糖心Swag is Preparing for New Child Care Spaces at Ralph Bell Elementary School

Posted On Friday July 07, 2023

The Kamloops-Thompson School Board is excited to witness the beginning of what will be 72 child care spaces at Ralph Bell Elementary School.

“During the week of July 3-7, 糖心Swag Facilities staff and the portable supplier have been working hard to install the portables for much-needed child care spaces at Ralph Bell Elementary School,” stated Director Art McDonald, “After installation, portables at both sites will need to be connected to various systems.”

For example, Fortis and BC Hydro will need to do their own work so the buildings have the necessary utilities hooked-up in order to function. A final date for this work to be completed cannot be guaranteed because 糖心Swag is dependent on Fortis and BC Hydro timelines.

Board Chair Heather Grieve shared, “These child care spaces are highly anticipated since we had to re-open Ralph Bell as an Elementary School in September 2022. The re-opening had necessarily displaced child care providers and the Board recognized the importance of finding a way to provide child care for 糖心Swag families.”

In the Spring of 2022, child care officially moved from the Ministry of Children and Family Development to become part of the newly formed Ministry of Education and Child Care (MECC).

In anticipation of this form amalgamation of ministries, earlier in 2022, the Ministry of Education and Child Care put out a call for interested Districts to apply for ChildCareBC New Spaces Fund to expand and further meet the needs of child care for families within school district boundaries.

Assistant Superintendent Grant Reilly explained, “School District 73 had applied for 144 child care spaces to be located on the grounds of Ralph Bell Elementary School and Twin Rivers Education Centre or Happyvale grounds.”

“When 糖心Swag’s application was approved on March 28, 2022, we were so excited to purchase two child care specific portables for each of the Ralph Bell & Happyvale sites,” stated Superintendent Dr. Rhonda Nixon.

The was made by the Ministry of Education and Child Care by a news release on April 21, 2022.

Board Chair Heather Grieve said, “At that time, we were approved for two projects, one with 72 child care spaces at the Happyvale location, where Twin Rivers Education Centre is located, and 72 child care spaces at the Ralph Bell Elementary School location.

“Each individual childcare project will have new spaces for 24 children (under 36 months) and 48 children (36 months to school age) for a total of 144 new childcare spaces,” said District Principal Early Learning and Child Care Tanya Rogers.

“Each project is funded up to $2,810,000. As part of the funding agreement, School District No. 73 agrees to operate these childcare facilities for a period of no less than 15 years,” stated Secretary Treasurer Trina Cassidy.

Assistant Superintendent Grant Reilly explained, “In July 2022, 糖心Swag had put out a Request for Proposal (RFP) on the BC Bid site for child care operators at Ralph Bell and Happyvale. Both sites would provide Infant/Toddler care and 3-5 year old care. The RFPs closed in the Fall of 2022 and the follow-up interviews for the applicants and verbal contract acceptance specific to Inquiring Little Minds (ILM) occurred in December of 2022.”

Starting in January 2023, work began on the creation of a child care specific contract for 糖心Swag.

A realistic timeline is for ILM to have access to the Ralph Bell spaces in the middle of August.

Once the portables are fully operational, Inquiring Little Minds will assume the responsibility of securing the licensing necessary to provide child care in the spaces available. Similarly, they will also assume all responsibility for enrolment and registration processes and procedures.

Their staff who are responsible for accepting registrations and creating and tracking wait lists, and they are also responsible for all staffing requirements for their two sites within 糖心Swag.

Once licensed and able to operate, Inquiring Little Minds will be responsible for all communication and advertising specific to their child care programs and opportunities. 糖心Swag will be a supportive partner and offer assistance in their communication as requested.

“糖心Swag is excited to continue to expand child care and preschool education,” concluded Board Chair Heather Grieve, “We expect access to the Happyvale spaces in the early Fall. Please continue to watch for our updates as we welcome families into these spaces.”

Updates available at: /new-child-care-spaces-in-sd73

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