, staff, and community members and for welcoming those who have newly arrived in Kamloops-Thompson due to evacuations.</p><p>Rhonda Nixon, PhD</p><p>Superintendent</p> /Modules/News/index.aspx?feedId=a34c7aa8-61a4-4301-b1ee-537197631df4&newsId=f68815bd-4247-424c-bba2-c5df72d82130 Sat, 04 Dec 2021 00:00:00 GMT Seamless Day Before and After School Care - A Success Story in ÌÇÐÄSwag <p><strong>By Heather Grieve, Board Chair</strong></p><p><strong>February 1, 2022</strong></p><p class="xp1">School District 73 (Kamloops-Thompson) Board of Education prioritizes early years education which is foundational to children&rsquo;s success in school and in life. The Board has advocated for and is proud to be taking part in a ministry-supported pilot, Seamless Day Before and After School Care Program at Arthur Hatton Elementary School.</p><p class="xp1">This pilot is unique because it provides Kindergarten students with an opportunity to come to school early, take part in literacy, numeracy, and play-based activities in their day, and then to stay in the same caring, play-based environment at the end of the day until their parents pick them up. These children and families are accessing high quality early learning experiences in a single location, for the full workday, with the same caring adults in their local school. Hence, it is a&nbsp;<em>seamless&nbsp;</em>transition of learning and play with a highly qualified team of educators including a classroom teacher and two early childhood educators.</p><p class="xp1">Our Board of Education advocated to take part in this pilot program because we recognize the pressing need to be innovative when considering how to increase the number of affordable, accessible, and high-quality childcare spaces offered in schools. We hear regularly from community members asking us to support this initiative. We continue to support it and also aim to help to build the future of childcare required to move BC towards an inclusive universal childcare system.</p><p class="xp1">Kindergarten teacher Helen Bailey shared, &ldquo;We have had a very successful collaboration so far. The Early Childhood Educators have brought so many great ideas and are willing to help out in all aspects of the program.&rdquo; &nbsp;Early Childhood Educators have specialized certification to support early learners to grow in their competencies to communicate, problem solve, and develop positive relationships while reinforcing specific learning goals.</p><p class="xp1">One parent stated, &ldquo;Having childcare on school grounds is a win for everyone &ndash; Me and my child are already familiar with these surroundings. Plus, it saves me time and money.&rdquo;&nbsp;&nbsp;</p><p class="xp1">Principal Mike Johnson highlighted, &ldquo;The Seamless Day Program builds an early connection with families and the school and allows us as the school community to get to know the students in a different and more informal way. I love the opportunity it provides the students to have an informal opportunity to explore their passions within the school.&rdquo;</p><p class="xp1">Superintendent Rhonda Nixon and Assistant Superintendent Reilly confirmed that the Early Learning teams at both the district and school levels are motivated by the success of this program. The project could look at expansion of care to include not just Kindergarten students, but students in grades one to three as these children continue to age. &nbsp;</p><p class="xp1">We will continue to build on what we learn and to apply the successes in other environments, where space permits.&nbsp;&nbsp;We will continue to advocate for the space to serve our fast-paced growing communities&rsquo; needs.&nbsp;&nbsp;We see this success as our first steps on the path towards an inclusive, universal childcare system.&nbsp;</p><p>This column appeared in Kamloops This Week: View from ÌÇÐÄSwag on&nbsp;February 1, 2022</p> /Modules/News/index.aspx?feedId=a34c7aa8-61a4-4301-b1ee-537197631df4&newsId=4cb5ce0f-99fc-4308-8975-c661a197102e Tue, 01 Feb 2022 20:45:00 GMT Day of Sucwentwecw 2019 <p class="Standard">Sucwentwecw, the Secwepemctsin word for acknowledging one another, is an initiative that recognizes and celebrates the Secwepemc people and the other Aboriginal people residing in the Secwepemculecw.</p><p class="Standard">It is a day dedicated for each school in School District No. 73 to invite an Elder, Knowledge Keeper or representative from one of the local bands in the Secwepemcul'ewc to be witness and welcomed. A day for students to share their learning, to learn more, and to participate in reconciliation with Aboriginal people through respect and acknowledgement.</p><p class="Standard">The&nbsp;idea for the Day of Sucwentwecw was proposed in 2012 by the Kamloops Thompson Teacher&rsquo;s Association&rsquo;s Social Justice Committee and endorsed by the Aboriginal Education Council. It was approved by the Board of Education in 2014, well before the province revised the curriculum to include the&nbsp;First People&rsquo;s Principles of Learning. &nbsp;</p><p class="Standard">Initially most schools marked the day with&nbsp;assemblies, similar to Remembrance Day.&nbsp;</p><p class="Standard">Now, for many schools, the assembly has become more of a gathering where schools celebrate their learning about Aboriginal peoples in Canada and includes a welcome or opening from an Elder or Knowledge Keeper.&nbsp;</p><p class="Standard">For a list of schools planning Day of Sucwentwecw activities, open the attachement, below.&nbsp;</p> /Modules/News/index.aspx?feedId=a34c7aa8-61a4-4301-b1ee-537197631df4&newsId=f802e47f-b553-4de6-aa11-c69e2b510a69 Wed, 03 Apr 2019 00:15:00 GMT Owl award - Call for nominations 2018 <p>Who, who should it be?</p><p>Since 2015 the ÌÇÐÄSwag (Kamloops-Thompson) has recognized those in our community who have provided outstanding service to children through education.</p><p>The Owl award recognizes that to provide quality education, we must celebrate and honour those that exemplify the ideals of education. School District No. 73 is pleased to once again ask the community for nominees for this prestigious award, which will be conferred upon a deserving recipient by the Board at a public meeting.</p><p>The award will recognize outstanding,&nbsp;system-wide contributions to public education in our school district by an individual,&nbsp;group or organization in the following areas:</p><ul><li>StudentLearning/Teaching</li><li>Athletics</li><li>FineArts</li><li>Community Well-being/Partnerships</li><li>Extra or Co-Curricular Learning</li><li>Administration and Support</li><li>Governance</li></ul><p>For an individual,&nbsp;group, or organization to receive the award they will have made significant,&nbsp;system-wide, and outstanding contributions to public education in School District No. 73&nbsp;over a period of time (five years or more),&nbsp;and have had a positive, significant&nbsp;impact on the development of students,&nbsp;parents,&nbsp;teachers,&nbsp;support staff and educational leaders.</p><p>In 2017 Nathan Matthew was recognized for his work in developing and supporting Aboriginal Education in ÌÇÐÄSwag. Chris Rose, whose long career in special education had a tremendous impact on the lives and learning experiences of generations of children, particularly those with autism. In 2015, the Board recognized the Kamloops North Rotary Club for more than 40 years of support and hard work at the McQueen Lake Environmental Education Centre.</p><p>&ldquo;Recognizing community partners or educators who have made noticeable differences in the lives of children will always be a special honour for the Board of Education,&rdquo; said Meghan Wade, Board Chair.</p><p>&ldquo;It&rsquo;s the work done by these special people &mdash; often selflessly and with no desire for recognition &mdash; that inspires us to truly believe in the power of education.&rdquo;</p><p>&nbsp;</p><p>&nbsp;</p><p>&nbsp;</p><p>&nbsp;</p><p>&nbsp;</p><p>&nbsp;</p><p>&nbsp;</p><p>&nbsp;</p><p>&nbsp;</p><p>&nbsp;</p><p>&nbsp;</p><p>&nbsp;</p><p>&nbsp;</p><p>&nbsp;</p><p>&nbsp;</p><p>&nbsp;</p><p>&nbsp;</p><p>&nbsp;</p><p>&nbsp;</p><p>&nbsp;</p><p>&nbsp;</p><p>&nbsp;</p><p>&nbsp;</p><p>&nbsp;</p><p>&nbsp;</p><p>&nbsp;</p><p>&nbsp;</p><p>&nbsp;</p><p>&nbsp;</p><p>&nbsp;</p><p>&nbsp;</p><p>&nbsp;</p><p>&nbsp;</p><p>&nbsp;</p><p>&nbsp;</p><p>&nbsp;</p><p>&nbsp;</p><p align="center">&nbsp;</p> /Modules/News/index.aspx?feedId=a34c7aa8-61a4-4301-b1ee-537197631df4&newsId=ed434a2f-f177-4f67-83cf-c6ec237eae0f Mon, 17 Sep 2018 22:45:00 GMT The Importance of Early Learning <p>The Board of Education learned the District is well-prepared to meet the new focus on early learning from the Ministry of Education, at its regular meeting on Monday, Jan. 11, 2021.</p><p>&ldquo;Everything we are hearing from the new government and our new Education Minister (Jennifer Whiteside) is that early learning and preschool is very high on their priority list,&rdquo; said interim superintendent, Dr. Terry Sullivan. &ldquo;I think we can expect to see developments over the next three or four years in terms of an expansion of our responsibilities with respect to early learning.&rdquo;</p><p>A presentation from Marianne Vande Pol, district early learning coordinator, outlined district programs related to literacy, numeracy and StrongStart BC.</p><p>She said while learning and nurturing through the pandemic has been a challenge, the key is in making sure play is at the forefront for children.</p><p><strong>Literacy</strong></p><p>Early literacy skills include being able to recognize and work with sounds in the spoken language, and to notice how letters represent sounds.</p><p>&ldquo;These skills are important because they are the best predictors of how well children will learn to read during the first two years of school instruction,&rdquo; said Vande Pol. &ldquo;It&rsquo;s about playing with language, rhyming and segmenting and recognizing letters and sounds, and this leads to writing and spelling skills.&rdquo;</p><p>A common language program resource, Heggerty, is now being used across the district in the pre-kindergarten, kindergarten and primary grades. There is also a program called Bridge the Gap for children in grade 3 and above. &nbsp;</p><p><strong>Numeracy</strong></p><p>Play is also important in building numeracy skills.</p><p>&ldquo;The way we work with that in the early years is through loose parts play,&rdquo; said Vande Pol. &ldquo;Play that promotes critical thinking and inquiry leads to advanced computation.&rdquo;</p><p>To ensure health and safety protocols are met, the district created more than 1200 individual loose play kits which contain counting materials including rocks, shells, buttons, pipe cleaners, beads, paper clips and measuring tape. These kits have been distributed to every kindergarten class, and to some k-1 classrooms.</p><p><strong>StrongStart BC</strong></p><p>There are seven StrongStart BC centres in the district, and they are an important part of the early learning effort. &nbsp;</p><p>These centres operate on a drop-in basis during the school year, and are intended for attendance by children ages 0-5, along with their parent or caregiver.</p><p>Some programming and presentations have become Facebook streaming events or Zoom meetings. Vande Pol said the district is also working with families without technology, providing them with kits and crafts and either delivering materials or arranging to have them picked up.</p><p>&ldquo;It&rsquo;s been an interesting time keeping learning front and centre and we have had to become quite innovative,&rdquo; said Lisa Carson, director of curriculum and instruction.&nbsp; &ldquo;Early learning is no exception because finding ways to keep health and safety protocols in play while working with small children is no small feat. Any time spent on early years is time well invested in the future of our students.&rdquo;</p><p>&nbsp;</p><p>&nbsp;</p> /Modules/News/index.aspx?feedId=a34c7aa8-61a4-4301-b1ee-537197631df4&newsId=2b053512-450b-4e82-94a6-c7402e1ab997 Thu, 14 Jan 2021 18:15:00 GMT Opening of Inquiring Little Minds' Child Care Centre at Happyvale <p>The Kamloops-Thompson Board of Education is excited to announce the opening of its second child care centre at Happyvale next to Twin Rivers Education Centre, operated by Inquiring Little Minds (ILM). The grand opening was held at Happyvale Child Care on April 22, 2024.</p><p>Support to build the centre included $2.8 million through the ChildCareBC New Spaces Fund.</p><p>&ldquo;This new child care centre in Kamloops will be life-changing for families so children can get rich early learning experiences as well as helping meet community needs,&rdquo; said Mitzi Dean, Minister of State for Child Care. &ldquo;Access to reliable, quality and inclusive care is so important for children to thrive.&rdquo;</p><p>&ldquo;The Board of Education is focused on how to continue to meet child care needs of families in our district. We have had success with our new child care centre at Ralph Bell and look forward to opening up 72 new child care spaces in the ILM-Happyvale Child Care Centre,&rdquo; stated Board Chair Heather Grieve.</p><p>ILM is in the process of obtaining licensing and is currently in the process of interviewing and hiring staff. We anticipate that the centre will open its doors in mid- to late April.</p><p>&ldquo;We are looking forward to serving the children and families of Kamloops and being part of the community,&rdquo; said Executive Director of ILM, Alisha Neumann.</p><p>District Principal of Early Learning and Childcare, Tanya Rogers shared, &ldquo;ILM offers several programs in Kamloops&rsquo; child care centres to meet the needs of children and families. The child care centre located at Happyvale will provide a total of 72 spaces, with 24 designated for infants and toddlers and 48 for 2.5 year olds school age.&rdquo;</p><p>&ldquo;We have had success working with Inquiring Little Minds staff to ensure that we continue to offer families child care options in Kamloops,&rdquo; shared Superintendent Dr. Rhonda Nixon.</p><p>The 0&ndash;5 child care centre provides programming for infant, toddler, and full-day care. The infant program is for children that are 0 to 18 months. It is run on the timetable of the individual infants in care. This allows them to follow the routine they follow at home so they are comfortable during their time away from family. The toddler program is for children 18 months to 3 years of age. The program starts getting the children into a routine and provides confidence for the start of independence. They do this with daily activities, including art, circle time, nature explorations, and social interactions, as well as toilet training. The full-day care builds on children's natural desire to learn new things and become self-reliant.</p><p>&ldquo;The program is focused on integrating principles from the Early Learning Framework into age-appropriate and fun activities, which support child development in social emotional learning, literacy and mathematics,&rdquo; shared Assistant Superintendent Grant Reilly.</p><p>Parents/guardians who are interested in accessing child care may submit their child&rsquo;s information to the ILM online waitlist form. More information is available on the ILM website:<a href="" target="_blank"></a>. If you have questions about current space availability, please send an email to</p> /Modules/News/index.aspx?feedId=a34c7aa8-61a4-4301-b1ee-537197631df4&newsId=83e912f5-1cf0-43ed-b662-c87ffb252899 Mon, 22 Apr 2024 19:00:00 GMT Board Notes from November 9, 2020 <p>From the regular meeting of the Board of Education. Find out about School Site Acquisition Charges, an update on Beattie and provincial and federal funding. Read Board Notes <a href="" target="_blank">here.</a></p> /Modules/News/index.aspx?feedId=a34c7aa8-61a4-4301-b1ee-537197631df4&newsId=b6283f85-0a39-480d-b2e0-cae1849bab56 Fri, 13 Nov 2020 20:00:00 GMT ÌÇÐÄSwag is Preparing for New Child Care Spaces at Ralph Bell Elementary School <p>The Kamloops-Thompson School Board is excited to witness the beginning of what will be 72 child care spaces at Ralph Bell Elementary School.</p><p>&ldquo;During the week of July 3-7, ÌÇÐÄSwag Facilities staff and the portable supplier have been working hard to install the portables for much-needed child care spaces at Ralph Bell Elementary School,&rdquo; stated Director Art McDonald, &ldquo;After installation, portables at both sites will need to be connected to various systems.&rdquo;</p><p>For example, Fortis and BC Hydro will need to do their own work so the buildings have the necessary utilities hooked-up in order to function. A final date for this work to be completed cannot be guaranteed because ÌÇÐÄSwag is dependent on Fortis and BC Hydro timelines.</p><p>Board Chair Heather Grieve shared, &ldquo;These child care spaces are highly anticipated since we had to re-open Ralph Bell as an Elementary School in September 2022. The re-opening had necessarily displaced child care providers and the Board recognized the importance of finding a way to provide child care for ÌÇÐÄSwag families.&rdquo;</p><p>In the Spring of 2022, child care officially moved from the Ministry of Children and Family Development to become part of the newly formed Ministry of Education and Child Care (MECC).</p><p>In anticipation of this form amalgamation of ministries, earlier in 2022, the Ministry of Education and Child Care put out a call for interested Districts to apply for ChildCareBC New Spaces Fund to expand and further meet the needs of child care for families within school district boundaries.</p><p>Assistant Superintendent Grant Reilly explained, &ldquo;School District 73 had applied for 144 child care spaces to be located on the grounds of Ralph Bell Elementary School and Twin Rivers Education Centre or Happyvale grounds.&rdquo;</p><p>&ldquo;When ÌÇÐÄSwag&rsquo;s application was approved on March 28, 2022, we were so excited to purchase two child care specific portables for each of the Ralph Bell &amp; Happyvale sites,&rdquo; stated Superintendent Dr. Rhonda Nixon.</p><p>The <a href="">official announcement</a> was made by the Ministry of Education and Child Care by a news release on April 21, 2022.</p><p>Board Chair Heather Grieve said, &ldquo;At that time, we were approved for two projects, one with 72 child care spaces at the Happyvale location, where Twin Rivers Education Centre is located, and 72 child care spaces at the Ralph Bell Elementary School location.</p><p>&ldquo;Each individual childcare project will have new spaces for 24 children (under 36 months) and 48 children (36 months to school age) for a total of 144 new childcare spaces,&rdquo; said District Principal Early Learning and Child Care Tanya Rogers.</p><p>&ldquo;Each project is funded up to $2,810,000. As part of the funding agreement, School District No. 73 agrees to operate these childcare facilities for a period of no less than 15 years,&rdquo; stated Secretary Treasurer Trina Cassidy.</p><p>Assistant Superintendent Grant Reilly explained, &ldquo;In July 2022, ÌÇÐÄSwag had put out a Request for Proposal (RFP) on the BC Bid site for child care operators at Ralph Bell and Happyvale. Both sites would provide Infant/Toddler care and 3-5 year old care. The RFPs closed in the Fall of 2022 and the follow-up interviews for the applicants and verbal contract acceptance specific to Inquiring Little Minds (ILM) occurred in December of 2022.&rdquo;</p><p>Starting in January 2023, work began on the creation of a child care specific contract for ÌÇÐÄSwag.</p><p>A realistic timeline is for ILM to have access to the Ralph Bell spaces in the middle of August.</p><p>Once the portables are fully operational, Inquiring Little Minds will assume the responsibility of securing the licensing necessary to provide child care in the spaces available. Similarly, they will also assume all responsibility for enrolment and registration processes and procedures.</p><p>Their staff who are responsible for accepting registrations and creating and tracking wait lists, and they are also responsible for all staffing requirements for their two sites within ÌÇÐÄSwag.</p><p>Once licensed and able to operate, Inquiring Little Minds will be responsible for all communication and advertising specific to their child care programs and opportunities. ÌÇÐÄSwag will be a supportive partner and offer assistance in their communication as requested.</p><p>&ldquo;ÌÇÐÄSwag is excited to continue to expand child care and preschool education,&rdquo; concluded Board Chair Heather Grieve, &ldquo;We expect access to the Happyvale spaces in the early Fall. Please continue to watch for our updates as we welcome families into these spaces.&rdquo;</p><p>Updates available at: <a href="/new-child-care-spaces-in-sd73">/new-child-care-spaces-in-sd73</a></p> /Modules/News/index.aspx?feedId=a34c7aa8-61a4-4301-b1ee-537197631df4&newsId=fadef7a0-5e8b-43c1-ad6b-caf844e54d01 Fri, 07 Jul 2023 17:00:00 GMT ÌÇÐÄSwag Pro-D Day Moved to November 21, 2022 <p>The Kamloops-Thompson Board of Education has re-scheduled a professional development day on September 19 to November 21, 2022.&nbsp;&nbsp;</p><p>September 19, 2022 was named the National Day of Mourning for the passing of Queen Elizabeth ll, and schools were closed.&nbsp;September 19 was originally planned as a District-wide Professional Development day for all staff.&nbsp;&nbsp;</p><p>The Kamloops Thompson Teachers&rsquo; Collective Agreement with the Board of Education provides for six Pro-D days in a school year,&rdquo; said Board Chair Heather Grieve. &ldquo;Re-scheduling this Pro-D day supports our teachers and our students, while meeting the terms of this agreement.&rdquo;&nbsp;</p><p>&ldquo;The purpose of professional development days for teachers is to improve student success,&rdquo; said School Superintendent Dr. Rhonda Nixon. &ldquo;Pro-D days are designed to help teachers learn practices that increase positive outcomes for students.&rdquo;&nbsp;</p><p>The choice of November 21, 2022 was made through a consultation process with representatives from ÌÇÐÄSwag employee groups (KTTA, KTPVPA, CUPE and Excluded). &nbsp;</p> /Modules/News/index.aspx?feedId=a34c7aa8-61a4-4301-b1ee-537197631df4&newsId=b8b37d12-c789-48e3-aac1-cb8fe3f5f4d3 Tue, 18 Oct 2022 21:30:00 GMT Indigenous Parents' Group Introduced to Board <p>The chairperson of the new parents&rsquo; group, <em>Indigenous Family Voices for Education</em>, Danielle Malcolm, addressed the Board of Education at its regular meeting March 8, 2021. She was introduced by Mike Bowden, district principal for Aboriginal education, during a presentation regarding the district&rsquo;s Equity for Action program.</p><p>&ldquo;I have children in different schools in the district and I personally felt the continuity in Indigenous education was different,&rdquo; said Malcolm. &ldquo;I firmly believe that having a strong understanding of knowing who you are and where you come from as well as creating community outside of your traditional community is very important for our children in their lifelong success. My hope is to join alongside as many parents as possible to be a collective voice.&rdquo;</p><p>Malcolm said Indigenous Family Voices for Education will support advocacy and support to First Nations, Inuit and Metis families, both status and non-status.</p><p>&ldquo;Traditionally teaching our children was a family and community effort so we are hoping to wraparound the caregivers and families to hold our children up by developing good relationships, establishing clear communication, establishing respect and trust with families and educators,&rdquo; she said. &ldquo;We are striving to increase academic social and emotional success for Indigenous children, while also increasing the intention and the depth of Indigenous education continuity throughout our district.&rdquo;</p><p>Bowden outlined the four pillars of Equity in Action, which is a province-wide student success framework for Aboriginal students. The four pillars are Policy and Governance, Learning Environment, Pedagogical Core, and Learning Profile.</p><p>He said the District is a provincial leader in this work.</p><p>As an example of the work underway, Cherie Finley, the acting Vice Principal at Twin Rivers Education Centre, who is also a teacher at NorKam, shared some students&rsquo; experiences during a recent class at NKSS.</p><p>Students worked with the book, <em>The Elders are Watching</em> by Roy Henry Vickers, a Canadian First Nations artist, to create their own art, using similar colours and styles. Finley said one thing that developed in this project was a strong sense of belonging, and an acceptance of each others&rsquo; differences. She said one example is a painting by a student who had struggled to connect and share with the class.</p><p>&ldquo;As he painted, his strong connection to the land and the outdoors was communicated. This created an opportunity for him to share his Aboriginal heritage with the class and incorporate it into his art,&rdquo; she said. &nbsp;</p><p>In his review of feedback so far, Bowden said much of the district is in the &lsquo;emerging to developing&rsquo; stage of implementing the program&rsquo;s four pillars, while just over one-quarter is in the &lsquo;proficient to extending&rsquo; stage.</p><p>&ldquo;The province has used the work in this district as exemplars for other districts,&rdquo; said Bowden. &ldquo;Significant work has been done, and we still have a long way to go.&rdquo;</p><p>Trustee Dianne Jules said it has been interesting to watch the Equity in Action program grow and develop.</p><p>&ldquo;I am excited to have this program in the district, especially with the parents&rsquo; Indigenous voices,&rdquo; Jules said. &ldquo;That will be very important in finding these gaps within our school system that need to be filled. I think that has been what&rsquo;s missing in our district have been the Aboriginal parents&rsquo; voices we have PACs and sometimes it can get lost in that process.</p><p>&ldquo;It&rsquo;s nice to see we have this parents group moving initiatives forward with our students. We are slowly getting there. I welcome the opportunity to be working with you.&rdquo;</p><p>&nbsp;</p> /Modules/News/index.aspx?feedId=a34c7aa8-61a4-4301-b1ee-537197631df4&newsId=35d5c023-75cf-439e-944b-cbd8dbd8b5be Wed, 10 Mar 2021 19:00:00 GMT A Vision for the Future of Schools in ÌÇÐÄSwag <p>The Board of Education has asked the Superintendent of Schools to develop a report outlining a vision for the future of schools in the Kamloops-Thompson School District.</p><p>The goal is to identify what learning spaces are required in our schools to meet and enhance the future needs of students. A <em>Superintendent&rsquo;s Committee on the Future of Schools</em> has been struck and tasked with considering the question, <em>What does a school look like for optimal learning and achievement in the 21st Century?&nbsp;</em></p><p>&ldquo;With schools at maximum capacity in the city of Kamloops, this report, once approved, will provide the Board with a platform for their advocacy efforts as we continue to strive to bring the very best school facilities to our communities,&rdquo; said <strong>Alison Sidow</strong>, Superintendent.</p><p>&ldquo;We will need to do this together,&rdquo; she said. &ldquo;That&rsquo;s why we have struck this committee to bring the voices of our employees and other stakeholders to this important work.&rdquo;&nbsp;</p><p>On Feb. 21, 2020, representatives from all employee groups as well as a delegate from each of the district&rsquo;s partner groups met to begin the committee&rsquo;s work by developing guiding principles.&nbsp;</p><p>The committee includes representatives from the District Parent Advisory Council, District Student Advisory Council, Aboriginal Education Council, the Kamloops Thompson Teachers Association, the Kamloops Thompson Principals and Vice-principals Association, the Canadian Union of Public Employees, and management representatives from the department of Information Technology and Maintenance and Transportation. The committee will ensure that the Board of Education hears from those who work and learn in schools every day in order to articulate a long-term vision for schools in ÌÇÐÄSwag.</p><p>&ldquo;Once the report is completed, parents in the community will have an opportunity to lend their voice to our efforts,&rdquo; said Sidow. &ldquo;I am grateful for the commitment of the committee members who have already provided valuable input into the process.&rdquo;&nbsp;</p><p>Minister of Education Rob Fleming sent word to boards of education across the province, encouraging them to use their Long-Range Facilities&rsquo; Plan (LRFP) as a broad visioning document to determine the requirements of schools in their districts for the next 20 years.&nbsp;</p><p>Questions the committee will consider will include asking if schools require outdoor classrooms, or a fully functioning shop to explore carpentry, welding and automotive skills, and how students might access music and performance space.</p><p>The future oriented vision for schools in the 21<sup>st</sup> century will help determine how best to use the district&rsquo;s limited resources and establish a solid platform for the Board of Education&rsquo;s advocacy efforts.</p><p>&nbsp;</p><p>&nbsp;</p><p>&nbsp;</p><p>&nbsp;</p><p>&nbsp;</p><p>&nbsp;&nbsp;</p> /Modules/News/index.aspx?feedId=a34c7aa8-61a4-4301-b1ee-537197631df4&newsId=b1567bbf-3761-43a7-b78e-cc0febfe5eef Thu, 27 Feb 2020 21:15:00 GMT Learning Technology in Action <p>A pilot project that aims to enhance student learning through technology as well as connect students to Secw&eacute;pemc knowledge and language was demonstrated to the Board of Education on Monday, October 25.&nbsp;</p><p>Elizabeth Devries, ÌÇÐÄSwag Technology Coordinator, and Charmayne Wilson, ÌÇÐÄSwag Aboriginal Resource Teacher on the Land, have designed an interactive field guide to share Secw&eacute;pemc knowledge and language. Students can then use the field guide to connect to the land and identify flora and fauna in the Kamloops area through the app SEEK by iNaturalist.</p><p>The <a href="" target="_blank">River Trails Indigenous Knowledge Field Guide</a> features Secw&eacute;pemcts&iacute;n, as well as English and scientific language. The field guide also features QR codes that will help teachers and students with Secw&eacute;pemcts&iacute;n language practice, as well as Indigenous uses.</p><p>&ldquo;What better way to get children learning about the land than to bring them out. Most of the schools in this district have amazing opportunities to seek this stuff out right in their backyards,&rdquo; said Wilson.</p><p>&ldquo;The reality is many of us operate with technology in our pockets so how can we leverage technology to be able to enhance our learning, build our connection, and teach us every single time we go outside,&rdquo; said Devries.</p><p>The pilot project has been tested with students at Bert Edwards Science &amp; Technology School who were thrilled with their experience. &ldquo;Students were highly engaged discovering local plants and trees. The excitement of using cell phones kept the students engaged until the phones were returned. A wonderful learning experience with strong Indigenous content and science outcomes,&rdquo; noted Lise-Marie Duquette, grade 2 teacher at Bert Edwards.</p><p>&ldquo;This is an opportunity to be able to connect with the Secw&eacute;pemc knowledge. We want to be able to honour this territory and honour the traditions and the history and the ongoing learning and medicine that happens in this land. The field guide allows that connection to language and that connection to the Indigenous knowledge as well,&rdquo; said Devries.</p><p>&ldquo;This project is a pilot that we have created as an example. We would like to collaborate with the City and connect to more Secw&eacute;pemc knowledge keepers. One of our biggest goals is to be able to Indigenize local trails and the McQueen Lake Environmental Education Centre,&rdquo; concluded Wilson.<ins cite="mailto:Jessica%20Johnson" datetime="2021-10-27T11:42"></ins></p><p>Following the presentation to the board, Trustee Diane Jules applauded Devries and Wilson&rsquo;s efforts, along with the Indigenous content the program provides: &ldquo;It&rsquo;s exciting because any student can take an app and be able to go out there and develop their own curriculum. And to have the Secw&eacute;pemc language attached to that &ndash; I think that&rsquo;s awesome to be able to have the phonetics of it and give the confidence to students to be able to pronounce [the language] correctly.&rdquo;&nbsp;</p> /Modules/News/index.aspx?feedId=a34c7aa8-61a4-4301-b1ee-537197631df4&newsId=b535a5e1-6acf-4ffe-b0de-cc4bc0c11800 Wed, 27 Oct 2021 21:45:00 GMT Board Notes from February 7, 2022 <p>From the regular meeting of the Board of Education. All about reports from the Superintendent and Secretary-Treasurer and Board approves Vaccination Policy. Read Board Notes <span style="text-decoration: underline;"><a href="" target="_blank">here</a></span>.</p> /Modules/News/index.aspx?feedId=a34c7aa8-61a4-4301-b1ee-537197631df4&newsId=f05c25e2-3c6c-44f1-8dcd-cf39e0447ca7 Thu, 10 Feb 2022 19:30:00 GMT Cwesét-kt: Walking Together to Co-create the 2022-2027 ÌÇÐÄSwag Strategic Plan <p>By Trustee Diane Jules and Board Chair Heather Grieve&nbsp;</p><p>June 30, 2022</p><p>&ldquo;The Aboriginal Education Council (AEC) used the Secwepemctsin phrase, Cwes&eacute;t-kt (walking together) to describe how the AEC and Kamloops-Thompson Board of Education partnered to consult on the development of the 2022-2027 District Strategic Plan,&rdquo; shared Trustee Diane Jules, Chair of the Aboriginal Education Council.</p><p>&ldquo;Our Board of Education is very proud of how we began with the Aboriginal Education Council and worked as partners with students, staff, and community groups to co-create our roadmap for student success over the next five years,&rdquo; said Board Chair Heather Grieve.&nbsp;</p><p>&ldquo;For 10 months we have been walking together with AEC and 2000+ participants from 32 student, staff, parent, and community groups to co-create this roadmap,&rdquo; shared Superintendent Dr. Rhonda Nixon.&nbsp;&nbsp;</p><p>The 2000+ participants revisited continuously our multiple drafts of the roadmap to ensure a strong collaborative commitment from 48 schools situated in the communities of Barriere, Blue River, Chase, Clearwater, Kamloops, Logan Lake, Pinantan, Savona, Heffley Creek, Sun Peaks, and Westwold.&nbsp;</p><p>We began by co-determining who we are and our driving purpose, which is the foundational framework (mission, vision, values, Seven Grandfather Teachings). We started with agreement on 134 values, then 32, then eight, and finally converged on four cornerstone value commitments:</p><p>Connecting and relationships: Building meaningful relationships that support and strengthen learning and growth.&nbsp;</p><p>Wellbeing: Fostering opportunities to promote emotional, psychological, and physical well-being for all students and staff.</p><p>Sustainability: Embracing our responsibility to contribute to a sustainable environment.</p><p>Equity: Removing barriers and creating environments that provide accessible and empowering opportunities for all students and staff to thrive.</p><p>Knowledge Keeper Joan Arnouse emphasized that the four cornerstone values are&nbsp; achieved when we each commit to the Seven Grandfather Teachings of courage, love, wisdom, respect, truth, honesty, and humility. These teachings are represented by traditional animals and stories shared in a video posted to Kelsey Jules, the Secwe?pemc artist who developed the animals recounts the Secwe?pemc teachings shared with her by elders and knowledge keepers.</p><p>&ldquo;These teachings are the stories that were shared with us as we grew up, and they are what grounds us,&rdquo; explained Trustee Diane Jules, Chair of the Aboriginal Education Council.</p><p>Once we agreed on these value commitments and the Seven Grandfather Teachings, each participant defined what success in their roles (student, parent, staff member, community partner) in our school system meant, and the key theme from these statements became our District mission statement&ndash;Supporting learning opportunities and environments which inspire our students to thrive.</p><p>&ldquo;When we projected what success for our students meant five years from now, we arrived at our District vision&ndash;Fostering educated and resilient citizens empowered to contribute to a diverse, inclusive, caring, and sustainable society,&rdquo; stated Heather Grieve.&nbsp;</p><p>&ldquo;I am confident that we will see every student, including Aboriginal students, become the best versions of themselves as we continue to walk together into a vibrant, dynamic, and hopeful 2022-2027 in ÌÇÐÄSwag&rdquo; concluded Trustee Diane Jules.</p><p>For more information on the ÌÇÐÄSwag Strategic Plan 2022-2027 is available at;</p><p>This column appeared in Kamloops This Week: View from ÌÇÐÄSwag on June 30, 2022</p> /Modules/News/index.aspx?feedId=a34c7aa8-61a4-4301-b1ee-537197631df4&newsId=abf9275a-c5c4-4a38-9c55-cf4600839d6e Thu, 30 Jun 2022 19:45:00 GMT ÌÇÐÄSwag Kamloops-Thompson Board of Education and District Staff Engages in an All Chiefs' and Councils' Dinner <p>On December 7, 2023, representatives from local <strong>First Nations communities gathered for a meal</strong> (Kukpi7 Lynn Kenoras-Duck Chief, Adams Lake Indian Band; Councillor Mindy Dick, Neskonlith; Councillor Sandy LeBourdais, Whispering Pines/Clinton Band, Councillor Sunny LeBourdais, Whispering Pines/Clinton Band; Councillor Tina Donald (Simpcw) with the <strong>Kamloops-Thompson Board of Education</strong> (Board Chair Heather Grieve, Vice Chair Rhonda Kershaw, Trustees Cole Hickson, Diane Jules, Jo Kang, Kathleen Karpuk, Cara McKelvey, John O&rsquo;Fee, Shelley Sim), and <strong>District staff</strong> (Superintendent Rhonda Nixon, Secretary Treasurer Trina Cassidy, Assistant Superintendents Bill Hamblett, Vessy Mochikas, and Grant Reilly; District Principal Mike Bowden). Tk'eml&uacute;ps te Secwe´pemc, Skeetchestn Indian Band, and Skwla´x te Secwepemcu´lecw sent their regrets due to prior commitments.</p><p>Trustee Jules, who is also from the Adams Lake Band and the Chair of the Aboriginal Education Council, welcomed everyone to the Secwepemc territory, specifically the Tk'eml&uacute;ps te Secwe´pemc Nation. She explained that the Henry Grube Education Centre is located is near the traditional gathering place where Secwe´pemc people met. She offered a prayer to ground the community gathering. She discussed the importance of coming together to learn more about the land, traditions, culture, and each other.</p><p>Board Chair Grieve offered the Board&rsquo;s gratitude for this opportunity to gather. Board Chair Grieve and Vice Chair Kershaw gave blankets on behalf of the Board to express appreciation for our ongoing partnership. It was a beautiful time of sharing, learning, and building relationships in the spirit of Truth and Reconciliation.</p> /Modules/News/index.aspx?feedId=a34c7aa8-61a4-4301-b1ee-537197631df4&newsId=0a5ca64c-0821-4fd9-a496-cfbd65d746ef Fri, 08 Dec 2023 22:30:00 GMT Acknowledging the Kamloops-Thompson Day of Sucwentwécw 2024 <p>The Kamloops-Thompson Board of Education and the Aboriginal Education Council with representatives of seven Secwepemc First Nations and M&eacute;tis Nations communities articulated the Cultural Identity Priority In the 2022-2027 District Strategic Plan. The purpose is to ensure that every student is welcomed, sees themselves in school and district environments, and feels cared for, and has a sense of belonging in schools.</p><p>Diane Jules, Chair of the Aboriginal Education Council and Trustee of the Kamloops-Thompson School Board, emphasized, &ldquo;Historically, Aboriginal students have not had their histories, perspectives, cultural values, language and traditions acknowledged and celebrated in schools. Our commitment to Truth and Reconciliation is to ensure that Aboriginal students, families, and staff havetheir identities acknowledged and celebrated throughout classroom, school, and district learning opportunities.&rdquo;</p><p>District Principal of Aboriginal Education, Mike Bowden explained, &ldquo;The Day of Sucwentw&eacute;cw is an example of a District-initiated learning opportunity to recognize and celebrate the history of the Secwepemc people and other Aboriginal people residing within the territory of the Shuswap Nation, &lsquo;Secwepemc&uacute;l&rsquo;ecw&rsquo;. Sucwentwecw means acknowledging one another.&rdquo;</p><p>Over the last few years, school teams have been encouraged to shift their focus and perspective from a typical assembly to a gathering (&ldquo;splulk&rsquo;w&rdquo;), where more formal acknowledgements can be made to guests, Elders, and communities. A gathering (splulk&rsquo;w) is a local traditional practice of celebration and custom and is more culturally relevant than the formal &lsquo;assembly&rsquo; format typically practiced in public schools. Schools will be acknowledging Aboriginal people, worldviews, and perspectives by making the day learner-centred.&nbsp; This is respectful of reconciliation, as well as recognizing the role that First Peoples Principles of Learning (FPPL) plays within our curriculum.</p><p>In collaboration with their respective First Nations communities, each school will have a <a href="" target="_blank">welcome video</a> from an Elder or representative from the Aboriginal community to be part of their gathering. During the event, school staff members will recognize and honour Secwepemcul&rsquo;ecw and the First Peoples, on whose territories we live and work.&nbsp;</p><p>Each school&rsquo;s presentation will be unique to reflect the learning community and is supported by the District with a Day of Sucwentw&eacute;cw resource package that includes a gathering guide, posters, a story, and gifts for guests. This year&rsquo;s theme, &ldquo;Our shared learning is embedded in memory, history and story through courage, wisdom and local Indigenous perspectives&rdquo; is based on the First Peoples Principles of Learning and Aboriginal Worldviews and Perspectives.</p><p>Students across the District take time to visually depict this theme and submit their ideas for an annual poster contest. Ethan Evans&rsquo; poster was selected for this year. To read more about his background and rationale for his poster, go <a href="/en/schools-programs/day-of-sucwentwecw.aspx" target="_self">here.</a></p><p>Each year the Aboriginal Education Department highlights a children's book for schools to use that aligns with the chosen theme. This year, the book is called My Skwi7&eacute;&yacute;e, by Sandra Eustache-Shiel. This year&rsquo;s story is <a href="">&ldquo;</a><a href=";app=desktop&amp;v=kvNXBl0h_4s&amp;" target="_blank">My Skwi7&eacute;&yacute;e: How a Young Girl Finds Her One True Doll and Self</a>,&rdquo; written by Sandra Eustache-Shiel, a proud Simpcw woman.</p><p><strong><em>Westsyde Secondary School - A Week of Day of Sucwentwecw Activities</em></strong></p><p>On April 5, 2024, Principal Preymak and his staff organized a week of activities to engage students and staff in learning about Indigenous histories, perspectives, and values. The Day of Sucwentwecw activities will commence with Indigenous music played during the morning announcements throughout the week. On April 4th, a school-wide gathering will take place on the school field, featuring guest speaker Knowledge Keeper Jackie Jules and performances by Sage Hill Drummers and Dancers, as well as the WSS Spirit Drummers led by AEW Dayton Schadlich performing the Welcome song. WSS Student Leaders Daniel Smith, Chloe Anderson, and Maple Peel will also share insights on the significance of this year's theme. Following the gathering, Indigenous Teachings will be conducted in classrooms, including a lesson, involving a Medicine Wheel activity where students will explore the wheel's meanings and connect emotionally, spiritually, physically, and mentally to the world around them. This information will be used to create a GIANT school medicine wheel. On April 5th, the activities will continue with a hot dog BBQ on the school field accompanied by Indigenous music. Additionally, there will be a lacrosse game between students and teachers and a Scream and Run game where students will run as fast and far as they can while yelling using only one breath. In the classroom the staff and students will be watching a video featuring Kamloops' own Monique Smith reading her book titled "I Hope," followed by classroom discussions and the completion of the medicine wheel activity that was started on Thursday.</p><p>Students and staff were also offered the opportunity to participate in a cultural performance led by the Sage Hill Drum and Dance Group. This group started as the Sage Hills Singers formed in the winter of 2003 and have travelled to powwows throughout BC, Alberta, Saskatchewan, Manitoba, Ontario, California, Idaho and Washington. Their group consists of several different tribal affiliations: Stoney, Sioux, Blood, Shuswap, Carrier and Sto&rsquo;lo First Nations. Sage Hills has released four (4) CDs that have been recognized by the Aboriginal Peoples Choice Music Awards and Canadian Aboriginal Music Awards.&nbsp;</p> /Modules/News/index.aspx?feedId=a34c7aa8-61a4-4301-b1ee-537197631df4&newsId=5b4273fa-baf1-4b00-81b6-d065c0503117 Fri, 05 Apr 2024 20:00:00 GMT Marking 20 Years of Service for Sa-Hali Teachers <p>Sa-Hali Secondary teachers marked a special occasion over the lunch hour in early May. Trustee&nbsp;<strong>Joe Small </strong>dropped by to help their colleagues surprise&nbsp;<strong>Deborah Carusi&nbsp;</strong>and&nbsp;<strong>Ed Hilliard&nbsp;</strong>with cake in honour of their 20 years of service with ÌÇÐÄSwag. For both of them, most of those years, have been at Sa-Hali Secondary where Deborah has been teaching math for 16 years, and Ed has been teaching music for 17 years. Congratulations, both!</p><p>&nbsp;</p> /Modules/News/index.aspx?feedId=a34c7aa8-61a4-4301-b1ee-537197631df4&newsId=ff8c5b10-0889-410d-ac06-d07eff045083 Thu, 09 May 2019 22:30:00 GMT 'Christmas Cake' for the Board: A Performance <p>Student performance holds a special place on the Board agenda each December. Two classes of students from the Kamloops School of the Arts brought a virtual performance of &lsquo;Christmas Cakes&rsquo; to the regular meeting of the Board on Dec. 14.</p><p>&ldquo;Even though students cannot be here in person this year, the show will still go on,&rdquo; said Interim Superintendent Dr. Terry Sullivan. &ldquo;This piece challenged 44 grade 6 and 7 students to hone both their public speaking and their performance skills. These skills work together to bring the story to life.&rdquo;</p><p>During the performance, some students played music, others took turns narrating, and a third group acted out the story about what happens when Christmas cakes go missing in a small village.</p><p><iframe src="" frameborder="0" width="560" height="315"></iframe></p><p>Also on hand at the meeting were Lisa Carson Director of Instruction, Sheryl Lindquist, District Principal of Curriculum, Janet McCloy District Arts Coordinator, teachers Jennica Alpaugh and Pamela Clark, and students, Jachin McIntyre, Lucas Baltakis, Ben Ovington and Kiera Fitzmaurice.</p><p>&ldquo;We can still continue to have these great performances and we can share them out to a wide audience that we couldn&rsquo;t always get into the board room,&rdquo; said Carson.</p><p>Trustees Kathleen Karpuk and Shelley Sim thanked the students for their performance.</p><p>&ldquo;The student performance every year really kicks off what feels to me to be the start of Christmas, so it was wonderful to have that again this year,&rdquo; said Karpuk.</p><p>Trustee Sim asked the students what they liked best about the performance.&nbsp;</p><p>&ldquo;My favourite part was at the end when we all came together it is a great message for teamwork,&rdquo; said Ben.</p><p>Dr. Sullivan told the students he was pleased to see how they are learning curriculum through the arts, which was the original vision for KSA. After thanking the teachers and the district staff, he had a message for the students.</p><p>&ldquo;I want to thank the students,&rdquo; he said. &ldquo;We are quite proud of what you are doing and what you did tonight. I hope you have a really good holiday.&rdquo;</p> /Modules/News/index.aspx?feedId=a34c7aa8-61a4-4301-b1ee-537197631df4&newsId=8093a511-5596-4b2a-b5f1-d12a59e04396 Tue, 15 Dec 2020 20:45:00 GMT Kamloops-Thompson Board of Education Meets with MLAs Milobar, Stone, and Tegart <p>On January 13, 2023, our Board of Education met with MLAs, Todd Stone, Peter Milobar, and Jackie Tegart to review our capital needs, a budget update, and to discuss how we can communicate to the community what we do together.&nbsp; In that meeting, we discussed the importance of sharing our meetings with the community through public summaries in the form of a brief.&nbsp;<a title="Open new window to view Read more." href="/en/our-district-board/resources/Board-of-Education/Meeting-with-MLAs--January-13-2023.docx.pdf" rel="noopener noreferrer" target="_blank">Read more</a>.</p> /Modules/News/index.aspx?feedId=a34c7aa8-61a4-4301-b1ee-537197631df4&newsId=9cec86fc-d227-4aa3-bbc2-d1ce58ccdded Thu, 06 Apr 2023 22:00:00 GMT ÌÇÐÄSwag RCMP Youth Academy 2024 <p><em>Heather Grieve, Board Chair</em></p><p>We celebrate the 13th years of the RCMP Youth Academy in Kamloops and the success of 14 youth who completed their cadet training in the annual ÌÇÐÄSwag - RCMP Youth Academy at Brocklehurst Middle School from March 16-21, 2024.</p><p>The students participated in six days of training together by spending days and nights in Brocklehurst as a group. They woke up early and prepared their bunks for inspection and proceeded to follow a regimen of exercise, meals, and learning to fully understand the Depot experience. These youth gained an inside view of what it is like for those young adults who successfully apply to become RCMP officers and are assigned to a troop of 32 members in a 26-week training program at Depot, which is the RCMP Academy in Regina, Saskatchewan. Once they successfully complete the Cadet Training Program (CTP), they are then offered employment with the RCMP and given peace officer status.</p><p>Our long-standing ÌÇÐÄSwag - Kamloops RCMP Youth Academy is the result of our strong partnership with the RCMP that has only grown stronger each year since 2011. While we are not the only RCMP Youth Academy, we attract students from outside of our district. This year, three students, two from SD 36 (Surrey), and one from St. Anne's Academy (Kamloops) participated. Last year, we had students come from Quesnel, Hope, Seabird Island, Harrison Hot Springs, and Agassiz.</p><p>Corporal Napier shared, &ldquo;The strength of our partnership is that everyone believes in the importance of providing this immersive experience to students and as a result, volunteers provide countless hours to this day-night six-day program.&rdquo;</p><p>The students benefited from presentations RCMP Units: Indigenous Policing Unit, Police Dog Services, Emergency Response Team, Forensic Identification Unit, Tactical Enforcement Unit, Targeted Enforcement Unit, Traffic Services, Integrated Crisis Response Team) and associated services (Crown Counsel, Liquor and Cannabis Control Board, CBSA, ICBC Road Safety, CP Police, BC Conservation Service, BC Sheriff Service, Community Service Officer, TRU Police and Justice Program, Gangs and Guns Intervention Program - City of Kamloops). Students also participated in daily physical fitness training and learned Police Defense Tactics. Students applied their learning during a "scenarios night" (Tuesday evening - day 4) where volunteers acted out criminal behavior to which the students needed to respond.</p><p>Director Kienlein stated, &ldquo;Each student who takes part learns a lot about themselves and whether they can see themselves in a law enforcement career. It is as much about testing out one&rsquo;s interests and passions for the law and law enforcement as it is about choosing a specific job or role.&rdquo;</p><p>The students took part in classes both inside and outside over the course of the week. There has been an emphasis on integrating Indigenous content throughout the course work. On Saturday night, students made drums under the tutelage of Constable Big Charles. On Sunday morning, academy participants and supervisors participated in a smudging ceremony performed by Randy and Amanda Big Sorrel Horse. The 7 Grandfather teachings have also been integrated into the academy. Each morning a teaching is discussed as it relates to being a law enforcement officer.</p><p>There was a blend of learning about the importance of note-taking and notebooks to reading someone their rights, arrests, handcuffs, and searches as related to the fundamentals of the Criminal Code. Students also learned the basics of conducting investigations, of personal defense tactics, and about the importance of determination, precision and teamwork.</p><p>&ldquo;This experience has increased my passion to serve my community&rdquo;, stated Sa-Hali Secondary student Specwitsa Grizzlypaws. &ldquo;It has reinforced for me the value of discipline, unity and courage&rdquo;.</p><p>&ldquo;This is my third year witnessing the change in students showing how they have risen to the challenge of being disciplined and developing skills to participate in all activities and learning, including the final ceremony in which they are inspected, &rdquo;stated Superintendent Nixon.</p><p>We are so grateful to Superintendent Pelley, Corporal Napier, Corporal Tunbridge, Corporal Elwood, Corporal Underhill, Constable Martin, Constable Whiles, and Constable Sadler, as well as all of the officers who supported the programming. I also appreciate Amanda and Randy Big Sorrel Horse for opening with a smudging ceremony, and to our staff who were here throughout the week: Rick Kienlein, Robb Dolson, Julia Carlson and Melissa Neubauer.</p><p>The Board of Education appreciates the parents who took the time to support their children to take part in this academy. Thank you to the students who took a chance to learn about being an RCMP Officer and becoming familiar with legal and law enforcement careers. It has been a wonderful experience to take part in the closing ceremonies of this year&rsquo;s RCMP Youth Academy.</p> /Modules/News/index.aspx?feedId=a34c7aa8-61a4-4301-b1ee-537197631df4&newsId=b74649dd-7cb8-4cba-bf6b-d1d3cbbc383e Thu, 21 Mar 2024 21:30:00 GMT SSS Student Selected to Attend National Youth Summit <p>Sarah Seymour is going to Ottawa to lend her voice to the development of Canada&rsquo;s National Youth Policy. She will be attending the Canada Youth Summit along with 300 other participants ages 16 &ndash; 24 as a representative from British Columbia.&nbsp;</p><p>Sarah is a grade 11 Sa-Hali Secondary student, and she was chosen in a competitive process by the BC Principals and Vice-Principals Association.&nbsp;</p><p>&ldquo;We are proud of Sarah,&rdquo; said <strong>Alison Sidow</strong>, Superintendent, School District No. 73. &ldquo;She is a shining example of what can happen when a student, with hard work and determination is able to connect with every opportunity to make a difference.&rdquo;</p><p>The Canada Youth Summit is part of the Canadian Government&rsquo;s efforts in developing a national youth policy for Canada. Christiane Fox, Deputy Minister of Intergovernmental Affairs and Youth said summit participants will each &ldquo;&hellip;have a strong interest in youth policy and what government can do for youth, and bring unique perspectives to the table.&rdquo;</p><p><iframe src="" frameborder="0" width="560" height="315"></iframe></p><p>Sarah is a member of the B.C. Student Voice Network and the Principals&rsquo; Advisory Committee. She has been part of the SSS leadership team since grade 9, and in grade 10 she was part of a student committee that helped redesign the ÌÇÐÄSwag website.</p><p>&ldquo;Working with the adults from School District 73 made me realize that I had to up my game and converse on their level,&rdquo; she said. &ldquo;It was such an honour working with those adults and collaborating our ideas with an adult&rsquo;s perspective and a child&rsquo;s perspective.&rdquo;</p><p>So far in grade 11, Sarah has attended the Student Voice BC Provincial Regional Forum, and then helped host a local version of the forum in ÌÇÐÄSwag. She is looking forward to seeing what happens when issues are discussed at the national level.</p><p>&ldquo;Meeting with all the other students, from across the country, will give me a better perspective on how they live in their everyday lives,&rdquo; said Sarah.&nbsp;</p><p>&ldquo;We are really excited for Sarah, and we know she will do a great job representing B.C. and ÌÇÐÄSwag,&rdquo; said&nbsp;<strong>Rachael Sdoutz</strong>, Sa-Hali Senior Secondary Principal. &ldquo;They (BCPVPA) told me Sarah&rsquo;s application was hands-down the most outstanding application they saw.&rdquo;</p><p>&ldquo;Sarah is already making an impact on her fellow students and at the provincial level,&rdquo; said <strong>Kathleen Karpuk</strong>, Chair, ÌÇÐÄSwag Board of Education. &ldquo;She now has an opportunity to have an impact on the national level.&rdquo;</p><p>B.C. Minister of Education Rob Fleming sent his congratulations in a letter to Karpuk regarding Sarah&rsquo;s selection.</p><p>&ldquo;This is a unique leadership opportunity for Sarah and the chance to contribute her voice to the national youth policy for Canada,&rdquo; Fleming said. &ldquo;I have no doubt this will be a rewarding opportunity for not only Sarah but also her peers and entire school community upon her return.&rdquo;</p><p>&nbsp;</p><p>&nbsp;</p><p>&nbsp;</p> /Modules/News/index.aspx?feedId=a34c7aa8-61a4-4301-b1ee-537197631df4&newsId=d4811e52-3fc6-44fc-9759-d20c67e17e79 Mon, 01 Apr 2019 19:00:00 GMT Westsyde Elementary School to Re-Open September 2019 <p>School District No. 73 Board of Education voted unanimously to reorganize the catchment area for David Thompson School and reopen Westsyde Elementary for the 2019-2020 school year.</p><p>Results from the community and staff consultations, that began in&nbsp;January 2019, gave the trustees a clear indication that reopening Westsyde Elementary is in the best interests of the children and the broader Westsyde community.</p><p>The Board also approved the capital expenditure of $1.062 million for renovations that will begin immediately. The budget includes $150,000 to purchase resources for the library, textbooks, office supplies and gym equipment.</p><p>Closed since 2006 due to declining enrolment, the recommendation to open Westsyde Elementary came out of the Long-Range Facilities Review which was presented to the Board on Dec. 11, 2018. The smallest school in the district with more than 400 students, David Thompson Elementary is currently at 125 per cent capacity.</p><p>&ldquo;Opening the school will create healthy learning environments at both David Thompson and Westsyde with more flexible support spaces for all students,&rdquo; said Rob Schoen, Assistant Superintendent.</p><p>Responding to concerns raised by parents during the consultation period, the Board also voted to give the grade 6 students at DT who may be changing schools in their final year special consideration.&nbsp;</p><p>The Board heard of the concerns raised by some community members regarding the speed limit on Westsyde Road, the number of crosswalks and the area available to pick-up and drop-off students. District staff is working with the City of Kamloops and are committed to resolving concerns regarding speed zones and crosswalks and will consult further with the PAC if required.</p><p>&ldquo;While there is ample area for student pick up and drop off if required,&rdquo; said Schoen. &ldquo;This elementary school is an excellent example of a walkable neighborhood school. &nbsp;Of the 175 students expected to be enrolled in the newly opened school, 60 will arrive by bus.</p><p>&nbsp;</p><p class="Normal1">&nbsp;</p> /Modules/News/index.aspx?feedId=a34c7aa8-61a4-4301-b1ee-537197631df4&newsId=40177040-9523-41ab-b36b-d361bb288c10 Tue, 12 Mar 2019 05:00:00 GMT Parent's as Career Coaches <p>By Cara McKelvey, Trustee</p><p>February 3, 2021</p><p>As students learn and grow, they will need to learn to make career plans in an ever-changing world.<ins cite="mailto:Cara%20MCKELVEY" datetime="2021-02-01T06:16"> </ins>Today&rsquo;s career education curriculum asks students to consider who they want to be in the world, not simply what they want to be.&nbsp; This is an important distinction.&nbsp;&nbsp;</p><p>Career education in School District 73 looks significantly different now than it did when the average parent graduated from high school.&nbsp; Students now have thousands of options for work and education following secondary school.&nbsp; WorkBC notes that 78% of future work requires some post-secondary education. Whether this is in a trades and technology school, college, or university, students begin exploring their career paths through their high school years and will be well on their way at graduation to defining their career options.</p><p>With so many options for students, parents are now a vital guide in their children&rsquo;s lives, so ÌÇÐÄSwag has a whole team of staff that can help.&nbsp; Our secondary school-based Career Education Leads provide expertise to career education teachers, as well as a network to support participation in career and transition events for students.&nbsp; Career Education programming provides knowledge and understanding, while trades and transitions programming provides experiential opportunities.&nbsp; Students can explore a variety of pathways, including post-secondary through the TRUStart program, university preparation through the International Baccalaureate program, hands on experience through the NorKam Trades and Technology Centre, or exploring the world of digital animation through the DATA program.</p><p>I have firsthand experience in one of these excellent career path options offered by ÌÇÐÄSwag as my son is starting the Construction Trades Sampler at NorKam Secondary.&nbsp; Sampler courses in Construction, Mechanical and Industrial trades provide students with tangible skills related to daily work in each of the four trades they study within their focus area, as well as developing their understanding of the professionalism of a tradesperson. The program instills safe workplace practices, student skill development and encourages design, planning, production and evaluation of various techniques and projects. &nbsp;</p><p>BC Curriculum now focuses on developing an Educated Citizen.&nbsp; The Educated Citizen should be able to learn and think critically and be able to communicate information from a broad-knowledge base while being motivated, think positively and be capable to have the confidence to make decisions, independently. Throughout K-12 students acquire the knowledge, skills, attitudes, and values required to thrive and shape their world. Career development at all grade levels is designed to prepare students to obtain their career and occupational objectives.&nbsp;</p><p>So as educating our students is ever changing, so must our discussions from the parent/guardian perspective.&nbsp; Our website has the up-to-date details so please visit our District website and/or for further information and registration for upcoming sessions of Parents as Career Coaches.</p><p>This column appeared in Kamloops This Week: View from ÌÇÐÄSwag on February 3, 2021.</p> /Modules/News/index.aspx?feedId=a34c7aa8-61a4-4301-b1ee-537197631df4&newsId=97dc8a55-7d5b-4011-9106-d36d34b098b8 Wed, 03 Feb 2021 16:00:00 GMT ÌÇÐÄSwag Considering Sun Peaks Re-Configuration <p>School District No. 73 will hold a&nbsp;<a href="/en/our-district-board/sun-peaks-consultation.aspx">community consultation</a>&nbsp;to obtain feedback on a proposed plan to re-configure Sun Peaks Elementary School.&nbsp;</p><p>The district is considering a plan to fully integrate grades 8 and 9 into the school for the 2020-2021 school year. The public consultation meeting is planned for Jan. 20, 2020, from 5 to 7 pm, at the Hearthstone Lodge. For more information, please read the&nbsp;<a href="">Sun Peaks Reconfiguration memo</a>, Dec. 12, 2019.</p><p>Questions, comments and feedback are welcome. Please forward any questions, comments and feedback to&nbsp;<a href=""></a>. Check below for answers, which will be posted as feedback is received.&nbsp;</p><p>For additional information, please contact the office of the Superintendent of Schools, at 250-374-0679.&nbsp;</p> /Modules/News/index.aspx?feedId=a34c7aa8-61a4-4301-b1ee-537197631df4&newsId=45a7b20e-fa69-4cb1-9969-d5dcaf30240d Tue, 07 Jan 2020 19:15:00 GMT ÌÇÐÄSwag Recognized Employees who Completed the Leadership Development Program <p>School District No. 73 (ÌÇÐÄSwag) is proud to announce that five employees have completed a two-year education program designed with both local and post-secondary preparations to prepare for such roles as Vice Principal at the school level and Coordinator positions at the District level.</p><p>&ldquo;I have collaboratively co-led this program for over a decade, and it has grown and changed to meet the needs of participants and the District,&rdquo; explained Assistant Superintendent Bill Hamblett.</p><p>&ldquo;We have taken participant feedback on what most contributed to their growth,&rdquo; stated Assistant Superintendent Grant Reilly. &ldquo;It was important to have practical local presentations about building capacity of staff, finance, and Human Resources, as examples.&rdquo;</p><p>&ldquo;I am proud of what senior leadership has done to listen to what these leaders most needed to make this program meaningful to them,&rdquo; explained Superintendent Dr. Rhonda Nixon.</p><p>&ldquo;I appreciated how these future leaders reflected on their core values and understanding how living these values fosters inclusive learning environments where every learner could thrive,&rdquo; shared Assistant Superintendent Vessy Mochikas. &ldquo;We developed learning opportunities that deepened our core values in the District Strategic Plan&mdash;relationships/connections, well-being, equity, and sustainability.&rdquo;</p><p>Board Chair Heather Grieve confirmed, &ldquo;It was important to have a special celebration to honour these candidates who had successfully completed the two-year program. As a District, we are seeking to ensure that our staff feel valued. Acknowledging the milestones and recognizing staff accomplishments is an important part of ensuring that our employees are honoured in a meaningful way.&rdquo;</p><p>During the September 11, 2023, Public Board meeting, Board Chair Grieve had the pleasure of presenting certificates to the following ÌÇÐÄSwag employees, recognizing their outstanding achievements in completing the Leadership Development Program (LDP):</p><p>I-Wen Bluhm completed her LDP experience with Principal Zryd at McGowan Park Elementary. She has now accepted a leadership position, joining Pacific Way Elementary as the Vice Principal this fall. I-Wen said, &ldquo;The LDP experience helped me to gain insight and perspective in how a school is run and the different elements that impact the operation of a school.&rdquo;</p><p>Melanie Gregg completed her LDP experience at Kamloops School of the Arts under the guidance of Principal Blair Lloyd. During her second year, Melanie was appointed as the Term Certain Vice Principal at Westsyde Secondary. This fall, she has taken on the role of Vice Principal at Valleyview Secondary. &ldquo;The LDP experience helped me to develop a greater understanding of the District processes and procedures,&rdquo; said Melanie.</p><p>Stacey Kaczur completed her LDP journey at Aberdeen Elementary, learning from Principal Rogers and Principal Defehr. Recently, Stacey assumed a significant District leadership role as one of the Numeracy Resource teachers within the curriculum department. Stacy shared, &ldquo;My LDP experience provided me with the impetus to move out of the classroom into becoming a curriculum system leader.&rdquo;</p><p>Cammy Plummer worked alongside Principal Devries at Summit Elementary during her LDP experience. In her second year, she was appointed as the Term Certain Vice Principal at A.E. Perry Elementary, a role she continues to excel in this fall. &ldquo;I am proud of how my experience in LDP forced me to lead from the front which has enabled me to develop a strong presence in my current leadership role,&rdquo; said Cammy.</p><p>Justin Roszman gained valuable experience in two schools, Parkcrest Elementary and Arthur Stevenson Elementary, under the mentorship of Principal Gorman and Principal Farquhar. Justin shared, &ldquo;I really enjoyed the closeness of the LDP cohort and the lasting relationship developed through the program.&rdquo;</p><p>Chair Grieve acknowledged the recipients by saying, &ldquo;I would like to extend my gratitude for your dedication and exceptional contributions to our District. Your hard work and commitment are truly invaluable.&rdquo;</p><p>The Leadership Development Program, with over 40 years of successful history, continues to inspire and prepare future education leaders within ÌÇÐÄSwag. It has consistently encouraged candidates to take on new challenges, fostering the growth of talented individuals who aspire to become vice principals and district coordinators.</p> /Modules/News/index.aspx?feedId=a34c7aa8-61a4-4301-b1ee-537197631df4&newsId=d2ee95ac-63de-4832-a2f7-d622b9bc55c9 Thu, 14 Sep 2023 18:15:00 GMT District Student Advisory Council in Action <p>Two student representatives of the District Student Advisory Council (DSAC) told the Board of Education at its regular meeting on November 22 that their school is working to develop a list of comprehensive resources for students to access support for mental health and academics.</p><p>Emily Boone and Fyfer Brookes Gillingham are NorKam Senior Secondary students and both serve on the DSAC, which is composed of 20 student representatives from grades 8 to 12, and facilitated by Director of Instruction Rick Kienlein. The purpose of the council is to provide the Board, the Superintendent and senior administrators with what matters most to students on issues and topics of mutual importance.</p><p>Recently, Boone and Brookes Gillingham led a discussion at the district level about what students felt was going well and what could be improved within each of their schools.</p><p>&ldquo;We found in our schools that there is an abundance of resources,&rdquo; said Boone. &ldquo;There is the accessibility for students to get mental health support, cultural support, the list goes on. But not everyone knows about them. We asked our peers, &lsquo;what do you know that you can get at this school&rsquo; and the list was very limited.&rdquo;</p><p>The fix was &ldquo;pretty simple in nature&rdquo; according to Brookes Gilligham: &ldquo;[The solution] was to accumulate all our resources together. But not just limit them to mental health resources &ndash; include academic safe spaces and how to get proper resources at school.&rdquo;</p><p>Upon hearing the students&rsquo; concerns at a Principal&rsquo;s Council meeting, of which Boone and Brookes Gillingham also sit, NorKam Principal Jonathan Brady created a detailed list of all resources available to students at that school.</p><p>Fittingly, the DSAC&rsquo;s theme is &lsquo;Taking Action from Ideas&rsquo; and &ldquo;that&rsquo;s something that we really value,&rdquo; said Boone. &ldquo;We are actually turning our ideas into life, into things that will benefit ourselves, our student body, our peers, and the staff at our school.&rdquo;</p><p>Noted Trustee Shelley Sim, &ldquo;I appreciate your enthusiasm and your willingness to expand the lines of possibility. I have no doubt this is going to be hugely successful. In my mind, I see you creating a legacy of a resource that can impact the entire district and student body.&rdquo;</p> /Modules/News/index.aspx?feedId=a34c7aa8-61a4-4301-b1ee-537197631df4&newsId=597a9bea-ed6f-4f3c-90b7-d70e077622c7 Wed, 24 Nov 2021 16:15:00 GMT Board Notes: January 28, 2019 <div class="WordSection1"><h2>EDUCATION TOPIC<strong style="font-size: 10px;">&nbsp;</strong></h2><h3>Sexual Orientation and Gender Identity Curriculum</h3><p>SOGI education is a part of the curriculum, but not as a separate and distinct subject area. These topics may be interwoven through several curricular areas like physical and health education, language arts and social studies. ÌÇÐÄSwag Inclusive Education Principal, <strong>Vessy Mochikas </strong>spoke about the program, how it is tailored for each grade level, shared a resource list and promoted the second annual film festival, Diversity is Strength&nbsp;<u><a href="/Modules/News/index.aspx?newsId=f23bfdaf-7db8-4ce0-ae3f-cee31a4c7c8f">Read more<u>.</u></a></u></p><h2>PUBLIC INQUIRIES, PETITIONS AND WRITTEN PRESENTATIONS<strong style="font-size: 10px;">&nbsp;</strong></h2><h3>Kamloops Music Collective</h3><p>Kim Mangan presented an overview of the work the Kamloops Music Collective has been doing in the city to promote music education. Working collaboratively with local music teachers on programs such as Kamloops Interior Summer School of Music (KISSM), Whole Note, and Band Together that help ensure a vibrant music community for Kamloops youth. Her goal is to open a dialogue with the School District regarding a memorandum of understanding to secure a space for KISSM.</p><h2>REPORTS FROM SUPERINTENDENT OF SCHOOL</h2><p>As per the Consent Agenda, the <strong>Superintendent&rsquo;s Report </strong>was distributed. The full report <u><a href="">can</a></u> <u><a href="">be found here.</a></u></p><h3>Communicating Student Learning Pilot</h3><p>A committee representing all district stakeholders was convened to address the interim Ministerial Order and Regulation regarding the Ministry of Education&rsquo;s Student and Reporting Policy for grades K-9 and to provide input on the revision of Board Policy 500.1. Currently, 11 schools are participating in the new style of reporting pilot. Key changes in the reporting structure include: more timely and flexible communication, descriptive four-point proficiency scale for K-9, end-of-year student self-assessment of core competencies, as well as additional student selected evidence-based reflection during the school year.</p><h3>Westwold School Closure</h3><p>The Board of Education voted unanimously to keep Westwold Elementary School open based on the recommendation to maintain a K-7 (with reduced services) pending the enrollment of six full-time students by Sept. 30, 2019. The decision was the result of a community consultation process that began with a town hall meeting in Westwold on Nov. 22, 2018. <u><a href="/Modules/News/index.aspx?newsId=5d3ada53-323a-4bec-9f18-a16dee8c2cf3">Read more here</a>.&nbsp;&nbsp;</u></p><h2>REPORTS FROM SECRETARY-TREASURER</h2><h3>Funding Model Reporting</h3></div><p>The Minister of Education appointed a seven-member independent funding model panel to review and provide recommendations to the way funding is allocated to schools. While the current funding model, set in 2002, works well for most schools, there are a number of student populations whose educational needs could be better served. There are no changes to the funding model for the 2019 -20 school year. The government will establish working groups of key education sector partners soon to provide advice to create a more equitable funding model. More from the <u><a href="">Ministry of Education here<u>.</u></a></u></p><h3>Online Payment Program for Parents &amp; Students Update</h3><p>Over the next month or two the Finance Department will be consulting with school administration, clerical staff, and other employee groups to understand the needs and wants of those impacted by the project. Led by Finance Manager <strong>Christine Loney, </strong>the project will provide parents more options to pay school fees while enabling staff to focus on more-student- centred services.</p><h3>Valleyview Secondary Project Definition Report</h3><p>Director <strong>Art McDonald </strong>has been working closely with the capital staff at the Ministry of Education to finalize the Project Definition Report (PDR) for Valleyview Secondary. The unit rate for construction has increased, resulting in a new total budget of just over $34 million.</p><h2>REPORTS FROM COMMITTEES AND CHAIR</h2><p><strong>Consent Agenda Items <br /><br /></strong><u><a href="">Policy Committee highlights</a></u> <br /><br /><u><a href="">DPAC Committee highlights</a></u></p><p><u><a href="">Notice - 1033.1 Video Surveillance.</a></u></p> /Modules/News/index.aspx?feedId=a34c7aa8-61a4-4301-b1ee-537197631df4&newsId=b984e230-43be-4699-afb9-d7452b4e3278 Sat, 02 Feb 2019 22:00:00 GMT Vaccine Policy Committee <p>On Friday, October 22, 2021, Superintendents and Board Chairs met with representatives from the Ministry of Education, British Columbia School Trustees Association (BCSTA), and British Columbia Public School Employers&rsquo; Association (BCPSEA).</p><p>Rhonda Kershaw, Board Chair of Kamloops-Thompson School District 73 Board of Education, stated, &ldquo;Draft K-12 Sector Guidelines for Vaccination Policies were shared, and the Ministry of Education, BCPSEA, and BCSTA encouraged boards to exercise due diligence in information gathering to make a thoughtful decision about a staff vaccination policy.&rdquo;</p><p>At this meeting, boards were directed to start with step one by evidence gathering through Interior Health.</p><p>&nbsp;&ldquo;Our Board began that process on Saturday, October 16, 2021 by sharing our questions with Dr. Carol Fenton, our designated Interior Health Officer,&rdquo; Board Chair Kershaw explained.</p><p>Kamloops-Thompson School District 73 Board of Education had many questions related to vaccination rates in ÌÇÐÄSwag rural and urban communities, potential exposures in schools and transmission in schools in those communities, and about how best to learn from their employees about their views of a vaccination policy that adheres to privacy laws.</p><p>On Monday, October 25, 2021, the Kamloops-Thompson ÌÇÐÄSwag Board of Education passed a motion to direct the Superintendent to establish a committee to gather data and evidence in alignment with privacy laws (step one) as a starting point.</p><p>Board Chair Kershaw concluded, &ldquo;Moving forward, our district committee comprised of representatives from all employee groups will work together to prepare a report for the Board. &ldquo;We look forward to this report and to making a thoughtful decision regarding mandatory staff vaccination.&rdquo;</p> /Modules/News/index.aspx?feedId=a34c7aa8-61a4-4301-b1ee-537197631df4&newsId=58e46b00-fc7b-4ca4-af34-d7b1949bfd95 Fri, 29 Oct 2021 20:30:00 GMT Board Notes from June 28, 2021 <p>From the regular meeting of the Board of Education. All about Ralph Bell School re-opening, Annual Career Development report, and Owl Awards. Read Board Notes <a href="" target="_blank">here</a>.</p> /Modules/News/index.aspx?feedId=a34c7aa8-61a4-4301-b1ee-537197631df4&newsId=852c1c09-fe75-4a33-ac94-d7fcd6bdf81b Mon, 05 Jul 2021 15:00:00 GMT Board of Education Presentation to Provincial Budget Committee <p>On September 28, 2021 Trustee Heather Grieve, on behalf of the Board of Education, presented to the Budget 2022: Select Standing Committee on Finance and Governance Services. The audio of the presentation can be found <a href=";mediastarttime=20210928150012&amp;mediaendtime=20210928180839#agenda_">here.</a>&nbsp;Trustee Grieve speaks to the committee at 5:45. A pdf of the presentation is attached.&nbsp;</p> /Modules/News/index.aspx?feedId=a34c7aa8-61a4-4301-b1ee-537197631df4&newsId=acdedc48-fb46-4d6b-8acd-d9245d7126b5 Wed, 06 Oct 2021 23:00:00 GMT Just B4 Preschool Program Underway at Arthur Hatton <p>More pre-Kindergarten children in the Kamloops-Thompson region have enhanced early learning opportunities with the expansion of the Just B4 Early Childhood Education program to School District 73.</p><p>Just B4 is an afternoon licensed pre-school child care program and is meant to celebrate play and development of children who are four.</p><p>&ldquo;Our Board of Education prioritizes early years education as it is foundational to children&rsquo;s success in school and in life,&rdquo; said Heather Grieve, Chair ÌÇÐÄSwag Board of Education. &ldquo;We will continue to build on what we learn with Just B4 and Seamless Day and to apply the successes in other environments, where space permits.&rdquo;</p><p>Operating out of the Arthur Hatton StrongStart classroom, the program started on Monday, January 17, 2022. Two cohorts of 10 children attend, one cohort on Monday, Wednesday, and alternate Fridays and the other attending Tuesday, Thursday, and every other Friday each afternoon from 12:15 to 2:15.</p><p>&ldquo;Making sure that four-year-olds are ready for Kindergarten is so important. There is no better way to help them be ready than to experience school first-hand from the gym to the library, sharing, learning, and growing together,&rdquo; said Marlene Sheppard, early childhood educator/pre-school teacher at Arthur Hatton Elementary. &ldquo;The growth I&rsquo;ve seen in these four-year-olds over the last four weeks has been amazing.&rdquo;</p><p>Sheppard confidently says the children are more prepared for Kindergarten and is certain that, during these uncertain times, Just B4 has given every one of the children in the program the courage to know school is safe and fun.</p><p>For Principal Mike Johnson, it has been wonderful to have the program at Arthur Hatton and he sees it as a compliment to both the StrongStart BC and Seamless Day programs operating out of the school. &ldquo;Seeing students progress from StrongStart to pre-school and then into kindergarten gives them such a head start as they begin their school career.&rdquo;</p><p>Chair Heather Grieve added, &ldquo;The Board will continue to advocate for space to serve our fast-paced growing communities&rsquo; needs as we see the success with these programs as our first steps on the path towards an inclusive, universal childcare system.&rdquo;&nbsp;</p> /Modules/News/index.aspx?feedId=a34c7aa8-61a4-4301-b1ee-537197631df4&newsId=fcf6ab76-9681-420e-a049-da0895c31964 Wed, 23 Feb 2022 18:30:00 GMT ÌÇÐÄSwag Board of Education Reviews Feedback on Draft Plans for New School in Pineview Valley <p style="text-align: left;" align="center">By Heather Grieve,&nbsp;Board Chair</p><p style="text-align: left;" align="center">September 6, 2023</p><p>The Kamloops-Thompson board of education has advocated for a new school in Pineview Valley due to notable enrolment growth and space pressures in schools in the southwest sector of the city.</p><p>On Feb. 22, the Ministry of Education and Child Care announced funding for a new school in Pineview Valley. At that time, the board had been working with the McGowan future growth planning committee to problem solve what could be done if space pressures continued at McGowan Park elementary, which is 60 per cent above capacity.</p><p>The board of education is looking forward to the much-needed opportunity to have families experience the opening of the new Pineview Valley school in 2026.</p><p>We are especially excited about this unique location because it is near Python Lake, which is known for its natural beauty, protected species (painted turtle), and varied plants (mariposa lilies, yarrow and giant wildrye) and animals (a variety of butterflies, songbirds and ducks, as well as deer and many small mammals).</p><p>This location opens up so many opportunities for land-based learning and outdoor education and we are excited to be part of the development of this school.</p><p>The board initiated the Pineview Valley community engagement committee, with representatives from Tk&rsquo;emlps te Secw&eacute;pemc, the Aboriginal Education Council, the Kamloops-Thompson Teachers&rsquo; Association, CUPE 3500, the District Parent Advisory Council, the City of Kamloops, the Ministry of Education and Child Care and the Pineview Valley community.</p><p>We have worked with Station One Architects and school district staff to review and provide feedback on draft plans for the new school. We aim to meet in a cycle of gathering feedback, working on plans to respond to feedback, then bringing plans back to the group. The goal is to truly collaborate by listening to concerns and co-problem solving.</p><p>The themes from the first Pineview Valley community engagement meeting were reported to the board on May 15, at the regular public board meeting and included:</p><ul><li>Importance of diverse indoor and outdoor space;</li><li>Flexible, adaptable spaces: ensuring multi-use spaces and rooms;</li><li>Beauty of the lake and trails: using nature to teach;</li><li>Neighbourhood learning centre: expand gym, add an Aboriginal education room and add a before- and after-school care room;</li><li>Pedagogies: active student engagement;</li><li>Facilities and grounds: ensure accessibility;</li><li>Storage: make sure there is enough</li></ul><p>In meeting with other partner groups, including the Ministry of Forests, the Ministry of Environment and the Kamloops Naturalist Club, the following themes were shared:</p><ul><li>Maintain the look and feel of the natural environment as much as possible;</li><li>Provide an appropriate development setback from riparian areas;</li><li>Provide natural vegetation for the relocated Python Creek stream channel;</li><li>Naturalize the west end of the site as much as possible to offset some of the natural features that will be removed;</li><li>Ensure that students are safe while also having access to the natural environment;</li><li>Develop a field that gives as much space as possible for students to engage in multi-use field activities.</li></ul><p>The Kamloops-Thompson board of education looks forward to continuing to collaborate and engage with community partners through the committee as we look forward to opening Pineview Valley elementary in 2026.</p><p><strong>This column appeared in Kamloops This Week: View from ÌÇÐÄSwag on&nbsp;September 6, 2023</strong></p> /Modules/News/index.aspx?feedId=a34c7aa8-61a4-4301-b1ee-537197631df4&newsId=cac7eddb-3b03-40f9-b564-dad4a5363ba3 Wed, 06 Sep 2023 20:45:00 GMT Board Notes: January 14, 2019 <p><strong>EDUCATION TOPIC</strong></p><p>&nbsp;<strong>Connection to Land and Place</strong></p><p>Three questions guided Four Directions Secondary School &rsquo;s inquiry, supported by an Inquiry and Innovation funding grant, during the 2017-2018 school year. Four Directions teachers&nbsp;<strong>Jordan Smith</strong>,&nbsp;<strong>Courtney Bruin</strong>&nbsp;and&nbsp;<strong>Courtney Markin</strong>,&nbsp;together with their students,&nbsp;provided an overview of the program&rsquo;s success in exploring the four topics: How do food decisions affect our well-being in all areas of our lives? How can traditional methods of subsistence be preserved over time? What can we learn from Indigenous peoples to help us conserve and restore B.C. salmon? <a href="/Modules/News/index.aspx?feedId=10c49675-bbce-4733-a8c0-fbbd3a3ec9ae,be1116c5-ab98-434e-8a10-8a00f49b774c,208dc79b-e7d6-4c56-be49-d1a958ce7890,22ff3110-d793-43a6-840c-c4111ce97696,bea72a8a-9acb-4e39-a622-a93619bbcb20,609debc8-f306-4231-82f6-0ccdd05741ff,1a8871c1-91be-45ab-b39d-92ef36375147,f8da9119-5861-4244-9bef-1bcc52d3b354,864e5895-2441-42e4-88b6-d6159a4c573e,693bbd8a-7a76-4569-a4cc-0a6c73399faf&amp;newsId=35098c61-4a4a-4562-b386-14ca6adfcfb1">Read more</a>.</p><p><strong>Literacy in Kamloops&nbsp;</strong></p><p><strong>Fiona Clare</strong> LinK coordinator presented a cheque for $51,488 from Decoda Literacy Solutions Society. The organization matched local fundraising efforts to support literacy throughout the region. January is Family Literacy Month in Kamloops and <strong>Clare</strong> outlined the many events throughout the community to promote family literacy and to encourage all family members to Unplug and Play (January 26 to February 2). The 10<sup>th</sup> Annual Heap the Honda Children&rsquo;s Book Drive runs until January 26. <a href="">Read about more literacy events. </a></p><p><strong>PUBLIC INQUIRIES, PETITIONS AND WRITTEN PRESENTATIONS</strong></p><p><strong>BC Heritage Fairs Society</strong></p><p><strong>Mary Compone</strong> and <strong>Karl deBruijn</strong> recognized the school district for its long-standing support of Heritage Fairs provincially and nationally. Of the 13 regions in the province that participate in the program, ÌÇÐÄSwag remains the sole school district supporting this initiative while the others are supported through local museums. The delegation will return and present a formal request for support at an upcoming board meeting.</p><p><strong>SUPERINTENDENT&rsquo;S REPORT</strong></p><p><strong>Kindergarten and Schools of Choice Registration</strong></p><p>Neighborhood and Schools of Choice throughout the district will be registering kindergarten students.</p><ul><li>Schools of Choice registration begins January 28 and runs until February 1. The School of Choice Info session was January 16.</li><li>Neighborhood Schools registration begins February 11 and runs until February 15at noon. Kindergarten Roundup Information Night will be February 28 at the Henry Grube Education Centre.</li></ul><p><strong>Out-of-Province Field Trips</strong></p><p><strong>Sa-Hali Secondary</strong></p><p>Twenty-one grade 9 to 11 students from <strong>Sa-Hali Secondary</strong> will participate in an exchange with students from Berlage Lyceum School in Amsterdam. The Dutch students will be in Kamloops from April 8 to 12 with ÌÇÐÄSwag students visiting Amsterdam from September 23 to 27. The purpose of the exchange with Berlage Lyceum, a UNESCO school, is to network internationally on issues pertaining to climate change, water use, sustainability and global citizenship.</p><p><strong>NorKam Senior Secondary (Update)</strong></p><p>The trip to Wales for 12 Biology 12 students that was approved by the Board in June 2018 and scheduled for June 2019 is being postponed to June 2020. Once dates have been reset NorKam will seek re-approval from the board for the students to study marine biology and ecological fieldwork at the Dale Fort Field Centre.<strong><br /> <br /> </strong></p><p><strong>David Thompson and Westsyde Elementary Schools<br /> </strong>The Board approved the consultation process to redraw the David Thompson Elementary catchment area and to re-open Westsyde Elementary School in September 2019 as recommended in the Long-Range Facilities Plan. David Thompson is currently at 100 per cent capacity and is one of the smallest buildings in the district with 400 students. There are challenges in accommodating learning assistance space, interdisciplinary team meeting space and providing regular access to common areas including the library and gymnasium in the school. Next steps include meeting with the parent community on January 30, 2019, at 7 pm, and communicating impending changes to the current tenants of Westsyde Elementary.</p><p><strong>CHAIR REPORT</strong></p><p>Nearly 100 people checked on the progress of a dugout canoe being carved at the Brocklehurst Middle School during one the school&rsquo;s two Aboriginal dinners it hosts each year. Check out photos of the canoe carving project as it nears completion. <a title="Traditional Foods" href="/Modules/News/index.aspx?newsId=35098c61-4a4a-4562-b386-14ca6adfcfb1">Read more&nbsp;</a>here</p><p>&nbsp;</p><p><strong>&nbsp;</strong></p><p>&nbsp;</p><p>&nbsp;</p><p>&nbsp;</p><p>&nbsp;</p><p>&nbsp;</p><p>&nbsp;</p><p><strong>&nbsp;</strong></p><p><strong>&nbsp;</strong></p><p><strong>&nbsp;</strong></p><p><strong>&nbsp;</strong></p><p><strong>&nbsp;</strong></p><p><strong>&nbsp;</strong></p><p>&nbsp;</p> /Modules/News/index.aspx?feedId=a34c7aa8-61a4-4301-b1ee-537197631df4&newsId=17aed676-d82b-402d-b6aa-db15f5648593 Fri, 18 Jan 2019 01:15:00 GMT Equity in Action <p>The Kamloops-Thompson school district has been leading the charge in identifying and eliminating discriminatory practices, systemic barriers, and bias within schools and classrooms.</p><p>At the regular meeting on Monday, March 14, the Board of Education heard that, as one of the first districts to join the Ministry of Education&rsquo;s Equity in Action pilot in 2017, ÌÇÐÄSwag has implemented strategies that involves parents, educators, principals, the Board, and the community to develop equity in all areas.</p><p>Six years ago, the United Nations Declarations, the Truth and Reconciliation Commission, and the Office of the Auditor General developed a program to attempt to address those issues through asking important questions around four pillars: policy and governance, pedagogical core, the learning environment, and the learning profile. Prior to that time, there was considerable inequities in the school system between indigenous and non-indigenous students.</p><p>&ldquo;You need a balance of all four pillars to reach equity,&rdquo; said Mike Bowden, District Principal for Aboriginal Education. &ldquo;We&rsquo;re getting close as a school district. We&rsquo;re in that part of acknowledging what those barriers and biases might be so that we can start having discussions about how to move beyond. I think we&rsquo;re getting into that next stage where we can have those honest and courageous conversations.&rdquo;</p><p>&ldquo;Part of the equity project is to really shine a light on the sense of belonging, generosity, independence, and mastery,&rdquo; said Bowden, referencing Dr. Martin Brokenleg&rsquo;s Circle of Courage. &ldquo;Since being a part of the equity project, we&rsquo;ve seen a big change in students being able to express themselves and take pride in who they are and their learning environment.&rdquo;</p><p>An example of that shift was recently displayed by a group of students from Four Directions Secondary School who wrote and developed an <a href="/Modules/News/index.aspx?feedId=10c49675-bbce-4733-a8c0-fbbd3a3ec9ae,be1116c5-ab98-434e-8a10-8a00f49b774c,208dc79b-e7d6-4c56-be49-d1a958ce7890,22ff3110-d793-43a6-840c-c4111ce97696,bea72a8a-9acb-4e39-a622-a93619bbcb20,609debc8-f306-4231-82f6-0ccdd05741ff,1a8871c1-91be-45ab-b39d-92ef36375147,f8da9119-5861-4244-9bef-1bcc52d3b354,864e5895-2441-42e4-88b6-d6159a4c573e,693bbd8a-7a76-4569-a4cc-0a6c73399faf&amp;keyword=four%20directions&amp;newsId=23021071-643d-45d1-aa1d-280c67af771a">Indigenous music video</a> tied to the 2021-2022 Inquiry theme, Re-Connecting: Renewal; Reciprocity; Reclaiming; and Resilience, and inspired by the unmarked graves of 215 children discovered at&nbsp;Tk'eml&uacute;ps te Secw&eacute;pemc in May 2021.</p><p>&ldquo;Four Directions Secondary School is a prime example of the learning environments and equity in action and how far we&rsquo;ve come in the school district,&rdquo; said Bowden.</p><p>Four Directions Principal Cory Carmichael further explained how students are finding their way and finding a sense of belonging: &ldquo;Four Directions provides an opportunity for students to feel safe and to connect with other fellow students. It gives them a space to explore their own sense of identity, become comfortable in their own skin, and be comfortable in their space. They have the freedom to explore and come up with their own questions about where they want to take their learning.&rdquo;</p> /Modules/News/index.aspx?feedId=a34c7aa8-61a4-4301-b1ee-537197631df4&newsId=282b0e41-7e5f-48fe-82ec-dbb7ea3b432d Tue, 15 Mar 2022 21:15:00 GMT Congratulations to Long Service Employees & Retirees <p style="text-align: left;" align="center"><em>Story provided by Chelsea Isenor, Director of Communications and Board Administration</em></p><p>On June 11, 2024, The Kamloops-Thompson School District celebrated long service employees and retirees with a recognition reception in the Mountain Room at Thompson Rivers University.</p><p>This annual celebration highlights one of the key value commitments from the <a href="/en/our-district-board/resources/Strategic-Priorities/District_Strategic_Plan_2022-27.pdf" target="_blank">2022-2027 District Strategic Plan</a>, Connection/Relationships. Throughout the evening, attendees reconnected with past colleagues, shared stories with friends, expressed their gratitude for each other, and celebrated the achievements and milestones of every honouree. The joy felt in the room was a testament to the meaningful connections everyone has built throughout their years with ÌÇÐÄSwag that support and strengthen the work we do in the Kamloops-Thompson School District.</p><p>&ldquo;On behalf of the Board of Education, thank you for your time and dedication to supporting students in our District to thrive,&rdquo; shared Board Chair Heather Grieve. &ldquo;Your willingness to invest in students and make connections and relationships with them and their families has been life-changing for many. I appreciate the extra lengths that you go to, to accomplish excellence in your roles &ndash; whether you serve in education or in operations, your teaching, leading, and supporting enables our children to flourish. It is not only what you do in your roles, it is the effect of what you do that is felt in the hearts and minds of students, parents, and staff.&rdquo;</p><p>The evening&rsquo;s honourees included teachers, Principals, Vice Principals, as well as admin and support staff. Remarks and sentiments of gratitude and appreciation were shared by CUPE 3500 President Dawn Armstrong, KTTA President Darcy Martin, KTPVPA President Deanna Brady.</p><p>To honour their years of work and commitment, employees with 10-45 years of service were welcomed to the stage by John Wiedrick, Associate Superintendent of Human Resources, to receive their certificates and shake hands with Trustees and Superintendent Nixon.</p><p>To celebrate another momentous milestone in life, employees retiring this year were also recognized for their years of dedicated service. Each retiree stood as their name was announced and their colleagues and friends applauded.</p><p>&ldquo;Today, we gather to celebrate not just milestones in tenure but the profound impact each of you has made on our students, staff, and our District community,&rdquo; shared Superintendent, Dr. Rhonda Nixon. &ldquo;I'm filled with gratitude for the moments I've shared with many of you in schools, district offices, and various events. In those interactions, I've witnessed firsthand the transformative power of your work. Whether you have spent decades in the classroom, supported our operations, your dedication and passion have left an indelible mark on our district.&rdquo;</p><p>As honourees, colleagues, and friends reminisced and celebrated together, their positive impact on each other and the District was felt by all. </p> /Modules/News/index.aspx?feedId=a34c7aa8-61a4-4301-b1ee-537197631df4&newsId=423e32ff-798c-4a3a-94df-dd41cb204345 Thu, 13 Jun 2024 16:00:00 GMT Chair, Vice-Chair Acclaimed for Next Term <p>Rhonda Kershaw and Meghan Wade will remain as Chair and Vice-Chair respectively of the Kamloops-Thompson Board of Education.</p><p>Acclaimed during the mid-term inaugural meeting held Monday, Nov. 9 at the Sandman Centre, they had assumed the roles on July 27, 2020.</p><p>"Thank you to our fellow trustees for their vote of confidence in the work and effort we have put in over the past 3 months.&nbsp; Last month this Board created its path forward always with a focus on what is best for students.&nbsp; Working together, we will focus on the future of our schools, advocacy, and strong policy governance all in the context of leading learning during a global pandemic.&nbsp; We are proud to lead this work in the coming year on behalf of the Board, our staff, our parents, and most of all our students," they said in a joint statement.</p><p>Kershaw was elected Vice-Chair in 2018 and is serving her third term as a trustee. Representing Barriere, she was nominated by Trustee Shelley Sim. Kershaw has served on the audit committee, the education committee of the whole, human resources (BCPSEA), and the District Parents Advisory Council.</p><p>Meghan Wade was acclaimed as the Vice-Chair following a nomination by Trustee Joseph Small. Having previously served as Chair, Wade is in her fourth term as a trustee.</p><p>Trustee John O&rsquo;Fee, nominated by Trustee Kathleen Karpuk, was acclaimed as the ÌÇÐÄSwag representative on the provincial council of the BC School Trustees Association, while Trustee Heather Grieve, nominated by Vice-Chair Meghan Wade, was acclaimed as the board representative for the BC Public Sector Employers Association.</p><p>&nbsp;</p> /Modules/News/index.aspx?feedId=a34c7aa8-61a4-4301-b1ee-537197631df4&newsId=5d75f32d-5117-4c0b-af59-e0965aaed0a7 Wed, 11 Nov 2020 01:15:00 GMT Kick-Off of Safer School Streets Pilot Program at Arthur Hatton Elementary School <p style="text-align: left;" align="center">Mike Johnson, Principal, Arthur Hatton Elementary School</p><p>On May 29, 2023, Arthur Hatton Elementary School students, staff, and parents joined with the City of Kamloops staff and ÌÇÐÄSwag Trustees, Superintendent, and District staff to kick-off the Safer School Streets Pilot Program.</p><p>I introduced the students to the Safer Streets program that runs from May 29 to June 9 and involves temporary closures of specific roads near the school from 7:45-8:45 am and 2:00-3:00 pm. My goal was to clarify the purpose of the pilot &ndash; to encourage students and families to walk, ride, and roll to school by having temporary &ldquo;traffic-free&rdquo; zones along Schubert, which will be closed from Holly Avenue to Oak Road, as well as Chestnut Avenue during those short time frames.</p><p>We first learned of this pilot program through Dr. Trenton Smith, a well-known pediatrician in Kamloops, who had advocated for us to try this pilot project to encourage students and families to walk, ride, and roll to school. He showed how it increased the physical activity of students and increased the safety to and from school because there were fewer cars and more people walking, biking, and rolling together to and from school. He also shared the negative impacts of vehicle exhaust for those who have asthma. His enthusiasm was shared in a presentation to the Board of Education in the Fall of 2022. Following that presentation, ÌÇÐÄSwag and City of Kamloops staff met to determine how to begin this pilot project with an interested school community.</p><p>Board Chair Grieve stated, &ldquo;When we first learned of this pilot program, we appreciated that it fits a core commitment in our strategic plan&ndash;to create environments within our school and district communities that inspire increased physical, mental, social, and emotional wellbeing.&rdquo;</p><p>Arthur Hatton Elementary School was a good choice because parents and staff were open to the benefits and considered the opportunity to combine it with GoByBike Week as a positive motivator to be more active.</p><p>Marvin Kwiatkowski shared, &ldquo;I am excited about this pilot program as we&rsquo;ve seen an increased focus on active transportation in recent years which is translating into more funding for walking, biking, and rolling infrastructure in our community along with initiatives such as the Safer School Streets Program.&nbsp; We are grateful for the collaboration with School District 73 on this pilot project as our youth are vital in setting the course for our future. &rdquo;</p><p>City of Kamloops is helping by providing funds from the Climate Action Levy for signage, contracted road maintenance personnel, a crossing guard at Fortune and Oak, and financial support for school incentives. ÌÇÐÄSwag staff are working together every morning from 8:00-8:25 am from May 29-June 9 to run games (e.g., ball hockey, hop scotch, four square) to inspire students and families to be active and enjoy this time outside on a safe, quiet street.</p><p>Superintendent Nixon emphasized, &ldquo;I look forward to seeing how trying a different approach to getting to school inspires greater physical and social activity, which are key to helping everyone to be well.&rdquo;</p><p>In addition, every morning in the first week, there will be a &ldquo;Celebration Station&rdquo; hosted by GoByBike Week. They will be giving prizes as well.&nbsp; The inspiration for this pilot is to enjoy being active and coming to school by walking, riding, or rolling instead of driving.</p><p>Trustee Karpuk offered closing remarks and emphasized, &ldquo;We know that physically active students learn better. By providing a safe opportunity for students to walk or ride to school, we can help improve student outcomes and reduce our carbon footprint.&rdquo;</p><p>For those families who need to drive, barricade attendants will be instructed to permit exempt vehicles such as residents leaving for work or school staff to enter the closed area, students, parents, or caregivers who are driving due to mobility issues or medical reasons, and these vehicles will be instructed to only drive at a walking pace.</p><p>I look forward to seeing how we can be healthier together and to encourage having fun at the same time as increasing our physical activity.</p><p><strong><em>For more information, please go to:</em></strong> <a href="" target="_blank"></a></p> /Modules/News/index.aspx?feedId=a34c7aa8-61a4-4301-b1ee-537197631df4&newsId=1ac90dd3-6a80-413a-ae0b-e0efb3579b39 Mon, 29 May 2023 20:30:00 GMT Nomination Period for 2022 Trustee Elections Begins Aug. 30 <p>The next general local election for School Trustees for the ÌÇÐÄSwag (Kamloops-Thompson) will be held on&nbsp;October 15, 2022.</p><p>School&nbsp;Trustees are elected for a four-year term and elections occur at the same time as the municipal election.&nbsp;&nbsp;The Board of Education for School District No. 73 (Kamloops-Thompson) has nine School Trustees representing the following areas:</p><ul><li>Five Trustees from Trustee Electoral Area 1 &ndash; Kamloops, being the City of Kamloops; and,</li><li>One Trustee for each of the following areas of the Thompson Nicola Regional District:<ul><li>Trustee Electoral Area 2 &ndash; North Thompson, including areas &ldquo;A&rdquo; Wells Gray Country and &ldquo;B&rdquo; Thompson Headwaters, including the District of Clearwater;</li><li>Trustee Electoral Area 3 &ndash; Barriere/Little Fort, including area &ldquo;O&rdquo; Lower North Thompson, including the District of Barriere;</li><li>Trustee Electoral Area 4 &ndash; Chase, including areas &ldquo;L&rdquo; and &ldquo;P&rdquo; Rivers and the Peaks, including Sun Rivers, the Village of Chase and the Mountain Resort Municipality of Sun Peaks, the Little Shuswap Band; and</li><li>Trustee Electoral Area 5 &ndash; Logan Lake, including area &ldquo;J&rdquo; Copper Desert Country, including the District of Logan Lake.</li></ul></li></ul><p>The&nbsp;nomination&nbsp;period runs from 9 AM on Aug. 30 to 4 PM on Sept. 9. Nominees require two qualified nominators from the electoral area where the nominee is running.&nbsp;</p><p>Nomination packages are available in-person now at the School Board office located at 1383 9th Avenue, in Kamloops. They are also available in:</p><ul><li>Area 1, at Kamloops City Hall or on their website at</li><li>Area 2 at the District of Clearwater, Vavenby General Store and Blue River Post Office,</li><li>Area 3 at the District of Barriere, Little Fort General Store and Simpcw First Nation.</li><li>Area 4 at the Village of Chase, Sun Peaks Resort Municipality, Neskonlith Indian Band, Tk'emlups te Secwepemc, and Whispering Pines/Clinton Indian Band</li><li>Area 5 at the District of Logan Lake and Skeetchestn Indian Band,</li></ul><p>Nomination packages along with complete School Trustee election details including information on campaign expense limits are available on the ÌÇÐÄSwag website at <a href="/en/index.aspx"></a>.</p><p>Completed nomination packages for Area 1 (Kamloops) can be returned to the City of Kamloops. For Areas 2 to 5, completed packages can be returned by hand (with an appointment), mail or other delivery service to the School Board office, by email to or fax to 250-372-1183. The originals delivered by email or fax must be received by ÌÇÐÄSwag by 4 p.m. Sept. 16.</p><p>For further information on the election process, please contact:</p><p><strong>David Poulin, Chief Election Officer</strong><br /> Phone (Cell): 250-320-3374<br /> <a title="Open new window to view Email Dr. David Poulin" href="" target="_blank">Email David Poulin</a></p><p><strong>Trina Cassidy, Deputy Chief Election Officer</strong><br /> Phone (Office): 250-374-0679<br /> <a href="" target="_blank">Email&nbsp;Trina Cassidy</a></p> /Modules/News/index.aspx?feedId=a34c7aa8-61a4-4301-b1ee-537197631df4&newsId=229f1c31-1432-4ff9-a6f5-e101b10240cf Tue, 23 Aug 2022 17:00:00 GMT Focus on Core Competencies Helping CSS Students Learn <p>Chase Secondary School has incorporated the new BC curriculum&rsquo;s core competencies into every part of students&rsquo; learning experiences.&nbsp;&nbsp;</p><p>Core competencies are a key in the new curriculum in BC. According to the&nbsp;<em>BC Curriculum Orientation Guide</em>, &ldquo;Core competencies are sets of intellectual personal and social and emotional proficiencies that all students need to develop in order to engage in deeper learning.&rdquo;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;</p><p>These competencies include communication, critical and creative thinking, and social and personal awareness and responsibility.&nbsp;</p><p>Chase Secondary students provided some insights about their expereience with this core competencies focus to the Board of Education meeting May 27.&nbsp;</p><p>&ldquo;Because it is a small school, our two teacher-coordinators were able to work with every student and teacher to develop learning plans based on the core competencies,&rdquo; said&nbsp;<strong>Dave MacDonald</strong>, CSS Prinicipal.</p><p>CSS Teacher Coordinators&nbsp;<strong>Telisa Johnston&nbsp;</strong>and&nbsp;<strong>Mike Faisthuber&nbsp;</strong>helped teachers identify strategies and goals for each student to measure their growth in the core competencies. Each students&rsquo; progress is tracked electronically through google account folders which the students work with themselves.&nbsp;</p><p>&ldquo;The recorded evidence is seen by both the student and the teacher, and at the end of the year we can identify where and how the growth is occurring,&rdquo; said MacDonald. &ldquo;These benchmarks are helpful because they give students clear direction about what they need to do to keep improving.&rdquo;</p><p>Staff have worked together to establish a reporting framework for students and staff when recording student progress. The goal was to make the process more authentic and to encourage students to make their thinking visible by using student-centred language. Students Titus LeJuene, Kylie Danyluk, Brianna Narcisse and Kylen Adamson addressed the Boad, highlighting what they were most proud of in their learning and how they see the core competencies of communication, thinkig and persoal and social well-being as being relevant to their futures.&nbsp;</p> /Modules/News/index.aspx?feedId=a34c7aa8-61a4-4301-b1ee-537197631df4&newsId=2ded659c-5abc-46ee-b7cb-e101e7c2cd87 Thu, 30 May 2019 20:15:00 GMT 2019-20 Budget Focus: Students, Growth, Improved Educational Outcomes <p>Continuing enrolment growth and increased funding for student support from the Ministry of Education has put ÌÇÐÄSwag in a position to better meet the District&rsquo;s priorities to improve educational outcomes for all students.</p><p>&ldquo;We are the ninth fastest growing district in the province, and with growth comes opportunities,&rdquo; said Kathleen Karpuk, Chair, Board of Education, School District No. 73 (Kamloops-Thompson). We are re-opening a school, about to start a major expansion of Valleyview Secondary, and hiring additional staff to meet the needs of our diverse students. This budget reflects the strategic priorities of the Board of Education and demonstrates the District&rsquo;s commitment to equity and excellence.</p><p>&ldquo;There are significant demands on the education system and our parents and community expect us to prioritize our operating resources to meet the learning needs of students as well as to address crowded and aging facilities,&rdquo; said Alison Sidow, Superintendent of School District No. 73 (Kamloops-Thompson). &ldquo;This budget was developed with these needs in mind.&rdquo;</p><p><strong>Key priorities that will be supported by the 2019-20 budget include:</strong></p><ul><li>Improve student outcomes in numeracy</li><li>Support student mental health and healthy relationships</li><li>Improve Aboriginal student success</li><li>Improving communication with employees, parents and public</li><li>Improving facility utilization addressing student growth</li></ul><p>ÌÇÐÄSwag will continue to hire teachers to ensure classroom size and composition requirements are met, and to accommodate growth. Teacher-to-student ratios are now the lowest they have been in 20 years and the number of certified educational assistants employed by the district has risen to 242, a 30 percent increase since 2010.</p><p>In addition to more classroom teachers and 10 more CEAs, the district will also hire a principal, a custodian and a secretary for Westsyde Elementary as the school re-opens in September 2019.</p><p>An additional school and family consultant, and a healthy relationships coordinator will be hired supporting mental health and healthy relationships.</p><p>Other new positions include an assistant manager of operations to provide support to the evening custodians; a capital projects manager to plan and implement the growing number of district capital projects; and a web technician to support enhanced communications for parents, students, staff and the public.</p><p>Sidow noted next year&rsquo;s budget will continue to accelerate improved educational outcome for students.</p><p>&ldquo;We&rsquo;ve met our goal of an 85 per-cent graduation rate for all our students, and now we are setting our sights on a 90 percent completion rate,&rdquo; Sidow said. &ldquo;Aboriginal graduation rates are also increasing and closing in on parity. All this shows that our investment of resources is moving us in the right direction.&rdquo;</p><p><strong>Key numbers in SD 73&rsquo;s 2019-20 budget include:<br /></strong></p><ul><li>Total budget (including special purpose and capital funds) for the year is expected to be $181,902,362. This reflects additional funding from the government to cover increased payroll and other costs related to the collective agreements.</li><li>The annual operational payroll for the District is estimated to be $145,446,497.</li><li>The number of teachers, support workers, principals, and management staff employed by the District will rise by 11.45 to 1,485.36 FTE employees.</li></ul><p>Trustees were presented with the balanced budget for the 2019-20 school year at the Monday, April 29 Board meeting in Kamloops. The public, parent groups, local media and employee partner groups were shown details of the budget at a special board meeting on Thursday, April 4, 2019.</p><p>&nbsp;&nbsp;</p><div id="4349d4d6-0fd1-4c29-a22c-8562d5db1d8b">&nbsp;</div> /Modules/News/index.aspx?feedId=a34c7aa8-61a4-4301-b1ee-537197631df4&newsId=cc416cb2-64cb-4137-8292-e178a77de42d Tue, 30 Apr 2019 03:15:00 GMT New Collective Agreement in Effect between KTTA and ÌÇÐÄSwag <p>With the recent ratification between the BC Public School Employers&rsquo; Association (BCPSEA) and the BC Teachers&rsquo; Federation (BCTF), a new collective agreement is now in effect for the Kamloops Thompson Teachers&rsquo; Association (KTTA) and School District No. 73.</p><p>The July 1, 2019 to June 30, 2022 agreement affects nearly 870 teachers at ÌÇÐÄSwag.</p><p>&nbsp;&ldquo;Our teachers play an integral role in our public school system, particularly during our current challenges in providing education continuity for our students during the COVID-19 pandemic. said Kathleen Karpuk, Chair ÌÇÐÄSwag Board of Education. &ldquo;The Board of Education is pleased to approve the agreement allowing an increase in their wages and other employment benefits within the provincial mandate.&rdquo;</p><p>The provincial agreement, achieved with the assistance of mediator David Schaub, is for a three-year term July 1, 2019 &ndash; June 30, 2022. The agreement includes general wage increases of 2% on July 1 in each year of the agreement; a 1% increase to the top step of the teacher salary grid in each district effective July 1, 2020; an increase to the starting rate for teachers in a contract position; and a one-time amount of $12 million to provide mentorship opportunities for early career teachers.</p><p>&ldquo;The KTTA is pleased that an agreement has been reached between the BCTF and BCPSEA,&rdquo; said Laurel Macpherson, President KTTA. &ldquo;Teachers are looking forward to working in their profession and providing quality education to students knowing that they have a new contract.&rdquo;</p><p>In addition, the KTTA and ÌÇÐÄSwag agreed to slight language changes in the contract in June 2019. The changes go into immediate effect upon ratification between the BCPSEA and BCTF.</p><p>&nbsp;</p><p>&nbsp;</p> /Modules/News/index.aspx?feedId=a34c7aa8-61a4-4301-b1ee-537197631df4&newsId=6a8a533f-ed3f-45ef-afbb-e234fbdd3383 Thu, 07 May 2020 21:30:00 GMT New Catchment to Relieve Enrolment Pressure at Westmount Elementary <p>The Board of Education has voted to change the catchment areas of three schools to relieve significant enrollment pressure at Westmount Elementary School as of September 2022.</p><p>At 181% capacity and with 41% of Westmount students in six portables, District staff recommended a catchment change for Westmount Elementary. As of September 2022, approximately 95 students from Westmount Elementary School will go to either David Thompson Elementary or Westsyde Elementary. This catchment change is necessary to alleviate enrolment pressures at Westmount and to balance student enrolment and capacity utilization at the three schools.&nbsp;</p><p>&ldquo;Given ÌÇÐÄSwag&rsquo;s current enrolment pressures&mdash; we are growing at a rate of one medium-sized elementary school (250 students) each year&mdash; catchment changes are our only strategy left, but not a solution,&rdquo; said Heather Grieve, Chair Board of Education, School District 73. &ldquo;In making the catchment changes, we are temporarily solving our over-enrolment pressures and such changes are not favored by some, and rightfully so.&rdquo;&nbsp;</p><p>The David Thompson Elementary School catchment change includes residences &ldquo;north of Raven Drive to Stagecoach Drive and Cantle Drive&rdquo; and the Westsyde Elementary School catchment includes residences &ldquo;north of Stagecoach Drive&rdquo; <a href="">as per the attached map</a>. This catchment change affects students who are currently in Kindergarten to grade 5. Students who are currently in grade 6 would be permitted to stay at Westmount Elementary for their grade 7 year and the siblings of this cohort would also have the choice to stay at Westmount Elementary. Bus transportation would be available for students traveling to both David Thompson Elementary and Westsyde Elementary.&nbsp;</p><p>&ldquo;Throughout this last year, and years prior, we have heard from the District Parent Advisory Council, Advocates of ÌÇÐÄSwag, and Westmount parents about the need to address enrolment pressures at this school,&rdquo; said Dr. Rhonda Nixon, Superintendent, ÌÇÐÄSwag.</p><p>Advocates of ÌÇÐÄSwag raised concerns about not having enough space inside Westmount Elementary School and outside of the school during high traffic times before and after school. They brought their traffic safety concerns (too many cars before and after school, congestion in the parking lot, high speeds on Westsyde Road, proximity of students to the busy road when crossing and waiting for the city bus) to the Board, and the Board provided a bus in January 2022, but this is a temporary solution. However, a bus does not solve the traffic congestion that will continue to be an issue as school enrolment grows in Kamloops, one of the five fastest-growing census metropolitan areas in Canada.</p><p>The Board of Education is legislatively required to amend catchment areas when enrolment pressures necessitate them and consultation is not required. That said, the Board has chosen to engage the community about how best to support the families that are required to make this change to a different school in September.</p><p>&nbsp;&ldquo;The Board of Education values community input and we will engage in a consultation process to hear how the Board can best support students and staff changing schools for September,&rdquo; Board Chair Grieve stated. &ldquo;The Board will continue to advocate for a new school in Batchelor Heights as the only satisfactory remedy to this fast-paced urban growth.&rdquo;</p> /Modules/News/index.aspx?feedId=a34c7aa8-61a4-4301-b1ee-537197631df4&newsId=fd4ef91e-559f-416f-a232-e317ae0f0bec Tue, 01 Mar 2022 16:00:00 GMT Trades and Transitions Programs at Historic High Levels <p>Enrolment levels for some Trades and Transitions(TNT) programs are at historic highs this fall, and more students seem keen to experience hands-on learning, according to District Vice-Principal Rob Wielgoz. In a presentation to the Board of Education regular meeting on Oct. 5, Weilgoz said 105 students are registered in the Youth Work in Trades (YWIT) program, up from the previous high of 89. Participation in the Hairstyling and Trades Sampler programs is also higher than ever.&nbsp;</p><p>&ldquo;We are hearing from families, and there appears to be a hunger for experiential learning, almost as a response to the pandemic,&rdquo; said Wielgoz. &ldquo;These are encouraging numbers because interest had declined in March and April, also due to the pandemic.&rdquo;</p><p>Wielgoz said interest in TNT rebounded quickly, and by mid-May a number of programs were wait-listed.</p><p>Health and safety measures that were first piloted with the Millwright program have now been put in place to protect students and staff in all TNT programming. This includes measures like clear vinyl sheeting to protect people from each other in shop settings and strict physical distancing practices.</p><p>&ldquo;In addition, all our students carry a bottle of hand sanitizer with them, and they are being trained to wipe down every piece of equipment, every time they use it,&rdquo; said Wielgoz.</p><p>Wielgoz showed the Board a video created by a hairstyling student, Kara Floyd, who wanted to explain how the program is changing her life. Kar</p><p>Parents wondering how they can help their children prepare and apply for TNT programs are invited to attend an interactive online session, Parents as Education and Career Coaches. This interactive</p><p><strong>Parents as Education and Career Coaches</strong></p><p>An interactive session designed to support parents in guiding their student in making informed decisions about their education and career choices after high school. The session is being offered through the Ministry of Education&rsquo;s <em>Education Planner BC</em>, on Oct. 21, 2020, from 7:00 PM until 8:30 PM.</p><p>The session will provide an overview of resources and pathways to careers, supports available at post-secondary institutions, and information about scholarships and financial aid. Parents are being asked to register for this free event, before 3:00 PM on Oct. 21.</p><p><a href="">Register here</a> for the session, Parents as Education and Career Coaches</p><p>&nbsp;</p><p><strong>Trades and Transitions Programs and Events</strong></p><p>The following <a href="">TNT programs and events</a> are available for students in the district:</p><p><strong>Trades</strong></p><ul><li>Trades Sampler<ul><li>Applications available in November for Sept. 2021</li></ul></li><li>Trades Certification<ul><li>Applications available in November for Sept. 2021</li></ul></li><li>Trades Experience &ndash; Youth Work in Trades</li><li>Hairstyling<ul><li>Applications available in November for Feb. 2022</li></ul></li></ul><p>&nbsp;<strong>Transitions</strong></p><ul><li>Digital Arts and Technology Academy<ul><li>Applications available in November for Sept. 2021</li></ul></li><li>International Baccalaureate Program<ul><li>Applications available in November for Sept. 2021</li></ul></li><li>Early Childhood Education<ul><li>Applications available in November for Sept. 2021</li></ul></li><li>Health Care Assistant Education<ul><li>Applications available in November for Sept. 2021</li></ul></li><li>Police and Justice Studies<ul><li>Applications available in November for Sept. 2021</li></ul></li><li>TRU Start Courses<ul><li>Applications due before May 1, 2020</li></ul></li></ul><p>&nbsp;<strong>Events</strong></p><ul><li><strong>Oct. 15, 2020</strong> - Forestry and Environmental Camp</li><li><strong>Early December, 2020</strong> - Girls Exploring Trades and Technology</li><li><strong>Spring Break 2021</strong> - RCMP Youth Academy</li><li><strong>TBA</strong> - RCMP Youth Advisory Committee</li><li><strong>TBA</strong> - Heavy Metal Rocks</li><li><strong>TBA</strong> - Junior Fire Crew</li><li><strong>Nov. 4, 2020</strong> - Take Our Kids to Work Day</li></ul><p>&nbsp;</p><p>&nbsp;</p><p>&nbsp;</p> /Modules/News/index.aspx?feedId=a34c7aa8-61a4-4301-b1ee-537197631df4&newsId=12565242-7edb-4870-85d4-e36c59a06207 Tue, 06 Oct 2020 16:00:00 GMT The Annual District Powwow Welcomes Grade 5 Students <p><em>Story provided by Chelsea Isenor, Director of Communications and Board Administration</em></p><p>On June 13, 2024, Grade 5 students from 26 schools across the Kamloops-Thompson School District gathered at Tk&rsquo;eml&uacute;ps te Secw&eacute;pemc Powwow Arbour for the annual District Powwow.</p><p>The day started with the Grand Procession led by District Principal Mike Bowden, carrying the Eagle Staff gifted to the District by Randy and Amanda Big Sorrel Horse. Joining the procession were RCMP representatives, District senior staff, dignitaries, and special guests, followed by nearly 1,000 students.&nbsp;</p><p>Knowledge Keeper Jackie Jules, shared a welcome and prayer to begin the Powwow. The Sage Hill drummers sang and drummed the Flag Song and Victory Song, filling the arbour with powerful music and showcasing an important aspect of Indigenous history. Hand drummers then led the students in the Welcome Song to welcome all guests to a special day of learning.&nbsp;</p><p>District Principal Mike Bowden shared opening remarks to welcome Elders, guests, students and teachers, and set the intentions for the day: &ldquo;For those of you who this is the first time, a powwow is a special event where we celebrate Indigenous culture through dance, music, art, and storytelling&hellip; Throughout the day, you will witness a variety of traditional dances, each with its own unique history and significance. The drumming and singing you hear are not just music; they are the heartbeat of the people, carrying the rhythms and songs passed down through generations. As you watch the dancers in their regalia, understand that each piece they wear has meaning, often handmade and representing their family's history, achievements, and spiritual beliefs. The powwow arena, or circle, symbolizes the cycle of life, with no beginning and no end. This powwow is not just a celebration of the past but a beacon of hope for the future, highlighting the strength, resilience, and spirit of Indigenous people. This is an opportunity to educate, share, and learn the culture with all who attend, fostering understanding and respect.&rdquo;&nbsp;</p><p>RCMP Sgt. Troy Durand shared gratitude for being part of the day, noting this was his first powwow experience.</p><p>Superintendent Dr. Rhonda Nixon shared a message of hope for the future, acknowledging the importance of gathering and learning together: &ldquo;As we experience the rich traditions in this District Powwow today, we acknowledge that we are located beside the &ldquo;Le Estcwicw&eacute;y?, the missing children, who never made it home from the Kamloops Indian Residential School. While this tragic loss is palpable in the stories shared by those who experienced it and who continue to experience the unspeakable pain that continues, which makes it vital that we work together towards more hopeful futures for Indigenous children and youth. We work towards a more hopeful future by gathering as we are today to experience the joys of celebration through traditional ceremony. By gathering, celebrating, and learning together, we have committed to more hopeful futures for our youth.&rdquo;</p><p>Chair of Aboriginal Education Council and Trustee Diane Jules shared a message on behalf of the Board of Education: &ldquo;I am privileged to be here with staff and Grade 5 students from the Kamloops-Thompson School District to experience and take part in the ceremony of drumming, singing, and dancing, and the joy of being together in this spiritual place. As we see the beautiful regalia which is worn by dancers today, we are privileged to learn from these individuals about their families&rsquo; traditions and histories. While today is a day of fun and celebration, it is also a day of rich learning together in one of the most beautiful nationally known powwow arbours.&rdquo;</p><p>Following remarks from digitaries and staff, Master of Ceremonies Gord Cuthbert and Arena Directors, Everett White and Randy Big Sorrel Horse, organised several songs and dances to be shared.</p><p>Master of Ceremonies, Gord Cuthbert guided students through the history, origins, and significance of different powwow dances. While students learned about the dances, they also experienced each dance with performances from Men&rsquo;s and Women&rsquo;s Traditional Dancers, Grass Dancers, Jingle Dancers, and Fancy Dancers. Students were also invited to dance in their classes to experience first hand what they were learning.</p><p>Guided by the First Peoples Principles of Learning, the day was spent learning about the powwow history and culture while watching and participating in songs, dance, storytelling, and games.</p><p>The District Powwow is made possible thanks to the dedicated support of staff, Tk&rsquo;eml&uacute;ps te Secw&eacute;pemc, and volunteers, including seven student volunteers from the Aboriginal Student Leadership Council and Twin Rivers Education Centre, as well as volunteers from Qwelmi´nte Secwe´pemc. The knowledge shared by Elders, Knowledge Keepers, Arena Directors, and community members will be unforgettable lessons each student will carry with them into the future.</p> /Modules/News/index.aspx?feedId=a34c7aa8-61a4-4301-b1ee-537197631df4&newsId=57bf167e-6c7d-4ff7-ad66-e42592ede772 Fri, 14 Jun 2024 17:30:00 GMT Stories from Brock Middle School <p>Dear Parents and Caregivers:</p><p>It&rsquo;s been a week since we met Merritt families, and many of you have shared your heartwarming stories of generosity and gratitude.</p><p><strong>Continuing to Welcome Merritt Families</strong></p><p>Last weekend, Assistant Superintendent Vessy Mochikas coordinated an outpouring of donations from staff, parents, and community members to help 80 Merritt families. This week, school communities filled the @KOOL gym and met hundreds of families&rsquo; needs. A special thank you to @KOOL staff, school and district staff, and the District Parent Advisory Council. Thank you to our partners- City of Kamloops, CareMongering-Kamloops, United Way, PetSmart, SPCA, local media, and many others in addition to ÌÇÐÄSwag First Steps who prepared chili for Merritt families.</p><p><strong>TRU Aboriginal Students&rsquo; Transitions Day</strong></p><p>On November 23 and 24, ÌÇÐÄSwag and Thompson Rivers University staff welcomed about 90 grade 10 and 11 Indigenous students from ÌÇÐÄSwag schools. Elders Leona and Viola Thomas, Tk&rsquo;eml&uacute;ps te Secwe? pemc band; Tina Matthews, Executive Director, Indigenous Education for TRU; Justin Young, Youth Facilitator; Mike Bowden, District Principal, Aboriginal Education, and I opened the day followed by TRU students, and ÌÇÐÄSwag alumni and program coordinators and presenters. Students had an opportunity to ask questions, tour the campus and visit both trades, academic departments, and Indigenous support services for post secondary.</p><p><strong>Brock Middle School</strong></p><div class="WordSection1"><p>Ms. Tonya Perry, Principal of Brock Middle School, shared how the staff have invested in student engagement in many ways. &ldquo;We have considered what we would see, hear, and what it feels like for students to be engaged in school.&rdquo; As we toured classrooms, Math students worked in groups to write and share diverse ways of problem solving on white boards instead of worksheets. &ldquo;This strategy is just one example of how students collaboratively share&nbsp; their thinking on white boards,&rdquo; stated Ms. Perry. As well, students were passionate about growing microgreens and making their own jams and butters in a food sustainability option. Others were invested in carving a dugout canoe as part of the Secwepemctsin class to develop technological ecological knowledge (TEK) with master carver Frank Marchand from the Sylix (Okanagan) territory. In Tech class, ARC students made enlarged wooden lego characters.</p><p><strong>District Strategic Plan</strong></p><p>Thank you so much for contributing your input into the re-visioning of our District Strategic Plan. We now want to see your perspective on the draft mission and vision statements. Please contribute your feedback by taking 5 minutes to complete this survey <a href=";id=5dc33afb6d&amp;e=383e1717b0" target="_blank">here.</a>&nbsp;</p><p><strong>Communicable Disease Prevention Plan - Updated FAQs</strong></p><p>We continue to partner with Interior Health to enhance our communicable disease prevention practices to promote the health and safety of staff and students. One of the suggestions from Interior Health is to provide a link to the <a href="">K-12 Health Check App </a>on both the District and individual schools&rsquo; websites. The K-12 Health Check App serves the same purpose of our <a href="/en/community-parents-and-students/resources/CDPP/Daily-Health-Check.pdf">daily health checks</a>, but in an easy to use electronic version. Ensuring you children come to school healthy by completing a health check everyday is one of the most effective preventative measures in restricting the presence of COVID-19 in our schools. As was emphasized last week, Dr. Bonnie Henry announced that Health Canada has now approved a vaccine for children aged 5 to 11. Parents and caregivers can <a href="">register here.</a></p><p><strong>Vaccination Policy Committee</strong></p><p>Our Vaccination Policy Committee shared results of an employee survey with the Board of Education on November 22, 2021. The Board confirmed that it was necessary to prepare and present a timeline and process for collecting voluntary proof of vaccination from employees. This step is within step one of the <a href="">K-12 Sector Guidelines for</a> <a href="">Vaccination Policies</a>. The Vaccination Policy Committee meets again in early December and we expect to present results to the Board at the Board Meeting on December 13, 2021. As we come to the end of November, please continue to be safe, be kind, and be generous in this time of continued challenges for many communities.</p><p>Rhonda Nixon, PhD</p><p>Superintendent</p></div> /Modules/News/index.aspx?feedId=a34c7aa8-61a4-4301-b1ee-537197631df4&newsId=26ce1c43-d56d-4163-aaa6-e429e6833098 Mon, 29 Nov 2021 17:00:00 GMT Health and Safety the Top Priority for 2021's Welcome Back-to-School <p dir="ltr">School District 73 is preparing for school start-up and adopting the latest new provincial health measures to ensure that students and staff will be safe.</p><p>&ldquo;We know how excited students and families are to be back in school, but we understand that parents are also wondering what the pandemic protocols will look like this upcoming school year,&rdquo; said School Superintendent Dr. Rhonda Nixon. &ldquo;This morning we learned that our students can look forward to attending in-person and resuming sports, music and other extracurricular activities, while mask requirements and other health and safety measures will remain in place to protect against transmission of COVID.&rdquo;&nbsp;</p><p dir="ltr">&ldquo;<a href="">Updated COVID-19 guidelines for K-12 schools</a> were released from the Ministry of Education, as guided by the Ministry of Health,&rdquo; she said. &ldquo;Because school districts work from these guidelines and then put district plans together, our plans and guidelines will be updated and communicated to parents, students, and staff early next week.&rdquo;&nbsp;</p><p dir="ltr">&ldquo;It&rsquo;s not the complete return to normal that we had hoped for at the end of June,&rdquo; said Board Chair Rhonda Kershaw. &ldquo;But the good news for families is that our students are back in class, and they can be confident in the tremendous effort that our staff and administrators will take to ensure that our schools are safe places to learn and work.&rdquo;&nbsp;</p><p dir="ltr">There will be continued emphasis on health measures such as: daily health checks, staying home when sick, hand washing, daily cleaning and disinfecting protocols. ÌÇÐÄSwag will continue to implement recommendations for ventilation including increased outside air flow routines and putting industry standard filters (MERV 13) in district buildings, and continuing with daytime custodians in larger elementary schools.&nbsp;</p><p>&ldquo;We look forward to welcoming our students and families back to school,&rdquo; Chair Kershaw said. &nbsp;&ldquo;We will share more information with them next week as our District plans are finalized.&rdquo;</p><p>All elementary and secondary classes begin at&nbsp;10:30 a.m. on Tuesday,&nbsp;Sept. 7, 2021, with the exception of Kindergarten students and Brocklehurst Middle School.&nbsp; Please contact individual schools for the specifics.&nbsp;</p><div>&nbsp;</div> /Modules/News/index.aspx?feedId=a34c7aa8-61a4-4301-b1ee-537197631df4&newsId=4a5c670f-be50-4f84-92c3-e648e044d63d Tue, 24 Aug 2021 22:15:00 GMT District Numeracy Action Plan Resumes <p>The District&rsquo;s Numeracy Action Plan is moving forward with a few modifications due to the pandemic. District numeracy coordinator <strong>Amanda Russett</strong>, with district principal <strong>Sheryl Lindquist</strong> and director of instruction <strong>Lisa Carson</strong>, presented to the Board of Education at its regular meeting Sept. 14.</p><p>The Board heard about four parts of the plan: Parents as Numeracy Partners, District Numeracy Assessment, District Numeracy Scope and Sequence, and the Teacher Learning Plan.</p><p><strong>Parents as Numeracy Partners</strong></p><p>Russett said <em>Math Path, </em>a program for parents of grade 3 students that was developed last year will take on a new form for 2020-2021, due to restrictions on bringing in groups of adults during the pandemic.</p><p>&ldquo;Instead, we will be creating videos for parents to view on the district website,&rdquo; she said. &ldquo;The focus will be on why we see some changes in math instruction and how we can support our students at home.&rdquo;</p><p><strong>District Numeracy Assessment</strong></p><p>&ldquo;This year, the District Numeracy Assessment will be administered to students in grades 3 and 6 and available for grades 4 through 9,&rdquo; said Russett. &ldquo;We will be piloting the assessment in secondary schools and providing ongoing training and support for teachers and administrators in understanding, supporting the assessment, and improving student skills.&rdquo;</p><p><strong>District Numeracy Scope and Sequence</strong></p><p>The Numeracy skill and task continuums will be supported this year through a teacher learning plan which will support the teaching of numeracy skills to students. This is a continuation of the work that began last year and will support teachers with a learning plan guide.</p><p><strong>Teacher Learning Plan</strong></p><p>&ldquo;At the elementary level, to support students in improving their numeracy skills, we will work with grade 3 and 6 teachers to establish baseline data and model strategies that are specific to classroom and student needs,&rdquo; said Russett.&nbsp;</p><p>&ldquo;Learning during this time presents some challenges not generally seen in a regular school year,&rdquo; said Lisa Carson. &ldquo;Despite these challenges, the Curriculum and Instruction team are working hard to support our teachers with professional learning.&nbsp; Online-based supports have become a platform that help teachers with curriculum, instruction and assessment.&rdquo;</p><p>Numeracy is the ability, willingness, and perseverance to interpret and apply mathematical understanding to solve problems in contextualized situations, and to analyze and communicate these solutions in ways relevant to the given context.</p> /Modules/News/index.aspx?feedId=a34c7aa8-61a4-4301-b1ee-537197631df4&newsId=ec463b13-9e02-4422-b3c8-e716a7255c97 Tue, 15 Sep 2020 20:30:00 GMT Board of Education Approves Capital Priorities for 2023-2024 <p dir="ltr">With ministry support confirmed for Pineview Valley (2021) and Batchelor Heights (2022) elementary schools, the Kamloops-Thompson School District has approved a new list for its five-year major capital projects for 2023-2024.&nbsp;</p><p dir="ltr">The Board&rsquo;s top capital priorities include a new secondary school in Aberdeen, a new elementary school in Juniper West, a K-12 school in Sun Peaks, and two new elementary schools in Aberdeen, one in the east and the west part of the growing neighbourhood.</p><p dir="ltr">&ldquo;Our enrolment numbers continue to grow by the equivalent of a&nbsp; medium-sized&nbsp;elementary school each year,&rdquo; said Board Chair Heather Grieve.&nbsp;&ldquo;While ÌÇÐÄSwag has had a positive response from the Ministry to our capital plan submission for 2022-2023, our school facilities in Kamloops remain overcrowded and are aging. We have an urgent and critical need for new schools.&rdquo;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;</p><p dir="ltr">With enrolment nearing 16,000, the ÌÇÐÄSwag Board of Education has exercised all strategies available to manage enrolment growth, which includes 13 school catchment area changes for September 2022.&nbsp;</p><p dir="ltr">&ldquo;When we review our urban schools,&rdquo; stated Secretary-Treasurer Cassidy, &ldquo;our enrolment growth exceeded our capacity in 2020 by 102% and we expect that our enrolment will continue to exceed our capacity by 121% in 2030.&rdquo;</p><p dir="ltr">ÌÇÐÄSwag is the 13th largest district based on student enrolment among BC&rsquo;s 60 school districts. According to Statistics Canada&rsquo;s 2021 census, Kamloops&rsquo; population is now 97,902, an increase of 8.4% over the past five years. Overall, Kamloops is the 12th-most populated city in BC. The greater Kamloops area is among the five fastest-growing metropolitan areas in the country.</p><p dir="ltr"><br />&ldquo;Our Facilities Department maintains our schools and buildings to the highest standard possible, so they are in good condition relative to their age,&rdquo; said Superintendent Dr. Rhonda Nixon. &ldquo;However, there is a gap between the funding required and the funding provided. As our buildings continue to age, this lack of funding will make it next to impossible to maintain the standards our communities have come to expect from our&nbsp; schools.&rdquo;&nbsp;</p><p dir="ltr">&ldquo;To address aging schools, our Board of Education has also requested the replacement of eight schools,&rdquo; shared Board Chair Grieve. There are eight schools listed for replacement: Dallas Elementary, South Kamloops Secondary, Bert Edwards Elementary, Kay Bingham Elementary, Raft River Elementary, AE Perry Elementary, Marion Schilling Elementary, and Beattie Elementary.&nbsp;</p><p dir="ltr">In addition, the Board of Education approved the proposed Five-Year Capital Plan for minor capital projects. The list includes HVAC upgrades for Clearwater Secondary and Dufferin Elementary; lighting upgrades for NorKam and Westsyde Secondary; sprinkler upgrades for Kay Bingham; boiler upgrades for Pacific Way Elementary, Sa-Hali, and Barriere Secondary; new playground equipment for Dallas, Bert Edwards, and Lloyd George Elementary; and the replacement of 12 buses.&nbsp;&nbsp;</p> /Modules/News/index.aspx?feedId=a34c7aa8-61a4-4301-b1ee-537197631df4&newsId=2b6bc1c4-32a9-4994-8857-e85bd563dcfd Wed, 01 Jun 2022 16:00:00 GMT New Chair for Kamloops-Thompson Board of Education <p class="x_xmsonormal">Heather Grieve and Meghan Wade were acclaimed as Chair and Vice-Chair respectively of the Kamloops-Thompson Board of Education during the mid-term Inaugural Board Meeting held Monday, Nov. 8, 2021.&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;</p><p class="x_xmsonormal">&ldquo;Thank you to our Board of Education for supporting me as your new Chair,&rdquo; said the newly appointed Grieve. &ldquo;I look forward to meeting the needs of our community, students, parents, and staff. As Chair, I will offer leadership to move forward with our Board&rsquo;s priorities in excellence and equity for every student in rural and urban communities.&rdquo;&nbsp;&nbsp;</p><p class="x_xmsonormal">Grieve is serving her first term as a trustee. Representing Kamloops, she was nominated by former Board Chair, Rhonda Kershaw. Grieve has served on the Education Committee of the Whole, Student Advisory Committee, Human Resources Committee, and the KTTA Joint Labour Committee.&nbsp; &nbsp;</p><p class="x_xmsonormal">&nbsp;&ldquo;Heather has a keen sense of humour and intellect, and we have a very positive working relationship,&rdquo; said Superintendent Rhonda Nixon. &ldquo;I look forward to working with Chair Grieve to bring about the best outcomes for students and staff in our District,&rdquo;&nbsp; &nbsp;</p><p class="x_xmsonormal">Meghan Wade returns as Vice-Chair following a nomination by Chair Grieve. Experienced at many levels of the Board&rsquo;s work, Wade is serving her fourth term as a trustee.&nbsp;&nbsp;</p><p class="x_xmsonormal">John O&rsquo;Fee will remain as the ÌÇÐÄSwag representative on the provincial council of the BC School Trustees Association, while Cara McKelvey, nominated by Trustee Wade, was acclaimed as the Board representative for the BC Public Sector Employers&rsquo; Association.&nbsp; &nbsp;</p><p class="x_xmsonormal">The nine trustees will serve until the next general local election which takes place on the third Saturday in October every four years. The next General Local Elections are scheduled for Saturday, Oct.15, 2022.&nbsp;&nbsp;</p> /Modules/News/index.aspx?feedId=a34c7aa8-61a4-4301-b1ee-537197631df4&newsId=d118bb54-b7f6-4379-9b6f-e99f24e51468 Tue, 09 Nov 2021 23:30:00 GMT Kamloops-Thompson Board of Education Aligns the 2023-2024 Budget to the District Priorities <p>By Kathleen Karpuk, Trustee</p><p>April 5, 2023<strong>&nbsp;</strong></p><p>On April 6, 2023, the Kamloops-Thompson Board Education will share its 2023-2024 budget for parent and employee group review and feedback. Prior to this public consultation, it is important to reflect on key priorities in the new 2022-2027 District Strategic Plan:</p><ul><li>Intellectual Development: Every student is provided with learning opportunities and environments that inspire them to become literate, numerate, and to develop contemporary competencies as they progress grade-to-grade.</li><li>Human and Social Development: Every student feels welcome, safe, connected to at least two adults, and has a sense of belonging in school.</li><li>Cultural and Identity Development: Every student develops personally and culturally within inclusive environments that are defined by cultural safety and cultural humility.</li><li>Career Development: Every student graduates and has options to choose post-secondary to further their career pathways.</li><li>Systems Development: Every student has the facilities, technologies, transportation, resources and services to achieve the district mission&ndash; to thrive and not just survive in school.</li></ul><p>The Board has allocated resources to support student success based on these priorities. I want to take a moment to highlight how allocations in each priority has been the focus of Education Topics and Board agendas throughout this year&hellip;.</p><p>This column appeared in Kamloops This Week: View from ÌÇÐÄSwag on April 5, 2023</p> /Modules/News/index.aspx?feedId=a34c7aa8-61a4-4301-b1ee-537197631df4&newsId=e6912dd5-30df-41cd-ac49-e9ee5259ad06 Wed, 05 Apr 2023 20:00:00 GMT Honouring Le Estcwicwéý (The Missing) <p dir="ltr">To commemorate the one-year anniversary of the confirmation of the findings of the unmarked graves on the grounds of the former Kamloops Indian Residential School, School District No. 73 (Kamloops-Thompson) has planned educational activities and events and provided emotional support resources for students and staff throughout the district.&nbsp;</p><p>&ldquo;We are committed to remembering and acknowledging the tragic history of residential schools and the continuing impact on our communities,&rdquo; said Board Chair Heather Grieve. &ldquo;We must remain resolved to actively work towards a better future through equity and reconciliation.&rdquo;</p><p>&ldquo;Our staff, students, and families will join in recognizing this anniversary to honour those lives lost and all of those impacted by the tragic findings,&rdquo; said Superintendent Dr. Rhonda Nixon. &ldquo;We recognize that this anniversary may be a trigger for students, staff, and families, so we have supports in place.&rdquo;&nbsp;</p><p>On Wednesday, May 25, students in grade 4 and 5 will participate in a Secwepemc cultural event at the first district powwow at Tk&rsquo;eml&uacute;ps te Secwe´pemc. Starting with a traditional Grand Procession entering the arbour, the powwow runs from 10 am to 1:30 pm.&nbsp;</p><p>&ldquo;Powwows serve an important role in many Indigenous peoples' lives as a forum to visit family and friends and to celebrate their cultural heritage,&rdquo; said Mike Bowden, District Principal Aboriginal Education. &ldquo;They also serve as a site for cross-cultural sharing with other attendees and participants.&rdquo;&nbsp;</p><p>In addition to the traditional songs, drumming, and dancing, a special acknowledgement of the one-year anniversary of the 215 children will be made by Tk&rsquo;emlups te Secwe´pemc during the powwow event.&nbsp;</p><p>On Friday, May 27, in schools and work places, students and staff are encouraged to wear orange in honour of Le Estcwicw&eacute;y, the 215 missing children.&nbsp;</p> /Modules/News/index.aspx?feedId=a34c7aa8-61a4-4301-b1ee-537197631df4&newsId=b28ef89e-8265-423b-b00a-eaa4ce020df6 Tue, 24 May 2022 19:45:00 GMT CUPE 3500 and ÌÇÐÄSwag Ratify Three-year Contract <p>The Canadian Union of Public Employees Local 3500 voted 85 per cent in favour to ratify a collective agreement with School District No. 73 (Kamloops-Thompson) on Saturday, Nov. 16, 2019.</p><p>The July 1, 2019 to June 30, 2022 agreement affects 850 support workers at ÌÇÐÄSwag, including certified education assistants, bus drivers, grounds personnel, red sealed trades persons, custodians, clerks, and library assistants. &nbsp;</p><p>&ldquo;Negotiations between CUPE 3500 and ÌÇÐÄSwag were carried out in a respectful manner,&rdquo; said Alison Sidow, Superintendent, School District No. 73 (Kamloops-Thompson). &ldquo;We are very pleased the Board of Education approved the agreement allowing support staff to receive a well-deserved raise and other employment benefits within the provincial mandate.&rdquo;</p><p>Negotiated under the Sustainable Services Negotiating Mandate, which applies&nbsp;to all public sector employers with unionized employees whose collective agreements expire on or after December 31, 2018, the agreement includes a three-year term, with general wage increases of 2% in each year.</p><p>In addition, CUPE 3500 and ÌÇÐÄSwag were able to negotiate changes to the collective agreement to reflect new employment legislation, gender neutral language, clarification of vacation entitlements, and changes to Trades Days Off language. &nbsp;</p><p>&ldquo;We were able to agree to most of the priorities put forward by our support staff,&rdquo; said Shayne Olsen, Associate Superintendent Human Resources.&nbsp; &ldquo;There is always give and take in bargaining and we feel like we were able to arrive at some changes that will be positive for district employees, administration, and improve how students receive support from our CUPE employees.&rdquo;</p><p>&ldquo;I think with the local funds available from BC Public Sector Employers Association (BCPSEA) and the scope in which we were allowed to use them, we reached an agreement that will benefit all our CUPE employees,&rdquo; said Corey Grabner, President of CUPE Local 3500.</p><p>&nbsp;</p><p>&nbsp;</p><p>&nbsp;</p><p>&nbsp;</p><p>&nbsp;</p> /Modules/News/index.aspx?feedId=a34c7aa8-61a4-4301-b1ee-537197631df4&newsId=d6b86acd-3caa-4a78-b4c3-eaf96971f218 Fri, 22 Nov 2019 20:00:00 GMT Celebrating Nine Years of the IB Program in ÌÇÐÄSwag <p class="Standard">By Meghan Wade, Vice-Chair Board of Education</p><p class="Standard">January 5, 2021</p><p class="Standard">Initially launched in 1968 in a dozen international cities, the International Baccalaureate (IB) program is an educational curriculum that now exists in over four thousand schools around the globe and consists of approximately 1.25 million students from the ages of three to nineteen. The program is lauded for its varied approaches to lifelong learning, service activities and global mindedness. IB schools encourage students to develop intellectual, social, and personal traits that can be applied to the world outside the classroom. A typical IB learner is encouraged to develop creativity, critical awareness, problem-solving and compassion, so that they may better address the challenges of the 21<sup>st</sup> century and beyond.</p><p class="Standard">IB emerged when teacher-centred, top-down lectures, IQ testing, and rote memorization were&nbsp; the norm. At this time, the creators of the IB program believed that students were often merely passive receptacles, expected to absorb the lessons of their teachers without question or input. The founders of IB maintained that this top-down approach to education was both inefficient and uninspiring, and that there had to be a more effective model. As a result of this conviction, the educators responsible for the creation of the IB advocated for a globally minded education, based on student centered learning and interactive classrooms.&nbsp; These assertions are now also embedded in the current BC curriculum.</p><p class="Standard">In addition to the usual subjects found in most educational programs, IB contains several other opportunities to better facilitate a more profound awareness of &ldquo;big ideas.&rdquo; The <em>IB Learner Profile</em> provides ten key attributes that the program aims to foster and develop in students.&nbsp; These attributes assist in creating a learning environment where learners can better comprehend connections between big ideas, examine concepts from various perspectives and reflect in a manner that contributes to their overall growth.&nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp;</p><p class="Standard">As 2021 begins, IB schools will be preparing graduating students for the IB subject exams scheduled for May.&nbsp; These rigorous exams are an excellent preparation for the demands of post-secondary education.&nbsp; IB graduates, due to program demands, predominately believe it has made the transition to university relatively smooth. Also, students who do well in specific IB courses, are often able to use that course as a first-year university credit and may automatically enter a second-year course in the same discipline. Some past IB graduates claim that the education they received in the two-year IB program was more comprehensive than some of the first-year university courses they participated in.</p><p class="Standard">ÌÇÐÄSwag IB grads have received early admission and entrance scholarships to such prestigious institutions as: UBC, Queens, McGill, Waterloo and U of T to name but a few. &nbsp;ÌÇÐÄSwag IB alumni have ventured into such professions as: medicine, law, engineering, veterinary medicine, nursing, education, and a myriad of other exciting careers.</p><p class="Standard">The International Baccalaureate program has earned enormous success and accolades around the world, and this success is readily apparent among our IB alumni. &nbsp;As the world embarks upon a new year, one can afford some optimism in that there is a growing population of articulate, lateral-thinking, internationally minded, creative leaders ready to confidently face the challenges of this 21<sup>st</sup> century. These talented stewards of tomorrow are in no small part a result of the pedagogical aspirations of the IB program. Congratulations to the ÌÇÐÄSwag IB cohorts of past and present, and all the very best to the cohorts yet to come.</p><p class="Standard">ÌÇÐÄSwag&rsquo;s IB program is one of several programs of choice available in the District, offered to meet the diverse interests and talents of our students. Please check our website for more information and registration dates. Much appreciation to IB teacher, Trevor Pendergast for his assistance. Contact <a href=""></a>.</p><p class="Standard">This column appeared in Kamloops This Week: View from ÌÇÐÄSwag on January 5, 2021.</p> /Modules/News/index.aspx?feedId=a34c7aa8-61a4-4301-b1ee-537197631df4&newsId=e878fe68-8aee-4f9a-8f0d-eb6d1ab6020c Wed, 06 Jan 2021 21:00:00 GMT Student Leaders Promoting Health <p>Two student-led programs targeting physical and mental well-being are having a positive impact in district schools.</p><p>&ldquo;When you let students lead, it is amazing what comes of it,&rdquo; said <strong>Sherry Stade</strong>, ÌÇÐÄSwag Health Promoting Schools Coordinator. &ldquo;These two health initiatives were magical this year.&rdquo;</p><p>She was part of a presentation of two district initiatives promoting student health to the Board of Education at its regular meeting June 15.</p><p><strong>BOKS &ndash; Moderate to Vigorous Activity</strong></p><p>The first initiative, Build Our Kids&rsquo; Success, or BOKS, has been running in the district for the last six years. The number of participants at Dallas Elementary nearly doubled when the school realized how many students were naturally beginning to lead some of the sessions.</p><p>&ldquo;We developed a training model, trained these students, and made them ambassadors,&rdquo; said Stade. &ldquo;From 250 students, we now have 400 students participating in these morning sessions. The kids love being given the opportunity to teach!&rdquo;</p><p>This model has been so successful, Stade said it is now being used in 10 schools across the district, with plans to keep expanding this program to include all students in intermediate grades.</p><p>Dallas Elementary teacher <strong>Clay Cartie</strong> spoke about the benefits of promoting morning physical activity at school, and introduced Mikayla Brinkworth, a Grade 7 student and BOKS ambassador from the school.&nbsp;</p><p>Mikayla told the Board that for her, seeing the increase in student engagement following the morning program is noticeable. &ldquo;When you are energetically engaged, you are focused and paying attention more,&rdquo; she said.</p><p><strong>Inquiry into Vaping</strong></p><p>Two Grade 12 students, Sarah Seymour and Eric Sdoutz, who are graduating students from the Student Voice team, updated the Board on the Inquiry into Vaping project, which is wrapping up its third year.</p><p>Stade worked with both Student Voice and Youth Advisory Council representatives during the presentation phase of the project. The project collected scientific evidence about vaping, then scanned more than 800 intermediate, secondary and post-secondary students. A presentation based on this information was developed and presented to more than 3,200 students.</p><p>&ldquo;We never imagined this presentation would be as engaging as it was,&rdquo; Stade said.&nbsp;</p><p>&ldquo;It was important to make sure we were presenting facts and making it a conversation,&rdquo; said Sdoutz. &ldquo;The students got almost every angle of the issue at the end of the day we wanted them to continue the conversation. I believe we succeeded.&rdquo;</p><p>Seymour said the opportunity to reach so many students was appreciated.</p><p>&ldquo;After every presentation the kids would come forward to talk,&rdquo; she said. &ldquo;They didn&rsquo;t want the conversation to end.&rdquo;</p><p>&nbsp;Related stories:</p><p><a href="/Modules/News/index.aspx?feedId=10c49675-bbce-4733-a8c0-fbbd3a3ec9ae,be1116c5-ab98-434e-8a10-8a00f49b774c,208dc79b-e7d6-4c56-be49-d1a958ce7890,22ff3110-d793-43a6-840c-c4111ce97696,bea72a8a-9acb-4e39-a622-a93619bbcb20,609debc8-f306-4231-82f6-0ccdd05741ff,1a8871c1-91be-45ab-b39d-92ef36375147,f8da9119-5861-4244-9bef-1bcc52d3b354,864e5895-2441-42e4-88b6-d6159a4c573e,693bbd8a-7a76-4569-a4cc-0a6c73399faf&amp;newsId=1dcd623d-2317-43dd-86d4-bcf3b79dc055">2019 District Student Advisory Council Convenes</a> &ndash; Sept. 20, 2019</p><p><a href="/Modules/News/index.aspx?newsId=089c59c8-d334-4e01-98fc-1b57fcee0f13">Kamloops Vaping Inquiry Reflects Youth Input</a> &ndash; Nov. 18, 2019</p><p><a href="/Modules/News/index.aspx?feedId=10c49675-bbce-4733-a8c0-fbbd3a3ec9ae,be1116c5-ab98-434e-8a10-8a00f49b774c,208dc79b-e7d6-4c56-be49-d1a958ce7890,22ff3110-d793-43a6-840c-c4111ce97696,bea72a8a-9acb-4e39-a622-a93619bbcb20,609debc8-f306-4231-82f6-0ccdd05741ff,1a8871c1-91be-45ab-b39d-92ef36375147,f8da9119-5861-4244-9bef-1bcc52d3b354,864e5895-2441-42e4-88b6-d6159a4c573e,693bbd8a-7a76-4569-a4cc-0a6c73399faf&amp;newsId=d4811e52-3fc6-44fc-9759-d20c67e17e79">SSS Student Selected to Attend National Youth Summit</a> &ndash; April 1, 2019</p><p><a href="/Modules/News/index.aspx?newsId=fa12b6ed-c877-4f6b-b5ce-08b83832abf1">Banner Year for Kamloops Student Voice</a> &ndash; May 3, 2019</p> /Modules/News/index.aspx?feedId=a34c7aa8-61a4-4301-b1ee-537197631df4&newsId=6ed3f9db-318d-4755-8236-ed91825d687a Tue, 16 Jun 2020 23:00:00 GMT Putting the Learner at the Centre - Barriere Secondary School <p>Barriere Secondary teachers demonstrated how a Spirals of Inquiry focus on student-led learning has encouraged a new focus on choice and self-reflection in the classroom during the regular Board of Education meeting April&nbsp; 12, 2021.</p><p>"We know that when we respect value and know our learners they will feel safe to take risks, try and excel in our school,&rdquo; said Angela Stott, Principal. &ldquo;Learning and responding to student voice builds a culture of learning, empowers students, and improves student outcomes. Here are a few stories from this school year.&rdquo;</p><p><strong>Setting Learning Targets</strong></p><p>Grade 10 English teacher Kristy Dolha said a scan showed students were engaging in learning activities without having a clear purpose. &nbsp;</p><p>&ldquo;We felt that would impact their ability to have meaningful learning experiences in the classroom,&rdquo; she said. &ldquo;So I wanted to make sure the learning targets in my classroom were really clear.&rdquo;</p><p>&ldquo;When it is not clear, sometimes when you are doing projects, and all the information you are given is unclear and it is really confusing,&rdquo; said one student.</p><p>&nbsp;&ldquo;We are writing awesome speeches, based on the <em>Book of Awesome</em>, and we took apart the curricular competencies. I learned the importance of telling a story, being enthusiastic and descriptive,&rdquo; said another student.</p><p>&ldquo;Moving forward I will try to make the learning targets as visible as possible in the classroom. That way we will be reminded to talk about these targets each day,&rdquo; said Dolha.</p><p><strong>Self - Assessment</strong></p><p>Grade 8 physical and health education teacher Brian Tommasini is guiding students to think about five curricular competencies each day.</p><p>&ldquo;I&rsquo;m looking to build common language in my class where they talk and they look at how they are doing each day,&rdquo; he said.</p><p>For example, one of the competencies is to develop and demonstrate safety, fair play and leadership in physical activity. Brian&rsquo;s students took this complex idea and created simple goal of honesty, inclusion and respect.</p><p>In daily conversations, students provide feedback on a scale of &nbsp;1 &ndash; 3 on how they are doing with each goal.</p><p>Tommasini said the students are receptive and having fun with the process.</p><p><strong>Flexible Seating</strong></p><p>Grade 7 teacher Sabrina Fraser noticed the desks in her classroom were creating issues for students.</p><p>&ldquo;With the COVID protocols in place, the desks seemed to be taking up too much space,&rdquo; she said. &ldquo;So I asked the students what they thought about sitting on the floor.&rdquo;</p><p>Students now spend most of their school day sitting on mats.</p><p>&ldquo;It&rsquo;s easier and you are not as tired. It gives us more flexibility,&rdquo; said one student.</p><p>Fraser said she&rsquo;s noticing students are becoming more self-reliant. They are preparing a presentation to explain how it&rsquo;s working to the rest of the school.</p><p>&ldquo;It appears the students like the flexibility seating,&rdquo; said Board Vice-Chair Meghan Wade. &ldquo;How do you think that will roll out in the school?&rdquo;</p><p>&ldquo;We think others may consider getting rid of their desks, too,&rdquo; said Fraser.</p><p>&ldquo;Keep us informed on that one,&rdquo; said Wade.</p><p>&nbsp;</p><p>&nbsp;</p> /Modules/News/index.aspx?feedId=a34c7aa8-61a4-4301-b1ee-537197631df4&newsId=4487ba77-4bd4-4238-b6b9-edf31dd88033 Wed, 14 Apr 2021 17:15:00 GMT Three Catchment Boundary Changes Approved <p>The Board of Education has voted to reorganize the three catchment areas of Aberdeen Elementary/Pacific Way Elementary, Sa-Hali Secondary/South Kamloops Secondary, and Dallas Elementary/R.L. Clemitson Elementary for the 2022 school year.</p><p>In concluding the boundary catchment recommendations and discussions at the June 14 board meeting, Chair Rhonda Kershaw commented on the over 14,000 engagements with stakeholders in the public consultation process.</p><p>&ldquo;The input was valuable in how thoroughly catchment changes were reviewed by staff and trustees,&rdquo; she said.</p><p>&ldquo;The results give us a clear understanding of what parents&rsquo; concerns are with regard to these catchment changes,&rdquo; said Superintendent Dr. Terry Sullivan, in presenting two additional recommendations. &ldquo;Including disrupting students currently in grade 5 in their final year of elementary school before they move on to secondary.&rdquo;</p><p>In addition to the catchment changes, two new recommendations were approved to ensure students now in grade 5 at Dallas Elementary and Pacific Way Elementary remain in their respective schools to complete their grade 7 year, and that the siblings of students in this grade cohort will be permitted to remain at their current schools.</p><p>The Board also heard concerns raised by some community members regarding the mental health and well-being of children resulting from these proposed changes in catchments, combined with the stress they may be experiencing due to the COVID-19 pandemic.</p><p>&ldquo;Staff are mindful of these concerns,&rdquo; said Sullivan. &ldquo;It&rsquo;s one of the reasons why the proposed changes are not being recommended to take effect until September of 2022. Staff, schools, and parents have 14 months to prepare children for these changes.&rdquo;</p><p>The approved catchment boundary change for Aberdeen Elementary and Pacific Way Elementary will manage enrollment pressures in the southwest sector of the city, which is expected to experience the highest amount of growth in both the near and the long-term.</p><p>The change shifts the area encompassing Bentall, Talbot, Willowbrae, Raeburn, Galbraith and Telford from Pacific Way Elementary to the Aberdeen Elementary catchment area and will affect approximately 80 students.</p><p>&ldquo;The District is adopting a strategy of reducing enrollment pressures by balancing enrollments with neighbouring schools,&rdquo; Sullivan continued in his report.</p><p>&ldquo;Our strategy also includes a desire to keep neighbourhoods and siblings together while not recreating, relocating or exacerbating the same problem for other schools in the system.&rdquo;</p><p>While Trustee Kathleen Karpuk and Vice-Chair Meghan Wade concurred that the catchment change does not improve walkability for students at Pacific Way and Aberdeen, Wade noted the District is not in a position to prioritize walkability.</p><p>&ldquo;We have not had additions made to these schools, or additional schools put into this district and we are put into a difficult position of having to rearrange the catchment area to manage enrollment pressures,&rdquo; said Wade.</p><p>The second catchment change approved by the Board is for Sa-Hali Secondary /South Kamloops Secondary, and it will make Dufferin Elementary a feeder school for SKSS.</p><p>The Board also agreed to further reduce enrollment pressure by relocating the International Student Program and the Digital Arts and Technology Academy, which are district programs now at Sa-Hali Secondary, to other city secondary schools. District staff will consult with secondary school administration to determine the best location for these programs.</p><p>On the recommendation for the catchment change to reduce enrollment pressure at Dallas Elementary by shifting students from the Campbell Creek area, including future development, from the Dallas Elementary School catchment area to R.L. Clemitson Elementary School for the 2022 school year, the Board also unanimously agreed.</p><p>&ldquo;Given that both Dallas Elementary and R.L. Clemitson Elementary are both feeder schools for Valleyview Secondary School, that too should assist students to adjust to these changes,&rdquo; said Sullivan.</p><p>On a number of occasions during the consultations the need for additional childcare in Kamloops was raised. While childcare is not within its mandate, the school district is engaged with the Ministry of Children and Families and the Ministry of Education to explore the need for additional childcare spaces in Kamloops.</p><p>Sullivan assured the Board that these efforts will continue.</p><p>&ldquo;This is not an easy process for anyone,&rdquo; Kershaw said. &ldquo;We have heard the concerns that were brought forward and staff will work to address them as they implement the changes.&rdquo;</p><p>&nbsp;</p><p>&nbsp;</p><p>&nbsp;</p> /Modules/News/index.aspx?feedId=a34c7aa8-61a4-4301-b1ee-537197631df4&newsId=8cd242de-7862-4606-98fb-ee798027772f Wed, 16 Jun 2021 17:00:00 GMT Re-start 2020 sees 94 per cent of ÌÇÐÄSwag students return to in-classroom instruction <p>After weeks of planning and implementing new health and safety guidelines, Kamloops-Thompson School District estimates almost all students returned to class Sept. 10 and 11. &nbsp;</p><p>In his report to the Board of Education on Monday, Sept. 14, Superintendent Terry Sullivan noted that an estimated 94 per cent of both high school students and elementary students had returned.&nbsp; &nbsp;</p><p>While the majority of students have returned to class, the preliminary enrolment snapshot from Sept. 11 indicates that the elementary and secondary enrolment has decreased by 899.50 FTE compared to budget projections, from 14,717.50 students to 13,818.00</p><p>When comparing the Sept. 11 enrolment snapshot from Sept. 2019, the District enrolment is currently showing a reduction of 827.25 FTE, from 14,645.25 students to 13,818.00&ldquo;These numbers also need to be considered in the context of the increase of students enrolled in Distributed Learning at @KOOL,&rdquo; said Sullivan.</p><p>As of Sept. 11, 623 students were enrolled at @KOOL (Kamloops Open Line Learning), a significant increase over the stable 186 FTE during the last two years.</p><p>The District enrolment will continue to be monitored in preparation for the Ministry of Education snapshot on September 30.</p><p>&nbsp;&ldquo;We expect some changes. There may be parents we have not heard from, and there may be some who are looking at the start-up and what it&rsquo;s going to be like before they make a decision,&rdquo; Sullivan said, noting that he suspects more students will be back in class in the coming months as students will move from DL and Home Schooling back to their neighborhood school. &nbsp;</p> /Modules/News/index.aspx?feedId=a34c7aa8-61a4-4301-b1ee-537197631df4&newsId=29e9023e-61dd-44cd-9457-efa3c0a9d2bc Tue, 15 Sep 2020 20:00:00 GMT Phased Start Back to School in January for ÌÇÐÄSwag <div class="WordSection1"><p style="text-align: left;" align="center">On Wednesday, December 29, 2021, representatives from the Ministries of Education and Health gathered all BC board chairs and school superintendents to share the plan for a phased return to school in January 2022.</p><p style="text-align: left;">The meeting was led by Minister Jennifer Whiteside; Stephanie Higginson, President of British Columbia School Trustees Association (BCSTA); Dr. R&eacute;ka Gustafson, Public Health and Wellness and Deputy Provincial Health Officer, who provides leadership to the BC Centre for Disease Control (BCCDC), and Dr. Geoff McKee, Public Health Physician and Medical Director for Population and Public Health at the BCCDC. It was scheduled prior to a news conference held by Provincial Health Officer Dr. Bonnie Henry, Minister Adrian Dix, and Minister Jennifer Whiteside at 3:00 pm to provide notice of the announcement to school jurisdiction leaders.</p><p style="text-align: left;">&ldquo;I was relieved to hear that this phased start in January is related to the need for preparation time for school and district leaders to prepare for enhanced safety measures and not as a strategy for managing COVID outbreaks,&rdquo; stated Board Chair Heather Grieve.</p><p dir="ltr">In that press conference, Provincial Health Officer Dr. Bonnie Henry announced a phased return to school for January 2022. Based on this announcement, the BC Ministry has indicated that all students are to return to school on January 10, 2022. Some students can attend school on January 4, 2022:</p><ul><li dir="ltr">Students with disabilities and diverse abilities</li></ul><ul><li class="_mce_tagged_br" dir="ltr">Students whose parents work in the health care system</li></ul><ul><li class="_mce_tagged_br" dir="ltr">Students whose parents are other essential workers, as school district capacity allows. Please refer to this government list of <a href="">essential services</a>.</li></ul><p style="text-align: left;">Superintendent Dr. Rhonda Nixon explained, &ldquo;More information about plans for learning continuity and for enhanced measures will be made available to staff and parents once we have had the opportunity to review and discuss them.&rdquo; She reinforced, &ldquo;Schools will be communicating with parents and families about what to expect upon return to school on January 10.&rdquo;</p><p style="text-align: left;">Many of the previously implemented safety measures will continue such as using the daily health check; staying home when sick; wearing masks that fit well (non-medical masks are permitted); limiting time in crowded locations; proper respiratory and hand etiquette, and maintaining personally respectful spaces between people.</p><p style="text-align: left;"><a href=""><u>Enhanced safety measures</u> </a>have been published and the key changes are as follows:</p><ul style="text-align: left;"><li>Reinforcing the measures as outlined above;</li><li>Arranging classrooms for maximum space between students and staff;</li><li>Limiting visitors to the school/worksite to those that are supporting activities that are of benefit to student learning and well-being (e.g., teacher candidates, meal program volunteers, etc);</li><li>Reducing crowding at transition times such as staggered start/stop times, breaks, lunches;</li><li>Holding student and staff gatherings virtually rather than in person;</li><li>In keeping with the guidelines, practices and individual games are permitted;</li><li>No spectators or audiences permitted at this time;</li><li>Pausing school tournaments.</li></ul></div><p style="text-align: left;">School District 73&rsquo;s Board of Education holds staff and student health and safety in extremely high regard amid the changing COVID-19 landscape. Throughout the pandemic, the District has, and will, continue to work directly with Interior Health and follow the guidance and orders put in place by the Provincial Health Officer.</p><p style="text-align: left;">&ldquo;Thank you to the community for continuing to work with us to ensure that our students, staff, and visitors are safe,&rdquo; shared Board Chair Heather Grieve. &ldquo;Along with the implementation of the District&rsquo;s Communicable Disease Prevention Plan and school site-specific prevention plans, ÌÇÐÄSwag will collaborate to revise those plans as directed by Public Health, WorkSafe BC, Ministry of Education, and the District&rsquo;s safety committees as needed.&rdquo;</p><p style="text-align: left;">&nbsp;</p><p style="text-align: left;">&nbsp;</p> /Modules/News/index.aspx?feedId=a34c7aa8-61a4-4301-b1ee-537197631df4&newsId=918bad41-f205-4574-a9e6-efde9cea76de Fri, 31 Dec 2021 23:45:00 GMT Celebrating Graduates in ÌÇÐÄSwag <p>By Cara McKelvey, Trustee</p><p>May 4, 2022</p><p>The Board of Education looks forward to celebrating students&rsquo; accomplishments in person at ÌÇÐÄSwag graduation ceremonies in 2022.&nbsp; It has been two years since we have had the opportunity to do so in person, and this makes this year very special for students, parents, families, extended families, friends, and community members. While the excitement of getting together cannot be overstated, it is also timely to look back and consider the valuable lessons learned and how much we have to appreciate and be grateful for as a community.</p><p>Over the last two years, there have been so many creative ways that school staffs and families have come together to celebrate graduation while also following safety measures (maintaining social distances and cohorts). There were &ldquo;parking lot&rdquo; graduations where cars parked and&nbsp; families watched as a cohort of students stood together to experience the feeling of walking along a red carpet while dressed in graduation gowns, tuxedos, suits, and graduation hats and being greeted by staff and school leaders who gave them their diplomas. There were schedules to get graduation pictures in non-traditional locations (outside on the steps, grass, fields, and empty gymnasiums).&nbsp; Many schools set up stations where teachers had grad books to sign and activities to commemorate the graduates. There were graduation marches on sidewalks for others to wave, watch, and honk horns. While all of these creative ways of graduating were taking place, most were live streamed and/or recorded for rewatching and sharing with those who could not attend.</p><p>While it was not easy living through these non-traditional graduations, we also learned about how far our staff, parents, and students would go to be together, to celebrate graduates, and to share in making good memories through pictures, videos, and experiences. In many ways, we witnessed the best of who we are in ÌÇÐÄSwag&ndash; willing to go the extra mile to ensure that our students and families had a chance to celebrate this milestone of completing high school and entering into a adult phase of life, in whatever form that took&ndash;taking a &ldquo;gap&rdquo; year, entering a post-secondary, continuing in a trades program and work experience, to name a few.</p><p>As we enter into May, June, and July, I am proud to be a trustee in School District No. 73 (Kamloops-Thompson). I am looking forward to taking part in graduation ceremonies, to seeing familiar faces and smiles (and even some tears) as our children cross the stage this May, June, and July. For a schedule of graduation ceremonies, go to the <a href="/en/schools-programs/graduation.aspx">ÌÇÐÄSwag website</a>.</p><p>This column appeared in Kamloops This Week: View from ÌÇÐÄSwag on May 4, 2022</p> /Modules/News/index.aspx?feedId=a34c7aa8-61a4-4301-b1ee-537197631df4&newsId=649a65e8-7c64-44e8-9050-f12db7dfda56 Wed, 04 May 2022 18:00:00 GMT Gratitude for Our Kamloops-Thompson Communities <p>By Heather Grieve, Board Chair</p><p>December 1, 2021</p><p>In my first few weeks as Board Chair, I feel immense gratitude for the outpouring of generous donations from our parents, students, staff, and community members.</p><p>An unprecedented flood that had displaced many families from Merritt to Kamloops was an opportunity for me to learn firsthand about the good-nature of so many individuals in our Kamloops-Thompson communities who stepped up immediately to learn about the needs of these families and to help.</p><p>On Friday, November 19th, Assistant Superintendent Vessy Mochikas had posted on social media an invitation for families who had been impacted by the floods to come to our @kool location at 1770 Springview Place.&nbsp; The same day, Superintendent Rhonda Nixon created a video in hopes of reaching even more people. By Saturday, November 20th, more than one hundred ÌÇÐÄSwag staff and retirees as well as friends and family of staff had brought and then organized food, clothing, supplies, toiletries, games, puzzles, and books. The gym was full and well organized (it even had a toy section with stuffies positioned on plush children&rsquo;s chairs).</p><p>Over 80 families from Merritt came to the @kool location over the weekend. I saw first-hand the generosity of the staff and the community in the time that I was there.&nbsp; In the days that followed, I have heard stories from our staff about the families who were supported and the impact that the connections made have had on all who contributed.</p><p>Over this week, I was delighted to learn about another 100 families from Merritt who had learned about this location. Our school administrators had organized food drives and our community members continued to donate. Thank you to ÌÇÐÄSwag staff and our District Parent Advisory Council who have invested countless hours in organizing and sharing their time to continue to greet these families and welcome them into our district community.</p><p>It has been quite the year for so many families who are still grappling with struggles related to the pandemic and to the fire season, and now floods. I am in awe of the generosity of spirit and actions of so many people that it would be impossible to name all of them.</p><p>As Board Chair, I am truly thankful for each and every one of you. You make a difference in the lives of our children and now the lives of those in our neighboring communities. Thank you for everything that you do and continue to do to give back and to make our Kamloops-Thompson a community known for generosity, kindness, and love.</p><p><em>On the ÌÇÐÄSwag website, a parent resource page has been set up for evacuees along with a dedicated email,&nbsp;<a href=""></a>&nbsp;to connect them with the supports they need.</em></p><p>This column appeared in Kamloops This Week: View from ÌÇÐÄSwag on December 1, 2021</p> /Modules/News/index.aspx?feedId=a34c7aa8-61a4-4301-b1ee-537197631df4&newsId=6c91b6aa-d71e-4cc6-bded-f13f92a9071c Wed, 01 Dec 2021 17:00:00 GMT Board Notes - November 19, 2018 <p><strong>EDUCATION TOPIC</strong></p><p><strong>Financial Literacy</strong></p><p>Principal <strong>Susie Mabee </strong>and Teacher<strong> Kim Edstrom, </strong>along with students<strong> Zane Philcox </strong>(Grade 3), <strong>Ruby Conklin</strong> (Grade 4), <strong>Kieran Fellenz </strong>(Grade 6), <strong>Spenser McCue</strong> and <strong>Shayla Chadwick</strong> (Grade 7) presented how Westmount Elementary tackled financial literacy head on. With the support of its recent Inquiry and Innovation funding grant from the Board of Education they focused on pedagogy, developing community connections, real-life situations and celebrated their learning with a Financial Literacy Fair.</p><p><strong>Leadership Development Program</strong></p><p>Certificates were presented to the most recent cohort of educators who successfully completed their Leadership Development Program (LDP). Congratulations to <strong>Domenic Comita, Cecile McVittie, Mike Koppes, Jodi Oetter, Dave Conroy, Kim Edstrom, Lana Blais, Steve Scott and Tessica Watson. </strong>The program began in 1967 as an on the job training program for future principals at the Centre for Study for School Administration at UBC. The two-year program continues to include hands-on school leadership experience, presentations to district leadership staff and courses at TRU. This is the longest established school leadership program in the province. An estimated 82 per cent of ÌÇÐÄSwag principals have completed the program.</p><p><strong>SUPERINTENDENT REPORT</strong></p><p><strong>Westwold Elementary Consultation Process</strong></p><p>Assistant Superintendent <strong>Rob Schoen</strong> informed the Board of the consultation process for thefuture of Westwold Elementary School. The community meeting takes place on Thursday, November 22, at 7 pm at Westwold Elementary. Westwold community members and employee groups are invited to provide feedback on the future of the school at <a href=""></a> until January 19. Once the feedback is reviewed, the administration will make a recommendation to the Board on January 28, 2019.</p><p><strong>SECRETARY-TREASURER REPORT</strong></p><p><strong>Valleyview Secondary Expansion Update</strong></p><p><strong>Art McDonald</strong> Director Facilities and Transportation submitted the Project Definition Report (PDR) to the Ministry of Education. Further to the submission, the Ministry has requested information on the District&rsquo;s Local Capital Reserve fund balance and the associated budget for the next two years (2018-2019 and 2019-2020). The Ministry may request further information or clarification on items in the PDR over the next several months. Once the Ministry is satisfied that the business case for the expansion has been substantiated, the Ministry will seek final funding approval. If approved the project would then proceed to the design phase.&nbsp;</p><p><strong>Slash to a Dash</strong></p><p>An Order in Council by the Lieutenant Governor has approved the slash to be changed to a dash in the official name of the School District No. 73 (Kamloops-Thompson). The name change will be gradually phased in with the normal replacement of signage and collateral.</p><p><strong>CHAIR REPORT</strong></p><p><strong>Congratulations</strong></p><p>Superintendent <strong>Alison Sidow </strong>has been named as the Vice-President for the BC Superintendents Association. Chair <strong>Kathleen Karpuk</strong> extended congratulations on behalf of the Board.</p><p><strong>McQueen Lake Dinner&nbsp;</strong></p><p>The McQueen Lake Dinner and Auction is Saturday, December 1, 2018 at the Henry Grube Education Centre. &nbsp;There is a live auction event following dinner and a silent auction throughout the evening. The cost of the dinner is $65 per ticket (tax receipt issued for $25). All proceeds go towards the rebuilding and maintenance of the McQueen Lake Centre. Purchase your <a href="">tickets online</a>. &nbsp;</p><p>&nbsp;</p><p><strong>&nbsp;</strong></p><p>&nbsp;</p><p>&nbsp;</p><p>&nbsp;</p><p>&nbsp;</p><p>&nbsp;</p><p>&nbsp;</p><p>&nbsp;</p><p><strong>&nbsp;</strong></p><p><strong>&nbsp;</strong></p><p><strong>&nbsp;</strong></p><p><strong>&nbsp;</strong></p><p><strong>&nbsp;</strong></p><p><strong>&nbsp;</strong></p><p>&nbsp;</p><p>&nbsp;</p><p>&nbsp;</p> /Modules/News/index.aspx?feedId=a34c7aa8-61a4-4301-b1ee-537197631df4&newsId=a2365e25-11f8-46e3-a72c-f20ddadacc4d Mon, 26 Nov 2018 22:00:00 GMT Board Notes from June 14, 2021 <p>From the regular meeting of the Board of Education. Find out about decision reached on three catchment changes, report on International Education, and Safe Grad. Read Board Notes <span style="text-decoration: underline;"><a href="" target="_blank">here</a></span>.</p> /Modules/News/index.aspx?feedId=a34c7aa8-61a4-4301-b1ee-537197631df4&newsId=63124005-d960-4089-9008-f233d2894ed4 Thu, 17 Jun 2021 18:45:00 GMT Why Trust the ÌÇÐÄSwag Education Re-start Plan? <p>By Rhonda Kershaw, Chair Board of Education</p><p>September 1, 2020</p><p>There is a feeling of uncertainty for some members of our communities as the first day of school approaches. Parents, students, teachers and staff are being asked to trust the District and the <a href="/en/community-parents-and-students/resources/Education-Restart-Plan-Stage-2/Re-Start-Plan.pdf">ÌÇÐÄSwag Education Re-start Plan</a>. I know this is a big ask. The Board of Education understands people may feel concerned. Let me explain why we support this plan.</p><p>We trust the direction provided by our Provincial Health Officer, Dr. Bonnie Henry. We agree, &ldquo;It is that important for us to be able to have school, manage school, despite having a pandemic ... we can get through this, and we will be working together to make sure that we have the things that are needed in place."</p><p>The District is following her guidance and the parameters she has set with the Ministry of Education. The District plan has been approved by the Ministry of Education, and it is supported by our education partners. The plan has been reviewed and input was provided by the Kamloops District Parent Advisory Council, the ÌÇÐÄSwag Board of Education, the Kamloops-Thompson Principal and Vice-principal Association, the Kamloops-Thompson Teachers Association, the Aboriginal Education Council, and the Canadian Union of Public Employees Local 3500.</p><p>Schools will look different this year. They will not be open to the general public, they will be controlled spaces, with parents and caregivers making appointments to visit. Stringent hygiene and cleanliness standards will be kept and students will have contact only with others in their learning groups. This contact will not necessarily occur with everyone in their learning group every day, but it may occur over the course of the school year. There&rsquo;s a lot more to say about how schools will be kept safe in the <a href="/en/working-together-departments/resources/COVID-19/Maintaining-Safe-and-Healthy-Schools-COVID-19-.pdf">Maintaining Safe and Healthy Schools Guideline &ndash; COVID -19</a>, posted to</p><p>Parents and caregivers have options. Distance learning and homeschooling are alternatives to in-class instruction. Equity and inclusion will be a particular focus for each student.&nbsp; ÌÇÐÄSwag students with an Inclusive Education Plan (IEP), who attend in person or enrol in Distance Learning at @KOOL will continue to receive support. Students who need to stay home because they are immunocompromised will have an at-home learning plan and be provided with an educational program. Schools will be providing social-emotional and well-being supports for students and staff.</p><p>Beginning this week, every family will have an opportunity to discuss their child&rsquo;s options with their home school before the start of the school year. School staff will be reaching out to answer questions, provide information, and help parents determine the best option for their children.&nbsp;&nbsp;</p><p>We all have a role to play in keeping each other safe this school year. That includes staying home if we feel ill, and as parents, keeping our children home if they are ill. I encourage you to read the ÌÇÐÄSwag <a href="/en/community-parents-and-students/resources/Education-Restart-Plan-Stage-2/Re-Start-Plan.pdf">Re-start Plan</a>,&nbsp; the Health &amp; Safety Guidelines, the <a href="mailto:/en/community-parents-and-students/parent-resource-page.aspx">FAQ</a>s posted on the District website, and your school website.</p><p>We are confident in our principals, teachers and support staff, and we know our schools, &nbsp;communities, and most importantly, your children are in good hands as we begin the 2020-2021 school year. We look forward to welcoming our staff and students back to our schools.</p><p>This column appeared in Kamloops This Week: View from ÌÇÐÄSwag on September 1, 2020.</p> /Modules/News/index.aspx?feedId=a34c7aa8-61a4-4301-b1ee-537197631df4&newsId=dda05ab0-ed49-43a4-971f-f23da2064577 Tue, 01 Sep 2020 21:00:00 GMT Young Authors in Action <p>Now in its 43<sup>rd</sup> year, the Young Authors&rsquo; Conference has a long-standing tradition in School District 73 of putting the spotlight on writing.</p><p>Every year, grade 4-12 students are invited to attend engaging workshops and to develop their writing skills while working alongside published authors who act as mentors and guides.</p><p><a href="/Modules/News/index.aspx?feedId=10c49675-bbce-4733-a8c0-fbbd3a3ec9ae,be1116c5-ab98-434e-8a10-8a00f49b774c,208dc79b-e7d6-4c56-be49-d1a958ce7890,22ff3110-d793-43a6-840c-c4111ce97696,bea72a8a-9acb-4e39-a622-a93619bbcb20,609debc8-f306-4231-82f6-0ccdd05741ff,1a8871c1-91be-45ab-b39d-92ef36375147,f8da9119-5861-4244-9bef-1bcc52d3b354,864e5895-2441-42e4-88b6-d6159a4c573e,693bbd8a-7a76-4569-a4cc-0a6c73399faf&amp;keyword=brookes&amp;newsId=552c8138-273d-45f8-850c-b554a5dbf9a8">This year&rsquo;s Conference</a> took place on May 5 and 6 as a hybrid event with both virtual and in-person sessions that included over 2,000 eager students and countless teachers.</p><p>&ldquo;This [event] has evolved from a conference that initially focused on a very select few students to one where now our mission is to provide opportunities for all students to see themselves as writers,&rdquo; Deanna Brady, District Principal and member of the Young Authors&rsquo; Committee, told the Board at the Regular Meeting on May 30, 2022.</p><p>&ldquo;What we&rsquo;ve noticed after many years of putting this conference on is how important this conference is to our teachers. We&rsquo;ve really made them a part of our planning - it&rsquo;s been really deliberate,&rdquo; said Brady, who has served on the Committee for 15 years.</p><p>Grade 12 NorKam Senior Secondary student Fyfe Brookes-Gillingham, recipient of the Marg Van Dusen Excellence in Writing Award for Secondary, was also on-hand at the Board Meeting to share his passion for the event and what has motivated him to participate three separate times.</p><p>&ldquo;The main reason I keep going back and probably the reason that encouraged me to go the very first year was the competitive aspect,&rdquo; said Brookes-Gillingham.</p><p>&ldquo;Going into a classroom full of like-minded students who also love writing and want to talk about writing just adds another level to the experience. It&rsquo;s great to be in a classroom where everyone is as passionate as you are,&rdquo; continued Brookes-Gillingham.</p><p>The NorKam student also credited the perspective he gained by going through the writing process. To attend the in-person conference, all students have to submit a manuscript to be reviewed and judged by a group of educators to determine the strongest submissions.</p><p>This year&rsquo;s entries focused on a wide range of genres and topics including the environment and gender identity &ldquo;which was something we had never seen in the submissions before,&rdquo; said Brady.</p><p>Organizers say that while the event already has a strong reputation, it has and will continue to evolve: &ldquo;One shift that we made recently was to be really intentional with the authors that we feature,&rdquo; said Tricia Persad, District Literacy Coordinator. &ldquo;We really made an attempt to include more diverse authors this particular year and will continue to do so.&rdquo;</p> /Modules/News/index.aspx?feedId=a34c7aa8-61a4-4301-b1ee-537197631df4&newsId=ffba2801-3c2f-492f-87af-f379088ccf1a Wed, 01 Jun 2022 15:45:00 GMT ÌÇÐÄSwag Board of Education Announces a Staff Vaccination Procedure <p dir="ltr">School District 73 (Kamloops-Thompson) announced at the Regular Public Board Meeting on February 7, 2022, that the Board of Education has directed the Superintendent to implement an Operations Procedure: Proof of Vaccination Regarding COVID-19 for all employees to help protect the health and safety of both staff and students by May 9, 2022, or as soon as possible.</p><p dir="ltr">Board Chair Grieve stated, &ldquo;Our Board will provide those employees with accommodations who require them for medical reasons or who choose not to be vaccinated with a rapid testing option.&rdquo;&nbsp;</p><p dir="ltr">This procedure is a further step toward limiting the impacts of the virus and aligns with the recommendations for public employers from Dr. Bonnie Henry, our Provincial Health Officer, and with our Interior Health Medical Health Officer, Dr. Mema who provided our Board of Education with a&nbsp;<a href="" rel="noopener noreferrer" target="_blank">letter</a>&nbsp;to that effect on January 3, 2022.&nbsp;</p><p dir="ltr">Board Chair Grieve indicated, &ldquo;We will work through necessary steps to operationalize this procedure. As recommended by Dr. Mema in her letter, our Board will take a &lsquo;stepped approach&rsquo; in mitigating staff shortages and ensuring continuity of learning for students.&rdquo;</p><p dir="ltr">Public health has consistently reported that a higher percentage of new COVID-19 cases, hospitalizations, and deaths are among those who are unvaccinated. Vaccines provide a high level of protection against COVID-19 and related variants. A staff vaccination procedure is an important step in continuing to privilege student and staff safety in our district now and in the future.</p> /Modules/News/index.aspx?feedId=a34c7aa8-61a4-4301-b1ee-537197631df4&newsId=71195a89-d72b-4d90-a65b-f529e0d1914e Tue, 08 Feb 2022 16:00:00 GMT Reflections on the Year so Far <p>By Rhonda Kershaw, Chair Board of Education</p><p>April 7, 2021</p><p>As we enter the final stretch of the school year, I would like to take a few moments to reflect on the year so far.&nbsp; While it has been a tumultuous year our students have remained in class and learning.&nbsp; We have seen many successes this year, and learning has looked similar as in the past, with some exceptions.&nbsp; Students and staff have adapted through the year to new routines, and a lot of hand washing!&nbsp; Masks are now the norm, and while the recent changes to the mask mandates have students wearing them throughout the day in grades four and up, they are adapting and happy to remain in classes.&nbsp; I encourage families to talk with their students about the importance of wearing their masks, washing their hands, and adhering to the physical distance requirements whenever possible.&nbsp; If we all work together, we can see through to the end of the year and successful completion of the 2020/2021 school year!</p><p>We&rsquo;re now firmly in the grips of spring, with new life popping up everywhere from our gardens to the farmers&rsquo; fields, but unfortunately, we are not seeing the relief from COVID-19 that we had hoped we would by now.&nbsp; Vaccine programs are ramping up, but unfortunately so are case counts.&nbsp; I urge families to consider the impacts their activities may have on others, and the school system if they do not adhere to the health guidelines.&nbsp; &nbsp;</p><p>On a lighter topic, secondary students will shortly be entering into their final quarter classes.&nbsp; It is hard to believe we are three quarters of the way through the year, and we will shortly be preparing for graduations and summer break.&nbsp; I hope students and staff all had a restful March break, and Easter long weekend with their families.&nbsp;</p><p>The final quarter of the year will bring many exciting events in ÌÇÐÄSwag.&nbsp; One of these is the Day of Sucwentwecw (Acknowledging One Another), an annual initiative held on April 7 each year, to recognize and celebrate the Secwepemc People (Secwepemcul&rsquo;ecw) and other Aboriginal people residing within the Secwepemc Territory. The theme for 2021 is &ldquo;Learning together: In Memory, History, and Story, using Aboriginal Perspectives.&rdquo;&nbsp; Students across the District will be taking part, and many families will have the opportunity to view activities digitally.</p><p>At the district office, the Board of Education is currently considering our budget for the 2021/2022 school year.&nbsp; The budget process is incredibly detailed, and countless hours of work go into ensuring student needs are met, while still operating buildings and busses efficiently.&nbsp; Finance staff and senior administration have been working diligently to prepare a draft budget for public input this coming Thursday, April 8<sup>th</sup> at 7pm.&nbsp; The presentation will be live streamed on our Facebook page and input will be received by the Board prior to final revisions and adoption at our April 26<sup>th</sup> public board meeting.&nbsp; This will mark the final budget presentation by Secretary-Treasurer Kelvin Stretch who will be retiring later this year.&nbsp; The Board will miss Kelvin&rsquo;s leadership but wish him the best in his retirement!</p><p>This column appeared in Kamloops This Week: View from ÌÇÐÄSwag on April 7, 2021.</p> /Modules/News/index.aspx?feedId=a34c7aa8-61a4-4301-b1ee-537197631df4&newsId=49cb5c30-70ef-4fec-b542-f5727e414ee7 Wed, 07 Apr 2021 16:00:00 GMT Pineview Valley Elementary School: Video Presentation of the Draft Plans <p>The Board of Education has advocated for a new elementary school in the Pineview Valley for the past three years due to notable space pressures in the southwest sector, notably McGowan Park Elementary School that continues to be at 157% capacity utilization.</p><p>Since the announcement of funding support on February 22, 2023, we have established the Pineview Valley Community Engagement Committee, a group of representatives from various community partners, parents, employee groups, associations, senior staff, trustees, and the Ministry of Education and Child Care.</p><p>We have worked through this committee approach to encourage collaboration (refer to Figure 1.0: International Spectrum of Public Participation, on the left).</p><p>Draft plans for the new Pineview Valley Elementary School are available for review on the District&rsquo;s public website. You can find these plans by visiting the &ldquo;ÌÇÐÄSwag/Board | Board of Education&rdquo; section, specifically under the &ldquo;<a href="/en/our-district-board/new-pineview-valley-elementary-school-k-7.aspx">New Pineview Valley Elementary School K-7 Opens Fall 2026</a>&rdquo; circular button.</p><p>On this webpage, you will find an overview of the progress made from 2021 to present, including details related to applications submitted to the ministry, board advocacy, as well as board website updates and media releases.</p><p>A video presentation showcasing the <a href="/en/our-district-board/resources/CACEP/Pineview-Valley/Pineview_October_20_2023.pdf" target="_blank">draft plans</a> for the new school, along with feedback received from the Pineview Valley Community Engagement Committee and community members, can be accessed <a href="" target="_blank">here</a>.</p><p><iframe title="YouTube video player" src="" frameborder="0" width="560" height="315"></iframe></p><p>We acknowledge and appreciate that community members have many questions about this project. Frequently Asked Questions and Answers will be available on the website on October 23, 2023.</p><p>To provide feedback on the plans, please email us at:</p> /Modules/News/index.aspx?feedId=a34c7aa8-61a4-4301-b1ee-537197631df4&newsId=8d533ec9-bbb3-45ad-aa6d-f93a7d45b842 Tue, 17 Oct 2023 15:00:00 GMT ÌÇÐÄSwag Announces Contractor to Rebuild Parkcrest Elementary <p dir="ltr">Dawson Wallace Construction has been awarded the contract for the construction of the <a href="/Modules/News/index.aspx?feedId=10c49675-bbce-4733-a8c0-fbbd3a3ec9ae,be1116c5-ab98-434e-8a10-8a00f49b774c,208dc79b-e7d6-4c56-be49-d1a958ce7890,22ff3110-d793-43a6-840c-c4111ce97696,bea72a8a-9acb-4e39-a622-a93619bbcb20,609debc8-f306-4231-82f6-0ccdd05741ff,1a8871c1-91be-45ab-b39d-92ef36375147,f8da9119-5861-4244-9bef-1bcc52d3b354,864e5895-2441-42e4-88b6-d6159a4c573e,693bbd8a-7a76-4569-a4cc-0a6c73399faf&amp;keyword=parkcrest&amp;page=2&amp;newsId=8ea71b90-caea-4942-b7d8-acd532ff86f1">new Parkcrest Elementary School</a>.</p><p>Lost to fire on September 5, 2019, the rebuilding of Parkcrest was <a href="/Modules/News/index.aspx?newsId=c29ced83-2404-4101-be5c-601f169b3106">announced Jan. 25, 2021</a>.&nbsp;</p><p dir="ltr">&ldquo;We are looking forward to a much-awaited ground-breaking for the Parkcrest project, which is to begin this spring with Dawson Wallace Construction Ltd.&rdquo; said Heather Grieve, Board of Education Chair, School District No. 73 (Kamloops-Thompson), noting that Dawson Wallace Construction was the lowest compliant bid from the recently closed tender process. &ldquo;Our experience with Dawson Wallace on the Valleyview Expansion project has been very positive,&rdquo; she confirmed.</p><p dir="ltr">&ldquo;We&rsquo;re proud to continue serving the community of Kamloops,&rdquo; said Myron Grunsky, Dawson Wallace Principal. &ldquo;We have had the opportunity to establish relationships and have grown to appreciate not only the School District but the industry partners in the region. We&rsquo;re excited for the opportunity to leverage our collective experience and what we have learned at Valleyview for the benefit of all project stakeholders and to continue our commitment to supporting the construction needs of British Columbia&rsquo;s communities.&rdquo;</p><p dir="ltr">Construction is set to begin in Spring 2022 with the school expected to open by Spring 2024. The Ministry of Education has provided additional funding to reduce greenhouse gas emissions, while reducing the school&rsquo;s annual energy costs. The new school will have the District&rsquo;s first ground source heating/cooling system.</p><p dir="ltr">The Government of B.C. is investing $34.84 million to rebuild the former 390-seat Kindergarten to Grade 6 school and expand its capacity to 510 students in anticipation of the growth in Brocklehurst. The Ministry of Education has also provided funding for a Neighbourhood Learning Centre.</p><p dir="ltr">The District is investing $300,000 towards the expansion, while the City of Kamloops has committed up to $2.5 million for the additional space required for a larger gymnasium for community sporting events.&nbsp; &nbsp;</p><p dir="ltr">&ldquo;We look forward to the strong school-community partnerships that are enabled by this collaborative effort to ensure that our school facilities meet the needs of children, youth, families, and the Brocklehurst neighbourhood,&rdquo; emphasized Board Chair Grieve.</p> /Modules/News/index.aspx?feedId=a34c7aa8-61a4-4301-b1ee-537197631df4&newsId=0e9e81ee-a222-4ba5-ab1c-fa9e5a344148 Thu, 31 Mar 2022 14:15:00 GMT Schools Mirror our Communities <p>By Rhonda Kershaw, Board Chair</p><p>October 6, 2021</p><p>On October 1, 2021, BC&rsquo;s Provincial Health Officer, Dr. Bonnie Henry stated that there has been a steady rise in COVID-19 cases, clusters, and outbreaks in communities where vaccination rates are lower, including the Interior Region, than in other areas of BC. This recent spike in COVID-19 cases is mirrored in Kamloops-Thompson schools, where most transmission reportedly happens through home and social activities outside of schools.</p><p>Schools continue to be the safest places for our children. Beyond physical safety, schools are also places for psychological and social safety that bring stability to our children in a time of unpredictability. We have learned important lessons over the last 18 months about creating healthy environments with multiple layers of protection: doing daily health checks, staying home when sick, practicing hand hygiene and respiratory etiquette, wearing masks, maintaining reasonable social distances, staggering breaks, limiting crowds, using specified entrances and exits, and making appointments as visitors. Our Board is committed to ensuring that this high level of safety, and health and wellbeing continues for students and staff.</p><p>Our Board is also pleased with the most recent revision to the <a href="">Order of the Provincial Health Officer, Face Coverings (COVID-19)</a>, which made masks mandatory for K-12 students in BC beginning Monday, October 4, 2021. This announcement was made just days after Interior Health resumed posting potential COVID-19 exposures at schools to its website.</p><p>For now, we understand that the order concerning masks for all students will be in place until January 2022, at which time, it will be reviewed. While masks for our Kindergarten to grade 3 students will add another layer of protection, Dr. Henry emphasized that it is immunization of those who are eligible that will offer the greatest protection for our children who are too young to be vaccinated.</p><p>In addition to vaccination, other reliable methods of protecting our children from COVID-19 are committing to daily health checks and staying home when experiencing symptoms. Families, caregivers, staff, students and all visitors to our schools have a role to play as we are entering that time of year where we all spend more time indoors, and it&rsquo;s important for everyone to commit to these reliable methods of protection of our most vulnerable.</p><p>Beyond what can be done by individuals, our schools have maintained the increased cleaning protocols of high touch surfaces and improved HVAC filters and air flow protocols. When a potential exposure occurs in a school, facility or bus, a deep cleaning, sanitizing, and disinfecting of the areas impacted happens before others re-enter.</p><p>The Ministries of Education and Health established more restrictive protocols based on rising numbers of COVID-19 cases in the K-3 age group in our communities. While the number of potential exposures to COVID-19 in our schools mirrors community spikes, Interior Health&rsquo;s contact tracing confirms that the greatest risk of transmission is happening in activities outside of school. We must all work especially hard, together, to reduce transmission in our schools to maintain full-time in person learning, which we know is best for our students.</p><p>This column appeared in Kamloops This Week: View from ÌÇÐÄSwag on October 6, 2021</p> /Modules/News/index.aspx?feedId=a34c7aa8-61a4-4301-b1ee-537197631df4&newsId=2e71a374-eb7e-4749-8b03-fcf67f09b056 Wed, 06 Oct 2021 18:00:00 GMT POLS announcement <p dir="ltr">The Kamloops-Thompson School District has been successful in their bid to become a provincial Online Learning School (POLS).</p><p dir="ltr">The Ministry of Education and Child Care continues to grow and change to support student success by introducing a new, modern approach to K to 12 online learning. In 2022/23, Provincial Online Learning Schools (POLS) will serve as centres of excellence, providing high quality online learning to students throughout British Columbia.</p><p dir="ltr">&ldquo;In December 2021, ÌÇÐÄSwag submitted an expression of interest to become a POLS and our district was informed on June 7, 2022 that we have been accepted as a successful POLS-public candidate,&rdquo; stated Superintendent Rhonda Nixon.</p><p>On June 13, 2022, the school district took part in an onboarding session with the Ministry and other POLS-public candidate school districts and public schools.</p><p>&ldquo;We are proud to be selected as one of the eighteen public districts in the province to be selected as a candidate to become a provincial online learning school in 2023-2024,&rdquo; said Board Chair Heather Grieve.</p><p dir="ltr">&nbsp;&ldquo;There is still significant work to be done as part of the onboarding process, but this is currently underway and ÌÇÐÄSwag will be among the approved POLS when the announcement takes place in January 2023,&rdquo; said Assistant Superintendent Bill Hamblett.</p><p dir="ltr">&nbsp;ÌÇÐÄSwag has delivered online learning through Kamloops Open Online Learning (@KOOL) since 2006. @KOOL serves students in grades K through 12, including a significant number of graduated and non-graduated adults.</p><p dir="ltr">&nbsp;&ldquo;This is an exciting opportunity for Kamloops Open Online Learning,&rdquo; said @KOOL Principal Paul Hembling. &ldquo;We have a long history of providing exemplary programming to elementary, secondary, and adult students from all over British Columbia as one of the larger online schools in BC.&ldquo;</p><p>As of July 2023, online schools in BC will be required to hold POLS designations in order to offer online learning to students from outside their local district, requiring a three-year agreement with the Minister of Education and Child Care.&nbsp; &nbsp;</p><p dir="ltr">@KOOL will continue to operate under the interim online learning agreement for the 2022/23 school year until July 2023 when all provincial online schools will become operational. During the next year, @KOOL will adopt the standardized provincial learning management system for the 2023/24 school year.</p><p dir="ltr">BC&rsquo;s Ministry of Education and Child Care will continue development of the new online learning model with education stakeholders and Indigenous rights holders, including a new policy and procedures guide and a new Accountability and Quality Assurance process.</p> /Modules/News/index.aspx?feedId=a34c7aa8-61a4-4301-b1ee-537197631df4&newsId=7d251193-9f05-4f59-9021-fdb446935b93 Mon, 20 Jun 2022 15:45:00 GMT